
Anyone been PrepHoleing in this region? I plan to live around them in Romania in February/March and I'm not sure what to expect, they're a little-discussed range for hiking/camping

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 6 months ago

    I don't visit places where my community lack full civil rights, sorry. If you think I'm lesser than you, I'm staying out.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      this. I will hike the Carpathians only with a rifle on my back.

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Romanian here

    I've been all over and frankly the Carpathians are beautiful all around, however there are some no go zones because of mass tourism and human beings just shitting up the place.

    Bușteni, Sinaia and Predeal. I'd avoid it if possible, a far better alternative on the area is Piatra Craiului, the Sfinx just isn't worth the hassle.

    Other places to avoid: Roșia Montană, Cluj Napoca and Bacău.

    My personal recommendations are Retezat and Moldoveanul (if you are alright with seeing 100 people on trail)

    • 5 months ago

      Forgot to say thanks! Didn't think the southern half of the range would get recommended, both Retezat and Moldoveanu look pretty amazing.

      I don't need rumors, I've first hand witnessed how they behave in other countries. The smell is enough of a business card.
      What makes you think they'd act any better in a place where they have free reign? And that's not mentioning the gypsies.
      There's other better countries that include parts of the Carpathians.

      >there's better countries
      Pretty much just Slovakia, which I do love, but I also want to practice my Romance languages so Romania fits the bill

      • 5 months ago

        Romanian won't bring you far as a romance language especially when considering lexicon but do as you like. Be careful.

    • 5 months ago

      I have a question Romaniabro, i plan on hiking through Maramureș Mountains in late September, anything to particulary aware of?

      • 5 months ago

        >anything to particulary aware of?
        feral gypsies and romanians...

    • 5 months ago

      Mehadia looks cozy. Have you been in that village?

  4. 5 months ago

    I don't get the appeal of visiting third world countries. Avoid romanians and gypsies.

    • 5 months ago

      From what I've heard, Romanians in their own country > everyone else > Romanians in other countries
      Terrible guests but great hosts, the opposite of Americans

      • 5 months ago

        I don't need rumors, I've first hand witnessed how they behave in other countries. The smell is enough of a business card.
        What makes you think they'd act any better in a place where they have free reign? And that's not mentioning the gypsies.
        There's other better countries that include parts of the Carpathians.

  5. 5 months ago

    > Posts far north polish carpathians

  6. 5 months ago

    >I'm not sure what to expect
    I wouldn't worry about it

    • 5 months ago

      Well done, anon.

  7. 5 months ago

    I want to make a pilgrimage there in honor of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

    • 5 months ago

      Will you build a pol funded copper statue? Will its eventual theft be part of the ritual?

  8. 5 months ago

    Romanian here.
    The mountains became increasingly dangerous in the last decade due the proliferation of bears. And these are not zoo or reservation tamed bears used to people nor they are easy to handle beasts by women captainesses as average Americans see in Netflix movies, these are the REAL DEAL. They will kill you. I had an ex-colleague and ex-roommate that went on the trail by himself because nobody from our circle had time to join him (we usually go in grups of 3-4) and never came back. In the following spring Salvamont (Mountain Emergency) retrieved his bones from a bear den. It is unfortunate that firearms are mostly illegal in Romania, very few manage to get them via a very bureaucratic process and only under some conditions (ie part of armed forced, hunter, diplomat). Hunters require membership and you can't simply just be a hunter by next day like in US. So you can't get a gun nor you can get a hunter to join you that easy. Maybe get an axe and bear spray? Under no case you should go alone on the mountain. Under no case you should go in winters or in severe weather - Salvamont have warnings for that - don't subestimate the mountains, you will die either crushed by snow or taken by a river, many such cases.

  9. 5 months ago

    I don't get why some people here say bad things about Romanians, they must be either Roma or Hungarians, as we hate each other. It's safer than in US and actually most of Western Europe as we speak. You can walk thorough the worst hoods in the night and the worst thing it can happen to you is to get robbed, but never killed. Watch your wallet/phone etc, don't wear a fanny pack - it's a target and it looks disgusting. You can easily filter out people by the skin color scale, the darker the skin the worse people, avoid them and avoid letting them that you are a foreigner. Whiter the better. Avoid Roma (gypsies), never interact with them, if they try to talk to you, make a sign with the hand to "get lost", never stop, never talk, never show interest. They are easy to spot, they look exactly like Indians from India (and behave as such). You shouldn't worry about people at all (besides gypsies trying to steal your shit in the street or on the buses). Just don't attract attention / don't be loud. Blend in and don't let gypsies know you're foreigner.
    I would suggest to visit some castles along the way, there are close by the mountains. You can also visit some shepherds in the mountains and talk to them, eat/drink what they give, but don't delay. Don't delay anywhere actually. People are welcoming everywhere you go, and they like to brag or show off to foreigners (except gypsies, they want to scam you). However, there's a really big drawback: the cost of everything is either the same or higher than in US. It's not a 3rld world country, it's a 2nd one. You'll burn your money quick if you want to see things and pay for things. When exchanging money, don't go to banks, go to a money exchange (they're everywhere), because it's cheaper. you need the local Lei currency almost always, despite many places have card readers by now. Watch for the taxis, they are sharks and triple the costs if they sniff you. Girls galore, go to a sexy massage place.

    • 5 months ago

      >I don't get why some people here say bad things about Romanians
      >Safer than western europe, you'll just get robbed
      You are by far the most hated immigrants in western Europe together with nafris.
      You have the reputation you built for yourselves, stop blaming the gypsies for everything. You behave the same.
      >Girls galore
      You got one thing right.

      • 5 months ago

        ok. 🙂 Transylvania is still Romania and you'll be extinct soon.

        • 5 months ago

          Transylvania is part of romania because the soviets made it so out of safety concerns, that way vampires will suck dicks rather than blood.

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