Ancient Apocalypse

Now that the dust has settled.

Was he right?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    I can't believe people actually fall for this charlatan's snail oil.
    Is it any surprise they would fund this shit?

    You have to be a very, very special breed of moron to believe a single word out of this fraud's mouth.

    • 1 year ago

      show nose, israelite

      • 1 year ago

        Netflix is letting you shills you use edgy language now? Interesting tactic. Do they deduct a percentage for each usage or something?

        • 1 year ago

          speak proper english, adl filthy israelite

          • 1 year ago

            >i-if I keep saying israelite m-maybe I they'll think I'm not a paid shill!

            • 1 year ago

              take your meds you schizo adl homosexual

              • 1 year ago

                Now since you used a new politically incorrect slur, when it's time for you to submit your posting logs, do they deduct a percentage for each individual slur used or for each unique slur?

    • 1 year ago

      This is my favourite thing about Ancient Aliens, it really exposes the Redditors and npcs who can’t fathom why someone would want to watch a creative alternative history show purely for the entertainment value.

      • 1 year ago

        It's extremely entertaining stuff, that can hardly be denied.

  2. 1 year ago

    Well he's not wrong for asking questions.

  3. 1 year ago

    He comes off as very smug, but he’s not wrong to ask the questions

  4. 1 year ago

    We'll never know. Gobleki Tepe was totally destroyed 3 hours ago.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh shit.

      Season 2 canceled.

    • 1 year ago

      the annunaki did it

    • 1 year ago

      gobleki tepe is further east than bozova dumbass kek
      it's fine you moron

    • 1 year ago

      Shortly after the Georgia Guidestones were suicided, interesting

  5. 1 year ago

    hes very right about alot of things but i think he over thinks too much of it and tries to fit pieces where they dont belong
    look where we have gotten since 1920 phones where barely a thing and now everyone has a fricking computer in their pocket
    just saying 12-13k years ago isnt very fricking accurate on the grand scale of things

  6. 1 year ago

    of course hes right anyone who thinks the mainstream narrative is true and the bottom line needs thier head examined. You gotta know they have most of thier dates wrong and just no clue about what those ancients were doing. Everything they find must be a 'ritual object' but they have no clue what that means

  7. 1 year ago

    >trinitite glass found all over the world, first discovered after the trinity test

    yeah, something happened, virtually every culture has stories of a past golden age where "the gods" went to war with each other.

    the idea that our modern age the first time high technology existed and it was just a bunch of cavemen for 100,000 years is absurd when we can't even explain how the megalithic structures the ancients made were constructed.

    copper chisels on granite, just try it.

    • 1 year ago

      >copper chisels on granite, just try it.
      go on...

      • 1 year ago

        copper has a hardness of 3, granite has an average hardness of 6.5
        copper won't even scratch or dent granite. You will blunt your tools trying, you will leave metal flakes of copper over the stone rather than cut it.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think the show is right outside of just entertainment but I do think this narrative that cavemen were cavemen for tens of thousands of years and then just decided to stop being cavemen one day is just...weird.

      • 1 year ago

        oh I'm not arguing the show is right, not by dates and all that, I think much of the evidence and history has been lost.

        so all we'll ever have is scattered evidence here and there, questions that we can't answer or the answers don't actually work out (such as copper chisels used to cut granite stones to build monuments in Egypt), and theories that we can never really prove.

        But essentially most cultures have stories of a past golden age, even descriptions of technology like in the Hindus they talk about flying machines and things that sound an awful lot like nuclear weapons as weapons of the gods (with symptoms like hair and fingernails falling out, sterilization and entire formations of soldiers blown apart like leaves)

        These stories have been embellished over time, but may have some root of truth in them.

        So it's like, man got to a point of technology for a brief period of time, mcfricking destroyed themselves in a war, and the survivors were few and scattered, and were not capable of rebuilding so they just eked out an existence, and any knowledge they had was basically passed down verbally, and all technology had to be relearned after it was lost in a generation or two.

        I mean think about it, if we had a nuclear war right now and it killed billions of people would you be able to just restart high technology with the knowledge and skills that you possess? Or would you just try to survive eating whatever you could find and taking shelter wherever you could find it?

        I don't know the specifics but something happened. Trinitite glass is formed when you heat sand up to temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun.

        • 1 year ago

          Definitely not. Even a collapse of the eletrical grid would do it as most jobs are very specialized and require computer assitence. I want to see people trying to build a microchip needed for so many thing in a scenario like that. You would struggle just to find the material for it.

          • 1 year ago

            exactly, and even the concrete we use falls apart in decades, we can't even build as good as the Romans did when it comes to their concrete. so all we have is these monuments, and any other structures they built of wood or metal or concrete are totally gone forever. So we see the monuments and think.. oh, that's what these primitive people's lives revolved around was just these monuments.

            What would people think in 10,000 years if they discover traces of the Washington and Lincoln Memorials?
            They'd think we worshipped them as gods.
            They'd find Mount Rushmore and think 'these must be gods for these primitive people"
            Like we base all our knowledge of ancient people when we don't have written records on fragments and pieces here and there. How much of it is totally wrong?

            we think "well we don't have written records of anytthing past these stone tablets" again, stone that is preserved for thousands of years, but there's a lot of materials that may have had past records written on oh, I dunno, paper, how many of those do you think are gonna last 10000 years into the future? What about all our documentation that we now do electronically? A nuke war with EMP's and that's all fricking gone.

            so instead we have modern anthropology telling us that modern man, has been around for 140,000 years, and was just as intelligent as any man is now as far as being able to understand and problem solve.. and well
            they just fricking did nothing for 130,000 years. They ate bugs with sticks and lived in caves and made stone dicks.

            Yeah okay.

            • 1 year ago

              Dipshits like this haven't invested even 15 minutes into Hanwiener's research and theories, but are happy to spout off strawman nonsense like it's relevant.

              Seriously, have some intellectual curiosity.

  8. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It’s a show that points out some very reasonable objections to the accepted timeline of civilizational development and people, probably archeologists themselves, are shitting and pissing all over every thread where this guy is mentioned

  9. 1 year ago

    Probably partially right. Certainly mostly wrong.

  10. 1 year ago

    He makes some good points and it's fair to say the archaeological establishment and mainstream specialists in ancient history just lap up whatever theory is popular and ignore any evidence which contradicts what they were taught 50 years ago.

    Are his theories the 100% truth? Probably not.

    We definitely need people like him asking these types of questions though.

  11. 1 year ago

    He has no opinion on his own. He just sells bullshit to gullible idiots which is wh his books are about generic conspiracies, ancient aliens from Mars and super advanced pre-flood civilizations. Anything that might sell. Might as well ask if Dan Brown is right as if he has any theories of his own.

  12. 1 year ago

    Gobekli tepe at the very least confirms civilization dates back to before 10k bc

  13. 1 year ago

    Yes, Hanwiener was unironically right about everything and that makes israelites and their army of unquestioningly obedient golems seethe.

  14. 1 year ago

    He points out a few interesting things, but while there probably was a Younger Dryas Impact causing catastrophic flooding and set back humanity from bronze age back to the mesolithic for a while, there was no fricking Atlantis

    • 1 year ago

      There's more compelling evidence for Atlantis or something fitting it's description than there is of the YD impact hypothesis so why do you say that

      • 1 year ago

        >There's more compelling evidence for Atlantis or something fitting it's description
        Such as?

    • 1 year ago

      There's more compelling evidence for Atlantis or something fitting it's description than there is of the YD impact hypothesis so why do you say that

      >There's more compelling evidence for Atlantis or something fitting it's description
      Such as?

      to have this discussion, we would also need to iron out what he means by atlantis, because it seems to change from time to time.

      sometimes he is using atlantis as a general catchall for a civilization that existed pre-antiquity which was large and somewhat advanced using stone structure building and such, but was built at a much lower sealevel and dissapeaered when the sea levels rose due to global flooding, which i think by this point is fairly solid ground to stand on argumentatively, there is quite a bit of evidence for this, particularly in the mediteranian sea.

      but sometimes it sounds like he is using atlantis to refer to a specific civilization, as if he could point a finger on a map and say here lies the city of atlantis. that argument i think is a bit more tenuous and will probably require a significant finding to back up that i have yet to see.

      and then further still, especially in his older talks, he seems to imply when he says "advanced civilization" that it may be more than just stone construction and roads, and he starts to get into "what if" territory that begins to encroach on the realm of ancient aliens esque hypothetical wilderness where anything goes.

  15. 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    he is the perfect example of how multiple things can be true at the same time

    he's onto something, and he's asking the right questions, and he's correct that the historical and archaeological community at large is too dismissive although i think some of his conclusions are more creative assumptions than actual evidence based facts

    he is correct in that there is a large, firmly established "empire" of historians and archaeologists who's personal fortunes, funding, and reputations are based around the history being settled in certain areas and not asking questions

    he is also correct in that many of these mysterious sites are not properly investigated with modern tools and methods

    but he also has an air of self aggrandizement and faux martyrdom that give him the appearance of tremendous ego and hubris, which makes you want to think that whatever he is saying is probably somehow loaded, and by this point his beef with the archaeological community at large is so longstanding and personal that it colors any discussion of any evidence he wishes to present

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