full time RV living?

hello PrepHole. I am seriously considering trying out a year or two living full time in an RV trailer. I do not have much experience, but I've been living in apartments for over ten years and I really hate it. I can't afford a house, and I have always preferred studio apartments.
I have a medium-sized dog but not much else. Is this a stupid idea? I'm not trying to go off-grid, I just like the idea of living in a small space outdoors while still having the option to come into the city.

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  1. 1 year ago

    I've lived on boats for about a year in total. I imagine there's a lot of overlap between the two. The freedom is cool. Being nomadic and able to access the grid pretty readily is very handy. If there's a really harsh cold snap you can just stay in a park with an electric hookup. You can just shit inawoods and at gas stations instead of dealing with septic or composting. The hard part is living in such a confined space. Best way to deal with it is to get rid of as much shit as possible and be super diciplined about what you actually keep. You also need to figure something out for money to pay for gas and upkeep.

    • 1 year ago

      Well I live in Iowa. I'm still doing research, but I'm not sure what my options would be right now besides posting up in the local park for awhile-which is like a 10 minute drive from work.
      I'm not trying to travel necessarily.

      I like the idea of having a trailer instead of a small C class or something so I can unhitch it and take just my truck into town if I need to.

  2. 1 year ago

    What do you tell the girls you pick up?
    >Yep, that's my trailer. This is where I live. No I don't really get any visitors.

    • 1 year ago

      I have thought about that. I'll either have to find a girl that I actually connect with and will think it's interesting or find a sloot and go to her place

    • 1 year ago

      I have thought about that. I'll either have to find a girl that I actually connect with and will think it's interesting or find a sloot and go to her place

      Please do not live your life by the expectations of others or made such large life decisions based on getting laid. When you are 30 and more mature you will regret wasting so much time chasing sex.

      My friend lives in a van and he has not had an issue getting a girlfriend.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not chasing sex, it's just a thought I've had. Im trying to think it all through. It's really not a dealbreaker for me lol

        • 1 year ago

          Good. Follow your dreams. The nomadic lifestyle is becoming much more common, even trendy now.

          • 1 year ago

            From what I understand, all the instagram people are quitting, which I appreciate. My actual dream is to have a tiny house/cabin in the woods and this is the test drive.

      • 1 year ago

        >Please do not live your life by the expectations of others or made such large life decisions based on getting laid. When you are 30 and more mature you will regret wasting so much time chasing sex.
        Hard disagree. If you're 30+ and you have no friends or family because of some vague idea of living independently in your trailer you will be miserable.
        It's entirely a question of where you are in life and you set out for.
        Can you receive friends in your trailer? Can your mom come over? These are things a potential spouse will look for.
        Of course you can be a normal guy who lives in a van. I knew a 10/10 girl who lived with her bf in a van. Especially now that #vanlife is a fashion term.
        But you should only do a hard break with your structured life if you've thought it all through.
        To clarify it's not about getting limited in order to get laid. It's understanding your own wishes for a social life and how these are compatible with your idea.

        • 1 year ago

          You've gone from telling him he won't get laid to saying he will never find a wife or even have friends and that his own family will turn on him and reject him. You've made no argument of substance and have only projected your own shallowness which you seem to think is normal. Imagine having a criteria of material items that all your friends must possess for you to consider them your friend. I work in disability and drug and alcohol rehabilitation you would actually reject the friendship of a disabled person for not having a house. You're the type to spit at the homeless. Go frick yourself.

          • 1 year ago

            I haven't said anything even close to being in the same category to that. You have some deep insecurity issues.

            • 1 year ago

              >If you're 30+ and you have no friends or family because of some vague idea of living independently in your trailer you will be miserable.
              you immediately jumped to
              >no friends or family
              Showing how shallow you are. You're a complete moron.

              • 1 year ago

                I very explicitely pointed out the issue of hosting guests. I said nothing about people disowning you or turning on you for it. Your insecurity complex inserted that part.

              • 1 year ago

                And I called you shallow for basing your potential friendships off of their ability to host you for dinner. How aren't you understanding.

              • 1 year ago

                Because I never claimed they are based on that. All the things you complain about are completely in your head.

              • 1 year ago

                You used it as your primary example for why OP would end up with quote
                >no friends or family

  3. 1 year ago

    Getting laid is like the least of my concerns, I'm not really worried about it, haha.
    Should I buy a shitty used camper and fix it up with no experience or take a small hit and get decent used one for like 10k?

  4. 1 year ago

    i don't know if I implied I don't have friends/family/can't get laid but that is not the case. It just sounds like a fit for me personally and this is not helpful lmao

    • 1 year ago

      I would go the cheap van route over the camper first. Unless you can find a really good price on a camper. Campers are ridiculously expensive here. My friend that lives in a van started with a little cheap one, he did it up himself to live in, after he realized he enjoyed it, he got a bigger one. Then a bigger one and eventually he got himself a sprinter and lives in that now while travelling for work.

      Whatever you do start cheap and learn to DIY most of it yourself. If you enjoy it you will know very quickly and can plan your next step.

      • 1 year ago

        I'll definitely throw that into the consideration, that's interesting. I'm concerned if my dog could stay inside during the day while I'm at work though.

  5. 1 year ago

    legality of parking and get a hitch lock, my dad stole trailers of all kinds

  6. 1 year ago

    problems are
    >you live in a fricking trailer
    >you have to live in a trailer park next to other dropkicks that also live in trailers
    >those dipshits are constantly stealing shit, breaking shit and committing crimes
    >most trailer parks are suffering from the current real estate scam, so eventually you'll be forced to sell your trailer to the park or the park may eventually force you to leave and find somewhere else to park
    >cant just park somewhere on the street cuz you'll get a ticket
    >cant park it at a campground
    >cant take it off-road
    >cant take it onto forest back roads
    as cringe-worthy as "van life" instagram bawds are, there's a reason they do it in vans.
    your next best bet would be to try and get a Work From Home job and then move into ass-frick nowhere into a rural area, but everyone's already doing that to so a 1/16th acre block of land 6 hour's drive from the city goes for 1.2mil now

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