>be me. >bout to start college soon and I don't have a car so I can't do shit

>be me
>bout to start college soon and I don't have a car so I can't do shit
> I want to move out and get a van and pimp it out like those van people who build shit in it and make a mini trailer.
> Want to set up a whole pc setup for fun
What should I do? Is this a good idea? Any advice from any van campers here if this is a good idea, especially if I want to do college work?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    I can get you a van as long as we can cuddle in it. You MUST be okay with taking turns being big and little spoon. The rest is negotiable, but hey, free van.

    • 11 months ago

      we should pull straws to determine turns

      • 11 months ago

        nyet, flip of the coin.

        • 11 months ago

          If you're only drawing two straws then it's the same odds as flipping a coin.

  2. 11 months ago

    What's your budget?

    Where to park when you sleep? Getting the knock sucks.

    Do you have a good emergency fund?

    Otherwise pretty doable. Lots of tips and tricks out there, especially on YouTube and different forums.

    Don't even need a van to do it, I've lived in a Prius for a couple of years. Just have to get creative.

    • 11 months ago

      >I've lived in a Prius for a couple of years
      Seattle 2015?

      • 11 months ago

        Nope, haven't been there yet.

        How do vanlifers survive the summers? It must be steaming hot even with the windows cracked down.

        Move to higher elevation. Seasonal jobs help with mobility.

        Otherwise you're seriously fricked, unless you've got an HEV to keep yourself in air conditioning all night.

        Having lived in a van for years while working in the trades and having spent time in school on an engineering degree I would recommend taking on a little extra debt to have stable, quiet housing if you're doing a serious program. If you're getting a moron low-effort hippie degree you'll be fine in your moron hippie van.

        If I had to live in a van while working on a serious degree the van would mainly be for sleeping and storage and I would use campus and near-campus amenities for everything else. You could us a minivan comfortably for this if you're man-sized, could get away with something smaller if you're a manlet. Do not let anyone know that you're sleeping in your van, do your homework very carefully to make sure you can sleep safely and undisturbed in whichever location(s) you've selected, and practice uncommonly good hygiene so nobody suspects you're homeless.

        If you have any specific questions I'll try to answer them.

        Solid advice if you're serious about getting an education early on.

        It's not comfy like on Instagram.
        No shower
        Gotta find places to park
        No kitchen

        Comfy is relative, and you absolutely can have a kitchen. YouTube is great for this, tons of people doing this for fun or because it's a means to an end. I just bought my first house and acreage in February. I've saved so much in rent.

        The ones who would never even consider what it's like to live in a vehicle are the ones who talk shit about it the most.

        Keep in mind that ""vanlife"" is a countercultural thing and most people will never understand the lifestyle.

        I say go for it. You're young.

        Go in prepared and have a solid budget and you'll be fine for however long you plan on doing it. It's easy to go back to normal housing if you don't like it. Get a damn job and a reliable vehicle first though.

        • 11 months ago

          If he was some vagrant sure, bad idea for a college kid with work to do. A Coleman gas stove and a cooler isn't a kitchen.

  3. 11 months ago

    >he fell for the van life meme
    If you’re going to be tied to one spot don’t bother
    >want to set up a whole pc

  4. 11 months ago

    It's not comfy like on Instagram.
    No shower
    Gotta find places to park
    No kitchen

    • 11 months ago

      that was what i was thinking
      in summer might be cool to drive around and park in different camping sites or near a river or lake.

      • 11 months ago

        If you have the money to buy a van and kit it out for a few months sure, not a long term thing by any means.

  5. 11 months ago

    If you live in the states, it’s honestly dumb easy to find overnight parking outside of city centers. Park in a random suburb or in the edge of some woods. If you need a parking lot, stick to the edges not the middle of the lot. Just don’t get an obnoxiously obvious van, and be strategic about your location. Don’t stay anywhere more than 3 days too. Ideally move every day.

  6. 11 months ago

    >What should I do?
    stay in school and get a job

  7. 11 months ago

    Having lived in a van for years while working in the trades and having spent time in school on an engineering degree I would recommend taking on a little extra debt to have stable, quiet housing if you're doing a serious program. If you're getting a moron low-effort hippie degree you'll be fine in your moron hippie van.

    If I had to live in a van while working on a serious degree the van would mainly be for sleeping and storage and I would use campus and near-campus amenities for everything else. You could us a minivan comfortably for this if you're man-sized, could get away with something smaller if you're a manlet. Do not let anyone know that you're sleeping in your van, do your homework very carefully to make sure you can sleep safely and undisturbed in whichever location(s) you've selected, and practice uncommonly good hygiene so nobody suspects you're homeless.

    If you have any specific questions I'll try to answer them.

    • 11 months ago

      This. I slept in my shitcan for over a year. Its a huge pain in the ass if you have a job with no travelling with little gain. Most girls will judge you, but its also a decent shit test. I ended up getting a little land and just parking it there for wild parties and stuff until i built my moron smurf house.

  8. 11 months ago

    >I don't have a car so I can't do shit
    thats why you were supposed to work a part-time job through high school, to have money for a car, phone and to move out on your own

  9. 11 months ago

    How do vanlifers survive the summers? It must be steaming hot even with the windows cracked down.

    • 11 months ago

      I've slept in 110F degree summers with windows cracked, usually only slept at night but if I needed a daytime nap I'd park in the shade. Rain guards over your windows let you do this regardless of weather, helps prevent your windshield icing over in winter, too. I spent a lot of time working outside so I was acclimated to the weather.

  10. 11 months ago

    No no no! Im a dog dad! He screamed. The he saw the dog had been tied to a tree. The first appendage was an ear, tossed to the dog..who sniffed it briefly then ate it. And so went another ear, the toungue, a hand, a leg from the knee down. The wimpering stopped and the dog, now full. Was offered water. Full, it slept as the sun rose.

    • 11 months ago

      Reminded me of that scene from the movie teeth. I didnt have seggz for like a week after that

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