Another russian ammo depot goes BOOM

HIMARS? Crab? Caesar? Ukrainian SF?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Statistically 2-3 russian ammo depots go bang even without a war.
    >usually old ww2 era propellants degrading nitrocellulose to ignition point
    >or general vatnik-ness - wood fires for heating, faulty soviet wiring, Ivan smoking on guard duty etc

    • 2 years ago

      *per year
      >now add in random Ukrain-ness
      >and Private Ivan not wanting to drive ammo trucks into shitworld

    • 2 years ago

      >Smooker is at it again
      He can't keep getting away with it!

      • 2 years ago

        > I'm gonna smoooooooook!

      • 2 years ago

        >SMOOKS an entire depot by accident
        >punishment is being sent to another depot

    • 2 years ago

      You mean hexogen. Most of the vatnig shells we've seen have the A-IX-II. Hexogen starts to chrystalise after 15 years.

      • 2 years ago

        those russian/soviet depo got stacked deep with old ass nitro stuff back after WW2. about 8 or 9 years ago, there was private in the russian army who was on here with his camera and he was taking pics of this giant fricking underground bunker that was full of old gear. he said like 1 light in the place worked out of 50 . the pics were terrible thanks to him being a stupid fricking vatnik who didnt understand cameras need light, but they showed how much old shit was down there. he was in a depot near some base in hte far east and as north as they built them. it was some city they built a rail line for and about a half day train ride before the old gulags. this was all his words as well as i can remember them. I wanted to go see it for myself and plunder some of it.

        maybe 2013, but before Euromaidan and clankers. maybe 2015. i had a lot going on back then. i dont remember exactly.

        • 2 years ago

          I think those pictures were from Cobasna ammunition depot in Moldova (Transnistria).

          • 2 years ago

            this was the kid who pulled open crates and showed us acres of rifles and ammo. we told him to make a big pile of ubawdas. this was in siberia. he had a pic of a map on the wall. he found shit from the russian empire. this place was pretty decrepit even for russia.

            Moldavia had high rez video, and i think the guy who did that got arrested for selling shit from it.

            • 2 years ago

              pls find and post this anon

              • 2 years ago

                this was the kid who pulled open crates and showed us acres of rifles and ammo. we told him to make a big pile of ubawdas. this was in siberia. he had a pic of a map on the wall. he found shit from the russian empire. this place was pretty decrepit even for russia.

                Moldavia had high rez video, and i think the guy who did that got arrested for selling shit from it.

                This. Sounds really interesting

      • 2 years ago

        No, most ammo fires start in the propellant not the shell HE by residual acidification, and wartime production was worse at washing out surplus nitric acid as understandably they weren't expected to be in storage long enough to be an issue.

    • 2 years ago

      >Statistically 2-3 russian ammo depots go bang even without a war
      A year, yes. But not 2-3 a day.

  2. 2 years ago

    Himars or tochka-u.

    • 2 years ago

      I know that black speck is a bird, but I like to imagine it's a human silhouette

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        looks like a guy going straight to orbit with a raging boner

      • 2 years ago

        Fricker is playing Kerbal

  3. 2 years ago

    Ramjet cigarette delivery platform

  4. 2 years ago

    That's just the Kuznetsov driving past.

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Probably tochka, ukrs started going ham with them since now they have a source of replacement tactical missiles from the west.

  7. 2 years ago

    Not an ammo depot, there should be numerous secondary explosions, not one big fireball that could be a propane tank or something.

    • 2 years ago

      You can see a few secondaries in the video. I think the smoke would be darker if it were fuel, but I'll wait for confirmation. Really just a matter of geolocating it and checking what was in the smokey area.

  8. 2 years ago

    what's up with all those explosions recently
    those gas platforms in black sea, snek island, multiple ammo depots every day
    Are HIMARS that good?

    • 2 years ago

      Harpoon + Caesars/PZH2000 w/ Excaliburs + HIMARS

      And they just got a couple of all of those.

    • 2 years ago

      They must have set up Tochka production in the Carpathian mountains or some shit, HIMARS is still too limited in range for them to say frick it.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been leaning towards this, too. That, and I really think Tochkas have had serious telemetry upgrades that aren't widely known. Not taking anything away from HIMARS, but I'd be surprised if they're spamming them so effectively so quickly.

    • 2 years ago

      like other anon said, higher precision gear. but also i think this is a result of the attrition that both sides are experiencing on the ground. ukraine is forced to be as efficient in their efforts as possible instead of throwing men into the frey.

      so fewer strikes, but more impactful. russia is probably trying to do the same as best as they can.

  9. 2 years ago

    O kurwa, it's even better. 2 depots were destroyed.

    Two #Russian ammo depots in Zymohir’ya and another roughly 10km to the SE in the village of Bile. Both between 50-60km from Luhansk front line.t

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      holy shit i'm gonna coom

    • 2 years ago

      p good shit

    • 2 years ago

      logistics strike is broken OP since the last update

    • 2 years ago

      >the village of Bile

  10. 2 years ago

    Smoooker strikes again

  11. 2 years ago
  12. 2 years ago

    How do the ruskies expect to keep up their 20-50k shells per day special WW1 larp operation if their ammo depots keep blowing up daily? Unless comrade Dugin can use his chaos magicks to teleport shells, they won't be able to transport it from storage in time, and if they do it will all just get blown up again. Vatnikbros...

    • 2 years ago

      it's fine, they sent Belarus ammo now, surely Russia won't run out of it in five days

  13. 2 years ago

    Interview with SMOOOOOOKER in front of his latest 'mishap'


    seriously tho, can any1 translate?

    • 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      He definitely said “kino”

      • 2 years ago

        "Kino" literally means "film" in Russian. Where do you think the word came from?

        • 2 years ago

          it came from the anime "Kino no Tabi".

        • 2 years ago

          The krauts tbqh

        • 2 years ago

          It's german you fricking mongrel

          • 2 years ago

            You HATO homosexuals believes everything you are told.

            • 2 years ago

              At last I truly see

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      > Tel-a-viv, blyad, didn't we tell you to stop smoking?
      > confusing smile
      > that wasn't me
      > let's see that's in your hans
      > there's has been a report somebody left a dump of shit and a cigarette butt next to it, that was you wasn't it??
      > all laughed

  14. 2 years ago

    based smoker strikes again!

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >You were told not to smoke.
        >Look what you've done.
        >The cigarette butt was thrown at the position.
        >So it's not me!
        >Show me what's in your hands.
        >It's not me
        >That's where it's shitty, the cigarette butt was lying, it caught fire.
        >Fricking in the mouth, what to do, what will happen now.
        >I think we need to shoot again, let them burn out.

      • 2 years ago

        who can stop the smooker? you remove one and two more takes his place

      • 2 years ago

        This guy might get shot for making fun of this

    • 2 years ago

      someone pls caption this

    • 2 years ago

      huh, so smoking really does kill

    • 2 years ago

      >remember, kids.png

      >smoooking kills.png

  15. 2 years ago

    this chain reaction of events ends with Russia depleting its ammunition stocks radically to keep the Ukraine theater supplied until they practically out and then China invades eastern Russia while they literally have no ammo to fight back.

    • 2 years ago

      stop teasing me with this hyper kino anon

      • 2 years ago

        I legit feel like this whole conflict is a plot by CHina and western subversives to crush russia completely and drive wedges between Russia and the West. China has had designs upon Siberia for like 70 years now. Western Socialists are fully in bed with China and fully in favor of this war, despite it being basically irrelevant to the western world. The point of this is to degrade the political, military and economic condition of Russia to the Point where they are a Chinese puppet state=, part of that will be either Russia selling Siberia to China to keep keep itself afloat economically/militarily/keep the nukes warm or it will be russia losing the war after a protracted struggle, being forced to de-nuclearize and China then taking advatage of their conventional weakness and lack of deterrent, and no one would would likely help them because of the political alienation.

        The leftists and Chinese were SCREAMING non-stop when Trump was trying to be friendly with Russia, they HATED the idea of an intact Russia becoming closer to the west and perhaps even joining NATO, because that alliance would spell the end of Chinese global hegemony. There is NO WAY they could ever fight or even challenge the US, Europe and Russia at the same time. This conflict and the Socialist Geo-political actions of thepast decade have been entirely about keeping Russia and NATO from working together and getting along.

        • 2 years ago

          moron, Russia is constantly engaged in cyber and info warfare against NATO, they were invading countries in Europe in 2008 and 2014 and so on and so on. Did you fall on your head when you were born?

          • 2 years ago

            Nah the Russians just honestly are that stupid. If you look at their history it should be no surprise.

            Im not painting Russia as a victim here, Putin is a moron and hiis motivations for this war are absurd fabrications lightly draped over naked agression, I'm sayin I think he's being played and has been being played since like 2008. Were seeing a post 1990 trend of Russia moving towards the western world being reversed and instead seeing russia becoming increasingly hostile, and alienated from its neighbors. Trump tried to reverse this during his term and the Dems were FURIOUS about it, because Russia being ground down and turned into a chinese satellite and buffer state against the west is the plan but that wont happen if Russia and the west are on decent terms.
            Also Putin's is a WEF stooge so he may be getting played or he might just be in on it, he is KGB after all, not like they were ever really loyal to Russia, GlowBlack folk are all traitors to their people in favor of some sort of governing power at heart.

            • 2 years ago

              But how does the west win from driving Russia ok into chink hands for seemingly no gain? Imo everyone wanted to integrate Russia but it's simply impossible to do so and with their Ukraine move it was decided to simply destroy Russia. I don't even think that the goal is to give it to China, I think the goal is to split it and deal with mini kingdoms that form in its place.

              • 2 years ago

                The west does not win, the west loses, but its the Chinese bought politicians and socialist sycophants doing to driving. The US Democratic party is Bought and Paid for by China, Biden is literally a Chinese stooge he's recieved massive amount of money from them and the democratic party has as well. European socialist tyrants are also cozy with the chinese and want to replace American dominance with Chinese dominance for ideological and police state reasons. The look up to China as an ideal society where the people have literally no power at all and the party determines and owns everything.

                The people pushing for war and for the constant support of Ukraine in the west are mostly Chinese sympathizers because the ONLY people winning in the Conflict is China. Russia looks like Murderous psychos(Putin is, unequivocally a Murderous Psycho, there was a time when he was a shrewd calculating leader but that time has clearly passed). Western weapons companies are winning but western populations are suffering, even if Ukraine wins half the country will be a smoking ruin. this is causing big problems for western economies as well, energy supplies are compromised, food prices are soaring, inflation is running away. But none of this stuff is happening to China. They are getting Russian oil at a cut rate their currency is gaining favor since its not embroiled in this pointless conflict. They get to look like the reasonable and rational party in a room full of demented child-like Squalling boomers, and they get a Russia that is badly broken down and totally beholden to them in the economic long and short term.

                China is winning the Ukraine-Russia conflict and Subversives/Traitors in the west are helping them do.

              • 2 years ago

                >its the Chinese bought politicians and socialist sycophants doing to driving
                Ok you're officially moronic. Chinks have no real money. They are allowed to pose as a semi functioning country. All the real wealth in the world is controlled by the west. China cannot in any way influence the West.

              • 2 years ago

                Chink have more than enough money to buy and blackmail people and they've been doing it aggressively in the US for 30 years or more

              • 2 years ago

                You're delusional. What chinks have is worthless paper. Nothing in the world is being decided with dollars or Yuan. You can't bribe anyone but politicians (who don't decide anything at all). Those who actually control the west and US in particular don't deal in such silly nonsense as "money". They have other currencies.

              • 2 years ago

                Billions of USD are "worthless paper"? You're moronic. EVERYTHING in the world is decided with dollars. "Those who actually control the west"? They don't exist. The Allmighty Dollar does.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon I see where you're coming from, and you're almost not wrong, but China can, has, and does appeal to those very powerful Westerners in most respects. This isn't even news. We're talking about a dictatorship with very, very few scruples looking to hook strategic westerners into being at very best useful and at worst compromised. Where the Soviets often employed stick OR carrot, the Chinese can employ both (here's compromising shit we have on you, but also here's the massive bag of money, so help us out and not only won't this bad stuff come out, it'll make you rich(er) too). I think you badly underestimate how beholden to money and other things powerful westerner are, and how willing the Chinese can be to offer the aforementioned if it derives them long-term benefit. That's literally how they've been keeping their long-con economic gains going, anon.

              • 2 years ago

                this isn't a problem of the chinese, it's a problem of democracy in general. a bit pointless to single out the chinese for having money and trying to influence decisions wherever money speaks.

              • 2 years ago

                It's even more of a problem in autocratic, cleptocratic societies.
                Corruption in Russia and China are through the roof.

                Remember when Russian tanks where out of fuel in Ukraine? This was because most of the allotted fuel was sold illegally. Everyone skimmed a bit, in the end there wasn't enough left for the tanks.

                Democratic countries always have an edge in fighting internal corruption because of rule of law, journalism and free speech.

              • 2 years ago

                You're not wrong at all, in fact it's the precise nature of Western democracies that make our elites more susceptible to the types of influence operations the Chinese have made use of for decades. I forgot who made the analogy, but it'd be like if you had western elites in a circle and Chinese elites in another, and you threw a bag of money between them, you'd quicker see the westerners leap from their circle at the money. That's not to say the Chinese wouldn't, but there's far more cultural shit that makes them appreciably less...whorish than many elites in the west, especially as it relates to acting at the behest of foreign interests.

              • 2 years ago

                Ehhh, that's far from true anon. China has and frequently uses funds to buy off/throw money at westerners in sensitive positions. The FBI under Trump was actually pretty aggressive about prosecuting compromised academics and such. Schizo anon isn't *that* far off, though I don't think this situation is as good for China as he and/or the Chinese sycophants might believe it to be.

              • 2 years ago



                the chinese own a lot of people thorugh common socialist blackmail. the same tactics the basedviet israelites did with the NKVD infiltration program into academia and the media. bawds, drunks and other perverts are the way to take over hte democratic party. the republicans are jst as wokked. yes i said wokked. because theyre woke and deep fricking fried in a wok by the chicoms.

                You're delusional. What chinks have is worthless paper. Nothing in the world is being decided with dollars or Yuan. You can't bribe anyone but politicians (who don't decide anything at all). Those who actually control the west and US in particular don't deal in such silly nonsense as "money". They have other currencies.


                It's even more of a problem in autocratic, cleptocratic societies.
                Corruption in Russia and China are through the roof.

                Remember when Russian tanks where out of fuel in Ukraine? This was because most of the allotted fuel was sold illegally. Everyone skimmed a bit, in the end there wasn't enough left for the tanks.

                Democratic countries always have an edge in fighting internal corruption because of rule of law, journalism and free speech.

                kek, my cousin charlie has more ratnik gear than the russian army does, thanks to russian corruption and hte help of, ebay and VK. he wore some of it this past winter and he froze his fricking ass off when it was only 30 degrees out and dry. its terrible gear.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Chinese don’t have that much influence in the top levels of the US
                oh no you dont. feinstien had CCP moles in her office and her personal driver was fricking chinese spy. she gave them info straight from comittee. Hainan Island incident is when the clintons and gore sold us all out.
                >do as we say roundeye or we drop enough blackmail where they will hang you in the streets.

                Also this, as it relates to Chinese influence operations among the Democratic party. There've been Republicans with very suspect ties to China as well (Justin Amash and others), but the Chinese work potential assets in a risk/benefit sort of way, and from that perspective the party that has far fewer scruples doing business with foreigners that are vilified by the other party (Democrats vs Republicans, respectively) is far more fertile ground. For all the meme reasons people think Republicans are beholden to Russia, Democrats are *actually* far more likely to be beholden to Chinese interests. Like all-caps anon said, see Feinstein (and more importantly her husband) and the Swalwell Fang Bang-ing for examples.

              • 2 years ago

                i dont think there is a dem that hasnt taken money from russia. hill dawgs deal with mineral one is proof of that. there was a network of traitors selling to the highest bidder. like a co-op of corruption.

              • 2 years ago

                There's also that, for sure, I was just speaking specifically to China. Many, many Democrats have financial ties to Eastern Euro energy concerns run by Russian or Russian-connected oligarchs. Uranium One Burisma take a lot of spotlight (at least to people who actually follow this sort of thing), but there's connections in Romania, more in Ukraine, and several in Russia, itself. People really seem to be easily led and fooled by the classic "accuse others of what you're most guilty of" shtick, so for the most part the media noise accusing the party least likely to actually pull this shit to the degree and frequency of Democrats tends to work across the West.

              • 2 years ago

                Is this the new cope?

              • 2 years ago

                The Chinese don’t have that much influence in the top levels of the US. I mean Biden was openly saying we’ll defend Taiwan and the military is basically reorienting itself around that goal. They’ve got a few Congressmen in their pocket but so do a lot of other interests. They don’t have a big enough share for it to matter.

              • 2 years ago

                Is this the new cope?

                >its the Chinese bought politicians and socialist sycophants doing to driving
                Ok you're officially moronic. Chinks have no real money. They are allowed to pose as a semi functioning country. All the real wealth in the world is controlled by the west. China cannot in any way influence the West.

                >The Chinese don’t have that much influence in the top levels of the US
                oh no you dont. feinstien had CCP moles in her office and her personal driver was fricking chinese spy. she gave them info straight from comittee. Hainan Island incident is when the clintons and gore sold us all out.
                >do as we say roundeye or we drop enough blackmail where they will hang you in the streets.

              • 2 years ago

                the chinese western stooges are pushing russia into chinas me love you long time arms.

              • 2 years ago

                let russia be raped to death by the chinese

                good riddance to them

        • 2 years ago

          Nah the Russians just honestly are that stupid. If you look at their history it should be no surprise.

        • 2 years ago

          What a bunch of bullshit. Ukraine is very relevant to the West. China was banking on Russia not being an absolute moronic shithole and get stuff done. This clownshow ruined Uncle Xi's plans. That, and covid running wild near the Forbidden City.

        • 2 years ago

          >Western Socialists are fully in bed with China
          Let this be a reminder that this is what happens if the bathwater is too hot.
          Rarely have i read such incoherent schizo BS. Take your meds, this is no joke.

          • 2 years ago

            You are one of the traitors I am talking about, either that or you are wumao. Either case you're a paid astroturfer for the other team and the fact that you replied to rational observation with ad hom and "take you meds" proves my point. YOu don't refute or even attempt to disprove anything I say.

            • 2 years ago

              Is this the new cope?

              • 2 years ago

                Is this the new cope?

                Hitting too close to the mark am I?
                Shill engaging to defend the narrative?

              • 2 years ago

                They’re probably just quietly chuckling to themselves watching you sperg out but think you won

            • 2 years ago

              I don't because your claims are absurd in itself.
              >The US Democratic party is Bought and Paid for by China
              >Biden is literally a Chinese stooge
              >European socialist tyrants want to replace American dominance with Chinese dominance
              >people pushing for support of Ukraine are mostly Chinese sympathizers
              >China is winning
              I don't have to refute or disprove any of your paranoia shit. You have replaced the Joos with the Chinese and that is how some of you guys work. You have capacity for crotical thinking, there is no room in your brain for the possibilty that you might be wrong.

              Which, btw, is the single most important cultural strength of the west and why it's winning every time: the capacity to allow criticism, reflect on truth without dogma getting in the way, and the self set goal to measurable get more efficient in every activity.

              None of this will ever make sense to you. You are not a net asset to the western culture. You will always look to blame someone, the Joos, the Chinese, the Democrats, Biden, your Parents, the Wife, the Children, the city council, the Markets, the CIA and so on.

              Never can the problem be rooted in yourself. So take your meds.

              • 2 years ago

                And he's the one who needs meds? lol

              • 2 years ago

                And lots of them.

              • 2 years ago



                China will start "leasing" parts of eastern Russia, soon.

                though I don't expect they will ever leave.

                they own all of our west coast ports, from canada into mexico.

                let russia be raped to death by the chinese

                good riddance to them

                we should be doing hte raping. RUSSIA IS OUR b***h.

              • 2 years ago

                Those are all objective reality.
                They even repeatedly praise Chyna and wish to emulate it.

                troony Detected.

                Thank god the Communist Control Act was just ruled constitutional. I can't wait to start enforcing the laws on the book against Domestic Enemies.

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but your attempt at geopolitical analysis is fricking shit and you should stfu now.

        • 2 years ago

          So China and "western subversives" have magic mind-control rays and are using them on Putin?

          >naked war of conquest in Europe
          >irrelevant to the western world

          Pick one and only one.

        • 2 years ago

          This is literally dumbest post I've read all day anon.

        • 2 years ago

          Im not painting Russia as a victim here, Putin is a moron and hiis motivations for this war are absurd fabrications lightly draped over naked agression, I'm sayin I think he's being played and has been being played since like 2008. Were seeing a post 1990 trend of Russia moving towards the western world being reversed and instead seeing russia becoming increasingly hostile, and alienated from its neighbors. Trump tried to reverse this during his term and the Dems were FURIOUS about it, because Russia being ground down and turned into a chinese satellite and buffer state against the west is the plan but that wont happen if Russia and the west are on decent terms.
          Also Putin's is a WEF stooge so he may be getting played or he might just be in on it, he is KGB after all, not like they were ever really loyal to Russia, GlowBlack folk are all traitors to their people in favor of some sort of governing power at heart.

          The west does not win, the west loses, but its the Chinese bought politicians and socialist sycophants doing to driving. The US Democratic party is Bought and Paid for by China, Biden is literally a Chinese stooge he's recieved massive amount of money from them and the democratic party has as well. European socialist tyrants are also cozy with the chinese and want to replace American dominance with Chinese dominance for ideological and police state reasons. The look up to China as an ideal society where the people have literally no power at all and the party determines and owns everything.

          The people pushing for war and for the constant support of Ukraine in the west are mostly Chinese sympathizers because the ONLY people winning in the Conflict is China. Russia looks like Murderous psychos(Putin is, unequivocally a Murderous Psycho, there was a time when he was a shrewd calculating leader but that time has clearly passed). Western weapons companies are winning but western populations are suffering, even if Ukraine wins half the country will be a smoking ruin. this is causing big problems for western economies as well, energy supplies are compromised, food prices are soaring, inflation is running away. But none of this stuff is happening to China. They are getting Russian oil at a cut rate their currency is gaining favor since its not embroiled in this pointless conflict. They get to look like the reasonable and rational party in a room full of demented child-like Squalling boomers, and they get a Russia that is badly broken down and totally beholden to them in the economic long and short term.

          China is winning the Ukraine-Russia conflict and Subversives/Traitors in the west are helping them do.



          the chinese own a lot of people thorugh common socialist blackmail. the same tactics the basedviet israelites did with the NKVD infiltration program into academia and the media. bawds, drunks and other perverts are the way to take over hte democratic party. the republicans are jst as wokked. yes i said wokked. because theyre woke and deep fricking fried in a wok by the chicoms.
          kek, my cousin charlie has more ratnik gear than the russian army does, thanks to russian corruption and hte help of, ebay and VK. he wore some of it this past winter and he froze his fricking ass off when it was only 30 degrees out and dry. its terrible gear.

          >The Chinese don’t have that much influence in the top levels of the US
          oh no you dont. feinstien had CCP moles in her office and her personal driver was fricking chinese spy. she gave them info straight from comittee. Hainan Island incident is when the clintons and gore sold us all out.
          >do as we say roundeye or we drop enough blackmail where they will hang you in the streets.


          they own all of our west coast ports, from canada into mexico.
          we should be doing hte raping. RUSSIA IS OUR b***h.

          Made me think. Well written and thought off. Could this be reverted? Russia is waging war and wants to attack NATO countries (atleast thats what they are proclaiming) and China wants to be buddy buddy with our weak politicians to subvert our countries (tbf Russia does that too but are too weak economically compared to China).

          • 2 years ago

            >Could this be reverted
            Not without offing Putin and hoping that the next dickwald tsar pretender at least tries to maintain some sort of relations with the west. Can't do shit while ex-soviet idiot drives their country straight into chinese finger trap.

        • 2 years ago

          >drive wedges between Russia and the West.

          Missed everything since 1917 you stupid fricking gopnig?

    • 2 years ago

      China will start "leasing" parts of eastern Russia, soon.

      though I don't expect they will ever leave.

  16. 2 years ago

    >all these dumps being destroyed

    It's going to be harder to find soviet equipment, it's all being used in ukraine and donbass, the ukrop guy I buy russian SKS strippers from said he donated them all and isn't selling gear no more

    • 2 years ago

      >Soviet oiler.jpg

      What's that?

  17. 2 years ago

    tiny drone with hand grenade

  18. 2 years ago

    Could be Russians even. You can't be sent to war if all the guns are smoldering wreckage and explosions tend to destroy evidence.

  19. 2 years ago

    Snake Island got hit too, right?

  20. 2 years ago

    >it's hot

  21. 2 years ago

    Pitet says not one but two Russian bases have been wiped in that strike, the ammo dump and a Russia base 4km away.
    Sounds like Himars found some fans.

  22. 2 years ago

    Sentinel pics are out, as always.
    Pretty much confirms the strike on an ammo depot, the entire area is completely fricked. Note the secondary fires caused by ammunition going off and landing everywhere.

  23. 2 years ago

    The plume of smoke is 100km long.

  24. 2 years ago

    Speaking of vatBlack person deaths, Gods of Precision bless Ukraine

    • 2 years ago

      >Unit is literally called "Kraken"

      Only one thing to do.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      what's the howitzer?

  25. 2 years ago

    And anotha one

    • 2 years ago

      They seem to be firing HIMARS at night or at dawn looking at Ukie MoD video of them.
      All the ammo depots the past few days were set alight at night or at dawn.
      Clearly no connection, HIMARS is doing nothing, move on

    • 2 years ago

      i have to love that their solution to the arty disparity is to simply blow up all their ammo and trucks.certainly makes a nicer boom.

  26. 2 years ago

    With Russian ammo depots going up left and right. Ho long before their ability to supply their artillery dwindles to nothing? Will we see pre WW1 combat with Russian troops charging Ukrainian defense without artillery support?

    • 2 years ago


  27. 2 years ago

    I wonder how many of these strikes are sabotage from spec-ops or internal dissidents.

    • 2 years ago

      they probably have spies telling them, or even intercepted phone calls with artillerymen. Then, they just watch the trucks go back and forth until the trucks go to an ammo depot.

      Then the glowies tell the ukies the coordinates

  28. 2 years ago

    How long before this starts having a noticeable impact on their offensive capabilities ? I have no idea how much ammo a depot represents in terms of daily ammo consumption.

  29. 2 years ago

    Another one? Juicy.

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