Colin Furzes garage

Now that he’s finished his tunnel, he’s now digging a underground garage.
He’s already nearly hit his utility lines and has had old sewer pipe hit him on the head and injure him.
Sorry for the awful mobilegay screen cap.
Video is linked here


I’m most worried about the exposed utility lines and his house’s structural foundation.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Absolute madlad. I watched the main video as well as the 2nd channel video last night. It seems there was less shenanigans and more seriousness in these two videos. A lot of stuff to think about and get right.

    I wonder how he is able to get around the permit issues that im sure he has to deal with in bongland...

    • 7 months ago

      First permit was just registering the tunnels as a “utility building” under the same classification as a shed. Course his HOA threw a fit and wanted him to not continue cause “le property values” which are going to get nuked from the addition of expensive things to maintain, especially with the garage lift.

      I’m not sure how the second permit for the garage expansion works, might also be classified as a utility building.

      • 7 months ago

        >Course his HOA threw a fit and wanted him to not continue cause “le property values” which are going to get nuked from the addition of expensive things to maintain
        You kidding me? The HOA should be glad, well build project like this could skyrocket the price of the house upwards. I know i would pay a double if my house had a bunker underneath

        • 7 months ago

          maybe if a richgay is willing to take it over once Colin dies, though his location is less then ideal for richtards with money to waste like that.

          • 7 months ago

            >In the future when Colin dies from old age some boomer might buy his property and pour concrete down the hatch to seal up the bunker because "who needs all this ruckus"

            • 7 months ago

              why the frick would anyone waste money on concrete to seal it up?

              • 7 months ago

                zombies r gonna spawn down there if you don't fill it in

        • 7 months ago


          he could potentionally be literally undermining the structural integrity of the surrounding buildings and a public road

          • 7 months ago

            For a short duration perhaps, but then he restores it by filling around the structure with concrete.
            Also shits all rock, ain't no way

            • 7 months ago

              i dont think pumping a a couple inches of concrete behind some sheet metal makes the best retaining wall

            • 7 months ago

              i agree that the soil is surprisingly rocky but this kind of projects done by a plumber who can't be arsed to contact professionals is a poor practice, especially with his amount of viewers
              and the part where he was poking in loose rocks above his head without a helmet, jesus. is a potential skull fracture really that entertaining?

      • 7 months ago

        HOA? I doubt he lives in one it aint America.

        • 7 months ago

          >implying HOAs are only in America

          • 7 months ago


            The prevalence of HOAs in the US is vastly overstated, mostly by liars who will tell you there are no neighborhoods anywhere that aren't HOA so they have to live under Karen rule. These are really people who want to benefit from being in Karen ruled neighborhood that keeps the neighbors from shitting up the place, while themselves desiring to be exempt from the rules so they can shit up the place. If you're PrepHole, HOAs generally are not the place for you. If you're PrepHole and just want to consume, they're absolutely lovely.

            zero chance he lives in a HOA.
            he'll need planning permission but that's all.

        • 7 months ago

          Council, then.
          You underestimate how b***hy and nosy they can be.

        • 7 months ago

          England is one big HOA.

        • 7 months ago

          The prevalence of HOAs in the US is vastly overstated, mostly by liars who will tell you there are no neighborhoods anywhere that aren't HOA so they have to live under Karen rule. These are really people who want to benefit from being in Karen ruled neighborhood that keeps the neighbors from shitting up the place, while themselves desiring to be exempt from the rules so they can shit up the place. If you're PrepHole, HOAs generally are not the place for you. If you're PrepHole and just want to consume, they're absolutely lovely.

          • 7 months ago

            Jesus Christ that's a lot of Karens.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah that looks about right, nobody here likes being told what to do.

        • 7 months ago

          I had one in one of those yuropoor midrise buildings redditors coom over.
          The most annoying person in the building was always the association president.

      • 7 months ago

        You're also forgetting the fact he did it all without permission and went back later to make his case after he already was well into it. Will they approve this time? FIND OUT ON NEXT EPISODE...
        >***extremely homosexual british "punk" starts playing in the background***

        • 7 months ago

          >Oi! Ye need ta apply fo a loicense befoh ye start bildin'!

      • 7 months ago

        >Course his HOA threw a fit
        There is no such thing as a HOA in UK. I think you are talking about the local council.

      • 7 months ago

        None of the rules you've invented in your own head actually exist. What you do with your own building on your own land is entirely up to you. As long as he doesn't cause any damage to neighbouring properties or make the place dangerous (like, say, creating a massive gas leak) nobody gives a frick. If is house falls down that's his problem.

        The real question is how the frick he insures the place. I'm guessing he has no mortgage and definitely has no building insurance.

        • 7 months ago

          >None of the rules you've invented in your own head actually exist.
          >What you do with your own building on your own land is entirely up to you.
          You are so unbelievably clueless.

          • 7 months ago

            Please point me to the form I should fill in for "I want to dig a hole in my back garden". Any English Council will do.

        • 7 months ago

          This isnt true at all, planning permission exists for anything you do, it's just that a huge number of things that dont impact anyone are classed as permitted development and dont require any paperwork or bullshit and the council agree basically not to bother you with.
          For example you are allowed to build a shed, but if it is bigger than a certain area or takes up a certain percentage of your property or is above a certain height or is between your house and a street, or is built to a standard to allow people to live in it, (just some examples) then they can frick you.
          Digging is a strange one because it doesnt really take up land or remove green space so it's kind of a grey area in that it's not really covered by any rules which are normally permissive by default. Most people assume it falls foul because councils dont like people to have fun or enjoy themselves. It just feels like it should be illegal. Also its potentially extremely dangerous to you and anyone that goes down there and everyone around you.

          • 7 months ago

            damn good arbitrage opportunity to buy a cheap shit house in county durham and just dig miles below it turn the whole thing into an underground tower block before the law catches up to advancing tunneling tech and starts imposing planning requirements on digging

          • 7 months ago

            >Digging is a strange one because it doesnt really take up land or remove green space so it's kind of a grey area in that it's not really covered by any rules which are normally permissive by default.
            Well yes, that's what I said, just without getting into the kafkaesque semi-reality of UK planning laws.

            If anything I'd assume building control was a bigger problem for him.

            • 7 months ago

              any idea what building control applies to non habitable space? nobody is checking insulation on a shed.

              • 7 months ago

                >any idea what building control applies to non habitable space?
                "Don't build it out of asbestos and don't let it fall over outside of your property boundary", I think? Plus the normal electric, gas & water regs.

                Did he add heating to the bunker, though? That could make it qualify as "habitable", then *all* the regs. kick in.

          • 7 months ago

            There's tons of shit you can frick up underground if you don't know what you're doing. You can mess with aquifiers, utilities, cause drainage and stability issues that will affect your neighbors' properties. Not sure about UK laws but in some countries you don't even own any rights to mineral resources under your feet by default and your property only extends to like few meters deep, everything below is legally not yours.

  2. 7 months ago

    Honestly I feel sorry for him. He's upped the ante so many times that he is now forced to go crazier and crazier and tear apart his own house just to satisfy the algorithm. He has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

    • 7 months ago

      blame shitwiener and zoomtards.
      nobody has any serious attention span anymore, even mine is getting worse as I sometimes find myself going through the video to the actually important bits to skip a few minutes of talking/shilling.

      I'm still curious how Penguinz0 manages to get millions of views without using horribly attention grabbing/attention span shortening methods.

      But we're witnessing the destruction of the internet into nothing more then something like dull mindless cable, where people go to get flooded with low intelligence, short form, not educational content.

      • 7 months ago

        it's over, isn't it

      • 7 months ago

        Hope lies with people like hyperspace pirate. His stuff on DIY vapor compression/cryogenic cooling, especially how he talks about using stuff like propane or home made ethylene and all that. Like, his stuff makes me want to start collecting even MORE radiators and compressors.

    • 7 months ago

      he just needs to make a rocket powered whatever or a bike that runs on idk a paraglider fan. I don't think he's doing this for the algo, it's way too much work and he seems to genuinely enjoy it (to the point of upping the ante until his house collapses since he eyeballs everything and has never even tried to do some rudimentary soil study or load calculations). if anything he's neglecting everything else for his tunnel,which is understandable but I don't know if it's optimal for his yt channel

      • 7 months ago

        >a bike that runs on idk a paraglider fan
        Middle East viewer count skyrockets

  3. 7 months ago

    Living the dream, digging tunnels seems like such a cool pasttime, unironically

  4. 7 months ago

    why did you make a second thread you cuck

    • 7 months ago

      It is a better opener, though.

  5. 7 months ago

    Did this dude shore the tunnel as he was building it or is it going to collapse on him?

    • 7 months ago

      made a steel frame with sheet metal and mesh then filled it in with concrete which was left to cure.

      • 7 months ago

        That's not shoring

        Did this dude shore the tunnel as he was building it or is it going to collapse on him?

        No shoring, retaining structure built IN SITU lol post excavation by section. several vids deep before he explained ventilation, zero air quality monitoring.
        Cut through workshop floor concrete pad completely dry. Absolutely inexcusable.
        There is hurrdurr safety tie shit cutting yourself open with a knife belt where people understand the danger irrespective of your attitude, and then there is doing things people will probably copy and repeat where the damage to your body or lungs isnt readily apparent or obvious, but is hammered repeatedly into every single person involved in these trades repeatedly and unendingly because morons dont listen or care.
        People die from this shit every single day. It's not a joke it's not funny. It's dangerous.

    • 7 months ago

      He dropped shipping containers in the hole. I'm sure everything will work out ok.

  6. 7 months ago

    Colorado at the 4th highest percentage on that map... People on the front range need to be exterminated...

  7. 7 months ago

    Iceberg houses became quite popular in london.
    >limited land

    Britbongs seem pretty chill about underground extensions.
    It strongly depends which use of the space is declared.
    Living space has the harshest code. Utiliy space is easy.

    >inb4 americans illegally turn their garage into living space
    >state home inspectors are a thing

    • 7 months ago

      >inb4 illegal americans (aka mexicans) turn their garage into living space

      • 7 months ago

        >he doesnt own a rental in a place he likes to visit and use the garage as a vacation home.

    • 7 months ago

      Great, until you live in a street where everybody wants to keep up with the neighbors and you live in a construction zone for 5 years.

  8. 7 months ago


    You probably have schizophrenia and need some meds. Grinding your jaw while trying to sleep/tweeking.

    Ask the shelter staff for some Tylenol or ibuprofen. They might have a vending machine with single serving packages.

  9. 7 months ago

    >need a loicense to buy spoons and televisions
    >somehow can also excavate a stadium sized underground cathedral no problem
    UK is weird.

  10. 7 months ago

    I want to see him fighting his community council (brit hoa)

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