
how fit are you guys?
what are your numbers?

I can do 31 pushups and 11 pullups, can run for long (1hour+) but not very fast, problem isnt cardio but my leg muscles getting tired.
for rucks I can go for a long time but again not very fast, I'm close to the US Army rifleman standard but a bit slower.
I consider myself in decent shape but not a fit Chad, it's a good base point to start from, I think if I keep training I can become fit in the next months

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  1. 2 months ago

    I been benching 225 and squatting 255 for eights, lately. I'm only fit to mog other middle aged men when I'm able to get out of a chair without groaning.

    • 2 months ago

      >I'm only fit to mog other middle aged men when I'm able to get out of a chair without groaning.
      I'm the same lmao, in my 50's and swim daily, 200ish bench/squat, 25 pushups with good form and jog for about an hour straight

      • 2 months ago

        it doesn't take much but damn it feels good to be a gangster.

  2. 2 months ago

    >how fit are you guys?
    Not as fit as I would like, getting older and lazier by the minute
    >what are your numbers?
    22 pushups, 8 pull ups, running about 30min.
    I know, I know, I should get my lazy ass off the couch but like I said, old and lazy

  3. 2 months ago

    >I can do 31 pushups
    What? That's really not a lot

    • 2 months ago

      I wish I had a pullup bar

      Doing 30 pushups (and doing them correctly) already puts him in the top 1% of males tbqh

      • 2 months ago

        >Doing 30 pushups (and doing them correctly) already puts him in the top 1% of males tbqh Not at all. What the frick, are you high?

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah ok I might have exagerated with the 1%, but you underestimate how fat and weak people are anon

        • 2 months ago

          When I was a teenager the army recruiters were astonished that I did 30 diamond push-ups and gave me every prize item on the table when I did it. No dude, men aren't men anymore even the ones that look somewhat "fit." Even the bodybuilder looking dudes are actually strong they just do repetitions with weights until their muscles are so swelled up with blood they stretch out. You only need to do one set with weights, that's the fricking point of using them and not just doing repetitive manual labor.

          Look up the One Set routine by Mentzer and Yates, or Minimal Effective Dose training. morons waste so much time in the gym meanwhile actual athletes only do a few sets then get on with their actual function training. This is how a lightweight MMA fighter or footballer would absolutely kick a fatfrick or bodybloater's ass.

          • 2 months ago

            Did they also clap?

            • 2 months ago

              That's not a feat at all, if you think that was a brag that's actually hilarious because you're proving my point. 30 isn't a lot but most men can't even do that. The vast majority of modern "men" can't even do a pullup.

          • 2 months ago

            >their muscles are just swelled up with blood
            This is fricking bait, nobody can be this stupid

            • 2 months ago

              Sacroplasmic hypertrophy or as bloatybuilders think it's called, just "hypertrophy" means the swelling of the sacroplasm that surrounds the myofibrillar fiber. Myofibril hypertrophy is the actual way to strengthen muscles for raw strength rather than endurance. Bloating the sacroplasm can help with endurance as it holds the food for the myofibril which is glycogen and water. Bloated dudes are literally just full of blood, carbs, and water. Their myofibrils are seriously neglected which is why bodybuilders don't actually have impressive lifts for their weight class. They are training to look big, they do not care about strength, they don't cultivate it and thus don't gain it. They also don't even look good to anyone except other gay men. Women can tell an athlete vs a bloatshit.

          • 2 months ago

            Sacroplasmic hypertrophy or as bloatybuilders think it's called, just "hypertrophy" means the swelling of the sacroplasm that surrounds the myofibrillar fiber. Myofibril hypertrophy is the actual way to strengthen muscles for raw strength rather than endurance. Bloating the sacroplasm can help with endurance as it holds the food for the myofibril which is glycogen and water. Bloated dudes are literally just full of blood, carbs, and water. Their myofibrils are seriously neglected which is why bodybuilders don't actually have impressive lifts for their weight class. They are training to look big, they do not care about strength, they don't cultivate it and thus don't gain it. They also don't even look good to anyone except other gay men. Women can tell an athlete vs a bloatshit.

            >Even the bodybuilder looking dudes are actually strong they just do repetitions with weights until their muscles are so swelled up with blood they stretch out.
            LMAO. This is the dumbest thing I've read on PrepHole for at least a week.
            You're fricking moronic bro.

            • 2 months ago

              Keep doing your 10 shits of 10 sharts roidtroony routine and getting nowhere, waste your time for all I care 10shitter.

      • 2 months ago

        Just get a door frame pull up bar. Idk where you live anon but every local goodwill/thrift store will have 2-3 in store for under 10$

      • 2 months ago

        >Doing 30 pushups (and doing them correctly) already puts him in the top 1% of males tbqh
        just about any male that's below 40 and isn't a total butterball is capable of 30 pushups
        sure, he'll be a wheezing mess at the end of it, but it's doable for most. it's not like pullups where fatasses and dyels have to work to do a single one.

        • 2 months ago

          I’m dyel as frick and pull ups are easy for me

      • 2 months ago

        I have a pullup bar and never used it, i can do less than 5 pullups because i never use it

    • 2 months ago

      >not a lot
      I consider it decent, as I said I can perform physical activity without problems and am decently fit, but not really a performer, o havent worked out for a long time, and started out again some months ago, and now I've gotten leaner, put on muscle mass and my performance has gotten better, in the next months I expect to become much better, I'll start boxing again which will give me a boost, as I dont trading as intensely when doing shit alone, plus I like fighting and coming home with bloody nose and bruises, and giving them to people

      I wish I had a pullup bar

      Doing 30 pushups (and doing them correctly) already puts him in the top 1% of males tbqh

      >top 1%

      but idk how fit are other people honestly, from the ones I know, the young ones almost half of them do some kind of training so they're at least decent, the other half are twinks and lards that dont work out, for adults most are fats

      • 2 months ago

        Break up your your push-ups into sets of 25 and keep doing them throughout your day.... you'll be very surprised when you fast forward a couple weeks to a month and are banging out 400+ in a day. It's all about breaking them into manageable sets.

        • 2 months ago

          If you can do 400 pushups you're wasting a shit ton of time and you're way past the point you should've advanced to bench press.

    • 2 months ago

      People can do hundreds of half assed pushups. When you maintain proper form and do them slowly, as you should, it's a real struggle to get to 50. 30 is honestly pretty good.

      • 2 months ago

        I can manage to do 182 consecutive pushups while maintaining good form throughout, it really winds me though

  4. 2 months ago

    idk I just play tennis man

    • 2 months ago

      I mean if you can do that and enjoy it you are slaying the vets here, just with functional knees alone.

  5. 2 months ago

    I was fit as shit then had two kids now I doubt I could run for 5 minutes without dying
    I was more of a heavy lifting guy though never cared much for cardio. I lift my 8 year old above my head with one arm to show him who's the man

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't been outside of my home for the past two weeks, I get a tired just from climbing my stairs. I have been gooning and gaming non-stop.

      Nice larp homosexual. We are all weabbo incels here.

    • 2 months ago

      what pregnancy does to mf

  6. 2 months ago

    I can do 40 push ups. I can only bench 110 pounds at the max cause twink but I can barbell row 1pl8 and I’ve surpassed my body weight with deadlifts. Unweighted I can do 14 pull ups

    • 2 months ago

      shows how calisthenics are irrelevant to your actual strength tbh

  7. 2 months ago

    250+ lbs and dying of heart disease.

    Eat what you store they said. What a mistake. Food on hand is for your health. Just store freeze dried.

    We'll see if I can turn this shit around at the last minute. If not, I can at least leave this warning.

    • 2 months ago

      Have you tried not being fat?

      People like you make me so glad I didn't go into cardiology. It's like being a firefighter for people whose houses have already burned down.

  8. 2 months ago

    8:40 mile
    8 pull ups or 1x 55lb weighted
    300 bench
    395 squat
    460 diddly
    175 ohp
    and to keep it /k/ related about a 3.1 bill drill

  9. 2 months ago

    Bench 245, squat 315, deadlift 345, weighted pull-ups with 90 lbs. Used to lift more, still haven't got back to where I was before Ama Dablam.
    I run or cycle every other morning but I don't pay that much attention to the numbers, I just try to keep up with my wife. Did a 3:41:20 marathon in early 2022 but that was when we were training endurance hard and we'd been doing a lot of running though covid.
    I don't ruck but I've done a bit of mountaineering. Climbed Ama Dablam in late 2022 which I'm pretty fricking happy with.

    I'm in pretty good shape, obviously.
    Been getting back into boxing recently and it feels like a completely different sport with how much stronger I am now. I've lost a lot of technical proficiency but being able to bench 245 rather than 170ish seems to more than make up for it.

  10. 2 months ago

    I used to be able to get consistent 515/600 on the ACFT, but then I herniated a disk between the L3 and L4.
    Can't do much of anything since I've gone on profile (about 8 months ago now) because I'm in constant pain and it feels like physical therapy is just giving me the run around. It's incredibly depressing

    • 2 months ago

      i got spondilo listesis so my back is terminally condemned to get worse, but since I restarted training it almost never pains me, I'm going to enlist in the coming months I dont give a frick I'll keep going until I can, I can ruck and work out and it never pains me, the worst is when I sit not doing shit but still it's rare

      • 2 months ago

        you're going to get denied for an improperly healed pars fracture

        • 2 months ago


  11. 2 months ago

    My 4 mile time PR is 28 minutes
    I've done sub 32 with plates on
    I can rep 405 on squat, bench 315, and My seated OHP is 225
    I can do 4 pullups with 90lbs attached or 1 with 125 lbs attached at a body weight of 205lbs
    I can do a 12 mile ruck in 2:20

    • 2 months ago

      Thighs or lies, anon.

  12. 2 months ago

    I can jerk off for 3 hours without stopping.

    • 2 months ago

      Strongest anon itt

  13. 2 months ago

    Everyone needs a home gym. Even if it's just a bench with adjustable dumbbells, or some kettlebells, or gymnastic rings, etc. There's no excuse for you to be an unfit piece of shit with the wealth of information available even just for calisthenics nowadays.

  14. 2 months ago

    My PB over the 5,5km run is 5:55, but I do 6:05 more reliably. How fit I am k?

    • 2 months ago

      That's the pace you're running for that distance, right?

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, average pace over 5,5 km

  15. 2 months ago

    Been doing 200 pushups a day, recently started squatting 100x a day with a 60lb bar. Summertime my cardio is great from biking but this time of year it's almost nonexistent

  16. 2 months ago

    Im retired so no longer work out the way I was forced to. But I still take my dog for 2 mile walks in the morning, knock out a set or two of 20 push ups. Do a few pull ups, crunches, planks. Not much just feels good every now and then. My body is also messed up

  17. 2 months ago

    48 pushups, 15 pull ups, 3.5 pl8 deadlift and horrid cardio

  18. 2 months ago

    I wish I had some semblance of cardio endurance
    my lungs and chest give out far before my legs due to a nasty stint of childhood asthma
    by mile 2 I can taste and smell blood when I exhale and I feel like I'm being stabbed in the sides
    by the time I get home I'm writhing on the ground for 5 minutes trying not feel like I'm dying

    • 2 months ago

      I have the same issue. I’m great at sprints and dashes but I’m terrible with endurance. I also had childhood asthma

  19. 2 months ago

    Forty push ups and five pull-ups. I don't think I can run for very long, probably only 30 minutes. My fitness comes from my work as I don't really exercise.

    I really need to do yoga.

  20. 2 months ago

    I do circuit workouts a few times a week with my wife
    I am a lean 160lbs at 6'
    We hike a lot as a family
    I can't lift super heavy but I can lift what I need to and I can run a long way with a pack on
    my left knee is a little fricked and I have intermittent pain in that area that sometimes fricks me but I can usually avoid it by walking really intently in good form

    • 2 months ago

      check out "knees over toes guy" on youtube. He has a bunch of really great stuff on strengthening your knee and general leg mobility.

  21. 2 months ago

    If jogging is too hard for your joints try replacing some of it with swimming. Amazing exercise but needs some basic technique to feel good.

  22. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I miss when I was a 1. Had such a cute tummy

    • 2 months ago

      7 looks pretty ideal IMO.

    • 2 months ago

      Women want 8
      large and In charge

    • 2 months ago

      I'm between 2 and 3 :3

  23. 2 months ago

    Where do you start from skinnyfat lethargy? I fricked up a lumbar vertebra in the gym a few years ago so the usual deadlifts/squats/situps are ruled out due to stressing that area, but I want to be as fit as I can possibly be

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        The Japanese must make female robotic AI trainers that reward success with holding hands and head pats.

  24. 2 months ago

    I'm paraplegic after I was shot in the spine when I was with the UN troops in Central Africa.
    It's so fricking over.

    • 2 months ago

      wtf really?

      • 2 months ago

        Unfortunately yes.
        I can't do cardio and I have chronic back pain.
        Because of that I'm overweight but I try to follow a diet and do some arm stretching every morning.
        It sucks but I'm used to it now.
        The first year was an absolute hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
        The worst part is the depression and panic attacks I had when I was at the hospital.
        If it wasn't for my family I probably would've killed myself when I got home.

    • 2 months ago

      Damn man. What country where you in?

      • 2 months ago


  25. 2 months ago

    Bench 150
    Squat 150
    Deadlift 250
    I don't plan on doing anything more than that since I use the gym at work during work hours.
    If I get injured it'll become a big issue and I frick it up for all the coworkers.
    I think I'm alright where I'm at for now.

  26. 2 months ago

    >how fit are you guys?
    >what are your numbers?
    Not fit enough, slightly overweight. Do my dumbbell routine to get my shoulders wider, used do about 30 or more pushups divided in three attempts, can't pull up for shit since school. Can do lots of situps, leg lifts, squats.
    Thinking of going to swimming pool or getting more serious about my exercise, making them more regular, buy different dumbbells. Got no place for barbells and bench in my home, sadly.
    What are good exercises to remove belly fat and widen shoulders?

    • 2 months ago

      >What are good exercises to remove belly fat
      Frick all. You can't selectively target fat loss in a particular area (actually, that's a lie, you might be able to, just not to a degree that matters in practice). You can target particular muscles because they grow in response to specific stimulus whereas fat loss/gain is a consequence of caloric intake and expenditure throughout the whole of the body.
      You can grow your abs by doing shit like crunches or planks which can make your belly look more defined at (slightly) higher levels of body fat but really the best way to lose belly fat is to eat fewer calories.
      >and widen shoulders?
      Lateral raises and overhead press. There's a bunch of other shit you can also do (upright rows, anterior raises, rear delt flys, etc) but lateral raises and some form of shoulder press are the key movements, they're where you want to focus your effort.
      You'll also want to work on your lats (latissmus dorsi) since they contribute to the V-taper which is part of looking like you have broad shoulders. Lats grow from horizontal and vertical pulling. Start doing some sort of row for the former and start working towards pull-ups for the latter.

      Unfortunately yes.
      I can't do cardio and I have chronic back pain.
      Because of that I'm overweight but I try to follow a diet and do some arm stretching every morning.
      It sucks but I'm used to it now.
      The first year was an absolute hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
      The worst part is the depression and panic attacks I had when I was at the hospital.
      If it wasn't for my family I probably would've killed myself when I got home.

      That sucks man.
      There's no upper body cardio you can do? My gym has some sort of arm bicycle thing I see people in wheelchairs use and plenty of people swim without working legs. Might help with the back pain.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, I know about those bicycle things that paraplegics use but I can't do much movement because of my pain.
        The stretching really helps and I'm looking for new treatment alternatives.
        I avoid opioids like the plague.

        • 2 months ago

          >I avoid opioids like the plague.
          Good man. They are the devil.

          For my part: Bench 225x5, Squat 315x5, Deadlift 405x5, Strict Press135x5. I'm pretty fat right now, though. I train jiu jitsu and used to box, but I've let myself balloon up to about 230 lbs at 6' tall. I'm working on dropping down to around 200 by July.

      • 2 months ago

        Thanks, got it

  27. 2 months ago

    Bit overweight: 196cm 105 kg

    Can’t do pullups, pushups about 40 in one go on a good day. Quite a decent runner last time I ran it was 11,4 km a in one hour.

    Fell like shit when rucking in woods. Especially in a snow, when everything gets wet and even more heavy. No more running just slow walking.

    Worse thing is that I always sick. Constant cold, flu two times this year, had to take antibiotics for that thing in a throat, always dizzy, panic attacks.

    It is like enchanted wheel. Can’t train, so feel like shit and sick, undertrained because allways sick and feel like shit.

    Pic my legs after first time with ksp58 in woods

    • 2 months ago

      What does your diet look like? Are you stretching? Are you getting enough macronutrients, micronutrients? Are you getting enough sunlight? What does your PT plan look like? Are you lifting at all, or just doing shitty unit cardio+calisthenics?

  28. 2 months ago

    Am fat and worthless but I'm trying to do better, every other day I'm doing cardio, and have reduced my intake to about 1400-1700 a day. I did fire and maneuver drills in kit yesterday, which I'm counting as cardio

  29. 2 months ago

    I was a two sport athlete in college. I was recruited as a receiver for football, but ended up doing track & field, as well. Go Ducks. I'm 35 right now & have been in prime shape most of my life since high school.

    Bench press max: 355lbs 1 rep, 225lbs 14 reps
    Squat max: 400lbs 1 rep, 315lbs 8 reps
    Can do 72 pushups until failure within a timed limit of 2 minutes
    Can do 90 sit ups until failure within a timed limit of 2 minutes
    Used to run a 6 minute mile, but I only swim now. Start swimming after you turn 30 to save your knees & lower back.
    Can do 25 bodyweight / dead-hang pull-ups until failure with no timed limit

    Tip for the younger guys out there, never stop working out. Especially in your 30's going into your 40's. The whole 'men lose testosterone' as they age & therefore get in bad shape out of their control is the biggest pile of bullshit. If you are fit in your thirties, you will stand out against 99% of other men their thirties. All my friends aren't necessarily fat, but they look like melted ice-cream. Staying fit as you age, especially in your 30's is the best form of self investment you can ever make. Period. It's cliche to say this, but just don' eat garbage. No sugar. No carbs. Never eat that shit, but it's okay to have something like pancakes or waffles if you want every once in a while. Eat as much steak & eggs as you want. Grass fed organic beef & organic eggs are literally the best two foods for you. It's so fricking moronic that people actually believe the lie that red meat is and for you. Once a year, do a 2 week fast. Only drink water. It sucks, but it will remove all the cancer cells & nasty shit from your body & will slow down your aging by a factor of 10. Don't start this until you turn 30 though. If you feel sick like having the flu & feel like your are going to puke in the first 2-3 days, that means the fast is working & all that easy shit in your body is being released into your bloodstream & being disposed of.

    • 2 months ago

      What kind of benefits do you get from fasting? I'm about the same age and can vouch for the rest of your suggestions but never tried a long term fast.

      • 2 months ago

        Just to clarify, I mean stuff you can notice reasonably quickly - it would be very hard for me to tell if I was reducing my chances of cancer.

      • 2 months ago

        >What kind of benefits do you get from fasting?
        It is praiseworthy in the eyes of Allah.

      • 2 months ago

        Not him but I've had good effects from not pigging out even as a hardgainer. I can't fast because I'll lose what precious weight it cost me hours of forcefeeding to gain. But I think fatasses would seriously benefit from fasting, the starvation mode is what triggers your body to eat stored fat.

        My personal experience, I looked up the benefits of fasting but can't afford the weight loss. So I decided to switch from 4 meals a day to 3 with no snacking in between, not even sugary drinks so I'm not spiking insulin and lowering testosterone. My sleep regulation is far better and I feel less hungry due to eating bigger meals. The time in between meals without snacks where I'm hungry but not starving is good for my blood testosterone level as I'm not spiked with insulin which competes for production with it. The lessened burden of meal preparation and better sleep patterns is enough to make me not do that moronic bodybuilder bullshit diet of eating 4-5 meals a day. Ideally I'd say 1-2 meals is best but I'm not ballsy enough to try it. People didn't normally eat lunch until like the 40s, just breakfast and dinner, and some were still on the normal animalistic diet of 1 meal per day. It can be done, and your sex/athletic hormone gains would be insane theoretically. It's basically a daily fast, but intermittent fasting seems easier with similar benefits.

      • 2 months ago

        Not him but I've had good effects from not pigging out even as a hardgainer. I can't fast because I'll lose what precious weight it cost me hours of forcefeeding to gain. But I think fatasses would seriously benefit from fasting, the starvation mode is what triggers your body to eat stored fat.

        My personal experience, I looked up the benefits of fasting but can't afford the weight loss. So I decided to switch from 4 meals a day to 3 with no snacking in between, not even sugary drinks so I'm not spiking insulin and lowering testosterone. My sleep regulation is far better and I feel less hungry due to eating bigger meals. The time in between meals without snacks where I'm hungry but not starving is good for my blood testosterone level as I'm not spiked with insulin which competes for production with it. The lessened burden of meal preparation and better sleep patterns is enough to make me not do that moronic bodybuilder bullshit diet of eating 4-5 meals a day. Ideally I'd say 1-2 meals is best but I'm not ballsy enough to try it. People didn't normally eat lunch until like the 40s, just breakfast and dinner, and some were still on the normal animalistic diet of 1 meal per day. It can be done, and your sex/athletic hormone gains would be insane theoretically. It's basically a daily fast, but intermittent fasting seems easier with similar benefits.

        Fasting only works for specific conditions under medical supervision. It doesn't work if you're doing it for a long time or without aid from a dietitian.

  30. 2 months ago

    I'm fat as frick, 99kg @ 180cm. Can bench 62kg 8 times, haven't tried more. The only physical activity is biking 10km to work and back twice a week.

  31. 2 months ago

    my lifts are shit but I have decent stamina
    gotta improve the lifts though I am an ultra flyweight homosexual

  32. 2 months ago

    I did a checkup with a new doctor and she was shocked that my blood pressure was normal for my weight. No im not 500 pounds.

  33. 2 months ago

    I'm a fat frick that primarily eats pizza and plays videogames when not working a desk job.

    • 2 months ago

      do they have park runs in your country?

  34. 2 months ago

    As a former powershitter I can confirm that boxing/mma is more important than moving big thing up and down

  35. 2 months ago

    1,000 Push ups daily
    1,000 Sit-ups daily
    20 minutes of kettle bell swings daily
    Shadow box daily
    Dry fire daily.

  36. 2 months ago

    >70 push-ups in a min
    >60 crunches in a min
    >10min 1.5 mile
    >4 mile(w/900ft vert) ruck at a 16min/mile pace w/ a 40 pound pack
    I usually do all those dispersed in a week. I'm starting to squat my pack after a ruck and run 4 miles afterwards. It feels great. I really need to get a pool membership.

  37. 2 months ago

    I can lift a 25 lb dumbbell 10 times before I have to switch arms. I have really let myself go.

  38. 2 months ago

    6-7 minute mile, lot of weight lifting, extra protein and good sleep. Working to get faster and stronger. Remember good sleep and nutrition to realize gains.

  39. 2 months ago

    >30 push up
    >top 1%
    As in "can do" or "do it everyday-ish"
    Because I am pretty sure judging by all the skinny fats and obese "people" I doubt if people walk 30 min a day.

  40. 2 months ago

    Been working on a lot of hiking and trying to work up to Army ruck times. W/ 35lbs did a 1:13 5 mile. W/15lb got a 3:05 10.17 mile. Been slowly working in sub 15min miles on the longer ones to eventually try a full ruck test. Florida heat/humidity definitely sucks.

    I should be lifting more but alternatively I have been spending more off time in my workshop.

  41. 2 months ago

    All I do is run. Last month I ran a 30 minute 5 mile for the first time. Haven't done pushups since I left the military and started working in a warehouse. Even when I was in all I did was prep via pushups and situps 1 month prior to my test.

    Need to start strength training but work sucks

  42. 2 months ago

    I've always been generally strong and juuuust fit enough not to be held back by common obstacles or stresses, so it was never a problem for me. The short peak in my fitness after joining the army was dragged down by the officer lifestyle and once I went back to civilian life it was never a serious concern. Having a kid changed all that and I've had to make a lot of improvements to keep up with a kid that's as energetic as a fuel-air cluster bomb.

    My mile is about 6:30
    Pushups to failure (as of 10 minutes ago) is 43
    Situps to failure was over 50 last weekend
    Pullups to failure was only 16
    No idea what I can bench, but I manage 45lb dumbells

    I don't really consider myself fit, but I'm fit enough for most things.

  43. 2 months ago

    i was not i great shape when i went to jump school.
    First week, it was 300 pushups a day, running everywhere, no walking, but 5-10 miles or organized runs a day. 7 pullups for the right to enter the pt pit.
    it comes down to do you want to quit. Or can you push yourself.
    Three weeks later, I felt quite fit.
    lol, in the last week the five mile runs are just to shake out the injured who are holding on to get their jumps in.

    • 2 months ago

      Was not meeting reqs cut and shut or was it a case of pushing people to their fail point and see if they'll keep going?

  44. 2 months ago

    I can do about 80 pushups, 20 pullups (maybe I can reach 30 lately) and I can run at 8 mph for a few hours.
    I honestly don't know how good is this. I'm certainly no couch potato but those who are seriously training are much better than me, so I'd say I'm average maybe.
    My training routine is to jog 6 miles and do 50 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 30 minutes of stretching exercises every other day, plus I watch my diet and I don't eat junk food. I think I'm reasonably fit, all things considered.

    • 2 months ago

      That's pretty good. Not elite athletic or anything but good enough for soldiering.

  45. 2 months ago
  46. 2 months ago

    >board called PrepHole
    >add /k/ in front of the word fit
    >this is allowed
    this is how I know this is the current LARP thread

  47. 2 months ago

    I got into a nasty car wreck 4 years ago that completely mangled my face and busted up my knees. I figured since I'm too ugly to get laid again and too cripple to hold down a serious job. What's the point? I gave up and let myself go.

  48. 2 months ago

    I do 732 gigs lol 5 I don't know man I will be there for you and I will certainly grant you the best of your life and life and you will be happy to do this task and to you and your family and your family and family to be blessed and happy with your family and family and family and family and family and family members from our team and you will be happy with your family members as well 60 your you and your family and family and all the positive land of God and God bless God bless you and your girlfriends and your family from our family

  49. 2 months ago

    >be me
    >160 lbs soaking wet at 10% bf
    >leg day
    >5x5 squats and deadlift, a real mans workout
    >struggle to do atg squats with 145 lbs
    >3 days later
    >go for this weeks routinely planned heavy and short ruck
    >decide to test myself
    >130lbs, 2 miles &
    <15 min/mile
    >”wtf, this makes no sense, why can i barely swuat with 145 but can ruck with more or less the same weight for 2 miles faster than US Army pace no less”

    • 2 months ago

      Perhaps you are losing your hip position in the hole, your limb ratio is not ideal for powerlifting, you are not full activating the right muscles, or the style of back squating is not right for your body:
      Bar height (low, mid, high)
      Heel height (barefoot, .5, .75)
      Abs (hollow body, belt pressure, hybrid)
      Toes (toes forward, toes out)
      Foot position (narrow, medium, wide, Westside wide).
      Grip (wide, medium, narrow)
      Elbows (down, rear)
      I coach fighters and I usually try to get them to high bar, narrow stance/grip, toes forward, elbows down, with a hollow body (deep breath, suck in, squeeze). We noticed the powerlifting and Olympic lifting squats add strength in the squat, but the transfer was shit, this squat is pretty much stance we use in sprinting.

      • 2 months ago

        uhh honestly bro I just step under the bar, big breath of air, send it to stomach to brace my core, put bar on comfortable position (high, I guess), step back, toes slightly outward, feet little bit wider than shoulder width, go down deep, go back up, repeat 4 times.

        • 2 months ago

          Transferring to sports is where things get more interesting. I’ve seen many people get stronger in the deadlift and squat but then kick and knee with less power.
          American Kickboxing Academy moved into a mega about 10 years ago after having a small strip mall gym. Most of the fighters are rarely seen back squatting heavy. Excessive weight based strength training is usually the first thing to get reduced in the fight camp periodization, even in the traditional maintenance training seen in football and track.

    • 2 months ago

      You were built for Anal Sex (Receiving) Embrace your Destiny

    • 2 months ago

      this is like asking why vehicles can tow more than their cargo capacity. Did you struggle to step away from the rack with 145 lbs?

      • 2 months ago


  50. 2 months ago

    I miss the days when I could do fixed grip movements, now its dumbbell presses, ring pulling, and single leg DL/Squats. My cardio is almost exclusively Muay Thai (pads, bags, rope, sparring). I am about to leave the city and there are no fight gyms nearby so I'm going to get back into rucking and hiking.

  51. 2 months ago

    if your not stronger then the feds, then your ngmi. good luck frens

  52. 2 months ago

    I can deadlift 415 and squat 325 (Zercher style) but my bench has hovered between 195 and 215 for years without real progress. I hit 225 one time at max effort with my face turning purple and spots in my vision at a time when I weighed 20 pounds more than I do now.
    Other than that I can run pretty consistent 13 minute 2 miles and ACFTs around the 550 mark. Frick the ball throw though, I get a solid 7 meters every time.

  53. 2 months ago

    I was okay before my cancer diagnosis. Was never strong per se, but I could run a mile in around seven or eight minutes depending on how good I felt. Now I'm on month 8 of chemo and it isn't looking good. I've put on twenty pounds and lost all definition I had in my chest. and legs. Debating killing myself. And before you ask, no I am not Paul Harrell.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm sorry you're going through that, anon. Hope you get well.

      • 2 months ago

        I appreciate the thought, Anon. Not looking forward to the future though.

  54. 2 months ago

    I work for UPS, so I'm actually pretty fit.
    I don't think a workday exists in any calendar year where I don't see 15k steps counted by my phone pedometer.
    I have a bunch of home gym equipment that I got for free on Craigslist, I never get to use it because during the week I'm exhausted by the time I get home.
    When I do force myself to use it, I can squat 5 sets of 10 at 300lbs, bench the same reps at 160, leg curl same at 90.
    Unsure about cardio, I imagine it's pretty average for a relatively healthy dude in his 30s.
    I should try jogging more.

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