Describe your?


>go out at 13:00
>get at where I need about 15:00 or 15:30
>go for a swim
>get dry and start geting wood
>start a fire and get food cooking
>get some drinks
>chill at night talking with friends
>sleep and go back home the other day

never more than 1 day of camping because there is no point in doing it

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    >there is no point in doing it
    unless the area you go is actually wild

    • 1 year ago

      Op btfo

    • 1 year ago

      brah there is no "actually wild" places

      everysingle place is at least 2miles away from a road ... there is abobawdely nowhere where that is not the case lol

      stop coping

      just look at my pic, you know it reprsents 90% of the world rn, look at how much space the pic is covering and where there are roads around

      • 1 year ago

        >there is no "actually wild" places
        have a nice day

    • 1 year ago

      even if it's not like miles and miles remote, if you packed up your tent then pitched it the same place or another place no-one would actually know

  2. 1 year ago

    Single or two night trips about 10 times a year. Day hikes on weekends in between and on weekdays when the weather is nice. I also go on one destination hike a year, which is a week long trip.

  3. 1 year ago

    >off work at 5
    >pack some water, pistol, bear spray etc
    >step out backdoor
    >frick off in the forest for 2-3 hours
    >come home, wash the dog and shower, then dinner

    i haven't camped in years, but i'll get back into it this summer. just need a better tent and pack.

  4. 1 year ago

    i don't have a weekly routine per se but i'm working on it

    yearly trout fishing trip
    >get in friend's truck 11 am
    >load gear into truck and camper. hit road at 1 pm
    >get to water fill station at 2:30 pm
    >arrive at friend's riverside property at 3 pm
    >set up camper and unpack gear
    >drive a few miles away to pick up a cord of hardwood from the Amish mill
    >unload at campsite and return their trailer
    >sit down for cold drinks around 5 pm
    >drop a couple of lines in the river
    >chat with his friends as they arrive
    >decide which streams we want to fish tomorrow
    >after dark bring out the concrete form tubes, saw dust, and motor oil
    >coat this inside of the tubes with oil and sawdust, set aside to let soak
    >put metal pipe in stand in middle of firepit
    >arrange fire so the tube won't tilt
    >heave the tube over the pipe
    >sit down and watch the flames and smoke billow out while it makes a "hooooooooooooo" sound
    >watch the tube turn into a glowing pillar of fire
    >when it's done chat until 11 pm then go to bed
    >fish for 6-8 hours a day for 3 days then pack up and go home

    i can give details of the actual fishing if anyone cares

    • 1 year ago

      I care bro, I've been trying more and more to get into fishing but I only ever go by myself because none of my friends wanna do stuff that requires effort

  5. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      não faço ideia o nome kkkk só entrei nos matos tentando chegar no topo da montanha indo pra ouro branco bem pouquinho dps da entrada pra lavras novas

      • 1 year ago

        Eu ia chutar MG mesmo por causa desse relevo montanhoso, acho lindo ai

      • 1 year ago

        Eu ia chutar MG mesmo por causa desse relevo montanhoso, acho lindo ai

        porra anões, onde posso achar um lugar como esse no interior paulista?

  6. 1 year ago

    Throughout the week, I'll just walk around my local trails. To the spring to get a drink of water, to a private graveyard on the property, down to the creek to kick my feet around in the water a bit, to the pond to see if any animals are drinking out of it. On the weekend I'll go a bit deeper and set up camp near a pond where 2 creeks merge to form a pond that flows into a river. With camp set up there, I can go even deeper. A cave system that I've always been too afraid to enter, a small waterfall with a small cave behind it, past the waterfall a cave where outlaws stayed for a few weeks while on the run. If I go even deeper I can get to a massive lake, but that just leads back to civilization so I usually don't go that far anyway.

  7. 1 year ago

    >wake up at 3:00
    >shove coffee and eggs down my throat, shove shit out my ass
    >get in car at 4:00
    >pick up my partner then race down the highway at 140km/h+ to get to the start point
    >get to the wall at around 7:00
    >climb, climb, climb, smoking obscene amounts of cigarettes at the anchors
    >get to the top by 13:00, enjoy the view, have a chocolate bar
    >run down the descent path, reach a mountain hut by 14:00 and order a beer
    >chat and chill for a couple of hours
    >go home and order a nice greasy pizza

  8. 1 year ago

    >pack shit in the evening
    >wake up at 5:30
    >shove breakfast in my mouth
    >check whether I have everything
    >take dog for a walk
    >get to my car at 6:30
    >arrive at 8
    >unleash the hound
    >make sure it is ahead of me because it warns of wild animals and people
    >stop at around 12 to shit in the woods
    >arrive at around 15
    >set up camp
    >collect wood
    >start the fire
    >start drinking
    >eat something
    >continue my dog's training routine around camp (standard shit like recall, stay, fetch)
    >go fishing
    >catch nothing
    >go to sleep
    >wake up at 6
    >take a massive shit
    >leave the hammock
    >pack shit
    >go back to car
    >drive back home

    • 1 year ago

      >wake up at 6
      >take a massive shit
      >leave the hammock
      Anon, you're suppose to leave the hammock before you take a shit.

      • 1 year ago

        >Amber Heard goes camping

  9. 1 year ago

    Don't worry about it.

  10. 1 year ago

    >somehow manage to get two whole hours to myself
    >grab my GI Joe diaper bag
    >toss it in the trunk
    >drive to the trailhead
    >could walk there but frick walking along the highway
    >backpack on
    >earbuds in
    >hellmarch.mp3 on repeat
    >hit the trail

  11. 1 year ago

    I live in a tent on side of mountain in the west bank, my day mainly consists of cooking, praying, listening to the mosque, and walking to the market for supplies

    • 1 year ago

      you a jude waiting for a Pali family to get evicted?

      • 1 year ago

        Out here only israelites get evicted our government is posioned by america and dose what ever the israelite haters in Washington say

        • 1 year ago

          >Out here only israelites get evicted our government

    • 1 year ago

      Are you the guy who was homeless near Mitzpe Ramon a couple of weeks ago? From the Israel out thread?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes I have moved out to yitzhar I tryed to make another Israel thread here but the range ban is in effect

        • 1 year ago

          must admit that thread was extremely successful
          nothing generates more heat than >israel

        • 1 year ago

          what is the PrepHole like in those areas, they look quite ancient and populated

          • 1 year ago

            A wired mix of urban and rural still pretty comfy I saw at least five dear today just sitting and watching from the side of the hill I live on

    • 1 year ago

      flags on tents are underrated

      • 1 year ago

        The flag is not on the tent it is on a pole next to it

        must admit that thread was extremely successful
        nothing generates more heat than >israel

        It was supposed to be a seriouse thread I don't know why goyim have to ape out all the time

  12. 1 year ago

    Is this the camping thread? Would it be helpful to drop a Tile or Airtag Bluetooth tracker inside a bear cannisters or hanging bear sac? Following the bearmuda triangle, it is suggested to have food 100 metres away from the campsite, so I figure a Bluetooth dongle might help, or maybe they don't work without internet idk. Thoughts?

  13. 1 year ago

    LOATHE PrepHole with every cell in my body.

  14. 1 year ago

    Age 11-18 every non winter month a weekend PrepHole. At least 1 backpack trip or summer camp for a week.
    Age 18-23 not much camping, got more into music and playing in bands.
    Age 23-33 camping a little more because start dating(still with the same person). Maybe 2 times a year but not really PrepHole, just like state parks and stuff. More hiking and hotels in remote areas once in our thirties.
    Age 33-34 got a pass for Whitney and trained a bunch. Long 20 mile day hikes , best shape of my life. Made it to the peak. Wife was pregnant with our first child not not after.
    Age 34-38(present) hiking with 2 kids is fun but more planning and prep is involved. KOAs with cabins are good for us. We just got back from our first trip to Zion and got a hotel. I don’t have any gear for overnights but I plan on getting some soon.

    • 1 year ago

      age 11-18 camping and dirtbiking at least once a month
      age 18-25(present) have gone camping 2 or 3 times total, life is fricking GAY

      >I go for 30 to 60km day hikes
      Holy shit, this guy again!

      ah yes the average speed 5mi/hr speedhiker is back

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          Not the speedhiker we deserve, but the speedhiker we need

  15. 1 year ago

    Where I live it's full of hills and mountains and villages around them, I would usually start from my town and then navigate the mountains and reach other towns for breaks. I stopped going out after I started seeing shit in the corner of my eyes all the time, it made me anxious as frick.

  16. 1 year ago

    My yearly destination trips are much more interesting than my normal weekend hikes or day hikes.

    I’ve done a Mt. Hood hike several times, always in the spring or summer.
    >fly to Portland
    >light rail to Gresham (suburbs)
    >bus to Sandy (exurbs, mountain town)
    >bus to Timberline Lodge/Mt. Hood

    If you’re not flying with food, you have to budget more time. And since the transit lines don’t operate 24 hours a day, you have to figure out when you’re landing and where you’ll be staying the first night. You might be able to fly, buy supplies (I don’t think you can fly with stove fuel; I bought mine at Dicks, two blocks from light rail), get to the trail head, then hike, but it would be really pushing it.

    You have to do the same for the return trip. The bus from Timberline to Sandy stops at like 7pm. Plus it’s an hour ride.

    When I did this trip the first two times I stayed at Timberline. It worked out pretty well, as I wasn’t being pressed for time, plus their breakfast buffet is really good. On the last trip I stayed in a Best Western in Sandy that has a Safeway next door. It was much cheaper and honestly more comfy. It’s another hour on a bus to Timberline, but it gave me an hour to enjoy the morning scenery as it passed by the windows, and time to collect myself. On the way back I had time to sort of unwind and relax before doing laundry and eating Taco Bell (also next door).

  17. 1 year ago

    Just hike for an hour into the forest off the trails after work hang up my hammock overlooking a frequented spot and wait for animals to show up during dusk.
    On the weekends I go for 30 to 60km day hikes in the hillcountry or alps just to stay in shape for the big summer and autumn tours usually in Scandinavia or elsewhere. Target location varies from year to year.
    Occasionally I'll do a bivi overnighter on a mountain or an extended weekend hammocking near a trail (walking the trail) but not very often. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

    That's about the max you can do if you don't live next to a mountainous nature preserve. I regret having had to move for work.

    • 1 year ago

      >I go for 30 to 60km day hikes
      Holy shit, this guy again!

      • 1 year ago

        60 km is only a hair over 1.4 marathons, seems like it's within the realm of possibility (albeit not very plausible).

      • 1 year ago

        60 km is only a hair over 1.4 marathons, seems like it's within the realm of possibility (albeit not very plausible).

        lol, I also do 100km in one day but only two or three times a year.

  18. 1 year ago

    >get up at (time of sunrise - 15 minutes - time to travel to trailhead, sometimes this means leaving before 4)
    >no coffee or food, grab backpack I packed the night before
    >at trailhead right when there's enough light to hike but before sunrise to avoid people
    >hike, stop when I'm hungry for a light meal, sometimes just energy gummies
    >usually back home by mid afternoon or sooner
    I haven't backpacked since I was a teen but I'd like to eventually. Don't quite have the money for a tent and such yet (I hike solo only so I take safety very seriously, didn't do any real hikes even on popular trails before I got 10 essentials etc).
    I try to not look at the time or worry about pace on my hikes if I can.

  19. 1 year ago

    Not going to lie, I fricked a tree before. About half a dozen times to be precise.

    I was a forest surveyor working in bush camps, 10 days on 4 days off. We'd go to whatever town was closest and go absolutely apeshit and frick anything that moves. There was only one woman in camp (the cook) and she looked like a fricking sasquatch with moustache and neck stubble and everything, so even though I was horny as frick I still couldn't imagine even thinking about putting the moves on her.

    One night we were at a local bar and I was absolutely shitfaced and found myself taking to an old local drunk who used to be a feller He laughed about our shifts and asked if I'd "met with the old slippery elm missus yet" and I said I didn't know what the frick he was talking about. He said you get the knothole of a fresh slippery elm log or standing tree and have your way with it. It's called slippery elm because underneath the bark is slippery as hell and I guess some lonely loggers found out it makes a good organic fleshlight. I laughed and that was that.

    But fast forward day 7 or 8 of the next shift and I'm running transects on my own and getting horny as all frick, thinking about past girls and all that. I run into a slippery elm with a perfect knothole and the guys words came back. That's not true, I was looking at every slippery elm on my bearing for just the right knothole for about an hour or two and finally found one. Was it good? Brother, lets just say there are a few stands with trees that have my eyes kek

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