Ghost guns

Honest question…Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads? There is nothing more cucked than begging daddy govt for permission to buy a gun and get background checked. And there is nothing more based than making your own stuff for 1/4 the price of an overpriced rifle and completely off the books. What’s the deal?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Also, the 3D gun space has been thriving. Printers are becoming really cheap and while also making quality parts. And the courts just shat on the ATF trying to regulate ghost gun parts. It’s a really exciting hobby and satisfying as hell. There’s no better way to exercise your freedom.

    • 11 months ago
      Chaos Club

      A metal shop

  2. 11 months ago

    >Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads?
    We get a several threads about 3D printing a month you moron. Consider paying attention, or you can make a thread if you actually have something to contribute rather than making a shitty meta thread about how /k/ doesn't talk enough about it while contributing nothing to discuss.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m sorry this isn’t a Ukraine throatfricking post. Miserable gay.

      • 11 months ago

        >no rebuttal

      • 11 months ago

        Ukrainians are cooler than the people that print guns. It is all troons. YUCK!

        • 11 months ago

          Wait arent all of them?

      • 11 months ago

        The horror/s

  3. 11 months ago

    a) there are
    b) very few people are stupid enough to post their home-made stuff in threads that glow. Especially as the legal situation in certain states keeps getting worse.
    Now, the gunsmithing and 3DP threads, on the other hand, get a whole bunch of posts of stuff in-progress.

    • 11 months ago

      PrepHole chads are posting their crack pipes and illicit hooker exploits as we speak, /k/ is a bunch of babies

      • 11 months ago

        PrepHole is monitored by feds due to shootings.

        • 11 months ago

          That's how they find the next moron to settle up in discord and hand him a Daniel Defense rifle

      • 11 months ago

        A guy who manufactured an automatic AR-15 receiver - on a board which has a lot of individuals with wacky ideas about what should be done to certain ethnic groups - is more likely to be pursued than some bum who smokes meth, limited federal assets and all being considered.

        • 11 months ago

          >be Type 7 FFL with an SOT Class 2 status
          >manufacture shoddy automatic receivers, obviously handmade
          >buy a cheap camera to take shitty photos from weird angles
          >record tests with blurred backgrounds and no distinct landmarks in sight
          >get behind 7 proxies, post your works online with no self-incriminating commentary
          >destroy receivers
          >repeat in a few months

  4. 11 months ago

    No one is interested enough to keep them alive. Same with the gun smithing threads.

  5. 11 months ago

    The ultimate fact is, almost everyone not living in a literal straw hut who really wants a gun, can manage to get one, legally or illegally.
    There are even mud hut Black folk making functioning muskets by hand.

    The willingly disarmed just use the difficulty of acquiring a weapon as a comfortable excuse. For fricks sake someone made a pump action black powder gun out of nothing but plastic and some copper wire and no one talks about it because most unarmed people would unironically rather sit and cry than arm themselves.

    So while people making their own firearms is based, think about how small the audience for a thread like this is: the legal gun owners all have their guns already, and the illegal gun owners don't want to talk about it.

    • 11 months ago

      the illegal gun owners tend to localizer themselves to separate forums I've noticed. the deterrence dispensed rocketchat with their whole beta/private channel system is particularly appealing not just for discussion but development for non-americans.

    • 11 months ago

      agree that gf or cf nylon is the best material if you're serious about making a gun. however, nylons are much more expensive and harder to print so pla+ designs are much more accessible. i think the idea is to print a pla+ gun, and use it to take someone else's manufactured gun.

      • 11 months ago

        I agree but I think you quoted the wrong person.

        • 11 months ago

          yes, I am moronic

  6. 11 months ago

    I've only got the one.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      that looks like a really shit quality print dude

      • 11 months ago

        It really doesnt

      • 11 months ago

        it's a compliment to the design - works well despite shit printing quality, can be made by gorillas in the jungle

      • 11 months ago

        The settings I printed it at were absolutely whack. I had over 22mm^3/s of pla coming out the nozzle.

        • 11 months ago

          and it still runs reliably despite that?

          • 11 months ago

            150 rounds in and never a failure of any kind.

    • 11 months ago

      i hate how none of the printed mac frames use the mac internals or still look like a mac

    • 11 months ago

      ur gonna get raided by feds now
      This is a fed thread never fall for these

      • 11 months ago

        No, I'm not.
        Nobody falls for this demoralizationBlack person nonsense.
        >ur gonna get put on a list
        >a list ur already on and is 100,000,000 names long
        List are only useful when they are short.

        • 11 months ago

          this is literally how 90% of people violating the NFA get caught, by posting shit online
          youre a fricking idiot

          • 11 months ago

            What NFA violation? If his can is registered he isn't violating anything.

          • 11 months ago

            It's one thing when people try to flex their giggle-switch glocks on social media, but see

            What NFA violation? If his can is registered he isn't violating anything.

          • 11 months ago

            ... there are no nfa violations in that picture, moron-kun.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes. Listen to this fellow PrepHolener, he and I care about you. We don't want you posting this stuff because talking about gun stuff is illegal. Don't exercise your 1st amendment right otherwise you're gonna get put on a list and killed. The only allowed topics on this board are.

        1. Military enlistment general
        2. How to die serving Israel
        3. Kick-starting WW3 and dying for your troony infested country that hates your white ass

        But guns are not allowed on a weapons forum. It's for the best anon. Just trust us. Otherwise you're probably a fed and you glow.

        • 11 months ago

          Yknow people like to larp as if they'd actually like the trad life but you're just as dysfunctional and terminally online as your opposites.
          Not to mention that you keep fellating corpo wiener too much for anything like that to ever work out economically.

          • 11 months ago

            “Bettering yourself is larp”.

            • 11 months ago

              It's not really bettering yourself, it's chasing a false ideal from a place in time you don't actually know anything about beyond what you've heard from old lead infected people nostalgia cooming about it. I think it'll only lead to more anger when you can't reach it.
              Nothing wrong with working on yourself though, but it should be done in a more healthy way.

              • 11 months ago

                WTF are you talking about you schizo israelite?

              • 11 months ago

                Post your gun with timestamp.

              • 11 months ago

                I think you’re just mad at yourself. Youre like those people that say “actually the 50s was still really bad!” You can’t comprehend a time where things weren’t bad or a time you bettered yourself thus your coping mechanism is this.

                Reddit spacing here but; I print guns and use modern technology to improve my self sufficiency. Trad larping is more so those guys that think anprim is the only solution. You can have a normal life while also being loyal to one woman and growing your own food.

  7. 11 months ago

    Because this is a federal government chat room with a few autists mixed in

    • 11 months ago

      But there’s nothing illegal about making them….in the US at least

      • 11 months ago

        it really doesn't matter if any fed doesn't like what your doing they'll get you despite whether or not its legal. the American justice system is filled top to bottom with loop holes for cops or Politian's of any caliber to do what ever they want.
        i mean just look at FPS Russia, feds decided he suicided his friend and literally when after him for years and years until they finally got him for weed possession. they then proceeded to load him up with so many charges and if he got convicted on even one of them and found innocents for all the others he'd still go to jail for a combined sentence of all those charges, all to force him into a plea deal that would mean he could never own guns again.

        • 11 months ago

          If the feds thought there was even the slightest chance FPS Russia and his friends would shoot it out with them they wouldn't have touched him in a million years.

          They're fricking cowards unless they're attacking single digits targets, and often even then.

  8. 11 months ago

    Honestly the average gun owner isn’t going to bother looking into printed guns until devs stop using toy making materials like PLA Pro. Obviously you CAN make functional guns with that, I have several. But my FGC9 looks kinda goofy and bulky. Ivans plastikov v4 gets shit on by people on Twitter for the same reason. I feel like if dev teams just said to themselves “you know what its only $50 more to make a Ender 3V2 capable of filled nylons lets make filled nylon only versions of our guns” that would bring forth sleeker designs without any catch like “dont leave it in your car on hot days”.

    I have talked to people irl about printed guns and I see in their face they lose interest when I mention PLA pro melting if you leave it in the sun then their eyes light up all over again when I bring up my carry being a printed glock in NylonX that I can leave out in the sun here in Charleston for hours without issue.

    • 11 months ago

      Yea that’s a fair point. 3D printing tech is advancing pretty quickly. There’s already early prototypes of 3D printers that use metal, I’ve saw one dude who made a 3D printer aluminum receiver for a Ruger 10/22. I predict in a few years people will be able to make steel parts/receivers with a 3D printer. It’s only a matter of time. It will be a revolutionary moment.

      • 11 months ago

        Cogburn is a 3D metal company. I skeptically ordered one of their bayonet lugs and was pleasantly surprised. Almost two months to fill the order though.

      • 11 months ago

        >I predict in a few years people will be able to make steel parts/receivers with a 3D printer.
        I've been hearing that for over a decade

        • 11 months ago

          You can do it now, it just takes an SLS or similar machine. People print suppressors all the time, it just isn't efficient to print recievers that way because they are all designed for stamping or machining.

      • 11 months ago

        Not with a printer but a spindle and stepper motors yes

        We can do it now, the thing holding most people back is a good CAM solution

        Need something as easy as prusa slic3r that will also teach them gcode.

        Gcode is stupid simple everyone with a 3d printer already knows gcode m00

        G01 etc takes 20 mins to learn and if you’re lazy ChatGPT

    • 11 months ago

      what's to stop someone from using a design for a weaker, less heat tolerant filament, but produce it using a well calibrated printer and nicer filament? Isn't the point of pla+ designs to make the print accessible to the least common denominator and anyone who has better filament can just press print anyway?

      • 11 months ago

        Being factually correct isn’t enough to persuade people into seeing the benefits of what you have going on. People thought electric cars were cringe until Tesla showed everyone they can be for straight people too.

      • 11 months ago

        >what’s to stop someone
        Nothing. You just have a real higher quality print that’s not gonna break. PLA+ is great.

    • 11 months ago

      Fortunately PA12-based nylons are becoming more common, and the post processing to prevent water related degradation is being sorted out

      • 11 months ago

        Though honestly, the next frontier are home printers that can crank out ULTEM. Unfortunately I don't see those being common until at least 5-10 more years pass.

        • 11 months ago

          Coex glass filled is what Glocks are made out of but obviously FDM is not as good as injection molded. But try NylonX it is head and shoulders above Coex. My unscientific test of a hammer on a Coex printed grip vs NylonX printed grip vs a magpul grip, the NylonX took longer to crack. Also a torch made it look new which is insane.

          • 11 months ago

            Fiber reinforced prints are stiffer and more impact resistant, but not really stronger in terms of tensile or ductile strength, nor heat resistance. The fibers in an injection molded piece are spread evenly throughout the polymer. In a printed item, the fibers are still separated by the print layers. The bond between these layers is not any more durable than that of other polymers. Yeah they might survive knocking around a bit better, but kevlar, glass, or carbon fiber prints don't have any added protection from layer separation due to repeated shock, or warping due to heat over anything printed out of the same polymer minus the fiber additive.

            On top of this, printing these materials requires buying more specialized printing equipment and REALLY knowing how to tweak your settings to actually take advantage of the extra benefits that Honestly, for 90% of people printing its just wasting money. A decent PLA with elastimer additives (usually marketed as PLA plus or impact resistant PLA) will give the same milage. Minus costing $150 per kg in matierial and requiring upgrades like all metal hot ends, print enclosures, and all metal extruders.


            Almost nobody printing with fiber additives actually understands what the additives are actually doing or how to take advantage of those benefits and are wasting their money by using them for the wrong applications.

            • 11 months ago

              Well your hobby is drying up from trannies starting drama on Twitter which keeps people away from joining and I don’t really need a write up for what I witnessed with my own eyes regarding filled nylons being infinitely better. I can only give you reasons most serious gun people would rather meet a guy in a Walmart parking lot to avoid a 4473.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, you are very proud of your highly scientific method of smacking it around with hand tools before declaring it to be better than glock or magpul.

                Meanwhile every single materials testing lab results on destructive testing of 3D items has shown the theoretical maximum strength of any 3D printed object is about 60% that of an identical injection molded one of the same material. So either you figured out a way to exceed the theoretical physical limits of layer bonds, or you are exaggerating and talking about shit you don't actually understand.

                My money is on the latter.

              • 11 months ago

                You’re simply misunderstanding the the data. Yes on paper the differences might not seem like much. But in the real world it matters a lot. You’re just a typical engineer that just graduated running your mouth smacking your papers. I seen it all before in my line of work. You aren’t serious people. One day you will be embarrassed in a meeting by a coworker with no degree but has real experience, happens to all of us and it is rather humbling. Im trying to help you and you smacked the olive branch. Have fun with trannies threatening to murder devs. Im sure that will rope people in!

              • 11 months ago

                kek, the anti-engineer clown arrives! I've been waiting for you, your bizarre comedy routine never fails to make me laugh.

              • 11 months ago

                Do the Ruby bro

              • 11 months ago

                Fiber reinforced prints are stiffer and more impact resistant, but not really stronger in terms of tensile or ductile strength, nor heat resistance. The fibers in an injection molded piece are spread evenly throughout the polymer. In a printed item, the fibers are still separated by the print layers. The bond between these layers is not any more durable than that of other polymers. Yeah they might survive knocking around a bit better, but kevlar, glass, or carbon fiber prints don't have any added protection from layer separation due to repeated shock, or warping due to heat over anything printed out of the same polymer minus the fiber additive.

                On top of this, printing these materials requires buying more specialized printing equipment and REALLY knowing how to tweak your settings to actually take advantage of the extra benefits that Honestly, for 90% of people printing its just wasting money. A decent PLA with elastimer additives (usually marketed as PLA plus or impact resistant PLA) will give the same milage. Minus costing $150 per kg in matierial and requiring upgrades like all metal hot ends, print enclosures, and all metal extruders.


                Almost nobody printing with fiber additives actually understands what the additives are actually doing or how to take advantage of those benefits and are wasting their money by using them for the wrong applications.

                I’m a senior engineer and sometimes the statistics aren’t always faithful. Also Navi and most of the other bigger devs in guncad aren’t engineers either and I doubt they would say nylons are insignificant. Especially regarding heat, that single point makes you look like a liar. The only correct thing you pointed out with filled nylons is the layer adhesion is the only metric that isn’t significantly better. Saying you will get the same mileage out of PLA pro as glass filled nylons just makes it clear you didn’t want to go on Amazon and spend the the extra 100USD to upgrade your ender. That or you are having a skill issue printing.

                Tldr: You’re using misleading statistics to justify your skill issue when it comes to printing in big boy materials.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm actually the house keeping manager at a hospital. I'm also stoned out of my mind on some fire og kush I bought today.

                I AM the guy without a degree who just embarrassed you.

            • 11 months ago

              >nor heat resistance
              stopped reading

            • 11 months ago

              can you not use the printers to make the injection molds instead of the parts itself?

              • 11 months ago

                No , it’s a thermos plastic that will split at the layer lines but if you can 3d print you’re 90% there or learning how to surf an endmill in a cavity

              • 11 months ago

                They do that with the prototypes, but when they have the final mold, they just take the CAD file and use a CNC cutter later to make the molds out of a more resistant material like aluminum.

            • 11 months ago

              There is no industry standard PLA+

              PLA+ plus just means it’s not virgin pure PLA

              There are $8 rolls of pla+ shipped to your door on Amazon…. Those are mainly post-consumer pla plastic + whatever shit they couldn’t isolate out of it

          • 11 months ago

            Fiber reinforced prints are stiffer and more impact resistant, but not really stronger in terms of tensile or ductile strength, nor heat resistance. The fibers in an injection molded piece are spread evenly throughout the polymer. In a printed item, the fibers are still separated by the print layers. The bond between these layers is not any more durable than that of other polymers. Yeah they might survive knocking around a bit better, but kevlar, glass, or carbon fiber prints don't have any added protection from layer separation due to repeated shock, or warping due to heat over anything printed out of the same polymer minus the fiber additive.

            On top of this, printing these materials requires buying more specialized printing equipment and REALLY knowing how to tweak your settings to actually take advantage of the extra benefits that Honestly, for 90% of people printing its just wasting money. A decent PLA with elastimer additives (usually marketed as PLA plus or impact resistant PLA) will give the same milage. Minus costing $150 per kg in matierial and requiring upgrades like all metal hot ends, print enclosures, and all metal extruders.


            Almost nobody printing with fiber additives actually understands what the additives are actually doing or how to take advantage of those benefits and are wasting their money by using them for the wrong applications.

            What upgrading to better polymers like ULTEM will do is going to be kind of like the step up between PLA and nylon. The extra heat resistance is going to be especially significant for printed uppers.

            • 11 months ago

              I was high as frick when I wrote all that shit. I think I went a bit overboard and construed fiber enhanced polymers as totally useless. That is definitely not the case. More that:

              1: A 3d printed object will never be as strong as a professionally injection molded one.

              2: The majority of people I have personally seen using it aren't using it for the proper application, or with the correct settings because they lack the more in depth knowledge to actually exploit the benefits properly.

              3: Whatever that guy printed is def not going to blow anything by glock or magpul out of the water like he was claiming. Even if it was a perfect print.

              4: Newbies wave their nylon-x and nylon-g prints around like they just bankrupted glock without having any idea about what layer adhesion is, why it's important, or how the fibers in the filament don't actually enhance it any.

              • 11 months ago

                >I think I went a bit overboard
                How dare you.

              • 11 months ago

                >injection molded
                Not that anon but I've seen some neat diy builds on YouTube

              • 11 months ago

                nylonx is probably the only nylon on the market that does have better layer adhesion than other nylons though. didn’t hoffman test nylon layer adhesion from multiple companies and some where better and some were as good as PLA pro? 10% better than PLA pro is still better and probably more noticeable in the field than on a chart. He is always answering questions online about filaments he didn’t cover in his videos.

      • 11 months ago

        >the post processing to prevent water related degradation is being sorted out
        I'm guessing Hoffman did a video on it.

    • 11 months ago

      >But my FGC9 looks kinda goofy and bulky. Ivans plastikov v4 gets shit on by people on Twitter for the same reason

      Part of this is because every print I see on fosscad uses some bright, fisher-price colored filament (Red, Blue, etc) when they should just stick to black, gray, beige, etc.
      We aren't making toys here, you literal basedchildren, we're making WEAPONS.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          I had one just like that for airsoft

          Honest question…Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads? There is nothing more cucked than begging daddy govt for permission to buy a gun and get background checked. And there is nothing more based than making your own stuff for 1/4 the price of an overpriced rifle and completely off the books. What’s the deal?

          There’s still a law in the books here in WA saying you can’t own or make a gun not serialized by an FFL that hasn’t been murdered in court yet 🙁

          Bros how would I theoretically download the file for an fgc9 and get my neighbor to print it for me on his nice printer? I think they're neat but I live in WA 🙁

          • 11 months ago

            >how would i download the file for an fgc9
            >and get my neighbor to print it for me
            vacations/business trips exist, just ask if you can use it during one of those two

            • 11 months ago

              forgot to say but it takes around a week to print one so make sure said neighbor is out for a week or more

              • 11 months ago

                The biggest thing I think folks don't understand about 3D printing is how much patience it takes. Its one of those things where its easy to get into, but takes a lot of time to really master. If you don't have the patience to wait 48 or 72 hours just for a print that warps, detaches from the bed, or shrinks, then go online and do research to figure out why, tweak settings, and try again, you will just be buying a $300 to $2,000 workbench warmer.

                Also, I think folks set expectations that are way too high for the outcome. At the end of the day these gun designs are pretty experimental, and in most cases manufactured from hobbyist grade materials on hobbyist grade printers. They ARE neat, and can be surprisingly functional. They are also often flimsy, brittle, and wear out fast enough to safely refer to them as disintegrating.

                You CAN get surprisingly functional builds, but its still never going to be commercial grade weaponry, and it takes a LOT of patience and good old trial and error to get to the point where you can just reliably run off stuff of that quality. The tech is highly promising, but very much still maturing. You really gotta love experimentation, and all the setbacks and delays that come with it. If anybody is operating off of the misconception that they'll have a little mini-factory in their closet running off an endless line of commercial quality weapons for $200 to $300 a pop, I caution them. Its really not like that.

              • 11 months ago

                This was me. So damn frustrating my first 4/5 prints. Had to really put my nose in the books and watch hours of troubleshooting videos. Finally fricked around with the slicing software settings and made some tweaks as well as really learned to properly level and calibrate the Z offset. But god dayum is it so rewarding when you finally find the sweet spot to get a successful print.

              • 11 months ago

                just buy a bambu lel

              • 11 months ago

                The biggest mistake most newbies to 3D printing make is just launching right into trying to print a 72 hour receiver as soon as they put their printer together. I always urge newbies to have patience. You really oughtta print stuff like calibration cubes and benchies until you learn how to do stuff like level the bed, zero your various axis, and learn how to fine tune your settings. You can squeeze some impressive performance out of hobby grade printers and filaments, you just really need to actually understand how everything works and how to properly use your tools and materials.

                If it makes you feel better, my first printer wasn't even hobby grade. It was this DIY tier monstrosity I built back in 2015. Even a stock Ender 3 is 10× better than that piece of shit.

              • 11 months ago

                anon, the fact that you were able to build a functional 3d printer is not going to make anyone who can't print using a purchased machine feel better

              • 11 months ago

                whats the bolt on the rear for

              • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            If you live in an difficult state I advise you consult your local laws. But theoretically if you were curious, and strictly wanted to see what a 3D model would look lioe in CAD software without printing it.

      • 11 months ago

        You’re not picking up what Im putting down. Not to be that guy but I probably been printing longer than most people in the thread. The thread is asking why /k/ isn’t talking about guns. Most gun guys online stick their nose up at anything that isn’t Daniel Defense and HK at the minimum. Of course they cant be bothered with 90% of the printed guns that get cranked out not because the color but because it’s objectively ugly and bulky. You would probably get a lot more serious people into the hobby if you presented them with guns that looked like guns.

  9. 11 months ago

    Make a thread instead of whining about the lack thereof.

    • 11 months ago

      That’s what I did homosexual

  10. 11 months ago

    Age of this board on average is too high to be into 3D printing on a mass level. Look elsewhere since the average age of the person posting here is 37 and their grasp of technology developed after 2012 is low.

    • 11 months ago

      The barrier for entry is pretty low. A decent printer is $300, and involves downloading a file and transferring it via USB. There’s a ton of older people who are already getting into it.

      Recording your felonies and posting them online is some serious low IQ behavior.

      What don’t you understand about the fact that this is completely 100% legal?

      • 11 months ago

        A decent printer is $100 from microcenter

      • 11 months ago

        elegoo neptune 3's are cheaper than that and are much higher quality than an ender 3.

  11. 11 months ago

    Recording your felonies and posting them online is some serious low IQ behavior.

    • 11 months ago

      Building your own guns for your own use is not a crime.

      • 11 months ago

        The barrier for entry is pretty low. A decent printer is $300, and involves downloading a file and transferring it via USB. There’s a ton of older people who are already getting into it.
        What don’t you understand about the fact that this is completely 100% legal?

        the only people who want to print guns are people who can't buy them legally
        ipso facto, only the stupid ones post about it on a public forum

        • 11 months ago

          Maybe I want a glock that doesn’t feel like Im holding a 2x4.

        • 11 months ago

          > the only people who want to print guns are people who can't buy them legally
          > the only people who want to grow vegetables are people who can't buy them legally
          > the only people who want to build vehicles are people who can't buy them legally
          Do you see how fricking moronic you are?

          • 11 months ago

            There's a breakdown of the metaphor here, as home grown Vegetables are often higher quality and cheaper than store bought, the equivalent of hand making a well designed gun.

            I think all gunsmithing is based, but there's a reason 3d printing gun parts remains somewhat niche.

            • 11 months ago

              Honestly we should just put fentanyl in SSRIs as a means to wipe out genx and millennials so we can continue to progress guns without hearing “its niche so its not good!” Every time this thread gets posted. Its niche because you guys are against change like the boomers you seethe over!

            • 11 months ago

              The thing about it is that, because the equipment is so cheap, you have thousands of people working on new designs and improving old ones. It basically crowd sources weapons development, which changes a lot.

              • 11 months ago

                still, all they do looks like cheap toy shit
                don't get me wrong, having one more way to manufacture guns is cool and all, but they look lame compared to real, even turkshit, guns
                all have visible layer lines, burrs and printing artifacts, moronic or ugly engineering and design decisions, poor balance or ergonomics, that disgusting plastic sheen - they're unpolished products
                people need to start spending at least 3 more hours touching up their creations with a sandpaper and/or dremel before posting

              • 11 months ago

                >all have visible layer lines, burrs and printing artifacts,
                Who gives a frick. it's a gun, not a fricking artwork
                >moronic or ugly engineering and design decisions,
                >poor balance or ergonomics,
                See above. You have a bunch of dudes refining this shit constantly
                See above. You have a bunch of dudes refining this shit constantly
                >that disgusting plastic sheen - they're unpolished products
                Again. It is a home built firearm. These are not meant to be sold commercially, where looks matter. Guns are tools. If they look cool, that's just a bonus.

              • 11 months ago

                >Who gives a frick. it's a gun, not a fricking artwork
                even guns made at Khyber Pass don't look as bad as 3d-printed ones - at the very least, Pakistani have discovered polishing
                >See above. You have a bunch of dudes refining this shit constantly
                a bunch of dudes at kel-tec are snorting cocaine constantly, but all they can invent is more kel-tec guns
                the dudes are refining the turd, they have to put in more work if they want to get out of the plastic toy tier

              • 11 months ago

                >even guns made at Khyber Pass don't look as bad as 3d-printed ones - at the very least, Pakistani have discovered polishing
                Guess what? kyber pass pakistani gunsmiths are making those guns for sale.
                >>See above. You have a bunch of dudes refining this shit constantly
                >a bunch of dudes at kel-tec are snorting cocaine constantly, but all they can invent is more kel-tec guns
                Then keltek should fire them
                >the dudes are refining the turd, they have to put in more work if they want to get out of the plastic toy tier
                >the hobbyists are not hobbying hard enough
                whahhhh. Don't buy a 3d printer then, I guess.

              • 11 months ago

                You dont run your factory guns hard enough if artifact’s from FDM printing turns you off from the whole thing. Yeah theres some noticeable layer lines, maybe a few blemishes where the printer fricked up. But if you dont have any chips or scratches on your rifle you arent a serious person anyway. Post brass deflator.

              • 11 months ago

                I have a bunch of tips tricks to make better prints that I learned by learning how to cnc machine

                However I design my own products and use 3d printing to test the market before I invest into cutting injection molds

                These kids aren’t try to get product level prints, so the zits and shiny textures and huge layers are just the result of having a shitty ender 3 instead of a tier 1 printer

              • 11 months ago

                It all really comes down on printer setup and how you config your Gcode, which usually comes with experience in how to improve them, and also yes, not buying shit PLA rolls too. My first prints are absolute shit, but after learning more and more, they came out pretty well, if only supports weren't so messy after removing them, it would be a bit hard to determine if it was either made via printing or ejection molding. If you got a cheap Ender 3, just upgrade the extruder gears and get a better hotend if you need to print harder materials like ABS. I might try ABS now since its warm these days, and I don't want to enclosure it just yet, yet I saw an IKEA enclosure that looks quite nice to do, depends if I notice much difference with PLA if I will do it or not.

              • 11 months ago

                The more you comment the more skeptical I am that you actually 3D print. Layer lines and scaring from support will always be a thing. Also my prints on my Ender3v2 looked better than my prints on my X1C until I tuned for it a month.

  12. 11 months ago

    Because they slide off the page every time someone posts Slav bum fight propaganda and ridiculous hypotheticals
    Check odysee because everyone’s been kicked off of YouTube, discord and Keybase.
    Spinning rat funni

  13. 11 months ago

    Where I live even bows and slingshots are illegal.

    How do you make ammo from scratch? Can't just buy casings, bullets, powder, primers.

    • 11 months ago

      You can 3D print the casings. People have started experimenting with it. I can’t imagine powder primer are terribly hard to source. If you were really committed. Making your own ammo is completely reasonable. JStark1809 made his own.

      • 11 months ago

        I imagine you could probably use those nail gun primers and black powder in a direct blowback design with 3d printed casings to get a semi reliable gun

      • 11 months ago

        >Making your own ammo is completely reasonable. JStark1809 made his own.
        JStark made his own out of "Totally-not-Honeypot Legal to Purchase Ammo Components" and got caught because of it. And in a lot of countries even spent cases are regulated, and all the experiments only produced shit that doesn't work, so DIY ammo is nowhere near solved.

        • 11 months ago

          Spent casings may be regulated, but I'm fairly certain that there isn't a single country in the world that doesn't have an outdoor range for LEO/Military use somewhere. And I've never seen an outdoor shooting range that doesn't have casings scattered and trash bins full of casings. It's a non-issue. And even if you couldn't find one, Prof. Parabellum has a guide on making casings completely from scratch, it's just prohibitively time consuming.

          • 11 months ago

            this is the current way for Australians it seems
            did some searching for a friend and nothing online but they keep turning up in articles

            • 11 months ago

              What way? Outdoor shooting ranges or Prof. P?

              • 11 months ago

                either or really, but once fired cases seemed absurdly hard to find online

    • 11 months ago


      Turns out black powder is low enough pressure you can build a completely plastic gun with plastic casings and it'll still work.

    • 11 months ago

      Chassepot designed a magazine-fed rifle using blackpowder and paper cartridges, and it was used successfully in wars. If you can't roll up a sheet of paper then I don't know what to tell you.

  14. 11 months ago

    Mostly because the more "fun" designs tend to be on the down low. You have to remember that these humble basketweaving forums are patrolled by federals who will look for any small discrepancy to ream your butthole.

    • 11 months ago

      What a lot of people don’t realize is last week the ATF got absolutely clapped in court. Bidens ‘Ghost hun’ legislation got shut down. The courts ruled that the Federal government overstepped in trying to regulate partially manufactured parts. The ATF can’t do anything about it except seethe. It is 100% legal to make your own firearms for personal use in the US.

      • 11 months ago

        There’s still a law in the books here in WA saying you can’t own or make a gun not serialized by an FFL that hasn’t been murdered in court yet 🙁

        • 11 months ago

          Damn that sucks man.

        • 11 months ago

          pretty sure that law has a grandfather clause for stuff made prior to the last couple of years - and it's not like they've prosecuted anyone for that who wasn't also committing some other felony at the time and got caught

      • 11 months ago

        Because it changes nothing, the rule required 80% kits to be sold as a complete arm with a registered SN. If you bought the lower and kit separately there was no SN/FFL requirement.

        • 11 months ago

          That wasn't the case for p80s, gst1s etc, moms that need action b***hed so the atf released a "clarification" that polymer pistol 80s were all firearms in their eyes.

  15. 11 months ago

    Because privately made firearms are private.

  16. 11 months ago

    sure it's been said in the 36 replies already, but 3d printed guns are utter fricking garbage, and not actually anything anyone cares about. The only people that """care""" about them are grabbers that want the general population to think people are mass producing AR15s with a $200 printer in their basement.

    • 11 months ago

      should add to this, if you want to look at cool DIY guns, look no further than all the readily available plans made by professor parabellum.

      • 11 months ago

        oh wowie thats cool can we see one that isn’t from a 10 year old arfcom thread?

      • 11 months ago

        God I miss Clint.
        Whatever happened to him?

  17. 11 months ago

    How do we create a gun similar to the fgc-9, but in .233 semi-auto? Getting blowback delay without goofy external wheel systems or a milling machine seems to be almost impossible.

    • 11 months ago

      falling block action, one dc motor to cycle it after firing

      • 11 months ago

        I think motor drive would be illegal here in the USA. Part of what is cool about the fgc is actually that it is legal in quite a few places which keeps it from being a one-off. I was thinking a tilting bolt could do it without too much complex geometry, but I'm not really sure.

        What's the use of a 3d printed gun if you need a loicense to buy ammo

        Make it yourself. Casings/cartridges without powder that include bullets are not usually regulated, and you can diy or repurpose everything else.

        • 11 months ago

          it is perfectly legal as long as one trigger pull results in 1 shot and it's not "readily convertible into a machinegun", e.g. electronics is non-trivial and you can't simply connect a battery to the motor to make it run full-auto

          • 11 months ago

            >electronics is non-trivial and you can't simply connect a battery to the motor to make it run full-auto
            That's pretty much how all electric motors work though

            Gas delayed blowback?

            Like the Volkssturmgewher? I've thought about that one, but I can't figure out how to make it workable without blowing up or losing your seal on the outer tube after a few shots. The pressure would be damn high. It's an interesting concept, and might work. there is also the idea of a falling block that gets held in place by gas pressure, then drops when the bullet exits the barrel, allowing the bolt to travel back freely. You would need your gas port basically directly next to the chamber, and It would probably decrease your chamber pressure quite a bit, and be venting gasses near the shooter with every shot. I'm currently trying to think of a way to do the opposite of that (this thought just occurred to me, lol)
            >direct impingement (use hydraulic tubing)
            >gas port forward
            >two piece bolt, front made from a literal bolt, rear made from a solid rectangle of steel
            >spring holds the rear part of the bolt in place during firing
            >while in place, it rests on lugs made of steel imbedded in the plastic receiver and welded onto (or otherwise solidly attached to) the barrel
            >gun fires, gas is tapped from the barrel, pushes rear part of bolt down
            >rear section is only about halfway up the bolt, so when it drops, the frontal portion of the bolt travels rearward freely
            Also, you need a two peice firing pin for this to work with an AR trigger group, but that is almost a bonus, because it will keep it from firing out of battery if the spring holding the rear lug in place goes bad.

            • 11 months ago

              >That's pretty much how all electric motors work though
              I mean that you have to make it run between limit switches back and forth or something, not operate like a chain gun

              • 11 months ago

                How much battery would that require?

              • 11 months ago

                2 recycled disposable vape pens worth of batteries

            • 11 months ago

              >there is also the idea of a falling block that gets held in place by gas pressure, then drops when the bullet exits the barrel, allowing the bolt to travel back freely.
              You mean like this?

              • 11 months ago

                similar, but I was thinking a piston near the firing chamber that acts to block the upward movement of a second (spring loaded) steel block. When pressure decreases, the piston drops, allowing the block to rise, and the bolt to travel backwards. No gas tube, which would be hard to fabricate using basic tools. The only problem is that if the piston gets stuck, your bolt is just going straight back.

                I'm not sure how the system pictured is supposed to work. If grey is pinned in place, it seems like the bolt doesn't travel backwards at all. If the grey bits at the back of the bolt travel, I don't see what delays blowback. What is the gas piston even doing?

          • 11 months ago

            Where is that applicable at? I’ve not done it myself or plan to…but, as far as I am aware turning a homemade ‘3D’ printed weapon into fully automatic is completely legal in the states, as long as you don’t sell it or share it. It’s a legal loop hole. That’s why you see some 3DP YouTube’s shamelessly shooting full auto AR-15’s.

            • 11 months ago

              >as far as I am aware turning a homemade ‘3D’ printed weapon into fully automatic is completely legal in the states
              It's not. There is no loophole.

              • 11 months ago

                Show me the law.

              • 11 months ago

                The NFA, GCA, and FOPA.

              • 11 months ago

                All those laws apply to manufactured and serialized guns. If you print a receiver and an auto sear they aren’t technically a “gun”, and therefore it’s not regulated. See above link to court case the ATF just lost. Federal government can’t regulate it. It doesn’t have the authority, because it’s not a “gun”

              • 11 months ago

                are you competing in moronation with the "small capacitor or electric switch would work way better than a motor" guy?

              • 11 months ago

                > are you competing in moronation with the "small capacitor or electric switch would work way better than a motor" guy?

              • 11 months ago

                They apply to all guns regardless of who makes them.
                Receivers and auto sears are both considered firearms and making a full auto one is a quick way to go to jail.

              • 11 months ago

                They aren’t firearms though. It’s legally not considered a firearm. What is so difficult to understand about that?

              • 11 months ago

                They are. Read the definition in the laws of what a firearm is.

              • 11 months ago

                >They aren’t firearms though
                this is true
                >It’s legally not considered a firearm
                this is false

          • 11 months ago


            >electronics is non-trivial and you can't simply connect a battery to the motor to make it run full-auto
            That's pretty much how all electric motors work though
            Like the Volkssturmgewher? I've thought about that one, but I can't figure out how to make it workable without blowing up or losing your seal on the outer tube after a few shots. The pressure would be damn high. It's an interesting concept, and might work. there is also the idea of a falling block that gets held in place by gas pressure, then drops when the bullet exits the barrel, allowing the bolt to travel back freely. You would need your gas port basically directly next to the chamber, and It would probably decrease your chamber pressure quite a bit, and be venting gasses near the shooter with every shot. I'm currently trying to think of a way to do the opposite of that (this thought just occurred to me, lol)
            >direct impingement (use hydraulic tubing)
            >gas port forward
            >two piece bolt, front made from a literal bolt, rear made from a solid rectangle of steel
            >spring holds the rear part of the bolt in place during firing
            >while in place, it rests on lugs made of steel imbedded in the plastic receiver and welded onto (or otherwise solidly attached to) the barrel
            >gun fires, gas is tapped from the barrel, pushes rear part of bolt down
            >rear section is only about halfway up the bolt, so when it drops, the frontal portion of the bolt travels rearward freely
            Also, you need a two peice firing pin for this to work with an AR trigger group, but that is almost a bonus, because it will keep it from firing out of battery if the spring holding the rear lug in place goes bad.

            >That's pretty much how all electric motors work though
            I mean that you have to make it run between limit switches back and forth or something, not operate like a chain gun

            A small capacitor or electric switch would work as well, in fact would probably be way better than a motor in theory at least. Would obviously need a battery.

            • 11 months ago

              >A small capacitor or electric switch would work...
              >...way better than a motor

    • 11 months ago

      Gas delayed blowback?

  18. 11 months ago

    What's the use of a 3d printed gun if you need a loicense to buy ammo

    • 11 months ago

      The former prime minister of Japan was flatlined in public with what amounts to an electrically primed musket.

    • 11 months ago

      there's a document that comes with the fgc-9 for DIY 9mm ammo
      only the powder and fully assembled cartridges are actually regulated in europe
      you can order once fired cases with dent end primers online, along with the actual projectiles if you don't want to cast your own
      that means that with some printed pieces you can rearm your own 9mm ammo entirely unregulated

      • 11 months ago

        unregulated != untraced

        • 11 months ago

          broe who's going to keep track of you buying hilti nail blanks for powder/priming compound at your local hardware store in cash
          most people here are not important enough to have that attention payed to them

        • 11 months ago

          Kek. People were saying the same thing about 3D printers a few years ago, but we aren't living in such a dystopic shithole that the state can regulate hardware store products (yet). As long as you don't buy anything onthe net with your credit card, your purchase is untraceable.

  19. 11 months ago

    >Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads
    I've done multiple fgc9s, the reality is most people don't own 3d printers. We're mostly Americans so it'd be hobbyist at most. You can build a 9mm handgun for the same cost as a printed one with much less chance of fricking up.

  20. 11 months ago

    Two kinds of people are interested in these threads. People who don't own the equipment and want to buy and people who recently attempted to print.

  21. 11 months ago

    because we're not Black folk and can afford white peopel guns

    • 11 months ago

      >we're not Black folk
      Then learn how to spell

  22. 11 months ago

    I've made guns, both 3D printed, from kits, and all manner of other DIY type gun stuff. I can say from experience that virtually nobody on /k/ knows what the actual frick they are talking about. Any time I see the odd one who does, he's usually getting swarmed by angry fricktards spouting nonsense they half remember hearing from a youtube video, or that they heard from another fricktard.

    If you want to learn about gunsmithing, 3D printing, or assorted DIY and improvised weaponry, you aren't going to do so on /k/.

    • 11 months ago

      when i was printing parts up and asking questions i just got called a fed by fedposters

      I had one just like that for airsoft
      Bros how would I theoretically download the file for an fgc9 and get my neighbor to print it for me on his nice printer? I think they're neat but I live in WA 🙁

      when i want to put COD points on my nephews XBL, I buy them from an argie I know from steam, and use my VPN to connect to microsoft's argentina server from my VPNs argentina server to REDEEM the card. hes based as frick, and my senpai on steam since 06. he's gotten me dozens of botted lobbies on WZ and WZ2. both my nephews have the Orion mastery camo on every gun and all the secret camos. argie moneys worth nothing, and it helps him out a lot.

      The biggest thing I think folks don't understand about 3D printing is how much patience it takes. Its one of those things where its easy to get into, but takes a lot of time to really master. If you don't have the patience to wait 48 or 72 hours just for a print that warps, detaches from the bed, or shrinks, then go online and do research to figure out why, tweak settings, and try again, you will just be buying a $300 to $2,000 workbench warmer.

      Also, I think folks set expectations that are way too high for the outcome. At the end of the day these gun designs are pretty experimental, and in most cases manufactured from hobbyist grade materials on hobbyist grade printers. They ARE neat, and can be surprisingly functional. They are also often flimsy, brittle, and wear out fast enough to safely refer to them as disintegrating.

      You CAN get surprisingly functional builds, but its still never going to be commercial grade weaponry, and it takes a LOT of patience and good old trial and error to get to the point where you can just reliably run off stuff of that quality. The tech is highly promising, but very much still maturing. You really gotta love experimentation, and all the setbacks and delays that come with it. If anybody is operating off of the misconception that they'll have a little mini-factory in their closet running off an endless line of commercial quality weapons for $200 to $300 a pop, I caution them. Its really not like that.

      it took my moronic ass 2 months of being pissed and ragequitting over and over to get my first 10/22 print to come out right. that lil motherfricker is smooth as glass.
      how many walls should i set in cura if i want to print a AWCY scorpion evo3? the instructions have no mention of it and cura goes to whatever ive preset before

      just buy a bambu lel

      waiting for elegoos answer to it. because its going to slap, no cap frfr

      The biggest mistake most newbies to 3D printing make is just launching right into trying to print a 72 hour receiver as soon as they put their printer together. I always urge newbies to have patience. You really oughtta print stuff like calibration cubes and benchies until you learn how to do stuff like level the bed, zero your various axis, and learn how to fine tune your settings. You can squeeze some impressive performance out of hobby grade printers and filaments, you just really need to actually understand how everything works and how to properly use your tools and materials.

      If it makes you feel better, my first printer wasn't even hobby grade. It was this DIY tier monstrosity I built back in 2015. Even a stock Ender 3 is 10× better than that piece of shit.

      >launching right into trying to print a 72 hour receiver
      damn, that hits home.

    • 11 months ago

      >you aren't going to do so on /k/.
      but you could on the guide at ctrlpew smileyface

      I had one just like that for airsoft
      Bros how would I theoretically download the file for an fgc9 and get my neighbor to print it for me on his nice printer? I think they're neat but I live in WA 🙁

      >how would I theoretically download the file
      it's at the gatalog dot com under the hybrids section
      remember, you want the mkII not the original. alternatively go with a partisan 9 for integral suppression and a folding stock

      The biggest mistake most newbies to 3D printing make is just launching right into trying to print a 72 hour receiver as soon as they put their printer together. I always urge newbies to have patience. You really oughtta print stuff like calibration cubes and benchies until you learn how to do stuff like level the bed, zero your various axis, and learn how to fine tune your settings. You can squeeze some impressive performance out of hobby grade printers and filaments, you just really need to actually understand how everything works and how to properly use your tools and materials.

      If it makes you feel better, my first printer wasn't even hobby grade. It was this DIY tier monstrosity I built back in 2015. Even a stock Ender 3 is 10× better than that piece of shit.

      a good first print is a menendez mag I think. a good check if your printer is properly calibrated

    • 11 months ago

      >If you want to learn about gunsmithing, 3D printing, or assorted DIY and improvised weaponry, you aren't going to do so on /k/.
      Based, this fricking board is full of fricking tourist redditard gays.

      • 11 months ago

        >this fricking board is full of fricking tourist redditard gays.
        People say this a lot but it's starting to feel a lot like a cope for some reason, if you. want better content all you can really do is promote and create the content that you want, if you do it well enough others will join in.

        • 11 months ago

          Black person I literally got a warning on here for even mentioning it. This board has gone downhill and even the jannies know it.

          • 11 months ago

            A warning about complaining about reddit? It doesn't really matter anyhow, complaining does nothing, only aktion.

          • 11 months ago

            go away or shut up

  23. 11 months ago

    The one thing i know about nylon is that a barrel made from it can take 1-3 .22 before breaking.

  24. 11 months ago

    >ghost guns

    Frick the bullshit on just making inferior versions of what The Man lets us own

    How well do printed DIASs hold up?

  25. 11 months ago

    i opened this thread and my screen started glowing

    • 11 months ago

      The only one glowing is you. Spreading fear to nuke a thread is typical Fed behavior.

  26. 11 months ago

    Anyone have the specifications for glock mags?

    • 11 months ago

      Anon files for 3d printing magazines are one of the most common things out there, that and ar-15 lower receivers.

      • 11 months ago

        I'm interested in the springs themselves, and while the diy info is available i want to know what kind of information something like an Alibaba factory would need to know to make one.

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm interested in the springs themselves
          It has been awhile since I've looked, but iirc the mag files out there typically included instructions and a printable jig to bend your own springs.

          • 11 months ago


            SpringFactory V1.0 by HWEnterprises on Thingiverse is what you're after.

            Oh, thanks. But also not want i meant. I want to know what details to give if i was to order custom springs. Those specifications, if that makes sense.
            That'sd be like the weight it can push, the gauge of the spring, the measurements of the wire used to make the spring and all of the measurements of the final size of the spring..
            Ig i should just buy a proper one and measure it.

            • 11 months ago

              >But also not want i meant
              My bad, I blame posting when I should be sleeping.

              Wish I could help you bud. Maybe glock manuals have some specs on the magazines?

              • 11 months ago

                No worries, I'll look around.

        • 11 months ago

          Anyone have the specifications for glock mags?

          SpringFactory V1.0 by HWEnterprises on Thingiverse is what you're after.

  27. 11 months ago

    I want to get in on the meme, but I'm hesitant to run my printer for 1 or more days straight. God forbid a component fails or something shorts out and it burns my house down in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. At least I didn't waste my money, since I can still crank out ttrpg minis of passable quality in a couple hours.

    Would it introduce weak spots and/or completely frick up a print if I were to pause and resume the print over the course of several days?

    • 11 months ago

      For this reason I keep mine in my detached garage, inside a "fire resistant" enclosure (I hope to God I never have to discover if my cheap chinesium enclosure is actually fire resistant).

      • 11 months ago

        >tfw no detached garage/shed

    • 11 months ago

      mount a wham bam cloud over your printer. i have them over mine and it makes me feel more secure. its a fire suppression device that explodes ABC powder if in direct contact with flame for 3 seconds

      • 11 months ago

        >wham bam cloud
        How have I not heard about this before? This sounds perfect

        • 11 months ago

          If it makes you feel better, 3d printer fires were waaaaaay more common back when everybody was running diy built Anet A8's made out of the cheapest possible components one could find on allie express. The design did not come with a proper mosfet as standard and had voltage regulation issues with the power system that regulated nozzle temp. It could set the control board on fire if you didn't buy and wire in the mosfet yourself.

          As long as you don't buy no-name brand chinese knockoffs newer 3D printers are built way better with way higher quality and safer power supply and control boards. Fires are fairly rare nowadays.

          • 11 months ago

            it still happens often enough that some precaution is worth it IMO

            • 11 months ago

              Oh absolutely. Proper safety is always advisable. They just aren't the self igniting house fires they used to be. I had an A8 melt down on me once. Luckily back then I only printed when present to monitor things and pulled the plug before anything yould ignite.

              You can also use the pause print/resume print feature on more modern printers so you can only be printing when you are around to keep an eye on things.

              • 11 months ago

                >You can also use the pause print/resume print feature on more modern printers
                I'm hesitant to do this for printing funs. Maybe it's my settings, but pausing/resuming my larger ttrpg models tends to leave a noticeable line where it occurs. That's all good for my model shit, but that's gotta affect the structural integrity and I don't want my hand to explode. I'm willing to admit my pause settings may need to be refined if this is a fixable issue, I just haven't looked into it.
                >inb4 what printer
                Ender 3 pro

              • 11 months ago

                you may need to purge some filament before resuming to prime the nozzle. whether that is manually or through your pause/resume code is up to you. also consider if you maintain good bed adhesion while paused if your printer powers off the bed heater

          • 11 months ago


            it still happens often enough that some precaution is worth it IMO

            said, nothing wrong with taking precautions. Even if it may be better than the 1st gen stuff, I'd still be trusting my Chinesium Ender 3 pro.

  28. 11 months ago

    >Honest question…Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads?
    There is no such thing as a printed gun.. You cannot print a barrel or a chamber or a firing ping or springs. That is a gun. You can MAKE a gun with very very little actually or at least less than 500$ worth of shop tools like a drop drill and a press, high tensile bolts and drill bits and files and a hacksaw. You can even cook up some ammunition using blanks or whatever. You know what you can make with melty plastic on its own? Nothing. Even if you wanted some plastic, why not just buy an airsoft toy and use the plastic from that and fill it with fibreglass resin (much tougher and stronger? Fact is melty plastic shit is best used for stuff like making little figures for dungeons and dragons or fishing floats or whatever but not guns and is little more than a distraction from ;earing how to make guns. Do you know how to make a spring OP or a gun barrel from a bolt? I can.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I will continue to post the plastic pump musket DAILY until you homosexuals learn your lesson.




      The future is now choom.

  29. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                You're all fricking moronic. Also ...

                C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER

  30. 11 months ago

    I'm considering making a blowback open bolt SMG with a laminate bolt since I cant machine one, with a sheet metal receiver, the problem is even if I make it I don't have access to the ammo

    • 11 months ago

      >But What About Ammo?
      has you covered fren, it's on the internet archive

  31. 11 months ago

    For someone looking to get into 3d printing, what would be a good printer to get for these purposes? I've heard the ender 3 v2 is good as an entry level but I am able to afford something a bit better. Any suggestions?

    • 11 months ago

      Stratsys or metalx

      Don’t waste your time with enders unless you want to make money off of 90iq average Americans that can’t level a bed or unclog a jam or swap a stepper motor logic board without fricking up

      Then again most Americans are poor so probably will have you repair it and then never pay

    • 11 months ago

      bambu p1p is fantastic value, chink cloud is optional but convenient

    • 11 months ago

      Just get the ender 3 neo, you don't need a super expensive one to start, also its better for you to take baby steps on this if its really a hobby for you, you wouldn't want to get into it and then later decide its not for you while regretting spending a $100 purchase vs a $1500 like

      Stratsys or metalx

      Don’t waste your time with enders unless you want to make money off of 90iq average Americans that can’t level a bed or unclog a jam or swap a stepper motor logic board without fricking up

      Then again most Americans are poor so probably will have you repair it and then never pay

      this anon suggested.
      Besides having a couple cheap printers that are well set is a bit better since you can focus on doing more than one thing at a time, even more if you can learn to do your own CAD models to fix stuff at your home for instance too.
      Just buy a high grade printer when you know its something that you will basically do for good using more expensive filaments, and I would get the p1p just like

      bambu p1p is fantastic value, chink cloud is optional but convenient

      suggested, its pretty good for the money considering its features, but more than that, the high speed good quality prints it oozes.
      I suggest the Ender 3 Neo since not only its cheap and has an autoleveler for the bed already, but its really good to learn all about tinkering, and other important stuff when setting up prints, like extrusion rate, retraction speed, etc.
      Some will say "oh but you would avoid doing all this shit if you buy a pro-grade printer" yeah, sure. But if you ever have an issue in the future without knowing shit, you will be with no experience in order to determine the cause of failure and know how to fix it, which in turn probably it will only turn into putting into a service and paying high fees on a cheap repair, besides with the huge frustration of not being able to use it.

  32. 11 months ago

    If you're sufficiently armed with commercially available registered or unregistered guns, why would you need a 3d printed one that's gonna break and not shoot the same as your nice ar15 or polymer pistol?

    It's a 1/4 the price for a reason, it's an unreliable, potentially dangerous (malfunction-wise) piece of shit that's not fun to shoot or practically useful.

    The only way you'd ever want to DIY an unserialized firearm is for practical purpose, to which effect why not just finish an 80 lower and have a purpose built reliable rifle/PDW/handgun on a time tested platform like ar15/ar9/glockpoly80? Off the books, and shoots and lasts like one off the shelf, and still for a bit cheaper, while being actual good polymer or billet aluminum and not 3d model plastic lmao.

    You seriously don't think it's like you're gonna be able to just frickin print a "just as good" clone of whatever unobtainable HK you've been drooling over, do you?

    • 11 months ago

      > The only way you'd ever want to DIY an unserialized firearm is for practical purpose

      Huh, that’s not why I made a FGC-9. It was just fun. Not everything has to be practical.

      • 11 months ago

        to each their own, I guess. Still a piece of shit though.

        That's also not OPs point, he said he can build a printed gun for a 1/4 the price of one off the shelf all while not getting background checked, and I explained a much better alternative to 3d printed guns that solves those problems: price, and registry. You greentext one thing I said that I wasn't even arguing. Have your fun, but it doesn't sound anywhere near as fun as shooting a working firearm.

        3D printing is solely and only for the purpose of protesting, which I think is great and all, but if it was only driven by it's use factor, and not ideological factor, it'd quickly get phased out in favor of strictly billet aluminum and actual firearm-worthy polymer. For the price you spend on the parts and shit, you could say it's just for fun that you'd buy a hi-point, but then how is that fun at all when it shoots like ass, doesn't feed, and breaks all the time? But have your fun.

        • 11 months ago

          Do you think others are just tired of talking to someone so arrogant that it’s a displeasure to communicate with or do you actually think your walls of text mean you’re right?

        • 11 months ago

          It was the overlap between two of my interests:

          >working in my garage on DIY projects

          Learned some thing along the way, like working with metal, 3D printing, improving, troubleshooting… I don’t know what to tell you, it was fun. Sorry you can’t incorporate that into your worldview.

  33. 11 months ago

    GlowBlack folk LOVE endless /misc/shit and /b/ tier threads and HATE discussion of anything that fricks their tyrant schemes over.
    Look at The Gatalog, AreWeCoolYet on Odysee or ctrlpew for good designs. Avoid ~~*DEFCAD*~~
    If you can't use a 3d printer, look up Practical Scrap Small Arms (all 22 volumes) or Expedient Homemade Firearms. TM 31-210 has some super ghetto designs as well.

  34. 11 months ago

    Because the ender 3 went from $275 to $99

    And the poorgay that was obsessed over getting one for YEARS finally got one and realized that printed lowers aren’t all that great

    And he realized that $99.99 wasn’t the most expensive part of owning a 3d printer so he’s arguing sitting in his basement starring at an idle printer

    • 11 months ago

      Stratsys or metalx

      Don’t waste your time with enders unless you want to make money off of 90iq average Americans that can’t level a bed or unclog a jam or swap a stepper motor logic board without fricking up

      Then again most Americans are poor so probably will have you repair it and then never pay

      Post metal printer then stormgay lol

  35. 11 months ago

    >Why are there never any 3D printed guns generals/threads?
    Reddit war tourists. Still decent interest for 3d stuff online and everything, just not k rn.

  36. 11 months ago


    I don't own any guns. Never have. Never will.
    But if I did, none of them would have serial numbers.
    just sayin'....

  37. 11 months ago


  38. 11 months ago

    The replies in these threads remind me of the people you read about in the 1960s claiming “aluminum and plastic AR thingamabob? That will get our boys killed in nam!!!”

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