Could 100k French soldiers hold the Dnieper against the Russians?

Could 100k French soldiers hold the Dnieper against the Russians?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    >implying the Russians can even get to the Dnieper.

    120k + casualties taking a total of 30km or so of territory in Bakhmut and Avdiivka doesn't bode well for Russia.



  2. 2 months ago

    I guess drunk donetsk miners would acquire a bunch of baguette camo

  3. 2 months ago

    I highly doubt there's even 100k ukrainians defending dniepr right now so yeah, probably

  4. 2 months ago


    Almost like the French and Polish military isn't based 100% behind spamming tube artillery. Almost like they have other things to use.

    • 2 months ago

      >Almost like they have other things to use.
      Like what?

      • 2 months ago


  5. 2 months ago

    I want to Russia try to prevent French air superiority over Ukraine.

    • 2 months ago

      >to see

    • 2 months ago

      god that would be so funny

    • 2 months ago

      Russia can't prevent Ukrainian air superiority over Russia at the moment, nevermind Ukraine.

      • 2 months ago

        russia is currently preventing russia from developing air superiority over ukraine

    • 2 months ago

      >Could 100k French soldiers hold the Dnieper against the Russians?
      Frog here. No. The army is in shambles anyway ad full of dumb thugs with zero military value.
      Now, could 20 Rafale deployed in Ukraine be a game changer that completely turns the tables? Yes definitely.

      If only...

      We can only deploy 10k frontline troops, 20k with reservists (the chief of the army said it)

      The real difference we would make is in the airforce


      • 2 months ago

        >Frog here. No. The army is in shambles anyway ad full of dumb thugs with zero military value.
        Why do down, Pierre?

      • 2 months ago

        >factory mounted extra RCS

        • 2 months ago

          It was never made as a stealth plane.
          It was made to carry 10 tons of brown/yellow people removers.

        • 2 months ago

          >Extra RCS
          >Shows some of the devices that actually reduce RCS

        • 2 months ago

          It was never made as a stealth plane.
          It was made to carry 10 tons of brown/yellow people removers.

          Rafale design history is peculiar.
          The original Rafale was not built to have any stealth.
          Then during design phase they were asked to tweak everything to give it some stealth.
          The canard are a necessary feature.
          The refueling probe was just too costly to make retractable.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, ikn ikn.
            F3Rs and F4s have the latest coatings of radar absorbing materials on some places but it is still a one meter square RCS, which is funny because that's equal to the Su-57s RCS lmfao

          • 2 months ago

            >The refueling probe was just too costly to make retractable.

            Not really it was decided that housing the space for the mechanism was not a worth avoiding the tiny amount of drag it causes.

      • 2 months ago

        >Frog here. No. The army is in shambles anyway ad full of dumb thugs with zero military value.
        And that differs from the Russian side how, exactly?

  6. 2 months ago

    Its not about men, its about the ability to counter artillery, which is obviously russia's bread and butter

    • 2 months ago

      It really isn't. NATO doctrine is built around air power, a factor in which Russia is inferior in every respect. What will happen if EU countries enter the war in force:
      >An SEAD campaign lasting a month or more
      >Followed by every single Russian artillery piece and troop concentration getting systematically vaporized.

    • 2 months ago

      You're a funny guy

    • 2 months ago

      Guess what happens to artillery once one side has air superiority?

    • 2 months ago

      Nah their bread and butter is air defense as that's what the Soviets pumped the shit out of knowing they'd likely be on the defensive. Sadly though Ukraine also got a chunk of that sweet, sweet anti-air capabilities so Russia had to fall back on their distant third best investment

    • 2 months ago

      I thought their bread and butter was rampant homosex among the conscripts

  7. 2 months ago


    >full war scenario
    what u mean? Pussia is throwing whatever they have already...

  8. 2 months ago

    I think to say it would be a development not to the advantage of Russia and moreover presents an opening for other countries to join a French coalition upon their leisure.

  9. 2 months ago

    what 100k French soldiers? they don't have enough

  10. 2 months ago


    >Ukrainians are a bunch of ungrateful bastards
    Ah yeah, taking away the nukes, blocking nato membership in 2008, ignoring crimea and donbas shit, then imposing limits on what AFU can do with weapons - such ungrateful, much wow

  11. 2 months ago


    Its funny how american intel has warned people of every major event for the last few years

    • 2 months ago

      The C in CIA stands for Cassandra

  12. 2 months ago


    >he said the US was trying to scare people
    you degenerate should've remembered how US also told ukies that russia won't seize crimea and won't invade donbas and they should just sit tight and ignore it in 2014, only then to look the other way when it actually happened

    • 2 months ago

      That was during a time when the US was still giving Russia the benefit of the doubt and thinking they could still be fixed. Crimea made it very clear that you can't fix Russia in its current state, no matter how friendly you are, no matter how helpful you are, no matter how much you prop them up.

  13. 2 months ago


    You're welcome to say anything positive about Russia, but you can't pull shit out of your ass like claiming they have better counter battery when they've only managed to DAMAGE TWO (2) HIMARS in the 2 years they've been there (while A single HIMARS strike tends to take out a battalion or more per shot).

    • 2 months ago

      >but you can't pull shit out of your ass like claiming they have better counter battery when they've only managed to DAMAGE TWO (2) HIMARS in the 2 years they've been there
      NTA but we've all seen the video of the HIMARS cooking off, dont memory hole it

      • 2 months ago

        >we've all seen the video
        Post it

        • 2 months ago

          I know you're being dense for the sake of being dense
          frick off

          • 2 months ago

            flesh wound. already repaired

      • 2 months ago

        yeah? that's why he mentioned the 2 HIMARS that did get hit after 3 WHOLE YEARS OF WAR.

        are you just being intentionally dense?

        • 2 months ago

          When morons can't defend their position they resort to semantics, it's the plebbit/pol mark

        • 2 months ago

          >yeah? that's why he mentioned the 2 HIMARS that did get hit
          he most likely meant these

          besides, that article is from February, the video

          I know you're being dense for the sake of being dense
          frick off

          is from March
          but you knew that already

          When morons can't defend their position they resort to semantics, it's the plebbit/pol mark

          >it's the plebbit/pol mark
          go back

    • 2 months ago

      >A single HIMARS strike tends to take out a battalion or more per shot).
      Kek, no.

  14. 2 months ago


    >Full week of war
    You know all that bullshit is just scaremongering by countries like the UK/France etc to get the population to rally the government to up defence spending right?
    You dont actually believe that bullshit do you?

    Ukraine had less than 100 Storm shadows donated from UK/FR and look what it caused, the UK has 1000+ France 600+ and both had almost twice the gdp of Russia with many many friends there is no scenario where they dont win.

  15. 2 months ago


    its completely ok to say positive things, they just have to actually be TRUE. You fricking vatniks constantly lie and blatantly make shit up then claim oppression when you get shut down for it, its so tiring

  16. 2 months ago

    We can only deploy 10k frontline troops, 20k with reservists (the chief of the army said it)

    The real difference we would make is in the airforce

  17. 2 months ago


    two more weeks and the full war begins!!!

    brown and black subhumans rejoice

  18. 2 months ago

    Yes. But they wouldn't have to hold it per se, because this would only happen in peacetime partnership with NATO. And Putin would know attacking means becoming a parking lot. Which is why Ukraine should have been admitted to the alliance 15 years ago.

  19. 2 months ago


    theres been nothing positive about it for 40 years

    • 2 months ago

      >Forgetting the AIDS rates

  20. 2 months ago


    For how many months?

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty much indefinitely, gear would run out sooner than meat. They're importing 1+ million migrants per year.

  21. 2 months ago



    Suppose someone was about to break into your house and rape and kill your wife, and I offered you a gun to shoot him. But, as part of the deal, I wasn't going to give it to you until your wife had already been raped and badly injured, and also, you're not allowed to kill the guy, you can only sort of wing him.

    Now, you're probably at least a little grateful because the gun kept your wife from dying, but wouldn't you also be a little bit irritated about my unreasonable conditions? I mean, I could have given you the gun at any point AND I have no good reason to want to keep the home invader alive.

    I think it's pretty obvious the Ukrainians are both grateful for Western aid but also frustrated because the capricious nature of Western politicians is currently keeping them from winning a war they'd win easily if we had just given them everything they needed immediately. I can't say I blame them for that.

    • 2 months ago

      Sounds like you are just trying to deflect your own blame for not buying a gun before the break-in.

      • 2 months ago

        You do realize ukraine was under an arms and ammo embargo by the west?

      • 2 months ago

        Dumbass, even with anon's analogy Ukraine already had the best gun they could afford at the time.
        Gun don't grow on trees, even Russia was forced to give North Korea their missiles technologies in exchanges of ammo.
        Even the US wouldn't be ready for high intensity warfare, the US is just 20 times bigger with the economy that go with it.

      • 2 months ago

        In this analogy USA is ATF agent that took ukraine guns in 90s

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe you should have owned a gun to begin with

  22. 2 months ago


    I don't think it's that they are ungrateful it's that the conflict is very much ongoing

  23. 2 months ago


    Not that anon, but
    >doesn't even deny being a jeet
    >buttmad that rats are more sanitary than his countrymen

  24. 2 months ago

    At this point, easily. Fresh well equipped French troops even showing up at all would be an absolute nightmare for the Russians which is why Putin is so clearly terrified of that that he'll make any scary on paper threat to prevent it no matter how empty it is in reality. And yes, "Imma nook-ook-ook you!" is the emptiest (and dumbest) threat you can make. Especially to a NATO member surrounded by other NATO members. Even if France waives their ability to Article 5 by going in on their own making it an offensive action a single nuke is guaranteed game on for the whole alliance.


    Why do you guys have it in your head that Russia is so infinitely capable? Even if they've only suffered half the casualties Ukraine claims to have inflicted it's well within the bounds of "full war" and absolutely catastrophic. If the US suffered casualties like this while failing this hard you'd be endlessly mocking us for it, and rightfully so.

    The reality is it's been a "full war scenario" for at least a year and a half regardless of what Putin claims and they've been largely held to a stalemate. That stalemate is only because the Russians finally did something smart last year and placed a gorillion and a half mines severely blunting Ukraine's ability to launch effective counter-offensives like Kherson. It's not Russia's arty saving their asses, it's the mountains of Soviet era AT mines. No, the tiny gains they've made lately is not breaking the stalemate. It's more like getting rope-a-doped as every inch is costing them dearly.


    You guys really REALLY need to stop acting like Russia has unlimited anything, especially manpower. It's like watching an idiot lotto winner spend all their money thinking it'll never run out knowing they're totally gonna get blindsided financially. Fighting age men are the people that fill a lot of important roles in keeping society running. They're also the breeding age men of your society.

  25. 2 months ago


    Yes fellow american, I am too concerned and demoralized because of our support of Dark Zelensky. I will write to my congressman Mr Smith right now, I advice you do the same with your congressman. We need to build the wall and keep out warm water ports safe. No more brother wars!

  26. 2 months ago

    100k French would not only hold, but would retake all of Ukraine.

  27. 2 months ago

    They should exclusively have to use French vehicles.

    • 2 months ago

      If you don’t think that little dorky thing is baller as frick, je ne sais pas quoi vous dire, mon anon

    • 2 months ago


  28. 2 months ago


    >make a bad point
    >get rebuffed
    >b***h and moan
    are you a child?

  29. 2 months ago


    >not allowed
    there isn't a single positive thing to say about the Russian military, they're shit in every possible respect

  30. 2 months ago

    The entire french army is 110 000.
    I guess it'll take them a while before they surrender.

  31. 2 months ago

    >hold the Dnieper
    Why the frick do you think they'll use the fresh army for defensive purposes? The fronts are stalmated, the enemy is tied by combat and the road to Bilhorod is free.

  32. 2 months ago


    >the enemy is tied by combat
    >30 F-35
    >50 F-16
    >500 HIMARS
    Poland alone would be enough.

  33. 2 months ago

    >100k French soldiers with baguettes hold the Dnieper against the Russians
    Imagine Bros

    • 2 months ago

      >with baguettes
      Literal warcrime. I'm for TZD like any true moderate, but this goes too far.

  34. 2 months ago

    1k could

  35. 2 months ago

    Frogistan will rebel at the first shipment of body bags. The frog midget can bluster, but deploying a field army is impossible for them, for all reasons. In Libya, they lost steam within 3 days. Couple feeble airstrikes, after the US loosed 300 cruise missiles on Khadaffi's air defenses, then it was back to the good life. And the frogs were useless in Mali.

    • 2 months ago

      LOL. LMAO, even. Good job telling everyone you understand less than nothing about the French without saying it. First shipment of bodybags and France is gonna be screaming for the blood of ten million Russians.

      • 2 months ago

        Maybe, but only after we've dealt with Macron.

  36. 2 months ago

    100k French in Ukraine, spread across such a wide front would be a disaster — they simply don’t have the logistics capacity to operate at such a scale. Units would be continually stuck waiting for supply while being endlessly pounded and assaulted and never managing to organize a significant counter-attack, Their quality would be much higher than Ukrainian trooos but that doesn’t mean they can do that much when their logistics is can’t manage it. Factoring in aid the Ukrainian military spending is a lot higher than France’s and look at how thread-bare they are; the French would be totally overwhelmed and their high command probably revolt if you tried to make them take on such a role. They can probably only operate in smaller units over a limited amount of territory,

  37. 2 months ago


    here, I'll show you how to say a positive thing about the Russian military:
    The Russian capacity for suffering is matched only by the chinese and they are willing and able to make use of this advantage.

    • 2 months ago

      >I'll show you how to say a positive thing about the Russian military
      I've got another one!

  38. 2 months ago


    The situation:
    >The French go in Mali when asked by Malian authorities to fight off islamist insurgents
    >It goes well but the situation is still a bit unsafe
    >Some Russia-aligned corrupted Malian officers do a coup d'état and ask the French military to leave
    >The french leave
    The reaction from Mamadou Kababovitch from global south oblast:
    >tHe FrEnCh CaNnOt EvEn HoLd MaLi!11!1!11!!!
    Tell me you are a moronic homosexual without telling me you are a moronic homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      So yall telling me russians have power over Black folk? Usa is over then

      • 2 months ago

        Yes they do with the power of fake news and the dumbest propaganda you could ever think of.
        Look at this shit for example.

        This is not a parody, this is actual Russian propaganda directed at Africans. And it works. Yes the same Africans who then proceed to flee their countries once they're overran by islamic terrorists, to go to? Well, to France of course.
        You can't make this up.

        >>The French go in Mali
        They ate baguettes in Mali, and the US had to ship even those in, plus US operators killed the Islamic needing killing, then left, upon which the frogs fricked it all up. Mali is a frog talisman. It's what they are. Blustering, feeble, croaking frogs, about to go full on sharia.

        You're most likely Russian bot trying to sow dissent.
        If you're a real burger though please read about the Tongo Tongo ambush and who saved the ass of the US forces there. You're welcome homosexual.


        Another Russian bot. Hey moron, I've actually talked extensively to Malians mostly because they're everywhere here. 400k of them including half of them being illegals. The first Malian city in the world is basically Paris suburbs where there are more of them than in their capital Bamako. Yet Malians go to France, not to Russia, I wonder why is that?
        Here's another paper from 2023 by Voice Of America Mali, just to laugh in the face of the so called "americans" ITT.

        Watch and read you fricking braindead mongoloids.

    • 2 months ago

      >>The French go in Mali
      They ate baguettes in Mali, and the US had to ship even those in, plus US operators killed the Islamic needing killing, then left, upon which the frogs fricked it all up. Mali is a frog talisman. It's what they are. Blustering, feeble, croaking frogs, about to go full on sharia.

      • 2 months ago

        I know fighting the idea that US force projection is infallible is always going to be uphill here, but this idea that the US is doing the hard yards of counterinsurgency in africa while the french are left to go and beg is about one eighth the story, read by a teen educated in North America.

    • 2 months ago

      French had some influence in old colonies allowing them preferred trading terms for natural resources.

      The Russian now stole that influence by arranging coups that eliminated the pro french leaders and installed Putin's kiss asses.
      The main Russian success was the propaganda campaign and dumb Africans truly believed that all their issues are because of the french and the Russian will somehow treat them as equal partners (lol).

      Sadly the french have literally no backbone and Macron is far too scared to be called racist to provide support to the democratically elected leaders that supported closer ties with France and surrendered most of France's influence in Africa to Russia in the last couple of years.

      Seeing successful pro Russian coups more and more African military leaders have done the same noticing that France just takes it passively just making some political protests about it.

      The weakness of France is that it is far too politically correct to take any action.

      • 2 months ago

        That is not the reason why France doesn't care about Sahel colonies.
        They don't care because they cost them more money than they get out of them.

        • 2 months ago

          The french government was very upset about losing those nations, they lobbyied ECOWAS hard to take military action to restore the guys that have been taken down by the coups.

          While it is not really worth forcing a military occupation it is no secret that Wagner made billions from African mines. The shael was one of the main sources for France/EU cheap uranium that were not under Russia's influence (like Kazakhstan) also many gold mines are present in the region and the licenses are now being removed from french companies and are being given to Russian/Chinese/local joint venture companies.

          Anyway the locals are likely to get even worse deals now but the propaganda is working wonders making the coup leaders into something like anti colonial heros.

          Those countries can be very profitable if you don't need to spend large amounts to control them. The french should start arming any rebel group and make the Russia fight for keeping those colonies but unfortunately the french politically correctness strikes again.

          • 2 months ago

            Probably weren't getting much money because they didn't exploit them like Russians are about to.

        • 2 months ago

          Pretty much this. It was laughable pennies. Pulling out of that shithole is the best decision Macron ever made.

      • 2 months ago

        You've nailed it anon.
        Do not think I defend Macron and his little friends either, I hate the moron from every fiber of my being.
        During his visits to Africa he managed to low key insult African leaders and then the moron tried to play stupid about it. He also bypassed the traditional French diplomacy then forced onto them unworkable and inconsistent policies.
        He has made the situation of a lot of French investors in Africa VERY difficult as I was told by several of them who had sometimes managed to keep their businesses and companies alive through decades of troubled African political history including coups, dictators "reelected" during 40 years, and so on. What made them leave was terrorism and huge safety issues.
        During all that time none of these investors considered Paris even remotely aware of how they were making their situation more and more difficult to hold.
        The thing is the French part of old "Françafrique" is long dead, but its African part is well alive. Families of dictators still have big interests in France, they own castles and so on, it's a posh little club. And indeed nobody says anything in France out of fear of being called neocolonialist for daring to criticize those who, 50 years ago, looked like facilitators for conducting business.
        Add to this the plague to France that is the Franc CFA which looks like a colonial currency.
        Most Africans think this is a tool to enslave Africa, but most French want it gone!
        Macron wanted to rename it the "ECO" to put the emphasis on the fact it's now managed by the European Central Bank but it failed.
        Yes, France's lack of spine has turned the whole country into a scapegoat.
        At the same time the part of the French population who have had enough of migrants and their constant violent assaults is growing including among the right, center, and center left.
        The far right has secured about 40% of the votes, yet about 1/3rd of them are morons thinking Russia is their friend. They're slow learners.

      • 2 months ago

        >The weakness of France
        Is everything. No military, no leadership, all bluster. The frog midget is the epitome of them.

  39. 2 months ago



    north Korea used jizz sock artillery shells are not something Russians should brag about. They shouldn't even use them given the barrel failure that's going on.
    Gee I wonder why Russians are down to golf carts.
    That's right every spa has been blown the frick apart by north Korea shells. Bmps, that's rare their cannons keep exploding because of north Korea rounds getting caught in canons because they don't have any fricking propellant. It's just an empty shell with metal at the top

  40. 2 months ago

    Beside that a single french soldier could hold 10 ruskof, 100k is an invasion force tier

    The only reason that many soldier couldn't push the Ruskof back into Russia (including out of Crimea) is ammo.
    France would have to magically build the ammo factories it neglected to build in the last decades.
    Arguably even the ruskof would get tired of sending troop to their death. It would be an attrition where France wouldn't have enough bullets and Russia not enough conscripted volunteer.

  41. 2 months ago


    It's the west who are ungrateful for what Ukraine is doing.
    Especially France.
    When Russia invaded, it was election period.
    If Ukraine had fallen in a week, the far right might have gotten more votes because "look, it's always the current government fault for anything that happen", and the current far right in France is pretty much pro-Russia, they are desperate Putin agents will help them topple the woke "Liberté Egalité Fraternité" moto and destroy the EU from the inside since Brexit made the EU look good.

    If Ukraine had fallen in a week, Germany would have never awakened from their weak slumber, they would still be drinking Russian gas, half-assing any sanctions again Russia, believing there's no reason to raise their military budget, eating Russian propaganda about Ukraine being "brother inviting them home".

    But Ukraine didn't fall, 2 years latter Russia is burning its economy, revealed all its cards, made itself a pariah to half of the world, sending its population to the abattoir.
    Western countries should be actively looking for any opportunities to send troops, combat troops. Instead of sabotaging their own democracies for internal political battle.

    • 2 months ago

      Dont mind me, just needed an excuse to post this.

      • 2 months ago

        this is from 2017, what is the significance of posting this now?

      • 2 months ago

        >no no you can't have a picture of you shaking hands with putin are you are a vatnick! if you ever spoke good of him before the invasion you are just as culpable as him!
        c'est une blague ou quoi?

        this is from 2017, what is the significance of posting this now?

        Heads of state vs irrelevant extremist politicians

        le gasp

    • 2 months ago

      You are right that all countries should take care of looming civil disturbance and russian fifth column so they can focus on bringing to and end the foreign war started by Russia.

      Dont mind me, just needed an excuse to post this.

      >no no you can't have a picture of you shaking hands with putin are you are a vatnick! if you ever spoke good of him before the invasion you are just as culpable as him!
      c'est une blague ou quoi?

      • 2 months ago

        Heads of state vs irrelevant extremist politicians

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            the west has fallen...

            • 2 months ago

              >strong and stable government
              >decadent and unstable democracy

            • 2 months ago

              >Trump is 1cm taller than Clinton
              Putin had a late growth spurt.

        • 2 months ago

          its ogre

        • 2 months ago

          >irrelevant extremist politicians
          on one hand the traitor ready to hand over France to the russian, do away with the revolution and reinstate the house of Bourbon
          on the other hand some irrelevant nobody that is so extreme that only the insane would vote on them and their neo-vichy 3em Empire Allemagne

          • 2 months ago

            >Do away with the Revolution and reinstate the Bourbons


            • 2 months ago

              Imagine être tellement un cuck que tu deviens monarchiste

      • 2 months ago

        le gasp


        the west has fallen...

        its ogre

        • 2 months ago

          this is the future putin wants...

  42. 2 months ago


    >insult your allies and suggest they rely entirely on you
    point out example of fallibility and say that's not really fair
    >I hope your countrymen die, even though I kinda sorta support what they're fighting for

    you do understand what the idea of an 'ally' is, right?

    not even French, just not moronic. Here's a question, have you ever travelled outside of CONUS? You speak to a very US-centric viewpoint, disparaging remark included, but haven't said to what flag you pledge.

  43. 2 months ago


    The Ukrainians and Euros had intel on the ground on the status of Russian troops and could see they weren't in a state of readiness to do an effective strike, so they struggled to buy into the US and UK reports. They assumed that Russian military leadership would be competent.

  44. 2 months ago


    >cannot even hold Mali
    You cannot hold what can't be called a country anymore.
    France freed the Malian from terrorists, then the Malian didn't defend their own governments from politician sold out to Russia.
    The only way to "hold" Mali would have been to take control and France never intended to do that.

    • 2 months ago

      >France freed
      Kek, the frogs did nothing but croak and bluster, and got BTFO when the US left.

  45. 2 months ago


    You are right that all countries should take care of looming civil disturbance and russian fifth column so they can focus on bringing to and end the foreign war started by Russia.

  46. 2 months ago


    I am from a country that has fought the french for centuries longer than the US has existed, the government of which my people have fought and targeted for around as long. Do not assume that you know me, especially not when you can't into reading comprehension.

  47. 2 months ago


    >You will have sad.

    • 2 months ago

      He who plays fooly, will have sad

  48. 2 months ago

    Pre-invasion, no. 100k French against current day Russia? Yes, absolutely.

  49. 2 months ago

    of course

  50. 2 months ago

    >with the full backing of the French military including the air force and navy
    >as just infantry without significant air support
    Probably but the question them becomes how long.

  51. 2 months ago


    Russians are destroying their ethnic white population and importing diversity.

    That is a way to destroy homogenized nations so you are right. I believe the great replacement theory is true but it applies to the Russians, Chinese and indians.

  52. 2 months ago


    Well. Glide bombs are 100 year old technology. I mean if you get really technical, Us Grant first used drones with cameras and glider bombs, with his balloon corp doing it so 170 year old technology.

    You just sound stupid. It's like saying, "man these new guns, with replaceable parts are giving Ukrainians major issues, I'm not a vatnik"

    You sound moronic and or a bad liar. Seriously I am sorry if you were unaware. It's extremely old technology.

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody is claiming that it's new.

      I am not going to write a very long post just for you since it's off topic but I would recommend to watch Perun's one hour long YouTube video on the subject that explains how the Russian air force figure out that it can lob inexpensive 500kg glide bombs by flying very high and fast (with planes like mig32) at distances beyond Ukrainian's SAMs ability to hit the planes (as systems like the patriot are quite far away from the front line to ensure that they are not in lancet range) and the great height used by the launching planes makes them just far enough not to be targeted but able to hit the front lines with near impunity as long as they don't try to hit targets further inland (which regularly leads to Russian planes being shot down).
      So I wanted to discuss how as glide bomb kits are better refined and the range increases it is necessary to adapt air defense accordingly and how F16 with long range air to air missiles that can be fired from altitude would make it much harder for the Russians to keep using these tactics.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't see your post being deleted tho

  53. 2 months ago

    Seriously for all of you unaware
    The fact Russians are celebrating a United States Civil War Weapon as some a new thing or a big deal,

    Means they are done. That's it. They are just going to ground into paste until someone tells Putin what's actually going on.

  54. 2 months ago

    >Could 100k French soldiers hold the Dnieper against the Russians?
    No. All French soldiers would've already died of old age by the time Russia reaches the rest of the Dnieper.

  55. 2 months ago
  56. 2 months ago


    Why does your vatBlack person mind assume that they will fight like the vermintide?

    In a real conflict in Ukraine, they would focus on SEAD/DEAD and hunting down RuAF aviation, after that was done, any sort of a battery or a launcher would be slammed into compost immediately.
    Do you honestly think real militaries will be exchanging arty fire with Russians?

  57. 2 months ago

    >wtf is this war.
    >wtf is even this world.
    Modern honourless politics.

  58. 2 months ago


    >told the US when the CIA when we repeatedly warned him that Russia was going to invade
    This is incorrect. Both CIA and MI6 said they were going to attack but DGSE and BND (plus politicians in other irrelevant countries) said he wouldn't and Zelensky believed them, not, you know, the Anglos.

    • 2 months ago

      The DGSE did not say Russians would not attack, they said it would be completely beyond fricking moronic to do so, so there was no way Putain was that stupid.
      Well turned out he was that stupid and the DGSE director got sacked over it because he under-assessed Russian moronation.

      >Le Pen's party also did not vote against the recent aid plan for Ukraine, while the French left all voted against it
      it's the same all over Europe tough
      the far right fully supports the Ukrainians are tries to avoid the topic. But the far left are against giving arms/want to give peace a chance/ blames the west for starting the war
      but the focus is on the far right not being pro Ukraine enough at the same time (neo) nazi groups are still having fundraisers to support azov and other more schizo groups

      Yeah, really makes you think, my ESL bro.

      • 2 months ago

        >they didn't say they wouldn't attack
        >they just told Macron and Zelensky that it would be moronic to do so [and therefore this means they won't attack]
        I mean, it's a very small technicality, but it amounts to the same. Whereas the CIA and MI6 specifically said
        >They don't have all this shit built and set up for some dick waggling

        • 2 months ago

          We warned them. Biden even went public. Putin called us liars for sixth months. What's the point. Putin's got another mutiny about to pop and they'll deny it like Belgorod.

          • 2 months ago

            pog, whos the next to mutiny

            • 2 months ago

              "Ethnonationalist" do you want names

              • 2 months ago

                yeah sure, as long as it leads to a good read

    • 2 months ago

      Russians are really stupid. Ukrainians hit the airships, then the fuel port on schedule. Next up command post. Or if they can get to them landing ships. 2-3 days
      I've been calling these since the opera house. I even tried to warn them. No one even cares lol. It looks like a command post will get ss'd or himared if the targets gather

  59. 2 months ago


    >Le Pen's party also did not vote against the recent aid plan for Ukraine, while the French left all voted against it
    it's the same all over Europe tough
    the far right fully supports the Ukrainians are tries to avoid the topic. But the far left are against giving arms/want to give peace a chance/ blames the west for starting the war
    but the focus is on the far right not being pro Ukraine enough at the same time (neo) nazi groups are still having fundraisers to support azov and other more schizo groups

  60. 2 months ago

    are they WW1 french or WW2 onwards french?
    because I fully expect any modern french to just surrender on orders from their commanders the moment a breakthrough happens.

  61. 2 months ago

    I'm pretty sure water could hold the Dnieper against the Russians.

    • 2 months ago

      >I'm pretty sure water could hold the Dnieper against the Russians.
      I don't know, the Russian got quite far crossing a river.

  62. 2 months ago


    It's not the 1930's anymore. Russia's birthrates are as low as anywhere else in Europe. These casualties are going to be felt for generations to come.

    • 2 months ago

      Read further.
      He is completely for total replacement of Russians by muzzies and yellows, something that is already happening, 30% muslim by 2050 in fact or a doubling every 12 years.

  63. 2 months ago


    the fact that they're capable of lying doesn't mean their intelligence capabilities are bad

  64. 2 months ago


    Don’t be a homosexual. I’m a true neutral and question dumbass propaganda from both sides
    It just so happens the pro russia tards act in bad faith more often

  65. 2 months ago


    Except Saddam did have chemical weapons. The stores of them were found and destroyed.

  66. 2 months ago

    Serbian SWAT actually adopted the FAMAS for a little while because of how many they captured

  67. 2 months ago


    >Now go suck little napoleon's granny fricker dick somewhere else, sale pedo.
    Such level of discourse anon, you really elevate the quality of debate.
    Stay mad about Macron, he is no savior, full of flaws, but he is the only one who isn't cowering to Russia's psychological warfare, handing them victories without fighting.

    Getting a bit pol here,
    No need to play the victim, no one was excluding the FN/RN from taking loans plus it is rightist fault if bank are mostly privates corporations who aren't obligated to trust the RN with money, it was public fund that let them "pay back the russian loan" so because of them French money went to Russia to pay back the RN's debt.

    The RN like every party promise free money, unaware at best/hiding at most, that their economic program isn't going to work for the same reason Brexit have been a disaster for UK, now a satellite state of the US. Enough to drop/hide Frexit promise.
    That's also why the RN is so keen to sellout to Russia for sweet deal letting them claim good economic result, likely backstabbing EU allies for a short-term gain before we see the consequences.

    Reminder that the core of the RN almost voted for a misogynist who would put Marine "back in the kitchen" and force people to chose "French name".
    The far right claim to fight for freedom of opinion and France but would gladly redefine what count is a French over purely ideological criteria and double-standard geared against a poorly defined group of people that just happen to be from different ethnic.

    So of course sane people are worried of Le Pen monarchy 2nd generation like anyone should fear a sellout working with the enemies fifth' column.
    The far left/left are indeed a pitiful joke, they are vocal but don't want to commit to anything serious "oh no! we would hurt someone's feeling!", they wouldn't join a war to defend democracy itself.

    Hoping we can close up this discussion quickly.

    • 2 months ago

      >and force people to chose "French name".
      They should tho?
      You frogs probably don't have enough Poos on your side of the ocean, but you should really not allow people to call themselves Vannannaanthyan Vikiranyaanaan and pretend they are trying to truly join a western society.
      Also, if you ask them how to spell their names and they answer "how it is pronounced", that's an automatic deportation.

  68. 2 months ago


    >what they want is to stop mass migration and the sapping of the character of france just like the other far right parties want in their countries
    Yeah, the one that fricking Russia is using in its hybrid warfare attempt.
    Surely those migrants suddenly came to the fricking snowy Finland border on foot from their desert shithole. Because most certainly that's the obvious route.
    Oh wait, they didn't come solely on foot, Russia gave them nice new bicycles for the last 3km, after their nice plane trip by Russia.

    Go frick yourself you triple moron.

  69. 2 months ago


    I know you're a Trump cum-guzzler, but you don't need to copy his writing patterns too.

  70. 2 months ago

    The French can barely hold their rifles, let alone territory.

  71. 2 months ago

    When the Russian Army jumped the border I figured the Russians would hold Kiev and all of the territory on the east side of the Dnieper within a month. Now I doubt they will ever get that far.
    Yet the vatniks still think they are winning somehow.

    • 2 months ago

      This is what they explicitly don't get about /k/. When this was all getting ready to kick off most of us expected exactly what they expected. A rapid conquest of Ukraine by the Russians. We expected hordes of T-72s and BMPs sweeping across the land crushing all resistance through sheer numbers. Instead the war is at a stalemate years into what should've taken no more than 6 months.

      Then the VDV got their asses shot off by the Ukie equivalent of the National Guard, farmers started stealing abandoned Russian armor, and the Russians got stuck in the largest military traffic jam since the highway of death in the gulf war. All of this and more is happening against an on paper weaker country (even with western handouts) than Russia, which it shares a direct land border with. It was made abundantly clear Russia just flat isn't the military powerhouse we've been told they are and it's not getting any better for them. They may have some neat weapons but it's like watching most Arabs fight. Stupid decision after stupid decision, all of them costing plenty of lives, weapons, and equipment with no end in sight because as you said, they really do think they're winning.

      • 2 months ago

        >most of us expected exactly what they expected
        If you were a moron that had never paid attention to the utter incompetence that is the Russian army.

        • 2 months ago

          Buddy, you don't have to lie about it, this isn't /misc/. It's ok to have be wrong about something and change your opinion based on new evidence. It's ok to admit that's what you've done.

          Russia may have long been incompetent but Ukraine was the same way. On paper Russia should've still steamrolled Ukraine having a significantly larger force and much more armor, aircraft, artillery, and missiles at their disposal. The big surprise isn't Russia's incompetence, which was still surprisingly bad even for people with already low expectations, but that the Ukrainians were so competent in their defense they forced the Russians to construct the blyatimir line and still hold them largely to a stalemate today.

          • 2 months ago

            Russia suffered 1:1 losses invading Georgia who basically had no military and a tiny land mass. I knew in 2008 that Russia was shit.
            Anyone paying attention knew invading Ukraine would be much harder especially considering Ukraine had an actual army and an army that had combat experience. And that a significant number of Russia forces had been fighting in Donbas and had no impact.

  72. 2 months ago


    you should go back to your twitter den if you want to talk to these NAFO trannies Black person, get off our website.

    • 2 months ago

      Your fricking “foreign legion” is massive and eventually people at home will start to ask why they haven’t been able to reach out for their sons for 2 years. Granted family values are dead over there so not a risk for “foreign volunteer” trannies. NATO already has boots on the ground and Washington should have been vaporized for it

      • 2 months ago

        oh look, a zegroid is projecting, this must be current day as usual.

      • 2 months ago

        didn't read, this aint your twitter den, leave my website please.

  73. 2 months ago


    Yeah, losing your regular army to a country whose army is 5 times smaller, AND had 1/10 of the budget really shows how identical they are.

  74. 2 months ago


    Real ESL hours here. Rajpoor or Ivan?

    • 2 months ago

      People who are the new leaders or people who are bankrupting them and causing their societies to fracture, those aren’t insults anymore they’re what everyone aspires to be. If France gets I volves it would all be FFL and their only achievements are getting merced by Wagner

      • 2 months ago

        >i actually love being a disgusting 50IQ pajeet that doesn't know how to shit in a toilet

  75. 2 months ago

    What are 100k white flags going to achieve?

    • 2 months ago

      Russians will think it’s an ocean of cum from afar and aband their things to chase after it

    • 2 months ago

      The French as just eager to paint the red part with the blood of Russian, and are waiting on European to vote sending them the right hue of blue.

  76. 2 months ago


    >Twitter is the voice of the world
    It's a fact that majority of Twitter users are "bots" you subhuman spastic.

  77. 2 months ago


    >your corner
    the whole website
    you don't belong here period, you weren't here before 2020, you need to get out now. go argue with who you think you're arguing with in your place of origin, Black person.

    • 2 months ago

      Open up /misc/ the only board that matters, and it’s very clearly your racist hugbox is dead and the world is opening to reason. /K/ is for Americans to talk about their adult male Barbies (ARs) that they’ll inevitably off themselves with and a coping mechanism for how their tax dollars are being spent

      • 2 months ago

        >open up /misc/
        no thanks
        >the only board that matters
        the containment boards for the majority of this site's "population" since 2015 at the earliers, there's a reason you get bullied when you leak out, the real website users don't like homosexuals who shit in holes and pretend toilets are bewitched.

  78. 2 months ago


    >i am a disgusting brown subhuman and proud of it
    yes, we already knew that, you're a reddit transplant who inhabits nu/pol/'s empty husk of a corpse pretending to be a PrepHolener.

    now can you go find a different street to shit on? we like to keep ours clean on /k/

    if you want to have a discussion about ukraine nex time i suggest you don't get all hysterical about the netizens that bother you on your native shithole of twitter, i know you desperately want to believe they exist everywhere other than your spawning grounds, but they really don't.

  79. 2 months ago


    what on earth is this Black babbling on about?
    i can't actually read this, is this english?

    • 2 months ago

      It’s the English most people speak Anglo Saxon moron. You don’t have claim to it anymore

      • 2 months ago

        gonna have to stop you right there
        look i know you're feeling very brave because you have internet access right now, but that still doesn't make you a human being.
        you are and always will be slime, your little dreams becoming a superpower will never amount to anything.

  80. 2 months ago


    lmao, it's funny every time, they always devolve into animalistic gurgling sounds.

    • 2 months ago

      Poltards just can't make a post without overloading it with buzzwords, thus making it indistinguishable from Markov chain generated word salad.

  81. 2 months ago


    lmao, it sounds so deflated now.

    guess it's not fun going through this humiliation ritual every day, why do you Black folk do this to yourselves, you could just stay in your den and none of this mockery would be visited upon you.

  82. 2 months ago


    >more seething
    you will never be human
    you already know this, which is why you spend 90% of your days seething about it online.
    i know you're under the impression i'm looking for some sort of victory or something, but all i really care about is to watch little eels like you desperately pretend to not be resentful and jealous with every post you make
    hint: if you were actually confident in your own nation and their ability to be people, you wouldn't be here asking for approval.

  83. 2 months ago


    You're not conquering anything, boy. You'll be breathing smog on the streets of New Delhi and dying before you ever leave.

  84. 2 months ago


    no lol, i'm gonna keep poking you because it's fun to do.

  85. 2 months ago


    >and i will stop responding
    your tears of rage have not allowed this so far, i don't even read your posts and make fun of you but you still reply because you are a brownoid desperately trying to seek validation.

    • 2 months ago

      >I Will not read your posts
      >responds to what I said in my post
      Yes yes and I responded to you but your hypo tech and idiocy was so intense
      I could not mock you for it, what I thought you enjoyed mockery

      • 2 months ago

        >read first 4 words of post
        yeah, i have to glance at your post to know it exists.
        is that already enough validation for you now?
        subhumans are really starved for confidence these days eh?

  86. 2 months ago


    You can tell how better brownoids are by how companies perform after being 'jeeted or moved to India.

    • 2 months ago

      Then why do they keep getting promoted to these positions. I think it’s because they’re what you understand as able to be able to correct the sorry state you have allowed things to become

      • 2 months ago

        bleeding hearts liberals feeling sorry for you does not make you real person, sorry you had to find out the hard way.
        the very few indians that are actually competent also fricking hate you by the way, they got away from your shithole as quickly as possible and are deeply ashamed they share a race with you.

        • 2 months ago

          Bleeding heart liberals are the majority of your nations and continue to “allow” this. Maybe you are the defective one if you are so outnumbered.

          • 2 months ago

            they aren't, you can continue coping and seething that the few intelligent people your kind produces frick off as soon as you get the chance though.
            you will never have this oppertunity i'm afraid
            >inb4 B-BUT I AM
   you're not, sorry poojeet, but just because you can claim anything on the internet doesn't mean anyone has to believe it, you'd have to fully dox yourself for anyone to take your claims seriously.

      • 2 months ago

        Being cheap labor or scapegoats isn't something to be proud of.

        • 2 months ago

          We’re replacing you because you place too high value on yourselves due to your egoism and “scapegoating” is just you projecting your attitude of inevitable failure over those who know they can succeed

          • 2 months ago

            >w-we're replacing you
            no lol, the most competent of you get to come over and donate your genes to be dicked by BWC
            your bloodline just ends.

  87. 2 months ago


    I detest lying morons like you who claim that "I knew what was going to happen all along." Georgia did have a small army and considering both sides has less than 200 KIA that whole war was such a small sample size to conclude anything from.
    Prior to the invasion in 2022 the Russians had still been relatively successful in Ukraine. Besides basically walking into Crimea and claiming it without a shot fired the Russian-backed separatists controlled or contested a large amount of physical territory. While they hadn't made much progress further the Ukrainians hadn't had much luck reclaiming that territory.
    Everyone who studied the Soviet and Russian military knew historic flaws that would likely continue but the Russian Armed Forces appeared much more competent prior to 2022. Putin was generally successful in painting a picture of a growing force modernizing with the latest equipment and clawing back the military strength they lost with the dissolution of the USSR. Then he made this gamble and it all fell apart.

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