Can't think of a worse fate than marching through Mexico shitting yourself to death the entire time.

Can't think of a worse fate than marching through Mexico shitting yourself to death the entire time.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Must've been incredibly depressing back in the day. Muster this huge force and by the end of the campaign you've lost 10 times as many men to dysentery as you have to enemy action.

    • 5 months ago

      Situations like these are why militaries impose a billion shots on you. Nobody wants their soldiers dying to diseases.

      • 5 months ago

        yea we lost so many brave boys to polio and anthrax in afghanistan
        rip sweet princes, israel thanks you

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Black person, what the frick you're talking about? Death to diseases have dropped dramatically, especially in wars.

            He's being sarcastic over forced polio and anthrax vaccines given to the troops.

            • 5 months ago

              Why would anybody be against it? Polio is horrible, especially if you don't have any immunities.

              • 5 months ago

                some day we'll have to accept that the internet is full of intriguers

              • 5 months ago

                There are people who unironically think that working solutions mean the problem wasn't real.
                Look at Y2K, engineers and networking professionals ran the numbers and checked the code and set the clocks and then the world spent billions of dollars to actually fix it and then everyone assumed it was a hoax because nothing happened.
                It's not cold outside, the heat is on in this building! We don't need those vaccines, nobody gets those diseases anymore!

              • 5 months ago

                Can you explain this a bit more? I know nothing of Y2K and indeed thought it was a hoax. Was there an actual computer virus or whatever the claim was?

              • 5 months ago

                Code only used a 2 digit year value instead of 4 or more. Rollover of the date would have caused many systems to glicth and fail.
                A massive amount of money and software engineering went into fixing the problem before it happened. It was not a hoax and only many millions of hours of labor prevented issues.

              • 5 months ago

                the tl;dr is that a lot of really early code used 2 digits for the year to save memory so that the programs would work better on 1960s computers, and any of this code that was still being used needed to be updated so that it wouldn't think it was 1901 in 2001.

                It was a problem with system clocks, in early computing, every bit mattered, so programming systems to handle more than two digits worth of years wasn't worth it when the year 2000 is decades away. But computer programming practices don't just change overnight, and even after computers had more than enough memory to handle the idea of centuries and millenia, many were still just counting decades next to a static 19.
                So all these legacy systems from the 70s and 80s are still chugging along in the 90s and people start wondering what they'll do when the clock rolls over from 99 to 00. Will they just show the year 1900? Will they show anything? Will trying to figure out what to flip the clock to cause crashes? The media latched onto this and caused a panic because "everything is computerized", so "everything" could crash, like planes and banking records and nuclear bomb silos. It was never going to be that drastic, but it could have fricked up a lot of systems, so governments spent a ton of time and money trying to fix this bug. There was a loooooot of grift, programmers could charge tens of thousands of dollars for a couple hours work adding two more numbers to date counters, but the patches went through and very few things had any issues as a result. A few taxis threw out fares for a century long ride when their timers flipped over to 1900 and some ATMs froze in Asia because they had no programming on what their clocks should read after 1999, but all major systems got patched or if they were new enough, didn't have the bug in the first place.

                Not him but to my understanding there was indeed an actual coding error that had to do with them overlooking large chunks of code running and abbreviated date i.e. instead of 1999 the code would just be the last two digits, 99. The issue being rolling into the year 2000 would be interpreted by the system as the year 1900 or year 00 what ever. This could have been potentially disastrous but the issue was well understood ahead of time and thousands of engineers/programmers worked to update the systems before the date. The mass hysteria come from people who just heard about the issue with no technical knowledge.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, it's one of those things where people don't think the threat was real because the solution worked so well. It makes the people who work to avert these things a victim of their own success.

                Vaccines are another good example. Not the Wu Flu, which was really only bad for the very old, but like mumps, measles, small pox, etc. If enough people get on board with the whole "actually, all vaccines are an evil government conspiracy," shit they are going to find out the hard way that it isn't.

                It would be funnier if they did this and small pox was still around. "How could the disease be worse than all these chemicals!?!? Oh no, half my family just died and I'm disfigured for life, how could this happen!"

              • 5 months ago

                If God has a sense of humor he'd hit was with a 40% lethal airborne disease right now, right while everyone is still vowing to never do restrictions ever again.

              • 5 months ago

                We already have it.
                MERS. Just happens to be in an area renowned for the political stability and first world hygiene.
                We are so fricking lucky that it's hard to catch.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yeah, it's one of those things where people don't think the threat was real because the solution worked so well. It makes the people who work to avert these things a victim of their own success.
                The life of anyone who does repairs or cybersecurity.

              • 5 months ago

                the tl;dr is that a lot of really early code used 2 digits for the year to save memory so that the programs would work better on 1960s computers, and any of this code that was still being used needed to be updated so that it wouldn't think it was 1901 in 2001.

              • 5 months ago

                It was a problem with system clocks, in early computing, every bit mattered, so programming systems to handle more than two digits worth of years wasn't worth it when the year 2000 is decades away. But computer programming practices don't just change overnight, and even after computers had more than enough memory to handle the idea of centuries and millenia, many were still just counting decades next to a static 19.
                So all these legacy systems from the 70s and 80s are still chugging along in the 90s and people start wondering what they'll do when the clock rolls over from 99 to 00. Will they just show the year 1900? Will they show anything? Will trying to figure out what to flip the clock to cause crashes? The media latched onto this and caused a panic because "everything is computerized", so "everything" could crash, like planes and banking records and nuclear bomb silos. It was never going to be that drastic, but it could have fricked up a lot of systems, so governments spent a ton of time and money trying to fix this bug. There was a loooooot of grift, programmers could charge tens of thousands of dollars for a couple hours work adding two more numbers to date counters, but the patches went through and very few things had any issues as a result. A few taxis threw out fares for a century long ride when their timers flipped over to 1900 and some ATMs froze in Asia because they had no programming on what their clocks should read after 1999, but all major systems got patched or if they were new enough, didn't have the bug in the first place.

              • 5 months ago

                Not him but to my understanding there was indeed an actual coding error that had to do with them overlooking large chunks of code running and abbreviated date i.e. instead of 1999 the code would just be the last two digits, 99. The issue being rolling into the year 2000 would be interpreted by the system as the year 1900 or year 00 what ever. This could have been potentially disastrous but the issue was well understood ahead of time and thousands of engineers/programmers worked to update the systems before the date. The mass hysteria come from people who just heard about the issue with no technical knowledge.

              • 5 months ago

                A fun thing is that nearly the same thing is going to happen in 2038 because we use a signed 32-bit integer to store the date/time. We already had to fix it once and went "eh, we'll buy ourselves another 32 years" instead of another 106 using an unsigned 32-bit integer. Or use a 64 bit and buy ourselves another 292 billion years for overkill. Wikipedia even has a fun little gif showing the date and time counting in binary in real time to explain it; had to reference this page as it's been years since I last coded anything.

              • 5 months ago

                By then enough stuff will be digitized on virtual machines that a crash might actually be impactful. Can't wait for the panic of 2037. Remember to fill your bathtubs and assume the low pressure from everyone around you having the same idea at the same time at 1150 pm new years eve is actually from the water systems shutting down!

              • 5 months ago

                Software sometimes used 2 digits for years, so somethings would show up as 1900 or even better in some instances it’d just go to 100 and you’d see shit like 19100 instead of 2000.
                I saw the latter for years on some old websites still online that weren’t updated until their servers croaked.

              • 5 months ago

                I went through this. The other replies pretty much nailed it. The Fortune 50 company I worked for (a retailer) would have lost cash registers and inventory management systems, and would have gotten its databases corrupted with a lot of bad data. Fixing it was a major effort that took hundreds of IT workers anything from months to a few years of moderate effort. It's fair to say that it cost millions of dollars to fix and test all of the relevant code. It culminated with a 3-day offsite test run where a dummy mainframe, store minicomputer, cash registers, and databases were set up and we had to run all of the end-of-day processing with made-up data to see if anything broke. There were a few minor glitches, but nothing serious got missed.

                Y2K itself wasn't too bad. Everybody was on-deck, and the few problems that popped up weren't anywhere in my area, so I never heard any real details. From what I heard at the time, the story was largely the same for most companies. And, at the time there were lots of wild claims that airplanes would fall out of the sky and the power grid would go down because of embedded components. However, most of that stuff wasn't really affected by Y2K in the first place. What does an embedded chip in the power grid care if it thinks the year is "01"? That's just not relevant to its function.

              • 5 months ago

                Got any more '90s Walmart stories?

              • 5 months ago

                I worked for a car dealership that refused to correctly fix the ancient garbage computer system they used for their inventory control and it would crash if you entered what time or date you clocked in a part. We could only check in that we had it or not, we couldn't put in when we got it or when we would get it. Not sure if that was Y2K related but my manager said it was. It was one of those older computers where the screen was black and it could only display green text.

        • 5 months ago

          Black person, what the frick you're talking about? Death to diseases have dropped dramatically, especially in wars.

          • 5 months ago

            probably because troops arent shitting in trenches, scavenging rotten food and marching in groups of several thousand, morons

          • 5 months ago

            >double digit iq subhumans manage to find their way onto the internet and still cant understand sarcasm

        • 5 months ago

          Frick you moron, Afghanistan is one of the last places where polio has any presence at all. Jab me the frick up if I ever get sent there.

        • 5 months ago

          Didnt know we had Soviet vets posting here

        • 5 months ago

          Shut the frick up, /misc/ Black person. Get the frick out of my board.

      • 5 months ago

        there's a vaccine for dysentry?

        • 5 months ago

          The main thing to combat it us antibiotics.

          • 5 months ago

            It's caused by bacteria or parasites so there's been some meds for that for a good while.

            You have FQs and Zpak for coverage.
            That's it.
            moron use of ABX by third worlders has led to extensive FQ resistance.
            And MSM are a primary reservoir of those super bugs, pending outbreak when sanitation fails in the camp for one reason or another
            Definitely not enough Zpak to go around in a full deployment scenario.
            And even then, you'd still need IV liquids to survive the dehydration in any tropical or near-tropical environment.
            Have fun with that.

        • 5 months ago

          It's caused by bacteria or parasites so there's been some meds for that for a good while.

    • 5 months ago

      This was the standard in all wars up until ww1

      • 5 months ago

        Even WW1 more dudes died from trench foot than actual fighting.

  2. 5 months ago

    How the frick do 10,000 Mexican troops go missing?

    • 5 months ago

      They're shorter than you think, it's easy to lose track of them.

      • 5 months ago

        Kinda sucks how they're bringing down the average height of American males. Makes us look kind of lame compared to other countries on those charts.

        • 5 months ago

          Only other countries look at those charts

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, and they laugh at how tall they are compared to the average American.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, and they laugh at how tall they are compared to the average American.

          Us whites are still shorter than European whites. The issue mainly stems from adequate nutrition than anything else. No, empty calories do not count.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Money run out senior

    • 5 months ago

      They all show up at US Marine Corps recruiting stations.

    • 5 months ago

      The centralist Republic of Mexico was moronic anon pls understand

    • 5 months ago

      A one or two of them didn't want to get up after siesta, repeat that every day and thousands of men are lost

    • 5 months ago

      crossed over to USA to start the great Mexican tradition

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      A more interesting question is what happened to those 700 missing Americans?

      • 5 months ago

        desertion most likely

      • 5 months ago

        They moved to Mexico to get some Latina pussy

      • 5 months ago

        pic related but with thicc latinas

    • 5 months ago

      They didn’t exist to begin with

    • 5 months ago

      They weren't a unified force, after spain colonized them the french tried invading and one of napoleons relatives tried to be a king there. Then you had people on ranches that might fight for or against the state. In the end you get brained washed people that love spanish culture and claim they're oppressed by it even though they've completely adopted it as their culture and claim to be proud of it and they're not evil white spanish colonizers but just take the utmost pride in being spanish indigenous colonizers that hate everyone else from there.

    • 5 months ago

      A large amount of the drafted Mexican soldiers were Californios, Tejanos and Neo-Mexicanos who sided with the US. They were allowed to keep their land in the US after the war. Most of them already hated the Mexican government. There are actually still a couple million people descended from them in the south west.

      • 5 months ago

        The Californios were an interesting lot, I recall they tried to have their own Texas Revolution but it was a flop. My guess is that they just didn't have the manpower for it since Cali didn't have much of a population until the goldrush.

        • 5 months ago

          Californios and the Mayans in the Yucatan both actively tried to become part of the British empire. It would have been a really interesting timeline to have a Canadian California and some sort of weird half Mayan jungle Australia in North America. The British didn't go for it because they thought the resources the Mayans promised them for support were on the way out. Should have gone for it because most of Mexicos oil now comes from the northern/western coasts of the Yucatan peninsula.

          • 5 months ago

            Side note, most of the weapons used by the Mexicans were purchased from the British.

            • 5 months ago

              Nope, the Mexicans were using local clones of Mausers. They actually had to start importing Arisakas from Japan too because they couldn't build enough rifles in such a short period.

              • 5 months ago

                In 1846? When Wilhelm Mauser was 12 years old? Arisakas, 25 years before the Tokyo Armory was founded?

              • 5 months ago

                The caste war didn't end until 1915

              • 5 months ago

                We're talking about the Mexican American War

              • 5 months ago

                Sorry I'm moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                Happens. You were right about those weapons during the Caste War. I've seen Arisakas with the Mexican crest stamped over the imperial chrysanthemum.

    • 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    >march to Mexico
    >get 1000 casualties in one battle you outnumber the enemy 6 to 1
    >its fricking micks

  4. 5 months ago

    You think that's bad?

    • 5 months ago

      retaking haiti for the french would probably be worse

    • 5 months ago

      >Diarrhea wins. Flawless victory!

    • 5 months ago

      Well, as mentioned the First Crusade has an insane fatality rate for the Crusades, maybe 3 in 4. But they actually ROFLstomped in all the pitched battles, absolutely wrecking hosts with a 2+:1 advantage.

      The deaths come for almost comically bad logistics. The worst being where they spent forever besieging a city and starving it, then finally took it, but not before the defenders burnt the food stores. Then like right after a 40,000+ man Muslim relief army showed up to trap them in the city they had just been starving. Oh, and they got some sort of extremely lethal plague in the meantime.

    • 5 months ago

      >376,890 non-combat deaths
      Jesus Christ

    • 5 months ago

      Lost to non-combat.

      • 5 months ago

        Wonder what the loss rate for Russians is rn from non-combat.

      • 5 months ago

        and it was in russia where they should of had the advantage

        • 5 months ago

          When has Russia had positive numbers?

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    >11,500 dead from disease
    They don't call it "Montezuma's Revenge" for nothing.

  7. 5 months ago

    Interestingly, if you scale US war losses to the size of the population the most lethal wars go in almost reverse chronological order.

    The Civil War comes out on top though, unless you include the 100,000 small pox deaths from an epidemic made significantly worse by the Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War is second. Then 1812. The Mexican War comes out remarkably high if scales to today's population I recall, but WWII might be ahead of it. Korea > Vietnam > GWOT bring up the rear.

    I looked at some other wars and the craziest was how the Huegnot War was 10+ times worse for France than WWI (which was famously devastating for the French). The most lol lol one is the Thirty Years War, which ends up being a multiple of both World Wars combined. Russia during the Eastern Front was around 12.5%. The places getting off light in the Thirty Years War were like 10-20%, with a number of countries in what is now Germany getting to around 66% or even a bit higher.

    I didn't have time to do a systematic study, but the First Crusade also stands out for being a major war (one of the largest armies in the West in centuries) where the winning side has combatant losses of 66-75+%. It's crazy when you consider that, all said, even if you got drafted into the Red Army you still had a pretty good shot of living.

    • 5 months ago

      good post

  8. 5 months ago

    If you think the biohazard of mexico is bad imagine invading india.
    I could not imagine the sanitary losses.

    • 5 months ago

      I've heard reports about Vietnam fricking sticking like shit during the war.

  9. 5 months ago


    >march to Mexico
    >get 1000 casualties in one battle you outnumber the enemy 6 to 1
    >its fricking micks

    Because of American dominance today, people always assume that they were always like that, when in reality, they didn't really reach European-tier, in terms of quality until around WW1. During the Mexican American war the US was a laughably shitty army. It's just that Mexico was even worse and their government was in disarray.

    • 5 months ago

      I'd argue that right after the Civil War they had better understanding of modern war compared to Europe.

    • 5 months ago

      Where America shined in the Mexican war was their proto CIA glowies instigating the war with tricks in Nueces, instigating disarray in the Mexican government, and knowing the perfect place to artillery Mexican scrubs at every encounter.

      • 5 months ago

        Also Texas Rangers committing war crimes on civilians to rile up the populous into dumb guerilla actions. Therefore dragging in the army to have justification to just burn down entire towns.

    • 5 months ago

      The US Army performed perfectly fine in the war of 1812. American advisors were no worse than French ones in 1860s China. And, of course, there is 1898 against Spain.
      What is true is that, for its size, the US had a tiny army compared to anyone in Europe. But the quality of that small army was typically comparable to any European middle power.

      • 5 months ago

        >The US Army performed perfectly fine in the war of 1812
        It faced country bumkins of Canada while the British were fighting the greatest general to ever live on the other side of the planet. Had it been a case of France didn't exist or Napoleon was irrelevant, then no, they would not have performed 'perfectly fine'. There are plenty of battles in 1812 where the Americans lost despite outnumbering Canadians 4-1 or having artillery versus 120 guys in a house.

        • 5 months ago

          Coulda...shoulda...woulda. We sacked Toronto, we raped you to death on the Great Lakes, we humiliated the RN with a mere single frigate - which is still commissioned and sails to this day, lol.

          • 5 months ago

            No such thing friend and America won plentt of battled while outnumbered as well including Lake Erie and killing Tecumseh during the subsequent British retreat. Then their are the 18k veterans sent over after Napoleans defeat in early 1814 and tue absolite slaughter in New Orleans. Europeans and their continental pets really need to get over their insecurities regarding America.

            And we burned down the White House, made the President flee and Congress ran away. Then burned your capital down. Oopsie woopsies. But hey I'm sure the British capturing Maine and making it New Ireland again was perfectly forgotten. I'm sure Wellington going
            >Yeah I'll take over the commanding forces, we're military superior... but nobody wants a war and the territory we'd gain won't be worth it, so just peace out morons
            Is conveniently forgotten
            >18k veterans
            And tens of thousands more were due to come over with Wellington.
            >w-w-we were outnumbered
            lol lmao.

            • 5 months ago

              In return the US destroyed Canada's ability to benefit the British miliarily, forced Britain to accept the Louisiana purchase as legitimate and genocided all the bongs native allies they paid to raid white settlers while also ending the British practice of abducting American sailors. Get fricked perfodious Albion.

            • 5 months ago

              We took Maine back and DC didn't matter. It was a few shacks in a swamp at that point.

        • 5 months ago

          No such thing friend and America won plentt of battled while outnumbered as well including Lake Erie and killing Tecumseh during the subsequent British retreat. Then their are the 18k veterans sent over after Napoleans defeat in early 1814 and tue absolite slaughter in New Orleans. Europeans and their continental pets really need to get over their insecurities regarding America.

  10. 5 months ago

    pretty typical for the time
    battle deaths didnt exceed operational deaths until WW2
    even the 10M battle deaths of WW1 was small before the 20M deaths of spanish flu
    sickness and starvation were the biggest killers by far in the pre-industrial age

  11. 5 months ago

    how do you catch a disease and die. is it really simple as drinking contaminated water and being biten by a mosquito

    • 5 months ago

      Don't forget eating spoiled rations. Also there's not much for fresh water in many places in Mexico I'm sure they had no choice but to drink standing water sometimes.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Can't think of a worse fate than marching through Mexico shitting yourself to death the entire time.

    marching through Mexico shitting yourself to death and being Russian so your commanders dick keeps pushing the shit back in until you explode

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