>Bellingcats investigative journalist Christo Grozev has helped expose a covert Russian military intelligence unit called 29155, a special force...

>Bellingcat’s investigative journalist Christo Grozev has helped expose a covert Russian military intelligence unit called 29155, a special forces team carrying out sabotage and assassinations across Europe, as he told The Insider. The emails obtained by investigators shed light on Russia’s overconfidence about a quick victory against Ukraine that never materialized.


What kind of weapons would be used in this?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    >Grozev also called Putin critic and chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov to warn that a 29155 agent had infiltrated Russian exile groups to get close to him.
    really says a lot about russia's priorities that they're going to use such an expensive and precious asset on some dude who was relevant in the 90s
    no offense to any chess nerds and i do understand why kasparov is so relevant (how good he is in chess and what he's said about russia) but holy frick you put him on the top of the list? really? he's fricking irrelevant.
    >captcha g0ypm8

    • 4 months ago

      absolute dictatorships calculate relevancy in a slightly different ways

      • 4 months ago

        >Grozev also called Putin critic and chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov to warn that a 29155 agent had infiltrated Russian exile groups to get close to him.
        really says a lot about russia's priorities that they're going to use such an expensive and precious asset on some dude who was relevant in the 90s
        no offense to any chess nerds and i do understand why kasparov is so relevant (how good he is in chess and what he's said about russia) but holy frick you put him on the top of the list? really? he's fricking irrelevant.
        >captcha g0ypm8

        Yes, Putin's #1 goal is to stay in power, and winning in Ukraine is secondary. He's done a good job at firing, sidelining, or murdering, anyone who could pose a serious threat or even act in a critical role to his rule.

    • 4 months ago

      absolute dictatorships calculate relevancy in a slightly different ways

      certified small dick syndrome moment

      • 4 months ago

        He's probably trying to implement the Enabran Tain motto: "don't let your enemies outlive you".

    • 4 months ago

      Who said he's on top of the list?

    • 4 months ago

      >What kind of weapons would be used in this?

      hes not irrelevant in russia though. of all the members of the opposition, he is the one who is probably the most respected in all of russia regardless of political affiliation.

    • 4 months ago

      >he's fricking irrelevant.
      You're looking at things in the wrong way. Ukraine throughout history has generally been a shithole about on par with the nicer parts of Russia (until about a decade ago it was mostly known in the west for growing grain for thirdies, sunflower seeds and exporting prostitutes and child pornography) but ever since the 90s it has become extremely apparent that the grass is greener to the west with Poland setting the example and Russia's pride can't tolerate this. If Ukraine went over to the other side then there would be no line of defense for the heartland (pay no attention to those Baltics behind the curtain). If Ukraine aligns with the west - even if it doesn't join NATO - and develops like Poland does then Russia has no cards left. Their soft power outside of states for which they are the suzerain amounts to threatening to hike energy prices (which would be a nothingburger if people could buy their gas from Ukraine instead), semi-competent glowBlack persony, third world military shenanigans and toothless saber-rattling; and military options would be off the table because the Russian military would get spanked (as they well know themselves) and defeat would be an unacceptable image.

      So, naturally, they went full moron because they're incapable of doing anything else because anything else means ditching the only paradigm they've ever known. Ukraine has marginal military value to Russia and limited strategic value to Russia but immense cultural relevance (as does Kasparov) and this recent shit tornado in the region is simply a punitive expedition by an decadent empire. Even if they achieve a pyrrhic victory and status quo ante bellum they'll have lost. What will happen later though, remains to be seen. There's the possibility that so much pressure has accumulated under Putin that it will burst when he dies and there will be meaningful reform, but history says the safe bet is that the new boss will be the same as the old boss.

    • 4 months ago

      Kasparov actually gives a shit about Russia's future, hasn't made his money through corruption and likely can't be convinced to go against his conscience. This makes him a threat.
      That ordinary Russians show no interest in him and putins boomer-vatnik supporters hate him is of no consequence.

      • 4 months ago

        if only he had a bicycle he could have made it

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Apparently he's very politically active and most of his time is divided between chess and shitting on the Russian government

    • 4 months ago

      >he's fricking irrelevant
      Since the 90s there have been four Russian world chess champions
      Kasparov is the most famous and a loudspoken critic of Putin
      Karpov is on the State Duma
      Kramnik is a chess nerd with no politics whatsoever
      Khalifman signed a petition to Putin to stop the war, but he is by far the least successful and least famous of the bunch

      actually, he IS on top of the list

  2. 4 months ago

    Not OP, but made this video two days ago from his last interview.

    • 4 months ago

      god, i hate catbox

      • 4 months ago

        Tried to find timestamp, but cba.

  3. 4 months ago


    >Man is basically handled by gangster oligarchs that stole the country after the collapse of the USSR
    That's not really what happened. Putin is part of a clique of "ex"-KGB men. They were heavily involved in smuggling in technology and creating dark pools of cash in the 80s for foreign ops. They were kinda sidelined by Yeltsin and the oligarchs during the 90s, but they always had access to to those dark pools.
    When Putin was made president he was the point man for the clique, and they went back to what they were doing, expanding those dark pools of cash and using them to purchase influence.
    Ironically they may have been partially responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union because they were taking so much money out of the country in the late 80s.

  4. 4 months ago


    >The Russian people deserve better
    no, they don't
    you can also keep the rest of that diarrhea you wrote for yourself, idiot moron

  5. 4 months ago


    >poltard/rooster opens his mouth
    <trannies, gays, anal sex, male anuses

  6. 4 months ago


    chuggoids still mad at the people who exposed MH17 after all these years lol

    • 4 months ago

      >chuggoids still mad at the people who exposed MH17 after all these years lol
      They've had a *lot* of wins over the years.

      It would be impressive for any government agency, for an independent media outlet it's fricking amazing.

  7. 4 months ago


    Interesting lack of responses from the Orange man bad crowd.

    Good info anon. Not exactly difficult to find but good nonetheless.

  8. 4 months ago


    >But really it's more the cultists in the GOP that worship him that I'm worried
    They're mostly lemmings running wild without a leader to follow-around.
    >Hell the clusterfrick in Ukraine is what finally got the eurogays to start getting off their asses and take defense seriously like Trump wanted them to when he was in office.
    Definitively one of his (many) instances of being not very moronic. He's mostly moronic because he can't help but prod domestic beehives, not because of foreign policy, honestly.

    Interesting lack of responses from the Orange man bad crowd.

    Good info anon. Not exactly difficult to find but good nonetheless.

    Thanks, and no problem, anon.
    Shills are gonna struggle bad with this election season. I can't think of a single race where one candidate can run on "I was right" on most of the significant issues on the ballot today lmao.

    • 4 months ago

      >They're mostly lemmings running wild without a leader to follow-around.
      That's the scary part. If that many people can be mobilized for such a dumb cause, imagine what someone with real cunning and ambition could do in Trump's position.

      • 4 months ago

        Eh, it's unironically always been that way in US politics. If anything it's something of a miracle it hasn't gone absolutely horribly bad (if you don't count Confederate leaders) before.

  9. 4 months ago

    >Christo Grozev

    • 4 months ago


  10. 4 months ago

    put the original link

  11. 4 months ago


    I don't think the the FSB-controlled groups like the Grayzone would be putting out stories like this one.

  12. 4 months ago

    This video is really interesting but it's unsettling that the guy who is supposedly stalking Kasparov wasn't arrested prior to publishing this. I don't think they should be blowing the whistle so publicly unless this info has already been in the hands of western law enforcement for months and they haven't done anything about this.
    He mentions some people getting arrested but it isn't really clear to me if that was a result of their investigation or not.

  13. 4 months ago


    >The Russian people deserve better.
    Nah. You deserve death.

    • 4 months ago

      >Nah. You deserve death.
      anon...yes that 'both sides' concern trolling vatnik you're responding to deserves death, of course.
      But this doesn't mean the Russian people don't deserve better, of course they do. Everybody does.
      It's what they do with their opportunities to improve their lot that matters but everybody deserves to have those opportunities to evolve as a society, to grasp freedom and democracy and the responsibilities that go with those.
      Even if they keep failing these tests time and again, they always deserve chances to try again.

      You never know when *this* time will have been enough failures for them to get their act together, establish some national pride and improve their country through a natio n-wide movement to embrace socially viable culture at scale.
      Ukraine managed to do this a few years back and it's more or less working, has worked so far at least.
      Lots of people would have written them off a year before the Euromaiden, you can't know in advance which time and place this will succeed (Euromaiden) and when it's not quite enough (i.e. Belarus protests).
      You have to have unlimited patience for primitive societies to evolve into something more mature, sometimes they surprise you and even when not, it's a step in the right direction and you should never put more obstacles in the way of that.

      • 4 months ago

        >But this doesn't mean the Russian people don't deserve better, of course they do. Everybody does.
        People get the government they deserve.

        • 4 months ago

          >People get the government they deserve
          I don't really believe that.
          I think people get the government that they're not strong enough to prevent ruling them.

          Your philosophy has a Might Makes Right smell to it, like people deserve to be oppressed because they can't throw off a dictator or are afraid of the secret police.
          There's still lots of countries with oppressive regimes that people would rather not have but they haven't the insight or strength of number or organisation to do anything about it. This doesn't make them morally wrong and I don't think it makes them worthy of suffering under the yoke of such governments.

  14. 4 months ago

    revolver ocelot

  15. 4 months ago


    I hope Trump if he's elected can both secure the border AND continue aiding TZD. I really don't wanna have to choose between those

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