Crippling fear of bugs ruins outdoors

I have a crippling phobia of all bugs, and I love the outdoors and fishing, but lately the amount of bugs has been ruining my experience while fishing and even simply going outside on my property. What do I do? Why am I such a pussy?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    >This kills the bug
    Wow, so scary!!!

    • 12 months ago

      this mans steps into you're path

      • 12 months ago

        Looks pretty stompable.

        • 12 months ago

          no i step onto him in my path


          who a ooo -

          >you fall and break your neck

          >bug wins

      • 12 months ago

        no i step onto him in my path

  2. 12 months ago

    Spend more time just looking at them when you come across them outside and less time freaking out. Unless you live in Australia, they're unlikely to seriously hurt you.

    I used to hate centipedes until I did this.
    Don't get me wrong, I'd still flip out if I found one in my house, but when they're just chilling outside I can appreciate them.

  3. 12 months ago

    bugs are PrepHole. They are as synonymous with the outdoors as plants and the weather. You need to accustom yourself to them if you are to experience the outdoors. The more time you spend outside the more comfortable you will be with their presence and they will stop being a problem for you. That's all there is to it.

    Of course if this is too much for you, you could always stay /in/. No scary bugs can touch you there...

    • 12 months ago

      This.>t.hobo innnawoods for a year.
      It's not your home it's thier home

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    just stop giving a shit

  6. 12 months ago

    go west

    • 12 months ago

      I cope with it by living in the taiga region.

      There are bugs here too

    • 11 months ago

      the west has fallen

  7. 12 months ago

    Treat ur clothes in permitherin for a safe 4-6 washes or send them to instect guard for 70 wash treatment, i also treat all my gear except socks, underware and undershirt, but not for any particular reason. Dont listen to DEET shills.

  8. 12 months ago

    Imagine being afraid of the largest animal biomass on the planet. What a crap life.

  9. 12 months ago

    wear a bee keeping suit or something

  10. 12 months ago

    We really don't have any spiders in Alaska but I was wondering if you do the same thing we do but with bug spray. See a spider on the path, pull out bug spray, "YO SPIDER!!! YO SPIDER!!! HEY!!! YO SPIDER!!!"

    • 12 months ago

      When people around me gat scared of a spader, I pick it up and let it walk around on my hand, then let it go and tell them to suck it up

  11. 12 months ago

    I don’t get phobias like this. Just get over it moron it’s all in your mind. Literally just stop it. Just don’t be afraid anymore.

  12. 12 months ago

    Move to a state that has six months of winter and learn to ice fish.

  13. 12 months ago

    Just get over it. Exposure or if you are really desperate then hypnosis.

    Alternatively you could just go PrepHole exclusively during winter, late autumn and early spring.

    • 12 months ago

      I don’t get phobias like this. Just get over it moron it’s all in your mind. Literally just stop it. Just don’t be afraid anymore.

      Imagine being afraid of the largest animal biomass on the planet. What a crap life.

      It’s not really every bug, it’s mostly chiggers and ticks (because you can’t really see them) which makes me avoid tall grass, and also wasps because we have large hornets here and not only are they aggressive, but they fly faster than you can run and sting. I also tend to avoid structure as well because it’s all infested with brown recluses and I know they’re not like lights out venomous but still I don’t wanna get bit by one. I don’t understand how other people just don’t worry about that. Do you just see a wasps nest while fishing or hunting and accept the fact that you might get swarmed? How am I supposed to be unbothered by this.

      • 12 months ago

        I cope with it by living in the taiga region.

      • 12 months ago

        Regular bugs aren't even the problem. The real problem is that a tick almost too small to see can crawl on you without you ever noticing and give you an incurable disease that will cripple you for life.

        >I don’t understand how other people just don’t worry about that.
        I don't go PrepHole that much despite enjoying it because the risks aren't worth it to me. Yeah I enjoy it but not enough to be sick forever just because I missed a tick on me.

        • 12 months ago

          Lmao it’s sad natural selection is no longer acting on the human population because soft homosexuals like you are only possible in the dysgenic nanny state we currently live in.

          • 12 months ago

            Rational risk/reward assessment is an evolutionary advantage, anon. If anyone would be getting fricked by natural selection without modern advantages, it's guys like you with a mindset like
            >i'm not scared of lyme disease because i'm a MAN and i'm gonna let these ticks bite the shit out me to prove it!!

            • 12 months ago

              I bet you drive, or ride in a car pretty much every day, which is statistically what way more people do, than going out in the forests, at least in the first world countries where you're probably from. The percentage of people dying or getting injured from driving accidents is higher than the percent of people that suffer any kind of damage due to insects from the forest. Your "rational risk/reward assessment" is absolute dogshit, and that's why you're such a pussy.

              • 12 months ago

                >The percentage of people dying or getting injured from driving accidents is higher than the percent of people that suffer any kind of damage due to insects from the forest. Your "rational risk/reward assessment" is absolute dogshit, and that's why you're such a pussy.
                I don't think you understand how statistics work, anon. There are far more people driving than there are people going out in the woods. And even if your risk of injury from driving were greater than your risk of disease from going PrepHole, there is the rather important difference that driving is an unavoidable necessity while going PrepHole is pure recreational frivolousness.

                But what I really think is that you don't have very many friends. I know three people personally - people like me who have been going out in the woods all their lives, know how to watch for and check for ticks, and just eventually let the wrong one slip past - who've gotten incurable diseases from tick bites. I understand that willingly exposing yourself to unnecessary risk is a common theme among insecure guys but waving it around this much is a little embarrassing for you.

      • 12 months ago

        Don't remember exactly what those are but just wear shoes?
        piss off, I live in new england where on some years you can walk five paces in and out of tall grass and have a dozen on you. The cure is just taking them off and not being a moron who lets them last long enough to engorge themselves. 90% of the ticks I get I feel and take off either when out or when driving home. The remaining ticks I just take off whenever I get my clothes off for showering/changing. I actually did catch lyme as a young child though, its not uncurable, you just need to catch it early with antibiotics.
        >le wasps are evil and will attack me on sight
        meds now, they will leave you alone everything short of pinning one down deliberately or throwing rocks at their nest. I have them land on me sometimes, and they are not interested in stinging, usually just looking for food or maybe salt in your sweat. They frequent hummingbird feeders as well more than the birds themselves.
        no spider is out to get you ever. I'm pretty sure brown recluses stick to buildings and are very timid. I've only gotten bitten by spiders I've caught and picked up.

        The truth is that most bugs don't want to frick with you, and the parasites that do are easy to deal with. Most of your fears are more likely from your suburban woman mentality instead of actual facts. Stop being such a pussy and just go out.

        I should add that I'm not some internet tough guy larper. I am also scared of spiders ever since I was first bit, but if I see one and it's not on me its no big deal. Same for anything with large mandibles like ground beetles. I'm still very careful about picking them up out of fear of being bitten, even though all they can do is lightly pinch you and musk on you.
        Its okay to be scared of things as long as you stand up to your fears and not let them be a burden on you.

      • 12 months ago

        >chiggers and ticks
        Hearty chuckle. Thanks anon.

  14. 12 months ago

    Have you tried not being a homosexual? Usually works.

  15. 12 months ago

    Consider emdr therapy. I’m serious. It’s been consistently demonstrated to be effective in helping people move past fears and trauma.

  16. 12 months ago

    If you're in your 30's its likely half of all bugs within a 50 mile radius of you have died off within your lifetime.

    Estimated about 2045 80% of helpful insects will be gone. Species, not % of them in total. Like bees, aphid eaters etc.

    So just wait a while until we've killed most of them off.

    • 12 months ago

      >helpful insects going extinct
      >tick range expanding year after year

    • 12 months ago

      I was like you once.
      But eventually I went on a grueling backcountry adventure that forced me to just accept bugs as my equals.
      Then I took an arrow to the knee.

      Right but there have never been more ants and mosquitos in human history than now and its going to get much worse, so waiting will do you no good. You have to expose and train your bug tolerance while its still easy.


      • 12 months ago

        frick mosquitos. Why are there more mosquitos and ticks now than ever? Humans can spray and eliminate them, yet there are more. Gov't breeding zones and thats not a joke either

        • 12 months ago

          earth is getting warmer and wetter atm. the next little ice age will reverse this trends.

  17. 12 months ago

    Exposure and manning up. I used to be terrified of bugs. I remember one time I went up to Tennessee with my friend and he knew a spot so we took a four-wheeler to it cause it was in the forest. I think we went through three dozen spider webs and got bitten several times. No longer afraid of spiders. Remember ticks don't pass any diseases instantly, as long as you check yourself after going out you'll be fine.

    • 12 months ago

      >Remember ticks don't pass any diseases instantly, as long as you check yourself after going out you'll be fine.
      As long as you don't miss any. A tiny tick could crawl under your hair, inside your ear, on a part of your back you don't notice, etc. The two people I know who got lyme disease from tick bites spent decades going into the woods with no problems until they missed the wrong tick.

      I really don't understand why complete extinction of ticks and mosquitoes isn't a #1 priority for the human race. We could absolutely do it if we cared enough.

      • 12 months ago

        I just pulled 3 ticks off myself after a decade without any.

        I remember reading a study noting that we could remove all mosquitos without deleterious impacts, I have to imagine the same is true of goddamned ticks.

  18. 12 months ago

    That picture made me feel:
    ::(゚Д゚ )::
    ::( つと )::
    *trembling in fear*

  19. 12 months ago

    >Crippling fear of bugs
    This can be fixed, if not cured.

  20. 12 months ago

    All you gays crying about Lyme disease. I’ve had it three times now most recently finished a doxy cycle one month ago to clear up another case. You aren’t a real outdoorsman until you get Lyme. It’s not even that bad stop crying like a woman.

    • 12 months ago

      >You aren’t a real outdoorsman until you get Lyme
      Getting lyme disease doesn't prove that you're an outdoorsman. It proves that you are an idiot who couldn't take preventative measures or do basic tick checks after going outside.

      • 12 months ago

        Sounds like you got sand in your vegana. The least masculine thing I’ve seen in the woods is some dorky zoomer homosexual who doesn’t have a father figure and learned about “bushcraft” from YouTube is the full pants tucked into the socks baloney. When you are out in the woods for days at a time sometimes a nymph will slip by you. Should I just not go outside? Should I wear a hazmat suit? Should I tuck my pants into my socks like a fricking incel. You gays have been so coddled by civilization that taking any risk or having the possibility of a bad outcome will stop you from living your life. I bet your gay ass got the Covid vaccine. Uncle Ted was 100% right about oversocialized incels like you.

        • 12 months ago

          >he has never heard of permethrin or deet
          In times past, low-IQ frickwits like you didn't survive to reproductive age and civilization was better off for it.

          • 12 months ago

            Ya I’ll trade a mild bacterial infection for dousing myself in carcinogens. You are a milk drinking homosexual. I’m sure berry pickers like you would have survived. Our ancestors risked their lives every time they went out hunting. Did they say oh I can go hunt that wooly mammoth it’s too they went out there and got food for their family without all your gay bullshit.

            • 12 months ago

              >dousing myself in carcinogens
              You put it on clothes not your skin, you absolute moron.

              >Our ancestors risked their lives every time they went out hunting
              And? They hunted for survival. You refuse to take sensible precautions because of insecure macho bullshit. You and my based Scandinavian ancestors are not the same. Now go upstairs and grab your tendies before they get cold. The adults are talking here.

              • 12 months ago

                >I don’t inhale or get any carcinogen on my skin when spraying it on my clothes and sweating in them for hours

                >it’s real in my head
                Cope you oversocialized homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                Wearing clothes that were previously sprayed and then dried out poses no risk to humans while being effective against ticks for several washes.
                I'm in the backcountry year-round and have never had a tick latch onto me. I must be doing something right.
                Lyme disease heightens the risk of mental disorders, which would explain a lot in your case.

              • 12 months ago

                >the experts say
                The vaccine is safe and effective too am I right you dunce.

              • 12 months ago

                This. Doctors can't be trusted in any circumstances

              • 12 months ago

                But I'm sure you would run to those same doctors for help if you ever got a tick-borne illness, wouldn't you?

              • 12 months ago

                >run to those same doctors for help if you ever got a tick-borne illness

                What exactly would they be able to do? You could have chosen any other example but chose barely treatable diseases.

              • 12 months ago

                Says the person who relies on ~~*Big Pharma*~~ to bail him out every time he gets lyme because he's too much of a mouthbreathing idiot to protect himself in the woods. Dried permethrin has been proven to have virtually no risks or side effects for humans. You can't say the same about the drugs you take.

              • 12 months ago

                >You put it on clothes not your skin, you absolute moron.
                anon... you aren't that moronic right? You know what your clothes are touching and rubbing against 24/7 right?

              • 12 months ago

                You spray it on the outside of your clothes and then let your clothes dry at least a day before you go PrepHole. This poses zero risk to humans. Try doing some research before you make yourself look like a fricking idiot next time.

                >run to those same doctors for help if you ever got a tick-borne illness

                What exactly would they be able to do? You could have chosen any other example but chose barely treatable diseases.

                Prescribe antibiotic treatments. Are people on this board really that dense?

        • 12 months ago

          >The least masculine thing I’ve seen in the woods is some dorky zoomer homosexual who doesn’t have a father figure and learned about “bushcraft” from YouTube is the full pants tucked into the socks baloney.
          And I bet you didn't say shit to his face, did you pussy internet toughguy?

          • 12 months ago

            Oh yes let me comment on every brocoli haired homosexual without a dad. I don’t have time for that go watch your YouTube daddy Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson and they will tell you to clean your room, wash your balls and tuck your pants into your socks like a grandma. I know you are an incel because this type of attitude dries a pussy up fast.

            • 12 months ago

              >I know you are an incel because this type of attitude dries a pussy up fast.
              Tell that to my two kids. That's right. You wouldn't because you're an internet hardass who is probably Ned Flanders irl.

        • 12 months ago

          >Uncle Ted was 100% right about oversocialized incels like you.

          Sent from my Samsung A02

  21. 12 months ago

    being outside long enough you just get used to them dude. I remember when we'd get new people on the job who had never been outside all day before. They were so jumpy, overreacted to everything that buzzed by them. After some time they just stopped caring and checked for ticks at the end of each day.

  22. 12 months ago

    Really? I just snatch annoying wasps out of the air with my bare hands and then throw them to the ground. If the initial impact doesn't kill them I'll finish the job with my foot. Feels good man.

    Nothing better than walking up to a group of melodramatic, screeching women and scooping that little fricker up like it's nothing, they act like they've met superman for the first time.

  23. 12 months ago

    just scream and flail around until they respect your space.

  24. 11 months ago

    New Zealand has it good in the bug department. No leeches, very little ticks (no tick diseases), spiders few and ants aren't the voracious c**ts we get in Australia. Other than sandflies I think its pretty chill. 3 day hike I barely saw a single bug bigger than a gnat.

  25. 11 months ago

    I have mottophobia i hate it

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