Do NOT read the Japanese kamikaze pilot manual.

Do NOT read the Japanese kamikaze pilot manual.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    post it frogget

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      • 12 months ago

        >Do your best.


        Anyone have that picture of a ship hull that has the outline of a crashed plane on it, but is otherwise undamaged?

        • 12 months ago

          This one?

          >sink without fail

      • 12 months ago

        >You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession.
        was there kamikaze pilot age limit?

        • 12 months ago

          The vast majority of 25-35 year old Veteran pilots were killed at Midway and Leyte, and all pilots of good age and skill were long gone. People try to hype up Kamikaze's as some genius strategy that only a nation such as Imperial Japan could do, but in reality it was a desperate gambit and if Japan had skilled pilots then they would have used planes in a conventional manner. Sending a 20 year old pilot in an obsolete Zero against dozens of American veteran pilots in Corsairs who have realistically been serving from 1942-1945 is just as suicidal as flying into the sides of boats.

          • 12 months ago

            Its a combo of losing all your aces and also losing your naval capabilities to attack enemy ships effectively IE carriers.

          • 12 months ago

            >People try to hype up Kamikaze's as some genius strategy
            They do?

          • 12 months ago

            >People try to hype up Kamikaze's as some genius strategy
            I have literally never seen that. I have only ever seen it described as a tactic of utter desperation.

            • 12 months ago

              he's probably a star wars fan

      • 12 months ago

        All true. The manual is based on testimony of a guy who flew more than 15 successful kamikaze missions

      • 12 months ago

        >You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession.
        was there kamikaze pilot age limit?

        Why not use old people so you aren't waisting young men that could be used for literally anything else?

        • 12 months ago

          Old people are much more likely to miss (G-tollerance, reflexes, strength, eyesight ect.) and old people also tend to understand how the world works well enough to not believe the guy is charge was chosen by god.

        • 12 months ago

          Old people wrote it to send young to die.

        • 12 months ago

          Only young men are stupid enough to go along with suicide missions.

      • 12 months ago

        Sounds pretty comfy and reassuring, it's not just "do it for the lulz lmao!"

        Cringe, all this business of glorifying the sacrifice of others for you own aims, it's an abuse of men's innate love and capability to self-sacrifice for his own kind.

      • 12 months ago

        "Duty is heavier than a mountain, but death is lighter than a feather."

        • 12 months ago

          Wheel of time fan eh ? I'm on the final book now

      • 12 months ago

        There are interviews with japs who trained to become kamikaze pilots but were never sent on mission before the war ended.
        Watching them you get the feeling they still 60 years later have a very strong sense of shame, both for the fact they never got to kamikaze but also for the fact they were gung ho about it.

        • 12 months ago

          I had a book of letters from pilots, many were Christian. It was a strange read.

          Consider thousands of flights were planned for when the Allies invaded Japan itself, most Kamikaze pilots survived. They had an overall lower loss rate than U-boat crews.
          Seeing an interview with a Japanese veteran, grown old, is always somber. You can tell there's so much questioning of the world since their entire upbringing was erased and they saw something very different prosper afterwards. They all miss their friends who died young, for a world which no longer exists.

          • 12 months ago

            Christian japanese kamikaze pilots? In the 1940s

          • 12 months ago

            To be fair, this is largely how pretty much all US WW2 vets feel too in the modern era of troonyism and lefty politics

      • 12 months ago

        Them japs are quite screwy.

      • 12 months ago

        >They will tell you what fun they had.

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >You have lived for 20 years

      • 12 months ago

        I was listening to Pitbull - Fireball while reading this. And now I remember kamikazes whenever I came across this song

        • 12 months ago

          what is wrong with your musical taste

      • 12 months ago

        Objectively that's a load of horseshit for conducting an equally horseshit desperate dead-end strategy, but it still manages to somehow be profound. Give that propagandist poet a raise

      • 12 months ago

        w e w N i p s

      • 12 months ago

        >r*ddit memes

      • 12 months ago

        Evil dickholes.

      • 12 months ago

        This is fricking moronic and a waste of resources and trained pilots.

        • 12 months ago

          literally more efficient than barraging ships in an era before precision bombing and when your industrail capacity is destroyed. all trained pilots were dead by 1945

        • 12 months ago

          I hate reiterating this point so I’ll just quote Sakai
          >A lot of Westerners looked at the kamikaze strategy with complete shock, the idea of putting a kid in a plane and telling him to kill himself by crashing into the enemy. But even if you don't tell him to crash into something, putting a kid with only about 20 hours flight time into a plane and telling him to take on U.S. pilots in Hellcats and Corsairs is just as much a suicidal tactic as being a kamikaze. We figured that if they're going to die anyway, the kamikaze attack will probably cause more damage to the enemy for the same price in lives.
          >But let me tell you, all that stuff you read about "dying for the emperor ... Banzai!" that's all crap. There wasn't one kamikaze pilot or soldier out there who was thinking anything about the emperor when they were facing death. They were thinking about their mother and their family, just like anybody else. The reason those final letters home that they wrote are so filled with emperor glorification stuff is because they knew the censors would read them, and because they simply wanted to try to make their parents proud.

          • 12 months ago

            That last point reeks of revisionism

            • 12 months ago

              Volunteers would certainly buy into the hype but as they dried up pilots were taken from every rank of society including universities and they weren’t so keen on dying. From twilight of the gods
              >In early days of the kamikaze corps, there had never been a shortage of volunteers. But in the spring of 1945, air commanders noted a
              shift in attitudes among the new crop of suicide pilots. Many had been asked to volunteer in circumstances that made it impossible to refuse.
              According to a naval staff officer, “there developed a pressure, not entirely artificial, which encouraged ‘volunteering,’ and it is understandable that this change in circumstance would effect a change in
              the attitude of the men concerned.” many of the new arrivals “appeared to be disturbed by their situation.”
              There’s a few instances I remember where Japanese officers knew the war was over and encouraged pilots to not throw their lives away, report engine trouble or miss the fleet or some other excuse. I can’t find them right now but I’ll look when I get home.

      • 12 months ago

        >I think maybe I'll go back to base!

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >chinks belive in a sentient afterlife where you ancestors can watch you, simultaneously with being blinked out if existence

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah because telling people "ackshually kamikaze pilots just end up losing consciousness for eternity and decomposing like everybody else" probably doesn't give as many volunteers

      • 12 months ago

        Me on the Highway

      • 12 months ago

        This is really just psychopathic boomers trying to psyops kids in to dying for them wtf. How could anyone respect these cowardly cucks, should have dismantled the imperial household damn.

  2. 12 months ago

    >Discard the bomb at the area designated by the commanding officer. Fly in circles over the airfield. Observe conditions of the airstrip carefully. If you feel nervous, piss.

  3. 12 months ago

    ok, i won't read it then

  4. 12 months ago

    ok i wont

  5. 12 months ago

    Sounds pretty comfy and reassuring, it's not just "do it for the lulz lmao!"

    • 12 months ago

      That's just sad.

      • 12 months ago

        Anon, that is beautiful

    • 12 months ago

      That's some gay ass shit

      • 12 months ago

        id like to see you fly your plane into a enemy ship

        • 12 months ago

          You think the homosexual who wrote this garbage ever even considered sacrificing his own life?

          • 12 months ago

            I'll have you know he was a veteran kamikaze pilot who went on 72 successful sorties and sank three US aircraft carriers

    • 12 months ago

      >someone wrote this knowing the war was lost
      Evil exists and must be hunted down.

      • 12 months ago

        Never forget kids: the people who tell you to go die for [X] are never the ones doing the dying.
        Never forget.

        • 12 months ago

          This. Militaries are evil and controlled by homosexuals who hate you without exception.

      • 12 months ago

        Had the US actually attempted a full scale land invasion, there was a decent chance that the Japanese could have broken the US war machine enough to end the assault. The Japanese had even developed a short range "super kamikaze" with a 7000lb ship killing shaped charge just for that purpose. So I'm not sure if you could totally say that they "knew" the war was lost.

        ...That being said, even if we hadn't used nukes we probably would've just firebombed the entire country until they gave up so idk

        • 12 months ago

          LeMay was planning to fire bomb the whole country to ashes before he learned of the nukes and then decided to use those instead. So, yeah, that is exactly what would have happened and the Japanese would have been unable to do frick all about it.

      • 12 months ago

        >knowing the war was lost
        Objectively false

      • 12 months ago

        Look at the moronic ukraine supporters clinging to hope. Japan must have been like that or worse.

    • 12 months ago

      sounds like some homosexual copepill lmao should have just given them some grams of cocaine

      • 12 months ago

        Dirty secret of the war: everyone was doing meth, but the Japanese especially. They were just blasted on meth for a lot of the war.
        The Pacific War makes more sense when you realize it was a whole nation of tweakers. You could buy meth over the counter like we buy Red Bull.

    • 12 months ago

      that sounds comfy af

    • 12 months ago

      This was from the first hand account of a pilot that died smashing into the U.S.S. Essex in 1944

      • 12 months ago

        >first hand account of a pilot that died

      • 12 months ago

        >This was from the first hand account of a pilot that died smashing into the U.S.S. Essex in 1944
        So Jesus returned to frick on the yanks, came back again just to write about how great it was and then fricked off again? Based.

      • 12 months ago

        based Ouija board postgame interview

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >kamikaze pilot surviving their mission
        velly dishonorabru, go die commit sudoku!

    • 12 months ago

      holy bugman moment. the moment some commander orders me a suicide mission im sticking my gun up his butt and desert
      >captcha white Black person

      • 12 months ago

        Welcome to HORORABER NIPPON

      • 12 months ago

        personally I'd just steal the plane and go elsewhere. he's already not expecting me to return.

      • 12 months ago

        >captcha: WING GAY
        no you are clearly the ideal kamikaze candidate
        >Yer’ ass aint goin nowhere Mister ‘Kaigun-itakusei’

      • 12 months ago

        yeah frick believing in anything

      • 12 months ago

        >the moment some commander orders me a suicide mission im sticking my gun up his butt and desert
        That’s because you’re a low IQ Black person who doesn’t understand the importance of the collective. Btw Kamikaze were all volunteers, same goes for other Special Attack Units such as the Kaiten

    • 12 months ago

      >20-odd years of life
      japs were wild

      • 12 months ago

        That’s the nature of the war. Japan was fighting for it’s survival and the survival of the Tennō system which is essential for Japan. Americans will never understand this

    • 12 months ago

      The kamikaze strikes were mostly useless

      • 12 months ago

        they were about as effective as the regular attacks but used half the fuel, they were basically dead either way and they had enough planes and men just not enough to fuel them

      • 12 months ago

        The sad part is that it actually made a sort of twisted logical sense, more so than regular strikes at that point. See, near the end of the war Japanese pilots were so inexperienced and allied AA/air supremacy so strong, that regular attacks on allied fleets were suicide missions either way.
        If your pilots don't have the training to hit enemy ships, it's a lot easier to fly into them... And if your bomber is likely to get shot down either way, why not save half the fuel and make it's 1 chance count?
        Now in any resonable society someone should probably have put the foot down and asked "If it's this bad, why are we still doing this?" but the IJN was not that kind of place.

        • 12 months ago

          Japan fricked about and found the frick out

    • 12 months ago

      All the bullshit a society has to pull out of their collective asses just because they weren't capable to make guided missiles.

      Make way for the future.

      • 12 months ago

        >guided anti-ship missile costs over a million
        >20 years of rice, a cheap plane, fuel, and a bomb cost less

        • 12 months ago

          You will actually need 5 of them to succed at doing some damage which more often than not wont be enough, meanwhile the average american worker productivity will do for 1.7 million dollars through his lifetime, nevermind scientific and technological breakthroughs and producing more humans, warrior martyrdom to compensate for technological prowess doesnt work in the long term, it's one of the reasons dictatorships fail to compete against western societies, at best you will just make the West shift to a containment strategy where you will eventually break through socioeconomic presure, at worst you are actively undermining your own military and industrial basis during a total war.

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      How did he know what kamikaze pilot is gonna feel at the moment of impact? Was this written during spiritist seance? This feels like a bait for teenage emo morons.

      • 12 months ago

        >This feels like a bait for teenage emo morons.
        Not very dissimilar from the people they were actually recruiting from then

      • 12 months ago

        Turns out you need a lot of flowery emo poetry type encouragement to convince someone to kill themselves.

    • 12 months ago

      reminds me of that one vault from FNV with the killing room and the video that plays before it

    • 12 months ago

      >meanwhile the people who wrote this are having a warm meal and laughing at the morons suiciding for them
      It's a doggy dog world. I hope I can teach my children not to have such a slave mentality.

      • 12 months ago

        > doggy dog world
        but it's "dog eat dog world"

        • 12 months ago

          lurk moar

        • 12 months ago

          Say sayings are a diamond dozen, anon.

        • 12 months ago

          I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes, I think you are wrong. In an age where false morels are a diamond dozen, true bird shoes are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So, I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can, because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying, it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument, you seem to throw everything in but the kitch and stink, and even though you are having a feel day with this, I am here to bring you back into realty. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your red or brick. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of morel righteousness. A perquisite is to remember what comes around grows abound, and when supply and command fails, you will be the first to go. Mark my worlds, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to kill two stoned birds. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and except the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but, I swear on my mother's grade and her mating name that, when you put the petal to the medal, you will past with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            You spelled kitsch wrong

          • 12 months ago

            Thanks for the amazing edit post anon.

    • 12 months ago

      Everywhere you go where this is religious belief in afterlife, when people actually talk about dying they say it as though they know there is nothing waiting for us. It's depressing

      • 12 months ago

        to assert either is silly since you can't come back from the dead. you can only hope that if you are still conscious after death, it'll be a paradise.

    • 12 months ago

      Genuinely got chills

    • 12 months ago

      Japanese really perfect everything.

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      >Wanting to see your family NOT smiling at you on death
      >Wanting to see pink flowers on death
      Sounds pretty lame and gay.

      The vast majority of 25-35 year old Veteran pilots were killed at Midway and Leyte, and all pilots of good age and skill were long gone. People try to hype up Kamikaze's as some genius strategy that only a nation such as Imperial Japan could do, but in reality it was a desperate gambit and if Japan had skilled pilots then they would have used planes in a conventional manner. Sending a 20 year old pilot in an obsolete Zero against dozens of American veteran pilots in Corsairs who have realistically been serving from 1942-1945 is just as suicidal as flying into the sides of boats.

      >People try to hype up Kamikaze's as some genius strategy that only a nation such as Imperial Japan could do
      Literally no one does this. It is universally agreed that it was a stupid stopgap strategy that was always inherently wasteful of key strategic resources in a desperate attempt to buy time against the rapid US advance.

      Cringe, all this business of glorifying the sacrifice of others for you own aims, it's an abuse of men's innate love and capability to self-sacrifice for his own kind.

      That's war babyyyyy.

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >these people totally would have let Americans onto their shores without the nukes trust me bro

      • 12 months ago

        Well, it was news of the R*ssian advance in Manchuria that made them surrender, not the first nor the second nuke, 'Shart. I know history isn't your people's strength but c'mon, make an effort at least.

        • 12 months ago

          No, it was the Potsdam Declaration that made the Japs surrender. The war had been going really really poorly and it was more lenient than Hirohito and many higher-ups had expected. Everything after that was just the icing on the cake.

          • 12 months ago

            The reality is that it was a combination of many factors, including the Pots Darn agreement, Russian invasion, and the realization that Americans could mass produce nuclear bombs

        • 12 months ago

          >Well, it was news of the R*ssian advance in Manchuria that made them surrender, not the first nor the second nuke
          Communist propaganda

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      >sink without fail

      all I think reading this is how more than striking of aircraft into ships were simply not effective, that the Japanese' instruction manual nonetheless included advisory to the pilots NOT to spend their lives frivolously & return to base if there are no viable targets (those exercising this right too much were shot) and with this preexisting line of thought in mind that if instead of crashing they were taught to make near-suicidal point blank dive & skip BOMBING runs, with a nominal intent to pull out and return to base or at least hit the drink in range of a search & rescue MTB, the attacks could have been disproportionately effective and way more sustainable, rather than consisting of scads of plane impacts that didn't do shitall.

      How many trades of a bracket of 60kg or single 250kg bomb & possibly a green pilot & plane for an entire destroyer can be sustained before the US navy escort park is operationally threatened? How much materiel can we lose to this?

      I remember how the sometimes fanatically loyal & motivated recruits would get the shit beaten out of them by supervising officers, somehow being seen as a way to inure them against certain death; instead it made them cynical, compromising the basis of the program. And other poor bastards were 'volunteers' insofar as they said they were ready & willing to die, and were then called on it by immediate assignment to this duty, no social room to refuse.

      I blame the Toseiha. Mechanists and opportunists with a mind to manipulate & exploit this kind of psychotic idealism and do-or-die gusto, who haven't got it themselves & killed the ones who did off in the elimination of the Kodoha faction. Steel thieves, political compromisers, wargame ignorers, delusional short war mentality cretins. As

      1) They had a ridiculous level of hazing, a classic dictatorship style "Just brutalize and mercilessly mistreat the pilot recruits". So instead of say 400 pilot recruits you'd have maybe 40, the rest washing out/being rejected.
      2) Had em have to learn stupid shit instead of just piloting (I think. 1 and 3 I am certain on this one I am not)
      3) You had no leave or circle back to train new pilots. It was keep flying until you die.

      Source being what I remember of

      I think a fundamental reason the Japanese were so pacifistic after the war and there wasn't any meaningful revanchism or bitter-enders is pretty much everyone (outside of huge autists like the guy who committed seppuku) fricking loathed and reviled the middle-management mid-level-officer military morons who got them into the war. Even the far-right in Japan seemed more often to be
      >Frick commies and frick america
      and less
      "I want to return to Imperial Japan"

      said, 'middle-management mid-level-officer military morons,' as opposed to young reformists who could make & ride waves rather than bumble into a cornered end-war.

      • 12 months ago

        Kamikaze planes were loaded with HE and were essentially primitive guided missiles, anon. Same with the Japanese manned torpedo that they planned. The meme picture comes from a normal plane smashing into the armor belt, not a HE loaded plane diving through the deck, which would actually be pretty devastating if they'd ever managed to pull it off without getting shredded by AA and CAP.

        • 12 months ago

          >Kamikaze planes were loaded with HE
          Yes, the MXY-7 Okha and its cousins led with an actual warhead in the nose. And they got snagged up by design problems that weren't fixed until it was too late for them to have any success. The rest? Props with explosives saddled around or behind the engine, or slung bombs that don't disengage? They're likely going to splat on the belt just the same, or muck up superstructure.

          You know what has a better reuse ratio than either and a higher chance to actually get in the ships' guts and kill it? A fighter-bomber that pulls up after SEPARATING from its GP or AP bomb, mine or torpedo, even if at abnormal, perilously close distances to compensate for green pilots with ersatz training and equipment compared to blooded dive & torpedo bombers. Maybe make the bomb-release a dead man's switch, so that even if he gets shredded, the bomb WILL arm and release, with a separate disengage control also on the stick.

          You know what else may serve? Giving even that Okha a last minute ejector seat and all the pilots a watch & compass, a floatie if they're lucky, a fistful of combat stims (pervitin comes calling) and some Olympic swimming training to be able to return close enough to base to have a remote hope of signaling for pickup.

          They burnt 4,000 pilots for around 70 kills and under 200 repairable ships, and were effective enough to get us to retaliate specifically against their basing. But how much more effective could it have been if they valued the lives of their daredevils enough to give the least mind to preserving them or at least hoping to? They can resign themselves to death, they should, and their officers should be prepared to lose them; but to throw them away when it simply wasn't necessary and self-defeating from a technical standpoint? It's a sickness of fakery, half-cuttedness, which invites a compromised method that disservices the sacrifice of its volunteers, who deserved to be sacrificed better.

          • 12 months ago

            by the time Kamikaze came to be the Japanese were in total air inferiority from the naval AA to the American fighters that could effortlessly boom-n-zoom the Zeros. Kamikaze wasn't simply a poor strategy, it was the *only* strategy the Japanese had left to actually do *any* damage to enemy boats. The japs started the war with the hands down the best fighter planes in the warm but after 3 years the Americans and Brits had built better ones and the Japs never iterated, partly due to culture, partly due to supplies. Kamikaze was the literally the only useful thing left that the Zeke fleet could be used for

            • 12 months ago

              >American fighters that could effortlessly boom-n-zoom the Zeros
              real life isnt' War Thunder

              • 12 months ago

                no but higher dive speeds and more power are higher dive speeds and more power no matter how many times your wing's steel is folded

              • 12 months ago

                2010s didn't invent the term or the strategy, that's what it was called in the Pacific and we remember it because it worked.

                >Kamikaze wasn't simply a poor strategy, it was the *only* strategy the Japanese had left to actually do *any* damage to enemy boats.
                ... which was itself compromised by senselessly beating the volunteers, shooting the ones smart and disciplined enough to return instead of ramming the first meaningless tug they see as they were in fact INSTRUCTED to do, and not teaching them the neat trick that is 'release your bomb and pull up last second, maybe get home to do it again,' with some relatively simple technical contrivances and a little extra training in target ID and how to rough-range the boat by the gunsight to facilitate such. Because the bomb happens to go in the boat better when there isn't a plane stuck to it making it twist the wrong way to nose-in properly or a non-deck penning engine block in front of your warhead. It shouldn't have been largely unescorted manned missiles to begin with, it should've been a couple dogfighters running interference for a single engine dive or skip bomber they cover as it acts at extreme personal risk, and they should've probably started the entire program well before 1944; but, perhaps no fighters to spare for the escorting, moot point in OTL.

                Most of the Kamikaze losses were in the sortie, the very few that made it through only testify to how hard it was for the Japs to get their planes all the way to a boat by the end of 1944.
                Granted a sane society would have surrendered before attempting it anyway, but the Imperial Japanese were cuh-razy

              • 12 months ago

                In real life American pilots learned pretty quickly not to turn with Zeros.

              • 12 months ago

                >American pilots learned pretty quickly not to turn with Zeros.
                they learned it so well they went and built fighters to make that not matter

            • 12 months ago

              >Kamikaze wasn't simply a poor strategy, it was the *only* strategy the Japanese had left to actually do *any* damage to enemy boats.
              ... which was itself compromised by senselessly beating the volunteers, shooting the ones smart and disciplined enough to return instead of ramming the first meaningless tug they see as they were in fact INSTRUCTED to do, and not teaching them the neat trick that is 'release your bomb and pull up last second, maybe get home to do it again,' with some relatively simple technical contrivances and a little extra training in target ID and how to rough-range the boat by the gunsight to facilitate such. Because the bomb happens to go in the boat better when there isn't a plane stuck to it making it twist the wrong way to nose-in properly or a non-deck penning engine block in front of your warhead. It shouldn't have been largely unescorted manned missiles to begin with, it should've been a couple dogfighters running interference for a single engine dive or skip bomber they cover as it acts at extreme personal risk, and they should've probably started the entire program well before 1944; but, perhaps no fighters to spare for the escorting, moot point in OTL.

              • 12 months ago

                >shooting the ones smart and disciplined enough to return instead of ramming the first meaningless tug they see as they were in fact INSTRUCTED to do
                What? A huge portion of every single Kamikaze flight returned due to 'engine problems' and they were rarely punished. Some pilots racked up several 'kamikaze' missions.

      • 12 months ago

        >search & rescue
        The Japs weren't known for that unlike the Muricans which explain why the quality of Jap naval pilots dropped considerably as the war progressed unlike the Muricans.
        Also you can't expect them to start doing rescues in such desperate time.

        • 12 months ago

          the japanese navy and army airwings put great stress on operational range because they had to cover large areas
          Pilots also favored speed over protection
          knowing that they where fighting with unequal machines they wanted to squeeze every bit of performance out of their machines
          all japanese pilots where offered parachutes ect but a lot of them refused them. If you bail out over the middle of the sea with a chute, you just die slower. If you bail out over jungle you die hanging in the canopy with broken legs. If you make it to ground on an island the natives will more often than not want to kill you. Plus chutes are bulky and uncomfortable to sit with.

          Japanese pilots where very fatalistic and nonchalant to death. That didn't mean that they wouldn't try to bail if it could save their lives. Their naval bombers only rarely had chutes because of the bail over sea and you drown or become shark food, but they did carry life rafts and naval survival kits so that if they could make a belly landing in the sea they could bail.

          They would also try and stage out survival/bail point along frequently used routes so that if you had to bail you could do so where there was some stuff cashed and people would come looking for you there.

          but once again due to the vast disparity of materiel and fuel the japanese could not devote as much to pilot recovery.

          • 12 months ago

            Checked and verified Historically accurate by kek

      • 12 months ago

        They don't give fuel for a return trip.

      • 12 months ago

        This is not the Toseiha's fault; that's revisionism by Americans and Mishima. The Toseiha were all about being LESS crazy: modernizing the Japanese army and economy to fight a modern war, not starting wars on their own volition, etc. Morale-fanaticism and the whole 'short war' thing were all trademarks of the Kodoha faction. And the Kodoha faction was never really purged. They got rid of the blatantly treasonous ones but psychos like Ren'ya Mutaguchi continued their careers with a minor hiccup. Sadao Araki, the unofficial leader of the Kodoha, even got to be education minister for Prince Konoe! As a result of that and some important Toseiha people getting murdered by Kodoha fanatics, the Toseiha never took real control of (as opposed to pre-eminence over) the Japanese military. Their only real political success was beating the zaibatsu interests to get a national mobilization act through, and that only happened because PM Prince Konoe personally wanted to expand state control over the economy and gave his full support to the venture. Otherwise, he favored the Kodoha remnants and used them to block the Toseiha from accumulating any more power. Inside the army, they couldn't manage to even exert control over the field armies, leading to Nomonhan. They couldn't meaningfully change the IJA's doctrines, and they could do absolutely nothing about the Navy, which was having its own feuds.
        Also, despite the Kodoha being seen now as proletarian agrarian populists, they were actually fanatical supporters of the idea that private property rights were an inalienable part of the Kokutai. The Japanese political elite never confused the Kodoha for communists. They DID confuse the Toseiha for communists! Konoe, Higashikuni, and co destroyed Tojo's legitimacy with a whisper campaign that his secret goal was to nationalize the economy and abolish capitalism using total war as a cover. In reality he was about as Red as Ludendorff, but the Zaibatsus saw little difference.

      • 12 months ago

        By aeronautical standards a normal dive bomb attack is already almost at the point of no return. Any closer and you're not going to be making it back regardless, so you if you're going to do that you might as well go in with the intention of not going out to improve results. Also at that point in the war jap aviators were already on a suicide mission even if they didn't deliberately kamikaze.

    • 12 months ago

      How fricking brainwashed do you have to be for someone to tell you to just "go have a nice day lmao" and you actually go and do it?

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      Holy gigachad!

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Someone post that clip of an anime kamikaze

    • 12 months ago

      Literal ant colony mentality

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I wonder what happened to the guy who wrote this, did he practice what he preached?

    • 12 months ago

      Fricking anime shit

    • 12 months ago

      This is some animu-tier shit
      >Get into the fricking Ki-115 Shinji

    • 12 months ago

      >At that moment, all the cherry blossoms at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo will smile brihtly at you.

    • 12 months ago

      That's so kawaii

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

    • 12 months ago

      Fun fact: a lot of them were Christians who'd been imprisoned for their religious beliefs. They were told hey, we'll rehabilitate you, you'll be prayed for at Yasakune, your family will get their food rations. Aren't you into self-sacrifice? Come on man. Wreck a roundeye battleship for Jesus.

      • 12 months ago

        >Fun fact: a lot of them were Christians who'd been imprisoned for their religious beliefs. They were told hey, we'll rehabilitate you, you'll be prayed for at Yasakune, your family will get their food rations. Aren't you into self-sacrifice? Come on man. Wreck a roundeye battleship for Jesus.
        I find that dubious. Got a source?

      • 12 months ago

        This story is a lie

        • 12 months ago

          No it isn't. Quite a few of them were Commies too.

    • 12 months ago

      >written by an old, fat 50yo "samurai" that knew the war was lost and this tactic was ineffective, then prostituted himself to the americans the moment they surrendered to not get hanged for his fun "chop the aussie" games

      fricking chink bugman tier

    • 12 months ago

      War is terrible bros. Thank you, Special Attack Units for your sacrifice. Japan exists today because of your sacrifice

      • 12 months ago

        America has more actual credit for their economic miracle, so no, frick off

    • 12 months ago

      >all the cherry blossoms at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo will smile brightly at you
      They ought to burn down that abomination.

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      Literally "die for your master you stupid goyim"
      So nips were goys all along

    • 12 months ago

      ultimate level of cuckery of being a soldier

    • 12 months ago

      Reads like a script for hypnosis

    • 12 months ago

      Just before the crash
      Your speed is at maximum. The plane tends to lift. But you can prevent this by pushing the elevator control forward sufficiently to allow for the increase in speed. Do your best. Push forward with all your might.

      You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.

      At the very moment of impact: do your best. Every deity and the spirits of your dead comrades are watching you intently. Just before the collision it is essential that you do not shut your eyes for a moment so as not to miss the target. Many have crashed into the targets with wide-open eyes. They will tell you what fun they had.

      You are now 30m from the target
      You will sense that your speed has suddenly and abruptly increased. You feel that the speed has increased by a few thousand-fold. It is like a long shot in a movie suddenly turning into a close-up, and the scene expands in your face.

      The moment of the crash
      You are two or three metres from the target. You can see clearly the muzzles of the enemy's guns. You feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment, you see your mother's face. She is not smiling or crying. It is her usual face.

      All the happy memories
      You won't precisely remember them but they are like a dream or a fantasy. You are relaxed and a smile creases your face. The sweet atmosphere of your boyhood days returns.

      You view all that you experienced in your 20-odd years of life in rapid succession. But these things are not very clear.

      In any event, only delightful memories come back to you. You cannot see your own face at that moment. But because of a succession of pleasant memories flashing through your mind, you feel that you smiled at the last moment. You may nod then, or wonder what happened. You may even hear a final sound like the breaking of crystal. Then you are no more.

      That ackshually sounds admirable and poignant. Doing the kamikaze thing is different than having a gun pointed at your back and being ordered to charge. A pilot has a hundred opportunities to sabotage the mission. The resolve required to go through with it is on a different level.
      Looks like even human bullets had more to fall back on in terms of moral and spiritual foothold rooted in culture and community of their nation, than contemporary men do.
      How are our people supposed to fight for anything anyway? What kind of a pamphlet would be handed to a modern man expected to do his utmost?
      >you mean nothing
      >you are nothing
      >you came from nothing
      >upon death you will turn back into nothing
      >this is a sophisticated scientific worldview only backwards yokels wouldn't share
      >you being born in that particular place, to that particular family, as that particular man, was all an unfortunate random accident
      >you and yours are no different from 8 billion other random accidents walking the earth
      >you are a fungible person-unit that can be swapped for or compounded with other person-units imported from anywhere in the world
      >there is no meaning
      >things simply exist for no particular reason
      >everything is subjective anyway
      >so nothing is real, certain or self evident
      >everything you consider familiar and homelike can and will be dismantled, replaced, and treated as if it never existed
      >and that's a good thing
      >your blood and soil will be delegitimized and parcelled out to hostile freaks and foreigners
      >and you will cheer for it or else
      >because any sense of belonging, loyalty or attachment you may derive from things other than those grounded in secular academic nihilism is invalid and possibly dangerous
      >you have no right to lay claim to anything greater, only your material possessions
      >you inherit nothing
      >you carry no legacy
      >nobody owes anything to you
      >and you only owe allegiance to your wage and the factors that enable it
      >and then you die

  6. 12 months ago

    Thanks for the heads up

  7. 12 months ago

    >take teenager
    >get them drunk
    >strap them into missile
    >call it "divine wind"
    >they die pointlessly

    • 12 months ago

      go to university
      tell intelligent students that they need suicide pilots and that if the students don't make the intellectual choice to support the war effort by becoming kamikaze the government has to force people who don't want to become kamikaze

    • 12 months ago

      >>they die pointlessly
      Kys. They sacrificed their entire lives and future for their loved ones. They did more in their 20 year lives than you’ll ever do in your pathetic existence

      • 12 months ago


        much sacrifice
        very winning

      • 12 months ago

        Probably more people wouldn't have died and Japanese economy would get up quicker if they didn't get on those planes.

      • 12 months ago

        No they didn't gay, they got bullied and manipulated in to killing themselves to save the egos of some rich fricks who ran the military and didn't want to admit defeat. If the japanese commanders had any integrity they would have surrendered after Okinawa and collectively killed themselves in front of the emperor.

  8. 12 months ago

    Read the manual and then read what the pilots actually thought about the whole business.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        They were mostly confused and wondered why they had to die so young, majority of kamikaze pilots were around age 19-20

        • 12 months ago

          Consider: The A class war criminals ghosts in Yakusuni have their sexual needs too and the top ghosts top.

      • 12 months ago

        They questioned it as the desperation tactic it obviously was. Winning sides don't need to waste soldiers on suicide attacks. They knew without saying it that things looked grim.

        The guy who invented or ordered kamikaze attacks eventually killed himself out of shame for destroying so many young men.

  9. 12 months ago


  10. 12 months ago

    My baby boy was born with some defects the doctor didn't see. I read this and went to the bathroom to cry so my wife doesn't see me. I feel so ashamed for my failure, even though i didnt nothing for this to happen. I wish there was a way to do something to wash the shame away. This is not larp, someone please be nice to me.

    • 12 months ago

      skill issue

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

        • 12 months ago

          sorry to inform you anon but you might've given birth to Stalin's reincarnation

          • 12 months ago

            This was a consolation at first. I though if a manlet with webbed feel, a shorter and crooked arm can be so big, maybe my kid can be someone. But judging how insecure i am, he'll probably have a miserable life and his kids will have the same problem.

            • 12 months ago

              Anon, his intellect is there. The body will grow old and decrepit eventually anyway, even if you can't fix the issue
              >b-but muh normal life
              Nobody of note lives a "normal" life, and living normally in these degenerate times isn't a good thing anyway. Quit being a homosexual and give your son a hug. He needs his dad.

              Have courage, my friend. He will face challenges and some things will be harder than others, but you must not put your fear into him. Life is normally brutal and violent and short. Deliver unto your son the grace and strength of a father who loves his child relentlessly. Do not despair. Do not walk away in shame. You did not do this. You did not make this happen. You are a father - your son is ALIVE!!!! He can LIVE!!!!! HE WILL LIVE!!!! He will have stories to tell and days to wander and despite this small issue of his digits, he will be a wonder unto creation. YOU MADE A LIFE - YOU MUST BE STRONG TO HELP HIM LIVE IT


              • 12 months ago

                This was a consolation at first. I though if a manlet with webbed feel, a shorter and crooked arm can be so big, maybe my kid can be someone. But judging how insecure i am, he'll probably have a miserable life and his kids will have the same problem.

                This was a consolation at first. I though if a manlet with webbed feel, a shorter and crooked arm can be so big, maybe my kid can be someone. But judging how insecure i am, he'll probably have a miserable life and his kids will have the same problem.

                No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

                >No, webbed fingers on both hands

                How can this be weaponised?

          • 12 months ago

            I thought Stalin just suffered from female digit ratio

        • 12 months ago

          thats actually pretty cool. he can swim fast

        • 12 months ago

          >No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

          breasts or gtfo

          Here is an MODEL 1854 AUSTRIAN LORENZ BAYONET AND SCABBARD for everyelseanon. The only other possibilities other than you are a raging homosexual on hormone pills or female is that you are defective gptbot

        • 12 months ago

          >It's correctable
          the frick you crying about then? From your first post I thought your son was born without feet or something, but if it can be fixed then why are you tearing yourself apart about it?

          • 12 months ago

            cause it will never look normal and will forever pass down my shitty genes and have a complicated life just cause that prostitute couldn't do the ultrasound the right way. It's correctable but not too soon, he will have to live with this stupid defect for a long time.
            >why are you tearing yourself apart about it
            I dunno, anon, i ask myself why i care about others opinions and can't get a good answer. I'm probably a b***h with a handicaped child, imagine how happy i can be.

            • 12 months ago

              look anon
              there is no “correct” way to deal with a stressful situation. People who tell you that you’re supposed to act a certain way to stress are full of shit and don’t know anything. But there is a ton of things you can realize
              >cause it will never look normal and will forever pass down my shitty genes
              I knew a girl who was born without a right hand (her arm ends in a stump). People are constantly shocked by her disability, not because it’s grotesque but because until she brought attention to it nobody noticed that she didn’t have a hand. She leads a happy life as an actress and uses her disability to inspire others through her work

              • 12 months ago

                Holy shit I know a girl with exactly the same thing who’s also an actress wtffff. She’s my wife’s friend. Beautiful beautiful looking girl

            • 12 months ago

              >that prostitute couldn't do the ultrasound the right way
              Wait a minute. What you're actually crying about is that you didn't find out about your son's incredibly minor deformity in time to have him fricking killed?

              I don't have words for how fricked up that is.

              • 12 months ago

                yes. his bloodline is going to have webbed hands. thatsfricked up. hopefully he has a real son next

              • 12 months ago

                For someone worried about genetics you certainly don’t seem to understand them

              • 12 months ago

                lel im not ever gonna have kids, what if i give birth to a monster

              • 12 months ago

                Honestly with that mentality it’s for the best

              • 12 months ago

                better then the dad who thinks his son is a leper lel

            • 12 months ago

              Don't stress anon, you got laid, and had a kid. You're doing better than 90% of anons on this website. The mutation is correctable, and even if it isn't, hey who wouldn't want to be able to outswim every motherfricker. Move to a coastal city and your kid will be swimming in b***hes

            • 12 months ago

              I don't think the surgery scars are going to bother him nearly as much as the psychological damage from being raised by someone with an intensely florid personality disorder tbh

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          how exciting that your son will live a life where he will learn how to work with his hands in a way so few others do, facing and conquering challenges only he can conquer. be glad you can support him

        • 12 months ago

          Your fiance/babymama/sister gave birth to an otter and you're feeling sad about it? Thats a miracle bro buck up it could have been a lot worse

        • 12 months ago

          Ok, so the doctors will fix it and even if they didn't, s what? He's got a brain, he can earn a living and he has the gift of human intellect. Go see a psychologist and talk with your wife about it, Christ.

          • 12 months ago

            >Go see a psychologist and talk with your wife about it
            No, I rather talk about it with anonymous thai basket weaving forum posters.

            • 12 months ago

              >hang out with homeless people
              >surprised he has lice
              >would rather go back to the homeless encampment and ask them how they deal with lice

        • 12 months ago

          >webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable
          Are you from fricking Innsmouth?

        • 12 months ago

          can you enter the Olympics like that? seems like an advantage in swimming

        • 12 months ago

          >t. The innsmouth look

        • 12 months ago

          >Watch out Snake! That's Aquamarine, a highly trained soldier that specializes in amphibious warfare. His hands are webbed and shaped for maximum hydrodynamic mobility. Some say he was born with this mutation, others believe he was shaped by cruel experiments conducted by military scientists. You will be at a significant disadvantage trying to fight him underwater, see if there's anything in the environment you can use to force him onto land. Hurry Snake!

          • 12 months ago

            >webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable
            Are you from fricking Innsmouth?

            You beautiful bastards

          • 12 months ago

            You just made me laugh.

            Thank you.

            I have depression since 3 weeks

        • 12 months ago

          Michael Phelps has semi-webbed digits. Train your kid to swim and kick Phelps' ass with a new record for gold medals.

        • 12 months ago

          I recommend you read "Of Human Bondage" by Maugham, centers around a protag born with a deformity (club foot in his case), maybe it will make you feel more hopeful. At the very least, reading a classic will distract you with a productive activity

        • 12 months ago

          It's not your fault dude.

          I hope the kid's disabilities are either -

          Black person unless your wife cucked you with a mermaid it's fricking fine. I thought the kid was half-brained or cerebral palsey or something. You're fine. The only thing you have to be ashamed of is being an Innsmouther.

          >unless your wife cucked you with a mermaid it's fricking fine

        • 12 months ago

          My baby boy was born with some defects the doctor didn't see. I read this and went to the bathroom to cry so my wife doesn't see me. I feel so ashamed for my failure, even though i didnt nothing for this to happen. I wish there was a way to do something to wash the shame away. This is not larp, someone please be nice to me.

          Plenty of babies born with worse conditions. Nothing hand surgeons can't fix. Be there for your son regardless. Not like you wished this condition upon him anyways so stop beating yourself up. I was born with a cleft lip/palate and my mom had to feed me with a fricking teaspoon because I had no roof to press my tongue against when feeding. I lived, he will too

        • 12 months ago

          Jesus fricking christ anon. I'd tell you to get a grip, but you're probably what gave your kid non-oposable thumbs.

        • 12 months ago

          damn homie, i thought he was a flipper baby or something from how you described it. This shit is nothing to worry about, at worst he might be seen as an oddity in school when he grows up, but otherwise this is a non-issue.

    • 12 months ago

      Steal a plane and fly it into a jap ship to make up for your failure

      • 12 months ago

        I can't abandon them, if they suddenly disappeared and so would my family i'd off myself without regrets. Sorry for these posts, the kamikaze thing hit a soft spot.

    • 12 months ago

      >defects the doctor didn't see
      He got autism or something

    • 12 months ago

      Anon, i work with disabled people everyday, been with psychos , depressed people, strokes…
      This may be only my view, but their lives are ok, they live with less, they need less, a single conversation , tap in the shoulder, etc will make them happy, i wish i could be happy only with that. As far as I’ve seen, theyre all kind people.
      I wish your kid the best, and dont feel bad about something you can’t control

      • 12 months ago

        Thank you, he's normal mentally. Just weird looking hands, like that fricking .jpg of the guy with a thumb as long as his index. People stare and i feel shame.

        • 12 months ago

          Be thankful he doesn’t have cerebral palsy or something, he will have a normal live and in a few years you will realise how you were drowning in a cup of water, just do the operation and he’ll be fine

        • 12 months ago

          >People stare and i feel shame.
          Sounds like a you problem, don't let your issues become his.

        • 12 months ago

          Post pics you lying homosexual

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I'm sure your wife/cousin wont hold it against you for crying

    • 12 months ago

      No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

      Have courage, my friend. He will face challenges and some things will be harder than others, but you must not put your fear into him. Life is normally brutal and violent and short. Deliver unto your son the grace and strength of a father who loves his child relentlessly. Do not despair. Do not walk away in shame. You did not do this. You did not make this happen. You are a father - your son is ALIVE!!!! He can LIVE!!!!! HE WILL LIVE!!!! He will have stories to tell and days to wander and despite this small issue of his digits, he will be a wonder unto creation. YOU MADE A LIFE - YOU MUST BE STRONG TO HELP HIM LIVE IT

    • 12 months ago

      SIDS is always an option

    • 12 months ago

      I was born with autism, adhd, ulcerative colitis, a tendency towards suicidal depression, vague neurological issues and to top it all off, crossed eyes
      I ended up as a chadlite in spite of all these. As fire tests gold, fortune tests brave men
      You and your boy will be fine, be strong for him and your lass

      • 12 months ago

        thank you, anon, i try my best.

      • 12 months ago

        >i was born with made up shit
        >if I can be normal so can your froglike-child

    • 12 months ago

      It's not your fault dude.

      I hope the kid's disabilities are either -

      No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

      Black person unless your wife cucked you with a mermaid it's fricking fine. I thought the kid was half-brained or cerebral palsey or something. You're fine. The only thing you have to be ashamed of is being an Innsmouther.

      • 12 months ago

        >webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable
        Are you from fricking Innsmouth?

        a magical place

    • 12 months ago

      wife's vax status?

    • 12 months ago

      You can start by not having anymore kids. This one is going to cost a fortune as is, and you won't have the time or money that another kid deserves dealing with the first.

    • 12 months ago

      No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

      Your son's disability is not your fault, what WILL be your fault is if you be a homosexual father who isn't there for him because you're too busy throwing a bigger fit about his disability than any random person he meets. You knock that shit the frick off Anon and be a good dad for him. Don't you dare be that shithead parent that makes his kid feel like shit not because strangers treat him poorly, but because his dad keeps reminding him that something is wrong with him. I am not joking here Anon you buck the frick up or karma/Jesus/what ever is going to kick your shit in for failing this child.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          I didn't came to a /k/ thread to see some b***h ass blogposting totally unrelated to the topic. Go to r*ddit if you want to be a moralgay or an attention/pity prostitute

    • 12 months ago

      You did name him "Pepe" right

    • 12 months ago

      No, webbed fingers on both hands. Thumbs are fingers and arent oposable. It's correctable, but i feel so fricking bad about it. . My life is a a very unfunny joke.

    • 12 months ago

      it's not too late for an abortion is it?

      (for you, not your moron baby)

    • 12 months ago

      cause it will never look normal and will forever pass down my shitty genes and have a complicated life just cause that prostitute couldn't do the ultrasound the right way. It's correctable but not too soon, he will have to live with this stupid defect for a long time.
      >why are you tearing yourself apart about it
      I dunno, anon, i ask myself why i care about others opinions and can't get a good answer. I'm probably a b***h with a handicaped child, imagine how happy i can be.

      Well done. You're stuck with a moron for life. Best start saving for his inevitable sex change surgery already because you know damn well that malformed frick is going to grow into another spiteful mutant.

    • 12 months ago

      >posting about your problems on 4chins
      go to church moron

    • 12 months ago

      Everyone responding to this with some edgy shit is a boring newhomosexual

      Everything will be alright anon. There will be lots of progress in science and maybe that defect won't be forever.

  11. 12 months ago
  12. 12 months ago

    >sink without fail

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      looks like the mark a mosquito makes when i slap it against the wall

    • 12 months ago

      reminds me of this edit

    • 12 months ago

      >story of my life

    • 12 months ago

      He forgot to say it

  13. 12 months ago

    ever see the vid of kamikaze pilot running on the wing to avoid being killed as his plane is about the impact the US ship?

    • 12 months ago

      Doubt, how do you run on a wing while doing several hundred km/h?

      • 12 months ago

        vid is proof. I saw the vid a few weeks ago and trying to remember the name of the vid. I think it was about gun turret in the desert used for atomic testing in Nevada. Will see if I can find it.

      • 12 months ago

        here you go doubter, for the short version skip to 21:31

        • 12 months ago

          I stand corrected anon, I never thought a plane moving that slowly would have a chance against all that AA.

    • 12 months ago

      i've been on this rock for nearly a half century, read many things about ww2 but never heard of such a thing.
      fricking crazy.

    • 12 months ago

      here you go doubter, for the short version skip to 21:31

      i've been on this rock for nearly a half century, read many things about ww2 but never heard of such a thing.
      fricking crazy.

      Frick it, I spent too much time on this already not to post it. It's fascinating as frick, so I wanted to put it in an easily shareable file.
      Tried to make it into gif first. Decided against it to include the voiceover with explanations. So put it into webm. Then I remembered that webms on this board are soundless. Then I couldn't figure out how to partially fast-forward the slideshow part, while keeping the video part in normal speed. I didn't really bother with trying though, this is babby's first webm and I was about to lose interest. Enjoy the slow-ass first three-quarters of it, the last video part is really neat though

  14. 12 months ago

    Imperial Japan is equally fascinating and tragic. The entire shattered gem concept is meant to be poetic, but boils down to
    >Our nation has done horrible things, justified by a warped vision of "honor", and our enemies will surely seek revenge.
    This is the result of misguided policy, belief in a false superiority, and a population raised to believe the words of their leader are divine.

    • 12 months ago

      Hm, that reminds me of someone. Oh well, Russians will never have enough self-reflection to repeat it

    • 12 months ago

      >Our nation has done horrible things
      Such as?
      >our enemies will surely seek revenge
      Japan’s enemies were killing Japanese civilians, despite Japan never targeting enemy civilians

  15. 12 months ago
  16. 12 months ago

    >sink without fail!
    >hitting them with a sink instead of an old radiator

  17. 12 months ago

    Ok, wasn't planning on reading it anyway but now I'm certainly not reading it

  18. 12 months ago

    If you want to be heartbroken by the way Japanese soldiers were treated by their superiors read pic related.

    • 12 months ago

      The mangaka has a lot of good ones

    • 12 months ago

      >In a fairly famous incident, a unit to which he would have been attached was sent out on a banzai [suicide[ charge, but miraculously survived.
      >Since the men's glorious death" had already been reported to headquarters, it was sent back to the front with orders not to return alive.
      what the frick is wrong with the nips

    • 12 months ago

      >steal food
      >get caught stealing good by CO
      >lashed 40 times
      >repeat x4 years
      >lose arm at some point
      >return home
      >steal food
      >become renowned mangaka
      what a guy

      • 12 months ago

        >that image
        >needs more dakka

  19. 12 months ago

    >suicide 😐
    >suicide, Japan :0

    • 12 months ago

      murder suicide is based, though

      • 12 months ago

        >murder suicide 😐
        >murder suicide, Japan :0

  20. 12 months ago

    It’s cool I don’t read moon runes.

  21. 12 months ago
  22. 12 months ago

    Why did the japanese fail so hard in training new pilots? Entering the war, they had some of the best carrier pilots in the world, and they already had plans to build a ton of new carriers. So did they really not start a massive training program right before the war both as a contingency for wartime losses and to crew the aforementioned carriers they had already planned to build even before the war broke out?

    • 12 months ago

      There were a lot of problems with their pilot training, some materiel, some cultural. Not enough fuel or planes to get trainees enough flight hours to become competent, instead of sending the best pilots to become instructors like the US and UK did they just kept them flying sorties until they died with all their knowledge, and added to this the survivors of Midway were kept away from the mainland and basically sent to their deaths to keep news of the massive defeat from getting out. The IJA didn't even know the Kido Butai was gone until early 1943 lol.

    • 12 months ago

      Overextended on the Empire building, didn't stop to consolidate gains and industry before dicking with Haiwaii, couldn't catch up again after the Big Green Weenie started fricking up their supply lines

    • 12 months ago

      1) They had a ridiculous level of hazing, a classic dictatorship style "Just brutalize and mercilessly mistreat the pilot recruits". So instead of say 400 pilot recruits you'd have maybe 40, the rest washing out/being rejected.
      2) Had em have to learn stupid shit instead of just piloting (I think. 1 and 3 I am certain on this one I am not)
      3) You had no leave or circle back to train new pilots. It was keep flying until you die.

      Source being what I remember of

      I think a fundamental reason the Japanese were so pacifistic after the war and there wasn't any meaningful revanchism or bitter-enders is pretty much everyone (outside of huge autists like the guy who committed seppuku) fricking loathed and reviled the middle-management mid-level-officer military morons who got them into the war. Even the far-right in Japan seemed more often to be
      >Frick commies and frick america
      and less
      "I want to return to Imperial Japan"

  23. 12 months ago

    A lot of kamikaze pilots were university students who were pressured into it against their will. Imagine sending your best and brightest, the future leaders of your nation, on suicide runs that mostly end up in the ocean.

  24. 12 months ago

    Why not? I want to laugh at peak nip moronation.

  25. 12 months ago


  26. 12 months ago

    Pssssh... nothing personal, bugman.

    • 12 months ago

      The fact that even if the glass vial containing the electrolyte breaks, it requires the centrifugal force of being fired from a rifled barrel for the liquid to get between the anode and cathode plates blows my mind.

  27. 12 months ago


  28. 12 months ago

    Something about the divine wind always appealed to me, if I was born back then in Japan I’d of been one of those guys. Frick I wish they won

  29. 12 months ago
  30. 12 months ago

    I wanna be a sky samurai so flippin bad bros.

  31. 12 months ago

    But have you seen the introduction to the poetry that was translated from Japanese to English?
    >The American woman studying it translated it to English, gave it to her friend in Iraq, then died.
    >Then the friend in Iraq finished translating it in English and was in the process of translating it to Arabic, then he gave it to his 13-year-old pupil.
    >The pupil who then started to finish translating the poems to Arabic but then decided to do a fricking suicide attack on U.S. forces in Baghdad.
    >Then the U.S. Soldier who was tasked with searching the 13-year-old girl's family and finding any plans related to more suicide attacks instead found the collection of poems and went AWOL with them.
    >Soldier brought the collections to a literary agent in New York.
    >The soldier was then stabbed to death by a mugger in the back alleys of New York.

    The thoughts and last words of these pilots, and their miraculous journey to be shared with the world

    An Excerpt from Kamikaze Death Poetry

    • 12 months ago

      >I memorized 300 poems at school.
      >I was a wise boy – women
      winked at the market – I was all aflame
      with their charm. Now, I burn.

      >When it happens, I will be afraid.
      >I am not a liar.
      >I am courageous.

      >She will not remember her father.

      Jesus Christ.

  32. 12 months ago

    I struggle to feel bad for soldiers willingly fighting for a totalitarian regime responsible for massive genocides and warcrimes.
    >inb4 "b-but americans did bad things too!"

  33. 12 months ago

    Kamikaze training ... is it a crash course?

    • 12 months ago


  34. 12 months ago

    Ganbatte kudasai!!!!

    • 12 months ago

      I meant to post the gif

      • 12 months ago

        Ganbatte kudasai!!!!

        I will kamikaze to live in anime.

    • 12 months ago

      I meant to post the gif

      Nice gif

  35. 12 months ago

    I came across these two pages today in "The Wooden World", and I felt things all day because of them. To see men, barely literate, trying their utmost to let their former captain know that they still wanted to be useful to him without trying to impose shamefully... I don't know bros. And then conversely, to see captains willing to just not advance because they loved their ship and their men, it's like a fairytale.

    • 12 months ago

      I work on cargo ships and Captains are a strange breed... actually getting to that position takes years and any man that spends that amount of time at sea is to some degree moronic.

      You could be on the biggest 30 year old rust bucket of a ship but if the crew and captain are good then you will have a decent time or you could be on the best ship in their class but if the crew sucks then its going to be a hard time and can make your life hell so I completely understand barely literate sailors trying their best to appeal to stay with a certain Captain they liked and same goes for a Captain that is well liked and has a good humored and competent crew and knows the ship inside and out he will appreciate it more than commanding a larger ship.

  36. 12 months ago

    why don't they just get really close and bomb homies? They would have a chance of escaping and getting to do it again. Seems like a waste of resources

    • 12 months ago

      they should have just made more samurai swords and used those to defeat the americans

  37. 12 months ago

    Imagine having a death cult warrior society and getting brutally mogged in warfare by some dudes who just want to grill and have freedom.

    • 12 months ago

      *who just want to unilaterally dominate the globe, the non-whites in their country included

      • 12 months ago

        My word, how the tables turned…

    • 12 months ago

      that’s unironically the reason Japan actually got democratized, their elites were that mindbroken by getting mogged by what they saw as a nation of pussies and weaklings

    • 12 months ago

      >hurr durr america is le wholesome freedomland
      Go back to r*ddit

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not from reddit, and I just want to grill and have freedom
        Why do you have to be a homosexual and have a problem with that? Just shut your fricking mouth and let me grill and have freedom, that's a you've got to fricking do, but noo, you've gotta attack me in some way because of the government that owns my land that I hate because they too refuse to let me grill and have freedom
        What the frick is everybody's goddamned problem

  38. 12 months ago

    I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed reading this thread and the many learned contributions to it.

  39. 12 months ago


  40. 12 months ago

    The sun sips the sky until it is drowning.
    I am circling my prey.

    If I am strong, the world will finally let us be.

  41. 12 months ago

    >thread still up
    Just found this old website a few weeks ago and wanted to share.
    Some cool recommendations and lots of translated letters from kamikaze pilots, maintained by one guy for like the past 20 years apparently.

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