> don't mind me guys, just another russian Pantsir inside Russia. > my accent?

> don't mind me guys, just another russian Pantsir inside Russia
> my accent? I'm from the DPR buddy, don't you know who we're fighting for?
>no I have no idea what happened to that A-50 I swear

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  1. 3 months ago

    This is unironically one of the reasons russians cant win this on the long term. There A. Isnt loyalty to russia within their own ranks, its a steal or be stolen culture
    B. No reason to care beyond your own hide
    C. Is a foreign nation fighting against russia in an existential struggle that speaks russian fluently that you are trying to integrate, they gonna work their way in

    • 3 months ago

      lol, k

      • 3 months ago

        I look forward to you explaining how this wouldnt be the case, should russia somehow become more successful at conquering more of ukraine. Mobik meatwave tactics wont work on partisans, last i checked.

        • 3 months ago

          >relocate ukranian population from conquered oblasts to other regions in Central Asia
          >replace them with mistery meat mutts from central Asia who will be elated to see houses with running water and won't represent a problem
          There, I solved the partisan issue

          • 3 months ago

            Except this has yet to happen, with the exception of children, that russia seems particularly interested in kidnapping

            • 3 months ago

              >Except this has yet to happen, with the exception of children,
              Dude did you read reports about Russian politics in occupied regions that were freed? It's Katyn 2.0. Acording to kill list they rounded all men who were either from government structures or served military service and shot them. Imagine US did this in the Iraq after Saddam fall. Say whatever you like but Russians DO have very clear and effective plan how to run occupied territories.

              • 3 months ago

                >occupy shithole dictatorships, everyone responsible for dictators being in power and doing evil shit suffer, rest get infrastrucure for free, democratic government for free, healthcare for free, civvie deaths are avoided wherever possible even at cost of own soldiers
                "the empire of evil killing 6.2 billion afganistanis every second only for fun"
                >occupy shithole, first comers get to rape all women, children, steal everything, shoot civvies at random, torture them out of boredom. Second comers set up kgb torture basement at local police station or fire station and start systematiccally raping and killing all men or people marked cause they voted once. Then they deport everyone and replace them with churkas who are not worth anything and can be sacrificed in meat waves at next mobilization
                "based, trad, savior of the white race and the only morally just and good power in the world."

                I'd rather have US invade my country than win a war against russia.

            • 3 months ago

              Russia is right now conducting full blown genocide and have admitted to as much casually eg the recent interview from kherson ruler or whatever.

              Russia has always been worse than nazis and since they use shitty moon runes nobody bothers to translate, west largely ignores their crimes against humanity that are basically what nazis did times 10 on the scale.

              • 3 months ago

                >and have admitted to as much casually eg the recent interview from kherson ruler or whatever.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                >we can do whatever we want but you have to follow da rools
                lol this has some serious “muh dresden” and “muh rape of berlin” energy
                Also where were they deported to?

              • 3 months ago

                >Also where were they deported to?
                my guess is some far away sparsely populated shithole behind the urals, just like the soviets did a hundred years ago.
                some half abandoned village with no electricity or flowing water, no real roads or internet.

              • 3 months ago

                If I had to guess, there isn't one answer. The trick is spreading them across many different shitty, isolated villages over half the country. Can't deport them all in the same general area, or they might start creating their own communities and organize.
                Hundreds of years of building the perfect cattle-like population and then you ruin everything by making the mistake of letting the deported Ukrainians congregate?

              • 3 months ago

                Finally someone noticed

              • 3 months ago

                Me and the boys on our way to save the huwyte race.

          • 3 months ago

            ukranian population from conquered oblasts to other regions in Central Asia
            >ukrainian glowies now have communities loyal to their cause along the trans siberian railway, one of the logistic routes they've been struggling to hit the most
            you just made it worse anon

            • 3 months ago

              Don't ziggers just gulag enemy populations until they die?

              • 3 months ago

                >until they die
                not necessarily - many did but outside politically motivated elements that's is not a rule - most resettled people were just settled in middle of nowhere Siberia without right to relocate building infrastructure until they die (which took few years mostly without proper healthcare and in self built wooden shacks with temperatures dropping to - 60 Celsius in winter). running was pretty hard too as it meant traversing hundreds of miles of tundra on foot

              • 3 months ago

                They put a ton of ukies in kyrgzstan around ww2 times

          • 3 months ago

            >Railroad tracks start blowing up in assfrick nowhere
            >Teams sent to repair them discover that drones can still drop bombs outside a warzone
            >Smooking incidents start happening all the way in Siberia

          • 3 months ago

            >be Russia
            >getting shit pushed in by Ukrainians in open warfare as well as insurgency
            >genius plan
            >relocate all domestic ethnic Ukrainians to a random oblast
            >oblast immediately declares itself a republic, secedes from the Russian federation and joins the Ukraine in a single act of its parliament
            >it begins receiving war supplies immediately
            >be faced with with fighting the Third Chechan War, except it's actually the Third Ukrainian War and it's happening at the same time as the First and Seconds Ukrainian Wars
            >materially unable to handle the opening of a second front
            >agree to land trade of that republic for the republics of Doneskt, Luhansk and Crimea and population exchange to "straighten out borders"
            >get to exit the war saving face, since the Ukraine had something to trade back

        • 3 months ago

          Money and social services, which Ukraine wasn't able to provide, will do that

          • 3 months ago

            >russia doesnt even have working toilets for the majority of their population

            • 3 months ago

              Russia is a shithole though. that doesnt make sense

    • 3 months ago

      moronic take.
      Russians would rather die in place or shoot themselves than surrender for the most part.

      There's only one dude who surrendered that helicopter and he got executed in Spain.

      • 3 months ago

        >Russians would rather die in place or shoot themselves than surrender for the most part
        that makes me happy

      • 3 months ago

        Made no mention of surrender. There are other ways a grunt cant grind a force to a halt, a lot of which are caused by lack of morale (see systemic mobik rape). For example, if ivan is barely willing to waddle, how fast do you think hes traversing no mans land? Ivan also cant trust his buddies, maybe that unit over there is gonna sell your positions for $100 or a half bottle of vodka.

        The russian government may be unwilling to surrender as well, but the 6 month pause on exporting gas isnt going to be ideal for their war willingness moving forward. Its gonna be way longer than 6 months btw

      • 3 months ago

        I also say that the resistance to surrender isnt from loyalty, but rather fear of punishment.

      • 3 months ago

        the number of puccian POWs in Ukrainian captivity says otherwise, my vatBlack person fren

        • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >This is unironically one of the reasons russians cant win this on the long term.
      Except Russia is currently progressing and improving on the battlefield. Ukraine isn't.
      >its a steal or be stolen culture
      They are literally fighting Lil Russia you moron. The culture is the same.

      • 3 months ago

        >Except Russia is currently progressing and improving on the battlefield. Ukraine isn't.
        Can anyone actually provide a comprehensive summary of Russia's recent gains? Everything I've seen so far makes them look very negligible and by no means some sort of turning point, but then I see people like you acting as if they are. Are they actually meaningful, or is this just Ukraine capturing Robotyne 2.0, except now it's a massive success instead of a letdown, because it's Russia moving forward?

        • 3 months ago

          They have advanced like 8 km on the Avdeevka front ever since the city fell. Might not be a lot but its better than losing 8 km. And its not like other fronts have been doing better either

          • 3 months ago

            Sure it's better than losing 8km, but Ukraine advanced like 370km in there counter offensive that was ultimately labeled a failure. And we still don't know the total cost to Russia in terms to manpower / equipment, which I imagine was quite high if the daily videos of armored columns and infantry assaults coming under arty fire are anything to go by. I'm not saying you're doing this, but if it's really only 8km, some people have been widely misrepresenting the gains.

            • 3 months ago

              >but Ukraine advanced like 370km in there counter offensive
              On all fronts and in 6 months
              8 km is pretty much just the gains in the last 10 days on one area

              • 3 months ago

                Yea and those gains were precipitated by 6 months of Russia banging their head against Avdiivka. It's not like they were leaving that area alone and just one day decided to breakthrough.

  2. 3 months ago

    I think it's because Russian AA is in panic.
    They have rumors that F-16's are already in ukraine. So they are paranoid and every blip in the radar starts to look like hated NAFO superfighter.

    And since russia sucks at IFF, they just shoot first and never ask questions.

  3. 3 months ago

    It just seems baffling to me that the Russians would rather claim they friendly fired their AWACS than credit their enemy with being a threat.
    Idk man, shooting down your own control aircraft seems like a bigger problem.

    • 3 months ago

      It's moronic monke logic.
      >RUSSIA STRONG, therefore implying our weak enemies could ever even hurt us is making us look weak!
      When in western decadence lazy baby land,
      >Make enemies look strong, which means the fact we're beating them makes us look EVEN STRONGER, also helps fuel the whole patriotic fervor thing when you have people to avenge

      It's like during the Battle of the Bulge, some Nazis that arrived from the eastern front executed a bunch of surrendered Americans because that's just how things go when fighting Russoids... But instead of being terrified or just accepting it, Americans got the "Enrage!" buff added to all units.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes it's not really good now is it, but friendly fire seems like a more fixable solution that enemies threatening high value assets.
      On paper at least, what actually happened, well what do I know. A valuable russian plane got downed and russians died, I value that.

    • 3 months ago

      The fundamental nature of their military prohibits anyone from pointing out success on the enemy’s part. Conversely, deflecting blame to individual incompetent actors allows them to accomplish two things. For one, they can imply that success was attainable if not for some dumbass, thereby distracting others from the fact that their perceived strength and capabilities are a farce. In turn, they can assure others that the incompetent party will be punished in order to give the appearance that they can actually do something productive or work towards improving the situation.

      This doesn’t make any sense in a society that values a results-based structure, but makes a lot of sense when you consider their military largely operates as a state-backed grift. To acknowledge the enemy’s capability and evaluate your own risks uncovering that nobody in charge actually gives a shit unless they get something out of it, so you get these toddler-like situations where one side claims a kill, and they respond with “Nuh uh! We actually killed ourselves!” as if any outsider doesn’t immediately view this as pathetic and unbecoming of a powerful military.

    • 3 months ago

      The officers need someone to blame to avoid responsibility.

      Blaming the enemy is not an option when you are incapable of destroying them and showing results.
      So gotta find a fall guy among your own.
      That really is the kind of culture they have. It is hard for a westerner to understand how this juvenile behavior, total lack of loyalty, and barely differentiating friend from foe does not destroy unit cohesion. Well, they don't have unit cohesion in the sense a westerner would undestand it. Everything works off prison culture.

    • 3 months ago

      Russian air defence so strong planes in the vicinity shoot themselves out of the sky.
      Did you know we have T-I-G-E-R-S?

  4. 3 months ago

    Accent doesn't matter btw
    puccians from different regions have quite different accents themselves
    Also there are non slav puccians, who barely speak proper puccian

  5. 3 months ago


    >Pretty sure even Siberian were living better than the average Ukrainian even before the war.
    Sure they did anon

  6. 3 months ago


    >Central Asian potemkin cities
    Pick one

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