Bermed Earth Home

I have a sound-processing disorder called misophonia which basically makes noises like cars driving by on a road out a window like nails on a chalkboard for me. Makes me want to punch a hole through a wall.

So I learned the best solution to never hearing anything outside ever is to have a house inside a berm. Are these meme architectural houses or are they actually worth looking into building? I'm worried there will be constant problems with humidity and water infiltration

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 6 months ago

    Wouldn't a better solution be those ear plugs that reduce loud noises, but still allow you to hear? A have a pair I never tried. Got them because I can't stand loud movie theaters.

    • 6 months ago

      Yes I already have those but I want to build a house which is accommodating and comfy for me without using earplugs, they hurt after wearing them for a long time and I love listening to music. Hard to do that with earplugs in

      • 6 months ago

        The solution is to stop being a sperg

        • 6 months ago

          Unironically have a nice day

  2. 6 months ago

    Why not just move somewhere low traffic?

    • 6 months ago


      Get the frick out of whatever high traffic area you're in. I enjoy a pair of sordin extreme pro x's. With the gel pads and cotton covers (both of those are available through 3rd parties). SRS is the main U.S. dealer. Also, get the rear-tension version so they work with headgear.

      Look into a tenspros CES device. I have a couple, including the STIMTENS. Try it out. Tenspros is cheaper. Auditory nerve sensitivity it sounds like is what you have. Not a bad thing necessarily. Opposite of being a deaf old boomer or npc.

  3. 6 months ago

    Mechanically stabilized earth. Build it above grade, problem solved

  4. 6 months ago

    You need mass and you need dampening (a dampening material between outer wall and inner walls/floors so vibrations get blocked). You need an experienced engineer and/or architect to draw up plans. I suspect Pounded Earth or ICF, insulation filled cavilty and secondary inner walls (probably SIPs).

    Be warned that complete silence gives most people severe tinnitus. I'd make sure your house has air vents so you can turn on AC/fans for a slight hum.

    • 6 months ago

      No, complete silence lets people hear the radio frequencies beamed into everyone's head from the government surveillance programs.
      Society is gaslighting us all to believe your tinnitus is something you have to simply deal with.

  5. 6 months ago

    it's called autism and it already had a thread


    • 6 months ago

      It's not autism moron it's completely different

      • 6 months ago

        But his thread link is still valuable to you
        >posts hastily compiled Venn diagram to back up point
        So you are an autist with misphonia

      • 6 months ago

        Did you make that fricking thing in paint? Lol

        • 6 months ago

          looks like

  6. 6 months ago

    You can also make a dome.
    You need to determine what parts of the acoustic spectrum you want to dampen, and you get laminated glass/plastic plates based on that.

    • 6 months ago

      Please correct your image rotation before posting. Shit is making me nauseous.

      • 6 months ago

        They both look correct to me ... perhaps it's user error on your part

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Please correct your image rotation before posting. Shit is making me nauseous.

    • 6 months ago

      how much it costs to make that dome? or a cheaper one?

      • 6 months ago

        I searched and found this
        The dome was NOK 1 million which is just below USD 100,000.
        More pictures:

        Supplier was Solardome, but their web pages are gone, just an archive remains:

      • 6 months ago

        this one was built for about $80.

        • 6 months ago
          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                oh look! it's a moronic attention prostitute! what should I do? I know! I'll give him some attention!

            • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago


              Did the desert heat finally get to you, or are we now consorting with a convicted felon?

  7. 6 months ago

    Perhaps there is a radome you could buy? Just now I feel a double layer transparent radome is exactly what I need around my house. In this region we never saw any global warminbg, and winter came early.

  8. 6 months ago

    I live in a bermed home that has a traditional trussed roof.

    It is wonderful. There are things about it that I don’t like, such as it is eastern facing, but in regards to your subject of noise, it absolutely is quieter inside. One thing is though that when it is completely quite, you will notice the faint rumbling of a train from miles away. It is not annoying, but is sort of shocking at first how far those deep noise vibrations travel. Mind you that there are no physical vibrations felt, ever.

    Let me know your questions.

    • 6 months ago

      Were there any moisture intrusion problems, moldy odors, or vermin?vgs4rg

      • 6 months ago

        Moisture…drainage is your concern and not necessarily humidity. No mold issues unless drainage is an issue.

        I did not build this place and bought it very cheap. There was mold and interior termite damage. The main cause was because of drainage. I dug out about three feet from the exterior all the way down to the bottom of the footer. When I got down, I found two problems. First was they had put the drain pipe on TOP of the footer and that was allowing a buildup of water. That same pipe was a corrugated pipe that had become clogged in some areas and collapsed in others. I replaced the entire pipe with PVC drain pipe that had little slits in that. Clean gravel was added thick all around and socked. This pipe runs to daylight at the BOTTOM of the footer and occasionally runs when there is heavy rain so I know it works.

        The second problem discovered was the well water line that runs to the house was broken at the fitting and the water was just continuously running. I replaced that plastic fitting with a brass one.

        I pressure washed the entire exterior wall and applied two new coats of tar. I then found on Craigslist some recycled 4” XPS blue board foam and placed it from the footer all the way to the ground level all around the underground house.

        I have not had any issues with moisture or termites (different subject and more effort).

        We also use an air conditioner in the summer and we have a wood stove in the winter. Due to the incredible insulation capabilities, it’s extremely easy to heat and cool.

        Rodents, I wouldn’t say we have any more mice issues than a typical homeowner would. Really only get mice when it starts to get cold. If you are proactive with traps, you usually only have about two or three that want to get in. After that usually don’t have another issue until next year.

  9. 6 months ago

    I have that too anon
    sucks how you can't even tell anyone about it because the only thing their moronic brains can spit out is "just le ignore it xD"
    if I could do that, don't you think I'd BE DOING IT??

    • 6 months ago

      What's even worse are the people testing you and purposefully making the specific sounds that trigger it just to draw out a reaction.
      I took me a LOT of restraint not to repeatedly punch someone doing exactly that in the fricking head.

    • 6 months ago

      What's even worse are the people testing you and purposefully making the specific sounds that trigger it just to draw out a reaction.
      I took me a LOT of restraint not to repeatedly punch someone doing exactly that in the fricking head.

      It's the FRICKING worst I hate it so much. I was out shopping for stuff with my roommate the other day and someone's car alarm went off when I was 5 feet away from it and I could hear it even inside the store and I had to try SO HARD to not go full chimp mode in there
      And then morons online are like "DURR YOU'RE AUTISTIC" no b***h it's PTSD or just bad luck

      This one charity, soQuiet makes information cards like Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, but the one time I handed it to someone while very obviously holding my ears in pain they just nodded, handed it back to me, and continued to chew like a fricking cow

      • 6 months ago

        >someone is chewing
        >I'm holding my ears in pain
        Is this level of pain typical for misophoniacs? How do you move around your dwelling and complete daily tasks?

        • 6 months ago

          >Is this level of pain typical for misophoniacs?
          It's more like mental pain which stimulates my brain into either running the frick away or beating whatever is making the noise to death with the nearest hard object. But yes it's typical
          >How do you move around your dwelling and complete daily tasks?
          Earplugs. It's a recognized disability, otherwise

        • 6 months ago

          >Is this level of pain typical for misophoniacs?
          it's more like fight or flight that translates into murderous hatred for whoever is making the noise. I have on more than one occasion seriously considered forcibly making someone stop eating because their chewing was driving me insane. in other cases I just leave and everyone wonders why I got up and left suddenly.

          >lip smacking/exhaling loudly after taking a drink
          >sniffling e.g. when sick with a runny nose
          >chewing, whether mouth open or closed, especially crunchy things like chips or ice
          >feet dragging while walking
          all make me see red almost instantly.

          • 6 months ago

            >lip smacking/exhaling loudly
            >feet dragging
            Sheeit I do all of these things on the daily. I wonder how many of you gays I've triggered.

  10. 6 months ago

    You don't need a buried house. You need ear plugs.

  11. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I experience both ASMR and misophonia, I wonder if they're linked somehow.

  12. 6 months ago

    You might get something out of looking into torfbæir (Icelandic turf houses, singular form torfbær). They were built with a basic timber frame, then clad with earth, sometimes a meter thick. I bet not much sound can get through that.

    • 6 months ago

      >tuff houses
      They almost all gone now. Must suck. A few remain as tourist traps.

      • 6 months ago

        They built houses out of dirt because materials were scarce on the desolate rock on the arctic circle. Did you think the result was going to be stellar?
        There's not much reason to build those in modern life, but some of the techniques may be relevant to someone who's also looking into berm houses for the purpose of noise isolation.

  13. 6 months ago

    why not just build a concrete or block house. why does it always have to be some hippy meme earthshit on this board.

    • 6 months ago

      Concrete will let the low frequency rumble through.

      • 6 months ago

        most of the sound probably goes through the windows...if youre willing to berm your house you wouldnt need any

        • 6 months ago

          I have a low frequency humming that comes from a plant, propagate long the ground (there is no line of sight) and through my ouer walls, and through the interior wall and into my bedroom. Low frequency sounds is a very different beast from higher frequencies.

          • 6 months ago

            so if it goes through the ground, how the frick are any walls going to help you? more ground touching your walls to propogate the vibration is going to make it better?

            • 6 months ago

              Walls are either a hard layer of brick/concrete or wood, and low frequency sound gets through.
              Solid earth is better, unless you get an underground explosion, which is rarely a problem.

    • 6 months ago

      Neither of those options provide what OP is looking for.
      Why do midwits like yourself always feel the need to comment on everything they see?

  14. 6 months ago

    Can't you just invest in sound reduction? Like double paned glass?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      That does not work against low frequency sounds. I have triple pane and the sound gets through. And even if it were to work, the sound gets through the walls.

    • 6 months ago

      Just one more pane of glass bro I swear it'll stop the sound from coming through, I've got a deal on quintuple paned glass windows, 3' thick bro they've got a whopping 2 dB noise reduction bro just please let me install them

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