Anyone know anybody that's been poisoned or died from this?

Anyone know anybody that's been poisoned or died from this? How painful was it and how much did they take, also how do the seedless berries taste

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Oh no, to be clear it's for myself.

      • 5 months ago

        anon don't hurt yourself please :[

      • 5 months ago

        Just get a handful of amanita muscaria

      • 5 months ago

        That was clear you melodramatic b***h. Just jump off a bridge or suck start a 12 gauge like the rest of us

  2. 5 months ago

    on this tree only the berries are safe to eat, but you need to spit out the seed

    • 5 months ago

      This. They have a revolting texture like a snotty lychee

  3. 5 months ago

    >Ewe tree

  4. 5 months ago

    God I wish that were me

  5. 5 months ago

    If you're trying to kys why not go for a heroic dose of amanita and chase it with jack-o-lantern?

    • 5 months ago

      amanita isn't poisonous
      If you don't processes it you'll certainly shit your guts out but you won't die unless your very old or a child.

      • 5 months ago

        >amanita isn't poisonous
        These are the people (and I use that term generously) I have to share a board with...

        • 5 months ago

          I love We Have Always Lived In The Castle

        • 5 months ago

          I think he means muscaria

        • 5 months ago

          I see the problem here--you're a midwit and constantly offended because you're moronic but think your smart.
          The common denominator is you anon--always has been.
          Embrace your sub 100 IQ and stop pretending you're smart--your life will get better.

          I think he means muscaria

          Correct. The 80 Iq projects more than they observe--common issue with midwits.

          • 5 months ago

            Learn what a midwit is. Midwits have above average IQs but not so high that they are truly intelligent. They are somewhere in the 105 to 120 range. Smart enough to feel superior, not smart enough to notice their own shortcomings. Like you.

            • 5 months ago

              I don't like to quantify the IQ of midwits, because I'm secretly afraid I'm one of them (138 IQ and not from one of those free online tests).

            • 5 months ago
              no bump

              There is no difference between the behavior of a midwit and an 80 IQ. They're equally as destructive--that's like distinguishing a locust from a european starling.

              I don't like to quantify the IQ of midwits, because I'm secretly afraid I'm one of them (138 IQ and not from one of those free online tests).

              Midwit has more to do with behavior than a test score. I've known plenty of engineers, lawyers and doctors that were dumb as fricking rocks.

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Hey everyone, thanks for the (you)'s! I knew he meant A. muscaria, because the "heroic dose" part implied a psychoactive effect. Still, to quote Paracelsus: "Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift; allein die Dosis macht, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist."

          • 5 months ago
            no bump

            >I was just pretending to be moronic
            keep telling yourself that--it's pretty obvious you don't actually know what you're talking about.
            >ree I need (you)s
            you have a mental disorder

            • 5 months ago

              How is it obvious, pray tell? I did my bachelor's thesis on Hygrocybe distribution and did a lot of field research, soil analysis and spore analysis. What's your credentials?

              • 5 months ago

                Fun fact: You said a bunch of moronic shit so your credentials just make you stand out as an educated idiot--not an expert.

              • 5 months ago

                >a bunch of moronic shit
                You're grasping. Pathetic.

              • 5 months ago

                >I am an expert at mycology
                >Posts nothing to do with mycology
                lol, yes, you lied about your credentials, posted nothing of value, and keep posting nothing of value: you are indeed pathetic.

                Amanita muscaria--not poisonous.
                Keep seething midwit and stop pretending to be an expert when it's clear you're a wikepedia warrior.

              • 5 months ago

                Yup, nothing but an impotent, bitter little man who can't take a joke.

              • 5 months ago

                what joke?
                You're posts are flat line junk.

                NTA but it is poisonous. Not sure why you'd say otherwise when everyone can just look it up.

                Amanita muscaria--not poisonous.
                Yes, everything you know is from Wikepidia and "looking" something up means typing into google and reading reading whatever pops up first.

                You're not smart--just like the educated idiot I'm making fun of.

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine simping this hard for a damn toadstool, lol. Amanita Muscaria is mildly poisonous. Cope, seethe and dilate all you like, but you have to deal with it.

              • 5 months ago

                >Wikepedia warrior strikes again
                Keep sucking that big pharma wiener

              • 5 months ago

                What the frick are you on about. Fly agaric definitely IS poisonous. It's just not a lethal poison in common doses. Are you that same homosexual berating a guy for going camping with his dad. I feel sorry dor you, your life must really suck if you're this desperate for attention.

              • 5 months ago

                >If I say the same lie over and over it must be true
                >Straw man
                So, you suck corporate pharmaceutical wiener AND you have a mental disorder.
                I already knew you had a mental disorder but thanks for further evidence.

              • 5 months ago

                Where is the lie? Where is the straw man? What the frick does any of this have to do with the pharmaceutical industry?

              • 5 months ago

                >if I keep lying then anons will believe me

              • 5 months ago

                where's the lie?
                Use your words, child, I know that's a difficult request but I believe in you.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but it is poisonous. Not sure why you'd say otherwise when everyone can just look it up.

      • 5 months ago

        >amanita isn't poisonous
        These are the people (and I use that term generously) I have to share a board with...

        • 5 months ago

          >amanita isn't poisonous
          These are the people (and I use that term generously) I have to share a board with...

          Amanita Muscaria isn't poisonous. It contains toxins that can make you sick if you eat enough of them or don't process them correctly.

          I can't tell if you're just pretending to be stupid?

          • 5 months ago

            >Amanita Muscaria
            >not poisonous just has toxins
            You are dumber than the blackest gorilla ape Black person, congratulations.

            • 5 months ago

              You don't know anything about botany or biology so I can see why you're very clearly moronic.
              Amanita Muscaria are not poisonous no matter how much you insist on lying about it.

              • 5 months ago

                for clarity, moron, it causes neither injury or death. It causes discomfort and pooping--so by your logic coffee and eating too much candy on Halloween is the same as eating poison.

                Keep being moronic and lying--it's obvious you can't help it.

                Nta, but I would consider them "poisonous." Not in the way Water Hemlock, Taxus, Rosary Pea, Monkshood etc. obviously, and sure there are thousands of plants that border on toxic to benign or that would require massive amounts to be truly dangerous. But considering these types of mushrooms are often eaten in fairly large amounts negative effects seem to be definitely possible... but I wouldn't call it deadly though.

              • 5 months ago

                There was a dude that ate 2 lbs of them and didn't die--they did a whole case study.
                Anything natural that big pharma hates is called poisonous... especially psychotropics that have a potential to break down social conditioning--that's a big no no.

                If these are poisonous than 90% of pharmaceuticals should also be labeled as such.
                Midol, Advil, Tylonal can all kill you -- even cough syrup can kill you.

              • 5 months ago

                Alot of pharmaceuticals ARE clearly poisonous. But there are also alot of things (plants etc.) that don't have nearly the capacity for negative effects as that particular fungus. There is a giant list of borderline plants and mushrooms. Ultimately you have to make a call and draw a line somewhere and this one, for me, clearly has the capacity to cause enough effects that I consider it "poisonous." The topoc of natural recreational hallucinogens is a bit tougher but in my opinion, Whether someone finds the cognitive effects good or bad, it is still having that effect on the body.

              • 5 months ago

                >It's poisonous because I say so
                yes, obviously, which is why I keep calling you moronic: because you are.

                >thinks it has to kill you or break your legs to be considered poisonous
                Look up the definition of injury too. The mushroom doesnt have to suplex your homosexual ass to injure you. Stupid ESL monkeys.

                I have a collection of encyclopedias for this very reason. You don't have an argument--you have a mental disorder.

                Please frickoff back to reddlt with your pupil and lies because it's obvious you're moronic, wrong, disingenuous and don't know what you're talking about at all.

              • 5 months ago

                for clarity, moron, it causes neither injury or death. It causes discomfort and pooping--so by your logic coffee and eating too much candy on Halloween is the same as eating poison.

                Keep being moronic and lying--it's obvious you can't help it.

                >thinks it has to kill you or break your legs to be considered poisonous
                Look up the definition of injury too. The mushroom doesnt have to suplex your homosexual ass to injure you. Stupid ESL monkeys.

            • 5 months ago

              for clarity, moron, it causes neither injury or death. It causes discomfort and pooping--so by your logic coffee and eating too much candy on Halloween is the same as eating poison.

              Keep being moronic and lying--it's obvious you can't help it.

          • 5 months ago

            not him, but he didn't mention muscaria, just amanita, which is a group that contain edible and tasty ceasarea and deadly poisonous verna

            that being said, I can't tell if you are pretending to be stupid or just can't read (because you are stupid for real)

            • 5 months ago
              no bump

              So, you have the communication skills of a child--thanks for clarifying. I'll make sure to pretend I'm talking to a 5 year old next time, you might be able to keep up than.

  6. 5 months ago

    I think that nasty b***h Boudicca killed herself with it.

    On a side note, can we take this moment to appreciate Paulinus- for taking a brave stand against great odds and completely btfo'ing that nasty b***h Boudicca. If not for this conspicuous act of heroism, can you imagine the sheer amount of "stronk woman" Netflix bullshit and vidya we would be bombarded by today?

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I believe in the Roman naming convention he is normally referred to as Seutonius, and yes his use and placement of skill, training, and discipline wasted the Iceni and this proved many things that needed to be proven.

      • 5 months ago

        Seutonius is confusing because of the other more well known Seutonius.

        • 5 months ago

          well yeah Suetonius Tranquillus I guess also is famous for his colorful histories

  7. 5 months ago

    I don't know anyone who died, but apparently it's very fast if you take a large enough dose so I can't imagine it'd be too bad. I did make a habit of eating the aril (they're technically not berries) and spitting out the seed, they're okay. Slightly sweet, soft, not a strong flavor. Pleasant enough.

  8. 5 months ago

    Apparently a couple of the seeds is enough to kill you.
    I enjoy eating the fleshy bits as they're about the sweetest tasting thing you can forage in Ireland so it's a bit of a novelty.
    They have the consistency of precum though

    • 5 months ago

      >They have the consistency of precum though
      how would you know...

  9. 5 months ago

    There's an old saying,
    "Tie your horse to a yew tree by the church, it will be dead by the time you get out"

    • 5 months ago

      umm i was trimming one of these once and got a needle in my mouth and accidentally bit it a little bit and within 5 minutes my mouth and nose and sinus cavities all got inflamed and swollen for like an hour or 2 so yea that shit is nasty. Supposedly there is old lore that you shouldn't even sleep near them because on a hot day they can off-gas the same toxic compounds. They would grow them in church and castle courtyards in the event of a siege and they wanted to kill themselves instead of being brutalized.

      never heard this one

      i see them a lot around houses and i wonder if the goal isn't to keep rodents and critters away.

  10. 5 months ago

    These need to be on the endangered species list
    The timber industry will never allow it because it would frick their ongoing rape of nature
    FYI costal logging in north america is why the mid west is in drought and why the forest fire risk has skyrocked.

  11. 5 months ago

    It's hard to tell a difference in any taxus varieties but I don't think the Florida Yew (or Torreya Taxifolia for that matter) being endangered has anything to do with logging. I can't speak for Pacific Yew though.

    My view on wildfires is that they are fairly natural if you don't do controlled burns. The issue is that people build houses now.. so it is unacceptable to let them go unabated amd destroy all that property. So the way I see it, you either do controlled burns and lay down really good firebreaks everywhere (like in the South East) or you just accept the reality that a big fire could come through at some point.

    • 5 months ago

      >Wildfires are natural in lowland rainforests
      frick no they aren't
      they clearcut nearly the entire Olympic peninsula in the early 1900s (which is why it's hard to find 1,000-2,000 year old trees even in the national park).

      They cut it all down and burned most of it--the park banned logging completely but now the fricktarded boomer logging cartel clearcuts from canada to California fricking the watersheds and creating the perfect environment for forest fires. Whoever tells you logging prevents forest fires in costal rainforests is a lying piece of shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >Lowland rainforests
        The entire west isn't lowland rainforest lol. Anyways I'm no expert on the Pacific woodlands, and I suppose it's possible some specific areas could be impacted to the point where they no longer hold water... but those are select areas. HOWEVER as a general matter if mostly conifer woodlands are allowed to drop debris for long enough there WILL be fuel to burn hot enough to climb up trees and it is just a matter of time before you get a drought enough for ignition. Period.

        On the other side of the country- in the injuns' time- there used to be fires burn from SC to FL. And that's a wet ass part of the country and it was prior to logging. Why did this stop? Because of control burns and firebreaks.
        But look I too hate logging because of what it does to the ecology of a region, but I'm sort of sick of this attitude that wild fires should NEVER happen lol. It's like people crying climate change everytime a bad hurricane happens in the gulf. They are a natural fricking occurrence.

        • 5 months ago

          >The entire west isn't lowland rainforest
          it used to be
          Much of it still is

          >inland pine have a fire cycle
          correct--that fire cycle is made much worse by logging. As an added kick to the teeth logging coastal rainforests (and coastal forests in general) significantly reduces inland rain... making the inland fires larger (dryer conditions).

          Florida and SC used to have way more wetlands and yankie morons filled most of them in--once again creating the forest fires they're claiming to have "solved"

          Forest fires should rarely happen and mega fires should never happen. I'm tired of lying logging buttholes and their boomer parrots.

          • 5 months ago

            Actually much of the southeast used to have an immense amount of wiregrass longleaf savannah compared to modern times- an ecosystem which depends on frequent hot burns. Those uplands have borne the brunt of logging activity compared to the south eastern wetlands which have remained much more intact compared to the uplands. However the wiregrass uplands have mostly all been converted to planted pine (basically the gay version of longleaf savannah) that get burned once every year or two so they never build up enough debris to burn too hot.

            I have no doubt in my mind that if you didn't burn the uplands in the SE every year you would still get mega fires. My point is that the amount of debris that accumulates has a direct correlation to large wildfires. Now it is complicated by the fact that SE broadleaf forests basically don't burn because the oak leaves get layered up so thick it is basically like trying to burn a book.. so I don't really know how they burned in the past except maybe in times of extreme drought and enough wind.

            Also droughts do happen. You might say they are more common in some areas but over the years it just happens sometimes. Anyways I'm not defending commercial forestry I hate that shit but fires to some degree are natural that's all I'm saying.

            • 5 months ago

              >Droughts happen
              ...yes, in the absence of biomass and contiguous forests and wetlands you get the drought cycle.

              The entire east coast obliterated most of their wetlands and are almost about to strangle their major fresh water-water sheds.

              80% of america lives east of the mississippi and the east coast is a concrete nightmare that funnels yard waste straight into the ocean like it's still 1800.

              • 5 months ago

                The SE coastal plane is the only area of the US that still has actual common wetlands lol. And like I said earlier, the irony is that they are more intact than the upland wiregrass because they have very little commercial use. If you look at the amount of wetland loss in a state like Georgia is drastically lower than a state like California (despite more draconian policies) who has lost upwards of 80-90% of its wetlands.

                Also- the entire southern coastal plane from SC to Alabama only has about 10 million inhabitants lol.

              • 5 months ago

                >The SE coastal plane is the only area of the US that still has actual common wetlands
                what makes you say this?

              • 5 months ago

                I was aware of Michigan having alot of them obviously- but I was actually surprised by Minnesota ngl. Having said that I think the map still speaks for itself about the SE as a region having much more wetlands.

          • 5 months ago

            Also I should note these days there are literally almost never major forest fires in the SE.. and this is in a place where millions of acres are burned intentionally every year I've never in my life heard of one being a major problem. Mayne the wind picks up and one runs a bit but it's never major.. not like out west.

            • 5 months ago

              >Mostly paved over
              >where did the fire's go
              ...about that...
              Did you know that most of the 700+ species of palm trees in Florida aren't native? Florida used to have extensive long leaf pine forests.

              Sad you have to dig so hard just to find how much swamp in flordia has been filled in the past century.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah look in southern Florida there are tons of tropical introduced plants I'm not surprised, I mean southern Florida is basically tropical and it is a much different place than the southern coastal plane that is truly temperate sub tropical, where you'd maybe only ever see a cabbage palm, sabal, or Palmettos. And yes I am aware of the Florida longleaf- look at Apalachicola Forest.

                Anyways, I do not believe most of the west was at one time "Lowland rainforest" kek I mean the topography and the fact that it is a western facing coast pretty much guarantees a wet and dry season- plus an extremely dry climate on the inland side of the mountains for sure I'm not saying certain practices haven't made it worse but I don't see any way the inland side wouldn't be ripe for a mega fire from time to time even before modern activities.

              • 5 months ago

                most of the west wasn't
                Most of the west COAST was
                Old growth was cut back almost to extinction
                It used to dominate the west coast
                ...the destruction was leigon
                and than buried by the logging cartels

                Much of what is now arid lands in utah, new mexico, colorado, new mexico, and the Navijo nation used to be forested though--the extermination of beaver and great dust bowl (also a result of monoculture destroying soil) took out most of the SW forests... but yes, the rainforest was costal and mostly into idaho, and oregon... those states have fricked their old growth and the logging cartels created the mega fires there.

      • 5 months ago

        Indians lit your sacred trees on fire for eons numbnuts

  12. 5 months ago

    holy shit you homosexuals are still arguing in here lmao

  13. 5 months ago

    I used to snack on these a lot. They planted many of them near some government buildings for some reason.
    The berries are okay. Faintly sweet and not much else. The seeds are very hard, so they can't be accidentally crushed, but you gotta make sure to spit them out.

  14. 5 months ago

    Yeah, I suicided myself with yew seeds. was maybe 6/10 pain, not great, but not terrible.

    • 5 months ago


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