ATF Agent encounter stories

Anyone have any to share?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    One time I bought some super illegal shit and they came to my house, but I said what the frick you gonna do about it? And then they were all like flustered y'know? And then they were like, if you beat us in arm wrestling you can have your illegal shit. So I did it, I beat them ALL and there was 6 of them. Buncha b***hes the lot of them. What else would you expect from the ATF tho?

    • 1 month ago

      Hell yeah, bro!

    • 1 month ago

      Y'know, I might actually be okay with the ATF if all you had to do to own NFA items was beat a couple agents in an arm-wrestling match.

    • 1 month ago

      real and straight

  2. 1 month ago

    Does getting pulled over count?

  3. 1 month ago

    Dave, come to my office. You know you're not supposed to fish for stories where people encountered you while on duty. We've talked about this and I'm afraid disciplinary action is on the table.

  4. 1 month ago

    I would like to share my manhood with your mom.

  5. 1 month ago

    >do crime with just alcohol and firearms
    >no tobacco so they can't do shit

    • 1 month ago

      >>do crime with just alcohol and firearms
      >>no tobacco so they can't do shit
      holy shit you're right the name is
      >Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms AND Explosives
      >not OR
      it's right there in the text!! has anyone tried this in court it's obviously if you're not using all 4 of those they don't have jurisdiction!?!?

      • 1 month ago

        Another American brought low by the Oxford comma.

  6. 1 month ago

    >go to gun show
    >cletus in his stall is playing barker yelling at people to check his stuff out
    >take a look
    >mostly used glocks at new glock prices
    >tell him his prices are outrageous
    >he calls me a limp wristed homosexual
    >later see ATF agents perusing the stalls
    >tell them cletus tried to sell me a switch

    • 1 month ago

      wow, snitching homosexual.

      • 1 month ago

        i'm surprised you know how to use a computer, cletus. now lower your fricking prices

        • 1 month ago

          its a fake story anyways. just wanted to let you know though, you're a homosexual. never snitch

          • 1 month ago

            >getting angry at a fake story


          • 1 month ago

            wow, snitching homosexual.

            shut the frick up noguns homosexual.

      • 1 month ago

        It's not snitching. It's called framing an innocent man. GET *clapping hands emoji* IT *clapping hands emoji* RIGHT *clapping hands emoji*

  7. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago
  8. 1 month ago

    Nothing special, but I've been through probably a dozen ATF inspections at the stores I've worked at. Only one time ever caused me to raise an eyebrow.

    >inspection is going fine, store does so much business that inspections usually take a whole week
    >BS'ing with one of the agents as he is inventorying guns near my work bench
    >he tells me I've worked on some of his guns before
    >I looked him up in my repair logbook (I never see customers, just their guns)
    >I had threaded and installed muzzle brakes on 14 rifles of his over the years.

    Felt kinda weird knowing I was on the radar of an agent all this time and I had no idea. Luckily we ran that shop squeaky clean, so nothing to worry about, but still makes me nervous.

    • 1 month ago

      One more story, not mine, and not ATF, but secret service. Story came from an old co-worker of mine.

      >At SCI show in Las Vegas in the early 00's
      >brought a few collectible guns to try and sell at the show
      >expensive shit like side by side rifles, stuff you'd use on safari
      >talking to a guy who said he's really interested in one of the guns
      >run upstairs to grab the gun out of hotel room
      >literally run back downstairs and through the show
      >guy in a black suit steps into the aisle and quietly says to stop
      >says not in trouble, but can't let you pass
      >look ahead a bit to figure out reason for being stopped
      >see president of the United fricking States checking out the booths at the show surrounded by secret service

      My co-worker actually got to meet G.W. Bush because of this, took a picture with him and even chatted for a minute. HE actually apologized to my co-worker for the hassle.

      • 1 month ago

        Imagine the panic attack Secret Service had when the President demanded to go to a gun show.

        • 1 month ago

          Sometimes I think we should rename the Secret Service to High Stakes Tard Wranglers after hearing some of the bullshit some of the presidents did that needlessly endangered themselves

          • 1 month ago

            >Sometimes I think we should rename the Secret Service to High Stakes Tard Wranglers after hearing some of the bullshit some of the presidents did that needlessly endangered themselves
            Yeah but look at it from those presidents' point of view, they're cooped up in a kind of bubble, and even worse, can be the kind of people who crave human contact (being narcissistic politicians and all). You can't go anywhere or do anything without a planned military operation. At a some point Obama would be like "I NEED TO GET A FRICKIN BURGER" and demanded to leave the White House as the Secret Service scrambled to set up a security perimeter. Yes, his staff could go get burgers, but no, he was gonna frickin do it because I'm a human being goddammit!!!

            • 1 month ago

              It also kinda hurts any President's image, at the end of the day. You're democratically elected, and the myth of America is that you're supposed to be a "man of the people," but you go everywhere with this big knot of scary dudes in suits who won't let anyone get in sneezing distance of you. Inevitably, there's going to be a point where your desire to just be another American and do regular American things overwhelms your willingness to be tardwrangled as the Leader of the Free World.

      • 1 month ago

        Did you tell him to frick off? 2nd amendment doesn't have an exception for security of important people.

      • 1 month ago

        >G.W. Bush

        he should have slapped that moron for letting 9/11 happen and invading iraq

        • 1 month ago

          Everyone thought invading Iraq was a great idea in the early 2000s.

          • 1 month ago

            Can anyone explain for those of us too young to remember that shit? I get invading Afghanistan, but was Iraq actually thought to be related to 9/11 at all, or was it a "finish the job" Gulf-War holdover type thing?

            • 1 month ago

              People were wondering that at the time, too, hence the allegations of it being an "oil war" even back then. From what I remember, the thinking was "Iraq funds terror groups, a terror group is responsible for the attack, something something Al Qaeda, also something something WMDs, grave threat to the free world, Saddam's gotta go". Of course in retrospect, knowing Iraq had less to do with it than Saudi Arabia (our "ally"), that the WMD scare was highly exaggerated, and the fact that we spent 20 years accomplishing nothing, we know it was a poor move. Back then, people were out for blood, and it really didn't matter whose. We had experience with Saddam, already didn't like him, and so it made for a convenient excuse (some say "too convenient") to fund MIC, finish the job, and make people at home feel like they did something. That lasted for like 2 or 3 years before it became mainstream to question the necessity and importance of the occupation, and somehow still went on for another 17 years and a whole nother sandbox. The Patriot Act and infinite war budget was the Fed's wet dream, and was drafted before a single one of the terrorists began training to fly. You do the math.

            • 1 month ago

              A bit of other and other things too. The general concept was 'oh shit terrorism is real now' (since after the Cold War ended a major thought going around was loose nukes from the badly unsecured USSR stockpiles). Airplane hijacking used to be all about negotiations and hostage rescues, not kamikaze planes, until 9/11 proved otherwise; so what if the same thing is possible with WMD? MAD doesn't work on suicide bombers, oh no! We better go round up any WMD which weren't collected up by the Nunn-Lugar program before 9/11 2: this time it's nuclear.
              Obviously there were a lot of other, lesser, related causes, like petrodollar, the history of Middle Eastern oil supplies (fracking hadn't been invented yet so the US was dependent on ME oil and boomers had the 1970s oil crisis in their memories) the neocon PNAC plan from Israel/Epstein, the narrative we should have finished the job in 1991, etc; probably a few more I missed.

              But the desire to preempt a second worse 9-11 in the post-cold-war mindset was the main thing.

              • 1 month ago

                >fracking hadn't been invented yet
                Maybe you jumped timelines and you are experiencing the Mandela effect.
                Some wikipedia tidbits for a quick cut and paste:
                >Hydraulic fracturing began as an experiment in 1947, and the first commercially successful application followed in 1950.
                >Massive hydraulic fracturing (also known as high-volume hydraulic fracturing) is a technique first applied by Pan American Petroleum in Stephens County, Oklahoma, US in 1968
                Before 9/11, Iraq was the 4th largest crude oil supplier for California. And Iraq was missing the city sized infrastructure necessary to create the "mushroom cloud" WMD's we were told that our military would surely find.
                We were made to fight that war for "other reasons".

              • 1 month ago

                >muh wikipedia citing midwit
                Fracking hadn't been operationalized at scale yet, Black person; because slick-water wasn't considered a viable alternative to gel while bendable drill housings and PDC bits were still new. Read the history of the Fayetteville and Marcellus patches in the early 00s.

                I get it, you want to spam your politics, but consider that when you reveal your ignorance about real shit, nobody's going to respect your speculation.

              • 1 month ago

                >Fracking hadn't been operationalized at a specific scale that is specific to this argument and is an unmeasured scale that only exists because I won't admit that I am wrong
                Every year, technology gets better. We still aren't fracking at the scale that we could be fracking in the future.
                But I was responding to:

                A bit of other and other things too. The general concept was 'oh shit terrorism is real now' (since after the Cold War ended a major thought going around was loose nukes from the badly unsecured USSR stockpiles). Airplane hijacking used to be all about negotiations and hostage rescues, not kamikaze planes, until 9/11 proved otherwise; so what if the same thing is possible with WMD? MAD doesn't work on suicide bombers, oh no! We better go round up any WMD which weren't collected up by the Nunn-Lugar program before 9/11 2: this time it's nuclear.
                Obviously there were a lot of other, lesser, related causes, like petrodollar, the history of Middle Eastern oil supplies (fracking hadn't been invented yet so the US was dependent on ME oil and boomers had the 1970s oil crisis in their memories) the neocon PNAC plan from Israel/Epstein, the narrative we should have finished the job in 1991, etc; probably a few more I missed.

                But the desire to preempt a second worse 9-11 in the post-cold-war mindset was the main thing.

                >fracking hadn't been invented yet

            • 1 month ago

              It was do the dirty work for israelites

            • 1 month ago

              Picture how mad Americans get when we find out someone fricked with us abroad. Now picture you flew two planes of Americans into American icons, two more planes into a field and the Pentagon. Now ask yourself would any American even in this day and age feel bad for the people behind that? The bloodlust is real. Never ever forget how crazy we go.

              • 1 month ago

                Iraq had nothing to do with it though and almost nobody really pretended they even did. Indeed that was one of the biggest conservative arguments against Iraq 2: that it would distract from vengeance against the Taliban. Which it definitely did.

                Unfortunately a mixture of lies and rally-round-the-flag overcame that and other objections and let moronic Bush do the fun daddy war he wanted vs the one we actually needed that was less sexy.

              • 1 month ago

                This. We were beating jeets in the streets cause they were brown. Murica is based when we get slightly irritated

              • 1 month ago

                This. We were beating jeets in the streets cause they were brown. Murica is based when we get slightly irritated

                This. Take a gander at this for a taste of what the US was like in 9/11's aftermath.


                The program was not universally supported even at the time, and there's been much hand-wringing and soul-searching since, but the guys in the BoP certainly had some feelings about it.

          • 1 month ago

            >Everyone thought invading Iraq was a great idea in the early 2000s.
            No, "everyone" definitely didn't. Not that I have any hard numbers but I ton of us were accepting of needing to hit Afghanistan but thought Iraq was a terrible idea. Though note NOT necessarily for the reasons mainsteam media or talking heads later came up with, but because there was clearly no good plan and the justification clearly was shit. Like, Saddam was an absolute gigahomosexual and neither myself nor anyone I knew thought it was wrong to kill him. But we could also see that while W and co were all gung ho about beating the army they had nothing but hopes and dreams and napkins about what would come after. Nor any justification for how it could possibly be worth it. And even if WMDs were there we didn't think they'd find them, because the program had to be small and anything could just get dumped down an old mine and never be found in a thousand years. The world is full of bad shitholes but if they're not attacking us options are limited.

            Still irritates me, it was such a shallow boys and FLASHY TECH MAKES OLD WAYS OBSOLETE dotcom era thing in the run up. Rummy and friends were so fricking infatuated with this view that really, really obviously didn't match reality. Like, even if the culture was civilized and matching, you still need to sink in TONS of money and you need to do it day fricking 1. You need a plan for all those military you're demobilizing on the other side. All the government officials. All the fricked up infrastructure. Having broke it you now own it. You have like a 3-6 month honeymoon period where you can plausibly say "we're working on it, last guy fricked things up" but then people want to see progress.

            Basically they wanted a fun little thing and then no responsibility afterwards and don't even try to pretend that wasn't super clear in the run up. I don't care about the raghead part but god damn it still need to take shit seriously.

          • 1 month ago

            Nobody by Dick Cheney and his ultra rich friends thought that. I don’t regret the opportunities to kill islamoBlack folk somewhere without fricking mountains though.

          • 1 month ago

            The story that was told is that we were gonna take down the modern "Axis of Evil" being Afghanistan, then Iraq, and then Iran. Afghan and Iraq were such a disaster that they didn't have public support to go through with Iran.
            The actual reason we did all of it was to protect and strengthen Israel.

            • 1 month ago

              I thought North Korea was part of the "Axis of Evil?" Is my memory failing me?

        • 1 month ago

          Nothing wrong with the invasion of iraq. What was wrong was the post invasion. Bush shouldn't have listened to rumsfeld and they shouldn't have fired the iraqi military either.

          • 1 month ago

            >Nothing wrong with the invasion of iraq
            Other than being totally unnecessary, unproductive, and further destabilizing the region? We should have invaded the Saudis, since they're the major power that actually had legitimate ties to the attacks. Also could have actually gotten that oil everyone was griping about.

            • 1 month ago

              All of those could have been prevented. The destabilization happened because of the piss poor planning with post invasion iraq

        • 1 month ago

          Everyone thought invading Iraq was a great idea in the early 2000s.

          Can anyone explain for those of us too young to remember that shit? I get invading Afghanistan, but was Iraq actually thought to be related to 9/11 at all, or was it a "finish the job" Gulf-War holdover type thing?

          Realistically it wasn't wrong to invade Iraq, and would have probably needed to be done at some point anyway to keep Saddams sons out of power once the old man kicked it.
          The people of Iraq actually did welcome it in the initial stages.

          The massive frickup afterwards was allowing American corporate entities in AT ALL.
          There should have been no subtracting and farming out of operations.
          It should have been strictly handled by govt, with no profit seeking involvement.

          Companies by necessity function by extracting profit. When you empower them to forge the infrastructure of a new government at your behest, it should be obvious they're going to do their fricking best to push a "minimum viable product" type of deal and just bail with as much money as possible.

          Unironically listen to the Behind the Bastards and The Dollop episodes on it.
          It's too much BS to get into via text succinctly.

          • 1 month ago

            Stfu dude, 2011 wants its takes back

            • 1 month ago

              Refute me zoomer. Give me your hard and fast logic.
              2024 is filled with barely cognizant socially stunted muppets.

          • 1 month ago

            >The massive frickup afterwards was allowing American corporate entities in AT ALL.
            No you have it somewhat backwards, the frickup was not having American corporate entities in more, faster. AND not having police fast, AND not a proper demobilization plan, AND not just imposing a proper new Constitution based on America's with some local input.

            But saying capitalism was the problem is an absolutely fricking stupid take. We needed more of that, with local hiring, and far far more money poured in upfront when it'd make way more of a difference. Everything was pretty ok in Iraq for 6 months while the pop waited and we squandered it. We needed hard proof in their eyes day 1 afterwards, law & order protecting safety, and tons of private contractors coming in to pave roads and clean water and do lots of other visible quality of life stuff. Reliable power, food, and hire tons of locals as well. Teach them western working standards, AND western working labor protections. Give them a stake in success.

            We ended up spending over a trillion mostly pissed away in dribbles and drabbles, because nobody wanted to fricking commit and thus it didn't do what we could have. Not that it would have been worth it anyway but frick.

            Also arguably same problem with Ukraine: if we'd just poured in aid while Russia was on the back foot and given them everything we ultimately have anyway in that same fricking summer, Ukraine would have had a strong chance to have already won or at least massively more progress (Crimea might still be holding out). Trickles don't work to build momentum and stop the opponent from adapting.

            • 1 month ago

              This. 100% this. It's infuriating to watch us make the same mistake, every time. We've been doing this since at least Vietnam, you'd think someone would have learned the lesson at this point.

          • 1 month ago

            >The massive frickup afterwards was allowing American corporate entities in AT ALL.
            No you have it somewhat backwards, the frickup was not having American corporate entities in more, faster. AND not having police fast, AND not a proper demobilization plan, AND not just imposing a proper new Constitution based on America's with some local input.

            But saying capitalism was the problem is an absolutely fricking stupid take. We needed more of that, with local hiring, and far far more money poured in upfront when it'd make way more of a difference. Everything was pretty ok in Iraq for 6 months while the pop waited and we squandered it. We needed hard proof in their eyes day 1 afterwards, law & order protecting safety, and tons of private contractors coming in to pave roads and clean water and do lots of other visible quality of life stuff. Reliable power, food, and hire tons of locals as well. Teach them western working standards, AND western working labor protections. Give them a stake in success.

            We ended up spending over a trillion mostly pissed away in dribbles and drabbles, because nobody wanted to fricking commit and thus it didn't do what we could have. Not that it would have been worth it anyway but frick.

            Also arguably same problem with Ukraine: if we'd just poured in aid while Russia was on the back foot and given them everything we ultimately have anyway in that same fricking summer, Ukraine would have had a strong chance to have already won or at least massively more progress (Crimea might still be holding out). Trickles don't work to build momentum and stop the opponent from adapting.

            Imagine still, in 2024, unironically believing that Western style liberal democracy has any chance of working in Muslim and majority Arab states

            • 1 month ago

              It certainly can. Just need to get rid of the Indians so to speak.

      • 1 month ago

        Have a similar'ish story
        >come to gun age in mid 90s
        >me and my gun friends decide to check out the Indy 1500 gun show in spring 96
        >have fun
        >decided to go to the next one
        >two and a half hour drive later get to the state fair grounds for the show
        >lot booth guy "shows canceled"
        >wtf why?
        >president Clinton decided to hold a reelection campaign rally at the fair grounds, kind of a last minute thing so shows canceled for security reasons
        Needless to say we were pissed off.

        For the thread theam I only dealt with one ATF guy. When I went on my second deployment for the Army Reserve I was working in a Battalion S3. The S2 Major that cross leveled into our vacant S2 slot was a ATF agent. He was chill but I was dealing with him as a S2 officer not Fed law enforcement.

    • 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    i wonder, does the ATF bust your balls harder over guns than alcohol or tobacco?
    or do they bust equally?

    • 1 month ago

      The alcohol and tobacco assignments probably go to the newbies and tards amongst them

  10. 1 month ago

    >be me, stater circa 2016ish
    >Assigned to FBI task force, but mostly doing fugitive investigations/apprehensions with the Marshals
    >Local ATF has been building a case against some guys running guns to Canada, plan on to hit a distribution house and the FFL simultaneously
    >Not enough bodies, ask us for help
    >Call in all the TFOs to help
    >Have to work Sunday, god damn it
    >Plan to approach front and rear of house, stage, etc
    >Everyone's set, go order
    >Pulling perimeter
    >ATF guys making entry, clearing house, several in custody
    >Still pulling perimeter
    >Weird, literally no movement at rear of house, can't see shit in windows
    >ATF asks us to fold in to rear door and help search, rear door is open
    >No it's not
    >Yes it is
    >No, it's not
    >One of our guys sees, down the alley 4 houses over, ATF guy waving
    >They hit the wrong house
    Turns out while we were sitting at the rear, both targets saw everything down the street and just fricking drove off (different Marshal team got them later), while the ATF team cuffed a terrified couple and tossed their house. IIRC sizeable pay out to the couple, literally no accountability to any of the agents who couldn't read house numbers

    • 1 month ago

      Another one, couple years back
      >Jogging enthusiast releases from prison, immediately robs a gas station and shoots clerk
      >Case is assigned to us, track him to a house well known to be affiliated with an urban gentleman's club, because the moron was calling his baby mama every other hour
      >Run surveillance for a couple days, plan to nab him as he leaves
      >Watch him leave house with a couple future doctors (who also have multiple felony warrants)
      >Swarm, get two, last one runs in to house
      >Surround place, call outs, etc etc
      >Get search warrant, force entry, find the med student hiding in a bedroom closet
      >On bed, there's some guns
      >A lot of guns
      >Glocks, ARs, draco (lmao). Almost two dozen all total.
      >Literally every fricking one but the draco comes back stolen
      >A bunch of the ARs are also illegally modified to MACHINE GUNS
      >Call ATF, since this seems up their alley
      >"Uhh no, you can handle it, we're working other stuff"
      Ultimately AUSA declined charges, got kicked to local superior court, everything was pled down. And in the cause of our suspect, the gun charges were dropped to get him to take a plea for Robbery.

      • 1 month ago

        >ATF doesn’t care when a black person makes illegal machine guns
        Ok I actually believe your green text, congrats

        • 1 month ago

          Dunno what to tell you, that's my experience with the PNW field offices

    • 1 month ago

      Another one, couple years back
      >Jogging enthusiast releases from prison, immediately robs a gas station and shoots clerk
      >Case is assigned to us, track him to a house well known to be affiliated with an urban gentleman's club, because the moron was calling his baby mama every other hour
      >Run surveillance for a couple days, plan to nab him as he leaves
      >Watch him leave house with a couple future doctors (who also have multiple felony warrants)
      >Swarm, get two, last one runs in to house
      >Surround place, call outs, etc etc
      >Get search warrant, force entry, find the med student hiding in a bedroom closet
      >On bed, there's some guns
      >A lot of guns
      >Glocks, ARs, draco (lmao). Almost two dozen all total.
      >Literally every fricking one but the draco comes back stolen
      >A bunch of the ARs are also illegally modified to MACHINE GUNS
      >Call ATF, since this seems up their alley
      >"Uhh no, you can handle it, we're working other stuff"
      Ultimately AUSA declined charges, got kicked to local superior court, everything was pled down. And in the cause of our suspect, the gun charges were dropped to get him to take a plea for Robbery.

      Last one
      >Last year, asked to assist FBI in raiding a Bandito hang out
      >Goes down without a hitch, during search find a still. Like, a BIG one, plus bottled liquor in cases, packaging, etc
      >Definitely an illegal distillery
      >lmao why
      >I actually ask one of the banditos, dude just shrugs and doesn't answer
      >So what do we do
      >Let's call the Bureau of ALCOHOL, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. Seems like they might be interested
      >They say they'll send someone, it'll be an hour or so
      >We don't want to wait, have a county patrol deputy sit on it
      >See deputy the following week, he's crusty as frick
      >Took 5 hours for ATF agent to show up, he looked around for 5 minutes, and told deputy they're not interested, call state liquor agent
      >State liquor agent took 2 hours
      >Poor dude spent his entire fricking shift sitting on a rural crack house and affiliated barn

      I've had the opportunity to work with a lot of feds, and the ATF is hands down the biggest joke of an agency. Literally just a gaggled of morons desperately trying to justify their own existence, regularly declining investigations, and swooping in to take the credit at the end of cases.

      Only single positive interaction was at a tac med training, a new ATF agent was there and we made non stop dog shooting and Waco jokes, and you could tell he was getting mad but didn't have to balls to tell us to frick off.

      Oh and they once showed up to assist with a surveillance op driving a definitely not a fed Tahoe in matching brand new 5.11 polos and tac pants with Salomon XA forces. We made them go home.

    • 1 month ago

      I do be like that all the time

    • 1 month ago

      Another one, couple years back
      >Jogging enthusiast releases from prison, immediately robs a gas station and shoots clerk
      >Case is assigned to us, track him to a house well known to be affiliated with an urban gentleman's club, because the moron was calling his baby mama every other hour
      >Run surveillance for a couple days, plan to nab him as he leaves
      >Watch him leave house with a couple future doctors (who also have multiple felony warrants)
      >Swarm, get two, last one runs in to house
      >Surround place, call outs, etc etc
      >Get search warrant, force entry, find the med student hiding in a bedroom closet
      >On bed, there's some guns
      >A lot of guns
      >Glocks, ARs, draco (lmao). Almost two dozen all total.
      >Literally every fricking one but the draco comes back stolen
      >A bunch of the ARs are also illegally modified to MACHINE GUNS
      >Call ATF, since this seems up their alley
      >"Uhh no, you can handle it, we're working other stuff"
      Ultimately AUSA declined charges, got kicked to local superior court, everything was pled down. And in the cause of our suspect, the gun charges were dropped to get him to take a plea for Robbery.

      Last one
      >Last year, asked to assist FBI in raiding a Bandito hang out
      >Goes down without a hitch, during search find a still. Like, a BIG one, plus bottled liquor in cases, packaging, etc
      >Definitely an illegal distillery
      >lmao why
      >I actually ask one of the banditos, dude just shrugs and doesn't answer
      >So what do we do
      >Let's call the Bureau of ALCOHOL, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. Seems like they might be interested
      >They say they'll send someone, it'll be an hour or so
      >We don't want to wait, have a county patrol deputy sit on it
      >See deputy the following week, he's crusty as frick
      >Took 5 hours for ATF agent to show up, he looked around for 5 minutes, and told deputy they're not interested, call state liquor agent
      >State liquor agent took 2 hours
      >Poor dude spent his entire fricking shift sitting on a rural crack house and affiliated barn

      I've had the opportunity to work with a lot of feds, and the ATF is hands down the biggest joke of an agency. Literally just a gaggled of morons desperately trying to justify their own existence, regularly declining investigations, and swooping in to take the credit at the end of cases.

      Only single positive interaction was at a tac med training, a new ATF agent was there and we made non stop dog shooting and Waco jokes, and you could tell he was getting mad but didn't have to balls to tell us to frick off.

      Oh and they once showed up to assist with a surveillance op driving a definitely not a fed Tahoe in matching brand new 5.11 polos and tac pants with Salomon XA forces. We made them go home.

      Lmao the atf is actually useless

    • 1 month ago

      Another one, couple years back
      >Jogging enthusiast releases from prison, immediately robs a gas station and shoots clerk
      >Case is assigned to us, track him to a house well known to be affiliated with an urban gentleman's club, because the moron was calling his baby mama every other hour
      >Run surveillance for a couple days, plan to nab him as he leaves
      >Watch him leave house with a couple future doctors (who also have multiple felony warrants)
      >Swarm, get two, last one runs in to house
      >Surround place, call outs, etc etc
      >Get search warrant, force entry, find the med student hiding in a bedroom closet
      >On bed, there's some guns
      >A lot of guns
      >Glocks, ARs, draco (lmao). Almost two dozen all total.
      >Literally every fricking one but the draco comes back stolen
      >A bunch of the ARs are also illegally modified to MACHINE GUNS
      >Call ATF, since this seems up their alley
      >"Uhh no, you can handle it, we're working other stuff"
      Ultimately AUSA declined charges, got kicked to local superior court, everything was pled down. And in the cause of our suspect, the gun charges were dropped to get him to take a plea for Robbery.

      honestly this is core to the problem a lot of people have with law enforcement and gun control it's the implementation being so shitty. like no I don't want diversity astronauts hosing down streets with their stolen guns but holy frick does the atf not exactly seem to be the federal varsity team

      • 1 month ago

        I have never in my 8 years as a TFO seen the ATF go after the black (and Hispanic) gangbangers literally flashing stolen Glocks with giggle switches on FB, or the organized thefts of shit from gun stores.

        It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs

        • 1 month ago

          >I have never in my 8 years as a TFO seen the ATF go after the black (and Hispanic) gangbangers literally flashing stolen Glocks with giggle switches on FB, or the organized thefts of shit from gun stores.
          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          Right, so basically people they're 99% sure are indeed law abiding citizens, and thus no threat and no drama. Kind of a perverse situation, Bureau of FAT-Es want to larp and justify their salaries for as minimal personal risk and effort as possible, so naturally they go after people who are at worst "technicality criminals" for some obscure provision or another but fundamentally will comply. Meanwhile the dangerous actual criminals get to run free because they might resist. But both the extremes aren't interested in fixing it for different reasons and it becomes self-reinforcing. Feels bad.

          • 1 month ago

            If they were committing actual crime, that would be a job for the actual police, and not the bereau of stuff that's not illegal.

        • 1 month ago

          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          Well yeah those are less trouble, the likelihood of them shooting you up or getting bad publicity for shooting up their home is substantially lower.
          Or basically just as

          >I have never in my 8 years as a TFO seen the ATF go after the black (and Hispanic) gangbangers literally flashing stolen Glocks with giggle switches on FB, or the organized thefts of shit from gun stores.
          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          Right, so basically people they're 99% sure are indeed law abiding citizens, and thus no threat and no drama. Kind of a perverse situation, Bureau of FAT-Es want to larp and justify their salaries for as minimal personal risk and effort as possible, so naturally they go after people who are at worst "technicality criminals" for some obscure provision or another but fundamentally will comply. Meanwhile the dangerous actual criminals get to run free because they might resist. But both the extremes aren't interested in fixing it for different reasons and it becomes self-reinforcing. Feels bad.

          phrased it.

        • 1 month ago

          >I have never in my 8 years as a TFO seen the ATF go after the black (and Hispanic) gangbangers literally flashing stolen Glocks with giggle switches on FB, or the organized thefts of shit from gun stores.
          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          This literally goes back to the beginning. ATF literally started as the Bureau of Prohibition. Like read the shit about the Congressional hearings in the fricking 1970s:
          >A Senate subcommittee report stated, "Based upon these hearings it is apparent that ATF enforcement tactics made possible by current federal firearms laws are constitutionally, legally, and practically reprehensible." The Subcommittee received evidence that ATF primarily devoted its firearms enforcement efforts to the apprehension, upon technical malum prohibitum charges, of individuals who lack all criminal intent and knowledge. Evidence received demonstrated that ATF agents tended to concentrate upon collector's items rather than "criminal street guns". In hearings before ATF's Appropriations Subcommittee, testimony was submitted estimating that 75 percent of ATF gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens with no criminal intent.
          Good thing that's all completely reformed now!

        • 1 month ago

          >I have never in my 8 years as a
          youi know they publish this shit right out in the open so idiots like you don't have to be confused?

          >Law enforcement agents arrested Xavier Desean Watson
          >sold the devices, commonly known as "switches" (in pistols) or "sears"
          >Ayoob Wali, 23, Jose Corral Santillan, 19, and Montavion Jones, 20, were all charged earlier
          sounds like a regular KKK cookout right there

          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          Well yeah those are less trouble, the likelihood of them shooting you up or getting bad publicity for shooting up their home is substantially lower.
          Or basically just as [...] phrased it.

          >I have never in my 8 years as a TFO seen the ATF go after the black (and Hispanic) gangbangers literally flashing stolen Glocks with giggle switches on FB, or the organized thefts of shit from gun stores.
          >It's always universally going after white men and hassling FFLs
          This literally goes back to the beginning. ATF literally started as the Bureau of Prohibition. Like read the shit about the Congressional hearings in the fricking 1970s:
          >A Senate subcommittee report stated, "Based upon these hearings it is apparent that ATF enforcement tactics made possible by current federal firearms laws are constitutionally, legally, and practically reprehensible." The Subcommittee received evidence that ATF primarily devoted its firearms enforcement efforts to the apprehension, upon technical malum prohibitum charges, of individuals who lack all criminal intent and knowledge. Evidence received demonstrated that ATF agents tended to concentrate upon collector's items rather than "criminal street guns". In hearings before ATF's Appropriations Subcommittee, testimony was submitted estimating that 75 percent of ATF gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens with no criminal intent.
          Good thing that's all completely reformed now!

          except it's a crock of shit


          • 1 month ago

            Okay troonyhomosexual, now give us the stats on the early morning raids from 2024, which people they murdered, and their race

    • 1 month ago

      Hitting the wrong house is something I hear about a lot (bad news travels so info bias but whatever). My question is: IN AN ERA OF GOOGLE MAPS HOW DO YOU FRICK THAT UP.

      Step 1: Pull up the adress of google maps
      Step 2: Streetveiw and look at house
      Step 3: Print picture of house plus map
      Step 4: Stick to wall and have briefing

      • 1 month ago

        gubmint is a little slow to adopt cutting edge 10+yo technology prease understand

        But seriously they never needed Google or whomever, they could have someone fricking drive by and take a fricking picture even. The answer is lack of accountability driving laziness, simple as that. They have been allowed for ages and ages to get away with the bare minimum and not held to account so that's what they do. SWAT teams and everyone else too, there is a huge issue with just basic, minimal respect for citizen's rights, or even reimbursing them for frickups afterwards.

        Of course both extremes feed this because some react not with appropriate precise things like
        >we need to get rid of the court invented qualified immunity shit, corrupting civil asset forfeiture, and gutting of takings clause
        which is the opposite wrong extreme, but even cops will feed that and stop patrolling at the slightest imposition thus further boosting crime and presenting it as "we get to do anything we want or else something bad might happen to you ;^)" like the fricking mob. Whole thing sucks.

      • 1 month ago

        Boomers my man. They just won't give up their positions and are working in the fed government. Until 70+ trust me I see it constantly. It's absurd how stupidly ran a lot of the government agencies are since they won't step aside and let the younger generations with their tech knowledge take leads.

      • 1 month ago

        They hype themselves up like a mother fricker, like once they roll out there's absolutely no point they stop and think "ok, let's slow down". So lead says this is the house, and they just roll with it

    • 1 month ago

      Another one, couple years back
      >Jogging enthusiast releases from prison, immediately robs a gas station and shoots clerk
      >Case is assigned to us, track him to a house well known to be affiliated with an urban gentleman's club, because the moron was calling his baby mama every other hour
      >Run surveillance for a couple days, plan to nab him as he leaves
      >Watch him leave house with a couple future doctors (who also have multiple felony warrants)
      >Swarm, get two, last one runs in to house
      >Surround place, call outs, etc etc
      >Get search warrant, force entry, find the med student hiding in a bedroom closet
      >On bed, there's some guns
      >A lot of guns
      >Glocks, ARs, draco (lmao). Almost two dozen all total.
      >Literally every fricking one but the draco comes back stolen
      >A bunch of the ARs are also illegally modified to MACHINE GUNS
      >Call ATF, since this seems up their alley
      >"Uhh no, you can handle it, we're working other stuff"
      Ultimately AUSA declined charges, got kicked to local superior court, everything was pled down. And in the cause of our suspect, the gun charges were dropped to get him to take a plea for Robbery.

      Sasuga ATF.

    • 1 month ago

      >Turns out while we were sitting at the rear, both targets saw everything down the street and just fricking drove off (different Marshal team got them later), while the ATF team cuffed a terrified couple and tossed their house. IIRC sizeable pay out to the couple, literally no accountability to any of the agents who couldn't read house numbers

      why didn't you just shoot them, hobos?

  11. 1 month ago

    I saw an ATF agent at a gun store in Dallas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to see him working in the field, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen M1 Garands in his cart without paying.

    The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to have a warrant for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

    When she took one of the guns and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to make sure there isn't any shoestrings tied to them,” and then turned around and winked at me. I think he was serious. After she inspected each gun for illegal modifications and put them in a bag and started to ask him to sign the papers, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and shot the store owner's dog.

    • 1 month ago

      iwas there for that and this is all pretty accurate except you forgot how he kept eating from a bag of cheetos and leaving crumbs everywhere and was out of breath as he waddled out to his segway to roll back to his fedmobile in the parking lot

  12. 1 month ago

    I saw an ATF agent at a gun show once. He gave me a stare and yelled "hey you ATF homosexual, what are you looking at?". The b***h replied "Nothing, sir". Later when I went to the men's room I caught him blowing an obese homeless man with a shirt that said "/k/ Janitor" on the back. Fricking homos.

  13. 1 month ago


    I’m a DOD cop. Three agents tried to come on base to make inquiries on a servicemember’s firearm purchases, but they didn’t call ahead or anything. The stupid ass gate guards were going to just let them on because they had badges but one had the bright idea to run it by dispatch first. Myself and another unit went out to talk to them, and later my supervisor came out too. Basically told them to get a warrant and coordinate their visit with MPI or CID, or frick off. They were seriously pissed and I was impossibly smug about it for weeks.

    Not ATF but another time, a similar incident occurred involving an FBI agent. Guards stopped him because he flashed his badge, but clearly wasn’t on the job because his wife and kids were in the car. So they told him to go to the visitor center and get guest passes and he didn’t like that. I roll up and why he needs to come on the post and he tells me they’re going to a birthday party for one of his daughters school friends, then relayed his interaction with the guards and how dissatisfied he was with it. I asked if he was armed and he says “of course, I’m a fricking FBI agent”. So I’m like, “cool, but if you’re not cleared by the provost marshal and garrison commander to carry on post and are not here for official business you can’t have it”. This sends the feeb seething. Goes off about how they’d driven almost an hour to get here and I was ruining a little girls day, and it took all of my willpower not to get snarky and tell him how much I gave a shit or to simply remind him that the rules are for everyone. I told him he’d have to deposit the weapon somewhere then go to the visitor center, and contact the friend so they could sponsor their guest passes. He said “frick you” and opted to just leave. I told him to have a nice day as he left and went went so red I thiought his eyes would pop out or he’d have a stroke or something.

    Feebs are mega Karen’s. Frick em’.

    • 1 month ago

      >servicemember's firearm purchases
      I've always wondered, how does this work? where do you put your gun you bought while you're in the service? can you keep it on base or do you have to store it at home?

      • 1 month ago

        You can keep it in your POV if you want.
        Keep it under your barracks pillow if you're daring.
        You have to be a turbo dirt licking boot tard to go around telling people "Look at this gun I bought!"

      • 1 month ago

        Depends on the post and what kind of LE MOA the garrison has with state/local authorities. The vast majority of the time the options are to register them with PMO and keep at home (if you live in housing), or store them in an arms room, either your unit’s or PMO’s.

        Or you can hide them in your barracks or car. That’s quite the risk though.

        Moths to a flame, those are.
        "muh I'ma fricking FBI agent"
        the ego on all these college twink gays these days is absurdly ridiculous
        Keep shooting em down, DODstar

        I hate them all so much it is unreal. I’m never a petty little tyrant except when it’s to take a b***h down a peg or two.

        >Sometimes I think we should rename the Secret Service to High Stakes Tard Wranglers after hearing some of the bullshit some of the presidents did that needlessly endangered themselves
        Yeah but look at it from those presidents' point of view, they're cooped up in a kind of bubble, and even worse, can be the kind of people who crave human contact (being narcissistic politicians and all). You can't go anywhere or do anything without a planned military operation. At a some point Obama would be like "I NEED TO GET A FRICKIN BURGER" and demanded to leave the White House as the Secret Service scrambled to set up a security perimeter. Yes, his staff could go get burgers, but no, he was gonna frickin do it because I'm a human being goddammit!!!

        That’s a made up story to make him look like more of an Everyman guy. Like drinking beer and getting a dog. Motherfricker never had one dog in his whole life until it served him politically to get one. The fact is presidents have a full kitchen staff on 24/7 to serve them anything they want.

        • 1 month ago

          ngl I think being a politician should be somewhat humiliating and dehumanizing. Your frickups decide whether or not somebody else goes god-knows-where to get skinned alive and drowned in boiling oil for reasons they don't understand, and those reasons only get foggier with hindsight because politics is constantly trying to make itself look better by changing records and shit. As President, your words are death and you feast on carrion.

          The President shouldn't be allowed to have pets. If hundreds of people to go to war and aren't allowed to see their dogs, you aren't allowed to see your dog either. It's just fair.

          • 1 month ago

            >The President shouldn't be allowed to have pets. If hundreds of people to go to war and aren't allowed to see their dogs, you aren't allowed to see your dog either. It's just fair.
            "Fair" is a completely fricking moronic concept to apply to something like that. "Hundreds of people who go to war and aren't allowed to see their dogs" aren't the C&C, aren't in charge of nuclear arsenal, all classification, all the branches of the executive. They don't have to deal with the pressure and we don't have to deal with them fricking us all because they cracked. People are not equal, not in themselves and not in terms of their importance to others.

            Also we have a volunteer army. It's a job. Jobs come with terms when you sign the employment contract. It's not some secret they spring on you. Any American who goes to war in the modern era should know that no you don't get to bring fido. Meanwhile even the civilian contractor janitor cleaning toilets for government does indeed get to go home to their shitty apartment and have a dog there. What the frick is "unfair" about that? They're different jobs.

          • 1 month ago

            >should be humiliating
            Nah. It should be a privilege to serve, and not an opportunity for personal enrichment. The number of congressmen who’ve become millionaires in office disgusts me.

            That’s moronic, and “fair” is a concept for children.

            >The President shouldn't be allowed to have pets. If hundreds of people to go to war and aren't allowed to see their dogs, you aren't allowed to see your dog either. It's just fair.
            "Fair" is a completely fricking moronic concept to apply to something like that. "Hundreds of people who go to war and aren't allowed to see their dogs" aren't the C&C, aren't in charge of nuclear arsenal, all classification, all the branches of the executive. They don't have to deal with the pressure and we don't have to deal with them fricking us all because they cracked. People are not equal, not in themselves and not in terms of their importance to others.

            Also we have a volunteer army. It's a job. Jobs come with terms when you sign the employment contract. It's not some secret they spring on you. Any American who goes to war in the modern era should know that no you don't get to bring fido. Meanwhile even the civilian contractor janitor cleaning toilets for government does indeed get to go home to their shitty apartment and have a dog there. What the frick is "unfair" about that? They're different jobs.


            Boomers my man. They just won't give up their positions and are working in the fed government. Until 70+ trust me I see it constantly. It's absurd how stupidly ran a lot of the government agencies are since they won't step aside and let the younger generations with their tech knowledge take leads.

            After 19 years working for the government I can tell you that it’s the younger generations absolutely fricking everything else up currently. They’re enabled by senior leaders seeking to curry favor with them.

            All of those could have been prevented. The destabilization happened because of the piss poor planning with post invasion iraq

            There’s a great book about this titled “we meant well” outlining how GW let those fricking morons at DoS run the show and achieve the inevitable result of allowing idealistic homosexuals to be in charge of a military operation. If there was any justice in the world Bremer and the other leaders of the CPA would be rotting on a cross. The replacing of Gen Garner with Bremer and allowing him to operate as the de facto king of Iraq was one of the most nakedly politically corrupt and strategically stupid decisions in modern human history. Rumsfeld and Cheney were at war with each other and that fat jackass of a Mr. Burns cosplayer won, and won big, for his billionaire buddies.

            t. Iraq vet

      • 1 month ago

        In my unit if you lived in the barracks you could store your POW in the company armory and check it in/out when off duty. You had to be going directly to/from the range or off-post.
        One time, after I got out, me and some friends went to a militaria collector show on post. The civilian gate guards looked at the back seat of the car and the pile of guns and asked us where we were going. "To the collectors show at building X" and he just waived us through. Thought that was nuts and couldn't imagine an MP being that chill.

    • 1 month ago

      Moths to a flame, those are.
      "muh I'ma fricking FBI agent"
      the ego on all these college twink gays these days is absurdly ridiculous
      Keep shooting em down, DODstar

  14. 1 month ago

    i've never seen an ATF agent irl

  15. 1 month ago

    >ATF Agent encounter stories
    I have one:
    >went to gun show
    >sketchy tweaker looking dude kept approaching people trying to sell "things".
    >Shit like a parts kit but the FA receiver very conspicuously not "destroyed" correctly (wrong saw cuts)
    >Lightning links made so poorly they likely wouldn't even work
    >M4gery with 15.9 inch barrel, still has ugly grind mark where the permanently affixed muzzle device was
    A gun noob probably wouldn't even think those things were illegal. They shouldn't be illegal. But people got arrested, so some people fell for that "totally not entrapment due to very specific court cases which create a path for legal entrapment".
    ATF could disband today and we'd only be safer.

  16. 1 month ago

    Bought parts off Gunbroker that wound up being stolen from the ATF facility by a janitor or something. I was the 4th or 5 person down the line. Got a call at work from them saying they were at my front door. Never got my money back either and they had 0 clue what they were looking at.
    >tfw they destroyed a SPAS12 heatshield because of that.

  17. 1 month ago

    Met one at a gay bar once

  18. 1 month ago

    They visited me over an alleged solvent trap purchase that allegedly had an approved Form 1. Video allegedly went viral at the time.

  19. 1 month ago

    In the third grade, some kid in my class's dad was an ATF agent who showed up on a "bring daddy to school day" and he brought in different guns including rifles, laid them out on a table, then explained gun safety to the kiddos (and what to do if you find a firearm, don't touch it! Tell mommy and daddy to call the police!). I grew up in Texas lol

  20. 1 month ago

    >cousin arrested for auto keycard conspiracy
    >few months later
    >estranged methhead daughter of family friends suddenly wants me to bring all my guns over to some stranger's house
    >is really insistent I bring all of them over right now
    >okay tomorrow
    >okay this weekend
    >guy starts messaging me on Facebook
    >wants to buy/sell/trade
    >asks me if my AUG is full auto
    >tries to sell me a bunch of basic b***h ARs
    >wants to sell a "full auto ghost gun AR" for $1000
    >tell him "Wow! That' 1/15th the price of a normal one! I'll be right there."
    >report him to Facebook, ATF, and block him
    Was probably just a methhead trying to steal my shit but it's still suspicious.

  21. 1 month ago

    >be me
    >college kid working at sandwich shop
    >be at front register
    >ATF agent walks in with plate carrier on
    >pistol in chest rig
    >oakley sunglasses
    >he orders lunch
    I wasn't super into guns at the time but, even then, I thought it was the cringiest shit. You can just tell he thought he was mister badass.

  22. 1 month ago

    >be me
    >at LGS
    >ATF is there looking at paperwork
    >I say hello, they say hello back.
    >I buy some magazines and a drink from the vendy
    >Walk out the door, say goodbye.
    >ATF, LGS owner, and dude behind counter say "Have a good day".

    The audacity of the feds.

  23. 1 month ago

    Mutt ATF vs Swedish NIGS

    Who would win?

    • 1 month ago

      ATF. Not because they're better but because they can summon the rest of the US federal government including actual competent departments when required. That's ultimately how a lot of the USG gets its oomph, it's not that the guys you're talking too are necessarily impressive but you know what's standing behind them so they don't need to be.

      • 1 month ago

        >Do federal agencies really?

        I don't know how you guys live under all that weight without fear

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            You have multiple agencies working in tandem with only minimal infighting, ready to crack down on the average Joe with a suped-up mega gestapo-meets-KGB death force thought police at any moment even without the power of the military and you guys just think you AR-15's can fight back. You should be terrified.

            • 1 month ago

              Except they're also bloated AF, have terrible interagency communication, and the competent people are mostly focused on people they've been beading on for a long while. 90% of the Feds are just doing busy work looking at already collected data and determining who is b***h enough to piss their pants when Agent Waddles shows up.

            • 1 month ago

              >You should be terrified.
              Well I'm not. Like, at all.
              >You have multiple agencies working in tandem with only minimal infighting, ready to crack down on the average Joe with a suped-up mega gestapo-meets-KGB death force thought police at any moment
              Memes aren't real anon. Rule of law generally does work. They aren't interested in general in the "average Joe" and while sure it's possible to get insanely unlucky 28 people die from lightning strikes each year in America on average and I don't fear going outside either. They don't actually have infinite forces and budget. Like any big organization they have extremely skilled and competent and then less so.

              The one thing guaranteed to get Serious People attention is someone challenging the government in general itself with force. Like if someone from the FCC comes to tell you about the shitty transformer you have which is randomly jamming 911 and to cut it out and you're also going to be fined and then you gun them down then sure genuinely scary people are going to come and arrest you or kill you. Duh. So you show some respect. But only a genuine fricking schizo would have any trouble there vs apologizing and fixing the problem.

            • 1 month ago

              >only minimal infighting

              They already do a pretty good job of only begrudgingly talking to each other, and periodically going out of their way to piss in each other's cereal. If they ever got to become the many tentacles of an authoritarian state, it'd be the Soviet Union on steroids. Frightening for the people they do go after, but often rendered toothless by their zeal for fricking each other over.

            • 1 month ago

              The US TLAs are all frequently audited and frequently forced to give information. They are not KGB meets Gestapo as they literally have to release reports on use of force. I don't know why you are so gay and moronic. Probably the fault of your upbringing

            • 1 month ago

              Ask me how I know you're European

            • 1 month ago

              They'd literally destroy each other the first chance they got.

              Just like the Soviets and CCP it's the ultimate goal of every 3 Letter Agency to ultimately destroy the others and rule as the one absolute alphabet authority. Besides smaller organizations like the EPA, BLM etc.

          • 1 month ago

            Also; I am drunk, kindly give me a pass if I am not 100% coherent

      • 1 month ago

        Effort posting in reply to an obvious nig post. this place is really going downhilm since you wartourist showed up i dont knows sadder post 2016 /misc/ or this.
        >Black folk tongue my anus
        >russia is winning

        • 1 month ago

          It is always worth a friendly slap at smug yuros my equally old but more bitter anon friend.

  24. 1 month ago

    Yeah I've had a couple site visits for my FFL
    >out in the sticks with a registered storefront in my buddys barn on his farm
    >two atf agents get really lost and show up an hour late
    >bring a folding table chairs and a laptop to do the interview with
    >set up by the pig stye for some fricking reason
    >buddys moronic inbred barn cats keep hustling them for affection
    >during the regulations acknowledgement part of the interview one of them says this is the first time he's ever done an interview next to pigs

    • 1 month ago

      That's pretty good. Though being in a comfy barn in a nice farm area with some friendly stupid barn cats seems like it should be a pretty good relaxed interview.

  25. 1 month ago

    Every time I look in the mirror. Great job. Get to learn about guns. Get to play with guns. Get to get paid for it.

  26. 1 month ago

    every gun show I find them and tell them they are the tyranny of evil men and that they will be better with Jesus if they quit their job for something, really anything, less evil. ATF agents go to hell 100%. Quit that shit and go push a mop, Jesus will welcome you with open arms.

  27. 1 month ago

    Ive met at least my share of glowies, but I don't think I've ever met an ATF glowie.

  28. 1 month ago

    Not ATF, but I once got searched by Secret Service while concealed carrying because I cut through a parking lot I didn't know was cordoned off trying to enter my Warhammer playing local game store. They were very confused about the giant case of minis and I had to take everything out so they could see it wasn't a bomb.

  29. 1 month ago

    If dogs could type and speak english, they still wouldn't be posting in this thread.

  30. 1 month ago

    Remember when the ATF ordered a bunch of multitools off Leatherman engraved "Always Think Forfeiture"?

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