Cargo culting

What are some notable examples of cargo culting in terms of militar? It can range from uniforms/gear to overall operations.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 weeks ago


  2. 4 weeks ago

    How is that cargo culting? We train the Mexican marines, its makes sense for them to emulate our gear. The term has lost all meaning in the last 2 years of pseuds misusing it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The mexican military is iffy when it comes to copying without understanding what it means.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >copying without understanding what it means
        that's not even what cargo cult means. it's like that other guy said, the term has lost all meaning.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Cargo culting is not literally just cargo culting. It just means that someone or a group attempts to replicate what they see without fully understanding how and why it works. Those Chinese propaganda videos where they do "tacticool" stiff are an example of cargo culting.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >It just means that someone or a group attempts to replicate what they see without fully understanding how and why it works
            it doesn't though, it's literally how that first anon said, the term has been used wrong so often that people gave it a new meaning

            • 4 weeks ago

              If you want to argue about the semantics, then we will go with the original meanings, which is a bunch of SEA monkeys worshipping/creating cargos and replicating even the runways in hopes it will bring supplies.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Slangs exist, moron. It often is loosely or closely related to the original meaning of the term. Cargo culting in this day and age is a slang for someone copying people without having a fundamental understanding. It literally does not mean worshiping cargos like those Malaysians did in the context here.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Are you autistic? Do you take issue with people saying "someone is an open book" too?
              The defining aspect of cargo culting is to replicate behaviour and actions to get results without understanding it and why it won't work. Like emulating airplanes and airstrips in the hope that cargo showes up. The relevant part isn't in them replicating a cargo airport but replicating the actions they've seen innthbehipess the results are the same.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Aren't most people are?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >engineers a better G36 than HK

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fast helmet adoption definitely feels culty

      • 4 weeks ago

        do you like hearing things?
        >oh but comtacs totally fit under a MICH and don't make you want to have a nice day and then rise from the dead and kill everyone around you

  3. 4 weeks ago

    North Korea

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Unironically, US4CES > MARPAT

    • 4 weeks ago

      It didn't get chosen for a reason. Hyperstealth pretty much just accepted that they will always be contracted to third world countries.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Their web page is a hilarious mess of dead links and shit that hasn't been updated in years.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Their owner is also incredibly moronic. He himself made the company unappealing except for third world countries.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >two fat mexicans
    damn war is gay as hell now

  6. 4 weeks ago


    Obvious bait, but the mexican military cannot even deal with the cartels. They'd get destroyed by america.

  7. 4 weeks ago


    ?? What does a humanitarian crisis has to do with military capabilities? Those 2 issues are dealt wuth separately and the mexican government is suffering the most from it.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Cargo culting is when you do not understand the reason why things are done, you just copy it's external appearance.

    Russian army has provided some of the best examples of this recently with their "Slap ERA into everything".
    But All sorts of African wonders (like those mock-up power armors and mechas) are high on that list too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cargo culting is worshiping the cargo and the cargo bringing gods.

      • 4 weeks ago

        ...without understanding why and how such cargo is made and how it appears on your island, yes.
        So they copy the exterior form form of those planes and people who bring the cargo, without understanding how or why the cargo keeps coming.

        Just like russians think that "ERA plate is good protection for tanks, so it must be good protection for cars too. So slap it on our windshield!". Even if those ERA blocks would work, they would only explode in their faces and fill the cabin of the truck with glass sharpnel. But that thought does not occur to them, as they do not understand WHY and how ERA plates work.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This kind of half-assed intellectualism can only exist in a post-Rogan world. Comparing someone who misunderstands physics with someone who builds a fake plane out of sticks to attract more planes and saying they’re the same thing is something a moron would do.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Comparing someone who misunderstands physics with someone who builds a fake plane out of sticks to attract more planes and saying they’re the same thing is something a moron would do.

            >This kind of half-assed intellectualism can only exist in a post-Rogan world.

            • 4 weeks ago

              One group uses a safety device as a safety device, but incorrectly, making it ultimately unsafe due to the incorrect placement. The other group makes idols of technology they can’t even comprehend so as to attract more of that technology to their land. If the cargo cult tribes were comparable to Russians as you say they are it would be because they’re using planes as cars as that is an incorrect use of the tech. If the Russians are comparable to the cargo cult tribes like you say they are, it’s because the Russians set up shrines around the safety device in hopes that more show up from the sky. However, Russians understand what the purpose of the ERA plate is and use it to achieve that purpose, albeit incorrectly. See the difference, dumbass?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Times were simpler before Rogan invented concepts.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Since the modern manufacturing process is unknown to them, members, leaders, and prophets of the cults maintain that the manufactured goods of the non-native culture have been created by spiritual means, such as through their deities and ancestors. These goods are intended for the local indigenous people, but the foreigners have unfairly gained control of these objects through malice or mistake.[4] Thus, a characteristic feature of cargo cults is the belief that spiritual agents will, at some future time, give much valuable cargo and desirable manufactured products to the cult members.[4]

      Russians are kind of like cargo cult
      They have knowledge and capability to make things but it is still occult to them
      They go against foreigners that have unfairly gained control of their objects through malice or mistake

      This can be seen in many third world countries
      They have access to knowledge and technology but they still blame western people for not having knowledge and technology

    • 4 weeks ago

      I wonder when we could see powered exoskeletons being utilized in war though. Imagine being able to carry twice the load with half the wear.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Imagine being able to carry twice the load with half the wear.
        enabling 1 man to carry the load of 2 men isn't that great if his equipment costs what 200 men do. at that rate you can build a platoon with the same money you could have equipped a regiment with

    • 4 weeks ago

      Who are they copying the power armor from, glowie-kun?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Russia captured a B-29 that made a forced landing in the USSR and they kept the plane. Engineers were told to make an copy of it, so they did, right doen to the bullet holes in the fuselage.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    The entire IDF is basically a cargo cult of the USA.

    • 4 weeks ago

      In what capacity exactly?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Incredibly moronic comment and I don't even like Israel.

  10. 4 weeks ago


    Lazy bait coming from someone who probably thinks picrel is a strong nation.

  11. 4 weeks ago


    Not only are you brown but you can't read English.

  12. 4 weeks ago


    Good morning saars US defeated forever no redeem possible saars yes.

  13. 4 weeks ago


    Like I said I don't understand your insane babble. You make zero sense even when you vaguely remember proper English sentence structuring.

  14. 4 weeks ago


    Right, its childishly simplistic and stupid, which is why you come off as moronic.

  15. 4 weeks ago




    My Black person, why are you making an argument about something irrelevant like border enforcement, which has nothing to do with military capabilities? If you're from the U.S., you should already know that the military is not in charge of enforcing border laws. That goes to Border patrol. The military just provide logistical support without directly interfering with civilian law enforcement.

    • 4 weeks ago

      lol usa military is too cowardly and weak to ever enforce its own borders. usa military is a cuckolds military organization. letting foreign men come in and rape their own daughters. loser shit

      no border no nation

      no border no valor

      • 4 weeks ago

        >anon thinks the military can break the law
        Why would the military go over their jurisdiction?

  16. 4 weeks ago


    >has been defeated in the southern border
    Why are you making shit up? Migration crisis is not a tell tale of anything aside from methodological differences in enforcement. The military cant just spray bullets at migrants.

  17. 4 weeks ago


    >how can they handle armed attacks
    By handling armed attacks. The military knows a difference between harmful attackers and non harmful ones. This is such a stupid question because the Mexican military cannot even enforce their own border south despite having full authority to do so

  18. 4 weeks ago


    How are you this stupid? Again the US military is not in control of handling illegal immigrants.

  19. 4 weeks ago


    The US military is not the entity that handles immigration moron.

  20. 4 weeks ago


    You're talking a bunch of nonsense, you're fricking stupid, thankfully your low IQ shields you from emotional abuse it seems.

  21. 4 weeks ago



    Learn about U.S. laws before speaking. Migration is a humanitarian crisis. Its not an invasion of an enemy state or anything, which can give the military full authority to destroy with efficiency. You should not speak about shit you don't ecen understand aside from the simplistic idea of "military no kill migrants=weak" even though the Mexican military didn't do shit against the migrants south of their own border. Illegal immigration is not within the jurisdiction of the military unless authorized so by Congress.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Its not an invasion of an enemy state or anything, which can give the military full authority to destroy with efficiency.
      It should be, tho

    • 4 weeks ago

      ?? What does a humanitarian crisis has to do with military capabilities? Those 2 issues are dealt wuth separately and the mexican government is suffering the most from it.

      >humanitarian crisis
      Talmudic corporations importing quasi-slave labor from the 3rd world is not a humanitarian crisis.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It’s a humanitarian crisis regardless of small-big businesses exploiting them for cheap labor.

  22. 4 weeks ago


    Invaded by who?
    Even ISIS claims responsibility for school shootings they had no hand in yet they've never claimed a 'southern invasion'.
    Curious, no?

  23. 4 weeks ago


    Migration is still within the jurisdiction of immigration. If you disagree, take it up with the international community.

  24. 4 weeks ago


    Invaded by who??? Which organization or state is invading?

  25. 4 weeks ago


    >attack with no weapons
    You do realize unarmed altercations are not always required lethal force? Each altercation requires different incentives.

  26. 4 weeks ago


    You are making up rules now. The Army is not fighting illegal immigrants as invaders, that is not the Army's job.

  27. 4 weeks ago


    Ah you're just trolling, gotcha.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dude is selectively replying. I think he is trolling because he is asshurt of someone calling the Mexican military a cargo cult.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    The Afghan National Army

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Iraqis love the US Army. You can pictures of them wearing US Army patches and wearing knee pads on their ankles because they saw American soldiers doing it.

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        What are some notable examples of cargo culting in terms of militar? It can range from uniforms/gear to overall operations.

        using UCP

        UCP is the most Kino GWOT camo evar XD

    • 4 weeks ago

      The funny story is that when they saw American soldiers having full pockets, they started to replicate that by stuffing random shit into their pockets without understanding why American soldiers pockets are full

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and wearing knee pads on their ankles because they saw American soldiers doing it.
      ....that's how knee pads fit. They slip down if you've been running around instead of kneeling.
      Frick man, may as well say that construction workers on a job site are "copying the army"

      • 4 weeks ago

        Most of them place them in that position before running. Thats the point

      • 4 weeks ago

        >They slip down if you've been running around instead of kneeling.

        You're misunderstanding my post. They're wearing it on their ankles as a fashion because they saw Americans with it on their ankles. It's not slipping from wear, they intentionally place it on their ankle to look cool.

    • 4 weeks ago

      More like they hid in pakistani religious schools and caves until we decided that policing a shithole like afghanistan was pointless.
      Also one of those dudes had pads on his knees AND on his ankles lmao

      >Black kneepad on left knee and right ankle
      >Tan kneepad on right knee and left ankle
      Wtf did he mean by this

      • 4 weeks ago

        Kek I triple-checked and still got the left and right fricked up somehow

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not only that, that's an elbow pad on his knee and the other is on his ankle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty sure those dudes are wearing the gortex parka and pants, not even actual cammies. That shit must be hot. It is funny seeing them emulate 2003 though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Frick it, they look cool to me
      Especially with the full length M16s

  30. 4 weeks ago


    Mexican can't protect it's border from South Americans.

    • 4 weeks ago

      can a beaner care to translate the spicspeak in the video?

      • 4 weeks ago

        She's a Venezuelan migrant in Mexico complaining about how terrible Mexico is.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Venezuelan refugee in Mexico screeching about how the Mexican government only gave her free food, room and board and isn't giving her endless gibs. Venezuelans truly are the worst Latin Americans. Greediest arrogant Spaniards mixed with the least developed tribal Indios mixed with the dumbest and most violent Afros.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Are south americans really reliant on theur government to provide free shit? Or do they believe in propaganda from Facebook?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Venezuelans are just moronic

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yea, but I've noticed a trend across many South American groups.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Both. They go to Mexico thinking they can freely walk into America because of social media posts and are surprised when border guards stop them.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yea, i thought so. Many of those social media post are also working for the cartels for their human smuggling business. If you interview with the migrants, they literally think places like mexico/america have cities made of gold. They are genuinely this naive either from lack of media literacy or they been pampered too much by their government.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I saw an interview with a Jamaican immigrant that thought cars were cheap in America because everyone had one in America movies where high school teens had cars.

              • 4 weeks ago

                If you work here, you can get some cheap car for a few thousands. Obviously not something that they can afford in their country since a thousand dollars is like a million to them

              • 4 weeks ago

                they are cheaper than in jamaica if that's what you're comparing it do
                life is great in america when you're coming from a literal shithole

          • 4 weeks ago

            I believe social media is behind the mass migration we're seeing today. Their friends and family post about how great life is in Western countries and it makes them want to come too. In this webm you see African migrants talking to their friends back in Africa about how nice the free hotel they're living in is.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Social media thats been propagandized by the cartels to some extent. Basically they believe in whatever telegram/facebook post along with some testimonies from immigrants there on how they are able to get a job, good house and education for their children.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not just America, Europe too. Even Japan is getting them.

            • 4 weeks ago

              how do you know what they are talking about?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes. Why else do you think they immediately elect commie morons whenever the US stops babysitting them?

            • 4 weeks ago

              How they do not understand that these policies made their country a shit hole?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Libtards don't understand why their cities are violent, dirty shitholes either despite having democratic leadership for the last 5 decades.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Its funny because I hear liberals say the exact same thing about why everyone in the rural areas is poor and stupid

              • 4 weeks ago

                Low IQ.

                >most of them vote for bigger government
                Im all for more services, but without some form of oversight and people willing to work to fund those programs, its basically will eventually lead to failure because there is no funding and poor leadership because of the lack of oversight in those big governments. Its no wonder south america is a shithole. It doesn't help that russia is supporting big government/communist groups in south America as opposed to them supporting lolberts/some schizos in the west

                Yes, and that puts you ahead of you 87IQ wetbacks who only think "me wan de free sheet" when they vote. Russia supports both in the and honestly you have to admit that their psyops are rather impressive.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yea, i think there should be big government/more services as long as there is an efficient oversight/workable program that can improve qualityof life. Along with smaller government in some some aspects that way they don't gain/abuse power along with limitingthe amount of free riders abusing the system. Lots of people in south america just vote in bigger governments that have free reign in their utilization of power.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Based, your thought process has the nuances of someone with a triple digit IQ.

                >still kicked out
                How is it kicking out when its a mutual agreement? America hadn't done operations against the Taliban since 2012. The rest of those years have been a decrease in American presence and not much contact between american/taliban forces aside from the occasional air strikes in support of the ANA. Which stopped in 2020

                You're talking to a brown person who can't tell the difference between a botched withdrawl* and a rout.

                *which is, for all intents and purposes a loss.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >most of them vote for bigger government
              Im all for more services, but without some form of oversight and people willing to work to fund those programs, its basically will eventually lead to failure because there is no funding and poor leadership because of the lack of oversight in those big governments. Its no wonder south america is a shithole. It doesn't help that russia is supporting big government/communist groups in south America as opposed to them supporting lolberts/some schizos in the west

            • 4 weeks ago

              The "bigger government" Mexicans and El Salvadorians want is more military troops in the street killing narcos.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nope, its just genuinely gibs along with giving the government more authority like you said

              • 4 weeks ago

                >L-le heckin' based tradcath thirdies

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Dios mio el colosio de tejas y las goblina de las sierras! Ay ay ay, ayuda me espiderman católico!

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Notice how the Mexican soldier's gun has its rear sight folded down

    • 4 weeks ago

      They also don't have any magazines, what your point?

  32. 4 weeks ago

    >hurr durr chest plates
    armoring meme of the 90s until they figured out that groin, shoulder and neck/face armor needed serious R&D

    • 4 weeks ago

      They are good for soldiers, but not fast mobile units. In which case, it’s moronic for the average Mexican soldier to dress in high speed gear, especially when dealing with ambushes on a regular basis

  33. 4 weeks ago

    using UCP

    • 4 weeks ago

      UCP is the most Kino GWOT camo evar XD

      Based. Luv me UCP.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    This is not what a cargo cult is. If one country adopting the gear and tactics of another is your barrier of entry, then pretty much every military in the word is a "cargo cult."

    • 4 weeks ago

      If they adopt without understanding, yes. The most notable example being the Chinese camos.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    "High ready" while advancing. You see this in footage of thirdie army forces attempting to emulate what they think Western armies look like. The troops will charge at a position, rifles shouldered, because that's how they see Western troops appear in movies.

    The concepts of fire and maneuver and situationally awareness are totally lost on them, and you see this tunnel vision staring down a rifle (that they still aren't properly holding).

    Also, the Taliban "SF" in the aftermath of the fall of Afghanistan was a hoot. They were wearing all the gear the US trained stooges were given, but had no idea how to properly set it up/use it. Hence tons of pictures of Taliban dudes with their earpro over the top of their Ops Cores.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You forgot to mention them only wearing those gear for photoshoots. When ib reality, they don't know how to maintain them and are too scared to break them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Hence tons of pictures of Taliban dudes with their earpro over the top of their Ops Cores
      It feels weird to defend the taliban, but they probably know what fricking ear muffs are for. I don't walk around with my earpro over my ears when im not actively shooting either

      • 4 weeks ago

        Afghanistan is full of subIQ morons. The Taliban are not an exception.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yet the taliban still kicked you fatfricks out of there, whaddya know?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >still kicked out
        How is it kicking out when its a mutual agreement? America hadn't done operations against the Taliban since 2012. The rest of those years have been a decrease in American presence and not much contact between american/taliban forces aside from the occasional air strikes in support of the ANA. Which stopped in 2020

      • 4 weeks ago

        More like they hid in pakistani religious schools and caves until we decided that policing a shithole like afghanistan was pointless.

        >They slip down if you've been running around instead of kneeling.

        You're misunderstanding my post. They're wearing it on their ankles as a fashion because they saw Americans with it on their ankles. It's not slipping from wear, they intentionally place it on their ankle to look cool.

        Also one of those dudes had pads on his knees AND on his ankles lmao

  36. 4 weeks ago

    People putting IR strobes on their helmets. They see all these tacticool photos and think they just need to copy them 1:1 despite an IR strobe being absolutely useless given that they sure as frick are not going to be working in coordination with air cover, and the fact that it just creates a steady blinking target for anyone else who has nods. A regular IR light can be blinked (in a pattern, even) for ID purposes without adding pointless extra weight to your helmet but nope, gotta look cool for instagram.

    Tacticool shit in general is largely cargo cultish considering it is designed and implemented with an entire logistical support system to back it, one that is entirely absent for a civilian, especially in a SHTF scenario. Ie; hundreds spent on IFAKs, tourniquets, and other medical supplies yet not having any antibiotics to speak of, because obviously if you look really cool the infections wont kill you days later.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think IR patches are another example too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Ie; hundreds spent on IFAKs, tourniquets, and other medical supplies
      The idea that you might as well just let yourself bleed out, because the wound might get infected, is completely ridiculous

      • 4 weeks ago

        That isnt what I said. I am saying that people emphasize on step one and know literally nothing past that. They are willing to spend all this money on stopping a bleed but have put zero energy into making sure it doesnt kill them three days later. To me thats almost pointless if you are avoiding a quick death just to suffer through an agonizing one. In general people mimic what the military has and does because surely they are the best at what they do, but fail to realize that without the logistical support structure, a lot of that logic no longer works. People should focus on realistic, self sustainable practices rather than just “cargo culting” with their tier 1 operator wannabe larps.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >They are willing to spend all this money on stopping a bleed but have put zero energy into making sure it doesnt kill them three days later
          Ok, but really, how much medical knowledge can you expect the average person to have? Stopping a bleed is first aid, which is by definition for the layman. Not everybody can be a medic, even if they are serious about prepping. I don't see how having the immediate skills to save your life is being cargo-culty, even if you aren't a medical professional who can take care of any potential complications by yourself. It's just basic preparedness.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Were at the point where leftists are trying to convince people medical equipment even the most dumbass army private can figure out isn't useful because you need prescription medication for some reason

          • 4 weeks ago

            Its cargo culty when you have no ways or means to follow through with it, especially when we live in a time where one can very easily acquire both the knowledge and actual medicine. Get a bad gash on your leg? Pack the wound, tourniquet if its very serious - then what? Irrigate and clean it out with disinfectant, but what happens if a day later you see it swelling? Do you keep antibiotics in a pack or are they not high speed enough?

            This is just one example of the point im trying to make; people try to emulate what they see these operators doing and the gear they are carrying and do not realize that much of it simply doesnt translate. Too much emphasis on high speed gear (sometimes even 100% pointless gear like IR strobes) winning these imagined gunfights and not enough on just surviving every day life.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Do you keep antibiotics in a pack or are they not high speed enough?
              They're not high speed enough. You can't carry everything you might at all times on your person, but that doesn't mean that carrying the stuff you would need to stop yourself from dying in the next few minutes is any less valid.

              I don't know man, your point is generally correct, but I don't agree that it applies to medical stuff.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >To me thats almost pointless if you are avoiding a quick death just to suffer through an agonizing one
          >People should focus on realistic, self sustainable practices rather than just “cargo culting” with their tier 1 operator wannabe larps
          But then how are you *not* saying that you should simply forgo first aid? Because it sounds like you're saying it's pointless, and therefore a waste of time at best and prolonging suffering at worst

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Ie; hundreds spent on IFAKs, tourniquets, and other medical supplies
      The idea that you might as well just let yourself bleed out, because the wound might get infected, is completely ridiculous

      Not all wounds become infected. As long as you got proper sterilization equipment, antibiotics seem to be a last resort thing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >needing antibiotics for your hecking boo boos

      It's called saline and iodine

  37. 4 weeks ago


    >/misc/ screenshot of some inane bullshit
    >some other schizophrenic bullshit
    I hope you're trolling, but outside of that, some bullshit from some swede that knows nothing about american laws or politics has nothing to say about what we do here. Also, national guards are exempt from the the restrictions of law enforcement. As long as they are not federalized, the states can utilize them in law enforcement roles.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You are entirely correct anon, there is no problem with the US border and the government is competent.

  38. 4 weeks ago


    >that screenshot
    National guards were called because they were threatening to kill people and cause massive damages themselves. The local police couldn't do anything, so the state called up the national guards. When the national guards arrived, the people there quiet down. In cintext to the national guards, the U.S. has an official law that restricts military action within the U.S. regarding civil laws enforcing. The only exception is through the insurrection act or if the states call up the guards without federal directives. Its not an excuse, but rather circumstances created by a law that allows for limited government.

  39. 4 weeks ago


    >aiming bayonets at parents
    Those same parents were literally rioting before that pic was taken. Stop consuming/pol/bullshit.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    The US is Mexico's largest trading partner and neighbor. Mexicans standardizing with the US isn't cargo culting since it actually makes sense in their case.

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