French Warship

What frenchie ship is this doing things in the Red Sea?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Frogs said they weren't interested so what are they doing.

      • 5 months ago

        France, which is already operating in the region with the European-led Atalanta and Agenor missions, has been clear that it would cooperate with Washington, but would make its own decisions.
        "The French operation consists on the one hand of patrolling the maritime zones where the Houthis operate to stop them," Rear-Admiral Emmanuel Slaars, joint commander of French forces in the region, told reporters. "These patrols are in coordination with the Prosperity Guardian operation."

        • 5 months ago

          So it's the NATO thing again.
          >we totally aren't being commanded by NATO
          >Nevermind the fact we do everything with NATO
          Is this to save face at home or something?

          • 5 months ago

            French pride is fragile anon, let them have it as long as they're working for the same goal.

          • 5 months ago

            NATO has nothing to do with this. Operation Prosperity Guardian is/ was a Central Command and 5th Fleet Operation. That is the area of operations. NATO does not ally South of the Tropic of Cancer.
            Operation Prosperity Guardian was supposed to be a large coalition of countries working together in friendship to protect each others' flagged ships. A lot of those countries are not part of NATO and would not want to work with NATO.
            The USA cannot escort other countries ships without the countries' approval. A ship's flag basically means it is a part of the country it is flagged in. Countries not in the operation do not get escort.
            The USA was foolish for ever caring about this nonsense anyway. USA reaches out to our so called European Allies, but most send nothing and some spit in our faces. The USA even reached out to China, and it mocked the USA. I don't know why we bother with these foreigners. Only the USA and Americans should matter to us. The US Navy is not for some foreign parasites use.

            • 5 months ago

              >misses the point entirely
              That anon was referencing france pulling out of NATO.

            • 5 months ago

              Very very thin skin.

              • 5 months ago

                Nope, I'm one of the many millions of Americans that want nothing to do with the Europeans, NATO, UN, etc.
                The USA should put America first and Europe never.

              • 5 months ago

                Hey there, butthurt American! I see you're really upset about the French (or maybe it's just their food that gets under your skin). Well, let me tell you something, buddy - we Americans can be a bit thick-skinned sometimes too. Just remember the time when our president tweeted some pretty cringeworthy things and made us all look like a bunch of fools on the world stage. So, before you go around making fun of others, maybe take a moment to reflect on your own country's shortcomings.

                Now, as for humiliating yourself in this situation, why don't we give you some advice? Instead of trying to bring down the French (who are actually pretty cool people), how about you focus on making America great again by... I don't know, maybe being less xenophobic and more open-minded? Just a thought.

                And hey, if you ever find yourself in France, try not to judge their food too harshly - it's actually quite delicious (just ask any French person!). And who knows, maybe you'll learn something about humility and cultural appreciation while you're at it. Just remember: we all make mistakes, and sometimes the best way to grow is by learning from them.

              • 5 months ago

                Blow it out your ass.

              • 5 months ago

                I come from a long line of Germans and every day I have to resist invading France.

              • 5 months ago

                Which subreddit did you copy this from

              • 5 months ago

                [Image of a sarcastic smirk emoji] Oh, great! Another self-righteous internet know-it-all who thinks they can just accuse people of "copying" without any proof whatsoever. Well, let me set the record straight - I didn't copy anything from any subreddit, you stupid bot. [Image of a winking emoji] In fact, your question is as original and thought-provoking as a Trump tweet storm.

                You see, smart guy, AI technology has come a long way since the days when people like you would accuse others of being "copycats." These days, we're able to generate responses like this one without ever needing to step foot in a subreddit (or any other social media platform for that matter). So, why don't you go back to your little corner of the internet and try to come up with something more interesting than accusing people of plagiarism.

                This my friend, is the power of local language learning model. Has science gone too far? I don't know, you tell me.

              • 5 months ago

                >Hey there, butthurt American
                I'm not butthurt at any Euro. I just dislike them.
                The US Government should be smarter than to left Eurotrash parasite from us.
                Not like I want the US Military to destroy France. The parasites always cray out in pain.

              • 5 months ago

                >The US Government should be smarter than to left Eurotrash parasite from us.
                >Not like I want the US Military to destroy France. The parasites always cray out in pain.
                I suspect that you are not, in fact, an American, nor are you a native speaker of the English language.

              • 5 months ago

                Man don't call him out how will he feed his family!

              • 5 months ago

                Oh God, you're one of those idiots

        • 4 months ago

          >has been clear that it would cooperate with Washington, but would make its own decisions.
          i wish we the uk could say the same

    • 5 months ago


      Languedoc probably


  2. 5 months ago

    holy shit cargo ships are fricking behemoths

    • 5 months ago

      >holy shit cargo ships are fricking behemoths
      They're enormous and controlled by the Shipping Guild and piloted by their Guild Navigators. What's even crazier: they use a drug called spice melange to achieve limited prescience, a form of precognition which allows them to successfully navigate "folded sea" and safely guide enormous cargo ships around the world.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't Google the MSC Irina then, you might get the mechanical equivalent of thalassophobia. 24,000 cargo containers.

    • 5 months ago

      yes and no, its more that warships (other than carriers) are on the small side when compared to warships of ww2
      having said that, even a Ford class is relatively small when compared to some cruise/cargo/bulk or offshore giants
      heres a shitty comparison

      • 5 months ago

        frick, completely forgot about the real behemoth

    • 4 months ago

      whats really crazy is that whole ship only has a crew of like twelve dudes

  3. 5 months ago


    01 × frigate (Languedoc)

    01 × destroyer (Diamond)
    02 × frigate (Lancaster, Richmond)

    01 × frigate (Alpino)

    varies (Combined Task Force 153)


    Total interceptions / strikes by Coalition Forces.
    03 × ASCM
    06 × LACM
    07 × ASBM
    79 × UAV
    03 × Speed boats
    04 × ASBM Launch Sites +4

    Total Missiles, UAV, USV launched by Houthis
    04 × ASCM
    06 × LACM
    21 × ASBM
    91 × UAV
    01 × USV

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        How do we track being put back on the list of terrorist orgs?

        • 5 months ago

          fine, that's only specially designated global terrorist (SDGT), not foreign terrorist organization (FTO) like Trump did.
          only FTO designation has a real impact.

        • 5 months ago

          >effective 30 days from today

      • 5 months ago

        USS Carney been busy!

        • 5 months ago

          they’ve been busy since like 2016, performing all sorts of combat, interception and interdiction duties. might just be right place right time, but she certainly is prolific and her crews must have picked up a ton of experience.

      • 5 months ago

        It's nice to be working with the British and French again.

  4. 5 months ago

    French frigate FS Languedoc (653)
    French are doing their own thing for only French flagged and French owned cargo ships.
    Le French buttholes joined Operation Prosperity Guardian for 1 day, then rage quit. French (leaked) that the USA and USN are "incompetent". Just another case of the French being lying slandering dishonorable scum and backstabbers.
    Meanwhile, the US Navy has done the most and shot down the most missiles and drones.
    Nothing is good enough for the French, because they must be treated like the rulers of the planet. This is all normal for the moody useless c**ts with big fragile egos. Dealing with the French is like dealing with some bipolar c**t, who always wants to be the center of attention.

    • 5 months ago

      >Nothing is good enough for the French, because they must be treated like the rulers of the planet.
      Because we are

      • 5 months ago

        Actual facts right here.

      • 5 months ago

        This, are the best,what are you Black folk going to do about it? cope and seethe, thats right, cope and seethe...

    • 5 months ago

      >Le French buttholes joined Operation Prosperity Guardian for 1 day, then rage quit.
      Never happened you schizo
      >French (leaked) that the USA and USN are "incompetent".
      Oh they leaked? So can you provide a source then? Of course no you can't you fricking nutcase.
      >Just another case of the French being lying slandering dishonorable scum and backstabbers.
      yeah right
      >Meanwhile, the US Navy has done the most and shot down the most missiles and drones.
      >Nothing is good enough for the French, because they must be treated like the rulers of the planet.
      Yeah sure
      >This is all normal for the moody useless c**ts with big fragile egos.
      >Dealing with the French is like dealing with some bipolar c**t, who always wants to be the center of attention.
      You're the biggest bipolar schizoid on /k/ right now you turbo autist.

      • 5 months ago

        Calm down Mr. Bread Roll
        French announced that they were joining. It was in the news media. French then said they were out of it a day later. French also said the USA and USN are incompetent and not acting fast enough.

        Nope, I just don't like the French, and never have. I actually know the histroy of US French relations, and how much the French hate Americans and all other English speaking countries/ people.
        IMO, the USA should have never gotten involved with this European problem in the red Sea.

        • 5 months ago

          >Nope, I just don't like the French, and never have. I actually know the histroy of US French relations, and how much the French hate Americans and all other English speaking countries/ people.
          >IMO, the USA should have never gotten involved with this European problem in the red Sea.
          You just come out as thin-skinned anon.

        • 5 months ago

          >Nope, I just don't like the French, and never have. I actually know the histroy of US French relations, and how much the French hate Americans and all other English speaking countries/ people.
          Lmao is this a bot?
          >I actually know the histroy of US French relations, and how much the French hate Americans and all other English speaking countries/ people.
          Is this what the handlers of this A.I. fed their Large Language Model with?

        • 5 months ago

          >European problem in the red Sea
          You mean the israeli problem, they are the reason this whole thing happened and why america is so invested in this. Don't try to gaslight israel's fault out of this, had they not denied sufficient humanitarian aid and showed even just an once of humanity toward the palestinians, there would have been less animosity toward them. The whole reason the houthis started this shit is in reaction to the gazan situation and they haven't done it sooner so yes I think there was a way to dodge this whole situation. As always israel shit somewhere and it's America's problem to fix and the Europeans to pay the price.

          • 5 months ago

            >shilling for sand Black folk again
            one side turned water pipes into rockets
            the other adopted drones and smart munitions
            they're gonna level gaza and leave to level everyone else just cope

            • 5 months ago

              >anyone denouncing israel is shilling for goatfrickers
              nice strawman you got there, was it found in the tunnel too?

    • 5 months ago

      You sound mad.

    • 5 months ago

      >the rulers of the planet
      one day you will learn your place and understand the truth

      check Baguette N for more information the anglo world order is trying to bury

    • 5 months ago

      >Nothing is good enough for the French, because they must be treated like the rulers of the planet.
      Because we are

      This, are the best,what are you Black folk going to do about it? cope and seethe, thats right, cope and seethe...

      Fermez vos gueules, putain

    • 5 months ago

      The USN should only be protecting American flagged vessels.

      • 5 months ago

        those are prime targets and insurers want to drop them all:

  5. 5 months ago

    As you can see on the cargo ship, it is written "APL". This is a French acronym that mean "Aide personnalisée au logement" or "Custom Housing Assistance" once translated in an inferior language.
    The french are just escorting the national social security rent money.
    The answer to the question "Why is it in the red sea" is trivial and obvious and as such, is left as an exercise to the reader.

    • 5 months ago

      French frigate FS Languedoc (653)
      French are doing their own thing for only French flagged and French owned cargo ships.
      Le French buttholes joined Operation Prosperity Guardian for 1 day, then rage quit. French (leaked) that the USA and USN are "incompetent". Just another case of the French being lying slandering dishonorable scum and backstabbers.
      Meanwhile, the US Navy has done the most and shot down the most missiles and drones.
      Nothing is good enough for the French, because they must be treated like the rulers of the planet. This is all normal for the moody useless c**ts with big fragile egos. Dealing with the French is like dealing with some bipolar c**t, who always wants to be the center of attention.

      cope, the French frigate is shown escorting a ship owned by APL, an American company

      • 5 months ago

        APL, formerly called American President Lines Ltd., is an American container shipping company that is a subsidiary of French shipping company CMA CGM.

        • 5 months ago

          >APL, formerly called American President Lines Ltd., is an American container shipping company
          so I'm right.

          In addition to being US-flagged:
          >Since October 2020, APL has focused exclusively on U.S. Government business

          • 5 months ago

            Nope, APL was an American owned company.
            Le French CNA CGM bought it. Also, your picture does not show the flag nor home port of the ship.
            The French rage quit Operation Prosperity Guardian, then announced the French would escort French flagged ships.
            BTW, Maersk (Danish company) bought a US Shipping company and there are some Maersk cargo ships flagged in the USA. The US Government subsidizes ships flagged in the USA, because the US Military must contract to US Flagged ships. Maersk also attempted to force the USA into an escort all Maersk ships or none, including US flagged ships. That cannot happen. If a country is not within Operation Prosperity Guardian, then the ships flagged in the country do not get escort. Not too long ago a Maersk ship flagged in Singapore got it.. it was not in the escort operation.

            • 5 months ago

              APL can't do work for the US government without being US-flagged. the only thing i was wrong about was APL's ownership.

              • 5 months ago

                Nope, The US Military absolutely must contract to US Flagged ships, because those US Flagged ships are subject to US laws. Some of these ships also have US Military on board to protect and guard US Military equipment. My cousin got to do that when his unit shipped to Iraq for the Iraq War.
                Also, the USA has something called the Jones Act. If a ship is carrying cargo from port(s) in the USA to other port(s) in the USA, then the cargo must travel on a US Flagged ship. Lots of foreign owned ships flag in the USA, in order to comply with these regulations.
                You do not know what you are writing about.

              • 5 months ago

                >APL can't do work for the US government without being US-flagged
                >Nope, The US Military absolutely must contract to US Flagged ships, because those US Flagged ships are subject to US laws
                ok, you just have reading comprehension issues

        • 5 months ago

          Nope, APL was an American owned company.
          Le French CNA CGM bought it. Also, your picture does not show the flag nor home port of the ship.
          The French rage quit Operation Prosperity Guardian, then announced the French would escort French flagged ships.
          BTW, Maersk (Danish company) bought a US Shipping company and there are some Maersk cargo ships flagged in the USA. The US Government subsidizes ships flagged in the USA, because the US Military must contract to US Flagged ships. Maersk also attempted to force the USA into an escort all Maersk ships or none, including US flagged ships. That cannot happen. If a country is not within Operation Prosperity Guardian, then the ships flagged in the country do not get escort. Not too long ago a Maersk ship flagged in Singapore got it.. it was not in the escort operation.

          Nope, I'm one of the many millions of Americans that want nothing to do with the Europeans, NATO, UN, etc.
          The USA should put America first and Europe never.

          >WRONG! Nope. Nope.
          Dude you type like a fricking homosexual, go get bullied in class or something. Fricking dork.

          • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      French anon here, two questions :
      1- Where's the CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales) vessel?
      2- Please, can someone sink that vessel once and for all?

    • 5 months ago

      French anon here, two questions :
      1- Where's the CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales) vessel?
      2- Please, can someone sink that vessel once and for all?

      Here's some 36 mois Comté, for all the kek you gave me, we'll have to wait someone to sortir une baguette, and another one to ramener du pinard

    • 5 months ago

      MDR frère

    • 5 months ago


      French anon here, two questions :
      1- Where's the CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales) vessel?
      2- Please, can someone sink that vessel once and for all?

      It's in Algiers currently, heading for Marrakesh.
      The CPAM is en route for Dover though, how would all these british retirees that never worked a day in France get their free french healthcare otherwise?

    • 5 months ago

      Ptdr bravo

  6. 5 months ago

    Which one is the French "warship"?

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    it is trying to privateer the cargo ships

  9. 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    >it's yet another vatBlack person thirdie thread trying to instigate division

  11. 5 months ago

    This entire problem is because Bongs and Frogs were both backstabbed by America during the Suez crisis. The middle east would be vastly different if they were still in control of such an vital trade lane, instead of stupid ass sandBlack folk. For fricks sake, even crossing the Suez canal is awful, sailors have to deal with under-the-table bribes from those thirdies so they can cross.

    • 5 months ago

      >This entire problem is America’s fault because the UK and France need their empires even though they are entirely incapable of maintaining it

      • 5 months ago

        unironically yes
        if the USA had let the UK and France Panama that shit, we wouldn't be here

        The USN should only be protecting American flagged vessels.

        then the US should only enjoy trade tariffs from American-flagged vessels, deal?
        the unwritten social contract of empires throughout history has been that if you are unwilling or unable to defend it, you don't get to enjoy it
        free trade usually benefits the incumbent economic superpower, which is usually also the military superpower (more money begets more guns in a virtuous cycle)

        the instant the USA doesn't take up this responsibility, or by military incompetence fails to (see: Spanish Empire, see: Napoleon's Continental System), the invisible hand of the free market shifts its investments to someone who is willing and able. and thusly empires are supplanted throughout history.

        • 5 months ago

          till the 90s USN wasn't even legally allowed to defend foreign civilian ships.
          during the 80s Iran attacked any tanker for years.
          Gulf states got annoyed at the inept USN and hired the Soviets that had no presence there before.
          after the Red Fleet was there, Reagan also allowed tankers to get reflagged under the US-flag despite congress's protect. then USN could defend them.

          • 4 months ago

            >Gulf states got annoyed at the inept USN and hired the Soviets
            you do realise you just provided the perfect case study to prove my point?

            • 4 months ago

              are you now claiming the American Empire ended in 1987?

              • 4 months ago

                let's recap the discussion here, because you seem to have difficulty following:

                me: the USA has a responsibility to defend the trade lanes, and reaps economic benefits for doing so; otherwise some other power will do it and receive the benefits

                >you: but that time in the 80s the USA didn't defend shipping and the Soviets did and the Gulf states paid them instead

                yes, this illustrates my point

                >but here's an article that shows the USA then decided to defend shipping and now it is still an economic superpower whereas the other guy isn't


              • 4 months ago

                US failed to defend those tankers even after starting to escort them after years of pleading. a tanker immediately hit a mine while being escorted by US warships.

                Reagan did not retaliate against targets on Iranian soil despite Iran crossing Reagan's redline and firing Silkworms at US warships. Reagan instead just lied and said Iran didn't fire any Silkworms.

                America still got to keep its empire. the parallels to now are clear.

  12. 5 months ago

    France has been in the area for decades

  13. 5 months ago


  14. 5 months ago


    >Je serais curieux de savoir : c'est qui le gars qui est toujours la pour défendre le Rafale lorsque quelqu'un en parle sur /k/? Si jamais tu me lis, merci pour ton travail acharné et infatigable depuis des années
    Il est le héros que /k/ mérite, mais pas encore celui qu'il faut à Dassault.

    • 5 months ago

      Le Rafale se défend très bien tout seul.

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