Give it to me straight

>dropped out of HS at age 16
>have GED
>zero experience in trades
Is there hope? To get into trades, should I try to get into an apprenticeship program, or shell out money that I don't have for trade school, or can I get away with showing up and giving bossman a firm handshake?
Which trade should I get into? I was thinking welding, electronics, or woodworking. Which ones are the hardest to get started in?
Is the fact that I have a GED instead of a regular diploma gonna be a problem?
Please forgive my newbie questions. A man can only NEET for so long.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 7 months ago

    Look into being the night guy at a waste water facility. Shit ton of down time and easy work if you can handle the basic classes they put you through and pay for to get your license.

    • 7 months ago

      >night guy
      As long as I wont get brutally murdered

      Brother what have you been doing the last 4 years

      watching youtube
      browsing PrepHole

      Try railroading. Starting off 93k a year.

      I make $145k/year with no overtime as a conductor at full rate(which you get right away at my company). I only work ~6 hours a day and never go out of town. Granted I have 10 years of seniority, but it's still pretty stupid.

      Is it common to get on the job training in railroading? Sounds pretty good tbh

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, it's all OJT. Apply for it if you don't mind working on call(google extra board) for a few years.

        • 7 months ago

          Extra board sounds rough but better than being a forever NEET I guess

          The description it says you do five weeks in Atlanta training. Then on to the assigned location wherever you applied for.

          Yeah, they'll teach you the rules and basics, then you'll do on job training for a few months wherever you hired at.

          How much does the training cost?

          • 7 months ago

            It's paid. They literally pay you and put you in a hotel for the time in Atlanta.

            • 7 months ago

              Well god damn where do I sign up

              • 7 months ago

                The website of any class I railroad.

              • 7 months ago

                Thanks man

                I was in pretty much your position but dropped out at 14. Simply have your parents pay for your trade school, it's that easy

                They're broke and so am I

              • 6 months ago

                >They're broke and so am I
                Job corp. Contact them. you're under 24 so should be good, contact them about their trade options now.

              • 6 months ago

                What if im 25(26 in two months)

              • 6 months ago

                We're in the same boat brother except I completed 18 months pipe fitting apprenticeship in a ship yard

                Will be going to school for automotive electrical or hvac in 2024. One of the things that dispelled my sunk cost fallacy mindset was working with apprentice in his 30's that got bored of driving dump trucks on mines and decided to become an electrician.

              • 6 months ago

                >working with apprentice in his 30's that got bored of driving dump trucks on mines and decided to become an electrician
                This reminds me of something my grandpa told me "as long as you aint slow, there aint nothing you cant be taught to do."

                Frick it, im gonna save up my money to take commercial diving classes.

              • 6 months ago

                Alot of the bigger companies will pay to train you to get your CDL, just remember you have to pass a hair follicle test, and weed stays in your hair for 3 months

              • 6 months ago

                The only drugs i do are alcohol and caffeine.

              • 6 months ago

                EVERYTHING stays in your hair for 3 months. That's the point of a hair test.

      • 6 months ago

        >16-20 neeting on PrepHole
        I'm you ten years in the future. That shit was stupid, I didn't use my GED to go to college or even get a job. Didn't have my license or first job until 25. You need to get off PrepHole. Get off now and don't look back. Get an apprenticeship, be eager to work and eager to learn and listen to your fricking superiors. Learn more about your trade through youtube and shit on your freetime, be passionate about it and make it a part of your life. Work experience > sitting in a class 100% of the time

  2. 7 months ago

    Brother what have you been doing the last 4 years

    • 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    Try railroading. Starting off 93k a year.

    • 7 months ago

      I make $145k/year with no overtime as a conductor at full rate(which you get right away at my company). I only work ~6 hours a day and never go out of town. Granted I have 10 years of seniority, but it's still pretty stupid.

      • 7 months ago

        >still pretty stupid
        It's remarkably stupid that trains aren't automated and a good indicator of how soon cars and trucking will be.

        • 7 months ago

          It takes very few people to move a lot of freight. On an average night, two people(my engineer and I) move 7,000 tons of loaded freight for industries. That's ~200 trailers at 35 tons a piece. That's not even counting the empties we move.

          Trucking just cannot compete when it comes to how much more you can move in a single rail car compared to a trailer.

          • 7 months ago

            Have you ever crashed into any cars?
            Splattered any homeless people?

            • 7 months ago

              Yes. I kicked a drunk dude the other week too.

              • 7 months ago

                story time. nao gayot!

              • 7 months ago

                I was riding a shove back ~13 miles because it saves me time over running around my train. I was getting near an area with a bunch of bars and some drunk dude was walking along the tracks using his cellphone as a flashlight. As I get closer he walks closer and closer to the tracks. I yell at him, kick him, and tell the engineer to plug it. He cartwheeled but was otherwise fine except a scrape on his arm. He got up and bumped my fist and I carried on. I saved his life because he definitely would have been run over.

                A week earlier at the same area some dipshit in a Sprinter van/bus stopped on the tracks and I also had to plug the train. I was pissed and hopped off the car mid stride and pounded on his window and cursed him out for being a jackass and stopping on the tracks. Thankfully nobody took a video of that and I stayed off the 6-o-clock news.

        • 7 months ago

          Trans are hard, my uncle did trans long time.

      • 7 months ago

        >I only work ~6 hours a day and never go out of town
        Where the hell do you go then?

        • 7 months ago

          You know how there are trucks that take the mail across the country and there's your local post office that sorts your mail and delivers it to your house?

          Well I'm the railroad equivalent of the postman and your local post office. Switching(kicking) cars is generally fun.

          >Letting 1,000+ tons of freight roll down the lead to get tracks together because I don't care about getting written up anymore.

      • 6 months ago

        And if you are willing to go anywhere, would you make a lot more?

    • 7 months ago

      >one year of related experience
      What does this entail?

      I'm 26 with a bachelors and i literally cannot get hired anywhere for over 3 years. I would work with trains if I could get it.

    • 6 months ago

      Bless you anon, I passed up on Norfolk Southern when they tried hiring in the Detroit area for Conductor openings, figured the pay was ass for the demands made. Now this is good stuff, I'd gladly put in the work for that kind of compensation.

    • 6 months ago

      what in the ever loving FRICK is this interview supposed to be? There are no schedulable times in the email, so it seems like you're just supposed to interview yourself and send them a video of it?

  4. 7 months ago

    The description it says you do five weeks in Atlanta training. Then on to the assigned location wherever you applied for.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, they'll teach you the rules and basics, then you'll do on job training for a few months wherever you hired at.

  5. 7 months ago

    I was in pretty much your position but dropped out at 14. Simply have your parents pay for your trade school, it's that easy

  6. 7 months ago

    Have you considered gay porn and perhaps an onlyfan account?

    Because if you're not already in the trades by say 5 or 6, you're a moron

  7. 7 months ago

    If you don't have a connection into the trades like an uncle or a father then don't even bother. There's a reason people say you'll end up at McDonalds without college. Nobody just wakes up one day and decides to be a plumber and becomes one.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean maybe it's harder but I don't believe you that it's impossible. Also I heard that plumbing is far more nepotistic than other trades.

      • 7 months ago

        Go to trade school to become an auto tech. It's the trades equivalent of working fast food but at least you'll feel less shame when someone asks you what you do.

        • 7 months ago

          >Go to trade school to become an auto tech
          I've been looking at mechanic shops that say they'll hire anyone with no experience and train you on the job - is that not the case?

          • 7 months ago

            You will learn much faster taking an automotive tech school class first but if you are dead serious and determined to prove your worth you can learn on the job.

            Programming is full and unless you coded from birth out of love for it you won't get good. I have never met a decent mechanic who didn't have more work than they could do in several lifetimes.

          • 7 months ago

            >mechanic shops that say they'll hire anyone with no experience
            Seriously? Auto work is one of those things that 90% of normies just fundamentally don't understand for some reason. Hiring randos off the street to wrench on people's cars seems like a recipe for disaster.

            I would rather die a NEET than die for israeli interests
            Should I just walk into remodeling businesses in my city and give them a firm handshake?

            >I would rather die a NEET than die for israeli interests

            The only people in the Navy who die from enemy action are SEALs and corpsmen.

            • 7 months ago

              >Hiring randos off the street to wrench on people's cars seems like a recipe for disaster.
              They would start off as a lube/tire tech, THEN work on brakes, oil changes, etc. A lot of auto is hands-on, but they'd make sure you were competent first before moving to bigger stuff.

            • 6 months ago

              >Seriously? Auto work is one of those things that 90% of normies just fundamentally don't understand for some reason. Hiring randos off the street to wrench on people's cars seems like a recipe for disaster.

              >Hiring randos off the street to wrench on people's cars seems like a recipe for disaster.
              They would start off as a lube/tire tech, THEN work on brakes, oil changes, etc. A lot of auto is hands-on, but they'd make sure you were competent first before moving to bigger stuff.

              And tbh they're starting as oil and tires guys even if they went to school. You can be taught from 0 how to mount and balance a tire in like 15 minutes, same for oil changes. From there you'll slowly be asked to help with and then given more complicated jobs and learn as you go

              • 6 months ago

                To add, if any anons are looking into auto tech, buy once cry once doesn't work here. Don't scrape the bottom of the barrel but keep your ass off the tool truck for like 3 to 5 years. Tool box is just a box that locks, I'm talking start with bottom barrel cheap there like harbor freight tier. Get an OK wrench and ratchet set, and buy as you go stay cheap.
                Why? If you end up liking it and getting on that tool truck, whatever tools can be brought home. Second, if you start liking it, when you start getting good, you'll eventually need to make custom tools. Wanna take a grinder and torch to your expensive shit? Nah, grab that harbor freight wrench you got 8 years ago and haven't used in 4.
                If it turns out you don't like it, likely that's because doing it professionally sucks harder than at home. Guess what, the cheap shit will work fine at home bring it on back wrench on only your own cars now they're still useful and you're not in debt to the tool israelite.

              • 6 months ago

                I say this because salesmen are absolute scum of society (most) that pump ideas into newbie young kids heads get em dropping 3 grand on a toolbox only for them to quit in the end anyway. See it time and again can't imagine the tool truck salesman don't and adjust their sales pitch accordingly. They're not there to help, they're there to take your money.

    • 7 months ago

      >Nobody just wakes up one day and decides to be a plumber and becomes one
      My friend told me to become an electrician, so I did. Could've been a lot worse tbh
      >just got a comfy 6 figure union job with my red seal

      • 7 months ago

        How did you start

        i was a neet for 2 years and at 23 or something i was offered to work for the electrician who did my parents kitchen so i said ok. 6 years later im still working for him. never did any schooling because im a lazy c**t, and he doesn't care. he pays me 30 an hour, and whenever i do side work i charge 75. it can be done.

        Congrats anon. Did the electrician himself recommend you to work for him or did you go up and ask him? Or did one of your family members ask him for you, or something like that?

        • 7 months ago

          >How did you start
          Parents paid for a 5k/6mo pre-apprenticeship course. Probably could've made it by starting off as a construction labourer then wowing an electrical company with my resume and firm handshake

          • 7 months ago

            So how did you find an apprenticeship after that? Did the school set you up or did you have to get a connection through friends/family?

            Anon, start a skilled trade NOW. Anything like electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC, framing, cabinet making, hell, even low volt/audio guys make some good dough. I'd stay away from lower skilled trades like drywalling or painting, and maybe obscure/highly specialized trades like specific appliance installers. Basically, find a skill you could use to help people everyday, you'll find a lot more side work that way (and that's where the moneys at when you're starting off)

            Buy some basic hand tools for whatever you choose, and start cold calling companies, and asking family and friends if they know anyone in your trade of choice. Make it clear your willing to work/be a back and most employers will be glad to hire you. Personally, I like smaller private companies (3 to 6 people), over union or large companies.

            I started doing electrical right out of high school. I knew nothing, and no one ever asked about my grades or diploma. I liked working hard, and learning, so bosses and foremen liked having me work with them. Nowadays I'm making sick money working with a small crew, and still have more room to grow in the future

            20 is a great age to get started, you're still young enough to do grunt work, and have tons of time ahead of you to learn a skill and make mad cash

            Thanks 4 the advice. I think I want to do HVAC electrical or welding but not sure. Guess I'll take what I can get.
            I also might do railroading after looking at some offers in my area. Free training sounds pretty good.

            My buddy who is 36 and never got his GED just got his CDL and is getting a gig working with heavy equipment training to do crane work and he is already making near six figures

            I can't believe you are such a little b***h at your age to even consider if you are fricked in life or not, you need to see a therapist or psychiatrist and figure out why you are such a doomer when you can't even drink yet

            My psychiatrist is a woman so she's pretty useless. I appreciate the encouragement.

            • 7 months ago

              Dont know anything about railroading, but pretty much any trade company will be paying you while you learn, as long as you're willing to do grunt work for a couple years.

              Obviously im biased but I think electrical might be the best, there's so much to learn and get good at in it, and nobody knows shit about it, so homeowners are always scared of it, and will pay nearly anything for you to show up.

              However, from what I've seen, welding seems to be pretty hot nowadays, I know a lot of young guys making lots of money quickly

        • 7 months ago

          he was talking to my dad and he mentioned he needed help. dad told me, i said i was interested, and my dad told him, and we had a brief interview in the kitchen a few days later. i could have been more forward but i was a neet and didn't want to talk to anyone. im much better now job helped actually making me more forward kinda.

      • 7 months ago
        Sieg heil

        The idea is you go to school

        You don’t just walk into a random building and it happened to be some small business of electricians that you just asked for a job

        You need to know someone who knows someone to potentially get an interview

        • 7 months ago

          >The idea is you go to school
          going to trade school is a waste of time and money and will make people think you're a fricking idiot
          t. electrician

          • 7 months ago

            Depends entirely on the school since OJT takes many years for anything above stoop labor. Employers frequently call school program heads and instructors when seeking new hires. This isn't speculation. I worked in workforce training and still have bros there.

            People often think tradies idiots because they cannot acknowledge experience outside their own lives.

    • 6 months ago

      i decided i was done with my retail job and signed up for the ibew apprenticeship program. passed a math test and did an interview and now im working at a power plant rebuilding cooling towers. you absolutely can up and decide to join a trade.

  8. 7 months ago

    i was a neet for 2 years and at 23 or something i was offered to work for the electrician who did my parents kitchen so i said ok. 6 years later im still working for him. never did any schooling because im a lazy c**t, and he doesn't care. he pays me 30 an hour, and whenever i do side work i charge 75. it can be done.

  9. 7 months ago

    Anon, start a skilled trade NOW. Anything like electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC, framing, cabinet making, hell, even low volt/audio guys make some good dough. I'd stay away from lower skilled trades like drywalling or painting, and maybe obscure/highly specialized trades like specific appliance installers. Basically, find a skill you could use to help people everyday, you'll find a lot more side work that way (and that's where the moneys at when you're starting off)

    Buy some basic hand tools for whatever you choose, and start cold calling companies, and asking family and friends if they know anyone in your trade of choice. Make it clear your willing to work/be a back and most employers will be glad to hire you. Personally, I like smaller private companies (3 to 6 people), over union or large companies.

    I started doing electrical right out of high school. I knew nothing, and no one ever asked about my grades or diploma. I liked working hard, and learning, so bosses and foremen liked having me work with them. Nowadays I'm making sick money working with a small crew, and still have more room to grow in the future

    20 is a great age to get started, you're still young enough to do grunt work, and have tons of time ahead of you to learn a skill and make mad cash

  10. 7 months ago

    My buddy who is 36 and never got his GED just got his CDL and is getting a gig working with heavy equipment training to do crane work and he is already making near six figures

    I can't believe you are such a little b***h at your age to even consider if you are fricked in life or not, you need to see a therapist or psychiatrist and figure out why you are such a doomer when you can't even drink yet

  11. 7 months ago

    Replying to 2708423. Basically "related" experience is just general working. Hell, we hired on guys with no experience because they need people to hire on. I'm not train crew, and I don't want to dox myself but I repair locomotives for a class 1. Saw another anons post saying he's a conductor so he might know more on T&Y side. I can tell you the pay is good and the work aint that hard.

    • 7 months ago
      Sieg heil

      “We hired on guys with no training and who had zero experience “

      Yeah, you were training Cheryl’s nieces boyfriend who needed a job you dumbfrick

      They just hire random fricks off the street to work on locomotives, that’s how you get locomotives stolen and driven to a scrap yard

      • 7 months ago

        > locomotives, that’s how you get locomotives stolen and driven to a scrap yard

        trains, famously incredibly easy to steal

      • 7 months ago

        ...can't they just follow the tracks to find out where their train might have gone?

        • 7 months ago
          Sieg heil

          Yeah, try and stop it

          > locomotives, that’s how you get locomotives stolen and driven to a scrap yard

          trains, famously incredibly easy to steal

          Get a job off the street no background check no nothing under a fake name

          Companies hire you because they’re “desperate “

          Steal all the tools

          Stay high for weeks

          Is how it would go in your imaginary world

          Truth is no companies are desperate for workers no industry in America

          • 7 months ago

            if you read the CSX link, they clearly state there is a background check in bold, underlined letters.

            Yes, everyone knows you are more likely to get a chance if you know someone inside, but I want to know if they'd take the time to consider an outsider like me, who is clean.

    • 7 months ago

      You press the number next to the date on top of their post to reply to it, or put >> and then the number

      • 7 months ago

        Ah, thank you. Being lurking here awhile, but never replied before.

        • 7 months ago

          Interesting, how did you find this board anyways?

          • 7 months ago

            Was looking for advice/ other people experience with harbour freight 10 ton press, and found the diy of PrepHole

    • 7 months ago

      Read Chan. It's an app for android. Automates a bunch of the dumb stuff.

  12. 7 months ago

    why is every tripgay on this board so moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      Because they take the ego bait. They think it's their best friend. If i paid, i'm not putting a NAME up there, because I'm straight.

  13. 7 months ago

    Go to your local hardware store and ask if they offer trades training to employees. My friend works at Lowe's and they have been giving him free plumbing training. In half a year he'll be a fully licensed plumber. At that point you can continue to work for them, go find a plumbing company, or start your own plumbing business if you think you can handle it.

  14. 7 months ago

    Get a job as a prison guard and work your way up to Warden. No experience required and great pay. Just don't have sex with the inmates.

    • 6 months ago

      Terrible advice, I say this as an ex-CO

      • 6 months ago

        you seem like you have stories to tell

        • 6 months ago

          Not him but I've been to jail. The guards end up part of the culture in a sense. Eat the same food, start using the same slang, 12 hour shifts. It's basically being paid to go to jail. Insanely boring 99% of the time, and the 1% that's no boring is less desirable than being bored.

  15. 7 months ago

    go learn programming. I graduated at 25 with a C average and I'm making almost 200 remote 8 years later.

    • 7 months ago

      and soon ai will be doing your job for free

  16. 7 months ago

    OP your pic is my job. I'm a utility tech at a city water department and it really do be like that pic. I work with my bros and we have a blast, no supervision in the field for the most part and we make all the decisions when it comes it repairs and shit. Been doing it for 8 years and can't imagine doing anything else, it's important work, i use my brain and my brawn, I fix shit, and no one gets rich off my back (public utility). I support a family of 4 by myself and my wife has homeschooled the kids since forever. Be a water worker there's tons of jobs in the industry.

    • 7 months ago

      This is my work truck it's stuffed full of tools. It's back breaking some times but it could be to get an entire neighborhood back into water (I'm in the desert).

    • 7 months ago

      This is my work truck it's stuffed full of tools. It's back breaking some times but it could be to get an entire neighborhood back into water (I'm in the desert).

      That actually sounds awesome. How did you get into it

      • 7 months ago

        I started as a meter reader and got experience with the utility and applied for the technician job. Pic related was a hit and run, hydrant down.

        • 7 months ago

          I thought water went everywhere when you hit one of those things like in GTA

          • 7 months ago

            Not all hydrants are pressurized, also most of them have a valve underground.

            • 7 months ago

              >, also most of them have a valve underground.

              yeah, like that one on the left in your image wouldn't erupt like Old Faithful if you destroy it with your car.

              • 7 months ago

                The base of the visible part of the hydrant has either break away couplings or break away bolts. The shift in the middle also has a break away coupling. They are designed to snap there at ground level instead of transferring all of the force of the crash into the water main, which would catastrophically fail.

              • 7 months ago

                not everything is like in the movies

    • 7 months ago

      The water is mixed with hydrofluorosilicic acid though, so it's spreading an endocrine poison that bioaccumulates.

  17. 7 months ago

    >when ya boy gets stuck in a wash and you strap up and pull him out

  18. 7 months ago

    >is there hope for me?
    >is 20

    bro, you're literally 2 years old.

    My mate became an electrician at 34 lmao.

  19. 7 months ago

    Nope, you need an education.
    Join the Military. I suggest Navy. Get a clearance if possible. By the time your 25 you’ll have figured this out proper

    • 7 months ago

      I would rather die a NEET than die for israeli interests

      You are not too old. Get a job on a remodel crew for a few years. You’ll do a bit of everything and at least see some of the more specialized trades so you can decide what you want to do for the long haul.
      I started in remodels, had a handyman business after and now I do trim, cabinets and woodworking. Average about $70 an hour.

      Should I just walk into remodeling businesses in my city and give them a firm handshake?

      • 7 months ago

        What city are you in generally. We can post indeed links you can apply to if you want us to help you get the search going.

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks but I would rather not run the risk of doxing myself. I'm willing to move anywhere in the US. Some tips on which things to look for would probably be helpful. Like, do I just type in
          on Indeed or whatever?

    • 7 months ago

      I was a NEET kind of unintentionally from 18-21 because when I graduated High school in 2008 there were zero jibs. You had to suck some serious dick just to flip burgers. I joined the military for their education benefits.
      If you are willing to put up with a little bit of stupidity for Zog for a couple years you can do what a lot of people have done. Sign up for a 3 year contract, do what you are supposed to do and as soon as you are at around 8-12 months of getting out do the Career Skills program, you will literally be in trade school for at least the last 6 months of your contract and most all the programs will have you set up with a job as soon as you are done. Then use your GI bill to get paid to do any other extra classes/training for certifications that will ultimately just make you more money. Lots of people dont milk the Zogbot route for all its worth, its really not hard.

      >mechanic shops that say they'll hire anyone with no experience
      Seriously? Auto work is one of those things that 90% of normies just fundamentally don't understand for some reason. Hiring randos off the street to wrench on people's cars seems like a recipe for disaster.

      >I would rather die a NEET than die for israeli interests

      The only people in the Navy who die from enemy action are SEALs and corpsmen.

      >unironically trying to dupe some poor frick into the navy
      are you one of those 800 new recruiters they drafted since you need warm bodies to go die in the upcoming war with the chinese?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, I am a government employee tasked with recruiting NEETs off one of the slowest boards on this godforsaken website. Tbh my mission was to recruit bepis so we can learn the secrets of power tool lifetime warranties and uncover the real reason why Ridgid is better than Milwaukee, but OP will do.

        • 7 months ago

          well its not like you aren't scraping the barrel everywhere else

  20. 7 months ago

    You are not too old. Get a job on a remodel crew for a few years. You’ll do a bit of everything and at least see some of the more specialized trades so you can decide what you want to do for the long haul.
    I started in remodels, had a handyman business after and now I do trim, cabinets and woodworking. Average about $70 an hour.

  21. 7 months ago

    I was a NEET kind of unintentionally from 18-21 because when I graduated High school in 2008 there were zero jibs. You had to suck some serious dick just to flip burgers. I joined the military for their education benefits.
    If you are willing to put up with a little bit of stupidity for Zog for a couple years you can do what a lot of people have done. Sign up for a 3 year contract, do what you are supposed to do and as soon as you are at around 8-12 months of getting out do the Career Skills program, you will literally be in trade school for at least the last 6 months of your contract and most all the programs will have you set up with a job as soon as you are done. Then use your GI bill to get paid to do any other extra classes/training for certifications that will ultimately just make you more money. Lots of people dont milk the Zogbot route for all its worth, its really not hard.

    • 7 months ago
      Sieg heil

      I remember those days, minimum bachelor degree for McDonald’s masters preferred

      You had mbas working at McDonald’s

      The crash we are in is slated to be worse than the 06/07 crash that made it impossible to find jobs from 08-2018

      A lot of people are saying this next one is the fall of the empire of America

      • 7 months ago

        Explain this to me, the US folds and the rest of the "west" does exactly what while this happens? The US is so integral to the world everything but somehow it nopes out while somehow a different country/ group benefits from this hypothesized collapse?

        Burden is on you, explain.

        • 7 months ago

          >replying to children
          check the name and rethink

          • 7 months ago

            you're absolutely right, appreciate it.

            Zen, pay it forward

        • 7 months ago
          Sieg heil

          For you and I, it means we sit around at home with mom and dad and spend every day for the next 10 years looking for entry level work

          And going to a couple interviews a year for places like dominos pizza

  22. 7 months ago

    How do I get the train conductor job at CSX

    • 7 months ago

      Apply online, pass a drug test, be willing to work on call at all hours.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't really have any relevant experience, thought they say they will train. I don't know what to put on resume, if anything. I have a STEM bachelors and my resume is all stem shit, I think they will either laugh me away, think I'm a nerd, or that there must be something really, really wrong with me that I can't get a stem job.

        • 7 months ago

          I work with a few guys that have degrees in things like biology or computer science. They do railroading because they couldn't find a job in their field that would pay nearly as well. I have one semester left and will have a BSME, but nobody will be able to match the pay and benefits I have as a railroad conductor.

          Just put on your resume the normal things and when you interview talk about being SAFE. Also, don't put anything saying you have a restricted availability. You won't get a job saying you need to be off Saturday afternoons or something like that.

          • 7 months ago

            >I work with a few guys that have degrees in things like biology or computer science.
            That's a relief. Mine is in physics.

            >when you interview talk about being SAFE.
            heh, good call. can see myself making a little quip about how studying physics gives me an appreciation for how much momentum trains have...

            What about cover letters?

            • 7 months ago

              >What about cover letters?
              Just put your education and work history. Really just a standard resume. I'd say you just need to nail the interview and make it seem like you want to work there forever.

              • 7 months ago

                I've only had a summer job then a 2 year long employment gap after graduation. where should I explain that i've been taking care of my grandpa in that time

              • 7 months ago

                Put that on your resume. Full time care giver 2021-2023

                Realize that you're competing with mostly idiots with a high school education. Not everyone on the railroad is an idiot, but there are far too many.

              • 7 months ago

                kek it's a lie though. i'm not full time and i only started doing it on tuesdays for about 7 months now.
                >i guess they don't have to know that

            • 7 months ago

              >can see myself making a little quip about how studying physics gives me an appreciation for how much momentum trains have..

              might want to save that little quip for the next D&D marathon

  23. 7 months ago

    >Which trade should I get into? I was thinking welding, electronics, or woodworking.
    There is a easy to test and possibly get a foot in the door at the same time if serious. Look at your local Community College. Often you will find classes like Welding (underwater if you really like getting risky), Truck Driving, HVAC (might be too much math for you), Forklift driving (not a lot of pay but lots of jobs). There is many other trade courses. As mentioned above getting into the railroad is huge career possibility.

  24. 7 months ago

    >Is there hope?
    There is so much hope you should be smiling anon.

  25. 7 months ago

    Yes theres always hope, but you have to be good at knowing how to get to know people and learn to adapt. Knowing just enough and having someone with actual trades vouch for you can be enough. You're a baby aged person so it will take time because nobody will take you seriously unless you really can prove that you are actually able to apply yourself.
    Build as many skills as you can and feel your way through to what you're really looking for. You don't know what you don't know yet, try anything and everything, everyone can be a teacher. And don't be an butthole unless you've earned it

  26. 6 months ago

    The quick and dirty way into any sort of trade would be finding a job at an apartment complex nursing home or any soulless complex as a entry level maintenance man , they pay like shit but their standards are also low for work so a great place to build your skills up while making money , they usually pay between 10-20 an hour and since they’re cheapskates you’ll be doing a bit of everything , painting plastering cement tile you name it. Itll give you the experience to know what you want to specialize in while giving you skills to be able to take on side work which if you’re smart you’ll take on and build a clientele and have a steady stream of income even if you’re fired.
    > worked in maint for years

  27. 6 months ago

    Before you spend money or commit to a program or whatever, you might consider getting a bullshit helper job just to see if the trades in general are for you.

    If you don’t know anyone who needs help, you could just try a Craigslist gig.

    By the way, the polite way to ask for a job informally seems to be “Do you know of anyone who needs help? I don’t have much experience but ….” List some basic shit like you have a car or some hand tools or whatever to show that you’re serious and not some lazy whiner looking for money for nothing. Even if you are.

  28. 6 months ago

    If you're a dropout don't become a tradie. You're just going to show up at people's houses and frick their shit up without fixing it properly like they all do. Christ why is a moron's first reaction to figuring out they're moronic to become a tradie?

  29. 6 months ago

    Community college trade courses are often basically free after financial aid. The Finance offices job is to get you money.

    Mechatronics (industrial controls etc) is good because the minor math filters idiots and CCs exist to remediate terrible US high schools. Auto mechanics pays itself off just in the insane money you'll save over a lifetime and variety of skills included.

    Welding varies by location as does machining. Welding for money requires some degree of talent and coordination tho. To someone with zero experience mechatronics or auto mechanics would be my suggestion, and I'd lean towards auto mech because it's so useful and foundational skills for a variety of work are included.

    Best instant deal is the armed forces and for a career the Air Force. Ignore /k/ and /misc/tarts and anyone not a retired SNCO or officer. /k/ don't join to get a career with a vested pension and early retirement, they join to be Rambo and since most did not do twenty or more have a skewed perspective that doesn't coldly focus on retirement. Never think like young person as most are silly.

    Money makes freedom usable and the armed forces are insulated from recessions. The world is a bad place so plan methodically.

  30. 6 months ago

    Question, I'm 26 years old, I haven't welded in a few years, but I know how to stick weld, I'm certain if I had someplace to practice for two weeks I could pass the AWS certification, but I don't have anywhere to practice, and my parents won't let me weld on there property (no amount of explaining I would be willing to setup a special shed for it, or that I'm not going to burn down there house will work) would it be possible to just fricking fake the cert/are there any "degree mills" I could just pay to give me the fricking card. I like to fricking weld,but I have literally no way to improve myself, because I have no where to weld.

  31. 6 months ago

    Wage, save, then go to school.

    • 6 months ago

      Forgot to add, get factory work.
      It pays better than most entry level jobs and offers experience with some trades like welding, maintenance, electricals, pneumatics, robotics, etc.
      My last factory actually paid people to go to school for maintenance, which for some, included robotics.
      They also trained people to weld.

      • 6 months ago
        Sieg Heil

        Never go to school on a conpanys dime they always claim to reimburse you but they never do

        Hr comes up with shit

        • 6 months ago

          Stfu you lost your mind over a joke made on reddit of all places that wasn't even at your expense. You've no place giving anyone advice.

  32. 6 months ago

    You're 20. Warm. You have a chance

  33. 6 months ago

    >Be me
    >22 year old engineering dropout
    >Severe mental health issues, PTSD, etc
    >It's at the point where I literally could not even do service work without having a breakdown literally every day
    Basically though what I did is join my state's DOT. If your state has snow in the winter on the roads, they are hiring. They'll pay to train you for your CDL. They'll give you good health benefits. The pay may not even be that bad. Oh and the work is chill as frick

    • 6 months ago

      How the frick do so many kids these days have ptsd?

      You've lived the softest life of anyone in history. Your Siddhartha levels of spoiled but like your daddy yelled at you once?

      • 6 months ago

        My dad's only interactions with me growing up were yelling at me to do the dishes after dinner, and my mom basically used me as her sex toy growing up. I got groomed on the internet for years, was severely neglected physically and emotionally up to high school and beyond. My dad's a self-centered c**t and my mom's a manipulative b***h.
        If I was spoiled, you must be fricking Mansa Musa

        • 6 months ago

          >Waaaahhhh, mommy and daddy made me do chores and didn't hug me enough.
          Go suck start a shotgun.

          • 6 months ago

            Not him and pretty sure he's lieing, but you sound like the biggest frickin pussy ever.
            >wah my life was harder why should you get help!
            I will say ptsd would make sense for his story. How the frick did I dick my mom would put me there.

            • 6 months ago

              Are you moronic?

              • 6 months ago

                Why do you ask? If you can't articulate it, you're confirmed massive pussy with sand in your vegana. Take your vagisil or whatever in that case.
                I gaurentee anon either proves how much of a pussy he is in response or ignores and won't explain.

        • 6 months ago

          soldiers got ptsd from being on the Frontlines of war and killing people and being under constant threat of dying and seeing their friends die.
          you saying you got the same thing from having less than stellar parents completely trivializes the sickness and its fricking pathetic.

          • 6 months ago

            It's post-traumatic stress disorder, not post-military war soldier disorder
            Consider suicide

          • 6 months ago

            >Assuming if soldiers get PTSD then no one else can
            Go suck more zogbot dick, stop acting like the military has a complete monopoly over getting mentally fricked up
            Plus, last time I checked zogbots sign up for that and get paid for it, kids have zero say and just have to take the abuse.

            • 6 months ago

              So it's gone from a thing like 10% of veterans have to a thing 30% of all children have and you think thats real and not just it being trendy to list a bunch of mental illnesses for sympathy?

              • 6 months ago

                Don't pretend like you wouldn't have made fun of veterans with PTSD for being pussies, like the fricktards who went into the sandbox and did POG shit and still came back with trauma

              • 6 months ago

                Well sure, frick them too

                Like an ac130 gunner or pilot can count.

                But what, like a cook got yelled at mlby a sergeant for a bad vichysoisse? Sure frick him

              • 6 months ago

                >t. Knows frick all about the military
                Truckers got PTSD from IEDs in the sandbox. Pilots get PTSD from there not being any vermouth in the officer's club

              • 6 months ago

                I know that was a joke but I would rather be in a humvee getting rocked by an ied than three thousand feet in the air crammed into a coffin listening to a computer tell me my odds of survival are lol, lmao.

              • 6 months ago

                A trucker self identifies as a grunt especially in the sandbox sergeant major keyboard Warrior

                The pilots and gunners get fricked up because of all the people they kill, or watchh die because they're not allowed to pull the trigger

          • 6 months ago

            >you saying you got the same thing from having less than stellar parents completely trivializes the sickness and its fricking pathetic.
            he literally mentioned being sexually abused by his own mother

            • 6 months ago

              Hes either too moronic to talk to or a troll. I already brought that subject up and he just said I'm stupid for thinking that without any explanation. And then when I pressed for explanation he kept silent continuing only to say vets have it worse. There's nothing to learn from this tard, troll or not stop feeding it.

            • 6 months ago

              To be fair he could be misremembering or just having straight up fake memories

  34. 6 months ago

    >Any hope?
    Nope sorry, anon. Best just fricking have a nice day, moron. What do you think? You have 47 years until average retirement age.

  35. 6 months ago

    Just get into a trade that won't ruin your health, incl. long-term, and be open to learning (and that workplace seniors will try to troll you)

  36. 6 months ago

    It's pretty easy to find tradies who need help on the job. That's how I got started. You don't make a ton of money starting out bt you're basically getting paid training as long as you show up everyday and pay attention. There's no better way to learn thn to be on the jobsite.

  37. 6 months ago

    An apprenticeship still isnt out of reach shit most tradies i run intk were drop outs ans drop kicks but if you can put a few years into finishing an apprenticeship itll sort you for life. Not sure about your country but here theres 2 ways to do an apprenticeship either directly bonded to your host company or you can be employed by a trust that provides mentorship and provide you certain benefits like a seperate apprentices union, interest free tool loans etc

  38. 6 months ago

    >Is there hope?
    No. You're already on death's door. Your life is over and you should think of retiring and letting someone younger take your job.

  39. 6 months ago

    I’m 20 here and have taken 2 years of college but I don’t really have any idea about a degree and would rather just drop out and get trained for something. Is trucking or railroading ok?

  40. 6 months ago

    The winner strategy is learn a trade(HVAC is most money if you can sell things) and go to college at the same time for something white collar. Take loans and just keep them as a safety net if you get low on cash, you won't, because you're working. In 4-6 years you'll have a degree for a good white collar job, and a career in the trades.

    You can then get a white collar job, and do trade work on the side. This is the meta. This way you preserve your body and maximize money. Any other strategy is inferior to this one.

  41. 6 months ago

    Don't worry about other people opinions, everybody gotta work. Try fisherman if you wanna be tough, if you are a pussy try farm hand or restaurant work.

    • 6 months ago

      I used to want to become one of those Alaskan king crab fishermen before realizing I would almost certainly die an unpleasant death

  42. 6 months ago

    There's definitely hope. I started my apprenticeship at 31 with nothing more than a high school diploma. You should be fine with a GED.
    I would definitely try to get into an apprenticeship, just apply to a lot of places and see if you can get people you know to ask around as well. Trade schools can be hit or miss on if they'll actually teach you relevant stuff or give you practical experience.
    Just show up on time, eager to help and learn, and well acquainted with a broom and they'll like you.

  43. 6 months ago

    >hs drop out
    Why, High School is so easy? This is indicated of your entire life going forward, failure. You should just give up right now

    • 6 months ago

      A combination of mental and social problems that have nothing to do with my ability to acquire skills and follow instructions. Why do people always assume that HS dropouts dropped out because they were too moronic to get good grades?

      • 6 months ago

        Because all you need to do is show up slightly more than half the time

      • 6 months ago

        >mental and social problems

        AKA being a moron.

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