Fuck this Evil Plant

I was outdoors and I guess I got careless and must have come into contact with Posion Ivy on my legs its bassicaly fricks me up bad like leaking itchy sores. I have tried my best to avoid it for years since I had a bad case years back eye swollen shut hands all fricked up. I have learned to use a degreasser soap cold shower and wash all clothes if I think I have been exposed. This evil weed seems to be everywhere can't seem to go off trail or exploring without running into it. What are your strategy's for avoiding it cleaning up from it if you think you have come in contact and treatment if you got a mild to bad case off posion ivy im looking for all info becuse I like going outside but frick this evil demon plant.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    If you are PrepHole enough you build a resistance to ivy.

    • 11 months ago

      My wife insists she isn't affected by poison ivy. Is this true? Is it possible to have a genetic immunity/resistance to it? I've been waiting for the right moment to mix it in with her coffee to see if she is lying or not

      • 11 months ago

        Yes I walk through poison ivy with shorts no problem. Last year I was fishing near a stream and almost fell and grabbed a tree which had a poison ivy vine growing on it which is the most potent form and didn’t get it. I did get it as a kid but found a secret that let me build immunity.

        • 11 months ago

          What's the secret?

          • 11 months ago

            Look up oral tolerance I read an article about people with peanut allergies and it got me thinking. So I got poison ivy and started eating small amounts of it slowly increasing the amount every week. Eventually I was able to eat multiple leaves with no I’ll effect and now I’m immune.

      • 11 months ago

        some people don't react as badly, but funny enough EVERY single person I've ever known who said this shit got it bad shortly after. lol

      • 11 months ago

        I used to get it all the time as a kid, pretty bad. As time went on, I started not getting it. It may be a resistance you build as a kid. I did a lot of ourdoors stuff as a kid. I'll still sometimes get poison oak though.

    • 11 months ago

      Contrary to this post, the more exposure to urushiol you have, the less tolerant you become.

      My wife insists she isn't affected by poison ivy. Is this true? Is it possible to have a genetic immunity/resistance to it? I've been waiting for the right moment to mix it in with her coffee to see if she is lying or not

      I was not effected by poison ivy for the longest time. Once me and my brother as kids raked up all the leafs in a guys yard innawoods, took us days it was tons. Early spring. He didn’t let us know, or didn’t know, that it was infested with poison ivy and it must have been young shoots because we didn’t notice it, and were like 11/10 never cared about poison ivy. My brother got it, not terribly bad but on his legs and arms, but I didn’t get any. Nowadays I’ve gotten a few minor and inconsequential spots on my ankles and hands after a fair bit of accidental contact. I always thought I was “immune”, so when I got some for the first time it prompted me to look it up

  2. 11 months ago

    You sound like an absolute pussy, stay inside homosexual.

  3. 11 months ago
  4. 11 months ago

    extra strength benadryl cooling spray. just had it all over me and that shit stops the itch.

  5. 11 months ago

    I am immune to poison ivy ama.

  6. 11 months ago

    if you find yourself out and realize that you have come into contact with poison ivy, you can find some dirt, particularly something with lots of clay in it, and rub it on the spot where you made contact. Clay is very sticky and will bind up the oils and prevent them from being absorbed into your skin as rapidly. This can buy you time to get home and wash off.

    t. east coast outist

  7. 11 months ago

    I collapsed from heat exhaustion while mountain biking once and when I woke up I was lying shirtless in a patch of poisson ivy, and looking up through it. I didn't get a single bump or itch. I tested this later that summer with poison ivy in my friend's yard, by running a spot on my arm, and again nothin'.

    I'm like a god you guise

  8. 11 months ago

    i hate yt shorts but virginia creeper is a natural antidote to poison ivy and is usually also found nearby

    • 11 months ago

      chinktalk and yt shorts are literally reducing public discourse down into an endless series of self absorbed impressions, and is actually being measured to wreck attention span, working memory, and critical evaluation of information.

      I ain't clickin that shit ni99a

  9. 11 months ago

    It's everywhere here but I've never really paid attention to it and never had problem. Just don't wear shorts when you're off-trail I guess?

  10. 11 months ago

    There is no resistance to poison ivy. I cut wood in the summer and it is everywhere but i refuse to spray because I am a national socialist environmentalist so no herbicide israelite. Ive had it so often but now I know what to do. You need to wash as soon as you can with soap, your whole body. Then you do it again. Dont just wash extra good 1x, do it again, completely. Then again. Wash 3 times. You think you did it right once but you missed and the oil is still on you. Scrub it off with soap 3 times.

    • 11 months ago

      >national socialist environmentalist
      >can’t be immune to poison ivy
      Fake and gay

  11. 11 months ago

    I grew up on a farm and was always outside. I had so much trouble with poison ivy. It was misery. I had to get a shot for it a couple of times.

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