anons who have used deadly force to protect your home, person, family, or belongings: what legal troubles, if any, did you face?

anons who have used deadly force to protect your home, person, family, or belongings: what legal troubles, if any, did you face?
what should i expect to deal with in the unlikely scenario of a self defense shooting?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    i literally dont own a gun

  2. 2 years ago

    How does it all even work? You blow Tyrone to bits, call the cops, they question you and take the gun as evidence, then you mop up blood and brain bits before you gotta go to work?

  3. 2 years ago

    My dad was a polish immigrant living in queens in NY in the 90s and his neighbor shot Tyrone while he was breaking in through a fire exit. Dad helped the neighbour drag the body inside cause the dude was worried its not gonna be classed as self defense if the body lies technically outside his place. Then he called the cops and all was gucci he gave my dad a good whisky as thanks

    • 2 years ago

      How did they not realize the body was dragged inside after being shot?
      Wasn't there blood on the outside?

      • 2 years ago

        this was 90s NY in a shitty immigrant neighborhood in queens. the 90s was the last gasp of NY being a crime riddled shithole, and nobody goes on those fire escapes anyway unless they're cats. Depending on the year in the 90s the cops would've had way too much shit to deal with to worry about another violent criminal breaking into an apartment via the window and getting shot dead.

        • 2 years ago

          I see, that's what I thought your dad did the right thing anyway

          People don't typically bleed near as much as media often shows after being shot. It's often very anti-climactic and can be hard to tell exactly what happened.
          >t. spent a couple years as EMT in shit hole area with a fair few shootings.

          In some videos people look like they don't bleed through their clothes at all, but I've also seen videos of people being shot who lose a lot of blood fairly quickly while passing out, where exactly you get shot makes a lot of difference in this I think

          • 2 years ago

            >where exactly you get shot makes a lot of difference in this I think
            Yes. If you get shot in the neck, you'll bleed a shitload (see the recent video of the revolver shootout). If you're shot in the lung/close to the heart, I'd imagine a lot less bleeding and more of it's internal since there's a cavity there.

          • 2 years ago

            >I see, that's what I thought your dad did the right thing anyway
            Not him, just familiar with how NY was back in the day. My dad got robbed or avoided being robbed by rocket surgeons daily.

      • 2 years ago

        People don't typically bleed near as much as media often shows after being shot. It's often very anti-climactic and can be hard to tell exactly what happened.
        >t. spent a couple years as EMT in shit hole area with a fair few shootings.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah if they die immediately they dont bleed much. you need a beating heart to bleed.

        • 2 years ago

          How was it? I'm interested in going from jobless, GED-less NEET to EMT because our county's started letting EMTs carry gats if they cross-train with the SO.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him but damn thats awesome.

  4. 2 years ago

    Is that a navy seal?

    • 2 years ago

      that's a black ops guy from opposing force

  5. 2 years ago

    Odds are, there is not a single person on this board that even remotely fits your question. Go ask a lawyer.

    • 2 years ago

      There was an excellent thread about this a year tor two ago where we had a few guys recant what happened to them and their dads when they killed men in slef defense. We also got a few examples of self defense gone wrong as counter arguments where a black kid got fricked because he used his father's gun from his safe to kill people invading the trailer and the legal proceedings went on for years.

    • 2 years ago

      Shit there was a thread last month where several people told their stories, new stories not circulating old pasta. One was rough but turned out well, the guys were making a bit of fun saying it was othias and may. You dont know what the frick youre talking about.

      • 2 years ago

        you got a link to it, or any keywords Icould use to find the archive, those threads are always super interesting.

      • 2 years ago

        you got a link to it, or any keywords Icould use to find the archive, those threads are always super interesting.

        >use the archive
        >not able to search /k/
        god damn it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Odds are, there is not a single person on this board that even remotely fits your question.
      I had one back in '07 but it was a car, not bullets, and the guy lived. Posted about it multiple times here

  6. 2 years ago

    Do you have any greentexts saved? Maybe if you post some examples the people might see and fill in the blanks.

  7. 2 years ago

    in my area (Rural KY) the police come, take pictures, question you and if it is clear cut self defense the coroner takes the body and they leave. you keep the gun. we have a small population here so everyone learns the details pretty quick. here is the last event.
    >Local couple own 2 houses
    >they become suspicious when they visit the unused house
    >looks like someone is living here
    >they leave to get new door locks and supplies to permanently shut the windows.
    >return and start working
    >the squatter returns after dusk
    >accuses them of breaking into their own house
    >attacks them with a knife
    >they shoot him with a shotgun and pistol several times
    >cops come.
    >no arrests
    >reffered to grand jury
    >no bill of course
    >Guns never seized, just photographed and serials recorded.
    whole ordeal lasted about a week and a half and was quite the scandal. the old sheriff lost his re-election after almost 20 years of service and was replaced by a deputy who ran on going hard on drug dealers.

    • 2 years ago

      americans literally arent human this is some psychopathic shit if you think this is okay

      • 2 years ago

        >americans literally arent human this is some psychopathic shit if you think this is okay
        >it's psychopathic to kill a drug addicted squatter who tries to kill you
        I guess if you're a shitposting loser that would seem insane.

      • 2 years ago

        >americans literally arent human
        Americans count as (0)human, but tweak-Americans count as (-1)human. So if this actually happened, it's almost like we gained -1(-1)human = (1)human in value

      • 2 years ago

        >psychotic tweaker attacks you with a knife in your own home
        >"you're supposed to just let them stab you!!!"

        Legitimate question: why are Euros like this?

        • 2 years ago

          >Legitimate question: why are Euros like this?
          It's not just Euros, there's tons of Americans that are the same way. They tend to be white, upper-middle-class strivers, and they get taught these anti-values by female teachers in elementary school.

        • 2 years ago

          >"you're supposed to just let them stab you!!!"
          can you imagine living without a fear of getting stabbed? You'd be imaging Europe pretty much.
          t. hasguns yuro, even though i could carry i didn't ever feel like i need to

          • 2 years ago

            why isnt the US states seperated into counties like the Euro countries are into subnationatial lines? it makes the USA look alot worse than it is because in reality it is only about 30 counties out of 3,142 that inflate the homicide rate. homicide rate for my county and the counties surrounding are as low as western Europe.

          • 2 years ago

            >still counts some suicides as homicides in the us
            >leaves out that Europe tosses all violent crimes of races it doesn't want to show
            >doesn't include violence per capita either
            >not even sure this is per capita as is
            lmao okay
            >hasguns yuro
            no you aren't.

            • 2 years ago

              >"M-MUH EUROgayS JUST DON'T COUNT THE Black person CRIMES!!!"
              Can honestly say I hadn't heard that cope before.

              • 2 years ago

                >can't refute any of my points
                >focuses on the one he thinks isn't true
                well eurotrash, can't say I have it on hand, but it's a fact, when the gerbil puppet woman merkel let all those refugees into europe the rape and theft rates skyrocketed. So much so they actually stopped recording and uploading it to the public for "health and safety" Can't imagine it's changed much any more than it's changed in the UK enough for them to stop calling muslim rapists "asians"

                post gun w timestamp btw.

            • 2 years ago

              that's a nice cope, but you should educate yourself about the meaning of the word "ratio". If you do have better data proving your claims, feel free to post it
              >no you aren't.
              picrel, post guns

              why isnt the US states seperated into counties like the Euro countries are into subnationatial lines? it makes the USA look alot worse than it is because in reality it is only about 30 counties out of 3,142 that inflate the homicide rate. homicide rate for my county and the counties surrounding are as low as western Europe.

              >why isnt the US states seperated into counties like the Euro countries are into subnationatial lines?
              Both US and EU are separated into subnational level lol.

          • 2 years ago


            What goes on there?

            • 2 years ago

              Thatcher's legacy of poverty still lingering.

      • 2 years ago

        Kys homosexual

        >psychotic tweaker attacks you with a knife in your own home
        >"you're supposed to just let them stab you!!!"

        Legitimate question: why are Euros like this?

        Its not about euros
        He is just a homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >non american thinks the government is all trusting and should have the monopoly on feeling safe
        You deserve everything you get. I used to feel bad hearing about brits getting arrested for being to rough to an intruder but you country worships royalty like their gods and the only thing they like more than that are pedophiles like Jimmy Saville and those paki rape gangs.

  8. 2 years ago

    >what should i expect to deal with in the unlikely scenario of a self defense shooting?
    The best plan is to have a lawyer and not answer questions no matter how innocent they may seem.

    That's at least your surest bet to being fine. Really though it all depends on the circumstances of how the shooting appears to the cops, the cop that responds in the first place and the politics of the place you live (DA, mayor, city council, etc.)

    I have read stories of people shooting in self defense and going to bed, keeping their gun, all good. I've also read stories of those same people being handcuffed, thrown in jail and having their name dragged through the mud.

    Look at the stupid case in NY: a shop owner, on video, is assaulted and defends himself with a knife, killing the attacker and the DA wants to get him charged for murder.

    • 2 years ago

      There's no way that actually goes through, right? Dude was in his own shop defending himself from a violent attacker, no way they're so cucked that such blatant self defense would go to trial, right?

      • 2 years ago

        I hope not but being taken to court alone is bad enough. It's worse in this case for obvious reasons.

        If the state wants to frick you realize they have practically unlimited resources to do so. I know someone personally that had this happen to them (not from self defense, but wrongly accused of a crime). Years later they have had no justice, no compensation and are just broke, desolate and their mental health is absolutely shot.

        This is why I say the best, surest thing to do is lawyer up, even if you're 100% justified with video proof and eye witness testimonies in your favor.

  9. 2 years ago

    to be on topic since nobody is posting the old thread for a couple of months ago, watch the videos Massad Ayoob made on the matter, might be worth it to get gun owners insurance, but I don't have any myself.

  10. 2 years ago

    Back in the 1970's when I was 9 I shot my brother in law when he drove from NY to TX to violate a restraining order, kick in my parents homes door while they were away and started beating my sister with a firepower he picked up. My dad let me buy a Colt .357 Python along with some other firearms with money I made raising and selling some Brangus cattle. I awoke to a loud crashing sound and then his raging voice and then screams from my sister and her two toddlers. I ran down the hall, pistol drawn hammer back with 6 wadcutters. Saw him swinging, sister on ground, children behind her. Took a knee, front sight on his torso, squeeze. I remember the flash kinda blinded me.. It's still deafeningly loud even in my memory. I remember feeling the pressure "thud" in my sinuses, chest. Saw him slam against the wall, then fall.. He made a gasping, gargling sound I'll never forget, then this slow starting quickly pitching up gargling scream. A gasp, then that agonized scream again. Children screaming and crying. It gets a bit fuzzy. I remember walking towards him, pulling back the hammer. He looks at me, sheer agony and terror in his eyes, he scream/gurgles out, spitting blood, "Nooo-oo, NOOOOOO!". Sister drags kids out, and blocks my shot, "No, he's done, cone help me take your niece and nephew outside, they shouldn't see this, they shouldn't watch their father die.".. Suddenly everything is clear. My memory is also crystal clear again.. "Yeah, ok." Cont.

    • 2 years ago

      go on

      How was it? I'm interested in going from jobless, GED-less NEET to EMT because our county's started letting EMTs carry gats if they cross-train with the SO.

      EMT is a thankless shitpay job that will frick you up if your partner is a skeleton or a fat frick loser. I had a buddy who joined the military just to stop doing that.
      go get a fricking GED or whatever it is now.

      • 2 years ago

        Was working on it until the funny flu hit and my mom got cancer. Starting back up soonish. Is there still fun stuff about the job, or is it just a slog? I remember a friend who did EMT in Canuckistan fondly remembers their paramedic giving a guy a circumcision while shearing his trousers off.

        • 2 years ago

          He said it was fun sometimes, but IIRC he said it was too much work and not enough action. He liked the shit where it got violent and bloody but iirc it was just homies trying to abuse the system or being generally fat and lazy. And if there was any trouble and he was with his tiny gurl partner, he was solo carrying some 300 pound black hambeast out of an apartment.

    • 2 years ago

      Get outside. Can hear him screaming in the house, door open. I put the pistol on the hood of my sister's car. I just felt it was the right place for it at that moment. Sister goes to just inside the door, asks me to watch the kids. I'm numb now. Not mad, not sad, not scared not anything. "Ok".. She calls the Sheriff's office. They could hear his weakening screams of agony. Constable arrives first. Then Sheriff's department and a DPS. They go inside. I remember a deputy saying "he's done, ain't no way he makes it."... He gets shushed by the others, shoots me a worried look. I just shrug. He looks a bit surprised, then gives me a nod. A helicopter lands near the house in the opening nearby. Medics rush in. A couple of minutes later they're rushing him to the still running Huey that came from a nearby military base, I remember white boxes with red crosses on green paint. I watch the helicopter. I'm fascinated to see one so up close when they always just flew over our ranch. It flys away just as my father comes tearing up our road in his old Ford.. Mom comes in a few minutes later, she was shopping. Dad just comes up to me and picks me up in a hug, odd look on his face, gives sis a hug and holds his grandbabies. Goes straight to me, we lock eyes. "Son, are you ok?" I answer I'm not hurt, "I know, but how are you?" Almost laughed, dad, I'm alright I guess. Sheriff and Constable made clear I wasn't under arrest or anything, but that they needed the gun for now as evidence. I remember asking when would I get it back. The Sheriff answered "as soon as things get cleared up, I'll bring it back to you myself." He kept his word. Had to go to the county courthouse. Had my picture taken and had to fill out a statement. Dad was with me and an attorney the sheriff told us to have there. Sheriff after the statement out in the hallway told me and dad it was open and shut self defense, that I had nothing to be worried about, attorney said the same. Cont

      • 2 years ago

        While there at the courthouse/sheriff's office we get word that he's going to survive. It took about 2 years to be rid of the whole damned thing. From his trial where his lawyer did everything he could to paint me as a murdering Billy the Kid until his conviction that sent him to prison for 20 years. It was a bit of a hassle, but nothing too crazy.. I got my pistol back about 3 weeks after the shooting, that's when it was decided no charges for me or anyone else besides the BIL.. Right after the questioning dad took me to my fave steak dinner, then for my first beer at his watering hole, a bar owned by his war buddy from Vietnam. Up until then I thought I hated beer. They gave me an imported Hefeweizen, have loved them ever since. We didn't talk about what happened. I was already sick of doing so from the questioning and reports. It took 4 days before I felt anything. It wasn't fear, it wasn't anger, it was just overwhelming. Dad understood. Had another beer that night. Then we talked, him me and the bar owner. I guess 9 is a bit young to carry that one by yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      You were selling cattle and bought a Python when you were 9?

      • 2 years ago

        from what i'm getting from all this, he helped raise them, dad sold them and illegally bought his nine year old a .357 magnum

        • 2 years ago

          It wasn't illegal to buy your kid a gun in Texas, still fricking isn't you cuck..

          • 2 years ago

            Strawman purchase, homosexual. ATF tip submitted.

            • 2 years ago

              You like the taste of those boots? Make sure you call your mom, too! Tell her someone wasn't being polite on the Internet to you. I'm sure she'll make it better.

      • 2 years ago

        from what i'm getting from all this, he helped raise them, dad sold them and illegally bought his nine year old a .357 magnum

        Back then and earlier this wasn't uncommon. If you lived on land and wanted to do kid shit you at least had a .410 with because of natural hazards etc.

        • 2 years ago

          Exactly. Still true away from the pavement.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, what's so weird about that?

    • 2 years ago

      Get outside. Can hear him screaming in the house, door open. I put the pistol on the hood of my sister's car. I just felt it was the right place for it at that moment. Sister goes to just inside the door, asks me to watch the kids. I'm numb now. Not mad, not sad, not scared not anything. "Ok".. She calls the Sheriff's office. They could hear his weakening screams of agony. Constable arrives first. Then Sheriff's department and a DPS. They go inside. I remember a deputy saying "he's done, ain't no way he makes it."... He gets shushed by the others, shoots me a worried look. I just shrug. He looks a bit surprised, then gives me a nod. A helicopter lands near the house in the opening nearby. Medics rush in. A couple of minutes later they're rushing him to the still running Huey that came from a nearby military base, I remember white boxes with red crosses on green paint. I watch the helicopter. I'm fascinated to see one so up close when they always just flew over our ranch. It flys away just as my father comes tearing up our road in his old Ford.. Mom comes in a few minutes later, she was shopping. Dad just comes up to me and picks me up in a hug, odd look on his face, gives sis a hug and holds his grandbabies. Goes straight to me, we lock eyes. "Son, are you ok?" I answer I'm not hurt, "I know, but how are you?" Almost laughed, dad, I'm alright I guess. Sheriff and Constable made clear I wasn't under arrest or anything, but that they needed the gun for now as evidence. I remember asking when would I get it back. The Sheriff answered "as soon as things get cleared up, I'll bring it back to you myself." He kept his word. Had to go to the county courthouse. Had my picture taken and had to fill out a statement. Dad was with me and an attorney the sheriff told us to have there. Sheriff after the statement out in the hallway told me and dad it was open and shut self defense, that I had nothing to be worried about, attorney said the same. Cont

      While there at the courthouse/sheriff's office we get word that he's going to survive. It took about 2 years to be rid of the whole damned thing. From his trial where his lawyer did everything he could to paint me as a murdering Billy the Kid until his conviction that sent him to prison for 20 years. It was a bit of a hassle, but nothing too crazy.. I got my pistol back about 3 weeks after the shooting, that's when it was decided no charges for me or anyone else besides the BIL.. Right after the questioning dad took me to my fave steak dinner, then for my first beer at his watering hole, a bar owned by his war buddy from Vietnam. Up until then I thought I hated beer. They gave me an imported Hefeweizen, have loved them ever since. We didn't talk about what happened. I was already sick of doing so from the questioning and reports. It took 4 days before I felt anything. It wasn't fear, it wasn't anger, it was just overwhelming. Dad understood. Had another beer that night. Then we talked, him me and the bar owner. I guess 9 is a bit young to carry that one by yourself.

      fake story

      • 2 years ago

        You're just a fake homosexual. Not everyone is a b***h wienersucker like you.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Seems I got you upset. Why's that? Does being a b***h make you that easy to rile?

            • 2 years ago

              why are you mad

            • 2 years ago

              post gun, and or old man hand, that should shut him up. You still have that python don't you

      • 2 years ago

        post gun, and or old man hand, that should shut him up. You still have that python don't you

        I hope anon does this and doesn’t turn out to be another gay

  11. 2 years ago


    I was 9. Not everywhere is a cucked shit hole and not everyone is a helpless b***h.

  12. 2 years ago

    Best thing is to respectfully refuse to answer any questions until you have a lawyer present. They may take you into custody because of this but they wont be able to hem you up on some bullshit statement you made while in shock or amped up on adrenaline. Thisnis especially important if you live in an urban or larger suburban area, or lw enforcement/the DA prosecutaes these things aggressively. Many rural areas the cops are part of the community and the DAs arent c**ts so its a little less vital to be tightlipped

  13. 2 years ago

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