Anyone else love their construction job?

Anyone else love their construction job?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        no h8

  2. 2 years ago

    >hates break and takes them always
    pics of the job and doesnt share with anyone
    literally me

    • 2 years ago

      Kek. The 10000 pics is so true.

      Here, I’ll show one. I’m painting some cabinets for a buddy of mine. They turned out fricking spectacular.

      • 2 years ago

        >cabinets: appreciated.
        >digits: observed.

        • 2 years ago

          Final product. The doors were new so the wood was naked when I started. I did this for my friend as a favor and he paid me $1,000. He probably saved 2k by having me do it. (He’s my real estate attorney. It’s good to do favors for your attorney friends.)

          • 2 years ago

            Looks good but the electrical is whack and not to code if you did any of that

            • 2 years ago

              No definitely not my electrical work. But I am rewiring a house right now so I’m learning a lot about it.

          • 2 years ago

            looks like shit

      • 2 years ago

        >paints the inside of cabinets with drawers that will never be seen.

        I admire your dedication. Checked.

  3. 2 years ago

    I know it's more valuable than most of my friends jobs. So that's a nice feeling. It's a job at the end of the day so id only love it if I made loads of money. Driving all over the place is nice and terrible. It's cool being familiar with lots of different towns. And getting to go into skyscrapers I'd never go to otherwise.
    I'd really like to be clean and have a car not full of tools and supplies sometimes though.
    It's a toss up.

    • 2 years ago

      relatable. Im considering going into a trade but I like having clean clothes all the time and working a blue collar job.

  4. 2 years ago

    Anon, what will be more profitable and learned in less time, to be a: plumber, electrician, welder ?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't go into a trade that primarily involves doing houses unless you plan to open your own business. Resi work pays dog shit wages and will work the frick out of you. Become a journeyman wireman, you can work anywhere. If you want to do plumbing type work become a steamfitter. Remember, the best paying jobs have the best conditions too. Ditch diggers get treated like slaves, if you make more money you have more leverage to get breaks and better job conditions. And any trade allows you to get welding certs on top of your regular trade as an added feather in your cap. Check the unions in your area. Being an electrician in the pacific northwest right now is very lucrative and if you join the union you can travel for work easily.

    • 2 years ago

      No chemicals, no plastic dust, no parkinson's, same pay

      • 2 years ago

        >no parkinson's
        what are typcal ways a construnctioneer develops parkinsons?

        doesnt electrician run the risk of getting electricuted to death from one crossed wire or faulty lock-out-tag-out?

        • 2 years ago

          >out of work for good
          >not much use around the house
          >can't even jerk off properly
          >drain on relatives
          >no pain
          >no problem

          choose wisely

    • 2 years ago

      >less time
      just do quality work and people will pay a fricking ton when youre in a demand area.
      quals and regs dont matter if you can do the job. someone else can sign off on it.
      electrician takes forever to get qualified as does plumbing.
      welding does if you want high level certs, but theyll let you weld without anything if youre half awake. you can get them while learning on the job. but you can also start working for yourself immediately, where as other trades this isnt the case.
      learn to dive or climb and the pay goes stupid, work in remote locations and gets stupider again. but the jobs get interesting as well. the locations too, but grinding is just that. grinding.

      • 2 years ago

        i do not envy welders
        i saw a guy do a 10 hour shift crouched on his hands and knees working on a single weld all day
        theres no amount of money i would subject myself to that for

  5. 2 years ago

    >20 year old
    >all that shit listed

    yeah thats the complete opposite. young workers like this are lazy self entitled fricking stoners who dont give a frick about the actual work, but just the paycheck. kids today have no real work ethic they want everything handed to them like they are some sort of fricking king. frickoff with your picture.

    • 2 years ago

      >hehe I hire people at a wage that couldn't pay rent in the area
      >It's seasonal and inconsistent
      >why are all these young people so shit??

      • 2 years ago

        >pay people below minimum wage
        >back breaking work in direct sunlight
        >only get hispanics and exconvicts
        How could this hapen?

      • 2 years ago

        My relative is constantly b***hing about how he "can't find good workers" when he pays the same starting wage as McDonald's for outdoor hard-labor. And of course he can't afford to pay people more because in classic boomer style he's paying off a house, vacation property, multiple cars, and eats out every other night.

        • 2 years ago

          Yup they need their massive profit on a job, but can't afford to pay more than what local stores or gas stations hire at...
          Then they wonder why only Mexicans or criminals apply, and then they wonder why people disappear in a couple months

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit, an actual entitled boomer on PrepHole. Shouldn't you be watching Tucker right now?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm stealing from you boomer, but your shitty job is so low manpower that I can do what I want. It's all a façade: your authority. You are my b***h

    • 2 years ago

      >pay kids who work their asses off wages parallel to a gas station attendant
      >no career growth or if there is growth the wages are even lower for 2-4 years to offset

      There's a reason everyone quits you shit employers. They'll put up with you long enough to get the certs, upgrade, or start on their own.

      • 2 years ago

        >>no career growth or if there is growth the wages are even lower for 2-4 years to offset
        lol, im an engineering technician making $25/hr 1099, aka no benefits + higher taxes.

        question:since i am working 1099, should i be charging the company for hours i spend at home researching the work? like i have to use one of the computer/machines they provide me and to use it, i have to research its functions outside of the jobsite. should i be billing them for this time?
        same question for making trips to the store/office to pick up equipment outside of work hours

        • 2 years ago

          Is this rhetorical? You're 1099, you're not an employee. You pay higher taxation and shoulder the risks and liabilities of being independent.

          Construction has difficulty billing for the time to organize tools, fetch materials, schedule customers and subs, pull permits, research products, and planning. There's risks that the products, subs, house, or customer might increase the scope of the project.

          So idk, yes. You stay competitive, bill your working hours, and bill what you're worth. I also weigh volatility and the kind of headache I can expect from the job into an estimate. I'm happy to sub for 5-10 less an hour under proven professionals. I can just do my job at a high level and not constantly be circumventing problems and questions.

    • 2 years ago

      I know this is 100% bait, but its mindblowing there are actually real life people who believe this shit.
      Like how stupid can some people actually be?

      • 2 years ago

        you obviously never had to work with these people to know their work ethic. come back when you are old enough to know how the real world works. you living in moms basement being all comfy while mom wipes your ass for you, you have no clue what its liek to deal with dumb young incompetent lazy fricks

        • 2 years ago

          You arent going to bait anyone into believing you are this moronic no matter how hard you try.

        • 2 years ago

          Every person only cares about their paycheck.
          They arent at work for fun, the people that go above and beyond arent doing it out of passion but out of this idea they will be rewarded more money for their extra or higher quality work. Its all selfish, as it should be, you are trading your life for money.

          In my experience, half of the young guys with "bad work ethics" are just unsure of themselves, uncomfortable and havent really truly figured out what they are doing. And that comes with time.

          Lets not pretend there arent 45 year old dudes with fricking terrible work ethics and similarly poor quality of work.
          The only difference is they never grew, they never changed.

          The young guys you are trying to haze and shit on will eventually figure things and hit that fork in the road, which way they end up going is up to the work environment.
          And if someone like you is running the show, well you reap what you sow.

          Any competent work environment knows better than to scream "muh zoomers" from the top of the mountaintops.

          • 2 years ago

            The free mason boomer I worked resi plumbing/hvac for treated us all like shit while b***hing about turnover. He treated us badly and would laugh then say "haha I used to be a lot worse ya know I've chilled out" yeah okay bud smashing *your* tools and screaming at your apprentice for forgetting one part you never mentioned is perfectly rational.

            • 2 years ago

              Last job I was on the fire suppression guy was this old boomer who was the biggest dickhead I've ever seen to his apprentice. Just pissed off at him the whole time and hollering at him. I guess they have really low self esteem and have to pick on people in a position of deference to feel better. Less and less people tolerate that kind of disrespect. I hope he gets punched out one day haha

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah. Only job where I've almost got into a fist fight with a crippled alcoholic 56yo plumber kek. He really thought he could take me when I know his knees are weak and would gladly swing low.

              • 2 years ago

                I went through this, I was on on time, straight laced worker. I told my boss very clearly something along the lines of...

                "I will not tolerate being shit talked, you will have to go through at least 3 more employees before you find another like me, understood?"

                he took it surprisingly well and basically started me up on more advanced training almost immediately, within a year I had 9 guys under me and a meager raise.

              • 2 years ago

                my buddy went through opposite
                >manger was overly polite and super courteous and tip-toeing, walking on eggshells.
                >asking my buddy to grab a tool, he would say "could you please"
                >buddy ask him why hes being so polite and manager explains too many workers get butthurt about being commanded to do shit
                >buddy tells him "for $25 an hour you can tell me "hey shithead, bring me a wrench" ...or something along those lines.. he made it sound funny. i dont
                ...also this was years ago when $25/hr was good money

              • 2 years ago

                As someone who was both a worker and a manager keeping friendliness without letting the crew walk all over you is a huge challenge. I spent two years with a crew of 6-9 workers under me doing a large project. I was in my 20s and some of these guys were pushing 50 which was challenging. My rules were basically
                >show up at 7
                >meeting place by 7:10 the latest
                >you have until 9 to accomplish at most 30 mins of work (set up, moving tools, getting equipment to the units we need to work in) I expect them to frick around but have this single task completed before morning break.
                >between 9:15 and 12:00 you fricking work like animals, there are no excuses, it's time for production
                >15-20 mins after lunch just be chill and go on your phone I dont care, personal time after lunch is needed.
                >12:30-4:30 you hustle

                One thing to note is I never spent time with them when they were on break or wtv, that's their time, and I never got too friendly, but always had their back if they had a problem because nothing is worse than a worker too afraid to bring issues to their boss (insanely common). In those two years we completed something like 900 and missed one deadline. Now I work alone, god I hate managing.

              • 2 years ago

                edit: 900 units. It was multiple phases of a luxury condo development.

              • 2 years ago

                >but always had their back if they had a problem because nothing is worse than a worker too afraid to bring issues to their boss (insanely common).
                i never kiss ass, or work harder when the boss is around. if i make a mistake and need help resolving it then i consult the manager instead of hiding it. ive had managers get mad at me when i bring up mistakes. dude, mistakes fricking happen and if you want perfect work done, you should be paying some proffesional $50 an hour, not some untrained kid for $17/hr. and ive noticed managers liking the people who hide problems that cost the company money but can still go un-noticed. fricking frick.

              • 2 years ago

                >tfw when i might actually be that very apprentice

          • 2 years ago

            I don't even understand how guys who claim 15-30 years of experience expect to be hired in basic trades. At that point they should be running the show and have something to show for it. Career bullshitters. A person can generate a portfolio of work in 6 months.

    • 2 years ago

      nah m8 you're a goofball
      20 is exactly right. the 20-year-old-wooorker is one who hasn't known anything else and is still excited just to be making money and they want to do a good job even if they don't know how. If they do go off and drink some cheeky beers with their friends the night before, they snap right back into it with some iced tea in the morning, and sweat it out by 11am.

      By 23-24, responsibilities begin to stack up, the dollar doesn't go as far. "Fun money" becomes "a meager living", the enthusiasm wears off, and they pick up bad habits from older workers who hate their job but don't know what else to do.

      Bitterness is extremely, extremely dangerous, because cynicism only sets in once. The fact that this woooorker is 20 years old is actually perfectly accurate. I miss those days.

      • 2 years ago

        what responsibilities do you haveat 23-24 that you dont have at 20? seems a little early to be having kids

        • 2 years ago

          Not sure about responsabilities but around that time a lot start paying for their frickups like por maintanance of cars/ apartements or just a lack of savings

    • 2 years ago

      Idk guess I'm a boomer too but I agree with this anon. Young workers are fricking trash. Constantly playing with their phones and meandering around.

      That said, most workers nowadays are trash, but younger folks are a particular form of trash. I've never seen anyone near 20 that had solid work ethic. My company practically pays for your training and shows you where to go so they can pay you more, but young tards just like doing monkey labor for a year or so then complain why they're not a project manager yet, then get fired because all they do is sit around watching/making tiktok videos.

      • 2 years ago

        Any white kid who isn't a moron already has a better job though
        Hence why you only ever see drug addicts and frick ups in these low pay seasonal jobs

      • 2 years ago

        I'm only 35, but frick me did the young worker ethic fall off. When I was 15 I was working in fabrication at a shop all summer. By 17 I was running the big table saw to cut slabs with an older fellow. At 24 I was managing several workers and now I'm 6 years into owning my own business. Hiring kids fricking suckkks. Unironically immigrants from Europe are the best workers.

        • 2 years ago

          Hiring sucks period.

        • 2 years ago

          They'd just fire you and replace you with some zoomer who they can do the same to later. Management has gotten totally out of control at most entry level companies these days and they think they can play god with who advances and who doesn't. Politics getting shoved into everything for years didn't help.

      • 2 years ago

        agreed but you boomers want a gorillion dollars for you to show up

    • 2 years ago

      Idk guess I'm a boomer too but I agree with this anon. Young workers are fricking trash. Constantly playing with their phones and meandering around.

      That said, most workers nowadays are trash, but younger folks are a particular form of trash. I've never seen anyone near 20 that had solid work ethic. My company practically pays for your training and shows you where to go so they can pay you more, but young tards just like doing monkey labor for a year or so then complain why they're not a project manager yet, then get fired because all they do is sit around watching/making tiktok videos.

      I went back to school because of c**ts like you. working trades is great, but the enthusiasm wears off once you're a few years deep and you realize you will be making 20$ an hour for the rest of your life if you don't get out. I was a good worker, but when I finish my schooling I will not be doing anything for less than 100K a year and you can seethe all you want.

      • 2 years ago

        Did you end up going to school for something that was related to your trade? Or did you go a completely different route? I'm thinking of doing the same. Sucks hearing my friends talking about how they get paid a hefty salary for sitting an in office with AC doing easy work while I'm cooking in the sun for half of what they make.

        • 2 years ago

          No I went for something completely different that pays well, in demand, and I wouldn't mind doing for the rest of my adult life.

          • 2 years ago

            Good for you, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            what job

        • 2 years ago

          sitting for 16 hours a day drinking sugar and cream doesnt sound appealing tbqh

          • 2 years ago

            Why not?
            Going home hot, sweaty, and physically tired is definitely not appealing either.

            • 2 years ago

              you feel like shit and your body will deteriorate either way. i guess what im saying is that i would never get excited to spend my life sitting and staring at a screen

      • 2 years ago

        >but the enthusiasm wears off once you're a few years deep and you realize you will be making 20$ an hour for the rest of your life if you don't get out.
        all the union guys around me in their 30's are making 100k a year

        • 2 years ago

          >ruin body working ass off for 10 years praying you don’t get replaced by a somalian who will gladly work for 1/4 the wages
          >spend 8 years learning how to do something nobody in somilia could even comprehend and make 300k
          Sorry boomers, not gonna dig ditches for $7.25 to pay off your house/boat/cars/credit cards anymore

        • 2 years ago

          My grandfather worked construction for 50 years and told me to never choose it as a trade because people will just hire Mexicans nowadays.

    • 2 years ago

      You boomers are funny morons who do shit like sit in complete silence for the entire tea break for no fricking reason.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Average British cuisine.

    • 2 years ago

      probably because nepotism gets them hired and blackmail keeps them hired.

      >doesn't smoke weed
      >is overqualified for labor job
      >doesn't drink
      >is loyal
      >is willing to hand your ass to you at a moments notice.
      >can take your job, but your boss is an butthole.

      yeah I think I go this.

      fricking construction is fricked up because of the housing crisis and still hasn't properly recovered.

  6. 2 years ago

    >aesthetic right forearm

    Yeah so I can't roll Dress shirts up anymore and it kind of sucks.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Deliver pizza
    > Make at least 25 an hour, sometime 35+
    >Everyone tells me to get a real job
    >Get into steel mill as a contractor
    >Make 19/hr
    >Breathe in ungodly amounts of Silica and a bit of asbestos
    >Temps are 20 degrees higher than outdoors
    >Sweat like a pool with a knife wound
    >Work 12-16 hrs a day for 6-8 days in a row
    >Usually only two days off
    >Management steals hours worked from you
    >Almost die from industrial accidents every other day
    >Have less goddamn money than when I delivered pizza 35 hrs a week

    • 2 years ago

      Shitty jobs do be that way, the fact is if you deliver pizza you will always be making the same amount, and never have skills to aspire toward. Some trades offer monetary and skill based rewards. I'm a master in my trade now, average 75/h, have a reputation in my field etc. I started at $12

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >Some trades offer monetary and skill based rewards. I'm a master in my trade now, average 75/h, have a reputation in my field etc. I started at $12

        Yes, that's one of the bennies of working in the trades if you have a brain, all the project managers love dealing with me because I'm on top of everything.

    • 2 years ago

      This is real. Delivery is well compensated in an area where people have money and decency. In a shop with driver competition and poor customer base, it's shit.

      Use your experience to get into something better. You're not being compensated for health effects or even an appropriate hourly.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah i made more washing cars in a body shop than Learning the auto body trade as an apprentice but guess what ? It's called paying dues homosexual. Now I make 100k a year as a journey man. Flat rate pay and I hack the cars out frick you I don't care, I make big money doing cave an paves while bonds artists are making 70k a year.

  8. 2 years ago

    Itll only take you 2-3 years to realize that being a slave to your manual labor job isnt actually a life worth living.
    If you have nothing else at ALL in your life except to be a cog in the wheel for making your boss money, you need to seriously reconsider your life choices.

  9. 2 years ago

    36yold machinist here
    i love working
    i dropped out of hs because i hated it and i just wanted to work
    now that im older i still love working but i suspect that i was bred to be a slave like how we breed dogs to be stupid enough to love doing what u tell them to do

    • 2 years ago

      Specialize and get own shop is route to profit but as you know by now it's insanely competitive. If you do one or two things for other shops they hate (Blanchard grinding) or don't want to buy equipment for (EDM) that works for some.

    • 2 years ago

      >now that im older i still love working but i suspect that i was bred to be a slave like how we breed dogs to be stupid enough to love doing what u tell them to do
      Who cares, man? You are content with your life, which is more than most anyone can say. That's a blessing.

      "The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep."

    • 2 years ago

      its because humans are a slave race of aliens, at least a long time ago. Why do you think humans generally have the urge to worship a 'higher power'? and thats not because there is a god.

      • 2 years ago

        Anyone with a brain who looks at the intricacies of the human body or the complex design of the solar system or the harmonious flow of the earth can see that we were designed.

        I encourage you to first read the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. He was a devout atheist until he sat down one day and decided to figure out if there was a god. This book is his journey through that process. Spoiler: he became an evangelical Christian afterwards. Next I suggest you read the Bible and realize all of it is true. Only then will you find true peace and contentment.

      • 2 years ago

        Hi I'm a tourist from /x/ too.

      • 2 years ago

        >he believed the lies that the fallen ones told him
        embarrassing, all who have eyes to see and ears to hear will recognize the messiah, and the god of the Hebrews will be the most high.
        Not gonna lie though, the archons do make a convincing argument about being slaves and all that. It's just a falsity, that's all.

  10. 2 years ago

    I loved it for the 12 years I did it. Made some good money, worked with cool people, and gained some valuable skills. The only reason I left was because I kept getting injured skiing and it's hard to work in construction with a mangled shoulder, back, and both knees.

  11. 2 years ago

    This comes a little too close to reality. Only difference is I am 30 and an alcoholic. Otherwise spot on.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Anyone else love their construction job?
    Sir, this is do it yourself, not 'do it for someone else'.

  13. 2 years ago

    Summer Staking is here. I've spent 30 hours alone this week on this single job site due to needing to restake the same curbs for a parking lot. Every morning I went out there to check on what the damage to the stakes were when I wasn't looking.
    The worst part of this all is the fact I won't be there to show how fricked the job was when it's finished, I'll be off on some other shitty job site planting more stakes that are being ran over.

    • 2 years ago

      get rekt surveyor gay. jk I feel your pain. I've spent weeks doing rework because the homosexual diggers won't backfill our ditches and the rain sloughed off all over our wire which the customer autistically demands is in impeccably clean conditions with no rocks or clumps on it the whole length. I told our foreman we would be glad to do it one time for double time instead of doing it twice for straight time, to save the contractor time. the higher ups won't go for it sadly.

  14. 2 years ago

    i have a healthy and safety question about my job

    I am doing a construction gig at an oil refinery. we are working in a shallow excavation, 8 feet deep and a little smaller than a football field. I feel like this is a place where heavy gases can pool up... and form an invisible pool of toxic shit. today was my first day there and luckily it was pretty windy and i spent most of the day above the 'pool'

    but should i assume gases are leaking out all day at that place and some gnarly shit may collect in there? i dont see anyone else wearing a resipirator, but should i consider one.
    how about just an n95 and maybe throw a face cover over it or something

    • 2 years ago

      this is an excellent question. prob not for PrepHole though.

      >but always had their back if they had a problem because nothing is worse than a worker too afraid to bring issues to their boss (insanely common).
      i never kiss ass, or work harder when the boss is around. if i make a mistake and need help resolving it then i consult the manager instead of hiding it. ive had managers get mad at me when i bring up mistakes. dude, mistakes fricking happen and if you want perfect work done, you should be paying some proffesional $50 an hour, not some untrained kid for $17/hr. and ive noticed managers liking the people who hide problems that cost the company money but can still go un-noticed. fricking frick.

      I hear you. My last straw with the company I was working for was when I was sent to diagnose a slab of stone with a clear fissue/crack in it. My boss was with me, told me I had to tell them it was a natural variation and totally normal. I told him I would not lie what it is it is. I walked in, told the client it was not natural and will need to be replaced, square in the eye of my boss and the job site super. They were seething. I told them they can hire someone else to bullshit, they couldn't fire me because my performance was too good, made them lots of money. I left the day we tied up the last unit (penthouse) and a year later, almost to the day after my non-compete finished, the builder called me to take over future developments. Honesty is always the way.

    • 2 years ago

      sounds like you need a separate air supply. Gases go right through an n95.

      >t. heard horror story from fellow electrician working in sewage plant where gases would just knock you out even if you were wearing a mask

      cbrn mask at least i would say, but I also take respirator safety very seriously. you might get looks, but frick em

      if there's a method to detect gas buildup, then that would be good too but I am unaware of how to accomplish that

  15. 2 years ago

    >blue collar woorker
    >has never done drugs or alcohol
    Hard to believe, unless its some militant straight edge type.

    • 2 years ago

      He's 20 and still motivated, give it a few years or a few shit jobs that are 5x harder due to dumb reasons and pay the same as easy jobs.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Has never done drugs or alcohol

    I have literally never met a construction worker who wasn't heavy into at least one thing bad for them

    • 2 years ago

      >who wasn't heavy into at least one thing bad for them
      like construction work?

  17. 2 years ago

    i love mine
    cushy union job with the best pension and benefits around
    i can also afford to take a year off now and again

    • 2 years ago

      >i love mine
      >cushy union job with the best pension and benefits around
      >i can also afford to take a year off now and again
      what construction field woul let me take winters off (slow season?) i have a winter project i work on everyyears, and to have 4 months off to work on it each year would be amazing. private companies would let me do this? would a 40hr/wk goverment job ever let me do this? any sort of field that is on during summer and off during winter? i understand most people want to work as many hours as they can for more money. i want more time. i could live for a year off 10k... any specific type of job that wouldnt care if i took a year off?

      • 2 years ago

        Roofing, paving...

        • 2 years ago

          excuse me* what easy construction technician jobs are seasonal? i just wanna be a data collecting technician without major responsibilities

      • 2 years ago

        where i live in canada a lot of unionized construction jobs that arent mining or oil and gas related are off between christmas and march/ april
        the good thing about being unionized is that you can get hired through the union so you can just quit a job (or ask for a layoff so you get pogie, lots of employers will do this especially in the off season) and be pretty much guaranteed a job when you decide to go back
        either with the company that laid you off , or a dice roll that union lines up for you

  18. 2 years ago

    My construction job makes me miserable. $16 an hour to work in horrid conditions while being yelled at for not knowing how to do something I was never trained in. Never briefed on what's going on for the day, receive texts at 11:00 PM that I need to be at a job site for 4:30 in the morning, foreman is a recent college grad who's addicted to coke...blah blah blah. A bunch of bullshit. No wonder so many older guys doing this stuff are addicted to drugs and divorced.

    • 2 years ago

      sounds like youre an underachieving zoomer honestly. have you tried learning any skills that make you more valuable to your employer? that way, you wont get treated like shit and make more money. but you probably just hit your vape all day, stare at your phone, and b***h when work has to get done.

      • 2 years ago

        I can weld and machine. Of course, machining is not as simple as many think so I can only have so much knowledge. But I do lots of the fabrication for buildings we later erect.

    • 2 years ago

      >Never briefed on what's going on for the day,
      the worst
      did you get hired with experiencE? start applying elsewhere with whatever you leaned hre on your resume

      • 2 years ago

        >start applying elsewhere
        That's what I'm doing now. I might end up continuing machining/welding as a hobby and go with something completely different career wise.

  19. 2 years ago

    i install commercial automatic doors. not the best but it pays surprisingly well and the hours/work are reasonable. the worst part is the endless maintenance and service calls, these poor fricking doors get abused worse than the cheapest prostitute

    • 2 years ago

      Pneumatic ones opened with a button, or the completely automatic glass ones at the shops?
      Every time I go on a train, I see a bunch of morons forcing the pneumatic ones open, and also trying to force them close before they have a chance to close on their own.
      Some people are absolutely moronic.

  20. 2 years ago


    >electrician, plumber, pipe fitters, and arguably welders/hvac are the only trades worth going into
    >get into commercial asap. resi companies are started by high school dropouts that hire crackheads, alcoholics, and shitty people all around
    >learn to get people to like you. this entails being able to hold conversations and be reliable
    >tell all code nerds to eat shit and die
    >working with a gutter c**t who makes your life hell? ask him if there's anything related to the job you need to do better
    >if not and he's just a prick, starting recording him regularly, compile the shit he says, and take it to management. if they refuse to do anything, leave, but make sure you spread your complication all over. indeed, facebook, etc. tag your company, the c**t, etc. trades like to pretend they're above and beyond petty office shit like that but 1 bad review is all it takes to make them change
    >if your company knows that you will bend over, they will take full advantage of you. set your goddamn standards immediately
    >a jobsite can be paradise or hell depending on organization.

  21. 2 years ago

    what do you guys think of OTR trucking?
    pretty damn good pay starting
    all you have to do is drive for 11 hours a day
    time off, benefits, little to no chance of being injured
    consistent work
    piss poor job security though with self driving cars on the horizon, although I'm estimating it'll take about 15 years for that to become a thing

  22. 2 years ago

    Closest I've worked to construction was a car parts plan. I loved all the shit I got to steal. I haven't bought a nut, bolt or welding tip in 12 years

    • 2 years ago

      >Closest I've worked to construction was a car parts plan. I loved all the shit I got to steal. I haven't bought a nut, bolt or welding tip in 12 years
      every shit low pay job ive worked, i made sure everyday i came home with a bed load of scrap, backpack full of ductape or at least a pocket full of weed

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Based fringe benefit collector
      Most of those operations calculate wagies stealing shit into the budget anyways
      I did the same when I worked at a printing company, no gluesticks have been bought since then

  23. 2 years ago

    I love working so much I dont even take breaks
    I work all day non stop until I go home
    Today I had to haul out steel from a big box retail store for a few hours and they seemed amazed
    the manager didn't believe me when I told her I was having a blast

  24. 2 years ago

    im working a 1099 construction job

    should i be charging them hours when i go home and watch videos on how to do shit related to my job? sometimes i watch a video 'how to drill a hole not like a moron" or sometimes i am watching manufacturer videos on how to run propietary equipement.

    • 2 years ago

      If it's for that particular job sure. Tack on another hours.
      If it's just general education than no. But do enough of it then just up your hourly rate.

  25. 2 years ago

    I’ve been considering working in rope access for a while. I work in a bar right now but want to make better money while also having decent work life balance. Anyone do this? Something like working offshore wind turbine blade repair, or some other offshore rope access shit sounds fun as fk, not too bad on the body and has good amount of time off. Not sure of the reality tho

  26. 2 years ago

    Union Knucklehead here, I love my job and could never do anything else again.

    • 2 years ago

      same. would kill myself in an office

  27. 2 years ago

    Got fired cause I hurt my back. Every company here is short handed. I've had multiple offers from other companies but stayed cause it was a shorter drive to work and they have a good reputation for taking care of their people. Wonder what I did?

    • 2 years ago

      >trusting a company

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I know. Once I get better I'll just let one of the other place that offered me a job.

  28. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >go to college to be a stock broker
    >major in finance
    >get a job my junior year working with a contractor
    >fricking love it
    >learn Sheetrock
    >learn paint
    >learn minor plumbing and electrical
    >learn minor framing
    >get desk job out of college
    >hate it
    >decide to flip houses in my early 30’s
    >make 32k in the first one
    >keep going
    >finally make 6 figures one year
    >do it again the next
    >look like a dirty laborer every day
    >love it
    >made 75k last month
    >will do this until I die
    >no plans to retire

    I finally found the thing I love doing and I love that I get to look poor while I’m doing it.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Damn thats cool anon. Do you do all the repairs yourself? How do you find these shitty properties that can be fixed up?

      • 2 years ago

        You have to market. I have never purchased a house to flip through a realtor. The sellers contact me directly.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry I forgot your follow up question: I do as much myself as possible but I sun out flooring, roofing, and major projects where it’s faster to have someone else do it. Example: I needed a 12 foot beam installed to remove a load bearing wall so I paid a contractor $3,000 and he had it done in 4 hours. It would have taken me 2 days to figure that one out. The beam was $1200 so I would have only saved $1800 but now I know it was done correctly.

        I do my own painting, Sheetrock, mudding, trim carpentry, minor electrical, etc. I probably save 20-30k on each remodel doing it myself. Plus I enjoy doing it. It keeps me busy.

    • 2 years ago

      damn, now they're good looking tiles. really does make the place a bit modern/fancy without overkilling it. relaxing actually.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks OK but I found a lot of mistakes you'd have at least 6 items on my punch list

  29. 2 years ago

    What camp do I fall into?
    >hate unions for being entitled fricking boomers that are just fronts for the mafia, and are borderline commies (Muh New Deal FDR-loving striking little fricks)
    >hate zoomers for being lazy subhumans that are weak, effeminate, and have a GIBSMEDAT mentality
    >hate corporations for being globohomosexual and expecting wagies to be happy about waging overtime
    >hate wagies for trying to ruin my life by gatekeeping all opportunities through socialism (YOU NEED A LOICENSE FOR THAT BUSINESS M8)
    >hate industrial society, hate the cities
    >only run own business, refuse to work for someone else like a cuck
    >hate the government for regulating EVERYTHING and ruining the free market
    >only respect self-employed farmers, carpenters, plumbers, blacksmiths / metalworkers, and barber-surgeons

    • 2 years ago

      >What camp do I fall into?
      You hare firmly in Camp Stupids.

      • 2 years ago

        And you, my friend, fall into camp "I am responsible for the downfall of the Modern West through my unwillingness to compromise or sacrifice anything."

        >outsourcers of all our labor
        >pushers of globalism
        >lovers of the welfare state
        >supporters of endless regulation
        >haters of freedom
        >race, nation, faith, and culture-traitors

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and, P.S.
      List of jobs that shouldn't exist:
      >any HR position
      >pill-pushers (90% of doctors)
      >90% of nurses
      >100% of "service" industry jobs

      I am 20, unvaccinated, an engineer, and I fricking hate the antichrist.

      • 2 years ago

        What camp do I fall into?
        >hate unions for being entitled fricking boomers that are just fronts for the mafia, and are borderline commies (Muh New Deal FDR-loving striking little fricks)
        >hate zoomers for being lazy subhumans that are weak, effeminate, and have a GIBSMEDAT mentality
        >hate corporations for being globohomosexual and expecting wagies to be happy about waging overtime
        >hate wagies for trying to ruin my life by gatekeeping all opportunities through socialism (YOU NEED A LOICENSE FOR THAT BUSINESS M8)
        >hate industrial society, hate the cities
        >only run own business, refuse to work for someone else like a cuck
        >hate the government for regulating EVERYTHING and ruining the free market
        >only respect self-employed farmers, carpenters, plumbers, blacksmiths / metalworkers, and barber-surgeons

        It sounds like you need one of those pill pushers to give you your meds.

      • 2 years ago

        >brings up refusing to take vaccines out of nowhere
        yup, i'm thinking it's time to go leave

        • 2 years ago

          For people so worried about HIPAA, they sure do like to yell about their private medical decisions all the time dont they

      • 2 years ago

        >engineers shouldn't exist

    • 2 years ago

      I can empathize with your outlook. I don't think we have a camp anon.

    • 2 years ago

      camp "that age where you think you know everything"

    • 2 years ago

      >hates industrial society and corporations
      >also hates victims exploited by corporations (wagies)
      >also hates things designed to fight corporate power (unions)

      My advice is to retreat into infantile fantasy ideologies like anarcho-capitalism. That way you can just vent your hate about how fricked up and stupid everyone and everything is while never developing a real critique of the system that fricks you. That would require too much critical thinking anyway. It's so much easier to b***h to your anonymous internet friends and do nothing while feeling self-righteous all the time.

  30. 2 years ago

    I build museum exhibits and it's honestly my dream job, super fun and very low pressure because of how slow the org move. I get to learn a little bit of a ton of different trades, and most of what I make is just huge art projects that use materials in funky ways.

    • 2 years ago

      I've worked in sign shops that did a lot of that kind of work and it really is nice, small runs that are always changing so it's usually not a production grind, and fewer budget constraints than the typical client. It's also one area where a sense of aesthetics, attention to detail and (non- neurotic) perfectionism are appreciated rather than treated as unnecessary costs, a waste of time and/or something to mock.
      Plus the scrap, test pieces and spares and other cast-offs like the old displays that get replaced regularly are a treasure trove of unique high quality materials and fixtures.
      Trade show display builders and prop shops are similar but usually have tighter deadlines and budgets so can be more of a grind to work at...but if you are an artist or sculptor those places can be dumpster diving nirvana.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, trade show would be my backup if the museum industry vanished tomorrow or whatever, but I am a big softie and love building interactive educational stuff, non-profit museum work is my dream scenario. Even if the pay is shit lmao.

  31. 2 years ago

    QA/QC in manufacturing, not construction per se but related to it.

    I work 7 days out of a 14 day period, I make $40+ an hour checking that things are installed correctly, my job mostly consists of writing on paper and applying stickers to stuff. If I noticed a mistake, I note it down and get someone to come and correct it.

    It took some maneuvering through the electrical trade but I landed a pretty gravy gig tbh.

    • 2 years ago

      thank you for ensuring quality and safety
      you might get a bad rap every now and then for "slowing things down", but high quality and safety are what seperate developed nations from backwater shitholes

  32. 2 years ago

    I feel bad for anyone too stupid to have realized that you can get a comfy IT job with a nice salary and do little to no work without any degree. I studied for two months and got a cert. Now i sit at work getting paid to read books and look at my phone. Haha have fun at the construction site.

    • 2 years ago

      Is this actually true?

      • 2 years ago

        Every single company and store, big or small, needs an IT guy, sysdamin or otherwise controller of the network.
        Everyone is completely reliant on computers and the internet.

        So yes, its not hard to fake it when it comes to boomers who know quite literally nothing about computers, needing to keep their business running. Its a unique opportunity granted you are ~late 20s and a computer nerd (why else would you be on this site).
        Its a comfy job until something catastrophic happens and you are on the hook for it.

        It wasnt quick and easy for me.
        >high school drop out, started job at a very small locally owned PC repair shop that also installed and sold DISH satellite
        >small midwest town of like 15k people, one owner, 2 employees
        >build, repair, recycle PCs, sell PCs and PC parts, sell DISH, and every week or two go and install DISH with the owner.
        >owner forces me to start doing outbound, in home IT service for old ladies who dont want to bring PC in.
        >just happened to get called into a machine shop one time to fix some issues
        >they become regular outbound customers
        >coworker goes and fricks up, they request me specifically
        I hit it off with the owner, and eventually they hired me on full time to be the guy for all 3 of the machine shops he runs. (frick running dish)
        I just sit in an office, making sure everything is backed up and running well remotely. I will go to the other two shops if they need me.
        They have some guys there that do a lot of the work, but arent well versed and their time is better spent actually machining parts.

        My buddy did sort of the same thing.
        With no concrete qualifications other than being a computer geek got hired on as IT for a local, regional eyeglass/optometrist company you would see in a strip mall.
        He quickly worked his way up and now pretty much runs the whole computer network between the like 7 different stores.

        The opportunities are there if you can work a PC, half of the job is just googling shit

        • 2 years ago

          There's two kinds of sysadmins:
          >"sysadmins" that use social engineering, nepotism or dicksucking to get in good with technophobe mom and pops
          >actual sysadmins, who have to know a metric frick ton of tools and frameworks, and usually have a heavy comp sci or engineering background, and constantly be automating themselves out of a job on an industrial scale using bleeding edge tech
          Good on you for your social skills anon, must be a gravy gig.

  33. 2 years ago

    >septic and wells
    Every house essentially needs them, and will pay through the nose to have them fixed same day. If you can deal with the smell of shit or pull a well you’re golden. The trouble calls usually take sans an hour or require a new system ($$)

  34. 2 years ago

    he's 20 for a reason.

  35. 2 years ago

    thank you workers :))

  36. 2 years ago

    Any of you guys bribe someone to get your job?

  37. 2 years ago

    The one thing I didn't expect about construction work is all of the walking around back and forth between where you're working and where materials and stuff are.

    • 2 years ago

      I found that when it's raining or snowing there are a good few hours spent on replacing wet cables that are triggering the trip switch because someone left the connectors in a future puddle.

  38. 2 years ago

    I've got a job interview for an HVAC Apprenticeship, but I'm applying everywhere for an Electrician apprenticeship as well

    if I get an offer, should I go HVAC or Electrician?
    idk if it matters but i'm a former teacher with a masters degree looking to escape how awful teaching is

    • 2 years ago

      Electrician, unless you're applying to the 353, I don't need more competition this August when I apply Black person. 🙂

  39. 2 years ago

    I hate my IT job. But I'm incredibly happy when I PrepHole some shit on my motorcycle.

  40. 2 years ago

    First year as a pro gardener here (no mowing, just hardscapes, planting, prepping flower beds n shit)
    Been to a gym twice in my life, and I have never looked this good. I’m outside all summer long lifting rocks and bags of mulch and manure, digging holes for trees and plants, pulling out roots and invasive shrubbery with my hands. I’m almost 40, spent my youth in an office making money, now my mind is tasked with envisioning and creating, and my body is tasked with making those visions a reality, and god it just feels so fricking good. I FINALLY FEEL ALIVE! I was debating whether I should go back to the office or go into construction this winter but it’s looking like construction is going to win. How do I get onto a local crew? Just walk up to a house under construction and ask the guys there? Firm handshake and a look in the eye gets the job? The landscape architect I work for would give me a great reference. I took a bathroom down to the studs once and framed a shower/bench and installed an in-wall toilet, did all the plumbing and electrical myself, but I don’t have proof. Any tips appreciated. I’m in northern NJ

  41. 2 years ago

    I'm so glad I'm rich and don't work shitty jobs like construction. I nearly vomited daily from hearing pretty similar things out of coworkers mouths. Here's the highlights:

    - literally had a young guy, I think around 20-21 or so, he just LOVED to WORK WORK WORK. Oh man, I'm telling you, the foreman and owner and all the other guys would always say shit like "yyyeeeah man he's a damn good worker". And this guy wasn't a dweeb or a tool of a person, just a young kid that knew nothing besides hard work. He went to Nebraska to work the oil fields and came back two months later. I swear, he told me this "ahh yeah I went up there to do some hard work but all we did was stay inside most of the time cause of the weather. Didn't even get to work hard haha" I nearly collapsed at the frick mentality, but instead I just smiled and went "yeah of course".

    - all the guys bragging all the time about how quick they are or how good they are about doing stupid shit. For instance, we had to wrap rooms in plastic wrap to keep dangerous dust from going anywhere when doing demo. These guys would have contests to see who could wrap things the quickest. It was like wage cuck mania

    - everytime...always...if there was work available, people would be clamouring and fighting for the chance to be on the job. Nevermind that we always had work available, but new jobs seemed to attract the wooooorkers like flies to shit. "Oh we got a new job at the hospital our in Bakersfield" and you'd literally hear these gays go "OH YES! Please let me work that! I'll do that whole place up quicker than anyone!".

    - We had to wear respirators for our job cause it was asbestos, and so the company made t shirts that said "real men wear respirators". The wage cuck wooooorkers all laughed like it was the funniest thing ever...then they all said they wanted a shirt.

    I can't do it boys. I fricking hate working shitty jobs and having to lie to myself each day that this is worthwhile.

  42. 2 years ago

    My plumbing company wants me to go on call with my journeyman while also doing construction work. I want to do one or the other, not go home to think about work some more after dealing with a crazy ass old man keeping me from doing good work and enjoying it.

  43. 2 years ago

    I really love construction job but we get paid peanuts in this shithole

  44. 2 years ago

    PrepHole poster known as forex anon here. I worked a lot of construction jobs in my late teens early 20's in uni. All kinds of shit, installing fiber optics with a ditch witch, building swimming pools, even roofing work etc. If you actually enjoy this shit you are moronic. It will put you in an early grave.

    I graduated with a degree in information science and was a web dev for about 20 years and hated that shit too. I learned to play the markets and became a self made millionaire because I know how to read a chart. If you fricktards want to learn how to make some real money by doing very little of anything (I wrote my own bot to tell me when certain market conditions occur to make my plays) let me know and I might let you join my discord server where I teach morons like you how to make real money

    • 2 years ago

      ooooohhhhh hoolllyyy anonn pray tell your secrets to us lowley fricktards!

    • 2 years ago

      Ok I'll bite, what is your discord and how much do you charge for your ponzi scheme?

    • 2 years ago

      oh i like money

  45. 2 years ago
  46. 2 years ago


  47. 2 years ago

    >works extremely hard to the point of collapsing
    >breaks the law by doing 20-30 work shifts because I can
    >only likes working 3rd shift and once I'm up I can keep on going until I collapse
    >have trouble waking up because if I'm not forced out of bed I will just sleep until I get hospitalized due to dehydration
    >attendance issues of just being late but will show up to work

    I had a job for 9 years being a technician at a warehouse. Then pest control for 1 year. Then random operator, contractor/handyman and construction jobs.

  48. 2 years ago


  49. 2 years ago

    >work ten hour days for years
    >most experienced, most productive, most reliable employee
    >only recognition I get is middle management wants me to chaperone for Black folk who are incapable of safely operating bench tools
    >shop floor is rearranged, no longer possible to work with any degree of efficiency
    >no longer given drawings for my jobs, just told to work
    >no one ever checks on what I'm doing or if I've completed anything
    >find out there aren't even production orders entered into the system.
    >80% of employees fresher than a year because all the skilled staff leave, no one has a clue or gives a shit enough to get a clue
    >get hired by a competitor for an instant 20% raise

    And that's the story of how bad management drove an excellent company and workplace straight into the dirt over the course of a year and a half.
    I didn't want to stay to watch the customers bail when they can no longer get anything to spec or on time. Starting a new job on monday.

  50. 2 years ago

    I can't even get a call back about work experience, so I just registered my own company to give myself a job.
    Frick tradesmen, and frick customers too, you work for me now

  51. 2 years ago

    How do you deal with miserable boomers who like to make the already hard work even more unpleasant? I love the job and the work I'm doing, but it's like no matter how much you're enjoying it and trying to be someone worth apprenticing, they'll go out of their way to shit on everyone's day. It's not even banter, they're just being plain awful.

    • 2 years ago

      just ignore them and let them die already, a whole generation of miserable old c**ts that will never change even at deaths door

  52. 2 years ago

    I own a construction company (in Italy) and all this is true lol. Especially the 1000, pictures. I LOVE my job.

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