first backpacking trip

Planning on a backpacking trip with friends next month for a total of 5 days. We will be on an island with no amenities and we are only allowed a backpack on the ferry ride (aka no coolers, rollers etc). I have never done backpacking before only car camping. Food is the most concerning thing to me, I have a limited diet so I cannot eat fruits, nuts/seeds, most vegetables, and anything with high fiber. Which leaves me very little options.
should I just be packing a dozen freeze-dried meals? I will be with a group of 8 people but they are not likely to share food, only supplies

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Freeze dried meals are great but more cleanup and prep, and can get a little annoying. Pack one freeze dried meal per evening when you sit to chill. Pack flavorful calorie dense snacks and ready to eat stuff for the other meals. Being allergic is gay, you should probably stop being gay first.
    Summer sausage, bread, babybel cheese are all room temperature stable for up to a week among other things. Ramen. Jerky. Gatorade or like those liquid IV sachets.

    • 1 month ago

      >dehydrated pouch meals
      >>>more cleanup and prep
      kid if you don't know what the frick you're talking about, you need to keep quiet about it so you don't embarass yourself like this

  2. 2 months ago

    Google “thru hiking food” to get some ideas. It’s all high carb, high sodium garbage, but that’s great for a hiking trip.

    Mountain house is ok. They’re a little salty, and a little expensive, but it’s not that bad. There are other options and a few things you can put together yourself. Skurka’s beans and rice is super popular but refried beans might not fit your diet.

    The other Anon is right about ready to eat food. Cooking lunch is a pain in the ass, and large groups already move too slowly. They might plan on cooking breakfast, but stuff you can eat right out of the package is just so much easier.

    By “cook” I mean “prepare by boiling water.”

    • 2 months ago

      Three people will have burners and propane, so we will have times when we will either have community meals or have to borrow someone elses.
      Ive considered ramen, knorr noodles, PBJ packets, tuna packets, basically anything with low waste, since there will be no trashcan on the island.
      Have IBD and an ostomy bag puts me at severe dietary limitations, moreso than when Im at home, because if I get suck on an island, Im fricked.

    • 1 month ago

      Any time someone spells it "thru" I disregard everything they have to say. It's worked out great so far.

  3. 2 months ago

    Legitimately just starve.
    You'll be okay.
    You won't die.

  4. 1 month ago

    dry cereal

  5. 1 month ago

    Jocco molk, bring a 12oz shaker and divide the scoops into ziplocks with some whole milk powder. You don't have to divide it, but I'm never out for more than 5 days and don't want to bring the whole bag. Whole milk powder helps with the monk fruit used as sweetener, which is too "sweet" for me(my only complaint).

    Some freeze dried meals are ok, a couple are actually good(also expensive) most are a chore to eat though. They never fully re-hydrate, don't get anything with biscuits or macaroni in it...ugh, yuck.

    The low fiber is the hard part. I eat a lot of fruit, nuts and granola on hikes. Think about jerky or biltong and hard salami or other preserved meats. Fresh eggs from a farm don't require refrigeration as will last several weeks. I bring quail eggs because I have quail.

  6. 1 month ago

    It's 5 days on an island, anon. I've done 4 days with just a bag of sour worms. You need to be more concerned about water, but for the sake of the question I'm going to assume you have an ample supply of it.

    You really don't need much food for 5 days even if you're hiking a bit. You can be in a calorie deficit and still function and feel perfectly fine. Forget cooking big meals it just takes up space. Can you eat rice? A pack of uncle ben's rice with a pack of tuna is amazing. All you have to do is boil the package. Ramen is another great one that you don't actually have to cook if you don't want to.. Honestly don't over think it.

  7. 1 month ago

    5 days is not that long. Bring a large cooler. Put frozen meat and vegetables on the bottom. Put steaks on the top.
    Eat the steaks before they go bad.
    If you are not eating steak and eggs for breakfast and steak and mixed vegetables for dinner you are fricking up.
    Anyone who recommends dehydrated food for a 5 day camping trip is a never PrepHole moron.

  8. 1 month ago

    >I cannot eat fruits, nuts/seeds, most vegetables, and anything with high fiber
    That sounds very unhealthy.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah this, what is wrong with you where you can't have this stuff?
      If it is some major health issue and not some fad diet you're following you'd better check with your doctor about the safety of these meals for you.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah this, what is wrong with you where you can't have this stuff?
      If it is some major health issue and not some fad diet you're following you'd better check with your doctor about the safety of these meals for you.

      I have Crohns disease and an ostomy bag (large intestine removed. Foods with insoluble fiber like green vegetables do not digest fully so they come out whole and cause discomfort. Seeds dont digest and come out as sharp pieces that could put a hole in the bag. When I am at home this is not an issue, when I am camping in the woods for a few days I dont want to do anything that could make me have pain or sick.

      5 days is not that long. Bring a large cooler. Put frozen meat and vegetables on the bottom. Put steaks on the top.
      Eat the steaks before they go bad.
      If you are not eating steak and eggs for breakfast and steak and mixed vegetables for dinner you are fricking up.
      Anyone who recommends dehydrated food for a 5 day camping trip is a never PrepHole moron.

      No coolers or anything on wheels are allowed on the ferry. I can only bring what I can carry in a backpack and sling.

  9. 1 month ago

    37 cans of sardines

    • 1 month ago

      wtf do i do with the stinky smelly sardine canes for 5 days? there's no trash canes

  10. 1 month ago

    Just-add-water pasta meals sound like they'll help. There are backpacking meal providers superior to Mountain House. MH constipates me.

    Can you eat oats? If so, buy them and apportion a half cup to one cup in freezer bags together with a spoonful of dried milk (Judee's is a good brand), sugar and flavorants like cinnamon. That's breakfast.

    You won't cook for lunch. Buy or make wheat tortillas and bring a jar of nut butter or a brick of cheese.

    • 1 month ago

      I share this guy's problem with Mountain House. They back me up horribly until they don't, then I have 3-5 minutes to dig a hole and drop my pants before it all exits my system as a stream of liquid shit. This once hit me when I was hiking up a mountain and two miles from the nearest dirt. Make sure you test any freeze dried meal before you commit to it in the backcountry.

      You can also prepare your own dried meals using ingredients that can be readily bought from Amazon or grocery stores. This might be more expensive than the brand name stuff unless you get into backpacking (my first batch buy for multiple portions of three recipes ended up being around $100 bucks all in). Self-made meals also tend to be more calorie dense and have more macros for less sodium in my experience, all while being less bulky if you keep them in sandwich baggies and boil them in your pot. Andrew Skurka's website is an amazing resource for this.

  11. 1 month ago

    >I cannot eat fruits, nuts/seeds, most vegetables, and anything with high fiber
    what the frick do you have bruh

    • 1 month ago

      crohns, i had my large intestine removed and have a poop bag on my stomach

  12. 1 month ago

    Cans of tuna, rice, pasta, protein bars, and bring a couple bags of gummy worms or the like - you'll be craving those after a day or two

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