European SHTF advice


Being a euro I dont have access to that many guns.
In my country (Sweden) AR15/AR10's have just been accepted as hunting rifles which means I need one.

What I want are weapons that will work in a SHTF scenario and would work for hunting without looking too much of a moron (military larper) (Wild boar mostly)

My best allaround rifle is the Benelli MR1 223 (That just turned worthless due to the AR15 acceptance) which is a perverted mix of a Benelli shotgun and an AR15 (it takes AR mags).

I also have a 10/22 takedown (That I will not let go of, it's a fantastic rifle)
I then have two bolt action Tikka rifles chambered in 308 both with silencers.
I am considering selling the Tikka's and replacing them with a Ruger SFAR.

The question is, am I just overthinking and overoptimizing things?
Would this setup cover most scenarios:
10/22, MR1(with extra mags), One old bolt action that probably never will break.

Or would replacing the bolt action rifles (and perhaps the MR1) with an SFAR do anything??

Help and thanks

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  1. 5 months ago

    the Benelli is fine. what does an AR do significantly different than it does?

    • 5 months ago

      I guess access to more spare parts, probably not that much more, I'll keep it.

      didnt you guys have limited number of guns per person in Svea Rike? If not then never sell guns unless theyre shit.

      Light suppressed bolt guns are nice to carry and more than enough to defend your home from multicultural bliss. No need to consume just for the sake of it. But do get an AR if you want an AR.

      With a hunting loicense you can get 4 rifles without a large hassle, 5 and 6 needs motivation.
      My biggest problem is access to shooting ranges and storage in gun locker.
      I was thinking about keeping the lightest bolt action just as you mentioned. It's also good to have when hunting because all the old folks will get pissed when you show up with an AR10..

      Sell me your MR1
      t. Österlandet

      Hyvää päivää! Yes please do so and bid a handsome sum if I put it up on's auction.
      Cant you just get your Valmet AK??

      • 5 months ago

        >Cant you just get your Valmet AK??
        If you're going to ask for that much, I will buy one instead

      • 5 months ago

        Keep what you got, unless you get a VERY good deal.

        12ga shotgun would be a good addition. Something like a Mossberg 500 pump tends to go for mere 200€ even today, and will last you a lifetime.

        Replacing the bolt actions would be idiotic.
        One of them, mayhaps. But don't try to become a tacticool semi-auto only gay. Use your excessive money on ammo, training, and other survival gear (IFAK, tourniquet, illummination, non-perishable food...). Body armor highly recommended as well.

        >Cant you just get your Valmet AK??
        lol no. Those are expensive and haven't been made in years. The few used pieces that pop up occasionally are all you get.

        Also, everyone's switching over to gay AR15s.

        Keep the Tikka, get a SIG 550, best 556 rifle ever made. You can find them under 2000 bucks here in Switzerland so it's probably the same in other european countries

        >You can find them under 2000 bucks here in Switzerland so it's probably the same in other european countries
        NTA, but the average price of one is 2x more than that. And I managed to only find ONE (1) used rifle being sold in my whole country, and that's just the gun + one mag (that are different from AR mags, btw), for 2100 eurobucks.

        For that money, you could get a fine off-shelf AR, a-OK optic and a pile of mags.

        t: Spurdo spärdö

        • 5 months ago

          2100 is not that bad tbh, and I think you can get AR mag adapters for it that kinda works. But for 3000+ a good piston AR would be better.

        • 5 months ago

          >The few used pieces that pop up occasionally are all you get.
          Valmets are insanely common though
          BUT the prices are too high and they don't do well with cheap ammo unlike the Sako M92S

        • 5 months ago

          >And I managed to only find ONE (1) used rifle being sold in my whole country, and that's just the gun + one mag (that are different from AR mags, btw), for 2100 eurobucks.
          If it's the one I've been looking at, that one actually has no mags at all.

        • 5 months ago

          >just the gun + one mag
          I can send you tactically acquired 20 rounders for 30 bucks per mag

  2. 5 months ago

    didnt you guys have limited number of guns per person in Svea Rike? If not then never sell guns unless theyre shit.

    Light suppressed bolt guns are nice to carry and more than enough to defend your home from multicultural bliss. No need to consume just for the sake of it. But do get an AR if you want an AR.

  3. 5 months ago

    Sell me your MR1
    t. Österlandet

  4. 5 months ago

    Keep the Tikka, get a SIG 550, best 556 rifle ever made. You can find them under 2000 bucks here in Switzerland so it's probably the same in other european countries

    • 5 months ago

      >get a SIG 550, best 556 rifle ever made. You can find them under 2000 bucks here in Switzerland so it's probably the same in other european countries
      SIG 550s are 4000 euro bucks anywhere else besides Switzerland

      • 5 months ago

        In Finland they're ~2k or ~3k if they come with a few mags n shit, but the mags are scarce enough and you would have to order more from Switzerland which is a pain in the ass
        >yes to nigras moving about without borders, yes yes
        >free trade involving guns? NO!!!!

    • 5 months ago

      >2000 bucks
      Twice that in France, bro.

  5. 5 months ago

    You sound prepared to me.

  6. 5 months ago

    Just buy more guns you moron.

  7. 5 months ago

    >Euro shtf advice
    Convert to Islam

    • 5 months ago

      Go die for Israël burger.

  8. 5 months ago

    the Benelli, both Tikkas, the 10/22 take (shut up).
    Daniel Defense AR-15 and a 22lr conversion, VCOG 1-8x, 77gr smk, weapon light, peq 15.

    This will do everything your current collection does except kill moose. Of you hunt moose I'd keep the lighter of your two Tikkas.

    • 5 months ago

      >Daniel Defense

      • 5 months ago

        That's what's available in Europe. I'd never own less than KAC but I'm a burger. Swede sof use lwrc so that could be an option.

        • 5 months ago

          I would never buy an overpriced DD in Europe either, Satan. Maybe in .300 BLK since most guns in that calibre are even worse ripoffs

          • 5 months ago

            Any AR-15 costs x2 to x3 US price, DD or else. A 3500€ DD is lame, but a 1800€ S&W MP15 is rape.

            • 5 months ago

              Buy Euro like a Grand Power or god forbid an old Astra

              • 5 months ago

                Is Grand Power any good ?

              • 5 months ago

                I don't know, I have an Astra. Surprisingly good and reliable for what's essentially a Norinco AR

    • 5 months ago

      >Daniel Defense AR-15
      just buy a mr223a3 as its better and cheaper by 300 euros

  9. 5 months ago

    As a eurogay you need to be concerned about potential bans.
    Just as easily as it was given, it can be taken away.
    Here is my suggestion:
    -308 bolt action (or whatever is the most common 30 cal)
    -5.56 both action that takes ar mags
    -keep your MR1
    -Buy a versatile shotgun
    This will keep you insulated from bans

    • 5 months ago

      >As a eurogay you need to be concerned about potential bans
      I would be the opposite of worried in Sweden, there the laws are actually improving. Not so in the rest of Europe because urban sheeple tend to get their way

      • 5 months ago

        Eh, one shooting and it has the potential to all go away

    • 5 months ago

      >Just as easily as it was given, it can be taken away.
      It literally can't. New laws can't cancel existing licenses.

    • 5 months ago

      Ackchyually once you get the license it is very hard to revoke it. I dont know if it ever happened. Thats why a bunch of people got the Mini14 on the humting license a while ago.


      I would hold off on the SFAR, the quality control on them is nonexistent.

      Thank you Mr AMERICAN, I will wait with getting a SFAR. Too bad since the Ruger 10/22 is unstoppable. I pretty much never clean it and it always works. It's a 22lr though...

      How rural are you? Can you actually get gen III NVGs in Skyrim?

      Either way the answer is going to be some variation of a quality AR with a quality optic, but if you live in downtown Stockholm obviously a short boi with an Aimpoint or EOkek is a better option than something like a mk 12 with a scope.

      Personally, and I say this as a burger, I think that a midlength AR with ACOG and RMR2 is going to solve every problem you can encounter rural or urban well enough, especially if you put a silencer and an illuminator on it.

      Very downtown, In a SHTF scenario police will be everywhere here. Im a bit more worried about relatives that live close to the somali/arab areas. From what I've noticed, arabs dont behave as calmly, respectfully or law abidingly as ethnic swedes.. I might be wrong though because the TV always says the opposite.
      That being said, the mr1 has an aimpoint.
      I tried shooting it at 300m (1000 burger feet) and managed to hit a somewhat large target. So it will work in long ranges as well.

      What does a SHTF even look like in Europe? The higher population density would likely lead to a lower chance of government or societal breakdown, and climate change is looking like it'll IMPROVE the weather over there, if anything.

      In majority swedish areas, things will probably be fine, lots of cooperation. There used to be loads of different clubs for any interest people had in Sweden so many are used to working together by their own initiative.
      Immigrant areas would be worse off, they will join their respective clans/cultures/gangs. I'll stay far away from them since I have a healthy scepticism of non western people.

      Regarding night vision, it sounds nice but what when the battery dies? Also it's very heavy. Perhaps thermal vision as a stand alone optic on the side.

      • 5 months ago

        Sven, literally everyone who has access to NVGs and gets paid to kill people uses it and builds doctrine around it. I understand that you can't necessarily just buy it like we burgers can, but it is definitely worth the squeeze. A PVS14 lasts about 30 hours per AA... just have AA batteries around. Thermal is also incredibly useful, and definitely more available. And great for hunting. It devours batteries though FYI.

        We love aimpoints here too, no doubt. Ngl if you are in Stockholm a pistol is the most useful thing to have. No idea about the hoops to get one but I live in a Black person filled shit hole and it's not like I can go around with a rifle. But I can carry a Sig.

        • 5 months ago

          >I understand that you can't necessarily just buy it like we burgers can
          No law against it. Just can't hunt with it

      • 5 months ago

        Night vision isnt that heavy man. Also you can get rechargeable double as or w/e. ones that you can charge with a solar panel that you can fit on a backpack, you wouldnt be able to use em 12 hours every night but youd definitely be able to keep a set running a long time if you got one or two of those chargers and a couple dozen batteries. Aimpoint is also the best optic and keep that.

        Honestly your shtf scenario will be similiar to yugoslavia most likely with muzzies going on a rampage. also aimpoint is indestructable to EMPS really, too small and NVGS unless you are right next to one, will be fine. Most electronics smaller than a car will be fine. ITs more about grid destruction.

        Handgun is unironicially the most important thing you coudl get besides NVGS tho rlly. You can conceal a handgun, you cant conceal a rifle.

      • 5 months ago

        Huutenings since my parents lived in Sweden from 1975 to 1986 and only moved away to try for kids since it was becoming a shithole
        In 2024 it's so bad even my normgroid Swedish relatives are openly saying bad things about muzzies

  10. 5 months ago

    Are there no good native designs in Europe you could easily get? I mean you're going to be paying extra for the Ruger because of it being imported and tariffs and what not and you'll only be ending up with an average quality rifle for something you'll be paying a shitload of money for, and for the SFAR it's not like you'll be easily finding parts for it in Sweden unlike you would in the US in a theoretical SHTF situation, but I don't much about the gun market in Europe so maybe I'm wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      >Are there no good native designs in Europe you could easily get?
      Semis? Forget it, there's no market because the companies themselves only want military sales and the cops in every country are chomping at the bit trying to ban semi-autos continent wide

  11. 5 months ago


    I would hold off on the SFAR, the quality control on them is nonexistent.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah I hear the barrel crowns are kinda turbofricked etc

      • 5 months ago

        Problems I have seen:
        Gas block failure to create seal
        Poor gassing
        Gas keys working loose
        ROUGH chambers

        I wanted to get one really badly, but IMO it’s not worth it.

        • 5 months ago

          personally I had to fix 5 Ruger AR-556s because the bolt carrier ate up the gas rings and had a terminal failure so bad the bolt got stuck
          after approximately 20 rounds for each gun

          frick Ruger and their garbage ARs

  12. 5 months ago

    french here, what about CZ sporters ? they make Vz58 rifles in .223 and i've heard they are pretty good

    • 5 months ago

      Spare parts became a nightmare after the directive hit

  13. 5 months ago

    How rural are you? Can you actually get gen III NVGs in Skyrim?

    Either way the answer is going to be some variation of a quality AR with a quality optic, but if you live in downtown Stockholm obviously a short boi with an Aimpoint or EOkek is a better option than something like a mk 12 with a scope.

    Personally, and I say this as a burger, I think that a midlength AR with ACOG and RMR2 is going to solve every problem you can encounter rural or urban well enough, especially if you put a silencer and an illuminator on it.

    • 5 months ago

      >Can you actually get gen III NVGs in Skyrim?
      At least 2+s easily

      • 5 months ago

        Well, if you are legit worried about Swedish society going off the rails I'd prioritize being able to see and shoot in the dark, and I'd want a sidearm you can actually carry concealed
        >inb4 laws

        Yeah, I know you probably can't carry it now. Still, get a pistol and holster now and you'll have it if you ever need to make an armed milk run in a SHTF scenario.

        • 5 months ago

          >>inb4 laws
          I heard from someone that Sweden might actually get CC laws. Someone Swedish might have more info on that, however.

  14. 5 months ago

    What does a SHTF even look like in Europe? The higher population density would likely lead to a lower chance of government or societal breakdown, and climate change is looking like it'll IMPROVE the weather over there, if anything.

    • 5 months ago

      >What does a SHTF even look like in Europe?

    • 5 months ago

      >What does a SHTF even look like in Europe?
      WWI, WWII

      We're doomed no matter what. Escaping to the new world was and still is our only chance to survive.

  15. 5 months ago

    I’d second the 12 gauge shotty.

    Definitely get weapons that have plentiful ammo availability. That being the case, you might want to get something that fires Soviet caliber ammo.

    • 5 months ago

      >Definitely get weapons that have plentiful ammo availability. That being the case, you might want to get something that fires Soviet caliber ammo.
      Nah, it's 6.5x55 or .308 that's plentiful

  16. 5 months ago

    OP here, thanks for input everyone.
    I will keep the old and light Tikka, a 40year old bolt action in good condition will probably last 40 more years. It also has US made Leupold 3-9x40 optics that will last a long while. Since it's 308 I can hunt wild boar and moose with it, also it is pretty much guaranteed to work flawlessly in -30c.

    The MR1 has got an Aimpoint (Made in Sweden) and I suppose it's the best SHTF rifle out there. In case of Russian invasion and "normies" get drafted I'll be able to use AK5 mags. The Aimpoint will probably resist a potential EMP blast, otherwise the MR1 has iron sights.

    The 10/22 takedown is more of a practice rifle but I suppose it's a very good SHTF gun. I can carry 100 rounds in my pocket, it's extremely light, has decent accuracy and makes a loud noise. Im also always surprised at how much material a 22lr round is able to penetrate. And due to the easy handling nature of it my better half can handle it if shit really happens.

    The weapon I'll drop is a very heavy long range Tikka with a varmint barrel. My next door gun range with a 300m range got shut down due to mix of NIMBYism and politicians which means I have nowhere to practice long range shooting. Also I never use that rifle for hunting since it's heavy and I'll never carry it around when society breaks down.
    That frees up one slot in the gun locker for another rifle.

    As many have mentioned, get a shotgun, yes I have been thinking of it but I need to practice for that loicense and closest range shut down.. Also I like precision shooting way more..

    And regarding the SHTF scenario, I actually have faith in our policiticans and police force to sort out problems that will arise during pretty dark scenarios. I live in Stockholm but not in the shitty multicultural parts. Things here will probably keep running for a long while.
    My best prepping method is knowing my neighbors, we commonly have social get togethers and such. Being able to trust friends and neighbors is key.

    • 5 months ago

      >The Aimpoint will probably resist a potential EMP blast, otherwise the MR1 has iron sights.
      EMP is a meme. If your handheld electronics are getting fried by EMP you have much more immediate problems with radiation and your physiology.

    • 5 months ago

      Stockholm? Your best prepping move would be to move about 500 km north. Or across the Gulf.

  17. 5 months ago

    You are set up just fine. Youd be better off buying night vision if thats possible and putting an IR device on your rifle (get an airsoft one if illegal)

    get an airsoft chest rig if real shit is illegal, boom and get some medical. You want to be able to carry at least 3 spare mags, arguably up to 7.

    Your semi auto 5.56 there will do most of defensive work. Your other rifles are great if you need to hunt, depending on how you set up the tikka you can have something capable of reaching out 1000 yards. (depends on scope, mount and you.)

    The only firearm you "need" now is a pistol, but I understand thats almost impossible.

    Ar15 would be better than your MR1 however, dont panic about it. Its not worthless, as long as you can shoot it and its reliable and you have some spare parts its fine. Get a suppressor for it if you can.

    Realisticially, a 5.56 carbine and handgun are all you need for defense.

    Getting an SFAR is nice, but honestly id set up one of the bolt actions to be super light precision style build. In small unit tactics you will want a carbine and precision rifle, or have 1 guy in your fireteam with that capability. The semi auto thing is nice, but that means youd be carrying that alone which means you are alone in terms of ammo. Remember most shooting in a gunfight is suppressing a force so one element can flank. This is as simple as you shooting at someone and your friend moving to flank and can grow to 2 buddy teams (a fireteam ie 4 people) ect ect.

    Get a handgun if you can. If you can get an ar15, thats great. But you are pretty well set up.

  18. 5 months ago

    >euro shtf
    French here. I believe my best option is rising a white flag and convert to islam but until then I try to walk following path :
    >22 bolt-rifle + 22 semi-auto pistol
    >9 mm full size pistol (+ a micro should be nice too)
    >12 gauge pump of any available brand ; one long barrel, one short
    >.308 bolt-action rifle from Tikka or Sabatti or else
    >some semi-auto rifle in 223 ; I currently dont have it and shouldve start with that probably, but 22LR, 9mm and 12 are far more available than any other caliber here

    • 5 months ago

      lmao just buy a full auto ak off the nearest algerian

  19. 5 months ago

    Has your country taken part in EU mag ban?
    In Finland reds decided that 30rnd mags are machine guns

    • 5 months ago

      It's regulated as ammunition so long as the magazine fits into your gun it's fine.

    • 5 months ago

      >In Finland reds decided that 30rnd mags are machine guns
      No they didn't, the law just sucks balls. Both are classified ERVA, but they are treated differently in different sections despite being called essentially the same thing.

      • 5 months ago

        >classified ERVA
        >Extremely dangerous weapon
        Essentially equivalent to machine gun or rocket launcher
        Only commies and russkies can defend this
        Meanwhile in some countries you can be part of hunting club and own those mags without a problem

        • 5 months ago

          >Essentially equivalent to machine gun or rocket launcher
          No it's not because you can't get those at all. In a just world you would be able to possess machine guns after jumping the magazine ERVA requirements.

          • 5 months ago

            >You can't get those at all.
            You just need to go through japanese gun licensing system to get those.

  20. 5 months ago

    >he doesnt have a garand
    shiggy diggy in 2024

    • 5 months ago

      Anything en bloc would royally suck for SHTF

      • 5 months ago

        not if you have 50 en blocs

  21. 5 months ago

    >What I want are weapons that will work in a SHTF scenario and would work for hunting without looking too much of a moron (military larper) (Wild boar mostly)
    If you hunt anything bigger than boar, get an AR-10. You can sell your other rifles (excluding the 10/22) if you want to get it basically free.
    >still an AR
    >3 oh H8 is incredibly versatile and can kill anything on four legs or two
    >Very few countries have ever adopted it so it looks less LARPy than an AR15
    >heavier and bulkier ammo
    >ammo is more expensive
    >less mag pouch selection
    >more recoil. By the time you reacquire your target, if it hasn’t been killed, it’s running to cover

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