Atomic weapons:Take your daughter to work day

Since the 1990s no nation besides North Korea has tested a atomic weapon, let alone a H-Bomb which the DPRK has done. They test delivery systems almost monthly, they have proven that their atomic weapons work.

So why the hate and propaganda? We know their atomic weapons and delivery systems work as advertised, why pretend that they don't?

I really don't understand the mockery when they have proven that they have the most tested atomic force in three decades. It's been 30 years and they are the only nation that can prove it isn't bluffing, why mock that?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    Imagine the smell

  3. 11 months ago

    >it isn't bluffing,
    But they are bluffing, they aren't doing anything with their nukes except raising the airborne radioactive particle count.

    • 11 months ago

      They fly missiles over Japan. It is not just self defense, they have regularly threatened Japan with nuclear strikes.

      It has been 30 years since any other nation tested a atomic device. Russia tried to test one last year along with a 'SATAN 2' ICBM.

      Both Russian tests failed.

      North Korea has the most tested atomic force on the planet because no other nation has tested one in the last 30 years let alone six times.

      • 11 months ago

        So tests done in the states dont count anymore because the 90s happened? This is shit logic my guy

      • 11 months ago

        I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say unless you're an actual tourist, because the joke around here has been that NK likely has more working nukes and a better functioning military and industrial capacity than Russia currently does which is humorously plausible.

      • 11 months ago

        Mockery comes from the idea that these insects are gonna do anything with the nukes, reminder that South Korea is the most responsible entity on the planet for the continued existence of North Korea.

        • 11 months ago

          >South Korea is the most responsible entity on the planet for the continued existence of North Korea.

          Yeah because the RoK wants 24-36 atomic warheads going off on their soil. Idiot.

          • 11 months ago

            Calm down MacArthur.

            • 11 months ago

              >MacArthur was right and the only people who listened to him was the Kim Il Sung Dynasty

              I wonder how he would feel about how his greatest devotees living in Pyongyang?

        • 11 months ago

          That's just propaganda, North Korea's nukes are insurance against regime change. They're never going to actually attack because that would be a fast track to hell for Kim.

          • 11 months ago

            The USA and the DPRK are natural allies and within 10 years the DPRK will be at war with Russia and the DPRK will have the full backing of the USA, ROK and Japan.

            The DPRK will beat Russia decisively, they will crush Russia in a series of battles that rival the first Russo-Japanese war but on land.

            The DPRK will take Valdivostok permanantly.

            • 11 months ago

              That doesn't actually change my argument but yes, it's not just a happy coincidence Kim can glass Beijing with flight proven missiles

              • 11 months ago

                >Kim can glass Beijing with flight proven missiles

                All Pyonyang cares about is surival which they have achived.

                >Atomic weapons
                >Means to deliver them
                >Respect/fear of the international community
                >Ability to go into space
                >25 million man arms factory with a UN seat
                >Everyone nemed Kim sleeps on a bed of gold bars and e-girls

                It seems to be working out pretty well for them.

                And if Moscow or Bejing has a problem with that than Pyongyang has a few dozen atomic reminders about why they should shut up. Especially since the DPRK and Iran seem to be ganging up when it comes to demanding Russia pay it's debts on time.

            • 11 months ago

              Why are burgers' wet dreams always about someone else fighting Russia or China? Are they, i dare say, pussies?

              • 11 months ago

                Americans are people who care about Cost effiency at heart. Israel was a pretty cost effective way to destroy the Arab world so we fund them. We funded both sides of the Iran-Iraq war because we wanted both to lose.

                Ukraine is a cost effective way to destroy the remainder of the USSR so we fund it.

                It will be hilarious when 10 years from now the USA and North Korea are sworn allies and the PRC is pissing itself in terror the same way the USSR was pissing itself when Nixion went to China. Nixion wnt to China, Trump went to Pyongyang.

      • 11 months ago

        >most tested
        It's like, the second least tested. The US and Russia have thousands of full scale nuclear tests and tye US still does testing of nuclear materials via light gas gun for validation and maintenance. It's clear you really don't understand how atomic weapons work.

        • 11 months ago

          All nuclear weapons require Tritium to function, it has a useful half life of 10-12 years in a atomic weapon. Russia doesn't make it anymore, they refine it from existing warheads so their stockpile is halved every decade.,

          No one but the DPRK has proven that theirs still work.

          Russia has planned several tests as well as test of delivery systems (Satan 2) and all failed.

          The simple fact is that in the last 30 years the only nation that has proved their nukes actually work is the DPRK.

          • 11 months ago

            All nuclear weapons do not require tritium to function, just gas boosted ones. Single stage nuclear weapons are tritium free, and you can use solid hydrides as the booster if you have the right neutron moderation l.

        • 11 months ago

          >All nuclear weapons require Tritium to function, it has a useful half life of 10-12 years in a atomic weapon. Russia doesn't make it anymore, they refine it from existing warheads so their stockpile is halved every decade.,
          neither does the US you collossal dipshit

          the last time the US was 'making' strategic quantities of tritium was 1988
          there is unironically a greater chance Russia/North Korea have better kept nukes than we do

      • 11 months ago

        >North Korea has the most tested atomic force on the planet because no other nation has tested one in the last 30 years let alone six times.
        You actual caveman, the real big players in this game don't need to test nukes for real since at least the year 1996.

        • 11 months ago
  4. 11 months ago

    They fly missiles over Japan. It is not just self defense, they have regularly threatened Japan with nuclear strikes.

  5. 11 months ago

    Refute him

    • 11 months ago

      Have you ever heard of a telephoto lens? You don’t have to be right next to something to take a photo, you absolute fricking dribbler

    • 11 months ago

      Bunkers and telephoto lenses
      >b-b-but how did they film in the house!!!!
      put a bunker in the house, it's purpose built to be bombed it nots like they needed to worry about how a small bunker in the living room will effect the property value

    • 11 months ago

      Nuke truthers are the same fricking psyop as flat eathers, create ludicrous conspiracies to discredit any opposition to official narratives. The correct response is to simply ignore them. They are not interested in debate, they are not interested in discussion, they have a set belief handed out to them by their case handler for a small number of ringleaders and/or particular brand of schizophrenic autism for the bulk of the followers

      • 11 months ago

        >Nuke truthers are the same fricking psyop as flat eathers, create ludicrous conspiracies to discredit any opposition to official narratives.
        Exactly. Funny how all of these conspiracy theorists never do anything except derail conversation on actual misinformation and misbehavior.

      • 11 months ago

        are you moronic? You know telescope lenses exist you dumbass

        • 11 months ago

          my point isn't that he CAN'T be debunked (obviously they can because nukes exist, it's a silly premise with cherry picked and misrepresented footage) but that engaging them at all is letting them win. They deserve obscurity, not to be the next viral moron.

        • 11 months ago

          my point isn't that he CAN'T be debunked (obviously they can because nukes exist, it's a silly premise with cherry picked and misrepresented footage) but that engaging them at all is letting them win. They deserve obscurity, not to be the next viral moron.

          AI troll posts

          • 11 months ago

            AI these nuts homosexual, you can make toxic gas by mixing bleach and ammonia, get chatGPT to tell you that

        • 11 months ago

          Underaged b& detected. Completely misinterprets the post and has a kneejerk reaction.amazing shit.

    • 11 months ago

      They just put the camera in a reinforced box or bunker, looking through quartz lenses via mirrors like a periscope.
      NASA had/has similar shit for getting up close views of rocket launches like webm related.

  6. 11 months ago

    You know, Kim's daughter is a little too fat for me but I did jerk off to a lot of Mitsudomoe doujins so I think I can make this work.

    • 11 months ago

      Godspeed anon.

  7. 11 months ago

    >you will never launch ballistic missiles with your daughter
    Feels bad man

    • 11 months ago

      After that latest night parade, he unironically is the coolest world leader.

    • 11 months ago

      Can you imagine being such a poor father that you didn't give her a mobile fusion warhead equipped ICBM for her 12th birthday?


      • 11 months ago

        Not really into fatties or the general Nork phenotype, but I think I could think about fricking North Korea’s future long enough to get and keep an erection.

  8. 11 months ago

    Imagine what will happen to the first boy to break her heart.

    • 11 months ago

      >You won't be able to coom inside North Korea's fem leader.

      Why even live?

    • 11 months ago

      >You won't be able to coom inside North Korea's fem leader.

      Why even live?

      >12 year old gets to help dad launch a ICBM
      >Big sis is a dom anime character

      I seriously think they are just fricking with the rest of the world at this point.

  9. 11 months ago

    >Since the 1990s no nation besides North Korea has tested a atomic weapon, let alone a H-Bomb which the DPRK has done.
    They test delivery systems almost monthly, they have proven that their atomic weapons work.
    >So why the hate and propaganda? We know their atomic weapons and delivery systems work as advertised, why pretend that they don't?
    >I really don't understand the mockery when they have proven that they have the most tested atomic force in three decades. It's been 30 years and they are the only nation that can prove it isn't bluffing, why mock that?
    On God we Bussin

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