Aliens from another planet are coming to earth with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL.

Aliens from another planet are coming to earth with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL. They are limited to sublight speed and it will take them 50 years to arrive. You are chosen to make a plan to deal with them. What is it?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then all of humanity kinda ceases to host large scale conflicts among themselves. sure people go crazy for a bit and ape out but 50 years is a long enough time to think rationally and prepare. We will see the fastest technological growth and R&D program our species has ever seen. The most logical and cost effective method for fighting interstellar aliens is to probably attach gigantic rocket boosters onto asteroids and try to steer them into any oncoming vessels before they get past Pluto. we would mine the moon dry of helium 3 to use as fuel, our nuclear stockpiles will go to space and propel half mile long tungsten rods at .25 the speed of light. So long as our understanding of physics is correct then there is absolutely no reason why this would not be an extreme threat towards a soacecraft, especially one travelling conventionally. if that doesn't work then we're basically fricked.

    • 3 months ago
      I think .17hmr is really cool.

      So just throw stuff at them.

      • 3 months ago

        Worked the first time

    • 3 months ago

      bro people dont believe a global pandemic happened, there is no way they give a frick about aliens. governments arent going to want line go down either.

      • 3 months ago

        unironically this, people prove to be moronic cowards who will readily replace uncomfortable realities with insane conspiracy theories as long as it alleviates them of any personal responsibility for their life or the state of the world (not to mention modern people have such brutal ADHD and media addiction they believe things that are entertaining over reality). its the bystander effect on steroids

      • 3 months ago

        It'd help if the pandemic wasn't made by a government that refuses to acknowledge it is to blame. Hard to be mad at people if you deny them the truth from the start.

        • 3 months ago

          morons like you is why the aliens would win

      • 3 months ago

        I wouldn't believe in alien invasion either. I've seen too many BLUEBEAM and demonic aliens posts on this cursed site.

    • 3 months ago

      >if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then all of humanity kinda ceases to host large scale conflicts among themselves.

      There's no fricking way lol

    • 3 months ago

      >humanity puts aside its interhuman conflicts and joins together as a monolithic empire to defeat the nonhuman aliens
      Uh, wrong: if anything, it would further polarize all conflicts; at the very least, you'll have a new iteration of Left vs Right:

      >self-hating zealots
      >hate humans
      >think aliens will be better bosses
      >want to sell out humanity to the aliens
      >want the aliens to win

      >alien-hating zealots
      >hate aliens
      >know that aliens would only enslave humans in order to simply kill off all the humans efficiently by using the race-traitors against the other humans before ultimately liquidating the political prostitutes after the other humans are extinct, instead of enslaving them perpetually, besides, humans make better bosses anyway
      >want humans to win

      • 3 months ago

        >wants to win
        >the bloc that wants to withdraw from every single place we have influence
        Ah yes, the right-wing, only reliable remnant of Western power that “wants to win” by offering to do everything in their power to help our primary antagonist of the last ~80 years and not send weapons to defeat them.
        I can almost see it now
        >we should disband Human Alliance, San Marino, New Zealand and Laos and didn’t send enough troops as everyone else
        >why should I help humans <not from here>
        >we need to help ourselves first
        >no alien ever called me a bigot

        pic related
        With friends like these who “want humanity to win”, who needs enemies?

        • 3 months ago

          Are they really paying you to trudge through this dumpster fire instead of just buying an ad?

          • 3 months ago

            Yes Anon everyone is a shill but you. Only you have free agency!

            Weapons to Ukraine
            go with God my son. I do not respect your beliefs but I’ll always fight for your right to voice them.
            You stupid homosexual.

            • 3 months ago

              You post this in every single godamn thread anyone so much as breathes in a way that implies the existence of a right wing, take your god damn meds or be funnier.

              • 3 months ago

                I’ve seen it posted before, which is why I thought of it, but no I have never posted it before. I had to look it up, but my Google-fu is adequate.
                Just thought to poke a hole in your self-righteousness.
                And your intelligence… DO know that multiple people post here other than (You), right?

              • 3 months ago

                Well pardon me for assuming someone going on a random political tangent and using the exact same image as has been used to derail other threads in the exact same manner is the same person. You DO realise that not everything has to always be about le roosian interference, right?
                I'm not even american, I just think you specifically are a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >people can repost images on a Malaysian yak breeding forum?!!
                Welcome to PrepHole, enjoy your stay.

                The reason it gets posted is because people deny that the GOP, and especially MAGAtards, have a Russian problem. And it derails threads because shit like that picture is an ugly treasonous look, no matter how small a minority. And when they don’t ship weapons to Ukraine it seems like more than isolated incodents.

              • 3 months ago

                You, you derailed this thread. Not trump, not desantis, not fricking bush, you.
                Shut the frick up and post moronic planetary defence ideas or gtfo.

    • 3 months ago

      >the GOP calls the aliens 'THE GREAT HOAX' and spends every single minute of the 50 years blocking every anti-alien measure by any way imaginable

      • 3 months ago

        If a Democrat is president they’ll support the aliens on principle.

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Why do you homosexuals always claim anything anti-Republican/conservic*ck is b8? This isn’t /r/thedonald; most of us like neither party and we sure as shit don’t like R*dditgays.
          frick off boomer lmao

  2. 3 months ago

    Solar pumped laser array. We are gonna need a lot of fricking mirrors.

  3. 3 months ago

    >build xboxHUGE underground bunker complex
    >nuke the shit out of the earth
    >hope they think were already dead and killed ourselves
    >hope they dont settle on aids radiation planet
    >turns out they breath or eat radiation or some shit and i die anyway

    Only realistic plan

  4. 3 months ago

    My plan…sieze all of the earths nuclear weapons and detonate them on Mercury. The force of the explosion will nudge Mercury out of orbit and cause it to fall into the sun, causing a solar debris cloud to engulf the earth rendering it uninhabitable to man and alien alike.

    • 3 months ago

      ah, the troony approach

    • 3 months ago

      That pitiful explosion won't do a damn thing.
      You could detonate all the nuclear weapons humanity ever built 100 times over and the energy wouldn't be enough to even nudge the moon, nevermind a planet.

    • 3 months ago

      >The force of the explosion will nudge Mercury out of orbit

    • 3 months ago

      the global south in all it's glory

    • 3 months ago

      Genuflect and beg for mercy.

      Three Body Problem was not an instruction manual.

  5. 3 months ago

    Prepare a debris field inversely parallel to their vector of approach.

  6. 3 months ago

    No FTL?
    Already solved years ago, nuclear fougasse
    Next question

  7. 3 months ago

    Space Based N-2 mines from Evangelion. I know, it's an anime, but it was a pretty concise example of what I'd use. Produce hundreds, thousands of them if able. Scatter them around the asteroid belt and/or the zenith and nadir points of Sol, depending on what their vector is. When their fleet is roughly center unleash a nuclear hellstorm.

    If that doesn't stop them we are not capable of doing so, and the only option is surrender and hope they didn't come all this way to eat us or some shit.

  8. 3 months ago

    Make gigaton level nuclear weaponry/railgun technology based in space and pray they dont have some kind of deflector shield or something. Which in the end seems unlikely because moving at near relativistic speeds seems like it would require one to shield you from interstellar/intergalactic particles.

  9. 3 months ago

    Turn a suitably dense solar object into a giant frickoff casaba howitzer. Grab a near-earth asteroid like Eros, carve out a couple kilometers of empty space inside it and fill it with thermonuclear material. Not weak ass lithium-6, the D-T reaction is a pitiful 80 kilotons per kilo, this will be a stellar nuke which has twice the power. Use antimatter as your implosion device to kickstart a stellar reaction. Fill the hole with lighter and more porous material than the surrounding stone so your hundred-million-megaton explosion will have a preference in which direction. Top it off with a blasting cap, which will weigh millions of tons and be travelling at more than 1% of lightspeed. Fake surrender as they entire your solar system, with no space fleet in orbit, and then fire off your moon killing casaba howitzer at the fleet as they enter gun range.

  10. 3 months ago

    We have to assume worst case scenario which would be von Neumann devices in which case our only hope would be to eliminate them before/immediately after they gain purchase on any mass in our solar system. Detection systems and nuclear launch capabilities for anything inside Neptune would be a minimum. Jupiter and Saturn with their associated moons /rings would provide many footholds into our system. Solar wouldn't provide much power that far so radiant reactors are more likely power sources, making detection a little easier. Once they're in the inner system we've already lost. There's too much mass and too much free solar energy to compete. The first priority would be launch vehicles. We're gonna need a lot of stuff outside our gravity well.

    • 3 months ago

      If it's Von Neumann we're pretty boned if it gets to the Oort Cloud. So much shit there to mulch probably

  11. 3 months ago

    I ramp up production of the model 1911 pistol chambered in .45 apc. The alien long range sensors will detect this apocalyptic activity and remember very suddenly that the left their space oven on an need to go home and take care of that.

  12. 3 months ago

    have a dead man's switch antimatter bomb that could wipe out the solar system for sure OP. Like the martyrdom perk from cod4

  13. 3 months ago

    >do not have FTL
    Well then I assume they have found a way to break into another dimension so they could make a worm hole to get here. Unless I'm to believe they have traveled a few million light years without wormholes which would be even less believable than worm holes.

    Anyway our best defense with current tech would be to gunk up lower earth orbit with as much space debris as humanly possible so they couldn't make entry. When it comes to fancy space shit us humans are lacking hard. Then we just fight it out indefinitely on earth until we end up nuking everything in a zero sums game.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm pretty sure even if we saturated leo with every ball bearing mankind ever made that you could probably still get warheads and individual space ships through no? The risk is to orbiting spacecraft. The odds of an incoming weapon getting hit on a straight fly down to earth are probably much smaller.

    • 3 months ago

      >they have traveled a few million light years
      Why the frick are you talking about extragalactic distances?

      OP specified 50 years at sublight speed, so they are coming from somewhere within 50 light years.
      There are thousands of stars within the range so take your pick.

  14. 3 months ago

    torpedo rams

    • 3 months ago


  15. 3 months ago

    What if it were the BETA coming at us? COULD we do anything or are we straight-up fricked?

  16. 3 months ago

    Frick the aliens. Can't beat the wiener.

  17. 3 months ago

    >Aliens from another planet are coming to earth with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL.
    To cross interstellar distances in anything approaching a reasonable time (by sublight standards that means hundreds OR thousands of years instead of millions) you would need a drive system that is basically on par with a machinegun that fires thermonuclear bombs for months. This is physically possible, but not for us at this time. Any hostile alien that had that power could curbstomp the whole planet without even slowing down or curbstomp us by slowing down with their exhaust aimed at us. Our most advanced weapons wouldn't be quite as bad as spears vs tanks, but also not as good as a medieval army vs automatic grenade launchers. Aliens with the capability to travel interstellar distances are likely a once in a galactic lifetime event because once you cross that last boundary you gain access to the material wealth of your entire home galaxy.

    • 3 months ago

      Pellegrino's "ship on a string" with pure anti-mat engines is probably the functional limit of what thermodynamics is capable of, being very optimistic on how efficiently energy from antimatter reactions can be captured. It inspired the ISVs from Avatar actually. Even if you manage stellar fusion (particle velocity of 12% of c), don't add any reaction mass, and have a really ugly mass ratio, you're never going to get faster than 20% of lightspeed, and you will accelerate VERY slowly. Antimatter (or blackholes maybe?) is basically a prerequisite to interstellar travel if you don't have some kind of FTL method.

  18. 3 months ago

    Nuke Israel on day 1. When the aliens show up they'll thank us for handling what they came to do, and will bestow upon us copious intergallactic gifts

  19. 3 months ago

    >will take them 50 years to arrive
    not my fricking problem, I'll be dead.

  20. 3 months ago

    Send all of our garbage into orbit. It would create a defensive trash deflector field around earth and it would also solve the pollution problem down here. Sure, all our satelites would be fricked in the process but those are gay anyway.

  21. 3 months ago

    There will be race who will betray first

  22. 3 months ago

    Trillions of electromagnetic space mines in orbit

  23. 3 months ago

    >Three Body Problem
    I haven’t read the books but god this whole setting reeks of Reddit. And I can’t tell if the author was trying to glorify his homeland’s sociopathic culture, or critique it
    Anyway just litter the Belt with optionally manned missile platforms, loaded up with casaba howitzer warheads

    • 3 months ago

      >I haven’t read the books but god this whole setting reeks of Reddit. And I can’t tell if the author was trying to glorify his homeland’s sociopathic culture, or critique it
      >I haven't even tried reading it and I can't understand obvious subtext but it's reddit

      • 3 months ago

        I’m just going off vibes gimme a break
        How about this the premise and inspiration are Reddit

        • 3 months ago

          The original book was written by a Chinese enginner and was published in 2008. It was honestly a relief to read something that didn't have any of the modern day carp you see everywhere nowadays. If you like hard science fiction, you should definitely give it a go.

    • 3 months ago

      The feminization of the human spirit during times of unsustainable comfort and its disastrous effects for civilization in the long term are explored as part of the series, and it makes reddit mad. A democratically elected bleeding heart woman being handed the keys to humanities survival ends up being our worst mistake.
      I now own a droplet for home defense.

      • 3 months ago

        >a droplet
        >Kardashev Type II gay can't even afford a dual vector foil

        • 3 months ago

          >dual vector foil
          >for home defence
          Sure, if you don't mind annihilating your home and everything in its light cone, or throwing away one of your spatial dimensions and barely surviving as a flatlander. Strong-interaction probes minimize collateral damage.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm pretty sure even if we saturated leo with every ball bearing mankind ever made that you could probably still get warheads and individual space ships through no? The risk is to orbiting spacecraft. The odds of an incoming weapon getting hit on a straight fly down to earth are probably much smaller.

      The feminization of the human spirit during times of unsustainable comfort and its disastrous effects for civilization in the long term are explored as part of the series, and it makes reddit mad. A democratically elected bleeding heart woman being handed the keys to humanities survival ends up being our worst mistake.
      I now own a droplet for home defense.

      The dark forest theory only makes sense if you imagine everyone is confined to a single planet. As soon as a species is spread across multiple star systems, the idea of "detection = extinction" stops making sense, because everyone can't be wiped out at once, and anyone who did commit such an act of war would eventually get located and stomped by the survivors (or by whatever second strike systems they left running in deep space), making the whole "ree I destroy your home system" thing suicidally stupid.

      There is no particular reason to hide your presence in that case, either, because any intelligent life would reach the same conclusion (if I blast this source of communications, I am NOT getting rid of their civilization but merely provoking them into a war of extermination with me).

      • 3 months ago

        If everyone is confined to a single planet then it makes no sense to blow up people who won't ever be a threat to you.

      • 3 months ago

        Dark forest is failed premise because of the planets.
        Space-faring races don't care about planets. You cant be monkey bound to planetary jungles and travel space. You just cant. Its arrogance of the monkey who thinks space travel is like Columbus expedition only it would be spess caravels.
        Only races that can live comfortably in teh space as monkey live in jungles only those races would travel space. This implies some sot cybernetic or machine race that ascended beyond monkeys fragile bodies and who can exist in space vacuum. And such space races don't care about planets.

      • 3 months ago

        Hide yourself well, cleanse well.

        If you get stomped out after you attack, you faild one of the above.

      • 3 months ago

        >and anyone who did commit such an act of war would eventually get located
        How do you figure? Dark forest strikes leave no traces pointing to their origin, and even if they did, they seem to usually be fired from stealth, self-propelled weapons platforms. Only a stupid civilization leaving curvature trails in close proximity to their bases (either from a supraluminal projectile or weapon) would be at risk.

  24. 3 months ago

    >Putin is coming with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL. He is limited to sublight speed. You know in 50 years he would launch NOOKS for sure. You are chosen to make a plan to deal with them. What is it?

    • 3 months ago

      directed energy nukes.
      basically, if you surround a nuke with xray lasers, you can create a giant frickoff xray laser pulse. So You point that at the ayy's.

  25. 3 months ago

    Be embroiled in ww2 when they arrive. It's that easy.
    >if anyone gets this I will personally watch another video of russians getting droned on the front

    • 3 months ago

      The outside context? Like the event from stellaris?

      • 3 months ago

        It's from Arma 3 expansion Contact, where an alien ship arrives during the war.

        • 3 months ago

          Cool. Is it worth picking up Arma 3 for this expansion alone?

          • 3 months ago

            NTA but yeah. Its different from the base game as you will spend more time sneaking around and walking. The DLC features electronic warfare so you can do some pretty cool stuff like sending a bunch of enemy troops the wrong way, or hacking an apc so it shoots the enemy, I think its great

        • 3 months ago

          doesn't the game take place in 2036 or something? or did I miss some piece of lore while playing talking about WW2?

    • 3 months ago

      Ginger is truly the most powerful weapon against the reptilian menace

  26. 3 months ago

    Were gonna need the worlds biggest 45mm pistol.

  27. 3 months ago

    dig a deep whole put a nuke inside and tungsten rod on top.

  28. 3 months ago

    nuclear space minefield

  29. 3 months ago

    If some hostile force were capable of accelerating mass anywhere near the speed of light it would automatically be over. They could accelerate any modestly size mass at a percentage near the speed of light and it would kill everything.

  30. 3 months ago

    >big hole in the ground
    >a lot of water
    >copper cap over the hole

  31. 3 months ago

    I for one welcome our new overlords

  32. 3 months ago

    Flawed unrealistic premise.

    They can't care for our planet because our biology is alien and worse than colonizing a random moon.
    The technology needed for manned interstellar imply they can live literally anywhere they want.
    The only hostile intention that would matter is extinction of other race, which can be done much easier without leaving your system.

    Also "kill everything that differ from you" is not a viable strategy, as survival require multiple individual and making more colonies to avoid extinction.
    A survival strategy which, without FTL comm is not available for an hostile race who would want to preserve their unity.
    You could try a Berserker killer swarm strategy but without FTL comm you will lose control and plain mutation will result in the killing swarm killing you (or you running out of resources in the home system).
    Or maybe the swarm going sentient and deciding they want to be benevolent pacifist instead.

    • 3 months ago

      i always forget how gay it was

    • 3 months ago

      More, are we the allyiums that got nuked or we the nukers?

      • 3 months ago

        There's no nukers, only "soon to be nuked for nuking others"

        • 3 months ago

          the alloyiens that observed the barbarian alouii sent the nuke that shattered their planet, I'm wondering if the blue planet mention is Earth or if it's we that sent gift.
          either way, I like the short story, like old axolotl with xenos zapping humanity from afar because they feared any sentient life form going wild.

  33. 3 months ago

    Just gas the planet, you gay morons.

    Aliens are beholden to the Geneva Convention.

  34. 3 months ago

    Gentlemen, I propose 100Mt thermonuclear warheads mounted on intraplanetary sytem launch vehichles, supported by a permenant manned militay base on the fricking moon.
    We're going to cook us some alien pussy godamnit, and we're going to make Luna our b***h while we're at it.

  35. 3 months ago

    A strike team using P90s.

  36. 3 months ago

    I embezzle all the project funds to build a personal high-security compound and sequester myself along with as many hot b***hes as I can. It's 50 years, we'll have wiped ourselves out by the time they arrive anyway.

  37. 3 months ago

    If they’re sunlight and 50 years out, then they’re slowing down and cannot alter course. Begin the triarii program and start chucking nuclear javelins at them.

  38. 3 months ago

    We already have designs for ftl space-time drives. We could already build spaceships that would be able to take them out if we stopped making iphones, mcdonalds, and porn.

    • 3 months ago

      Wasnt the mass-energy equivalent of fricking jupiter a requirement for current warp drive theories?

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, driven down from needing the entire universe's mass in fuel. The physics behind it have been tested at least twice. It works, it's just not fully worked out.
        So, the answer might be
        >build warp-driven nuclear space torpedoes
        >build warp fighters
        >scout then saturate the invaders
        >finish fleet extermination with fighters
        >scavenge the remains
        >bring survivors to Earth to serve as space harem/hostages

        • 3 months ago

          Assuming the universe doesn't want to let go of either relativity or causality, a warp drive is going to have issues if you run it into your past light cone (aka a place where you can effect your past). I wonder what happens when you do that.

          • 3 months ago

            Alcubierre Drive mathematics don't seem to effect the past, they imply warping the universe's fabric in front of you. I'd be more concerned with what that effect does to things like planets with a large enough drive unit. Also, buildup of X-rays at the front of the wave may sterilize solar systems but YMMV.

            • 3 months ago

              >that awkward moment when the envoy ship you sent to meet a recently contacted species gets atomized on your arrival

  39. 3 months ago


  40. 3 months ago

    Id blast their home plane with x ray lasers to kill them all for 50 years. Then when the fleet comes here im like look your home world is an irradiated piece of shit and I killed almost all of you. Do you want to responsible for your species extinction? Go away

  41. 3 months ago
  42. 3 months ago

    I'm going to bend them over and frick every single one of them

  43. 3 months ago

    WW2 style anti aircraft fire into space but with nuclear missles

  44. 3 months ago

    If we know the direction and speed, begin making a bunch of mass drivers on the moon or other relatively low gravity body. Start taking a bunch of stone, put a small explosive in it on a long timer with a nuclear battery or other long-lived power source, and fling them out on an escape trajectory (rocket assisted if need be) to detonate just slightly in front of the incoming fleet. A flak wall traveling at relativistic speeds is going to make anyone upset no matter their technology level.

    • 3 months ago

      WW2 style anti aircraft fire into space but with nuclear missles

      Sirs, please pay me royalties for my ideas.
      You didn't even mention the alien pussy we'll crush.

      Gentlemen, I propose 100Mt thermonuclear warheads mounted on intraplanetary sytem launch vehichles, supported by a permenant manned militay base on the fricking moon.
      We're going to cook us some alien pussy godamnit, and we're going to make Luna our b***h while we're at it.

      • 3 months ago

        You get no (xeno)bitches

  45. 3 months ago

    >Aliens from another planet are coming to earth with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL. They are limited to sublight speed and it will take them 50 years to arrive. You are chosen to make a plan to deal with them. What is it?
    We've lost because they are far more advanced than us and have mobility, earth is a static position that must be defended. They have us by the balls..

  46. 3 months ago

    Send the ayyys footage of modern Russia and trick them into thinking that Earth has absolutely nothing of value and isn't worth a 50 year trip to invade.

  47. 3 months ago

    Evacuation of as much of the earths population in as many directions a possible and booby trap the earth with volunteers providing a suicide mission defense. Then the evacuations turn around and come home if the defenders succeed.

  48. 3 months ago

    Hopefully I'll be dead in 50 years.

    • 3 months ago

      The simulation won't let us die. They don't have anything to replace us with and zoomers are obviously optimised to take up as little storage as possible while retaining the minimum functional characteristics of a human brain.

  49. 3 months ago

    >Aliens from another planet are coming to earth with hostile intentions, but do not have FTL. They are limited to sublight speed and it will take them 50 years to arrive. You are chosen to make a plan to deal with them. What is it?

  50. 3 months ago

    >2400 AD humans decide to send a big Ark off into space towards a nearby star
    >upon this ship will live multiple generations
    >some people decide for some reason the ship needs armaments (presumably to blast mine asteroids or some shit)
    >some homosexuals on earth decide the ship needs "diversity" and poison the ship's gene pool with their sacred cows
    >cut to n generations later
    >the Ark is internally in disarray, has no contact with the rest of humanity
    >ship computer keeps most of the mechanics of the ship running smoothly as most of this was inaccessible to the people onboard
    >ship AI was pozzed from the start and didn't help anything and is also in disarray
    >the inside of the ship is a shithole filled with morons living a semi cargo cult lifestyle
    >looks like johannesburg inside
    >nth generation space chimps are, of course, hostile by default
    >be ayys just chilling on your planet
    >see a massive spaceship more advanced than your civilization could ever hope to build
    >it is armed and will reach you in 50 years
    >what do???
    >50 years later the ship lands and hordes of feral chimps spill out
    >just end up shooting them with .45 ACP (alien colt pistol)
    >problem: solved

    basically if that's the case we just shoot them as usual after 50 years and the government goes back to its usual job of raping and pillaging the middle class. out of the news cycle in under a week. actually, adjusted for attention span deflation, it'd be out of the news cycle in 30 minutes if we look 50 years ahead

  51. 3 months ago

    we get it you read three body
    turn every asteroid in the belt into a seek and destroy drone

    • 3 months ago

      Or a spaceship.

      • 3 months ago

        I fricking hate droplet radiators, surely any amount of nozzle imperfection means that you're loosing coolant mass for as long as you run the system, given it would miss the collector?

        • 3 months ago

          Ok, how about this?

          • 3 months ago

            They're gonna figure out that it's a warship anon.
            I propose we send a shitty mining vessel to crash into the ayys and melt down it's reactor, turning the whole fleet into radioactive scrap.
            This thing might do.

            • 3 months ago

              Ok, have it look like a fish

          • 3 months ago

            >do a round circular spaceship that seem to use centripetal gravity
            >make it 360° cause there's no up/down in space
            >put a stupid 2D boat bridge on top of it.

        • 3 months ago

          You can make the collector a lot bigger than the nozzle. I feel like current machine precision is more than good enough

  52. 3 months ago

    >You are chosen to make a plan to deal with them. What is it?
    Start working on dilating my anus from tomorrow onwards.

  53. 3 months ago

    Give them Mars or Europa, help them set up the colonies and start trading. The Solar System is big. With hundred of mineral-rich dwarf planets and asteroids and hundreds of places that you can harvest and filter ice and water. We don't have any actual need to take an offensive stance. If they can make a interstellar habitat that is good enough, they can make a swanky stationary colony, or even a really really good planetary colony.

    We have made wolves, cats, even crocodiles into friends before. Apex predators that in any other curcumstance find us better as a meal than as a friend. A species that can do that would be able to reach out to the stars and find friendship among those who have found their way to us through the dim and loneliness of the void with ease. We will find friends.

    • 3 months ago

      Establish cultural exchange.
      Start making ships out of the asteroid belt.
      Turn the gas giants into gas stations.
      Start to build Venus back into what she was 20 million y/a...

      • 3 months ago

        Combine tech and build a semi Dyson around Sol to refine anti matter.
        Figure out FTL by doing...something with electron spin.
        Start looking around local systems for other civs.

    • 3 months ago

      Establish cultural exchange.
      Start making ships out of the asteroid belt.
      Turn the gas giants into gas stations.
      Start to build Venus back into what she was 20 million y/a...

      Combine tech and build a semi Dyson around Sol to refine anti matter.
      Figure out FTL by doing...something with electron spin.
      Start looking around local systems for other civs.

      They take every other planets/moons because we don't have the technologies to stop or hinder them.
      They are vastly smarter than us and will quickly and easily find reasons to not share technology with our warlike species (unlike them we aren't unified).
      They will pretend to come as friend, they will suggest plenty of way to disarm ourselves & fix our planet, it will only be a side effect that our technology stagnate or become overly reliant on stuff they produce but we cannot retro engineer.
      They will understand our biosphere, cure everything, show us how easily they can sniff out our entire civilization with a virus without ever endangering themselves.
      Any act of rebellion against them will be shown as proof of our warlike tendencies that need to be curbed.

      Eventually Mankind will have to be fixed before they are allowed to go into far in space.
      However this happen, the alien will be in control of the process, it will be gradual and we will be made to believe we are happier having them do it.
      Any idea that they might be manipulating our genome to be in thrall to them will be openly discussed and lead to the conclusion we human are not yet smart and organized enough to prove it is happening, and if it was, wouldn't it be the best path for mankind?

      Beside, Mankind was clearly wrong with their "Fermi Paradox" since they exist, even if somehow mankind were to kill the savior handing them help, they are way too late to survive the others alien.

  54. 3 months ago

    Muh dick.

  55. 3 months ago

    Can't you just make large projectiles with nuclear propulsion? You can probably slingshot them around the sun with solar sails for even more speed. Hundreds of 100 ton DU rods orbiting around the sun with nuclear and sail propulsion before being hurled at absurd speeds into the approaching craft should be damaging enough.

  56. 3 months ago

    I enjoy my remaining 50 years and die of old age just as ayys arrive, caring nothing about what happens afterwards

  57. 3 months ago

    Shape charge several miles in diameter. When the ayys get within range we btfo with a jet of copper plasma. The simplest solutions are often best

  58. 3 months ago

    largely depends on the aliens defense systems

    like what are there navigation systems? Can they avoid debris?
    do they have defense against rockets?
    do they have to come down to earth to fight us, or can they just fly over and destroy / control everything?

    They easiest way is probably just to build a bunch of humongous hydrogen bombs and prepare them in orbit for a launch
    hydrogen bombs have no theoretical upper limit on their size
    the tsar bomb had a destruction radius of like 20km
    it's almost impossible to build large scale, economical protection against nuclear bombs
    and making stuff radiation safe is another challenge - we could just make it a dirty bomb too

    but 20km destruction radius is plenty
    and 50 years are more than enough to get a few 100k bombs into orbit

  59. 3 months ago


  60. 3 months ago

    I deculture them, simple as.

  61. 3 months ago

    we're gonna need a bigger ratshot

    • 3 months ago

      we need rod from God

      • 3 months ago
  62. 3 months ago

    Nuke Russia immediately because those spiteful little cucks are certainly already working with them.

    • 3 months ago


  63. 3 months ago

    I get a brick.

  64. 3 months ago

    I'll be dead in 50 years, what do I care.

    • 3 months ago

      also I'm gay and a leftoid not sure if that matters here

  65. 3 months ago


    >bringing up politics out of the blue
    >say “group I hate would be traitors but group I like would” like a child
    Lacking in introspection are we?
    It was truly a team effort, but you led us there and got the ball rolling, good on ya. The dinduing at the end was a masterful touch, all but ensuring the demise of the topic.
    Next time, try to be an adult and keep the discussion on the right track. If you sprinkle “btw leftists are traitors” when you don’t actually want to talk about politics… you’re even dumber than you sound.
    Fricking idiot.

    • 3 months ago

      should reply to

      You, you derailed this thread. Not trump, not desantis, not fricking bush, you.
      Shut the frick up and post moronic planetary defence ideas or gtfo.

      Mr. “All leftists are anti-human traitors and all rightists just want to win but I don’t want to talk about politics”

      Anyways, gonna un-derail Donny Dipshit’s outburst

      >humanity puts aside its interhuman conflicts and joins together as a monolithic empire to defeat the nonhuman aliens
      Uh, wrong: if anything, it would further polarize all conflicts; at the very least, you'll have a new iteration of Left vs Right:

      >self-hating zealots
      >hate humans
      >think aliens will be better bosses
      >want to sell out humanity to the aliens
      >want the aliens to win

      >alien-hating zealots
      >hate aliens
      >know that aliens would only enslave humans in order to simply kill off all the humans efficiently by using the race-traitors against the other humans before ultimately liquidating the political prostitutes after the other humans are extinct, instead of enslaving them perpetually, besides, humans make better bosses anyway
      >want humans to win


      ideal weapons against ayys:
      orbital mirrors
      biological/chemical weapons are our best bet given our tech disadvantage

  66. 3 months ago

    build a army of skyscraper tall mechas

  67. 3 months ago

    We'll need a lot of untrained recruits and as many explosives as possible.

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