Could someone with Asperger's syndrome become a navy seal?

Could someone with Asperger's syndrome become a navy seal?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Idk Goggins is more than likely on the spectrum. Just hyperfocus on exercise instead of MLP.

  2. 11 months ago

    Yes, most members of the military have horrendous personality disorders you won't even be noticed

    • 11 months ago

      yea most sperglords I've met in my days would probably be an upgrade socially from some of the lifers I've known
      OP should join up and go do it I don't think people would seriously notice a diagnosed clueless dork in a sea of clueless dorks

  3. 11 months ago

    You wouldn’t be able to join the military in general

  4. 11 months ago

    Depends on whether you've been diagnosed with it or not

  5. 11 months ago

    Psychologists here.
    It's possible but unlikely. Here's the reason I think why.
    One of the characteristics of the autism spectrum is a low ability to modulate sensory stimuli. They have a hard time just "tuning out" things. This makes them have rather low tolerances for pain and discomfort. They're great at analyzing detailed information and may excell at some other MOS.

    Now, the mental disordes that is probably over represented in BUD/S graduated is probably schizotypal personality. It's schizophrenia like characteristics without the complete break with reality, like magical thinking and the ability to strongly identify with all kinds of self created narratives. Now they DO have the ability to just tune things out. They're probably over represented in pro athletes too, because the ability to keep going when your body is saying "dude, maybe we should stop" is so important. When you see a dude perform dental surgery on themselves, in his car, with a pocket knife, without any meds, THATS a schizophrenic, NOT an autist.

    This may be the reason a lot of these ex operator types often seem like weird guys when they appear on the podcast circuit. Often religious, believe in wacky conspiracy stuff like tunnel wars or giants skeletons, often ramble. Brain trauma probably has to do with it too, but I thinks some of it is that they're just schizotypal, because a lot of the selection they went trough probably selects for traits associated with it.

    Aspies don't do well with pain and discomfort... But schizos do.

    • 11 months ago

      How do I give gold?

      • 11 months ago

        have a nice day REDDIT REFUGEE

    • 11 months ago

      Epic post. Pretty sure I'm a schizo now that I think about it. I wonder what natural function it serves.

      • 11 months ago

        Nothing, it’s just your pattern matching being overactive. That’s a bit of a gross simplification but essentially hallucinations and some delusions are your brain mistaking stimulus noise for meaning. Schizoid and schizotypal are both not really that similar to schizophrenic imho, they just all involve delusions and hallucinations to varying degrees.
        Not all delusions are harmful and delusions are extremely hard to pin down because how do you define what belief is true and based in reasonable assessment of reality? So only delusions without a demonstrable relation to events or mores or memes tend to be counted. You wouldn’t call a Christian or someone who thinks biden really does care about his well-being a schizo but someone who believes Christ speaks to them through Biden’s speeches and allows them to control the weather with their dances, sure.
        If you think you suffer from this or anything like it then my first bit of advice is to get clean and sober because drugs can trigger delusions and hallucinations in people, even when they aren’t actively intoxicated

    • 11 months ago

      >It's possible but unlikely. Here's the reason I think why.
      >One of the characteristics of the autism spectrum is a low ability to modulate sensory stimuli. They have a hard time just "tuning out" things. This makes them have rather low tolerances for pain and discomfort. They're great at analyzing detailed information and may excell at some other MOS.
      I have extreme pain tolerance and sensitivity to noise. I came out a captain, this was before anyone even knew what autism was. I also liked killing people.

    • 11 months ago

      Do you think that sort of selection for schizotypal traits could happen naturally in power struggles and such, leading to things like the “Great Man” theory of history, where exceptional individuals (usually men) tend to be the ones to move civilization/history along through different ages? People like Caesar, Alexander the Great, Lenin, and Hitler?

    • 11 months ago

      >Could someone with Asperger's syndrome become a navy seal?
      It depends how far along the spectrum you are. provides some good insight, but in spite of my own autism (especially the hypersensitivity), I somehow managed to fly planes and not die.

    • 11 months ago

      Got any references material on this distinction/subject?

      • 11 months ago

        Still waiting

    • 11 months ago

      Autistics actually tend to be far less sensitive to pain (or rather, tolerate it better) than neurotypical people, but way more sensitive / aggravated by things that don't bother others at all, like being touched.

      • 11 months ago

        >Autistics actually tend to be far less sensitive to pain (or rather, tolerate it better) than neurotypical people, but way more sensitive / aggravated by things that don't bother others at all, like being touched.
        holy shit for real?
        >description hits far closer to home than i'd care to admit

        • 11 months ago

          Yes. Touch sensitivity is fairly universal among autistics. Pain indifference / resistance is less universal, but fairly common.

          This isn't the case for me. I am definitely autistic or at least tism adjacent based on my inability to talk to women or get laid in my 27 years of life but I feel more susceptible to pain than others do, namely with headaches. I see normies acting the same as ever and mention off the cuff "yeah my head is pounding right now" meanwhile if I have a headache I can't operate at 100%, especially when talking. Myth BUSTED

          > I am definitely autistic or at least tism adjacent based on my inability to talk to women or get laid in my 27 years of life
          That doesn't make you autistic. Yes, that's a common situation for autistics, but you could just be socially awkward, ugly, schizoid, whatever.

      • 11 months ago

        >Autistics actually tend to be far less sensitive to pain (or rather, tolerate it better) than neurotypical people, but way more sensitive / aggravated by things that don't bother others at all, like being touched.
        holy shit for real?
        >description hits far closer to home than i'd care to admit

        This isn't the case for me. I am definitely autistic or at least tism adjacent based on my inability to talk to women or get laid in my 27 years of life but I feel more susceptible to pain than others do, namely with headaches. I see normies acting the same as ever and mention off the cuff "yeah my head is pounding right now" meanwhile if I have a headache I can't operate at 100%, especially when talking. Myth BUSTED

        • 11 months ago

          >I am definitely autistic or at least tism adjacent based on my inability to talk to women or get laid in my 27 years of life but I feel more susceptible to pain than others do,
          I'm the anon that originally posted this

          >Autistics actually tend to be far less sensitive to pain (or rather, tolerate it better) than neurotypical people, but way more sensitive / aggravated by things that don't bother others at all, like being touched.
          holy shit for real?
          >description hits far closer to home than i'd care to admit

          and i regret to inform you that having autistic tendencies or being borderline on the spectrum does not in fact preclude you from being able to interact with females or (gasp) procreate with one - so long as you are willing to make the extra effort to develop enough self-awareness to be able to know when to reign in your personal idiosyncrasies (however they might manifest) before they become counterproductive for you and your relationships.
          You seem all too eager to put the blame for the lack of outcomes that you want on something that most would consider a immutable handicap rather than figuring out a way to work with what you have and hold yourself accountable for achieving better. Cope, in other words.
          But that's the good news anon - you're actually not as limited and hopeless as you've probably been content to convince yourself thus far. Just try harder.
          Trust me it works.
          t. anon from above with high pain tolerance and that instinctively HATES being touched - also been married for 11 years w/ two children.

      • 11 months ago

        This is the case for me. For example I hate subtle shifts in temperature but going outside when it's snowing while naked helps center me or taking cold showers
        I sometimes pinch myself when dealing with a cacophony of little noises or other slight sensations. It was worse when I was younger and felt the need to punch/slam my head around because the pain at least drowned out everything else
        However since I learned about my condition I've been able to develop better methods to deal with all the annoying minutiae and lean into my strength at handling extreme pain/shock along with learning things such as theory of mind so at least I can actually function in social situations even if it takes more manual effort

    • 11 months ago

      >be me
      >get diagnosed with autism back when it was fashionable for mommies to have autistic children
      >spend 20 years getting told by mom that autism makes it impossible for me to ever do well as part of the military, keep getting more and more meds forced upon me while I keep getting stuffed into sped classes
      >want to join military, refuse to listen to mom, get off meds after high school
      >get to the point I start straight up denying it and telling people that my mom is just crazy and paid a quack to diagnose me for her Munchausen-by-Proxy
      >years later finally get started on joining, MEPS keeps trying to block me cuz of 'tism
      >recruiter sends me to a medical officer, med officer tells me "dude they misdiagnosed you, you're not autistic. You're schizotypal and mildly anxious, you're clear for service"
      >have been ruminating on this new knowledge ever since
      So does this mean I have a chance in selection?

      Assburgers isn't real and neither is autism. You're just unhappy with your current social group which isn't meeting your primal need to be part of a family tribe.

      Asperger's isn't real but autism is.

    • 11 months ago

      You are a stupid Black person. Your ilk diagnosed me with autism and put me on kiddie meth for years and it turns out I was not autistic I was just shy and a little gay. I was strung out all of middle and high school because of you morons. I missed like 3 opportunities to get laid because you stupid israelites had me drugged up. Frick you. have a nice day.

      • 11 months ago

        I think women get a power trip out of drugging young boys and getting them diagnosed with mental disorders

      • 11 months ago

        I think women get a power trip out of drugging young boys and getting them diagnosed with mental disorders

        Psychologists aren't the people that string kids out on meth, that's psychiatrists. If you have experience with psychiatrists and think back, one thing that they universally share is that their physiognomy is the exact same as every woman that's ever become a teacher and then gotten arrested for kiddie-rape.
        I fully believe that, universally, every single woman that becomes a psychiatrist does it for the sole reason that they're secretly sick, deranged, evil fricks that want to do something evil and life-changing to someone they hold some form of power over, whether that be rape, drugging, or some form of maiming. It's weird to look at in retrospect since it strikes me as so primevally malicious and sinister I'm not even certain I would call it sadism. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the women that drugged me, if psychoanalyzed properly, turned out to mimic some form of spree-killer.

    • 11 months ago

      >Aspies don't do well with pain and discomfort... But schizos do.
      Schizos do even worse than autists.

      Schizotypal has -nothing- to do with that. schizotypal isn't even a mental illness. It's an emotional disorder

      the absolutely worst thing you can do to a schizo is scream at him, majority of them won't get past boot camp and will not last a week in a way zone without going section 8.

      t. schizo who has it easy from a family of schizos who don't

    • 11 months ago

      >When you see a dude perform dental surgery on themselves, in his car, with a pocket knife, without any meds, THATS a schizophrenic,

      A man of culture I see

    • 11 months ago

      dental surgery in a car.. based Fedsmoker enjoyer. he died too early.

      • 11 months ago

        the guy was fricking nuts, i don't think that's a good way to live

    • 11 months ago

      >Aspies don't do well with pain and discomfort... But schizos do.

      Who taught you this shit? Anyone who's been around autists can tell you they often have high, sometimes dangerously high pain tolerances.

      You need to read some more books, and whoever taught you needs to retire(or read some books, but they're probably a boomer so that's not gonna happen).

  6. 11 months ago

    Probably a requirement

  7. 11 months ago

    Aspies can be clubbed like seals, though I'm not sure anyone would want their furs.

  8. 11 months ago

    It’s currently considered under the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If they accept trannies and people with HIV now, I think you’re fine if you can control shit like sensory issues, autistic meltdowns, and can communicate/work together effectively

  9. 11 months ago

    do autists see the world in 4:3
    as in they have a narrower field of view than normalhomosexuals ?

  10. 11 months ago

    Probably, but who'd want someone on their team who doesn't understand social cues?

  11. 11 months ago

    >mfw I absolutely hate cold showers so I would never ever become an operator
    >also I have no face
    It's silly but frick that.

    • 11 months ago

      Why don't you have a face

      • 11 months ago

        Had a cold shower once, face shrank away entirely.

  12. 11 months ago

    Assburgers isn't real and neither is autism. You're just unhappy with your current social group which isn't meeting your primal need to be part of a family tribe.

    • 11 months ago

      Joke's on you, I don't have a social group

  13. 11 months ago

    The autistic body-type (lanky, gangly, low muscle) probably wouldn’t fit into the BUD/S mold.

  14. 11 months ago

    I wasn't able to join because I was diagnosed with ADD (now ADHD type 2 or some shit) from an early age. No one told me they'd reject me so I went through four years of JROTC first.
    Just don't get diagnosed and they won't be able to tell you apart from the other crayon eaters.

  15. 11 months ago

    yea they can waiver it, they are desperate for people.

  16. 11 months ago

    SF look for teamwork almost more than raw ability

  17. 11 months ago

    Just have this Navy SEAL's childhood.

    He just got his Naval Aviator qualifications a few months ago too. Hope you can keep up.

    • 11 months ago

      >has a childhood outside overperforming because of pressure from parents

      LOL 😀

      What jokebook is that from?

  18. 11 months ago

    No. In the selection process they show you vids of trains and anybody who starts stimming or mumbling train facts gets booted out.

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