Best firearms to put on a CCW application?

I live in California and am applying for a CCW. I am knowledgable about guns compared to Californians, but overall I have more to learn. Let me know what good firearms to put as my first gun.

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  1. 2 months ago

    californians don't deserve guns

    • 2 months ago

      Californians invented the AR-15.

      • 2 months ago
        I think .17hmr is really cool.

        And they don't deserve it.

        • 2 months ago

          >hates freedom

        • 2 months ago

          Didn't I see you requesting more Black person porn in an adult gif thread?

    • 2 months ago

      My ancestors successfully led the liberation of their historical nation thanks to firearms. I vote red.

    • 2 months ago

      >i hate california because uhhh its tha culture to hate it!

      • 2 months ago

        I hate californians because they migrated to my homestate (washington) and absolutely cucked it in 5 years

        • 2 months ago

          Seattle has been full of homosexuals for 25+ years. You already had problems there, Californians are just the cherry on top of a fecal pie.

        • 2 months ago

          i hate washington because you fricks migrated to cali, spreaded your b***h ass politics, then left back to your state because you voted for taxes to be too high
          cali was runined by everyone but californians, the caligays ruining other states are second gen
          this is YOUR fault, you frickers

          • 2 months ago

            Now this is shitposting

            • 2 months ago

              all of the people that live in the cities in california are transplants, all of the people that live in the red counties in california are people who were priced out of the cities

        • 2 months ago

          i hate washington because you fricks migrated to cali, spreaded your b***h ass politics, then left back to your state because you voted for taxes to be too high
          cali was runined by everyone but californians, the caligays ruining other states are second gen
          this is YOUR fault, you frickers

          It's almost as if it's the asphalt culture of the concrete jungle that is the problem and not whether someone is from one state or the other.

        • 2 months ago

          crunchy granola eaters, wine moms, and hollywood are by far california's worst problems. i'd take the schizo skid row/tenderloin hobos over any of the above any day.

          • 2 months ago

            It's soon to be Colorado problem with the ASB, 11% gun/ammo tax, gun free zones, and federalizing LGSS

            • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Since you are in an anti gun state you want a gun that's easy to own and has parts readily available. I recommend a Glock 45/19x. It's compact enough to carry but has all the functionality of a full size grip. I find myself carrying it the most and I have smaller guns.

      We need to stop this. Anti gun states are the frontline of the battle for all of our rights and without the cases being advanced out of California and Illinois and Washington right now, your 2A rights will be stolen by Congress within 20 years.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah.. cuck states will always cuck their citizens that will never change. And people have been paranoid about muh gun freedoms and muh gubmint forever. They cant take our guns, there are too many. Everywhere.

      • 2 months ago

        >10rd limit
        jeez. glonk 43x then

        Not on roster. They're like 1k each.

    • 2 months ago

      california is a great geographical location that is sadly inhabited by a majority or absolute morons.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, I agree. The land the state of California charters is rich in absolutely everything. Our state economy is larger than France. The weather is great and Southern California is a geographical paradise. I see the mountains from my house, and there's a popular hiking trail about a mile away.

        You have to list your guns for a CCW in California? So what, you get pulled over, have a gun not listed on your shit and go to jail or get a ticket?
        Also Cali sucks balls because mag restrictions. If you are gonna get something dont cuck your gun that would normally hold 10+ round mags. Get something that is already under the 10 round limit. Maybe a 1911, revolver or single stack guns like a Bersa .380. If its for CC Id say go with a 1911.

        I was thinking a Glock, but that's obvious. I intend to use my gun for safety. I was approached by a black man who asked for my phone about two months ago.

        I told him no, and to not come any closer. Before I said that I put my hand up in front of him so he would stop. This ended in him drawing something from his front backpack, he had two, signaling he had a gun.

        He in fact, DID NOT, have a gun, and I walked away afterward. I called the cops after leaving the gym because I saw him walking toward my high school. Simply, nothing was done and I had to call the next day because I saw him by a Handel's ice cream. The ice cream shop was scattered with little children and the elderly on the weekend. I have not seen him since, but I don't walk around that area anymore.

        glock 19, you answered your own question. any other choice is for hipsters. There are a bunch of glock 19 clones that could work as well if you wanted to be gay.
        Easy to comfortably conceal, pretty much as easy to shoot as a fullsized. Anything you'd want to do with a defensive handgun can be done with a g19 about 90% as well as with a specialized gun. There are reasons to have other guns but none of them do everything as well.
        If you have little hands you could consider a p365xl/43x/whatever the big hellcat is but most people find them to be a lot harder to hang onto and I think the concealment advantage is highly overrated with modern holsters.

        You mind putting me on? Holsters, accessories, things to watch out for? My budget is 600$ with California taxes, so about 540$.

        • 2 months ago

          I should mention I called again, and he hasn't been around

  2. 2 months ago

    I don't live in a cuck state and I'm not familiar with how CA law works but what do you mean by "what good firearms to put as my first gun"? Is a CCW tied to a particular make and model of gun?

    Also didn't a federal court strike down the handgun roster, opening California to the full range of handguns for purchase?

    • 2 months ago

      OP is a moron who probably doesn’t know guns beyond knowing the difference between a Glock and AR-15. Our CCLs are tied to a specific gun (specific serial number). Idk if the roster has been challenged in court yet but even if it was it would be appealed endlessly like the AWB and mag capacity cases. Hell, few years back a court ruled that the ban on <21 year olds buying semiautomatic rifles was unconstitutional but still the CADOJ refuses to let the transactions happen

      • 2 months ago

        Come on, no need to call him a moron for being curious and wanting to learn. California needs all the prospective gun enjoyers it can get.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah idk why I reacted so violently to literal text on a screen from a newbie.
          Yo op, if you are in or near the east Bay Area come out to USI in concord. If you get the blue card from the main range you can come do the action pistol events, try and come to one of the ICORE matches. Very friendly group of people, I help set up. Next one is in may

      • 2 months ago

        >I don’t keep up with the court cases and what the process actually looks like but nothing will ever get better fellow goyim just trust me

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah idk why I reacted so violently to literal text on a screen from a newbie.
        Yo op, if you are in or near the east Bay Area come out to USI in concord. If you get the blue card from the main range you can come do the action pistol events, try and come to one of the ICORE matches. Very friendly group of people, I help set up. Next one is in may

        I know assault rifles don't exist, we use mags and not clips (unlike on a garand), and that single shot carry is not a smart law.

        You call me a moron but I am literally learning about firearms with people who use them.

        I am getting a motorcycle soon and may travel the country for summer break. I'll put it on my itinerary to visit. I live in LA county and just turned 21 less than a month ago. CCW's are limited to people age 21. I'm starting now because the application process averages 300-400 days.

        I hate californians because they migrated to my homestate (washington) and absolutely cucked it in 5 years

        I'm not your typical Californian, speaking from the fact I use PrepHole and am on a gun board. I used to practice combat sports and I lift regularly. Going to hit chest after I eat breakfast.

        glock 19, you answered your own question. any other choice is for hipsters. There are a bunch of glock 19 clones that could work as well if you wanted to be gay.
        Easy to comfortably conceal, pretty much as easy to shoot as a fullsized. Anything you'd want to do with a defensive handgun can be done with a g19 about 90% as well as with a specialized gun. There are reasons to have other guns but none of them do everything as well.
        If you have little hands you could consider a p365xl/43x/whatever the big hellcat is but most people find them to be a lot harder to hang onto and I think the concealment advantage is highly overrated with modern holsters.

        My hands are 8.6 inches in circumference, tit for tat the average for men. I haven't entered a gun store for the stigma, doing something wrong and getting arrested (the law in cali needs a rewrite). I was thinking of getting the permit and then buying, but that seems like it's not gonna happen.

        People at my college hate firearms, except for the latinos, and the blacks, and the middle easterners, and the asians, and the Indians and the native Americans and even international students. Come to think of it, the only people offended by gun ownership at my college are whites, israelites and the gay liberals at college art center. Ironically, the place where beauty and meaning is meant to flourish I only see fat, ugly, mentally ill 18-22 yr olds. They wear chokers also [despite hating violence]

        • 2 months ago
          Resident Wumbologist

          That's been my experience too. Only really hardcore anti-2A people are self-hating whites until they get robbed and learn that the cops aren't coming, then they buy a gun. The worse crime gets, the more redpilled everyone is getting.

          Yeah, I agree. The land the state of California charters is rich in absolutely everything. Our state economy is larger than France. The weather is great and Southern California is a geographical paradise. I see the mountains from my house, and there's a popular hiking trail about a mile away.

          I was thinking a Glock, but that's obvious. I intend to use my gun for safety. I was approached by a black man who asked for my phone about two months ago.

          I told him no, and to not come any closer. Before I said that I put my hand up in front of him so he would stop. This ended in him drawing something from his front backpack, he had two, signaling he had a gun.

          He in fact, DID NOT, have a gun, and I walked away afterward. I called the cops after leaving the gym because I saw him walking toward my high school. Simply, nothing was done and I had to call the next day because I saw him by a Handel's ice cream. The ice cream shop was scattered with little children and the elderly on the weekend. I have not seen him since, but I don't walk around that area anymore.

          You mind putting me on? Holsters, accessories, things to watch out for? My budget is 600$ with California taxes, so about 540$.

          $600 is going to be tough in CA.
          There is a $37.19 fee just for registering any gun transaction. There is a $25 fee to take the FSC test which you will need just to buy a gun. there is sales tax, which is around 9% and an additional 11% on top of that for guns and ammo starting July 1st. Due to the high cost of doing business the average cost of a new Glock is about $500-600. So you are looking at about $620-730 OTD for just buying a Glock by itself with the 2 mags it comes with. That's not including ammo, holster and more magazines. Some alternatives are cheaper, but most are even more expensive.

          If you buy a used G19 off a Calgunner we're talking a $47.19 PPT fee (dealer can't charge any more than that) +$25 FSC if you don't have one yet. You can typically get them for ~$400 and there's no sales tax, plus the seller might throw in bonus items like a holster and some extra mags. Dealer makes no money off the transaction though, so they hate doing PPTs.

          >having to put which gun you're going to carry on your CCW application

          Better than not being able to get a CCW at all and being treated worse than the criminal if you are attacked and use a legal firearm.

          • 2 months ago

            Basically. My ancestors fought for our independence about a hundred years ago with guerrilla tactics that managed to liberate a portion of our land today. Without firearms, we would be treated as slaves or worse.

            I had a knife on me, but it was in my backpack unfortunately. I've run across the sort that believe no violence can ever happen to them and its absolutely hilarious how convicted they are. I've never been the sort not to believe in the 2A. I recall in high school not agreeing with the black chick and liberal chicks who went on witch-hunts for people who thought guns were alright.

            I was 20 at the time of the attempted robbery and we cannot carry here unless 21 and over.

            crunchy granola eaters, wine moms, and hollywood are by far california's worst problems. i'd take the schizo skid row/tenderloin hobos over any of the above any day.

            LA is a beautiful apple with a rotten core. Most of Southern California is this way. I never believed people could be inept, idiot or deny reality as much as the people who live here. I get that glassy eyed stare. The wine moms and their kids are the worst. California is such dogs hit societally, it's not worth losing your life here or getting put behind bars

            The previous situation with Sheriffs taking bribes for CCw permits is well known but now that it's shall issue the pay to play is less of a thing. They do issue them, even Santa Clara does (and it's one of the top 10 worst counties to get a permit in the entire country).

            What they do now is shake down EVERY applicant. EVERYONE needs to pay up a king's ransom in application fees and wait for years to get through the process. It is a fee that a normal functional adult at least can afford now.

            So it's better than it was, but still awful.

            The application process takes 430 days. I need to apply now to get it when I'm 22 1/2. Does a criminal give a shit if he carries legally? Why do blue haired and wimpy liberals say they just want better background checks? It's like that page the IRS has saying you're obligated to report your taxes if you're a drug dealer

    • 2 months ago

      >Also didn't a federal court strike down the handgun roster, opening California to the full range of handguns for purchase?
      No. Before, there was a roster, the roster was closed, and no new guns could be added to it. Now, there's a roster and new guns can be added to it if manufacturers go through a fee-laden and annoying state mandated testing process for every individual SKU they want added. This means the same gun in a different color has to go through the testing process again even if the same model with a different coat of paint already passed. I believe there are some quibbles about magazine disconnects and other useless features being worked out now. It's still technically an improvement.

    • 2 months ago
      Resident Wumbologist

      Glock 19 gen 3 is kind of the default pistol to start with. It does everything pretty well, it's not too expensive and it is very simple because it was added to the roster before they bolted on requirements for LCI/mag disconnect safety.

      For a true CCW gun you may want to go a bit smaller though. G19 is kind of on the big side for a modern 10rd 9mm, and there are far smaller guns that carry the same capacity on board, especially now that the roster has opened up a bit. Sig P365, Springfield Hellcat, Ruger Max-9 and some legacy designs like the Kahr CW9 and Glock 26. They are less shootable than a G19, but make up for it in ease of carry. It's really a matter of preference more than anything. The best you can do is to try a wide variety of guns, even better if you can narrow it to a short list and actually shoot them before making the final choice.

      Court struck down specifically microstamping, which is science fiction and therefore made adding new models impossible for years. Now there are new models but they must have LCI/mag disconnect. It's a partial victory because a lot of badly needed modern handguns have become available to replace hundreds of designs that have either fallen off roster or out of production, but the roster still exists for now.

      OP is a moron who probably doesn’t know guns beyond knowing the difference between a Glock and AR-15. Our CCLs are tied to a specific gun (specific serial number). Idk if the roster has been challenged in court yet but even if it was it would be appealed endlessly like the AWB and mag capacity cases. Hell, few years back a court ruled that the ban on <21 year olds buying semiautomatic rifles was unconstitutional but still the CADOJ refuses to let the transactions happen

      He's not moronic. This is not common knowledge, and to the extent that you can "google it" most of the information available is confusing, wrong or out of date. The laws are a complex schitzo patchwork that don't make any logical sense to unless you have already been tracking it for years. Every newcomer is understandably confused.

      What the frick do you mean, anon? Do you have to put the firearm you intend to carry on the form???

      Typically yes.

      I have not purchased a firearm yet because I do not want to get legally raped under the law. I was planning to buy a firearm after registering but I need to put the firearm on the form, with the serial numbers. The form does not specify if the permit applies to an approved gun, or if they just want an idea on what you will be carrying.

      It varies by county but typically you'll need to own a gun already when you apply for a CCW. Glock is fine if you can't think of anything better.

      From my understanding you get two? I’d go with a Glock 17 and a Glock 26, since you can’t anything last Gen 3.

      It varies by county. Typically allowed to put 3 on your CCW.

      I hate californians because they migrated to my homestate (washington) and absolutely cucked it in 5 years

      If OP was a typical CA resident he wouldn't be posting here.

      • 2 months ago

        Sadly, any gun made before 1999ish can only be purchased on the secondary market, usually from cops. Glock 43x and Sigp365 sell for over 1k easily.
        If you ever have to move to Cali, stock up on off-roster guns.
        Before I left I carried the 26 most of the and the 17 in the snow.

        • 2 months ago

          >Sigp365 sell for over 1k easily.
          those are ca legal now
          one of my friends bought one in a store new for 900 something out the door. still fricking robbery but its not as bad as other offroster guns.

      • 2 months ago

        You have any gun buying tips? Like what it is like? What to look out for? What to bring? Not getting scammed?

  3. 2 months ago

    The gun you own is a start.

  4. 2 months ago

    What the frick do you mean, anon? Do you have to put the firearm you intend to carry on the form???

    • 2 months ago

      The gun you own is a start.

      I don't live in a cuck state and I'm not familiar with how CA law works but what do you mean by "what good firearms to put as my first gun"? Is a CCW tied to a particular make and model of gun?

      Also didn't a federal court strike down the handgun roster, opening California to the full range of handguns for purchase?

      I have not purchased a firearm yet because I do not want to get legally raped under the law. I was planning to buy a firearm after registering but I need to put the firearm on the form, with the serial numbers. The form does not specify if the permit applies to an approved gun, or if they just want an idea on what you will be carrying.

      • 2 months ago

        I’m partial to CZ, they just fit me and I prefer hammer guns. If you are a beginner/ can’t or won’t practice get a Glock or similar striker gun. The trigger pull will be the same every time, DA /SA trips some people up. If you are a pedophile there is a CA legal p365. Go on r/calguns, it’s a bit of a CZ circlejerk but there is more state specific knowledge there.

      • 2 months ago

        >The form does not specify if the permit applies to an approved gun

        I got my CCW last month and you can have off-roster pistols. However, I highly recommend you stick to 10 round magazines even if you got a few 10+ magazines from freedom week.

        Yeah, I agree. The land the state of California charters is rich in absolutely everything. Our state economy is larger than France. The weather is great and Southern California is a geographical paradise. I see the mountains from my house, and there's a popular hiking trail about a mile away.

        I was thinking a Glock, but that's obvious. I intend to use my gun for safety. I was approached by a black man who asked for my phone about two months ago.

        I told him no, and to not come any closer. Before I said that I put my hand up in front of him so he would stop. This ended in him drawing something from his front backpack, he had two, signaling he had a gun.

        He in fact, DID NOT, have a gun, and I walked away afterward. I called the cops after leaving the gym because I saw him walking toward my high school. Simply, nothing was done and I had to call the next day because I saw him by a Handel's ice cream. The ice cream shop was scattered with little children and the elderly on the weekend. I have not seen him since, but I don't walk around that area anymore.

        You mind putting me on? Holsters, accessories, things to watch out for? My budget is 600$ with California taxes, so about 540$.

        I don't know how tall you are but seriously check out a p365 or m&p shield plus before deciding on a purchase for your CCW weapon.

  5. 2 months ago

    From my understanding you get two? I’d go with a Glock 17 and a Glock 26, since you can’t anything last Gen 3.

  6. 2 months ago

    Glock 19 if you want ole reliable. Sig Sauer p365 if you want the new hotness (in CA)

  7. 2 months ago

    Sig P365 is a mighty fine pistol.

    • 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    I pocket carry a 3032 Tomcat and I would recommend it to anyone

    • 2 months ago

      They look dope, but I heard they had issues with cracking frames, is that true?

      • 2 months ago

        The old ones did, the new ones are beefed up to fix the problem. Pay attention to the pressures from your ammo choices though b3cause there is a threshold that beretta says you shouldn't cross even with the new models.

        Side note I own a 90s version and a 2021 version and the new ones are better in pretty much every way besides being thicker

  9. 2 months ago

    You have to list the gun you're going to carry on your application?

  10. 2 months ago

    glock 19, you answered your own question. any other choice is for hipsters. There are a bunch of glock 19 clones that could work as well if you wanted to be gay.
    Easy to comfortably conceal, pretty much as easy to shoot as a fullsized. Anything you'd want to do with a defensive handgun can be done with a g19 about 90% as well as with a specialized gun. There are reasons to have other guns but none of them do everything as well.
    If you have little hands you could consider a p365xl/43x/whatever the big hellcat is but most people find them to be a lot harder to hang onto and I think the concealment advantage is highly overrated with modern holsters.

  11. 2 months ago

    You have to list your guns for a CCW in California? So what, you get pulled over, have a gun not listed on your shit and go to jail or get a ticket?
    Also Cali sucks balls because mag restrictions. If you are gonna get something dont cuck your gun that would normally hold 10+ round mags. Get something that is already under the 10 round limit. Maybe a 1911, revolver or single stack guns like a Bersa .380. If its for CC Id say go with a 1911.

  12. 2 months ago

    >I live in California
    you need to first donate to the campaign for the sheriff or they will immediately deny your application - ask me how I know. Sheriffs in California are famous for being totally corrupt. If you dont give them enough money they will send you a late night email stating you need to immediately submit something you already submitted in an impossible timeframe. But it goes smoothly if they check the campaign donation list and see your name there, and you have "donated" enough. They used to ask you to donate to the campaign during the interview, but after numerous lawsuits they finally wised up.

    • 2 months ago

      >source: headcanon because this happened for real once long before Bruen happened and the whole country became shall issue
      If you could provide some evidence other than “dude just trust me” that’d be great

      • 2 months ago

        >If you could provide some evidence other than “dude just trust me” that’d be great
        easy enough to find moron

        • 2 months ago

          Thanks, genuinely, but still, 3 times that all got publically exposed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the norm. If you live outside of a ~~*compromised*~~ jurisdiction you’ll probably be fine

          • 2 months ago

            >3 times
            At first I was joking when I called you a moron, but after reading your comment I know you are moronic. 3 times? How many hundreds if not thousands of law abiding citizens were denied CCWs because they did not make political donations? The media reports are about dozens if not hundreds of people who paid to get CCWs, and these numbers are very low because people who pay to play keep it quiet, cops keep everything secret as long as possible and lie. This is widespread, but you are to dim to understand what the real situation is. Just go back to sleep.

            • 2 months ago

              I meant numbers of sheriffs doing it, moron. You have a legitimate argument here but the way you talk makes me think you’re just a schizo who stumbled into being right

    • 2 months ago
      Resident Wumbologist

      >3 times
      At first I was joking when I called you a moron, but after reading your comment I know you are moronic. 3 times? How many hundreds if not thousands of law abiding citizens were denied CCWs because they did not make political donations? The media reports are about dozens if not hundreds of people who paid to get CCWs, and these numbers are very low because people who pay to play keep it quiet, cops keep everything secret as long as possible and lie. This is widespread, but you are to dim to understand what the real situation is. Just go back to sleep.

      The previous situation with Sheriffs taking bribes for CCw permits is well known but now that it's shall issue the pay to play is less of a thing. They do issue them, even Santa Clara does (and it's one of the top 10 worst counties to get a permit in the entire country).

      What they do now is shake down EVERY applicant. EVERYONE needs to pay up a king's ransom in application fees and wait for years to get through the process. It is a fee that a normal functional adult at least can afford now.

      So it's better than it was, but still awful.

  13. 2 months ago

    >I am knowledgable about guns
    >what good firearms to put as my first gun.
    You are a no guns moron who thinks he is knowledgable.

  14. 2 months ago

    I'd probably just go full on 9mm 1911 if I was restricted to 10rds.

  15. 2 months ago

    why the frick do you need to list a specific firearm on the CCW application?

    • 2 months ago

      Introducing nonsensical requirements and regulation into firearm ownership is the Californian way. You also have to show proficiency with each gun.

  16. 2 months ago

    glonk 19

    • 2 months ago

      >10rd limit
      jeez. glonk 43x then

  17. 2 months ago

    >having to put which gun you're going to carry on your CCW application

  18. 2 months ago

    Just get a PSA

    • 2 months ago

      You can't in California

  19. 2 months ago

    You can conceal a pretty large weapon if you use the right holster. I conceal a 19x with an extra 19 round magazine appendix, and you wouldn't be able to tell I had a weapon on me even if I tucked my shirt in.

    I use a Teir 1 Axis Elite.

    • 2 months ago

      Also, I have an X300 on it

      • 2 months ago

        Could you climb a fence, full squat, run, and do a setup? I can't do those well with my Tier 1 glock 19 with a x300 and I am thinking about downgrading to a TLR7a.

  20. 2 months ago

    you may not like it, but the best CCW handgun is offered by nuSIG.
    the P365

  21. 2 months ago

    G30 Gen5. They're a bit smaller then the Gen4.

    getting a 9mm in a cap limit state is fricking stupid.

  22. 2 months ago

    stop buying guns and save up so you can move out of that stupid fricking state.

  23. 2 months ago

    Don't we already have a Second Amendment? Isn't it our duty to not comply with carry laws? What if the government said they'd arrest you for unlawful speech because you did not buy a permit to criticize the government? What if we are forced to self incriminate unless we buy a 5th Amendment permit? Like why the frick was I am supposed to pay for and be granted permission to exercise the ones the government doesn't like?

    • 2 months ago

      The Supreme Court has gotten rid of some state's requirements for issuing a ccw in NY Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen, they ultimately concluded that states nevertheless are able to regulate firearms ownership and this is consistent with how it was in 1789 when the Bill of Rights was adopted.

  24. 2 months ago

    I live in NYC and I got a Ruger LCP for my ccw so I can carry in my pocket
    >tfw still waiting for ccw in the mail

    • 2 months ago

      I live in a shall-permit state, and it took like 16 days for it to get in my mailbox. I was checking the informed delivery everyday. and then one day I woke up, checked my email and saw the scan of envelope.

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