FSB troops capturing a Crocus suspect

Video of FSB troops chasing and apprehending a suspect in the Crocus attack. Commentary of their gear and tactics.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    looks like a pretty bad time
    why wouldn't the terrorists sudoku before this point?

    • 3 months ago

      Doesn't strike me as a hardcore terrorist murderer. Could this just be a random swarthoid the FSB mistook for one of the shooters?

      • 3 months ago

        Could be? The way the guy was screaming doesn’t really communicate hardcore ISIS suicide terror commando. Maybe the FSB just had to grab SOMEONE, anyone, to show the country? Picked out some random brown drug dealer to be a “suspect”? Going by other photos released of him he’s really, really not having a good time. I like how Russia naturally goes straight to thuggery.

        • 3 months ago

          To certain types of people thuggery conveys strength whereas to you and me it conveys weakness. Kinda funny when you think about it.

      • 3 months ago

        They're only hardcore against completely defenseless people. Remember the Abu Hajaar?

      • 3 months ago

        It's no mistake

        FSB grabbed random Tajik from prison, but him in identical clothing, set the confused dude free, and had "elite" commandos apprehending the hapless "terrorist" on bodycam

        Entire thing is set up at last minute to generate narrative of Ukrainian terror attack

        • 3 months ago

          I honestly discounted this because I doubt FSB is competent enough to find indentical clothing

          • 3 months ago

            check his pockets, probably got SIMS 3

            • 3 months ago

              I was on dvach not too long ago and a russian-poster there said the exact same thing.
              Even they are pretty vocal that either Russia bungled this shit, or it's another Moscow Apartment situation.

              • 3 months ago

                Are Russians castigating the initial response to the shooters? Namely Rosgvardia/OMON/SOBR basically not even showing up for a whole hour?

              • 3 months ago

                Its off the cards for anyone on Dvach to speak critically against Russia since it's board policy that any critique of the SVO, MOD, ETC, results in bans and IPs getting handed over. There's less bewilderment over the response and more over the current understanding that some Tajik migrants managed to kill 100+ people in less than half an hour, with the usual accusations of secret HATO training. That being said, I'm seeing a lot of stuff to the general effect of "Why don't we have a second amendment so that shit like this doesn't happen" or "why don't we have a bigger security-apparatus so that shit like this doesn't happen".
                Take a wild guess which one is probably more shill orchestrated. The State narrative definitely lends towards this being used as justifcation for further crackdowns.
                A thread on Dvach for reference is 56836328
                (direct links aren't allowed)

              • 3 months ago

                >why don't we have a bigger security-apparatus
                Typical of Stockholm syndrome victims

              • 3 months ago

                I've seen some peopl complain that homosexual teleports behind babushkas in 5 sec to arrest them for putting flowers in Analny's grave but hour to appear on a terrorist attack scene

              • 3 months ago

                Check the official zigger reddit
                Some of the other threads (posts?) have a bunch of them saying that the FSB is moronic for ignoring the warnings and noting how convenient it is that they found the suspects headed to Ukraine. Just as many say obviously Ukraine did it with CIA isis israelites.
                Also, /misc/ had a few actually organic Russian posts about it yesterday. Lots of Russians saying Putin is a weak cuck for his comments calling Russian multinational “this will not divide us!”

        • 3 months ago

          I strongly suspected a FSB false flag the second I heard of the shooting. It took Putin a long time to say something which made me think it might in fact be real. But then they started to blame Ukraine, and then came out hours later that the suspects were moving towards the Ukrainian border and the Ukrainians had prepared a “window” for them to escape through, and that’s the narrative they seem to be going with now. They’ll probably say, soon, that it was arranged and payed for by Ukrainian GRU or something, maybe even with US support (hence the warning the US gave earlier). They’re already at war with Ukraine so it’s not like this will make them more at war — except it very well might. Maybe this is all to make the Russians of Moscow — basically the only ones who matter politically — accept a general mobilization. They tried a partial mobilization earlier and they freaked the frick out if you recall. So, create a national tragedy and make it a moral necessity to defeat the Ukro-ISIS regime no matter the cost so you have to accept the mobilization summons now.

          • 3 months ago

            >Putin fricked up
            >why not take advantage of the tide to remove gloves
            Tactical genius!

          • 3 months ago

            >Maybe this is all to make the Russians of Moscow — basically the only ones who matter politically — accept a general mobilization.
            Those are the most cynical people of the entire world. They're unlikely to believe this is real and they'll continue with their general apathy towards everything, including mobilisation.
            That's the real problem Putin has, the Russian people don't care. They don't want to fight, not themselves anyway. Which means the soldiers themselves will have no initiative or drive. They can be driven forwards by Chechen barrier troops but the vast majority of them won't advance on their own initiative, won't hold a position if they can retreat, won't be disciplined, won't clean their weapons, won't crap out on watch and go to sleep instead etc..
            Artillery can only do so much to compensate for bad infantry that doesn't give a shit and they have less of that now too.

        • 3 months ago

          I honestly discounted this because I doubt FSB is competent enough to find indentical clothing

          I thought some kind of nu-ISIS group already took responsibility?

          To certain types of people thuggery conveys strength whereas to you and me it conveys weakness. Kinda funny when you think about it.

          There is a saying about how REAL power is the ability to hurt/kill without consequence and choosing not to. The power of violence and the refusal to let you dictate how I behave, something like that.

          • 3 months ago

            I hate newbies.

          • 3 months ago

            Eh, I think it’s more that I grew up with a culture of
            >money talks, wealth whispers
            >Big dogs don’t bark
            >Real Gs move in silence like lasagna
            >Walk softly and carry a big stick
            To me, true power is getting people to do what you want by making them think it’s what they want. It’s never needing anyone to know who you are or how much money you have. It’s saying few words but having every one of them heard

            When I see how Russians act I just see weakness, because only a weak man needs to display physical dominance so habitually

            • 3 months ago

              I'll throw another one at you from several thousand years ago
              >The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting

        • 3 months ago

          And let me guess, he was carrying his absolutely authentic Ukrainian Passport, Ukrainian Army ID card, and handwritten letter from Zelensky ordering him to perform war crimes and that Putin's penis is much larger than his.

        • 3 months ago

          The ISIS released videos have censored faces.
          What if they get so pissed off that their credits was taken away, that they end up releasing uncensored version and videos of the terrorists' statement after they have successfuly escaped lmao.

          • 3 months ago

            do you think ziggers will believe anything? Putin looks like a cuck after his speech and I doubt anything else could make him look worse.

            • 3 months ago

              >do you think ziggers will believe anything?

            • 3 months ago


              >do you think ziggers will believe anything?

              >do you think ziggers will believe anything?
              it's slightly more nuanced than that. Russians don't actually believe everything that's fed to them, but one foundational lie the FSB makes sure Russians do believe is that everybody lies. so they end up thinking the bullshit they put up with is normal everywhere and that they may as well root for the home team, or at least stay apathetic. this is not specific to Russians btw, but that's another can of worms.

          • 3 months ago

            Apparently there’s an uncensored version going around, but I haven’t seen it. Allegedly the censorship was done by some Arab news service

          • 3 months ago

            They've already released a photo of the attackers safe and happy back in wherever the frick they came from, someone posted it in another thread

            • 3 months ago

              did you save it?

              • 3 months ago

                nah, I didnt think to do so at the time

      • 3 months ago

        Man, it would be even more fricked up if the real people who are responsible is still on the loose and planning the second attack shortly after this.

        • 3 months ago

          Isn't funny that we care more about Russian lives than Czar Monkevich does? Half this board wants Russians wiped from the face of the earth and even they're shaking their heads at this clownshow.

          • 3 months ago

            It's almost as though there's a moral through-line between disapproving of a senseless war of conquest and a violent act against random civilians.
            I am sure the FSB's top internet research trolls will be studying this baffling phenomena for years.

            • 3 months ago

              Impossible anon. Everyone knows the West doesn't value human life.

              Not terrorism but Uvalde shooting was especially recent. But even then at the time there were people who still try to kill the shooter and evacuate the victims when the event transpired.

              I'm glad that the school shooting in Tennessee showed those worthless cops at Uvalde what real lawmen looks like. Real American heroes.

              Yeah I read that there were like 600 firefighters there. Horrific shit and sadly I think there's going to be more of it. I hope this doesn't somehow embolden IS to the point we get terror attacks in the west again.

              Yeah this is the shit I would not wish on my worst enemy.

      • 3 months ago

        they know they have the wrong guy, the just don't care
        The "suspect" is screaming because he knows what comes next

        • 3 months ago

          Clothing matches for one of the guys in the video, Kahki shirt and black pants. Not conclusive, but it's a better link than the guy they cut the ear off of.

          • 3 months ago

            Finding matching clothes for the scapegoats is more effort than I'd expect from Putins FSB, but not something they haven't done in the past

      • 3 months ago

        see for yourselves

        • 3 months ago

          why weren't they wearing suicide belts?

          I can't believe that those were the same cold blooded jihadists who were beheading people killing women and children.
          Also they had the time to upload all this footage while they were fleeing?

    • 3 months ago

      Because he's not the terrorist you fool. They grabbed some random tajiks and drove them out to the forest to make fake videos

    • 3 months ago

      Because it's just random dudes FSB decided could be passed as terrorists.

  2. 3 months ago

    I don't believe this. He killed 16 Czechoslovakians; guy was an interior decorator.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago




    • 3 months ago

      His looked like shit

    • 3 months ago

      You sure? His house looked like shit.

    • 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    It literally looks like they ran down a random unarmed churka in the woods and beat him
    Which, based, but am I supposed to believe this is one of the terrorists

    • 3 months ago

      >I am a rabbit. My mother and father were rabbits.

  4. 3 months ago

    All of them are using chink/airsoft tier multicam.

  5. 3 months ago

    > not a bunch of thugs, very professional

  6. 3 months ago

    >This timeline is so crazy that im actually support ISIS killing r*ssians
    I want off this crazy ride Mr Bones

    • 3 months ago

      Pitting barbarians against each other in bloodsport for our spectating pleasure? We're truly getting back to the roots of civilized society here. How elegant.

    • 3 months ago

      At this point it's just kinda funny. After Russia's been doing ISIS-tier shit for 2+ years, the real deal shows up and mows down Muscovites with total ease while Russia's finest are busy getting trenchfoot in a muddy hole at some podunk Ukrainian hovel (population 13 and a mule).
      Meanwhile they were warned by *multiple* countries, had close to zero security still, took a fricking hour to respond even though their special forces office was across the street of the concert hall, and are now magically catching multiple of these suicidal islamic zealots alive within 48 hours which never fricking happens.
      Hell, fricking ISIS had to release bodycam footage like they're the LAPD to prove they actually did it because the Gremlin of the Kremlin couldn't stop trying to push this one as Ukronazi terror.

  7. 3 months ago

    Actually, maybe thuggery is exactly the right way to deal with browns? The aggressive ones anyway. Maybe the terror of being hurt is the form of emotional communication that works with them vs normal empathy? Also could you imagine the media screeching if this were Israeli security forces running down a Palestinian?

    • 3 months ago

      i wouldn't suggest it, i grew up in a country where thuggery was a communication medium. All it leads to is adult men with "high-school" level emotional development.

      • 3 months ago

        >adult men with "high-school" level emotional development.
        uh where do you think you are, buddy?

    • 3 months ago

      Problem is that they didn't immobilise and cuff the suspect, then give him a thorough search- these guys 'are' terrorists they could be wired up to pop or have any kind of bullshit going on. Like for a few seconds there his hands were in reach of the guys machinegun on the sling and that goes off its going to get interesting for everyone.
      Brutality is generally something you want to avoid as a first-option
      Mostly because it does tend to condition troops to behaving in a way which isn't in their best interests, if you're first response is punching a homie in the face instead of a proper detention, then you're now open to the possibility of them acting up. Its not that people don't understand a universal punch in the face or a rifle stock to the dome most of the time, but its risky.

      • 3 months ago

        >if you're first response is punching a homie
        how about slapping the ass?

        • 3 months ago

          In some parts of the world a proper spanking can cost some discrete money to a well built lady
          Not sure I'd want Ivan and a cricket bat doing it though

          There doesn't seem to be a safe word either

  8. 3 months ago

    FSB chekists always mock US intelligence because it's leaky but for the last few years it has all been 'I warned you bro' to its allies and enemies alike

    • 3 months ago

      >Ukraine, bro, you about to be invaded
      >Russia, bro, you're about to be ISISed
      What's next? Alien invasion of Moscow warning?

    • 3 months ago

      Putin said the warning was an effort to terrorize Russia lol. Got clowned on as usual. I wonder how embarrassed his FSB chief is.

      • 3 months ago

        nothing will happen to FSB chief, otherwise it'll make Putin look like incompetent idiot. Making it about Ukraine and totally forgetting that USA warned them is what they'll do.

        • 3 months ago

          Russians and Chinks never learn. They always self-sabotage.

        • 3 months ago

          This whole thing will be memoryholed just like the Wagner wiggle.
          Seriously, when was the last time Russians mentioned that? This will be the same

          • 3 months ago

            I think the bullshit gets memoryholed faster. Remember the POWs on the plane? I haven't heard anything about it either.

            • 3 months ago

              there was a funeral of the Crew recently
              of course no Mentions of any POWs so the russian state also already forgot about their narrative

          • 3 months ago

            I think the bullshit gets memoryholed faster. Remember the POWs on the plane? I haven't heard anything about it either.

            they dont get memoryholed, just filtered and replaced with a new layer of diarrhea. Its part of their "firehose of bullshit" tactics they are oh so proud of. Pic related

            • 3 months ago

              This is why it was so important that RT get kicked out of so many markets. You get as many stories out there as quickly as possible. If one sticks, great, but more than anything the goal is to create confusion. The key is drowning out voices trying to take a more measured approach to a situation. Before a good faith actor has had a time to put out one statement on events, there's already half a dozen others floating around.
              They do it every fricking time and people never learn.

              • 3 months ago

                Abusers do this too btw.
                >he raped me

                >NO SHE WANTED IT
                >SHE RAPED HIM
                >IT DIDN'T HAPPEN LIKE THAT
                >NO RAPE HAPPENED
                >NO SEX HAPPENED

                And by the time, 3 years later, the dude gets sentenced to 10 years for raping her, everyone "moves on" and pretends it "never happened" and you get the point. It's a classic manipulation tactic.

              • 3 months ago

                Imagine being pro censorship on PrepHole of all places baka

              • 3 months ago

                Maybe stop denying shit like MH17 and Bucha and you won't get people virulently opposed to your presence?

              • 3 months ago

                If you want to eat Kremlin ass that badly you can still get RT online most places. It was just a mistake to treat it as anything other than what it is, a foreign tool of influence of little value to anyone other than those controlling it.

              • 3 months ago

                Being against disinformation and propaganda that gets people killed isn't being pro-censorship you manipulative dirty Russian rat.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not pro censorship it's a anti spam Stance.

                That's mildly terrifying. Something like Russians hacking a random western company is bad enough but the NSA just casually saying, 'lol reinstall windows trust me cya' is just on a level uncomfortably close to divine intervention.

                It's not that super uncommon. The lowest for of this is the ISP letter that states:" hey you fricking moronic your DNS or server is configuration is absolutely dog shit. It being use for amplification attacks or email spam. Jesus Christ please fix your shit heap. It's more riddled with std than your mum. Please fix your shit. Here is a document with industry best practices read it. Thank you.

                Ps. Please do it or let your army of sirs do it. Thx again your isp and frick you"

      • 3 months ago

        Would you trust the Americans if you were Russian. Why in the frick would they want to help you?

        • 3 months ago

          They have a global surveillance network and satellites that can pick up cell phone calls and pagers in the mountains of Afghanistan. If they call you up and tell you that there's an IS cell actively plotting attacks in your capital city generally you listen.

          The NSA does a similar thing for western countries believe it or not. They will call up the IT directors at random companies, tell them to wipe all their domain controllers and shit, and if you don't listen (they will provide no evidence or hints about anything) you get hit by a Russian/Chinese/North Korean government sanctioned ransomware attack like a week later.

          It's bad thing for Russia but you are acting as if it's a paradigm shit while European states had to adapt to terror attacks from within and from neighbouring regions since 2010s.

          There is way bigger chance that terrorists will enter Europe through Mediterranean sea than through border with Russia.
          In terms of Islamic terrorism Sahel is way more dangerous to Europe than a fricking IS Khorasan Province.

          I'm not saying it's a paradigm shift. Holy frick are you so underaged that you don't remember the curbstomping of ISIS/ISIL?

          • 3 months ago

            Again why would they help Russia?

            • 3 months ago

              They’re legally obligated to under US law. Yes really. They did the same thing for iran before the suicide bombing of the funeral.

            • 3 months ago

              It's called duty to warn. Basically if you know a terror attack is about to happen and there's no good reason not to notify the target you have to reach out and tell them. You can trust that the US doesn't tell Russia shit about Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod or whatever but in this case they kinda do have to warn them, it's a bunch of civilians being targeted by a terror group that has nothing to do with Ukraine and is an enemy of the west also.


              In my 2nd tour of Afghan, it was pretty hot there still. But the locals on our side knew if they had any trouble with people fricking messing with them, they could let us know and we'd be there in about 5-10min. We were not cops by any stretch of the imagination (thank god... worst cops ever) however. We could still expect anything from an IED on the way or an ambush once we got there and more than enough bad guys who could shoot straight enough that it wasn't considered a warning shot.

              Not off the top of my head.
              I mean people can quote Uvalde or whatever its called in the US, but I don't have a lot of respect for fat, doughnut chewing, yokel cops to begin with.
              Even if there wasn't a direct engagement of a terrorist force, what you'd do is get the first responders out there to isolate the area so no one gets in, no bad guys get out and if your services have any kind of brains they'll either send in a quick, hard hitting group of dudes to sort their shit out, or in a slower case, some kind of negotiation if no ones getting shot.
              But you've got to isolate
              Otherwise there could be a rat-run of other bad guys running in there with more ammo and bombs

              Or you know
              They just drive the frick away to the Belarus border!
              >pic thanks to last anon in the other thread last night

              The most important part of this sort of shit is getting there and making contact, exactly. Make contact, contain them or at least keep them in the area (as you'd know any sort of shootout at all slows an enemy force down significantly), then figure out your options.

              Just sitting far outside going "hmm well I guess we can figure stuff out slowly... No need to rush..." while eating donuts and stroking each others dicks is a fricking stupid idea and gets people killed. As stupid as I think a lot of soldiers are at least they've, culturally, got it right in that sense.

              >I'm not saying it's a paradigm shift. Holy frick are you so underaged that you don't remember the curbstomping of ISIS/ISIL?
              You started herpderping after I asked what difference does it make for Europe if Muslims are running in Syria or Russia.
              It's just another shithole on the long list but it doesn't change the equation.
              Especially since Russia is way more stable than people ITT make it appear - russoids are sloppy but can adapt quickly, it's not like this attack will cause a fricking 10years civil war.

              You're an idiot, I'm done with you moron.

            • 3 months ago

              If you're running on more than 3 brain cells its for good fricking reasons-
              >no one likes ISIS, frick those guys
              >its deniability, we fricking told you it was ISIS, you didn't listen
              >it is reciprocated from Russia, they don't want to be blamed either

              • 3 months ago

                Anon for all we know right now America was behind this. They’re already sending weapons that are going to kill Russians.

              • 3 months ago

                That would be up to Russia to prove that it was Americans
                At the moment, just hearsay and military support for a country being invaded by Russia and confirmed by ISIS-K with video footage and official statements from them 'it was us'

                This is an old war, an old grudge and Russia has had a litany of islamic attacks over the last 35 years

            • 3 months ago

              Because they're not barbaric subhumans that imagine they're at war with the world. You're that Black person in a basket being carried by Uncle Sam in the White Man's Burden picture and you don't even realize it.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry is this a different America we’re talking about?

              • 3 months ago

                You're just proving my point, Vanya

          • 3 months ago

            >I'm not saying it's a paradigm shift. Holy frick are you so underaged that you don't remember the curbstomping of ISIS/ISIL?
            You started herpderping after I asked what difference does it make for Europe if Muslims are running in Syria or Russia.
            It's just another shithole on the long list but it doesn't change the equation.
            Especially since Russia is way more stable than people ITT make it appear - russoids are sloppy but can adapt quickly, it's not like this attack will cause a fricking 10years civil war.

          • 3 months ago

            That's mildly terrifying. Something like Russians hacking a random western company is bad enough but the NSA just casually saying, 'lol reinstall windows trust me cya' is just on a level uncomfortably close to divine intervention.

          • 3 months ago

            >The NSA does a similar thing for western countries believe it or not. They will call up the IT directors at random companies, tell them to wipe all their domain controllers and shit, and if you don't listen (they will provide no evidence or hints about anything) you get hit by a Russian/Chinese/North Korean government sanctioned ransomware attack like a week later.
            What, so I can just call up companies and go "Hi this is Agent Bob at the NSA, you need to delete system32 right now, 'k thnx bye" and there's a better than average chance they'll do it?

            • 3 months ago

              No, like you get an actual phone call from someone who you know for a fact works at the NSA and they talk you through something important. It's one of those things that people don't say formally or in public but gets mentioned when you talk to them in private.

        • 3 months ago

          >What is Duty to Warn
          Unlike Russhits we are obligated to do this at least

    • 3 months ago

      There is something truly astonishing about the fact that we've ended up in the timeline where the CIA is trying to occasionally do people a solid just because it's the right thing to do, any everyone else is just ignoring them.

      • 3 months ago

        >CIA is trying to occasionally do people a solid just because it's the right thing to do, any everyone else is just ignoring them.
        I wonder if it bummed them out.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe so, but I bet all the people behind shit like Gitmo are going all 'I told you so' at Langley right now. I would.

      • 3 months ago

        >CIA is trying to occasionally do people a solid just because it's the right thing to do, any everyone else is just ignoring them.
        I wonder if it bummed them out.

        >In July 2015, then–Director of National Intelligence James Clapper formally issued a directive to the agencies of the United States Intelligence Community that they had a "duty to warn" both U.S. and non-U.S. persons of impending harm against them. The directive included exemptions for occasions that required the protection of sensitive "sources and methods," cases where the intended victim was a member of a terrorist group or a violent criminal, or if the intended victim was already aware of the threat. Many U.S. intelligence agencies had informally observed such a practice for decades before Clapper's directive.[27]

        Putin can't wrap his head around nuance. To him USA = bad guy. He can't see that different factions have different policies, and USA does not outright engage in perfidity.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ukraine, bro, you about to be invaded
      >Russia, bro, you're about to be ISISed
      What's next? Alien invasion of Moscow warning?

      There is something truly astonishing about the fact that we've ended up in the timeline where the CIA is trying to occasionally do people a solid just because it's the right thing to do, any everyone else is just ignoring them.

      these posts just inspired a thought:

      I wonder if Israel was warned ahead of time about hamas staging a slaughter festival prior to Oct 7th.

      • 3 months ago

        >Israel was warned ahead of time about hamas staging a slaughter festival prior to Oct 7th.
        Yes, by themselves.

      • 3 months ago

        Not sure if any other states caught anything and passed it, but it's pretty well documented at this point that Israeli intelligence dropped the ball hard.
        Observation posts that literally exist to keep an eye on Gaza from afar and make note of anything of interest saw them rehearsing fence breaches and altering regular behaviour in concerning ways and it all got ignored. Their brass looked at it and said 'yeah but c'mon, it's Hamas' and ignored it.
        I promise you half the motivation for how hard they've gone into Gaza is to keep the focus on the response and not fact-finding about how it happened to begin with, because heads are going to fricking roll.

        • 3 months ago

          >Their brass looked at it and said 'yeah but c'mon, it's Hamas' and ignored it.
          This is a really important thing to emphasize. I read about a neighborhood watch-like group that listened to Hamas radios (they were unencrypted and close enough to pick up apparently), noticed that they were clearly rehearsing for something, told the Israeli police/military/intelligence/whatever, and were told to stop whining about it.

        • 3 months ago

          Yes, I'm aware of all that. But it boggles the mind that the CIA/U.S. intelligence didn't pick up on a hamas operation two decades in the making ... and the Duty to Warn doctrine (apart from Israel being America's Closest Friend) makes it an impossible stretch that the info was NOT shared with Israel.

          The logic chain goes:
          1) could the CIA have missed that hamas was about to conduct the Ocy 7th massacre?
          2) seems incredibly unlikely
          3) having this info, would the CIA have warned Israel?
          4) sure as fricking shit they would have
          5) Bibi knew ahead of time
          6) and let it happen anyway

          Did that happen? It needs in-depth investigation, and the Whitehouse needs to be asked these questions in public in front of the cameras. Because, the more you think about it, it's almost impossible it didn't happen that way.

          It wasn't a "mistake" that Israel missed it. Nobody's having an easy time thinking that right now, and most people haven't been able to on and since Oct 7th. What this train of thought is all about: it doesn't seem credible that the CIA completely missed it entirely. Especially of they caught this attack in moscow & warned monke ... the hamas operation was just too frickhuge to have been missed by anyone, let alone the CIA.

          Missing it wasn't a "mistake" by anyone. Bibi knew.

          • 3 months ago

            >he thinks the CIA and US intelligence are the same thing
            Fricking animal.

            • 3 months ago

              >ESL reading comprehension FAIL
              Frick off and go lick your poofinger.

              I wonder if the US was warned about 9/11 ahead of time?

              It's well-documented that the U.S. knew at least a year before 9/11 that it was being planned and imminent and by who. Stop being a dishonest fricktard.

          • 3 months ago

            >Why didn't US Intelligence do our job for us in a place that has absolutely no interests for them?????
            Gee anon I just don't know. Not everything is a conspiracy, people and organizations make truly massive blunders sometimes. This was one of them.

      • 3 months ago

        I wonder if the US was warned about 9/11 ahead of time?

      • 3 months ago

        They got multiple credible specific warnings from allies and frene-enemies like Egypt and other Arabs. The Israeli just never expected attack on a holiday.



      • 3 months ago

        >I wonder if Israel was warned ahead of time about hamas staging a slaughter festival prior to Oct 7th.

        Egypt sussed something out, just not the details and told Israel. Nothing was done or taken seriously.

        Yes, I'm aware of all that. But it boggles the mind that the CIA/U.S. intelligence didn't pick up on a hamas operation two decades in the making ... and the Duty to Warn doctrine (apart from Israel being America's Closest Friend) makes it an impossible stretch that the info was NOT shared with Israel.

        The logic chain goes:
        1) could the CIA have missed that hamas was about to conduct the Ocy 7th massacre?
        2) seems incredibly unlikely
        3) having this info, would the CIA have warned Israel?
        4) sure as fricking shit they would have
        5) Bibi knew ahead of time
        6) and let it happen anyway

        Did that happen? It needs in-depth investigation, and the Whitehouse needs to be asked these questions in public in front of the cameras. Because, the more you think about it, it's almost impossible it didn't happen that way.

        It wasn't a "mistake" that Israel missed it. Nobody's having an easy time thinking that right now, and most people haven't been able to on and since Oct 7th. What this train of thought is all about: it doesn't seem credible that the CIA completely missed it entirely. Especially of they caught this attack in moscow & warned monke ... the hamas operation was just too frickhuge to have been missed by anyone, let alone the CIA.

        Missing it wasn't a "mistake" by anyone. Bibi knew.

        US Intelligence isn't all seeing they have no interest in Gaza so they have nothing there, and it's what Israel's intelligence is supposed to be doing. Gaza produces nothing, and it's a closed prison camp. Egypt and Israel monitor it.

        • 3 months ago

          >they have no interest in Gaza so they have nothing there
          Couldn't you have said something more believable, like pigs fly?

          • 3 months ago

            What does Gaza produce? Other than misery? It has no industrial base. It's not part of USA's strategic interests. And USA outsources "keeping tabs on Gaza" to Israel. That's Israel's domain.

            USA is big, rich, and has a lot of resources but it's not infinite. If Gazans attack someone it's gonna be against Egypt or Israel.

            • 3 months ago

              >not keeping an eye on things other countries want to keep an eye on
              You are being intentionally stupid or are just stupid. Pick one.

  9. 3 months ago

    the FSB has reportedly like captured 15 of these terrorists at this point even though there were only like 5

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe someone supplied them with weapons, ammo and did logistics?
      >nah only 5 shooters fsb lied

      • 3 months ago

        Color me surprised when an agency known for propaganda is hard to trust.

    • 3 months ago

      And everyone confessed xD

    • 3 months ago

      Five shooters, a roof team, transportation

  10. 3 months ago

    Holy shit, rifles with optics! Don't see that every day in good ol' Russia.

  11. 3 months ago

    What's the point of beating that guy when he is already down and captured? They won't get anything but screams from him lile that. Incompetent.
    Anyway do you have the video where FSB cut the guys ear off and make him eat it?

  12. 3 months ago

    Let me get this straight.
    >terrorists massacre like a hundred people in a venue
    >set the whole place on fire
    >they just walk away
    >no nationwide manhunt
    >they just happen to find them here and there
    >they are not armed, don't resists and don't try to commit suicide
    Seems legit

    • 3 months ago

      I consider it possible that these men expected to die in the attacks and when they didn't found they had little plan and moreover were not prepared to kill themselves as they expected to die by the enemy

      • 3 months ago

        So even they didn't think Russian security would be that incompetent. If that's true, I wonder what they were talking about when they realized Russians were not coming lol.

        Never trust a Russian to kill you I guess.

      • 3 months ago

        They waited too long for the response so they just took off. The mix of the adrenaline pumping after all that action and the blueballing when they realized they were actually doing too well nobody tries to kill them must've been crazy.

        • 3 months ago

          So even they didn't think Russian security would be that incompetent. If that's true, I wonder what they were talking about when they realized Russians were not coming lol.

          Never trust a Russian to kill you I guess.

          >try to martyr yourself
          >cops never show up
          this new season of curb your enthusiasm is crazy

    • 3 months ago

      Its pretty fricking weird, but maybe not the weirdest when you consider they did most of the damage in 30 minutes.
      By this stage in a real country and not a failed state, you'd be picking some cops out of your arse in 15minutes, then the heavy hitters come in and you're dead at 30
      Except 30min go by and they've more or less still alive for some reason, 45mins go by and well, frick it and just leave!
      60 minutes go by
      The cops actually turned up!

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah the weirdest thing is that this is relatively simple as far as combat goes in Russia. No more than 10 people, body armor and small arms, in a well defined area, no armored vehicles or artillery or mortars or anything. Yet they still fricked it up.
        Even the US would have struggled with an incident like Beslan (since the hostages make it difficult and there's just so many terrorists) but this was like 5 people. How the frick do they think they're going to deal with the Ukrainian Army sending SOF into Belgorod when they can't handle a few moronic IS terrorists?

        • 3 months ago

          In my 2nd tour of Afghan, it was pretty hot there still. But the locals on our side knew if they had any trouble with people fricking messing with them, they could let us know and we'd be there in about 5-10min. We were not cops by any stretch of the imagination (thank god... worst cops ever) however. We could still expect anything from an IED on the way or an ambush once we got there and more than enough bad guys who could shoot straight enough that it wasn't considered a warning shot.

          The police response time is crazy.
          Was there any terror attack in the west that took that long?

          Not off the top of my head.
          I mean people can quote Uvalde or whatever its called in the US, but I don't have a lot of respect for fat, doughnut chewing, yokel cops to begin with.
          Even if there wasn't a direct engagement of a terrorist force, what you'd do is get the first responders out there to isolate the area so no one gets in, no bad guys get out and if your services have any kind of brains they'll either send in a quick, hard hitting group of dudes to sort their shit out, or in a slower case, some kind of negotiation if no ones getting shot.
          But you've got to isolate
          Otherwise there could be a rat-run of other bad guys running in there with more ammo and bombs

          Or you know
          They just drive the frick away to the Belarus border!
          >pic thanks to last anon in the other thread last night

      • 3 months ago

        The police response time is crazy.
        Was there any terror attack in the west that took that long?

        • 3 months ago

          Not terrorism but Uvalde shooting was especially recent. But even then at the time there were people who still try to kill the shooter and evacuate the victims when the event transpired.

          • 3 months ago

            >first 911 call 11.30 am
            >three UPD officers at the school by 11.35 am
            >several shit happens (moronic levels)
            >suspect shot and killed at 12:50 pm
            That's not a bad response time (5 minutes) but their execution on the site was atrocious.

            • 3 months ago

              5 minutes is fricking atrocious actually. The standard is 3 minutes or less.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, I agree with you now.
                When compared to this, the russian response time is definitely shit lol

              • 3 months ago

                You're a fricking moron and sadly I think you'll only see the light when a terror attack happens in a western country. Thankfully there are police services and intelligence agencies that aren't filled with morons like you.

                Yes, 5 minutes is the end of the bell curve. 2-3 minutes is more common, and a goal to meet. This is how it works for literally every life or death situation in emergency services. Why are you simping for the Uvalde police department?

                Oh my apologies you were comparing Uvalde/western response times to the Russians. Yeah, true, I suppose. Sorry anon. I'm just sick of bootlickers trying to convince others that Ulvade wasn't a generational frickup that should have gotten several hundred people arrested for negligence and manslaughter.

              • 3 months ago

                No problem anon. I actually learned something from searching up the data, so thank you.

              • 3 months ago

                And yeah for any big city (which Moscow is, I suppose, under some definitions) you should have a SWAT team on staff 24/7 that, although maybe specialized for stuff like domestics and drug raids, is still capable of doing 1 on 1 direct action against terrorists. Most cities of 2 million+ generally have at least a few cops at any given time driving around with training and the necessary kit in their cars, even in shitty countries like Sweden, the UK or Australia, with everyone else at base/on standby ready to jump in the specialized vans and head out.

                To just sit there for 30 minutes to an hour and do literally nothing is actually criminal.

            • 3 months ago

              Atrocious is a royal understatement and that entire towns political diaspora is being rightfully lambasted

              • 3 months ago

                >entire towns political diaspora is being rightfully lambasted
                > "lambasted"
                Not "gaddafied." And that right there is the craven disgrace.

        • 3 months ago

          a precious amount of time was wasted at the bataclan terror attack because they couldn't decide whether the BRI or the GIGN should go in. I think a common cop took it upon himself to start clearing but by this time the damage was done

    • 3 months ago

      The FSB also immediately began torturing them on camera. This video cuts it off but they cut off his ear and fed it to him. Another guy apparently had his eyelid removed. Also they’ve already confessed to being paid to do this and were waiting for half a mil rubles onto a card. Also they’re from turkey
      The common man currently believes this is an Mi6 plot

      • 3 months ago

        The Boris Johnson Clone Army is at it again I see.

      • 3 months ago

        In case you think I’m joking

        • 3 months ago

          I will never understand roossoid obsession with UK

          • 3 months ago

            UK warned Stalin about the invasion but was sure it was a plot. They just never learn.

          • 3 months ago

            Every russian troop freezing in the trenches fears the day the unstoppable Boris Johnson super soldier finds him.

            • 3 months ago

              >Survived war with one less leg, go home to wifu
              >You have been gone 2 years
              >You have 2 new kids!
              >Boris Johnson wiping wiener on the curtain and jumps out the bedroom window

          • 3 months ago

            Overall historically or currently? Currently it stems from the UK giving asylum to Litvinenko. You know, accused Putin of being a pedo and got radioactive tea for that? Putin is still not over it.
            Historically, basically any war with those two involved. My personal favorite of course is the Crimean War. Thin Red Line, both Brigades Charges... Just cavalry kino all around.

            • 3 months ago

              They’ve also been some of the most vocal in their support for Ukraine

        • 3 months ago

          I'm offended as an American at the implication the Br*tish are better at destabilizing countries than we are. TZD can't come soon enough.

          I will never understand roossoid obsession with UK

          Something something Crimean War.

          • 3 months ago

            >the implication the Br*tish are better at destabilizing countries than we are
            Balfour Declaration.

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            I'm offended as an American at the implication the Br*tish are better at destabilizing countries than we are. TZD can't come soon enough.
            Something something Crimean War.

            I will never understand roossoid obsession with UK

            That reddit is seriously mega schizo, it’s great. Some vatniks were spamming it here a couple months ago and now I check it during happenings. Where else would you get gems like this? Even /misc/ isn’t this moronic

            It’s like /misc/ and YouTube comments section had a fetal alcohol syndrome baby

            • 3 months ago

              those are usually bots. we've known for a long time that russia operates troll farms that try to makes that kind bullshit sound like organic opinions.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah I don’t think that reddit is mostly bots. Why would you use bots in a space you control? It’s like saying telegram milbloggers are bots
                There are a couple bots in that thread tho. Also, they ban any post that contains the word “you” if your karma isn’t high enough, whatever that means.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why would you use bots in a space you control

              • 3 months ago

                >Why would you use bots in a space you control?
                seriously? why do you think you're posting that shit here in the first place?

              • 3 months ago

                >Why would you use bots in a space you control?
                Really? K, I'll bite. Its not only about moderating the space and thus banning dissenting opinions, its also about creating the illusion of widespread support with randoms that happen across it and dont sway both ways. Spreading bullshit is done with the shotgun method, trying to hit as many targets as possible.

                See pringles great prank towards moscow on places like /misc/. For whole two days zigger activity dropped to near zero as the unironic bot farms (documented and caught numerous times), both organic and scripted, were in a disarray on what to do. Only very few diehards were still posting pro-vatnik shit. /chug/ went from being the usually most active general to fifth or six in activity. While /uhg/ remained where it was as alternating between second and third place.

                Then when Pringles cucked out suddenly they were back like a flood with full force. As its well known his subsidiaries operated the official state copeganda farms

              • 3 months ago

                Happened here on /k/ too. 10x boost in quality, threads were lasting hours with good posts, and mods only removed threads when they were clogging up the board (like the 8th one when there's already 3 active). Then everything "settled down" and suddenly we were all nafo troony homosexual cuck Black person israelites again. It was like someone unplugged the internet of all 15 year old /misc/ users.

              • 3 months ago

                pol was a mistake then, now its just the degenerate third world chimpout zone

              • 3 months ago

                Just delete the board without warning at this point.

        • 3 months ago

          Shit like this is why I just assume anything anyone posts on reddit is in some way bait.
          I find it easier to believe that they're all trying to frick with everyone else in an unspoken elaborate game than I do actually thinking they believe anything they say.

        • 3 months ago

          >the quran says to fight the disbelievers
          >the hadith say to fight the disbelievers
          >the classical islamic scholars all agree that they say to fight the disbelievers
          >isis quotes all of these extensively to explain why they fight the disbelievers
          >this is somehow the west's fault

      • 3 months ago

        >Also they’re from turkey
        I heard one of them entered Russia through Turkey but are they Turkish citizens tho? I got the impression that you implied that just wanted to clarify.

        • 3 months ago

          Nah when I said from turkey I meant the accusation is that at least one came from turkey, not that he’s a Tyürkyik national or anything.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh ok got that, thanks fren.

  13. 3 months ago

    Also…isn’t 133+ dead just WAY THE FRICK TOO MANY? How did they get such a ridiculously high score?

    • 3 months ago

      All the headlines yesterday were saying 40 dead, but about 130 or so wounded. I find it hard to believe that nearly a hundred more people died overnight. It IS Russia though, I wouldn't be surprised if EMS and hospitals accidentally killed some people.

      • 3 months ago

        Ngl bro death numbers going up in the 24 hours after some sort of catastrophe is very normal. The shit that’s fake is when Hamas for example immediately says 609 babies died in the explosion that happened 30 minutes ago.

      • 3 months ago

        The man in charge of treating the victims.

    • 3 months ago

      The fire collapsed the roof of the concert hall entirely. Some Inglorious Basterds shit.

      • 3 months ago

        >Indigenous Buryats

    • 3 months ago

      All the headlines yesterday were saying 40 dead, but about 130 or so wounded. I find it hard to believe that nearly a hundred more people died overnight. It IS Russia though, I wouldn't be surprised if EMS and hospitals accidentally killed some people.

      Guys the theater burnt down and they were going around shooting people in the head before that. They likely hadn't found the bodies yesterday and are now trying to slowly creep up the death number to avoid looking bad.

      • 3 months ago

        My mistake, I hadn't heard the roof collapsed. Jesus Christ that's awful.

        Ngl bro death numbers going up in the 24 hours after some sort of catastrophe is very normal. The shit that’s fake is when Hamas for example immediately says 609 babies died in the explosion that happened 30 minutes ago.

        Yeah I completely discounted the post attack body finding.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I read that there were like 600 firefighters there. Horrific shit and sadly I think there's going to be more of it. I hope this doesn't somehow embolden IS to the point we get terror attacks in the west again.

          • 3 months ago

            Countries in Wect normally dont send most of the police force to active warzone

            • 3 months ago

              Anon, IS getting into a destabilized Russia, ESPECIALLY THE CAUCASUS, and pilfering it for troops and equipment is a bad thing for literally everyone. RPG-7s and AK-74s being thrown about like candy is a bad thing for literally every country in the world with the exception of the US, since in most countries you can't just walk into a store and buy an explosive or buy shit like tannerite online. IS having access to reasonably modern military stockpiles and a way to smuggle them into other countries is a really, really bad thing.

              Impossible anon. Everyone knows the West doesn't value human life.
              I'm glad that the school shooting in Tennessee showed those worthless cops at Uvalde what real lawmen looks like. Real American heroes.
              Yeah this is the shit I would not wish on my worst enemy.

              I really hope we don't see attacks in Ukraine also.

              • 3 months ago

                You are overreacting.
                From European standpoint what difference does it make if there are armed jihadists in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Syria or Russia.

              • 3 months ago

                You're a fricking moron and sadly I think you'll only see the light when a terror attack happens in a western country. Thankfully there are police services and intelligence agencies that aren't filled with morons like you.

                Okay, I agree with you now.
                When compared to this, the russian response time is definitely shit lol

                Yes, 5 minutes is the end of the bell curve. 2-3 minutes is more common, and a goal to meet. This is how it works for literally every life or death situation in emergency services. Why are you simping for the Uvalde police department?

              • 3 months ago

                Tell me what qualitative difference does it make compared to the fricking war in Syria, Lybia or Sahel.

              • 3 months ago

                You're a clown. I guarantee you were not 18 in the 2013 to 2016 period.

              • 3 months ago

                Answer the question you hysterical spastic.

              • 3 months ago

                Shut the frick up moron. If you can't see how IS running amock in Russia during a major war is a bad thing you don't deserve to be able to post.

              • 3 months ago

                No problem anon. I actually learned something from searching up the data, so thank you.

                It's bad thing for Russia but you are acting as if it's a paradigm shit while European states had to adapt to terror attacks from within and from neighbouring regions since 2010s.

                There is way bigger chance that terrorists will enter Europe through Mediterranean sea than through border with Russia.
                In terms of Islamic terrorism Sahel is way more dangerous to Europe than a fricking IS Khorasan Province.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re genuinely underage anon

              • 3 months ago

                Chechens getting ISIS treatment. Yes please. Imagine watching a brutal ISIS execution video, but it's Kadyrov and his kids. I'd cum.

          • 3 months ago

            Terrorists go for soft targets
            The reason we stopped seeing attacks in the west is not because they don't want to hit us anymore, its because they can't. So long as there is an easier target than the west those poor bastards will eat it instead

            • 3 months ago

              >we stopped seeing attacks in the west
              There was an Islamist attack in Brussels last year. There will certainly be attempted attacks on the Olympics and possibly on Eurovision this year (but I suspect Eurovision will be handled by the softer side of Hamas IE western useful idiots)
              Europe seems to be trying to keep details on the attacks from being circulated in part to prevent them being used to inflame tensions

            • 3 months ago

              No, it's because IS/ISIL/ISIS got actually fricking destroyed. They did not have the financial base and command structure to do competent overseas ops. Anyone who was actually around during that period remembers IS taking so many casualties that even their press releases and video editing took a plunge in quality. The US and a dozen other countries were doing daily bombing raids and murdering IS troops left and right.

              Seriously you people have to be underaged.

              • 3 months ago

                By the way
                >From August 2014 to August 2015, coalition aircraft flew a total of 45,259 sorties, with the U.S. Air Force flying the majority (67%) and dropped more than 5,600 bombs, the Royal Air Force conducted 30% of the airstrikes.
                123 sorties a day. 15 bombs a day. That's in addition to the shit they were doing on the ground (they had SOF advisors attached to Iraqi forces in Fallujah for example) and I don't think that counts shit like AC-130 operations.

                I don't get how so many people have memoryholed ISIS/ISIL attempting to become a literal state, beginning a program of taxation, and ramping up the western terror attacks at the same time time. Do you morons think the terror attacks of that period were just like, a form of bad weather or something? Do you think they appeared out of nowhere?

              • 3 months ago

                If you are talking to me, I watched it happen and I knew they were fricked the second they declared their "caliphate" because that brought them out of the insurgency phase and into conventional war
                but I also watched them recover very quickly and go right back to franchising and launching attacks all over the world
                At the same time this was happening, I also watched the number and severity of terrorist attacks in the west decline in line with the introduction of new and more effective preventative measures, which is the real reason they stopped hitting the west, not the fact that some of them got bombed to shit in Iraq

              • 3 months ago

                Actual monkey holy shit. This website should require ID.

              • 3 months ago

                You are completely correct but I'm still sort of wondering what stopped them or at least people sympathetic to them to carry out truck of peace attacka entireky. It's not like they require much money, planning, skill or communication.

              • 3 months ago

                Bollards and traffic restrictions stopped them
                You still get truck attacks in all the parts of the world where these solutions were not implemented

              • 3 months ago

                >30% by the Royal airforce
                What the frick. With what aircraft.

              • 3 months ago


                >we stopped seeing attacks in the west
                There was an Islamist attack in Brussels last year. There will certainly be attempted attacks on the Olympics and possibly on Eurovision this year (but I suspect Eurovision will be handled by the softer side of Hamas IE western useful idiots)
                Europe seems to be trying to keep details on the attacks from being circulated in part to prevent them being used to inflame tensions

                they are still trying, but they are failing because the west is a much harder target than it used to be
                It's like running from a crocodile, you don't need to be the fastest - you just need to be faster than someone else

              • 3 months ago

                Do you not understand that giving these people territory to operate in and weapons to use, at all, is a bad thing? Holy shit am I talking to farm animals???

              • 3 months ago

                I’m not saying those attacks were or will be carried out by ISIS btw, the one in Brussels wasn’t IIRC. Just that Islamists as a whole haven’t stopped shit. In general there’s only one solution to the Islamist problem but everyone is hoping that we can just use economics to slowly bring the hajjis out of the desert (lol)

        • 3 months ago

          Fire exits were locked too. Not the first time that happened in Russia too, any time there's a spark in a mall, there are hundreds of dead due to locked fire exits. Why you ask? Well, let's look at who used to run the emergency services ministry in Russia before being reassigned. That's right, Driftwood Shogun himself, Shoigu.
          He implemented those "you pay me a bribe and do whatever you want, frick the safety, they're just peasants" safety policies nation-wide.

    • 3 months ago

      Wounded suffocated with carbon dioxide before rescuers arrived

  14. 3 months ago

    Rate my loadout.

  15. 3 months ago
  16. 3 months ago

    You know pidorashko narrative is bad when greyzone calls you out

  17. 3 months ago


    Putin already has his hands full with Ukraine, why is he trying to start another Afghan war?

    • 3 months ago

      >Putin already has his hands full with Ukraine, why is he trying to start another Afghan war?


      >Another fine production from putin the man who staged the Moscow apartment bombings and then murdered all these people

      we'll find out soon enough why this fresg bullshit from that murderous c**t but it is fsb stages and they don't give a frick about a few hundred dead Russians, the kgb/fsb have killed millions of innocent Russians for the state just because already.

    • 3 months ago

      The narrative will probably be who funded them. And then just say Ukraine did without any proof of course, and point to Ukraine saying they would undermine Moscow this year. Even in the video (I have never known ISIS terrorists to be captured alive so easily especially by incompetent Russians) the interrogator is and terrorist seen to be reading from a script, the answers were so unnatural and the interrogator was shit at his job by asking three questions every time. Of course, Ukraine meant to undermine russia by destroying the Russian economy but Russians are apparently as stupid as they are made out to be so they likely will lap it up. It's just funny how the effort behind pinning it on Ukraine is so lazily and haphazardly done and yet the Russians will agree with it. Maybe they deserve such events after all of they are too thick to challenge it. Be led by a fool, suffer the fool's decisions.

      • 3 months ago

        >and yet the Russians will agree with it
        Well, not agreeing with it carries a prison sentence.

  18. 3 months ago

    so let me get this straight
    >they caught some suspects
    >cut off the ear of one the tajik guys
    >made him eat it
    >recorded everything
    >a little bit later ISIS posts pov footage of the attack
    what are the chances fsb just showed some random tajik? i have a very little faith into ruskie claims these days and those suspects doesn't really look like someone who could just kill 150 people

    • 3 months ago

      >what are the chances fsb just showed some random tajik?
      100%. They still haven't caught the actual perps

    • 3 months ago

      >what are the chances fsb just showed some random tajik
      all but 100%

    • 3 months ago

      Dude they caught 11 of 4 terrorists you tell me

    • 3 months ago

      15 out of 4 terrorists?

    • 3 months ago

      >made him eat it
      The best part is that this will be used to radicalize thousands. And it will be hilarious.

    • 3 months ago

      It's Russia dude

    • 3 months ago

      My first thought when I heard about the attack was "it's a falseflag so they can expand the war of smthg" but now after seeing that it's merely a manifestation of sheer Russian incompetence I think it's hilarious.

    • 3 months ago

      they've been doing this shit since centuries ago. like that time there was a (bolshevik?) mutiny in russia and some guys escape to warn the docks of the impending attack, only for those guys to get captured by the police and tortured, and then the police themselves also get tortured upon bringing the tortured informants to some higher police agency. russians are absolutely medieval

  19. 3 months ago

    It’s very simple. Russia cannot blame ISIS for the attack no matter what, because America told them it would be ISIS 2 weeks ago and they did nothing. That makes Russia look completely incompetent, which it is when you look at the objective truths of the attack. So instead Russia has to invent a fictional world where nothing America said is true and they have successfully apprehended and punished terrorists that fit the narrative Russia is inventing for them

    • 3 months ago

      how do you stop a "terrorist attack" when theres like a million muslims in Moscow or whever the frick this place was

      And they can just drive from their region to attack whereever they want

      • 3 months ago

        They might not have been able to stop it, but monke made himself look really stupid

    • 3 months ago

      you know that usa knew about 9/11 and still couldn't stop it
      knowing there's an attack doesn't mean you know where and when

  20. 3 months ago

    How desperate do you have to be to try to subvert fricking PrepHole of all places lol, the toilet of the internet.

    I'm not saying it's false, just that this is the absolute state of Russia.

    • 3 months ago

      cmon mate we're important

    • 3 months ago

      Dude, Russian boys were impersonating BLM activists on TUMBLR

  21. 3 months ago

    How many Sims games?

  22. 3 months ago

    They're not even FSB though. They were aprehended by members of the "Rusich" militia that used to be part of Wagner

  23. 3 months ago

    Off topic but anyone else noticed lack of shills lately? I mean droning another refinery + bombing sevastopol should kick hornet nest when it comes to shilling but it's quiet. I thought terrorist attack was false flag but after noticing this i think attack was real and shills just didn't get new instructions. Something like that happened after after prigo heresy where shills went silent for short time.

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