F-16s to be operational in Ukraine on May 5th - UA

Will this change anything? Probably not. I’m just looking forward to what type of livery the Ukrainians will put on them.


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  1. 1 month ago

    strategic advantage of telling your enemies when you will start using a new toy?

    • 1 month ago

      >strategic advantage of telling your enemies when you will start using a new toy?
      A weighing of factors, on the one hand it might give your enemies a mild bit of extra intel. But on the other:
      - Frankly it's unlikely even Russia would miss new fighters coming in. They're not stealthy, they fly around, Russia has radar. Any surprise lost is tiny. This isn't like ATACMS where it's just another same shaped pod until launch and there is the genuine possibility of catching important targets off guard the first time.
      - It may give a morale boost to the front lines, Ukraine needs (and deserves) all the good news it can get after another hard period.
      - It may push Russian forces into doing something (more) stupid beforehand.

      When it comes to big hardware I think it usually makes more sense to announce it then not, but they'll have thought it through.

      • 1 month ago

        Idk man dosen't seem smart. The only reason I would make a statement or call for an offensive is to only throw off the enemy and or make vague statements.

    • 1 month ago

      They told Russia when they were replenishing ATACMS but they still grouped over 100 soldiers together in the open and in range of them, so it doesn't really matter.

      • 1 month ago

        Ukraine never used ATACMS on infantry before, so why worry about something that isn't going to happen?

  2. 1 month ago

    Any chance these can help against the glide bombs?

    • 1 month ago

      Depends on if UAF wants to risk them going after the fighter bombers. Between GBAD and Mig-31 with the R-37s there is a lot of stuff that could reach out past the range of the aim-120s, even if they get the 120Ds. I would be surprised if they did as the USAF wants all the Ds in case of China. I think the glide bombs are released between 50-100km from the front depending, a 120d can go 100-160km. So they would have to fly within 50-100km of the from line. That is pretty fricking close.

      The trouble is to get good missile performance you need to be high and that makes you a huge target. With Mig-31s orbiting super high they will have great shots on F-16 popping up.

      I suspect they will be used to augment the air defense against drones and CMs first.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >With Mig-31s orbiting super high
        Evidence Russia still even has this capability?

    • 1 month ago

      >Any chance these can help against the glide bombs?
      Defo. Ukraine currently is heavily reliant on a lot of older Soviet Era semi-active air to air missiles on their Jets. This presents a dilemma since you can't maintain active target lock on a fighter bomber and dodge a fat assed B-52 killing R-37 that a Mig-31 yeeted from extreme ranges at you at the same time.

      F-16 has better early warning systems, and has fire and forget AMRAAMs. This will let them be used more aggressively to greater effect against glide bomb attacks. It's not gonna upturn everything (the VKS still has giant air-defense bubbles and giant ass extreme range air to air missiles), but it's absolutely an in improvement that'd restrict how the VKS can operate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I could be wrong, but aren't even AMRAAMs only reliant on their seeker for terminal and require the launching craft, or other networked sensor, to provide guidance until it's pretty damn close?

        • 4 weeks ago

          120s are inertial guided with data linked course correction capabilities until terminal active phase. That is how pretty much all modern active radar homing missiles work.

          A 120 lobbed at a Mig-31 that's lobbing an R-37 at you isn't really ideal with the range differences. It's still vastly more capable than a SARH missile that has zero chance of ever hitting its target before the fighter that launched it is forced to go defensive.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Russian air to air "ranges" are a load of bullshit, they advertise the range against a target that's flying towards the launching aircraft, and not trying to evade. A D probably matches the range of the R-37 in actual combat conditions

            • 4 weeks ago

              Delta V is delta V anon. Missiles are not magical.

            • 4 weeks ago

              An R-37 is a fat frick missile with a lot more fuel than any AMRAAM variant, launching off of a very fast aircraft at a likely high altitude. The math does not favor AMRAAMs.

              I'm still very interested to see what happens in the next few weeks when there is a credible a2a threat to the VKS in theater.

        • 4 weeks ago

          you are not wrong, however AMRAAMS have an alternative fire mode where you can fire them without a lock and they'll lock on to and track the first hit on their radar

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yea, but isn't Maddog launches a pretty low pK thing done only if you moreso need to deny the ability to climb into the now deadly airspace to someone rather then an actual way to engage targets?

    • 1 month ago

      they can chase off strike aircraft or intercept them which increases the risk that russia prolly ddoesnt want to take

    • 1 month ago

      you can't launch glide bombs if you disable the aircraft(by blasting it with AMRAAM)

    • 1 month ago

      Depending on how they decide to use them, yes. Flying a 50-60km behind the frontline and painting enemy aircraft with their radar can be an effective deterence against bombers.

  3. 1 month ago

    I'm more interested in whether this is the first time modern NATO jets are pitted against modern Russian jets. Going to be interesting to see if the tech difference will be more impactful in the air than it has been on the ground.

    • 1 month ago

      >I'm more interested in whether this is the first time modern NATO jets are pitted against modern Russian jets.
      No, the Turks shot down a modernised Russian Su-24M with an F-16 already

      • 1 month ago

        A single shootdown in Turkish airspace is hardly a large enough sample size to judge.

        These are old hand-me-downs that have gone through MLUs but that's about it. They're not modern by any means, we're on like Block 70/72 at this point for export customers who still rely on the type with deeply upgraded Block 50/52s for the USAF. They're clunkers, capable ones, but we're still looking at late Cold War/Kosovo era surplus.

        >modern NATO jets
        >block 15 MLU
        F16 is going to be 50 in two years

        I was of the impression that, while obviously not fresh off the factory F-16s, these jets have been upgraded during their lifetime. They're hardly 70s tech through and through. Even if the radar isn't AESA, the sensor suite software is still massively better than what the jets were delivered with.

        • 1 month ago

          >I was of the impression that, while obviously not fresh off the factory F-16s, these jets have been upgraded during their lifetime.

          They're old. Functional, but they lack a LOT of the features of more modern F-16 builds like the Block 50/52 that's in US service (which is also aging but it's got a better engine and it's qualified for virtually every NATO munition compared to older blocks). More than capable of firing off most standoff munitions.

          • 1 month ago

            Wrong. Danish F16s have been upgraded to 50/52 level.

            • 1 month ago

              Do you have any information on the Block 15 MLU's having new engines?

              That's kinda the definitive upgrade for the Block 50/52 after all.

              • 1 month ago

                Forget the engine they don't even have the modern radars

                Wrong. Danish F16s have been upgraded to 50/52 level.

                That's the marketing ploy for the MLU, sure, but that has always been cope, and it's said with reference to contemporary block 50/52s, not modern block 50/52s

          • 1 month ago

            Europoor F-16s have been continuously upgraded throughout the decades.

        • 1 month ago

          >while obviously not fresh off the factory F-16s, these jets have been upgraded during their lifetime.
          They were but we kind of don't know to what level and details really matter here. They will prove useful no doubt about it since they are better than any plane ukraine currently has anyway. But with what we've seen so far with russians getting buck broken by one cold war tech while brushing off another, different radar or type of missile sent can really change how those will be used.

          • 1 month ago

            Details on Danish F-16s:

            >Most of the RDAF F-16 remaining in service has been upgraded to the MLU 6.5 tape standard; except for the seven remaining Block-10 airframes, which have only been upgraded to MLU 4.3 tape. Because they are only Block-10, they do not have the strengthened nose wheel construction and they are unable to carry a targeting pod as well as not being able to fire the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile. These airframes are only used for training and as Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) aircraft but not for international missions.

            >In 1986, many other European users of the F-16 upgraded the Pratt & Whitney F100 PW200 engines to a modernised version namely, the PW-100-220E. However the Danish government decided not to join this engine upgrade. With the drawn out selection process for the F-16 replacement, it soon became clear that the original engines would not be able to see the F-16s through to their out-of-service date.

            >This meant that the RDAF in 2013 purchased 50 used F100 PW220E engines and these are currently being fitted to the RDAF F-16 fleet to keep the aircraft flying until their planned out-of-service date in 2024. Commanding officer of 730 Squadron, pilot name ‘STI’ said about the upgraded engines “The main advantages of the new -220E engines are more rapid thrust during take off, which means the aircraft gets airborne quicker, leaving more runway in case of an emergency. The engine also performs better in the air, which improves its effectiveness during air-to-air combat”.

            per https://flymag.dk/royal-danish-air-force-fighting-falcons/

            • 1 month ago

              From your link:
              >On October 13, 1998, six F-16s from Eskadrille 730 (730 Fighter Squadron) departed Fighter Wing (FW) Skrydstrup, along with a total of 115 support personnel and headed for Grazzanise Air Base in Italy. In April 1999, a further three F-16s were send to Grazzanise where they operated until June 2000.
              >After this initial overseas operation, the RDAF F-16 has been very active internationally. The next time RDAF F-16s participated in a combat operation was during the US-led “Operation Enduring Freedom” over Afghanistan. From October 1, 2002 until October 1, 2003 six RDAF F-16s operated out of Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan. During the deployment the six F-16s flew a total of 743 missions over Afghanistan, totalling about 4350 flight hours. During these missions several laser-guided bombs were dropped.
              >After the Baltic countries joined NATO in April 2004, NATO set up the Baltic Air Policing mission to provide air policing over the three nations as they lacked the assets to do so themselves. RDAF F-16s have been deployed to the Baltic region four times, flying out of either Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania or Ämari air base in Estonia.
              Etc. So while I don't see anything specific about data link, I find it unimaginable they can't talk with NATO AWACS given direct participation in multiple campaigns in active combat roles as well as baltic air patrol.

              • 1 month ago

                Details on Danish F-16s:

                >Most of the RDAF F-16 remaining in service has been upgraded to the MLU 6.5 tape standard; except for the seven remaining Block-10 airframes, which have only been upgraded to MLU 4.3 tape. Because they are only Block-10, they do not have the strengthened nose wheel construction and they are unable to carry a targeting pod as well as not being able to fire the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile. These airframes are only used for training and as Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) aircraft but not for international missions.

                >In 1986, many other European users of the F-16 upgraded the Pratt & Whitney F100 PW200 engines to a modernised version namely, the PW-100-220E. However the Danish government decided not to join this engine upgrade. With the drawn out selection process for the F-16 replacement, it soon became clear that the original engines would not be able to see the F-16s through to their out-of-service date.

                >This meant that the RDAF in 2013 purchased 50 used F100 PW220E engines and these are currently being fitted to the RDAF F-16 fleet to keep the aircraft flying until their planned out-of-service date in 2024. Commanding officer of 730 Squadron, pilot name ‘STI’ said about the upgraded engines “The main advantages of the new -220E engines are more rapid thrust during take off, which means the aircraft gets airborne quicker, leaving more runway in case of an emergency. The engine also performs better in the air, which improves its effectiveness during air-to-air combat”.

                per https://flymag.dk/royal-danish-air-force-fighting-falcons/

                this person knows what he talks about
                also watch the video about AWACS he posted right after this one

    • 1 month ago

      These are old hand-me-downs that have gone through MLUs but that's about it. They're not modern by any means, we're on like Block 70/72 at this point for export customers who still rely on the type with deeply upgraded Block 50/52s for the USAF. They're clunkers, capable ones, but we're still looking at late Cold War/Kosovo era surplus.

      • 1 month ago

        Please stop posting this fud. The danish f16s has been updated continuously.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah with software upgrades and other minor things but they're still high hour airframes and AFAIK the radar is still the AN/APG-66(V)2A which is an old PESA. These are not modern aircraft, anyone who thinks they are is delusional. There's a reason why all these countries are so forthcoming with them. You say it's fud yet you have to ignore basically everything about them to claim they're anything but old clunkers

          • 1 month ago

            >US sends five old block F16’s
            >”surely this will be the wonder weapon to end this zigger invasion!”
            It’s just pathetic at this point.

            Wow, sounds like it's 2 more years of Russia not having to worry. :^)

            • 1 month ago

              >he thinks I give a shit about two equally corrupt Eastern European countries fighting over shit
              >he thinks I care about Europe at all
              /k/ is an American board on an American imageboard.

              • 1 month ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            >anything but old clunkers
            and they're the best Poortugal can afford <cries>
            they're practically the same: Block 20 MLUs (old radar) with the latest software tape for radar modes, NATO combined ops integration, and weapon compatibility - but not sure if they have the latest engine.
            The remaining A/Bs that didn't get the MLU package were sold to Romania.

          • 4 weeks ago

            High hours if maintained doesn't mean shit. I can't vouch for other countries but worked A/B/C/D/CJ for a couple decades as a motor troop then merged with TAMS (easy as I was already qualified).

            16s are easy to work on and the only limfac would be spare parts and consumables which for such a tiny fleet would be easy to supply.


            Do you have any information on the Block 15 MLU's having new engines?

            That's kinda the definitive upgrade for the Block 50/52 after all.

            The engine is minor compared to the radars for the Ukrainian use case. I worked both Pratts and GE and prefer the GE (because stainless mesh around wiring harnesses is annoying when R&Iing components with the engine still installed) but either is easy to maintain from an engine troop perspective. Nothing on 16s is hard to work on (I was Red X/IPI qualified on all systems), though some uncommon tasks can be tedious.

            Support will be similar to supporting any austere location and that was a solved problem before the jet age.
            Today we have the miracles of FedEx, DHL, and UPS. Austere support like any "deployment" condition doesn't take much. All the tools and support equipment are easily airlifted and even for a US squadron the footprint is modest. I and many thousands of others have done it for their squadrons. Everything is a known quantity easily shown to others.

    • 1 month ago

      >modern NATO jets
      >block 15 MLU
      F16 is going to be 50 in two years

      • 1 month ago

        YFW it shoots down a SU-35 carriyng R-37"Limp dick" missiles

        • 1 month ago

          Man I fricking hope it will

    • 4 weeks ago
  4. 1 month ago

    >F16 buzzing the Victory Day parade
    Please, I want that so badly.

  5. 1 month ago

    Can they use storm shadow?

    • 1 month ago

      AFAIK they haven't been integrated but who knows

      • 1 month ago

        They hadn't been integrated on Mig shitboxes either a short while ago

        • 4 weeks ago

          Su shitboxes they been integrated to su-24 not mig-29 different soviet shitboxes

  6. 1 month ago

    Ok, does these have link 16 and what AMRAAMs are they getting?

  7. 1 month ago

    >US sends five old block F16’s
    >”surely this will be the wonder weapon to end this zigger invasion!”
    It’s just pathetic at this point.

    • 1 month ago

      The US sent zero planes.
      >captcha TNDA

    • 1 month ago

      >US sends
      moronic Black person right out of the gates, wonderful

      Any chance these can help against the glide bombs?

      >Any chance these can help against the glide bombs?
      Directly? Unlikely.
      Indirectly? Yes. A major pressure on existing UKR AA networks is dealing with drones. It is far more economical to simply have something like an F-16 deal with that rather than build increasingly layered networks on the ground with assets that could (and will) be reallocated elsewhere.

  8. 1 month ago

    su35 has longer range radar so can see and shoot first
    russians will have longer range missles and BVR missles

    cant see any combat effectiveness for the F16 in ukraine.
    Maybe if NATO link ukrainian f16s with an AWAC in the black sea? but thats geopolitically uff unless britains balls keep growing

    its a meteor vs me262 scenario

    • 1 month ago

      >su35 has longer range radar so can see and shoot first
      proofs: manufacturer stated ranges
      this gun b good

    • 1 month ago


      Will this change anything? Probably not. I’m just looking forward to what type of livery the Ukrainians will put on them.



      >Ukraine will receive F-16 fighter jets paired with missiles of a range of 300-500 km

      What missles?

  9. 1 month ago

    Given the response to a few killed Leo's and Abrams', this place will be pure shit when the first F16 eventually gets shot down

    • 1 month ago

      God they'd spam that shit for 2 weeks no doubt

      • 4 weeks ago

        two weeks? try two years

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Given the response to a few killed Leo's and Abrams', this place will be pure shit when the first F16 eventually gets shot down
      I look forward to it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Who cares?

  10. 1 month ago

    In sufficient numbers, yea it will, less the f-16s and more the western missiles coming along with them. If they start effectively SEADing/DEADing that's gonna be a game changer allowing for largely unchecked drone spamming and some bombing

  11. 1 month ago

    The US has over 500,000 JDAMs

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah. Russians think a glide bomb is a game changer. Sigh. They have no idea the pain the f 16 is going to bring. They'll fling them out from 60-70 miles. They'll get 50,000 jdams

      • 1 month ago

        Israel routinely bombed Syria from within Israeli airspace. Standoff matters.

    • 1 month ago

      Ukrainians will be lucky if the US spares even 500

      • 1 month ago

        They are cheap.

  12. 1 month ago

    >Will this change anything?
    Yes, absolutely. What it won't change is EVERYthing, but sure it'll change some things and, used properly, help at least blunt further Russian movement and let Ukraine hold the line. It might, depending on numbers of HARMS issued, how well the UA pilots have learned, how well they can combine forces with ATACMS, etc, let them do some significant new attacks on Crimea and the like down the road.

    I imagine they'll be fairly cautious at the start though. They don't have hundreds of them and don't have many prospects to get lots more in the near future.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ukraine has been spamming HARMS since nearly day 1 and havent achieved anything with them

      What can an f16 do with a HARM that a Black person rigged SU cant? Even in the yugoslav war HARMS had a horrifically hit ratio

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Ukraine has been spamming HARMS since nearly day 1 and havent achieved anything with them

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hopefully, they'll harm a lot of vatBlack folk.

  13. 1 month ago

    >Will this change anything?

    Nah, not really. You can expect a lot more storm shadow launches and attacks on logistics areas though. Probably some better employment of HARMs but that's about it. Don't expect any big movements on the frontline though.

  14. 1 month ago

    I want wienerpit footage kino.

  15. 1 month ago

    >Will this change anything?
    Nothing will suddenly turn the tide. It's going to be a long, slow war.

  16. 1 month ago

    its more a gesture than actual combat value
    ukraine will probably use them to hunt down cruise missiles and shaheeds
    in order to effectively use air power you need air superiority, and a handful of f-16s will not achieve that, despite the sorry state of ru ad

  17. 1 month ago

    Does anyone know if these have datalink to fetch info from AWACS?

    • 1 month ago

      What are you suggesting, anon?

      • 1 month ago

        Precisely that. Would be fun if they would let those fly over Ukraine proper too.
        At what distance can they pick up the glide bomb launchers? I assume those go low then suddenly pop up.

      • 1 month ago

        Does anyone know if these have datalink to fetch info from AWACS?

        Precisely that. Would be fun if they would let those fly over Ukraine proper too.
        At what distance can they pick up the glide bomb launchers? I assume those go low then suddenly pop up.

        Forte are not AWACS but RQ-4 Global Hawks
        Unless Global hawks are AWACs but I doubt..

        To my knowledge AWACS aircraft have never flown into the black sea during this war, never entering international airspace. There have only been Global hawks and RAF Rivet Joints in IA and each types of those aircraft have been fired upon, almost starting a war when a Russian fighter jet fired a faulty missile at a RAF surveillance aircraft.

        • 1 month ago

          >Unless Global hawks are AWACs but I doubt
          I mean, they are radar surveillance aircraft

          • 1 month ago

            Anon, unless that's a classified capability it has never been stated that the Global Hawk has an air surveillance capability.

            • 1 month ago

              >The RQ-4 provides a broad overview and systematic surveillance using high-resolution synthetic aperture radar
              Unless I'm missing what your point is anon. There is a reason those fly 24/7 over the middle of the black sea and I'm pretty sure they are not using optoelectronics to look for russia's trained dolphins. And these are 100% connected to link 16.

              • 1 month ago

                What exactly does the RQ-4 do in the black sea?

              • 1 month ago

                They scan surface and naval targets. If you have proof that they can scan air targets, post it.

              • 1 month ago

                Alright, so that's what you mean. So apparently they are only ground surveillance? I mean they have AESA radars so I assumed they were used for air targets too. There is no way they are only there to monitor black sea fleet, right?

              • 1 month ago

                They have ELINT capability too so they're probably used to map out Russian radars, SAM sites, communications links, etc. I'm just saying that even though a generic AESA might be able to do air search, we haven't had any information come out publicly about the Global Hawk being able to do it. This is really old but
                > The Global Hawk radar and EO/IR payload are carried simultaneously. Radar is capable of multiple modes -- SAR strip at one meter, SAR spot at a foot, GMTI mode down to four knots operating all at 20 to 200 kilometers range.
                Nothing about air search. It might be a thing but if it is I'd expect that only the US, Russia, and complete autists know about it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Interesting, thanks for sharing anon.

    • 1 month ago

      I wouldn't worry about it.

    • 1 month ago

      Id imagine even block 15 F-16 have a form of communication between friendly AWACS.

      • 1 month ago

        and calling these "block 15"s is just silly. even poorgay NATO countries had their F-16s upgraded to block 42, that's a better comparison point.

        • 1 month ago

          IIRC Block 15 MLU is roughly equivalent to Block 50/52, at least in terms of weaponry.

      • 1 month ago

        If having a data link with an E-7 Wedgetail which is the wests most advanced AWACS with a range up to over 600km it will be able to see from Turkish airspace to Rostov on don

        So imagine two E-7 AWACS flying and strategically sampling for signs of Russian air activity non stop.
        If this happens these flights MUST be non listed and not announced by the west politically because if they had the west assisting with Ukrainian F16s it would be a massive force multiplier and would probably put Russia's air superiority on the back foot.

        The largest issue is the main owners of this aircraft is New Zealand and Australia (but one deployed in Germany) and would take a lot geopolitically to achieve this special military assistance operation. 😉

        • 1 month ago

          600km sounds great, but would it pick up an SU34 that pops up to 15000 feet, drops its glide bom, then descends again?

          • 1 month ago

            And the AWACS would show this to a Ukie F16 who would fire a BVR missle towards a it.
            hopefully before it reaches its drop altitude as well so it can stop the bombing AND be shot down. fyi if it commits to its bombing mission it is almost guaranteed to be shot down due to the nature of BVR missiles.

            Talking about it like this makes me realise how insignificant Russia can become if only provided just a small amount of indirect assistance from NATO
            yes russia wins the slug war but jdams? omg boom zoom coom

            • 1 month ago

              >And the AWACS would show this to a Ukie F16 who would fire a BVR missle towards a it.
              This is possibly the single biggest thing everyone should keep in mind: to some extent the REAL capability of getting F-16s with datalinks is giving another way to effectively let NATO help fight the war directly while not technically directly doing so. NATO can do all target detection and provide necessary guidance information, that's a HUGE capability that would normally be impossible for a country like Ukraine, and means they can use BVR missiles that they'd not get close to real mileage out of otherwise. But NATO never pulls the trigger, they maintain complete off hands while effectively getting to blap Russian planes remotely.

              • 1 month ago

                ziggers dont want you to know this!

                instead they filibuster the thread and eat woffenschniztel

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nz doesn't have e7s. We have some new posiedons for surface and asw thats it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Can't speak for the kiwis but I am highly confident my government would be happy to send a wedgetail + crew to look at Ukraine and tell the Ukrainians what they see, it would be good practice if nothing else

    • 1 month ago

      I wouldn't worry about it 2x

    • 1 month ago

      I fricking hope so

    • 1 month ago

      Ooops! Undocumented capabilities!

    • 1 month ago

      Who's to say.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Haha wouldn't it be funny if they could recieve precise targeting data from any of the hundreds of NATO surveillance assets operating near Ukraine?
      Imagine all the new capabilities this would give stuff like JDAM or storm shadow haha I bet it would be hilarious to watch Ukraine exploit those

      • 4 weeks ago

        Good thing that almost all JDAM are meant to be used in a typical US doctrine, under complete aerial superiority, and have an abysmal range requiring F-16 to be deep into Mig-31/GBAD kill range.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Is that why Ukraine has already been using JDAMs sucessfully?

  18. 1 month ago

    my body is ready for /k/ino F-16 webm

  19. 1 month ago


    If you want a third world war, just say that. Isolationism lets America's enemies get a head start and emboldens them to act. You're either an anti-American shill or an unwitting 5th columnist.vpwh

  20. 1 month ago


    Was this put through a machine translation?

    • 1 month ago

      nta, but you must be ESL if you think those words are out of place.

  21. 1 month ago


    >West will still be humiliated

    >russian casualties: 200,000+
    >HATO casualties: 0

  22. 1 month ago


    Can you point to the drubbing?

    • 1 month ago

      I doubt he can define it without consulting ChatGPT again.

  23. 1 month ago

    If they had 200 and using them daily, yes.

    • 1 month ago

      They are just going to running around the clock bomb hucks with things like jdams. It's going to be silly. Russians have no air defense and those f 16s have 300 mile range advantages in air to air. It's not even close once they go up. Then imagine 200 jdams a day going off hitting any troop clusters. The Ukrainians are going for blood now not for equipment. The Russians are basically out of armor they can use everything is being held back to hold borders of Russia or fighting rebels.
      It's going to be beautiful to watch. So much death is about to happen

      • 1 month ago

        Is Ukraine unable to do this with their current airforce?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Thoer current airforce consists of like two dozen soviet made jets of course they can't
          It's a testament to the sheer incompetence of the VKS that the Ukrainians even have anything flying at all, actual western fighter jets are going to chew them up and spit out the bones

  24. 1 month ago


  25. 1 month ago


    You're moronic and anti-American. Isolationism would make us poorer than dirt, completely leave us behind technologically, and generally set back American influence and economic prospects by a century.
    Isolationism was stupid 100 years ago but at least made sense. It's still stupid, but now makes no sense.

  26. 1 month ago

    No, probably not. Whenever something is sent to Ukraine, it's simply an incremental strengthification to their militarium. Pile on enough of it, and you'll embiggen their ability to fight over time, but given the Wur Wor Wan nature of the conflict, which is inherently static in nature, it's likely not going to tip the scale in their favor enough for them to push back.
    Granted, there have been some weapons that have greatly increased Ukraine's ability to fight, but they're usually less flashy, and revolve more around explodening muscovites from a great distance.
    Artillery, MLRS and ammunition for those systems are likely the things that will have the greatest impact on the battlefield for Ukraine, along with MANPADs and infantry AT weapons (and maybe the Bradlus). I mean, modern jets, tanks and IFVs are also integral for battlefield success and offensive warfare, but for the sake of murdering as many muscovites as possible, you have to rely on the long range explodey boys (and lots of cheap shitnugget drones, but they seem to be making those themselves at this point).

    • 1 month ago

      Nah, I don't really agree with your analysis. Modern jets are a force changer in a way that tanks and IFVs aren't, they fundamentally shrink the battle space given how quickly they can move around an area that small. They can exploit new holes, bypass certain positions, give far more energy far more cheaply to cruise missiles and so on. They aren't wanderwaffen win buttons by any means, but air power is a pretty big deal. Ukraine has had plenty of success at times in nailing key Russian AD, moving in their own, and achieving local air superiority, but then failed to really be able to leverage it because ground forces can't do enough fast enough. An immediately followup with a bunch of paveways even would have really made each time count and hit Russia a lot harder.

      • 1 month ago

        Once Ukraine transitions to a Western air force + air arms and Patriot Battery's and ground Radars. Ukraine will win.

        Via assistance from western AWACS Ukraine will significantly ruin Russian air superiority and air force due to NATO AWACS being a massive force multiplier for F16s whilst still operating in their own territory.

        • 1 month ago

          Anon, what do you think the radar range of an E-3 is?

          • 1 month ago

            its over 30% less the range of an e-7s radar range
            no sources tell its exact range of either e-3 or e-7 obviously and i have not given you the largest number that research has told me of either of them

        • 4 weeks ago

          Can AWACS be useful flying over Romanian territory? Because I don't think it's on to take them active over international airspace in the Black Sea.

      • 1 month ago

        Don't get me wrong. I do agree that airpower is an absolutely essential part of the modern battlefield, something that's been true since our grandparents' days, and particularly when it's backed up by American intelligence/AWACS, but the issue here is simply the number of F-16s Ukraine is getting, and they'll be slowly doled out over a year or so. I think the number of F-16s they're getting is somewhere between 80 and 100, and that's simply not enough to tip the scales in their favor. It's a huge boost, no doubt, but they'll be priority targets.
        And I say that as someone who's from a country that's donated half of our old F-16s to Ukraine, considering we've replaced them with F-35s.
        I genuinely do hope that the F-16s over-perform far beyond my expectations, but my assumption is that they'll simply be another incremental improvement to Ukraine's arsenal. We'll see though. I'm no military expert.

        • 1 month ago

          Shut the frick up.

          • 1 month ago

            Benis :DDD

        • 1 month ago

          I wasn't claiming it was a wanderwaffen game ender, just that I think it's a significantly bigger deal then tanks (though also significantly harder to use, required significantly more training, significantly more maintenance, etc). Modern jets are also flying sensor and data points, they will further enhance theater awareness and reaction ability.

          As you say though we'll see. And all this is with big caveats about usage. Ukraine hasn't been flying western fighters for a few decades with a chance to gain experience safely during American led turkey shoots. They could very easily squander the chance, though of course they'll be completely aware of that as well. There will also be real pressure to show results from multiple sides, both given Russian gains, and given the geopolitics. It'd really help Ukraine to have had something major to point to by the end of the summer beyond merely staying alive, though obviously that remains Job #1.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >just that I think it's a significantly bigger deal then tanks
            I agree on that point. A tank is a tank, as the vatBlack folk say, and even if that's kinda bullshit, it's kinda true in a roundabout way if you look at vulnerability, and the situation in Ukraine. No matter how good a tank is, you can take it out with mines, artillery, other tanks, infantry AT weapons, drones, and so on, particularly if you're not backed up by a modern military and without air superiority. Even the most advanced tank is extremely vulnerable in the situation Ukraine finds itself in, in large part because of Ukraine's lack of air superiority, but that is one of the problems the F-16s are meant to address. I just don't think they'll have enough of them.
            But yeah, it's going to be interesting. Jets are their own thing, and while you can somewhat predict how a tank will perform in a given situation, there are so many unknown factors that play into how a modern air force will perform that I'll admit it's an area where I might be surprised. We'll see though. If nothing else, vatBlack folk are infamous for being extremely incompetent, so if none of their shit works and they get fricked up the ass by a handful of F-16s, I wouldn't be surprised. But again, I don't know.

            At least Ukraine has prepared itself properly, by focusing heavily on destroying vatBlack person AA and the vatBlack person equivalent of AWACS (A-50s).

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          4 HIMARS changed course of the war
          3 Patriot system did monumental task of both stopping Russian hypersonic missiles and killing a lot of Russian air assets, including first AWACS kill in history
          80 F-16 don't have to drop 200 bombs a day to change balance, if they scare away Su-34 and Su-35 from launching KABs and Russian attack helicopters it will be more than enough

          • 1 month ago

            please donald biden
            please give awacs datalink assistance
            please give long range missles please donald biden
            please change of the course of the war king

          • 1 month ago

            Well, I think I pointed that out in a previous post.
            Here, I'll quote myself:
            >Granted, there have been some weapons that have greatly increased Ukraine's ability to fight, but they're usually less flashy, and revolve more around explodening muscovites from a great distance.
            I hope you're right about your third point, though. Like I said, I'm no expert on jets, and given that muscovites always exaggerate their own abilities, it would be hilarious beyond belief if the F-16s actually end up being Wunderwaffen to them, and that they end up being unable to counter them. We'll see.

            >but they'll be priority targets.
            Literally every piece of ukrainian aircraft is a priority target. I don't see your point. If they have problems shooting down MiG 29s and Su 24s why would F16s be more vulnerable? Falcons are logistically easier for us, they can fire NATO munitions without the need to Black person rig them to soviet aircraft without targeting pods and datalink. And with the number they are getting I'm at least expecting aerial parity. But we will see what they get along with their new planes.

            I meant more in the sense that vatBlack folk are moronic, and are obsessed with trophy victories, to the point where they'll divert resources to killing HATO Wunderwaffen, over doing something useful, usually to their own detriment. Granted, that would assume they're able to identify the F-16s, which I'm guessing they're not going to be able to do. It's one thing to target an Abrams or a Leopard, which they can see with one of their third world drones, but a modern jet? Probably not.

            • 1 month ago

              I mean you are probably right and they will do the moronic witch hunt to get at least one. They will probably get at least one on the ground with one of their iskander chimpouts. Still smaller loss than their already mostly exhausted soviet fleet.

        • 1 month ago

          >but they'll be priority targets.
          Literally every piece of ukrainian aircraft is a priority target. I don't see your point. If they have problems shooting down MiG 29s and Su 24s why would F16s be more vulnerable? Falcons are logistically easier for us, they can fire NATO munitions without the need to Black person rig them to soviet aircraft without targeting pods and datalink. And with the number they are getting I'm at least expecting aerial parity. But we will see what they get along with their new planes.

        • 1 month ago

          >100 F-16's doesn't change scales

          • 1 month ago

            100 is a high estimate, and they'll be sent to Ukraine a few at a time, over the course of a year or more. I don't think the US has donated any though (I think my country gave 22), so they should get on that.
            But yeah, I hope you're right, and that the vatBlack folk are incompetent even beyond my extremely low expectations. I mean, I still can't fathom how WW2 turned out the way it did.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Much like self-learning AI learns to beat racing tracks, the unholy russoid slaughter eventually revealed a handful of individuals with actual competence. Also lend lease.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It was more about endless waves of meat than competence.

        • 4 weeks ago

          They're getting 80-100?!? I unironically thought we were talking low twenties at the max
          The russians are about to get fricked on a genuinely incomprehensible scale

          • 4 weeks ago

            I just find it odd that the US hasn't donated any. I might be wrong about this, but last time I checked, the current batch of F-16s that's been donated to Ukraine come from Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands.
            Given how everyone's replacing their F-16s with F-35s, I would expect Ukraine to get more in the future, though.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >I would expect Ukraine to get more in the future, though
              Belgian gov said the were giving theirs as well, but only once they have enough F35's

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, I'm trying to read up on it right now.
                One recent article claims that Denmark and the Netherlands will donate 61 F-16s. I believe Norway has not confirmed their contributions, but a likely estimate is 22, given that's what's left, after the other 32 were sold to Romania.
                Belgium has stated that they'll likely donate some in 2025 (they have 54), and Greece is apparently talking about donating 32 F-16s.

                So, that's 61 + 22 from Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, which comes to 83. If we add all of Greece's aircraft, that's 115. Belgium has 54. If they donate half, that comes to 142. If they donate all, that comes to 169.
                So the highest estimate I can come up with would be 169, while the lowest estimate would be around 75.
                And that's without the US donating any.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Also, sorry. I went by an older estimate. I believe the latest estimate is 65.

    • 1 month ago

      >along with MANPADs
      >but not jets
      are you fricking moronic?

      • 1 month ago

        He's a fricking moron, yes.

      • 1 month ago

        Well, what do you think prevented Russia from having air superiority back in 2022, and what do you believe was responsible for taking down most of their "attack" helicopters? And why do you think Russia's fleet of "attack" helicopters have been decimated as they've been trying to get western trophy kills in mid-2023?

        • 1 month ago

          >what do you think prevented Russia from having air superiority back in 2022
          In the start of the war major Ukrainian SAM sites were dispersed to avoid losses to Russian massive rocket barrages Ukrainian airforce using MiG-29 and Su-27 was the main reason that prevented Russian from gaining air superiority. And you'd know it if you'd read anything about it

  27. 1 month ago

    Looks like a new Wonderwaffle just dropped.

    • 1 month ago

      quiet land lubber!

    • 1 month ago

      I don't know, it's been 2 years and Russia still isn't winning so clearly they must be doing something.

      • 1 month ago

        >They are not winning.
        >They are not losing.
        >t. General Millie.

      • 1 month ago

        4 HIMARS changed course of the war
        3 Patriot system did monumental task of both stopping Russian hypersonic missiles and killing a lot of Russian air assets, including first AWACS kill in history
        80 F-16 don't have to drop 200 bombs a day to change balance, if they scare away Su-34 and Su-35 from launching KABs and Russian attack helicopters it will be more than enough

        You guys do realize Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014?

        • 1 month ago

          We ignored it out of the stupid idea that Russia could be trusted to understand mutually beneficial economic collaboration and fear of escalation against a superpower. But 2022 proved that russians are just snow Black folk, a regional bully at best.

          Russia didn't actually really deploy his armed forces before 2022, they used proxies or subversion operations. When they really did it in 2022, they were defeated everywhere in Ukraine except in areas left open by traitors (Kherson) or too exposed (Mariupol)

          • 1 month ago

            Anyone who wasn't a total fricking moron realized this in the early 2000s, a few years after the funny drunken guy Yeltsin got booted, and people realized that Putin had no interest in working with the west.
            Or, you know, you could just have looked at a history book, and realized that russoids aren't human, and even in WW2 were by nature infinitely worse than even the most indoctrinated turbo-nazi working in the darkest corners of the German-Polish concentration camps.

    • 1 month ago

      >there are literal ziggers posting on this board
      we all knew, but seeing evidence is like seeing wienerroaches scuttle out from under your sink

      • 1 month ago

        >Ziggers on this board.
        This board glows like Chernobyl and you want to single out Russia?

        • 1 month ago

          Why do you think it glows?

          • 1 month ago


            It mostly glows because of the vatBlack person agents. Not quite as brightly as /misc/, though.

            You don't think Egland AFB isn't on here every day?

            • 1 month ago

              The what now?

              • 1 month ago

                Eglin Air Force Base. They have a cyber unit that works for the Pentagon Office of Strategic Information.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I know that whole spiel, but he was talking about Jan Egeland AFB, not Eglin AFB.

              • 1 month ago

                This is a known schizo/board slider/autist who actually thinks that a random USAF unit responsible for IT and other related shit, or a part of a SOF unit responsible for wartime propaganda operations (aka PsyOps, their job is to basically influence enemy populations, in Iraq/Afghanistan they were notable for being the morons who drove around in jeeps with huge speaker sets blasting propaganda) is somehow assigned to shitpost here.

                He's insane. Don't reply to him.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why so defensive?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Because you've shat this place up for literal years. Take your autism to PrepHole or some place better suited for it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I am not the person you're accusing. Really it seems that you're the schizo here.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Glowie shitposters are real.
                I want to believe the schizo autist this time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >go to place filled with literal pedophiles
                >get surprised when cops are there
                You're a subhuman. Go back.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What if I chose to not "go back" to a place I'm not even from?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Minor spelling mistake. Killing myself today.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm from old /misc/, but I left years ago. As a "white supremacist", as they used to call us, /k/ feels much more like a home than /misc/, considering the latter is filled with commies, shills and brown subhuman scum.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What about any of this has to do with glowies?

              • 4 weeks ago

                It requires some context but it's bombshell proof that glowposting is real. The blurry dithered screencap in the top right is from a CIA document and the archive link leads directly to a thread about Christchurch (trust me for now on the CIA part until some lurker inevitably posts the proof). The glowie repeatedly tries to blame Russian/Ukrainian involvement for the attack while at the same time deflecting blame from mossad. It's a monumental frickup on the CIA's part which deserves to be remembered forever and immortalized in history but it gets posted less and less.

              • 4 weeks ago

                you stupid homosexual that post on the upper right is from a document of a anon REPORTING that post screencapped to the FBI...

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah I only found out after posting because my memory is extremely shit. Sorry.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No, they aren't necessarily real. The only reason the feds would go here if some moron is posting actual pedophilia. In which case, they will obviously go full ham on this website.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Office of Strategic Information.
                Oy vey, what a response.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thats a complex diagram. Baseword spammers sneed.

            • 4 weeks ago

              ah shit its you isn't it the homosexual who pretends he's from Indiana? You wanna post your fat body in underwear again, lard ass?

            • 4 weeks ago


        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          It mostly glows because of the vatBlack person agents. Not quite as brightly as /misc/, though.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >AI slop
          God you need to be beaten maybe then a woman will look at you and not feel disgust

  28. 1 month ago

    they will deliver some good strikes and maybe even get some a2a kills, then russia will use all the available resources to catch at least one in the air or on the ground, eventually they will succeed and it will be celebrated as the biggest victory over HATO air forces since f-117 in 1999

    • 1 month ago

      >ziggers will zig
      >like serbs serbed
      Yes, but will it stop the bombs?

      • 1 month ago

        war for face is far more important to Russians than actual war

        • 1 month ago

          >war for face is far more important to Russians than actual war
          What difference does it make except to provide emotional comfort? 9001 boris johonsons and counting... The truth is NATO is stronger than ever before and it is yet to join the fight. The reality does not change just because they REALLY want it to be otherwise, that's called delusion.

          • 1 month ago

            Russians live in a culture of lies and the biggest liar gets to rule them.

  29. 1 month ago

    more than likely f-16s wont fly over or close to rus controlled territory, there is no need for that

    • 1 month ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >gold chain under flightsuit
      Lmao Russia really is a KGB Mafia racket ran and lead by gangsters, mobsters and bandits isn't it?

  30. 1 month ago

    How long afterwards will it take for ziggers and pajeets to start posting here about how Russia has totally shot down eight quadrillion F-16s during the last 24 hours?

    • 1 month ago

      They've already done it a few times, just like they did with Bradleys and Abrams even before they arrived in Ukraine. One cope had them destroy 6 F-16s in Odesa with Iranian lawnmowers last year.

  31. 1 month ago

    Missed oppertunity not having them arrive on Friday the 16 of august.
    But yea early arrival explains the major focus of the ukies knocking out all the AA

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Dead zigger storage you say?

  33. 4 weeks ago


    Keep american economic and military interests global, isolate america cultural exports so we get less funding for the gays and commies please

  34. 4 weeks ago


    Teenager tier take.
    US interventionism is to thank for the privilege and prosperity you enjoy, whether you recognize it as such or not. An American planet is the best planet for all Americans. You'll realize this one day when you grow up.

    The best part is, an American planet is actually also the best planet for every other human being who isn't part of an absolute abortion tier nation or ideology. The quality of life for even the average Russian would be dramatically improved if the Russian government just fricked off and handed the whole country over to NATO. Their economy would explode under open integration with the West, but their corrupt leaders would be fricked so it'll never happen until they're out of the picture.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's the american led planet which treats infinite economic growth as the be-all-end-all and is willing to import tens of millions of africans and assorted browns into white countries chasing that growth. The same short-sighted leadership that brought down Rome will bring down Europe and North America, with no intact power base for civilization this time. We'll be set back by a thousand years within the next 100 years, and american leadership is to thank for it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Your post is so thick with absurd conclusions and assumptions that aren't worth addressing, but if anything please answer this one real question:

        What is the long term vision which ensures maximum prosperity for all involved which you advocate instead?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >american led planet
        Why do you Black folk and commies think like that? Is it just a result of being perpetual losers? I mean, do you have to believe in some kind of oppressor/oppressed dynamic to justify the fact that you're subhuman scum?

      • 4 weeks ago

        dirty lille brown commie, We peaked as a species in the 90's.before your kind infected civilization and the internets

  35. 4 weeks ago

    >May 5

    They’re gonna bomb the Victory Day parade aren’t they?

    • 4 weeks ago

      not gonna happen, but I bet that something will go about undefended precisely in order so that doesn't happen

    • 4 weeks ago

      That would be very petty.
      But also very funny.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fricking please!

    • 4 weeks ago

      >They’re gonna bomb the Victory Day parade aren’t they?
      If they hit the trophy abrams USA should bow and then send tomahawks immediately.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ukrainian F-16 pilots were restrained in straightjackets and thrown into cages "for their own good" after seeing the concentration of 80 pieces of equipment and political leadership in 1 square mile...

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'd rather hope they bomb the Crimea bridge.

  36. 4 weeks ago


    >sexual promiscuity
    Literally all of this specific flavor of brainrot is rooted in not getting any, isn't it?

    It's not as good as it sounds anon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You sound mad at your sexual weaponry being exposed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >sexual weaponry
        lmfao you are actually fricking delusional.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He's crazy but that's a cumbrain take you got there

  37. 4 weeks ago


    >Yeah, someone with competence directing those endless waves of meat
    It was quite literally the opposite. Despite their obscene incompetence, they took millions of unnecessary losses, because their leaders and generals were extremely incompetent, even by russian standards. With some semi-competent generals, like they had in the 19th century, they could at least have reduced their losses, even if they would still have been disproportionately bad.

    >I have no idea what you're frothing at the mouth for. Must be the benzos.
    You're the one with a submissive, cuck mindset.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Competence is relative. They were competent enough late in the war to beat back the Germans' summer offensive(s) and start pushing to Berlin.

      >You're the one with a submissive, cuck mindset
      Please use more of the strong internet words, it turns me on

      another gay nerd without life experience and with little grasp of human psychology comes up with an infallible world system that this time will work for sure(TM)

      Another moron fails at reading comprehension at 4chinz and makes a smug post about it

      >sexual promiscuity
      Literally all of this specific flavor of brainrot is rooted in not getting any, isn't it?

      It's not as good as it sounds anon.

      I agree, it's overhyped when you're doing it with some random girl you're not even serious about. That's why we need to end the overpopulation and sex chad memes, both are untrue and toxic to the nation.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >it turns me on
        Well, that lines up with what I've already said.

  38. 4 weeks ago


    another gay nerd without life experience and with little grasp of human psychology comes up with an infallible world system that this time will work for sure(TM)

    • 4 weeks ago

      You seem mad. Victory to Ukraine, Taiwan, Palestine and White Racial Sovereignty. The weapons to achieve that start with acknowledgement of their enemies.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Vctory to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Palestine.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >another gay nerd without life experience and with little grasp of human psychology comes up with an infallible world system that this time will work for sure(TM)

      You seem mad. Victory to Ukraine, Taiwan, Palestine and White Racial Sovereignty. The weapons to achieve that start with acknowledgement of their enemies.

      >. Victory to Ukraine

      You seem mad. Victory to Ukraine, Taiwan, Palestine and White Racial Sovereignty. The weapons to achieve that start with acknowledgement of their enemies.


      You seem mad. Victory to Ukraine, Taiwan, Palestine and White Racial Sovereignty. The weapons to achieve that start with acknowledgement of their enemies.

      >White Racial Sovereignty

      You seem mad. Victory to Ukraine, Taiwan, Palestine and White Racial Sovereignty. The weapons to achieve that start with acknowledgement of their enemies.


  39. 4 weeks ago

    How will the F-16 compete with only 6 ready rounds and a unstablized gun?

    • 4 weeks ago

      lol, lmao even

      • 4 weeks ago

        Worthless in a modern EW environment, they will be dropping like flies. Why are we wasted tax dollars on this garbage?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >modern EW environment
          About that...

          • 4 weeks ago

            Everyone knows that was a trojan horse, NATO EW is a joke. A perfect example is how all the captured tanks are intact, their software was disabled remotely without a shot fired.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Everyone knows that was a trojan horse, NATO EW is a joke. A perfect example is how all the captured tanks are intact, their software was disabled remotely without a shot fired.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >F16 vs. S500’s & SU57’s


    • 4 weeks ago

      Too bad for the mobiks those projects only exist in the form of money laundry schemes, little Argentinian indian.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Please send more NATO wunderwaffe’s there is lots of space still in red square

  41. 4 weeks ago


    So America, the only country in the world actually pushing the space age forward, is actually to blame for the rest of the world doing frick all and being dependent homosexuals that can't even get out of their own way without our help?

    Me, the American taxpayer who has been funding global peacekeeping and medical research my entire life is supposed to believe that thirdies would lead us into utopia if we just... Stopped immigration and shut down the federal reserve?


    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah anon hate to break it to you, this is who you're forcing your allies to import by the millions. If it weren't for the efforts of the funny twitter man your space age progress would be dead in the water.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >America is forcing other nations to import migrants
        Lol what?

  42. 4 weeks ago

    >Please send more NATO wunderwaffe’s there is lots of space still in red square

  43. 4 weeks ago

    >Except for your claim we have 0 action footage of 1979 Russian tank losses excluding the gay ass videos of single tanks in middle of nowhere being blown up
    >Are we counting Ukrainian tanks of Russian design as Russian losses
    >Are we counting Ukrainian losses as Russian losses

  44. 4 weeks ago


    >Are we counting Ukrainian tanks of Russian design as Russian losses


    >Are we counting Ukrainian losses as Russian losses
    Ukrainians don't store their tanks in Russian reserve equipment bases where they can be counted on satellite imaging you see.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Ukraine Navy count: 0
      >Russian submarine and ship losses: non-0

    • 4 weeks ago

      >between two posts the number of destroyed tanks jumped from 1979 to 7354
      Holly shit they are destroying them fast
      Truly we will get at least one action footage of more than one tank blown up in a random field made by a drone
      ... like two tanks blown up in random field made by a drone
      Frick it if we are really lucky we might even see some infantry running around





      What is the first thing you guys gonna do once Ukraine wins ?

      • 4 weeks ago

        New here are you? Or just new to this war? You seem to know frick all and be a bit reatrded because here on /k/ we've been watching this war sincec day one and and since 2014 and we've watched that Ukrainian count posted here daily and rise daily. Why don;t you frick off and shine shoes for your dictator you worthless gibbering brown c**t.

        • 4 weeks ago

          As someone who is here since 2014 you must have seen plenty of videos of Russian tanks being blown up that are not on a field in middle of nowhere by themselves taken by drone

          >What is the first thing you guys gonna do once Ukraine wins ?
          Destroy Iran and Stria and deport every immigrant into Europe back to their now safe nations

          pls start with Houthis first
          things are getting tad bit expensive here

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What is the first thing you guys gonna do once Ukraine wins ?
        Destroy Iran and Stria and deport every immigrant into Europe back to their now safe nations

  45. 4 weeks ago


  46. 4 weeks ago


  47. 4 weeks ago


    >if you ignore your problems they go away

    Yeah that sounds like something you'd have to be a braindead MAGA moron to believe. Worked so well the last time right?

  48. 4 weeks ago


    >but yes, good. Bring back American Isolationism.
    why to suit russian and brown dictators attacking Americas trade and military allies? You won't have a dollar reserve currency and the vast prosperity that brings to the US if you are trying to be an isolationist moron. You will have all those dollars going home, massive inflation and poverty plus no allies. Only someone who hates the USA would advocate handing the planet over to anti-democracy tyrants who target the USA with nukes

  49. 4 weeks ago


    >There is a reason NATO is so desperate to get old Russian planes, they are the only thing that can operate against Russian ECM. F-16s are desperation, they will be gone in half a month.
    There as reason stupid brown anti USA any western anti-democratic frickers like you spraying shit for war criminal dictators all over the internet should be hunted down and executed as well. You picked a side. An ugly twisted mess of failure and dictatorship I hope you die for it.

  50. 4 weeks ago


    It's because that's what Ukraine know how to fly without taking ages to train pilots moron.

  51. 4 weeks ago


    >The Nazi shows his true colours.
    What's a nazi you moronic brown frick? Let me guess, anyone who calls your worthless failed civilization brown dictatorships the shit on mankinds shoes they are?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You know you are spazzing out over a obvious joke post right?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You know you are spazzing out over a obvious joke post right?
        Ah shiit I just killed 20 jeets, chopped them up and fed them to my anaconda farm. That's your fault. It was fun tho'.

        • 4 weeks ago


  52. 4 weeks ago

    >F-16’s to be operational in Ukraine on May 5th
    Sounds fake

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because it is
      I start these threads just to attract toonies in and then to ruffle them up
      It is all a jest

  53. 4 weeks ago


    This ancient "flying" death trap was useless 35 years ago against Arabs using monkey models and now they are putting it against modern aircraft with real pilots? Suicide......

  54. 4 weeks ago

    They use the air to air 300 km advantage they have on Russians and several thousand jdams they are getting to drop a couple hundred on large troop gatherings. With other things they'll be hitting deep into Russia going for road digging groups of conscripts. If they get to them It will freak out other conscripts

  55. 4 weeks ago


    implessive and demolalizing

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Say freedom of navigation is great
      >Get called a chink

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Say freedom of navigation is great
        freedom of navigation doesn't do much if most ports become closed to you and your naval bases start to be forcibly closed on you

  56. 4 weeks ago


    And uh, which country is currently in the middle of an aggressive war of territorial expansion? Little slip there?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, let's just be like the Russians and invade everyone. You're insights are as great as your IQ.

      >Say freedom of navigation is great
      freedom of navigation doesn't do much if most ports become closed to you and your naval bases start to be forcibly closed on you

      >If we don't invade and occupy sand Black folk, everyone will close their ports to us!

      • 4 weeks ago

        If you pull away from the world, the world also pulls away from you. Why should we bother?
        Ask China how that went for them, though.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    Hopefully the Euros will deliver Meteor and it can be adapted to the F16 (or they just deliver a handful of Gripens/Eurofighters). Something to counter R37.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Time for some differential equations /k/!!

    At what speed, altitude and position will allow a JDAM hit on the kertch!
    Good luck!

  59. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >American patriot stands with the countries that want to destroy his country and has been targeting it with psy ops for 40 years and are probably responsible for a lot of the current division
      I can never tell if these people are genuinely moronic or just bots

      • 4 weeks ago

        If you have to ask, they probably are just that genuinely moronic

      • 4 weeks ago

        I have a feeling that particular guy is a parody account, he's supposedly an "American communist" literally named like one of those "John Jackman from hamburgertown Iowa oblast" shitposts. Or maybe reality is unraveling, I don't know.

  60. 4 weeks ago

    You guys know it's possible to disagree with promotion of gays and migration and still want to fund Ukraine and kill all ziggers, right? The topics are only divisive if you allow them to be divisive

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well I mean by killing puccians you are also killing a lot of homosexuals

  61. 4 weeks ago

    Does Ukraine have a safe place to base these things?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Poland and Romania

  62. 4 weeks ago


    that still give a slight iota of a shit about their people
    who's gonna tell him

  63. 4 weeks ago


    who would win
    >country importing Black folk
    >country made of Black folk

  64. 4 weeks ago

    unless they have stupid amounts of munitions for the things and have major plans for a heavy air campaign, they'd be all but actually useless. a token few jdams and some old sidewinders aren't going to help shit.

  65. 4 weeks ago


    >countries that prioritize mass immigration
    like Russia?

  66. 4 weeks ago


    thank you, I am now demoralized

    • 4 weeks ago
  67. 4 weeks ago


    Black person on the bottom you have at least two countries where you're either military or a government official or you'll starve

    • 4 weeks ago

      At least their kids aren't being indoctrinated to become trannies.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No they're indoctrinated into being raped in the school's bathroom.

  68. 4 weeks ago

    >Publicly announce F-16s will be in Ukraine on May 5th
    >They are actually operational on May 4th.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Golly gee, I love getting early to work.

  69. 4 weeks ago


    powerbloc created and run by vampires
    Way to make it sound 40000% cooler than it actually is.

  70. 4 weeks ago


    >Most wonder weapons given to ukraine have a greater impact on social media than on the actual front lines
    "France estimates that 150,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the Ukraine war."

    • 4 weeks ago

      And that's a low estimate which probably doesn't include lugandan conscripts

  71. 4 weeks ago

    Can you Black person-rig Meteors to the F16?

  72. 4 weeks ago


    Every single goddamn time we decide to turn isolationist the fricking moronic Euros start another war and then BEG us for help, which we are obligated to give because whoever wins the stupid fricking war they started will hate us no matter what if we refuse. We are literally not allowed to not be involved. They won't let us.

  73. 4 weeks ago


    >seething about tiktok memes and learning languages for some reason

  74. 4 weeks ago


    >third worlder speaking english believes that there isn't a common language all these people can and, in fact, do use

  75. 4 weeks ago


    moron-kun, you're aware that understanding English is a universal requirement for military pilots worldwide, correct? That even Russian and Chinese military pilots have to speak English in order to be okayed to fly, yes?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I only know three letters in the HATO phonetic alphabet, and that's Zulu Oscar Victor, capice?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ctrl + z

        • 4 weeks ago

          >he is forced to add s-400 in the title since there is no visible s-400 in the video


  76. 4 weeks ago


    I assume you're shitposting and simply larping as a vatBlack person, given how blatantly stupid your post is, but seriously... what?
    If you embody the character you're larping as, what is the argument here? That Ukrainians don't speak English?

  77. 4 weeks ago


    Why do third worlders refer to old western equipment as wonder weapons?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because they're trying to meme WWII wunderwaffles. You know:
      >Implying implications

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because the first world is unironically at least half a century ahead of the third world technologically. They really are wonder weapons in their eyes because they still live in the equivalent of the 1960s.

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's a intentionally bad faith comparison to Nazi Germany in WWII. You can guess why.

  78. 4 weeks ago

    F-14s when?

  79. 4 weeks ago


    >a dialect of Russian
    you ziggers aren't even trying anymore

  80. 4 weeks ago


    you have any proof other than some imbecile senile homosexual in a suit rambling about Japan not bringing in immigrants?

  81. 4 weeks ago


    It's called every currency in this world being backed by the dollar. Don't want to blow up people trying to change that? Then stop having the dollar as the world's main currency.

  82. 4 weeks ago


    hahahahahaha puta que pariu ahahahahaha boa piada gringo

  83. 4 weeks ago


    >please just let us be subhumans and don't interfere
    I am Ivan Ivanovich from Ohio Oblast and I support this message.

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