fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded

fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded


250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Post a webm

      • 4 weeks ago

        long video and there's no one outstanding scene for a webm. worth the watch

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not op or other anons but the video is 26 minutes long. It's not really a fit for a PrepHole webm, not even at 4x speed and shrunk, though someone could do a catbox easily enough. I'm not really sure what the point of that is though, if you open up youtube in a private window with ublock origin running you're avoiding ads and shit anyway. United24 is a legit news outlet though obviously biased towards their own side, they're not here. It's a genuinely pretty cool video too so I can't be too mad at OP.

      • 4 weeks ago

        FRICK OFF

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm converting it. 26 minutes webm for 4chin
        Do you want it on 720p or 1080p? there is still some space

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Just watched. Their survival was miraculous.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    how did they survive that, bros...... the house/basement they're in seems like a deathtrap

    • 4 weeks ago

      Russians are slow as frick and they got covering fire just in time to run away.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    TZD is encouraged.
    Shilling your Youtube shit is not ok pls stop samegayging to bump. Make a webm if you really want people to watch it, and perhaps a well made webm will encourage people to click your shitty Youtube link more than extremely lame samegay WHOOA SO COOL shillposts.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You stupid oversly sensitive idiot. United24 doesn't have shills working in PrepHole, they're an actual information company.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You type like a Reddit mod

      • 4 weeks ago

        How would you know what a Reddit mod types like?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah because United 24 is a /k/ user.

      fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded


      Great video, clearly morale isn't completely, universally shit because you couldn't do that shit if it was.

      How the frick does Ukraine do the 'Group of friends come up with a name for themselves as if they were a band, join a brigade, maintain their inner social cohesion, get decent training somehow, develop cohesion with other 'bands', and pull shit like this?

      Given the 'crowd funded' nature of the individual group, garage bands seem like the best analogy, and somehow it works.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >>How the frick does Ukraine do the 'Group of friends come up with a name for themselves as if they were a band, join a brigade, maintain their inner social cohesion, get decent training somehow, develop cohesion with other 'bands', and pull shit like this?

        It's called a regimental system.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Thing about regiments regiments: By design no one is supposed to know anyone else. The West stopped familiarity of this kind after WW1, because it was considered a liability. You also had to give a lot of rights afterwards because a community could verify it's experiences and hardships.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >regiments regiments

            contemporary regiments, I meant to say.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >regiments regiments

            contemporary regiments, I meant to say.

            The British army regiments still work that way. The Ukrainian and Russian ones too.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >British army regiments
              how so? is each regiment drawn from a geographic area or something?

              • 4 weeks ago

                As far as I know yes but also depends on the regiments. Hence Scottish regiments, Irish regiments, Gurkhas etc

              • 4 weeks ago

                Irish regiments drawn from North Ireland, or Scottish regiments drawn from Scotland, is not the same as a regiment drawn from a town of ten thousand people, which is closer to the kind of familiarity you have with some of these Ukrainian groups.

                I don't know why you'd even misunderstand that. As it is, most of the British military as individuals don't know who they are, let alone their comrades, and it's been months since they could even feel their face. You need that kind of anesthesia to deal with exactly what the tories have done to them.

              • 4 weeks ago

                someone's gonna call you a commie for that dig at the Tories and blame the state of the military on evil woke leftists despite the fact that the Tories have been in in power for 14 fricking years and Blair being, somehow, the high point of the British military this millenium

              • 4 weeks ago

                >high point
                >endless wars for Israel

              • 4 weeks ago

                yep. peak of operational efficacy for this millenium. which is fricking sad

              • 4 weeks ago

                What's the problem?

              • 4 weeks ago

                i wonder what's her actual performance during their little skirmish

              • 4 weeks ago

                Given who they're fighting, probably great.
                Most of her opponents have never seen an even moderately attractive woman before, so they probably have seizures on the spot.
                Seriously, have you seen palestinian women?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, no wonder why they form death cults hoping for 72 virgins and whatnot, hehe.

              • 4 weeks ago

                israeli girls are such easy bawds. Only gotten clap twice and both times it was from aggressively israeli college b***hes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >someone's gonna call you a commie for that dig at the Tories
                NTA, but this is rather amusing as a Burger with admittedly a necessarily low-def vision of Bong domestic politics. At least from the outside looking in, your "conservative" party in the Tories seems to more resemble our (establisment-wing) Democrat party (especially circa 1990s) on things like military funding. Off the top of my head, Labor hasn't been much better on military issues, historically, but again that could easily be outsider-looking-in moronation.
                What the hell is up with that?

              • 4 weeks ago

                someone's gonna call you a commie for that dig at the Tories and blame the state of the military on evil woke leftists despite the fact that the Tories have been in in power for 14 fricking years and Blair being, somehow, the high point of the British military this millenium

                Oh, my mistake. I forgot that the second most brain-rotted fricked up, ignorant morons who got their brains raped by a two-party system on this website are the British.

                Is it election year over there too and we're gonna have half our threads derailed over moronic uncalled-for irrelevant domestic political bullshit arguments like the Americans do too?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It was only a liability insofar as it threatened the chain of command in a woefully unpopular and incompetently waged war. The excuses about not wiping out an entire town at once are not serious concerns to any government, your soldiers not feeling completely helpless because they're surrounded by fellows that they can easily conspire and cooperate with, or being part of a cohesive unit they might easily feel more loyal to than their distant, upper class officers, are both massive threats to a government's ability to wage war for political gain. In ideologically motivated wars it's obviously the superior choice and every army in history that has had a reward to dangle in front of rank and file soldiers has had or encouraged familiar groups. PMCs group buddies and no one mutinies because the pay is worth it and you've seen what happens when it isn't. A defensive war that will determine the future of your nation's sovereignty is a decent cause, not everyone in Ukraine really cares but you get some vaguely patriotic kids to the front and they will realize very quickly that since their opponents are subhuman Russoids the only options are to fight or be exterminated

      • 4 weeks ago

        the effectiveness of these 'bands' is pretty interesting, I wonder if it would work in western armies. They are friends with similar political beliefs or backgrounds and they work really well together

    • 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago


    People like you should be creatively killed as an example to others

  6. 4 weeks ago



    You don't have to pretend to be a /misc/ pedophile to keep your thread bumped, dummy.

  7. 4 weeks ago


    You don't have to pretend to be a /misc/ pedophile to keep your thread bumped, dummy.

    thanks for the bumps you homosexual zigger tards

  8. 4 weeks ago

    as someone with no military training, would it not have been useful for both groups to try to establish a larger perimeter around each of the buildings they occupy? I get that they very small teams but I can't help thinking how limited the basement groups sight lines were and how easily they could have been grenades

  9. 4 weeks ago

    And I was told basement dwellers don’t provide anything to society

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Unpopular opinion: Although they fought hard, they performed like shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Black person can I see four performance being trapped for 14h? And no fentanyl doesn't count.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Taking cover for 14h hours and then ceding ground is hardly a good days work.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes they should have stayed there forever so they could all die. It's better to die some bad ass macho man than actually retreat to keep your friends alive.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >be sent to hold position
            >spend 14 hours in cover with one guy at a time laying down occasional suppressing fire
            >position is lost
            >this is glorious
            They fought like Arabs.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Ammo conservation
              >Lived to fight another day
              >Somehow bad things
              Take example from the Nazis during WW2 on how these death cults actively destroy any competency in their military.
              If your best combat troops keep fricking dying, it doesn't matter how good they are, they get used and thrown away for short term gains.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >>Ammo conservation
                >Lived to fight another day
                Lost a key position.
                >Somehow bad things

                They hunkered down which means that they let the Russians get in their OODA loop. Russians had the advantage throughout the engagement as they were able to determine the terms of the engagement for the duration. Yes, I am sure a bunch of them died however they took key ground and the Ukies withdrew without demo'ing the basements which means that the Russians can now hold those same positions with relative comfort.

                You seem to be a moronic man child who thinks once the map is colored as Russian gains it can never be colored back in as Ukrainian or that pointlessly dying is the goal in and of itself. The territory that was fought over was several hundred meters, literal chump change in the grand scheme of things and even per the video the Russian advance was halted and even pulled back within that single day, and most likely the next day the Ukrainians shelled the shit out of Russians hanging on and retuned the map to a similar state as it was before. It should also be noted that the guys in the video were recon forces positioned in tripwire positions, they aren’t the guys who stop Russian advances, just report it and cause some headache to the Russians if possible while they’re behind enemy lines, hence the single NLAW but not much else in terms of fire power.

                That is a lot of assumptions you just threw in and no the vid doesn't describe the outcome of the engagement other than "they withdrew in good order" or something to that effect.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >That is a lot of assumptions you just threw in
                >which means that the Russians can now hold those same positions with relative comfort.
                Yeah, yeah, keep yapping you homosexual keyboard warrior.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not an argument.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I called you a hypocrite, homosexual keyboard warrior.
                Your prostitute mother isn't an argument.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Still not an argument. Also, curious as to why you're getting so emotional.

            • 4 weeks ago

              You seem to be a moronic man child who thinks once the map is colored as Russian gains it can never be colored back in as Ukrainian or that pointlessly dying is the goal in and of itself. The territory that was fought over was several hundred meters, literal chump change in the grand scheme of things and even per the video the Russian advance was halted and even pulled back within that single day, and most likely the next day the Ukrainians shelled the shit out of Russians hanging on and retuned the map to a similar state as it was before. It should also be noted that the guys in the video were recon forces positioned in tripwire positions, they aren’t the guys who stop Russian advances, just report it and cause some headache to the Russians if possible while they’re behind enemy lines, hence the single NLAW but not much else in terms of fire power.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Both sides fight like Arabs but the Russians are still infinitely worse

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Both sides fight like Arabs
                funny because western volunteers didn't fare any better

              • 4 weeks ago

                you mean the homosexual larpers with no experience?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >funny because western volunteers didn't fare any better
                Based on combat footage they are significantly better than OP's lot.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes they should have stayed there forever so they could all die. It's better to die some bad ass macho man than actually retreat to keep your friends alive.

          when russians lose ground, it was because every russian in that area was turned to paste and there's literally no survivors.
          when ukrainians lose ground, it's because they decide the situation in that area is untenable and save themselves to kill ziggers another day.
          ziggers of course assume everyone else does what they're doing, which is not how it works.
          it's probably one of the main reasons behind the ridiculously lopsided casualty rates, this weird pride in human inefficiency that russians display is unironically gonna be the death of them, they'll say they can afford it until the day when they suddenly can't anymore, because they were in denial of the fact that it was unsustainable for such a long time before that.
          >inb4 so no ukrainians die
          i didn't say that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah, anon, that's not really what I am talking about. But please keep making assumptions.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That’s false. Ukraine fights tenaciously for every inch of ground and only retreats when the situation is dire. Avdiivka only retreated when their positions were literally in the middle of collapsing forcing high command to order a general retreat to avoid a disaster. They refused to give up on Bakhmut even after it’s been completely lost. Wherever they get a toehold they hang on to it like crazy. The idea that they’re playing out a defense-in-depth grand strategy is absurd.

  11. 4 weeks ago


    Hehehe it seems we got to your nerves eh?

    Russia despite being the West's main adversary is stuck using WW1 tactics against a formally neutral country, one which was supposed to be within its sphere of influence at that. Meanwhile it seems the paraglider raghead show only achieved Gaza being rendered inhabitable with Hamas best weapona nowadays being tankie losers and woke chicks trying to convince themselves their downvotes would save the ragheads from the IDF.

    Face it kiddo, all these multipolar clowns have broken themselves upon the West military and economic might.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Ukraine is losing

    • 4 weeks ago

      is that why you have to repeat it like a mantra? is it like a little pacifier that keeps you sane?

      it's almost like the winning side isn't insecure enough to do that, and they don't have to come over to someone else's board to tell them that they're winning.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not reading any of this.
        Stinky status?
        Niu York status?

    • 4 weeks ago

      At this rate it will take all of Russia's available manpool to just get some extra 40000 square kilometers, that's not even a 10th of the territory Kyiv currently controls.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    A ton of questions here:

    1. How come they didn't split defense between multiple houses (I know there were two positions, but imo each position should have been 2-3 houses). They seemed to be using the same fire position the entire time, that seems like a liability. Just zero prep time?

    2. With all those nails, eye protection seemed like it would help, especially given all the other gear they have. This is obviously some sort of elite unit - NVGs, optics, NLAW, built PKM, etc.

    3. How the frick did they basically get abandoned? Seems like they should have way more fire support.

    4. I touched on this, but how did they get away with firing from 1 spot the whole time?


    • 4 weeks ago

      I think there were only few good spots left. Considering the shelling, you need to pick up a house that has a good basement. Not all houses have basements, some are destroyed.
      Also I think they want to stay together if you have only two guys in a position, and one of them get's injured, the other one can have hard time keeping up the defenses.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think there were only few good spots left. Considering the shelling, you need to pick up a house that has a good basement. Not all houses have basements, some are destroyed.
      Also I think they want to stay together if you have only two guys in a position, and one of them get's injured, the other one can have hard time keeping up the defenses.

      5. How did they not get FPVed / mortared firing out of the same door for 14 hours?

      Even pic related have "ok" optics, should be able to spot from building across. I still can't decide if this video is staged propaganda (probably not, a lot of effort), stupid use of resources (make no mistake, these are the SOFiest of the SOF, and they were thrown out there to die), or just the fact that the frontline is super stretched the frick out and it's a low-point match where you can't possibly hold everything, so you put a card of rangers / Spetsnaz GRU into a random building and hope you can react on time.

      Honestly, even my cheap ass puts a card of Konkurs/TOW next to them in case the enemy gets too cheeky.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Christ you’re a moron

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yea? Prove it. It will hurt more. Definitely explain to me how shooting out of literally one door for 14 hours when "drones are everywhere" doesn't get you FPVed or at least Podnos-ed within the first 20 minutes.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You’ve swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. FPVs aren’t some magic bullet that’s pulled out of the ether to smite your enemies. It’s still a limited asset that needs to be coordinated and the target okay’d by command, and then if all that shit is good then you have the most difficult part of actually flying the damn thing through all the EW and actually finding the thing you’re looking for.

            • 4 weeks ago

              What are you even talking about?

              > It’s still a limited asset
              They are $300.

              > that needs to be coordinated and the target okay’d by command
              Yea...I am sure Russian and Ukrainian command is going to say no to a clear target in an empty village that's being shelled to shit.

              >through all the EW
              You mean like the Ukranian drone that was just hanging out for a bit?

              > actually finding the thing you’re looking for.
              Watch the video - it has drone footage. Not exactly hard to find one out of 20 houses once a fire position is identified.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Life isn’t a RTS game you utter homosexual. Just because something is available to a military in theory doesn’t mean it is accessible to 100% of the military’s personnel 100% of the time and is then as effective as the propaganda videos claim them to be.
                >but they cost le few hundred dollars
                homosexual, that doesn’t mean shit when they are getting swatted out of the skies in the 10s of thousands even when used in just very small sections of the front, plus to be of any use they have to be coordinated with every other friendly unit on the front to actually be useful and not cause EW interface and friendly fire. Again, FPVs aren’t magic bullets that you can call down from the heavens to solve your problems, they’re like mortars and arty and actually have to be coordinated and used tactically to be of benefit. Ukraine and Russia would like to conserve FPVs to counter armored pushes, not waste several hundred on trying to trick fly into a basement that could easily be fragged by infantry on the ground.

              • 4 weeks ago

                P O D N O S

              • 4 weeks ago

                FPV drones are much closer to really accurate, single fire mortars than they are long range artillery.
                People have this idea that the drone operators are miles away from the frontline, when that literally couldn't be further from the truth.
                Drone operators are front line troops, they have to be, because that's where the fighting is.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Forgot pic of the little frickers I love like you wouldn't believe. However, running 5 miles 4 times a week at 7m pace is bullshit. Especially while pulling lol3plaet.

        For me its the SAS infantry the 2nd Infantry Division gets
        God I love these limey bastards like you wouldn't believe

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dat name though. Is that Warno? I haven't converted. SAS used to dominate in ALB, nothing could stop them. Now they are pretty specialized in that they get walked by other SOF, but it's the only option on blue. I still love them though. Heli drop into woods, spread out, cause havoc, deny air - 10/10. Pic related does the same thing on red but better. Almost feels like cheating tbh. I mainly like to have Spetsnaz/VDV mix pushing and these frickers running around behind lines and taking out any air that comes in. Or 4x stack Igla and watch them try to SEAD it, but eventually those run into 10pt infantry and die. Honestly, pic related is better than OCS.

          Christ you’re a moron

          can stay mad.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Warno is hitting for me right now, but I hated it up until the last update.
            It plays a lot more like Steel Division 2 than it does WG:RD and has a really strange meta.
            I suspect there's going to be a lot of feature creep in the next year or so, so expect every single division to be reworked from the ground up.
            The next major update is coming at the end of the month, so it'll probably be on sale. I think it's worth it, just expect to be very uncomfortable learning the meta.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Appreciate the info, I will check it out at some point. I don't really have much free time anymore, so I just default to what I know, haven't had any games installed in the last 6 months unfortunately.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Warno is hitting for me right now, but I hated it up until the last update.
          It plays a lot more like Steel Division 2 than it does WG:RD and has a really strange meta.
          I suspect there's going to be a lot of feature creep in the next year or so, so expect every single division to be reworked from the ground up.
          The next major update is coming at the end of the month, so it'll probably be on sale. I think it's worth it, just expect to be very uncomfortable learning the meta.

          This unit is actually a great example of the strange WARNO meta; they are the single unit in the game to be airborne (deploys further on game start), be commando (suffer less suppression and inflict more) AND have both AT and AA, all for a reasonable price.
          They are by far the best cost-to-benefit unit in the game, and yet 2nd Inf is at best a C-grade division because of its weak tanks, Chally 2s, and its shitty helicopters.
          Great arty, great infantry, good recon, good planes but still mid-tier

    • 4 weeks ago

      Basically drones. If you've got any position you just stay there. You can't go outside to develop new positions unless you like getting drone'd

  14. 4 weeks ago

    It’s propaganda (unit fully equipped with new gear and not full of guys in their 40s) but it’s still a fundamentally correct depiction of the battlefield conditions. This war is almost entirely a bunch of guys in a basement / trench dealing with infantry attacks and fire support. There’s no mechanized maneuvers, large-scale operations, dynamic multi-domain tactics in play, etc and so on. It’s just you and your buddies hunkered down someplace weathering the storm.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah. Drone this drone that. It's still basically WWI

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Honestly, I love these little frickers like you wouldn't believe. The problem is, again, putting them in one house in the middle of nowhere. I usually want at least a second house they can move to if spotted or some grass / forest that they can run too. But not too much forest, or Spetsnaz comes in unexpected with their fricking Beslan anti-children RPO Shmel thermobarics and run train.

    So basically you want multiple houses / trenches / brush. They literally just spot and then you have LAV-Ms / or Vasileyk in the background start raining arty. If a tank is unsupported, you let it get close so TOW/Konkurs-M get multiple shots. Then the Konkurs scoots the frick out. Rangers scoot if they engaged too. Otherwise there is immediately tank / mortar fire on their position. In this stage in the game, Red also bought stupid-ass gliding 500 - 1500kg HE, so definitely need to scoot. Again, very weird video.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Forgot pic of the little frickers I love like you wouldn't believe. However, running 5 miles 4 times a week at 7m pace is bullshit. Especially while pulling lol3plaet.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Ok, that journalist, Philip, has some balls

  17. 4 weeks ago

    awesome thanks OP

  18. 4 weeks ago

    wow looks like they are doing fine

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Wow, I just don't know if I can support any country who's military is using the F-slur! How unprogressive! I will be withdrawing that aid!

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        Wow, very homophobic

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Wow, very homophobic
          Wouldn't you know pidor

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's the point. Now frick off.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    what this tells me is that ukraine is losing otherwise they wouldn't be utterly surrounded and fighting desperately to escape. should just surrender. seems hopeless if this is all they can do against the face of relentless russian assaults.

  21. 4 weeks ago
  22. 4 weeks ago

    >Utterly surrounded, outnumbered, outgunned, outmaneuvered
    >forced to hole up in some ratnest desperately hoping you don't get overrun
    >somehow /k/opers try to turn this into a grand victory that they didn't all get slaughtered

    lmao this is more embaressing than the britcucks trying to turn their frick up at Dunkirk into some tale of bravery

    • 4 weeks ago

      Two more weeks until Kyiv right?

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I hope Ukraine loses. NATO is gay and doesn't need to be expanded. I will be here to laugh at you trannies when they lose.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I will be here to laugh at you trannies when they lose.
      >day 800+
      And you will seethe every day that Ukraine does not capitulate. Btw NATO still not in the war

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Is it true there are french troops fighting in ukraine?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honey wake up new disinfo dropped

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