
How do you feel about e-bikes PrepHole? Specifically the class 1-2 ones that are basically bikes with a pedal assist to go uphill, not the class 3's that are basically motorcycles

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >basically motorcycles
    take a long walk off a short pier

  2. 3 months ago

    E-bike dipshits who don’t pay attention to conditions are responsible for 90% of the mtb trail degredation in my area. Our club used to have two maintenance days per year on each of our trails and now some are completely ratchet despite monthly maintenance days. We don’t let people ride gas mopeds on the trails and we shouldn’t let electric mopeds on the trail either. The e-bikers don’t show up to these days generally either.

    We lost access to the property that my favorite trail was on because of this. Stick to roads with the other motorized vehicles.

    • 3 months ago

      What causes the degradation? The weight of the bike or the throttled tires?

      • 3 months ago

        >What causes the degradation?
        if the ground is wet you dont go in with a vehicle.
        Everybody is familiar with that concept, expect-e bike homosexuals

    • 3 months ago

      >using the word "ratchet"
      I don't want to ever see you outdoors

    • 3 months ago

      >nooooo my mountain bike trail must be properly pedicured!!
      lmao, i thought the whole point was to be "gnar gnar" and go balls to the wall? homosexuals

      • 3 months ago

        I’m not in the PNW where the trails are on rock, I’m in the upper Midwest and our soils are clay heavy. Erosion is a problem when people don’t respect the trails.

        What causes the degradation? The weight of the bike or the throttled tires?

        When the frost isn’t out of the ground, but the surface is soft, the trail surfaces slide terribly. And if we get heavy rain, the poorly drained soils mean that sometimes we need to stay off the trails for a day or so.

    • 2 months ago

      The sign says "NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES"
      An E bike has an electric motor--it shouldn't be on the trail that bans Motorized Vehicles and violators must be reported and you should kick the shit out of them.

      What causes the degradation? The weight of the bike or the throttled tires?

      >The power assist digs ruts exponentially faster than manual peddling.
      >E bikes are also significantly heavier than non motorized bikes which accelerates erosion.
      >E bikes are almost always ridden by idiots

      all it does is assist when you want to use it. you still have to pedal to regenerate it.

      This isn't at all how most people use them dude. Most people plug-charge them and treat them like an electric motorcycle that is treated like a "bicycle" in most situations.
      (No insurance, no license etc..)

  3. 3 months ago

    I don't dislike them. At the end of the day it's a fun way to get out and exercise. Only downside is that for the same price, you can get a really nice normal bike, and you don't have to charge those.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        all it does is assist when you want to use it. you still have to pedal to regenerate it.

        • 3 months ago

          >pedaling with no resistance

          • 3 months ago

            you've clearly never ridden an e-bike, so keep making a fool of yourself. it's just like riding a normal bike, you can choose when to boost.

            • 3 months ago

              Okay sorry

            • 3 months ago

              >it's just like riding a normal bike

            • 2 months ago

              >it's just like riding a normal bike

              • 2 months ago

                >pedaling with no resistance

                To be fair I only use the motor when I'm gassed out or going uphill

    • 3 months ago

      >for the same price, you can get a really nice normal bike,
      REALLY nice.
      I saw one the other day for NZ$22,500.
      Obviously that's at the upper end of things, but holy shit, that's a nice used Subaru, 2 more than capable analog bikes, and change for a few weekends away.
      If they were anything approaching value for money, I'd get one immediately. It would mean I could easily get a few runs in after work, rather than one short one getting home after dark in winter.

  4. 3 months ago

    I assume anyone on an ebike is a gay.

  5. 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    They are for the weak and old.

    • 3 months ago

      if you can constantly go 25mph+ for 80km then yeah you dont need an ebike, for the rest of us its pretty comfy though

  7. 3 months ago

    ebikes seem great if you're rich and disabled or a rich person that lives in the mountains and all the trails are a long fire road and a cool downhill.

    I live in an area with mostly XC trails so ebikes kinda defeat the purpose if you aren't disabled.

  8. 3 months ago

    I got one last year and I like it overall.

    The main reason I got one is because I am disabled, and while I can ride a normal bicycle, I don't like to ride in city traffic because I take too long at red lights to get up to speed and outside of the city when I reach a uphill section I either have to get off and walk or I have to get up there very slowly and with a lot of effort. The e-bike fixes both of these things. I ride with little to no support (unless I need to get somewhere quick) normally, and use the motor on uphill sections or to get up to speed when needed.
    Overall it just made me use the bicycle a lot more than before.
    For a healthy person they are still great for transportation and fun, but not so sure how great they are as an PrepHole vehicle. True e-mtbs are expensive (a lot of e-mtbs aren't actually rated for MTB trails), the range means you won't really go on a multi day camping joyride and it won't really take a healthy person to any places a normal bicycle wouldn't.
    But I do love mine, even though it was such a budget buy. Gets me to go fishing and just riding random places in the forest a lot more.

  9. 3 months ago

    ebikes and electric cars share the same disadvantage which is battery replacement cost. I could also go on about how environmentally disastrous those batteries are from mining the raw material to disposal...

    • 2 months ago

      Cars have the advantage of the batteries lasting a significant amount of time and the cost to the environment for mining and disposing is STILL less than the massive amount of pollution caused by ripping fossil fuels out of the earth, refining them, then burning more of them to transport the refined material everywhere and then set it on fire.

  10. 3 months ago

    These things have ruined early season in Glaicer, you used to be able to walk or bike the GTTS road to the loop parking lot and generally avoid tourists. There must've been a popular tik tok or something because now the road is full of ebike Black folk until it's open to cars.

  11. 3 months ago

    They aren't fun. I like to be able to do jumps.

  12. 3 months ago

    Luckily most of my MTB trails ban them, so haven't had any negative experiences. Rented one for my dad who used to be an avid mountain biker. We did an easy trail he's too old for now a days which was really awesome. Imagine I would get one once I was too old/ fat for daily climbing.

    • 2 months ago

      mountain bikers are such homosexuals putting up fences and "bike only" signs, the entitlement is fricking insane

  13. 3 months ago

    I had one and the motor cord broke
    Just get a dirt bike, trust me ebikes go 20 mph max and only get 30 miles per charge which takes six hours

  14. 2 months ago

    As long as you go outside and ride a bike, I don’t care what that bike is.
    Casual riding is not a competition, you’re not cheating anything being on an e-bike.
    I personally don’t have much interest in them because I just ride normal bikes.
    The negative view of them can apply to anyone on a bike, dickweeds going fast as frick with little regard to others or the trail, that can be anyone. It’s just e-bikes made the barrier of entry to that, I wouldn’t say lower, but expanded it to include just people with a bunch of money.
    Before e-bikes if you wanted to be that butthole you had to really be in shape.

    I don’t like them from a consumer perspective either, I think they give an appearance that cycling is expensive. Kinda the same effect people trying to get into mountain biking experience when they see YouTubers with thousands of dollars sunk into full suspension bikes, and they have different bikes for different things, and they look at it like a rich person hobby.
    Forgetting that you can go do 99% of the same shit with a budget hardtail.
    I think people see e-bikes as that barrier to the hobby as well, it’s a bad image.

    • 2 months ago

      I care.
      If it has a motor don't take it on trails that specifically ban motorized vehicles.
      It isn't a fricking bike: it has a motor and I don't give a shit that the motor is electric I don't want to be around some frick-face doing 40 on a bike trail because they're too moronic to understand an electric motor is still a motor.

  15. 2 months ago

    >basically motorcycles

    Lol they wish. Only homosexuals and homeless losers ride ebikes.

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