France announces 40 new SCALP missiles for Ukraine

What will go BOOM this time?
I would like to see at least one ship and one barracks exploded. I think those salvage yards with 100s of piled wrecks might be good for a 2nd hit too

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  1. 5 months ago

    Digits for the Kerch Bridge

    • 5 months ago

      I am amazed that it has not been destroyed yet. Is it really so hard to sneak past that AA? Surely MALDs are a dime a dozen, max.

      • 5 months ago

        Because it's extremely difficult to damage it in a manner that it won't be repaired in a week. It's a fairly solid structure and a single missile that hits literally anywhere can't do enough damage to disrupt it for more than a week or two. You'd have to nuke it or keep hitting it with several missiles a day to keep it down.
        And Russia has decent rail lines secured now so it's not even critical.

        • 5 months ago

          >And Russia has decent rail lines secured now so it's not even critical.
          Source? Tokmak is under Ukranian fire control and there are no big rail lines further down south

        • 5 months ago

          Just go for the centre "bridge" part, where it has to go high enough to let the ships pass under, that part is tricky to rebuild

          • 5 months ago

            Its a steel arch structure composed of supportable parts, unless brought down entirely any particular part (cables/arch/roadway) can be replaced. Maybe faster than the larger concrete bridge span parts.

      • 5 months ago

        Bridge engineering is fun. It’s pretty damn hard to build a good, big, long bridge that will last without needing constant renovations, but at the same time, destroying one in one swift strike is also pretty damn hard. Most damage is pretty fast to repair, especially if you are in wartime ”good enough” mindset, and while smaller strikes of course also decrease the bridge long term integrity, it’s not enough to make it unusable for the timespan of this war.

        They either need bigger booms, or get very close to it to demolition it. Latter is obviously not very likely, so keep waiting for the first one.

      • 5 months ago

        The most likely explanation is that since pootpoot threatened muh nooks over it, specifically if westerners help Ukraine destroy it, Westoid morons are too scared to cross that red line. We've seen two attempts at destroying it, yet none with western weapons. I don't think it's a coincidence but I hope I'm wrong.

      • 5 months ago

        It's pointless to destroy it at this point. It's better to damage it enough regularly. That way, it forces Russia to mobilize resources to repair it, and the most important of all, it makes it so they have no choice other than parking precious air defense systems in that area instead of somewhere else near the front.

      • 5 months ago

        Pretty sure the reason is political and the US and EU doesn't want to find out if Putin is serious about muh nooks. Medvedev and Lavrov are the meme muh nookers so they say this every month. Kerch bridge and direct invasion of Crimea is something that Putin has repeatedly mentioned is his red line and would bring nukes into play.

        • 5 months ago

          Not to mention that, imho, it's a waste of resources that could be better used taking out Russia's AAA long range systems like the S300 and S400.

      • 5 months ago

        The bridge spans are relatively easy to repair. You would need to destroy the support pylons at multiple locations to actually cripple the thing for a longer period of time.

        • 5 months ago

          Ukraine needs to get a large bomb underneath the pylons between those underwater piles.

          • 5 months ago

            or double tap the russians as they are replacing a knocked out span and keep it up.
            you have nowhere to hide and no cover
            so any spy satelite can pass over and clue you in where along the process they are and then you can target the repair crew and equipment

            • 5 months ago

              >target the repair crew and equipment
              Ukraine won't target civilians.

              • 5 months ago

                ukraine hasn't targeted civilians because its a waste of resources, is a dick thing that could sour international opinion and you know immoral
                buy a group of guys working to restore a vital military supply route. One that I might add they have warned is a target for strikes and for civies to stay the hell away from.
                no one will care


                Yes. With a range of between 50 and 70km when released from high altitude and up to 15 when released from low altitude, at least officially.

                The Mirage 2000 was used as a test aircraft for the AASM but the capability to deliver this weapon was never offered on the export markets for the Mirage 2000 due to the release enveloppe being restricted, whereas a Rafale can pretty much now drop six of these whatever the attitude of the aircraft, as the release enveloppe was dramatically enhanced. The AASM has been only sold to Rafale users with one exception, Morocco, which received some AASM for their modernized Mirage F1.
                This matters due to the rumors of 6 Mirage 2000D being gifted to Ukraine soon. If both the F-16 and Mirage 2000D could deliver this weapon it would enhance its relevance as a go-to option for Ukrainian strategists.
                The AASM originally only acquired in the 250kg variant for mk82 bomb shells, is now also operational in France with 500kg for mk83 and 1000kg for BLU-109 and mk84 bombs, with the same range due to the bigger boosters and control surfaces kits.
                NATO considers these as SBU since it's not really a missile or a bomb. SBU-38, 54 and 64 for the INS GPS, INS GPS laser, and INS GPS IR variants, respectively. The last two have the ability to engage moving targets.
                The AASM was delivered from an F-16 during a test in the USA in 2014.
                Adaptations for soviet planes would be complicated because of the firing sequence of the weapon but it could probably be achieved.
                Yes France sucks. I am demooralized.
                Germany has sent a lot of stuff already.
                >this shit is so expensive, no1 problem with Rafales
                The cost of the INS GPS variant was drastically reduced.

                considering they have figured out how to launch other NATO ordinance from soviet planes they probably have a vague idea of how to go about getting the AASM to talk to soviet electronics.
                or what might also work is making the AASM's talk like the systems that they integrated before

              • 5 months ago

                >considering they have figured out how to launch other NATO ordinance from soviet planes they probably have a vague idea of how to go about getting the AASM to talk to soviet electronics.
                >or what might also work is making the AASM's talk like the systems that they integrated before
                Yes, but the SCALP/Storm Shadow integration was done by its manufacturer MBDA, whereas the AASM should be done by Safran, and I don't really trust Safran with this to be honest.
                Sekret squirrel stuff can't say much sorry.

              • 5 months ago

                if you repair military equipment you're no longer civilian

        • 5 months ago

          >bridge spans
          What about the big arch? What kind of ships pass under it? A decent spec-ops team could rig one in any random port. Don't Russia use Azov sea and inland channels to ship munitions too?

          • 5 months ago

            They can be fabricated off-shore and then installed like the flat bridge segments. The pylons beneath have to be poured and last time they had to build a giant a sandbank to even drive them in.

            • 5 months ago

              >had to build a giant a sandbank to even drive them in
              niiiice... soo.. hypothetically speaking... how good is pic.rel at the so called "turret tossing" ?

      • 5 months ago

        I think Ukiraine has publicly said it’s focusing on other targets right now. Maybe now that the Black Sea fleet is t a threat to shipping, they can focus more on hitting Crimean radar sites. Establishing air superiority over Crimea is crucial to taking out and keeping the bridge permanently out of commission. Cutting off Russian forces in the south and forcing them to retreat to Crimea probably takes priority though. Then they can lay siege to Crimea

        • 5 months ago

          >I think Ukiraine has publicly said it’s focusing on other targets right now. Maybe now that the Black Sea fleet is t a threat to shipping, they can focus more on hitting Crimean radar sites. Establishing air superiority over Crimea is crucial to taking out and keeping the bridge permanently out of commission. Cutting off Russian forces in the south and forcing them to retreat to Crimea probably takes priority though. Then they can lay siege to Crimea

          maybe you should concentrate on robtyne and avdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivka first,
          think ur getting ahead of yourself in that little sitcom-segment you just typed out

          • 5 months ago

            >maybe you should concentrate on robtyne and avdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivka first
            They're fine

            • 5 months ago

              I bought a jetski on payments, and i was promised my 1991 borders, a beach party and the collapse of Russia™
              I wont have this baby paid off until 2028, so i better get my hryvnia's worth, thats all gotta say

    • 5 months ago

      I wonder how well they'd work if targeted right at the arched section where its longest and supported on cables from the arch. Probably still need at least 10 to do a good job.

  2. 5 months ago

    150 cruise missiles a year total for Ukraine is solid imo. And the #1 target should be the Kerch Bridge but it's hard to get close with all that AA.

  3. 5 months ago

    Frick this shit is frustrating. 40 is a fricking JOKE. They need a thousand. Just keeping Ukraine in the fight might be good enough for US foreign policy goals but it’s still weak shit.

    • 5 months ago

      I agree, it's been piecemeal this whole time. They are giving them F16s why not the Growlers the Navy is going to mothball, so the the F16s can actually punch through? Seems like they are just giving shit without an overall strategy.

      • 5 months ago

        >overall strategy
        Russia doesn't win nor does it lose
        Ukraine doesn't win nor does it lose

        • 5 months ago

          Someone finally gets it

        • 5 months ago

          reminds me of Iran-Iraq War, support both sides so the conflict goes on for a long time

          Amazing after all these years that people still think America's foreign policy has some logic behind it. It's the same as everything else the US government or any government does - guided by internal politics and therefore totally irrational to an outside observer.

      • 5 months ago

        They are not getting Growlers. They're converted Super Hornets (already a concern) and the jamming pods are insanely secret.

        IMO converted 737 freighters with shit the USAF was running for its EW aircraft back in the 00s would be a great idea.

      • 5 months ago

        The USN is going to retire zero Growlers. It's called politics. Congress required the USAF, USMC, and USN to pool all of their EW warplanes and basically work as a single command, with pilots being cross trained on each other's airplanes and such. There's just one problem. The air force and marines have exactly none of those airplanes. Congress was basically telling the navy to pay almost a billion dollars per year to give the other services some airplanes. So the navy put out a plan to retire all of the airplanes that congress has ordered be shared, basically to put congress on notice and force congress to say something on the issue.

        There never was nor will be a real intention of retiring those planes.

      • 5 months ago

        reminds me of Iran-Iraq War, support both sides so the conflict goes on for a long time

    • 5 months ago

      Tell Joe Biden to send "a thousand" AGM-158 with the F-16 then. France has only bought 450 SCALP total and the UK about 900 Storm Shadow. Many have been used in operations or gifted to other countries, or are already too old. Only a handful got refurbished. 40 is a big number considering the number of these missiles France still has in storage.

      So how many can they carry under each SU24 and how many SU24 can they put in the air at once?

      Any S400 ought to be a worthy target. Spam those S400s and put the MALDs in the air too. Make the Pantsirs focus on those. Then aim 12 Scalps for a bridge span. That ought to work, mathematically, right? Especially with a delayed fuse so the bomb can smash the driveway then impact on the span below. I think the roadway might be more important than the rail

      >So how many can they carry under each SU24 and how many SU24 can they put in the air at once?
      Two missiles, and probably around half a dozen maximum if not less.
      But you're thinking of the wrong plane.
      Pic related. Look. Think. From this video

      So what about those Taurus?

      >So what about those Taurus?
      Ask krauts about it, it has nothing to do with frogs, it's from MBDA Deutschland, formerly LFK-Lenkflugcorpssysteme, formerly DASA-Dornier.

    • 5 months ago

      Thats like 400 if not more r*ssian ones if you convert using failure rate/accuracy.

    • 5 months ago

      >Frick this shit is frustrating. 40 is a fricking JOKE.
      Bonjour where is the money/argent?

    • 5 months ago

      Russia spammed like 3000 cruise missiles.
      NATO sends 200? Sad.

      • 5 months ago

        What's sad is that those 200 NATO cruise missiles are going to do more militarily relevant damage than Russias' 3000.

        • 5 months ago

          >What's sad is that those 200 NATO cruise missiles are going to do more militarily relevant damage than Russias' 3000.
          ha, well that settles it!

          im getting my sandals and a towel,
          how is the weather in crimea this time of year?

          • 5 months ago

            bit chilly at the moment. give it two more weeks

    • 5 months ago

      That's 40 high value targets.

    • 5 months ago

      main idea is to make slavs kill each other.

      US/NATO only want perpetual war in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa and South East Asia

      • 5 months ago

        >main idea is to make slavs kill each other.

  4. 5 months ago

    So how many can they carry under each SU24 and how many SU24 can they put in the air at once?

    Any S400 ought to be a worthy target. Spam those S400s and put the MALDs in the air too. Make the Pantsirs focus on those. Then aim 12 Scalps for a bridge span. That ought to work, mathematically, right? Especially with a delayed fuse so the bomb can smash the driveway then impact on the span below. I think the roadway might be more important than the rail

  5. 5 months ago

    We could outfit some F-16s with Thales pods which I’m sure are competent enough to wreck Russian signaling. Ukies need some sort of tech aid because they’ll never have the training or ops capability needed to pull off Wild Weasel or do strike missions in denied airspace.

  6. 5 months ago

    So what about those Taurus?

    • 5 months ago

      That would disrupt the future cooperation between Navalny's govt and the German land of Meklemburg, where the NS infrastructure is located

    • 5 months ago

      Main opposition party (CDU) is currently pushing for a vote in the german parliament to send them.

    • 5 months ago

      Main opposition party (CDU) is currently pushing for a vote in the german parliament to send them.

      Look at the vote results today. Not coming any time soon.

      • 5 months ago

        >two absent
        One was Strack-Zimmermann wasn't it?

    • 5 months ago

      Ukraine is not allowed to get weapons that can be used to target russian soil due to escalation.

  7. 5 months ago

    Also they'll send "hundreds" (no precise number, other than multiple of x100) of those little babies

    • 5 months ago

      those have a lot of attrition potential if the ukies can claw out windows for safe flying

    • 5 months ago

      those have a lot of attrition potential if the ukies can claw out windows for safe flying

      I wonder if adaptations were made so those AASM could be launched from Soviet planes like the Scalp/Storm Shadow, or from the soon-to-come F16s.

      • 5 months ago

        the missles know where you are at all times

    • 5 months ago

      this shit is so expensive, no1 problem with Rafales

    • 5 months ago

      Yes. With a range of between 50 and 70km when released from high altitude and up to 15 when released from low altitude, at least officially.

      The Mirage 2000 was used as a test aircraft for the AASM but the capability to deliver this weapon was never offered on the export markets for the Mirage 2000 due to the release enveloppe being restricted, whereas a Rafale can pretty much now drop six of these whatever the attitude of the aircraft, as the release enveloppe was dramatically enhanced. The AASM has been only sold to Rafale users with one exception, Morocco, which received some AASM for their modernized Mirage F1.
      This matters due to the rumors of 6 Mirage 2000D being gifted to Ukraine soon. If both the F-16 and Mirage 2000D could deliver this weapon it would enhance its relevance as a go-to option for Ukrainian strategists.
      The AASM originally only acquired in the 250kg variant for mk82 bomb shells, is now also operational in France with 500kg for mk83 and 1000kg for BLU-109 and mk84 bombs, with the same range due to the bigger boosters and control surfaces kits.
      NATO considers these as SBU since it's not really a missile or a bomb. SBU-38, 54 and 64 for the INS GPS, INS GPS laser, and INS GPS IR variants, respectively. The last two have the ability to engage moving targets.

      I wonder if adaptations were made so those AASM could be launched from Soviet planes like the Scalp/Storm Shadow, or from the soon-to-come F16s.

      The AASM was delivered from an F-16 during a test in the USA in 2014.
      Adaptations for soviet planes would be complicated because of the firing sequence of the weapon but it could probably be achieved.

      If I was a betting man I would say that this is misdirection. Something about all warfare with France being based on deception because the Frog is deceitful by nature. Just take this flag and rotate it 90 degrees.

      Yes France sucks. I am demooralized.

      Fricking hell, wish olaf the absolute worst for not sending Taurus.

      Germany has sent a lot of stuff already.

      this shit is so expensive, no1 problem with Rafales

      >this shit is so expensive, no1 problem with Rafales
      The cost of the INS GPS variant was drastically reduced.

  8. 5 months ago

    Hopefully theBlack Sea fleet docked in Novorossyisk.

  9. 5 months ago

    If I was a betting man I would say that this is misdirection. Something about all warfare with France being based on deception because the Frog is deceitful by nature. Just take this flag and rotate it 90 degrees.

  10. 5 months ago

    Fricking hell, wish olaf the absolute worst for not sending Taurus.

  11. 5 months ago

    We now know why the French are doing this

    • 5 months ago

      omlette du dague'

    • 5 months ago

      First it was the Poles, now every other tall claim is frog mercenaries being killed, the frick is wrong with these vatBlack person morons

      • 5 months ago

        >he blatantly forgets about the Blacks and the perfidious albions

    • 5 months ago

      Right pydor, 60 french people is probably every single french volunteer person in Ukraine right now humanitarian personnel included. But of course they would all gather at the same place together?
      Why are you this dumb?

      • 5 months ago

        It's fake news from the vatnigs, as usual
        Tytelman is a trustworthy guy that often goes in Ukraine to deliver donated humanitarian aid, vehicles, drones, whatever a civilian can get that could help even a little bit. He has a lot of contacts with the french fighting there or helping, and none were in that area when the strike happened, and obviously none died or were injured.
        tl;dr Macaron delivers missiles, and vatnigs respond with a fake strike news for their own propaganda.

        • 5 months ago

          I know Tytelman I spoke with him once. Not a bad guy but he also spreads some disinfo from time to time.
          In this case I'd tend to trust him though.

    • 5 months ago

      Last time a similar attack killed dozen of British mercenaries too thats why the British SAS shot down that radar plane the other day?

    • 5 months ago

      They were french SAS btw

    • 5 months ago

      how many boris johnsons were hit???

  12. 5 months ago

    78 Caesar are now in production by Nexter for Ukraine. Expect more Russian strikes killing 9000 gazillion frogs coincidentally gathered in the same building.

  13. 5 months ago

    what's the point of hitting ships, the navy isn't doing shit anyway

    • 5 months ago

      >what's the point of hitting ships, the navy isn't doing shit anyway

      the victory over the Ruzzians is purely psychological,
      quickest way to balkanize Russia even

  14. 5 months ago

    France weapons manufacturers have ordered 78 CAESAR self propelled artillery systems for Ukraine.

  15. 5 months ago

    I have a schizo theory on what's habbening.
    The revelation of NK's ballistic missiles being used in Ukraine finally crossed a red line, it was an open secret that in exchange for Russia to not use Iranian ballistic missiles in Ukraine, NATO would restrict long range Ukrainian strike capabilities outside of Russian borders. North Korea mightve been part of that agreement too. Hence why HIMARS and Storm Shadows are forbidden to strike those regions, that might change soon.
    Ukraine's recently been smoking high level Russian assets in Crimea, particularly air defense, radars, the downing of the A-50 is what convinced me they're up to some shit.
    I'm hazarding a guess that Ukraine is going to get a LOT of GMLRS and ATACMS munitions when congress approves its next package in a few weeks, most of it to strike the lowest hanging fruit within Russian borders. Here's my bingo list:
    >Novorossiysk by SS/SCALP, take a look at pic related, all these assets were moved here after SS/SCALP strikes in Crimea
    >Millerovo Airbase by ATACMS
    >Primorsko Airbase by ATACMS
    >Saki Airbase by ATACMS
    >Several S-400 sites in Crimea by ATACMS
    >Several S-300 sites in Russia by ATACMS
    >Dozens of vehicle and armor bases by GMLRS
    >Dozens of Ammo Depos by GMLRS

    if this habbens then i'll lose my shit, granted it doesn't seem like Russia's used any NK ballistic missiles in a couple weeks now, but I imagine if they continue to use them then it's all the more reason for this shitstorm to get the go ahead.

    • 5 months ago

      Rusnigeria reaping the whirlwind would be kino as frick to see, and the angry, helpless seething of vatBlack folk would be just a bonus

    • 5 months ago

      >It's okay for Russia to attack Ukraine with Iranian and North Korean crap
      >It's not okay for Ukraine to use the weapons we gave for attacking Russia
      How is this fair. Is it because we donated these weapons, while Russia bought them? I hereby propose we sell weapons to Ukraine instead. For 1$ each.

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