Are multitools a meme? Why would I choose one over a swiss knife or proper tools?

Are multitools a meme? Why would I choose one over a swiss knife or proper tools?

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  1. 8 months ago

    They are a meme for just about anybody who *has* to use large tools for leverage or power tools all day. They're fine for having multiple tools at your side while you fix a light switch or do something in your wood shop.

    Ultimately, your mileage will vary based on the tools you need and the tools your multitool comes with. I kind of scoff at the idea of spending big money on one. For reference I own a Leatherman Rev, probably pretty low-tier but it's fine for opening packages.

  2. 8 months ago

    Jack of all trades mentality. For just keeping something in your pocket around the house to save you a trip to get the "proper" tool from a drawer it can be pretty nice. They're rarely as fully capable as their larger more specialized brethren but way better than nothing in a pinch.

  3. 8 months ago

    I work in facilities and use mine all the time. Most times it is for a job I was not expecting to do, like walking down the hall to return back to a project I was working on and some one stops me for something minor.
    Also keep one in my gun maintenance kit as well.

    • 7 months ago

      Also work in facilities. My most used tool is my Leatherman Charge tti. I have the bit extender and bit kits. I feel naked without it tbh. The aftermarket molle case, is not the best. They wear out on the botton. I am on my second case in 4 years of everyday use.Fantastic tool, work paid for it. I requested it the first week on the job.

  4. 8 months ago

    buy a surge

  5. 8 months ago

    Leathermans are low quality compared with Victorinox swiss-tools.
    That is all.

    • 7 months ago

      You're confusing gerber with Leatherman. Leatherman is better than Victorinox in every way.

      • 7 months ago

        >Leatherman is better than Victorinox in every way.
        Lol. Lmfao, even.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah man can't forget your fricking cork screw wine opener when going fishing or walking around doing odd jobs.

      • 7 months ago

        Leatherman has constant quality control issues and defective designs such as the plier pivot bind, which Leatherman has been told about literally hundreds of times, but they do not care. And the palm slicer on the Bond. instead of going back to the drawing board and designing the tool properly. Leatherman simply decided to tightened the pivot more at the factory so there's less chance of it slicing your hand open when trying to use the pliers, which in turn makes all the other tools more difficult to access, but the danger is still there. I'm pretty sure someone on one of the forums filed a lawsuit against Leatherman because he badly sliced his hand open due to the shitty design. Then there are the constant shitty, zero-fricks-given wonky grinds that Leatherman puts on their blades. The stamped lanyard ring that always galls up on the other tools because Leatherman can't be arsed to simply punch-flatten them in the factory.
        I stopped buying Leatherman after receiving two multi-tools from completely different suppliers, both with the exact same defect. At which point, I realised that it wasn't a defect; it was just a shitty multi-tool.
        Leathermans are simply for people who have Mutt nostalgia and like to imagine that they are of good quality because they are made in America.
        The only thing leatherman have going for it is that some of them have replaceable wire cutters, and sometimes they use good-quality blade materials.
        Victorinox is about two rungs up on quality compared with Leatherman. Simple as.

        • 7 months ago

          My only experience with ~~*leatherman*~~ was the supertool 300, bought that shit but the tips of the pliers were so badly misaligned that I sent it back the next day. Not to mention the moronic amount of handle flex after applying any minimal force to it.
          Absolute garbage.

          Proper small pliers and knife is king, anything else is trash for boomer morons and greasy nerds that don't leave their room.

          • 7 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    I keep one in a sheath on my belt when I am outside on my property. My multlitool saves me trips to my tool box.
    I have pulled pasture fencing tight and bent it through the staple on the fence post. This saves me a trip to get my wire pliers. I have done a lot of fence repair with my multitool. If I am out with the intention of riding fence and repairing it I have my tool bag with tensioners, connectors, wire pliers, insulators, crimping tools. If I am out to do something else,, water animals, check animals, cut hay, move animals,, and come across some pasture fence that needs repair it is usually my multitool that I use to make an on the spot repair.
    I have tightened a battery connection on a utility vehicle. This saved me a trip back to get regular pliers.
    I have cut more hay bale string with my multitools knife than I can relate. I have used the screwdriver end to dislodge a stone from a horse's hoof.
    That was this week.

    • 7 months ago

      I had an alien ship land on my farm and if I hadn't had my trusty Leatherman Wingman on me I would not have been able to fix their ship and let them fly the heck on outta here. Could have been an international incident. Thanks Leatherman!

  7. 8 months ago

    Had a stray dog in the area, took it back to its owner's place and found the spot in the fence the dog got through, used my leatherman (think it was either supertool300 or wave) to bend the wire fencing back in place
    other times it's just needing a flat head to unscrew somethin here and there
    just good to have on your belt for the odd occasion you need it

  8. 8 months ago

    They're a meme if you need serious work done, however as a jack of all trades (master of none) for a quick fix they're totally fine.

    Just don't fall for the israelite memes and buy the new Leatherman Arc for $599, a Wave Plus or Swisstool are good enough

    • 8 months ago

      im no shill but where the frick are you finding them for $600?? i just did a search and saw them for $230, that's from leatherman themselves and even frickin rei

      • 8 months ago

        They're $320 here; either way it's a ridiculously high price for such a shitty and useless gimmick.

        • 8 months ago

          i dunno dude even then that's not that expensive, yknow if you stopped sucking vape juice and buying funko pops for a couple weeks you could proabably afford one lol

          • 8 months ago

            For $320 I can literally buy a premium version of every stand alone tool that a leatherfudd contains.

            • 8 months ago

              And have like $200 left over, in fact. Actually now that I think about it, the most s0ijak thing anyone could possibly do is spent $320 on a multitool kek.

            • 8 months ago

              $320 for a multitool is absurd, but to counter your point, if you did buy premium tools with that money you wouldn’t carry them everywhere you go, which is the entire point.

              • 7 months ago

                I'd argue you could always carry a pair of small needle nose Knipex with you if you really needed the pliers. And the tolerances and quality control on the jaws of those are so exceptionally precise you could pluck your eyebrows with them, something I have not seen with leatherfudds. Just have a belt pouch made for them or make one yourself if you have the skills. And then a good quality knife like a Benchmade or a Civivi that disappears in your pocket and you already have 99% of what 99% of people use a multitool for, because let's be honest, the unusuably small saw and file on every multitool is a completely gay and useless gimmick.

              • 7 months ago

                A combination of needle nose Knipex + Victorinox Hiker has gotten me trough most day-to-day small tasks with ease.

              • 7 months ago

                I've gotten a lot of use out of a Leatherman Wave, its quick to open and you get basic pliers, knife etc. on hand, no need to climb down a ladder just to get the small pliers.
                Also got a Victorinor Swisstool X as a gift and while its heavy and chunky, its nice and the ratchet is very useful.

                Leatherman also has good warranty, my old beaten up wave, 18 years old was replaced for a better, new version for free, just sent it in and got a new one a few weeks later.

                Yeah, Knipexes are just ace, excellent quality and better than what you get in a multitool and just a joy to use.
                And if you made a leather holder/sheath for the tool you could easily slip in a diamond sharpener etc. other stuff you might need, so it'd basically be a multitool but just better.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Are multitools a meme?
    They're a nice piece of engineering that's pleasing to fiddle with and can be handy in many situations.
    Of course, having proper tools is better. Of course, for any hobby that you're into you'll eventually have a complete set of tools and you won't NEED a multitool. But in life not everything has to be practical. Sometimes you just appreciate how something was built, and find it nice to play with it.

  10. 8 months ago

    >proper tools
    who the frick is bringing their toolbag out on a hike?

    anyway we had this thread last month, and the month before, and the month before. FRICK (YOU).

  11. 8 months ago

    99% of the point of a multi tool is the pliers, everything else is extra. If you think pliers are a meme than its a meme tool. I don't go PrepHole without mine personally. Allowed me to cobble the throttle linkage back together on my snowmobile one time when it came apart in the middle of no where.

  12. 8 months ago

    I've got a $30 piece of shit i keep in my jacket pocket 24/7. I rarely use it but the few times it's come in handy have been nice

  13. 7 months ago

    i keep one in my car and carry it along on outings. it works well for most little obstacles. and im assuming we're talking about PrepHole applications, not fricking construction work like every other post itt is suggesting

    • 7 months ago

      >PrepHole applications
      do you WANT to baton with a multitool, if you have a Big Ass Knife? idiot

      • 7 months ago

        kek who the frick is batoning a fricking multitool ffs zoomers are so fricking dumb lol

        • 7 months ago

          >proving my point

          >not fricking construction work like every other post itt is suggesting
          i too was confused reading this thread
          yeah no shit

          PrepHole isn't just about wienersucking on the Pacific Coast Trail, nor is everyone who goes PrepHole concerned with daily carry weight for all their outings.

          I broke the saw on a Leatherman clearing branches while I was working a pre-construction gig once.

          • 7 months ago

            >proving mu point.
            It's trivial to carry a both a knife and a multitool on your person at the same time. If you think provoking someone to point that out proves anything other you being too fricking slow to follow the discussion, you need to post less and think more.

    • 7 months ago

      >not fricking construction work like every other post itt is suggesting
      i too was confused reading this thread
      yeah no shit

  14. 7 months ago

    >Why would I choose one over a swiss knife or proper tools?

    what else are you going to do? carry a 40 pound tool back with proper tools on your 20 mile hike?

    the stuff i end using frequently is the pliers, knife, file, bottle opened, scissors, screw drivers, and rarely the saw. A basic multi tool gives me the ability to do 99% of everything i need in a compact fairly lightweight package.

    • 7 months ago

      >what else are you going to do? carry a 40 pound tool back with proper tools on your 20 mile hike?
      Why do you need tools on a 20 mile hike? I mean I knife I can understand, but I don't think I've ever been on a hike and thought "hey you know I really wish I brought my pliers with me".

  15. 7 months ago

    after you get drafted to fight in the middle east, you zoomers will definitely want a multi tool at least to clean your fingernails with

  16. 7 months ago

    The Micra is good--the rest are too big and you won't use most of the features ever.

  17. 7 months ago

    My all time favourites

  18. 7 months ago

    They are not a meme. Around the house or on the server room floor at work, I always find a need for my leatherman. I have used every tool on my wingman multiple times. Going out on a site and being unprepared is a terrible experience. Carrying a good multitool with non-meme toolsets (victorinox is mostly useless) will save you so much time and frustration.

  19. 7 months ago

    Notice how most comments here mention around the house at work. I think a Leatherman style tool is great for your car or the kitchen drawer, but they are a total meme for PrepHole I've never needed pliers when camping or hiking. A SAK makes much more sense if you want a tool for PrepHole

    • 7 months ago

      you can just say you don't go camping lol that's half of the larpers on this board anyways

      • 7 months ago

        I do go camping, I don't see that many situations where I would need a pair of pliers which is the only reason to carry a Leatherman over anything else.

    • 7 months ago

      >but they are a total meme for PrepHole I've never needed pliers when camping or hiking. A SAK makes much more sense if you want a tool for PrepHole
      This is silly logic. If you want to have an swiss army knife for camping because the multitool is heavier and more bulky, whatever but that doesn't mean the multitool isn't useful camping as well as for various other PrepHole activities that aren't camping and hiking. It's not crazy for people to just bring their everyday multitool camping along with a larger knife and just not bother with a SAK at all. Which isn't saying the multitool is superior to the SAK for camping and bushcraft, but it just has to be good enough.

      As for using pliers while camping, it's hard to predict when they can turn out useful. (Note the standard is "useful" not "necessary"). For one example, you can do strain pasta by flipping the lid of your pot and holding both parts together with pliers (then dump out the water). Or just in general be a more sturdy way to move a pot on and off the fire than using a stick. Maybe a buckle breaks and you want to bend some metal to fix it. There are also some situations where the cutting pliers are nicer than a knife for cutting things like rope.

      • 7 months ago

        If you edc it anyway whatever but I don't know many people who do that. Multi tools are usually like a drawer or glove box thing. I meant more specifically taking something for PrepHole. I have a SAK that just lives in my rucksack

        • 7 months ago

          >I have a SAK that just lives in my rucksack
          Yeah and I just throw my multitool in mine. I haven't carried a SAK since I was a kid.

    • 7 months ago

      >Notice how most comments here mention around the house at work.
      You're not wrong. The bulk of my meme MUT just isn't justified versus a SAK. That said pliers are VERY handy for all sorts of odd situations where I probably shouldn't use them as, but I often do.

      • 7 months ago


        the second someone makes pocket channellocks its game over

        • 7 months ago

          >the second someone makes pocket channellocks its game over
          Knipex Cobras do exist you know

          • 7 months ago

            as a multitool

    • 7 months ago

      Are multitools a meme? Why would I choose one over a swiss knife or proper tools?

      I've needed my leatherman on camping trips with boy scouts and in military exercises when constructing structures for reconnaissance outposts, repairing equipment, maintaining my service rifle etc.
      I have also used the pliers of my leatherman to remove a thorn from the bottom of my foot after walking around the campsite barefooted after a day of hiking. Why barefooted, you ask, that's because I like to give some air to my feet every once in a while. I have also used my leatherman for removing the hook from the mouth of the fish.
      When I go bicycle camping I keep a leatherman with me as well, (- when combined with few wrenches -) it means I can fix about any issue on my bicycle.
      I know all of those things could have been done with separate pliers, but they actually tend to take too much room because you generally can't fold them in to a smaller package. It's just easier to find room for a multitool than to dedicated pair of pliers.
      I always carry a good solid batonable knife, a leatherman and a flashlight (one with good throw for being able to spot something further away) when I am out and about. Let it be hiking, boyscout activities or military rehearsals.
      In my opinion the multitool is just as useless as the person that owns it. If you can't do jackshit, then don't expect miracles from a multitool either.

  20. 7 months ago

    i carried a SAK for years and realised i only ever regularly needed one of the blades, the bottle opener, and the scissors. i also often needed a little pry bar, and was thinking about buying one to add to my keychain until i found the gerber lockdown slim pry which is literally just those 4 things. i use it literally every day at work.

    multitools can be useful but only for certain people and you have to find the right one.

  21. 7 months ago

    im not a superstitious person but i am strong believer in the saying that if you ever throw something out you will need it few days after and happened to clip leatherman onto my belt few years ago so now i cannot be without it because as soon as i leave it home there will be a need for it

  22. 7 months ago

    >Why would I choose one over a swiss knife
    only reason here is for the pliers, it's really all about the pliers

  23. 7 months ago

    the first time i ever used my multitool during an PrepHoleing was to remove some tiny cactus spines that I couldnt get with my fingers. checkmate SAKgots

  24. 7 months ago

    >Why would I choose one over a swiss knife or proper tools?
    because 95% of the time you need a plier, not any of the other tools, proper tools are good too

  25. 7 months ago

    They often perform just as well as their full sized counterparts where the task is not challenging.
    Where the task is challenging, that's when you get a proper tool not a more expensive multitool.

    The $15 multitool serves its purpose, you just leave it in your car, toolbox, whatever, when easy jobs come up you grab it because it's handy.

    Your $200 leatherman is a status symbol, you don't want to lose or damage it, you're not going to leave it in your car, it's harder to use than a normal tool which is a tenth of the price so you're not going to use it for serious jobs. You're going to spend more time oiling it than actually using it

    • 7 months ago

      false, i've snapped the file off of mine and snapped the tip of one of the pliers off before, i've dulled the blade and used every tool on it in shit conditions, i've loaned it to coworkers and gotten it covered in shit you would scarcely believe.

  26. 7 months ago

    Multitools should be used sparingly. As in when you need the proper tool but don't have it on you.
    They can be fairly durable, but even the best ones aren't going to be "replace proper tools" durable.
    If you get one, don't think you can get rid of the rest of your stuff and coast on a multitool.

    • 7 months ago

      multitool pliers should be the equal of any pliers anywhere. there's certain tools that would never be carried in their proper form
      usually in the terrible victorinox style, occasionally replaceable carbide god saw. only pocket alternatives are crazy chain gimmick tools.
      godly in any configuration, always very functional if not perfectly suited.
      >can opener
      as good as any in any drawer anywhere, which is to say not great but also not important.

      everything else is just free addons.

  27. 7 months ago

    I picked up a Leatherman a few years ago and it's one of my best friends when out fishing. It by no means replaces a dedicated tool but for pulling hooks out of mouths, cutting up bait, and rigging lines it's an amazing thing to have attached to your belt.

  28. 7 months ago

    Multitools are Allright. The only thing worth arguing is whether pliers are necessary. If you think you'll use them, they're a good purchase.

    People on this board fetishize victorinox too much. See pic related

    • 7 months ago

      >ur waifu a suit
      I don't get it?

      • 7 months ago

        i think he means that SAKs are the equivalent of waifus on PrepHole. It came off as stupid and tryhard though

    • 7 months ago

      >ruining the bark for some shitty meme

      • 7 months ago

        anon that's obviously dead wood, not a flourishing tree. people who've actualy been outside can tell the difference

  29. 7 months ago

    The answer is obvious - Pliers. If you need them, multitools are not a meme, simple as. Steel hardness on tools I guess maybe, but nothing else that comes to mind.

  30. 7 months ago

    i just keep a screwdriver with a few bits, a proper knife and a knipex in my backpack for edc. At work I have my tool chest and a variety of power tools. At home too. Leatherman is a huge meme.

  31. 7 months ago

    Unless you're carrying your tool bag on you all the time they come in handy a lot. Super expensive ones are not worth it. Gerber MP600 is amazing. Opens one handed which is stellar. Go for the classic version not the military. Military issued ones have carbide wire cutters but they perform like shit and just don't work as well as the standard. Pic rel courtesy stolen from ODGGLLC

    • 7 months ago

      i have a MP600 bladeless, with carbide saw thing instead. it's horrible to carry but not a bad tool, except i broke a clip thing.

      • 7 months ago

        How is that? I've wondered about getting that one due to it being better for plane travel. Admit carrying is a bit weird, i have the belt sheath if came with but I usually prefer having it in a pocket

        • 7 months ago

          overpriced. sturdy as frick but ergos a shit. like any gerber. the saw is certainly handy if you need a carbide saw, perfectly fine form factor for it.

  32. 7 months ago

    For PrepHole?
    Nah, they are ok. A multitool is easier to carry around.
    I like mulitools for fishing trips.

  33. 7 months ago

    Can someone recommend a decent multi-tool that will last for a long time? I just want to keep on in my truck and I don't really need it for work or anything. All of the previous ones I've own were all dull as hell and basically useless.

    • 7 months ago

      Forgot to mention, something with bits or tools that can be used to tweak common common parts on guns. Not necessary but I always seem to need something to adjust red dot sights or something

      • 7 months ago

        this one

        Unless you're carrying your tool bag on you all the time they come in handy a lot. Super expensive ones are not worth it. Gerber MP600 is amazing. Opens one handed which is stellar. Go for the classic version not the military. Military issued ones have carbide wire cutters but they perform like shit and just don't work as well as the standard. Pic rel courtesy stolen from ODGGLLC

        used often to for field maintenance on ARs

  34. 7 months ago

    A single multitool isn't as good as 2-3 more specialized tools and doesn't even necessarily save weight, but it's sure as frick easier to carry and to prevent losing that one tool

  35. 7 months ago

    buy a leatherman clone from aliexpress. i bought a wave clone for £13 and its basically the same tool with abit cheaper quality materials,

    they sell surge clones called daicamping dl30 and also wave clones, wish i saved my money and just bought a clone tbh

    • 7 months ago

      I have a DL30 and it is pretty good for the price. The only issue I had with it was that the liner lock of the straight blade didn't deployed all the way, but just a little unscrew to the bolt fixed the pressure.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah the daicamping clones are great, basically chinese stuff is alot better now and like 10% of a leatherman cost, its a no brainer

        • 7 months ago

          Those Swiss Tech gizmos are great value, too, I have their pocket blade (model 11 in 1) and use it every single day, excellent tool.

    • 7 months ago

      What model is the wave clone?

      • 7 months ago

        daicamping DL12 i think, just look up daicamping multitools

  36. 7 months ago

    I carry a barebones equinox swiss army knife.
    >knife for cutting cheese and spreading pb
    >scissors for nail maintenance / repairs
    >file for callus removal / nails
    >tweezers for splinters
    >toothpick for clearing one hitter
    leatherman are gay bulky meme shits for boomers

    • 7 months ago

      victorinox* sorry phonegayging

  37. 7 months ago

    To be sekrit ajent

  38. 7 months ago

    I absolutely love my Leatherman P4 Free for ranch work and going innawoods. It might be "heavy" for an ultralight hiker, but it's an amazingly utilitarian tool.

  39. 7 months ago

    I think its good for everyone to have a multi-tool even if you don't go PrepHole. There have been plenty of times where a multi-tool could have made something way more convenient.

  40. 7 months ago

    I use goat tools for my main now, modular, disassemble/reassemble in the field without extra tools, lifetime warranty, basically same price as others, and if you have any skills you can make your own tool inserts or modify other brands tools to use.

    previously wave+ with ~3 tools swapped form others.

    • 7 months ago

      forgot pic

    • 7 months ago

      Chink tools are now good enough and cost 1/3 the usual price.

      • 7 months ago

        Imagine settling for "good enough", having to use chinkesium tools, and supporting globohomo/communism all at the same time, just to save yourself a bit of pocket change.

    • 7 months ago

      you shouldn't ever do this ever and that's stupid

      • 7 months ago

        pull out the file and sharpen the knife. pull out the exacto blade and skin the animal with more control then while attached to the tool. take out the hooked knife to use as harpoon tip to spear fish. take out the dildo to frick your mom.

        i see your not the brightest

    • 7 months ago

      what did you swap? I swapped out the serrated blade for the one with the guthook (from charge I think) and I swapped out the flat head screwdriver for an awl (rebar I think). Been pretty happy, use the pliers a lot more than I thought I would.

      • 7 months ago

        swapped the flathead, bit driver, and mini bit driver for awl, a modded package opener from the rev to carve spoons, and the nail puller from the super multi for ticks and shit.

        i wish they had better options but i have bee making designs for the goat tool so i dont have to mess with all the extra work of taking the leatherman apart to improve it. if you are like me and always looking to improve/fix things that you care about/use often. i would make the switch. otherwise its your life man, you do you.

  41. 7 months ago

    >Why would I choose one over a swiss knife
    >or proper tools?
    multitool is for when you don't have proper tools
    I work in office and still always have leatherman rebar on belt for last decade and a half...

  42. 7 months ago


    >everything is made in chink land now moron
    Lame excuse for being a shithead. Leathermans are made in the US. Hell none of my important gear is made in China. My four main knives are made in Switzerland, Sweden, and Canada. My jacket and boots are US made, my backpack is Swedish made, my wool blankets are made in the UK and Italy, my compass and axe are made in Finland...

  43. 7 months ago


    probably 70s oil crisis and re-incorporating of everything in 80s merger mania.

  44. 7 months ago


    Massive copium overdose. Just admit that your nationalism is all a big larp. Cheaping out is more important to you than supporting your fellow countrymen and being able to use your tools with pride, just like the majority of obese NPC's that inhabit the west.

  45. 7 months ago

    i worked as a tradie and the only time i used it is for a knife or screwdriver. the screwdriver didnt fit most of the time. im eu so a multi tool isnt technically a blade and it doubles as a knuckle duster. even then the blade doesnt lock so you can ezily stab yourseld

  46. 7 months ago

    I've taken this thing on every adventure I've been on for 10ish years and it gets used all the time. I hate having pocket trash and I hate wearing a belt. It just sits in the waistband on my right hip and I forget it's there until I need it.

    Probably the best 70$ I've ever spent.

    • 7 months ago

      greatest ergos, good selection of tools, but if its a bad casting you snap the pliers

  47. 6 months ago

    Canvas wax

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