Why did it fail?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    because you touch yourself at night

    • 5 months ago

      Because frick ya mudda

      I hate this larping homosexual
      There are a few hundred thousand Ukrainians with more experience and a greater claim to combat experience and know how than this youjew

      Quality and on topic posts.

      • 5 months ago

        Only the finest for such a quality and on-topic thread.

        • 5 months ago

          It's a fricking weapons post containing decent discussion of weapons for once, get the frick out and go back to one of the million off-topic slavwar threads

          • 5 months ago

            >off-topic slavwar threads
            Go back to gobbling wiener, pidor

            • 5 months ago

              >Noooo our millions of Ukraine war threads that have ruined /k/ are completely on topic!!!!

              • 5 months ago

                Ruined? More like entertained. I am watching 4k vids of delicious TZD every day. T90 being banged by Bradley, 4k footage of Drones bombing ziggers, and puccian wunderwuffe being annihilated and being shown that its a joke, while they pull equipment from the 50s because all their "modern" stuff is gone. Seems like you're a little invested in this and I diagnose you with /misc/ brain rot syndrome

  2. 5 months ago

    Because frick ya mudda

  3. 5 months ago

    I hate this larping homosexual
    There are a few hundred thousand Ukrainians with more experience and a greater claim to combat experience and know how than this youjew

    • 5 months ago

      It is interesting to think about how he got famous. He's always had really good editors and color graders, but I think a lot of it comes down to his expansive body language and storytelling-style vocal pacing, which make him come across as likable despite never saying anything funny.

      • 5 months ago

        GT got big because he followed the demolition ranch formula of appealing to children and normalgays through the use of clickbait titles and pop content instead of gear reviews like he used to do.

      • 5 months ago

        vocal pacing

        he has no jaw and talks with a lisp. it's painfully cringe and is the icing on the pog cake of homosexual pretending to have knowledge beyond what he heard someone else say.

        • 5 months ago

          >icing on the pog cake
          I'm not here to ride his dick but he was a tacp. AF doesn't have infantry but tacp is one of the least POG AFSCs you can have.

          • 5 months ago

            bro tacps are air controllers. 99% of their training is in a classroom, and a simulator. they then drive to an observation point and control a couple live drops to get their quals and title. they're only useful to teams of shooters that are only allotted so many members in their T/O that there's not enough time on contract to send their dudes to ATC school on top of JTAC. There's some dope TACPs that did a lot of deconfliction and controls during the GWOT, sure. Micheal Jones is not one of them. He's a youtuber and panderer to the lowest common denominator who acts on camera for youtube adbux. good for him for making himself wealthy, but I cant look at him without seeing him as a guy in a army-man costume showing up to children's birthday parties.

      • 5 months ago

        >He's always had really good editors and color graders
        I don't know anything about video production, but even I notice he frequently fricks up while speaking and sometimes they'll accidentally leave in two takes of him saying the same thing back-to-back. Is his time really so valuable that they can't do a second take when he stumbles over his words, or watch the video for editing errors before uploading? (Don't answer that; I know it's not; he posts here FFS)

    • 5 months ago

      Okay, where were they 8 years ago when he started posting vids? Anyone can make a youtube channel, yet whenever slavs try they put dogshit heavy metal over everything and nobody wants to subject themselves to that earrape.

      • 5 months ago

        >Okay, where were they 8 years ago when he started posting vids?
        In the same trenches they are now around donetsk, except back then tourists weren't dick riding them
        >inb4 hurr ur a vatnik

    • 5 months ago

      he makes videos where actually tests weapons with thousands of rounds. he also was a tacp in an sts which is hard as frick to get into. you have to be smart and fit, both of which you are not. then he went from enlisted to officer which is fricking nearly impossible in the usaf. so suck a dick, contrarian nerd.

      • 5 months ago

        Man this looks like so much fun. Sometimes I wish when I was younger I went into the military instead of going to school for engineering. I was fit and have the brains for this shit. Now I'm a 30yo boomer

        • 5 months ago

          The only AFSOC that matters are the SG teams.

        • 5 months ago

          >Now I'm a 30yo boomer
          Max age to join USAF is 42 and some dude completed Combat Control School at 39 off the street

    • 5 months ago

      lol bro is jelly

      • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


      Templar Scythe G2 is a clone ACR

      this is why i hate russia, they left the hoholgays alive. no one who has ever had to put up with the fricking ukranians would ever cheer them on.

      • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >There are a few hundred thousand Ukrainians

    • 5 months ago

      Not really. Trench sweepers aren't skilled troops man sorry. A deployment doesn't make you a badass.

    • 5 months ago

      Ukrainians are literally useless grunts that are just paid to kill themselves for our pleasure.
      Their opinions aren't worth a sack of shit.

  4. 5 months ago

    Because it cost too much, weighs a ton, and didn't live up to the promise of it's modular design. Magpul hurt it by failing to design sufficiently lightweight quick-change barrel hardware, and Bushmaster killed it by charging too much and failing to support it. It is pretty accurate though and mine hasn't had a single failure that I can remember that wasn't caused by me failing to remove excess oil before shooting it in sub-zero temperatures. That's with thousands of rounds, including lots of steel case

    • 5 months ago

      >Because it cost too much, weighs a ton, and didn't live up to the promise of it's modular design.
      But enough about the Sig Spear.

    • 5 months ago

      give me that barrel

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry anon, I need this obnoxiously long barrel. Any shorter and it has to go on the canuckistani "restricted" (SBR) registry

        • 5 months ago

          balls. If you're using that you should try keeping an eye out for one of the extended handguards so it doesn't look circumsized. Problem with ACRs now is everyone who has one or parts wants to keep it, making finding parts that much more of a hassle. Just saw a 16" barrel on gunbroker but I need to get the polymer handguard too.

          • 5 months ago

            >you should try keeping an eye out for one of the extended handguards so it doesn't look circumsized
            I was looking for one of those a couple of years ago, but I pretty much gave up. Apparently the one I was looking at was discontinued only months before I started looking. I can't remember which one that was off the top of my head
            >I need to get the polymer handguard too
            For the sake of aesthetics with that barrel, you mean? I'd recommend trying to get a hold of one either way. I have the tri-rail handguard as well, and I can tell you the polymer one is *way* lighter. I also just find it more ergonomic in general, I have small hands and the tri-rail feels like a big boxy cheese grater

            • 5 months ago

              I mostly want one for the aesthetics, as the weight doesn't bother me and if anything helps keep the recoil flat. I've got


              I like mine, still gotta decide on a sight since this $40 Cmore broke.

              so with that 10.5" barrel I'd either need another longer barrel to use it or take the brake off and do something like a direct-thread suppressor. I bought it with a short midwest industries m-lok handguard so I can throw that on if I want to shave off a million pounds there. The ACR was made to be adaptable so might as well use that feature instead of stick with 1 configuration. Do you know anything of the return to zero for the barrel with yours? That's the only issue I see myself having but I won't be going beyond a red dot anyways.

              • 5 months ago

                >I've got


                I like mine, still gotta decide on a sight since this $40 Cmore broke.
                Nice, I do think they look better in a shorty config
                >Do you know anything of the return to zero for the barrel with yours?
                It's pretty damn close. If I remember right, the farthest I've seen it wander was a little over an MOA or so, but most times it was less than an inch. Actually, random question while I've got another ACR owner here, does your barrel wrench still ratchet? I've had the rifle for a decade or so and the barrel has been in and out a lot, and at some point it went from a ratcheting action to a smooth one. It still retains the barrel fine, but I thought that was weird

              • 5 months ago

                yeah it still does, just on the insert. I suppose as long as it still works then hell yeah. I bought mine second hand after the paintjob and other modifications were done to it, but the original owner allegedly hadn't used it much. I only have around 500 rounds through mine and barrel in and out for cleaning a bunch so we'll see what changes wear into it.
                >the farthest I've seen it wander was a little over an MOA or so
                Good to know. I'll probably have more drift zeroing to two barrels than taking out the same one, but glad the mechanism has been solid. I may get the polymer handguard and a longer barrel (cut down to maybe 12.5 or whatever will just peak past it) then brake that and have the 10.5" direct thread suppressed to swap the two. Kinda like how this pic is.
                Also about the tri-rail handguard, is the picatinny too small on yours as well or did I just get screwed? I have electrical tape in each attachment because the rail seems too small for things to lock on, which thankfully has been a well-working fix. Just another reason to get the polymer handguard.

              • 5 months ago

                did more googling and 12.5" looks like the right choice.

              • 5 months ago

                >I only have around 500 rounds through mine
                Sweet. That's barely broken in, you've probably got one of the freshest ones left in existence lol
                >I may get the polymer handguard and a longer barrel (cut down to maybe 12.5 or whatever will just peak past it) then brake that and have the 10.5" direct thread suppressed to swap the two. Kinda like how this pic is.
                Nice. That really is the best way to run these guns I think, I just can't bring myself to register it
                >is the picatinny too small on yours as well or did I just get screwed?
                That was never a problem for me. Off the top of my head, I've run a couple of Streamlights and Magpul VFGs off the tri-rail over the years, and it all interfaced like it should. My only problem was it didn't have enough real estate for me to grab on to, personally, especially with a light attached

            • 5 months ago

              >Apparently the one I was looking at was discontinued only months before I started looking
              My fricking life as a gun owner

  5. 5 months ago

    >Is in one of the coolest CoD missions of all time
    >is a massive disappointment irl

    • 5 months ago

      The snow one with Soap?

    • 5 months ago

      They literally paid money for it to be powerful in CoD anon.
      "Intervention" too.

      • 5 months ago

        Yes they did, kek. It definitely boosted the profile of the gun, imagine how much bank they could have made if they'd stuck the landing with the rifle itself

        • 5 months ago

          I assume it's because Bushmaster and Remington are run by morons?

          Is this shit really why all FPS devs are now homosexuals afraid to use real gun names or designations so they come up with BS fake names?

          • 5 months ago

            >Is this shit really why all FPS devs are now homosexuals afraid to use real gun names or designations so they come up with BS fake names?
            I never connected those dots, but yes, I'll bet you anything that's why. It's so fricking lame, I was sold on the in-depth weapon customization in Modern Warfare, and then I get in the game and I have the option to put a "Holotech" sight, which even looks like an airshit knockoff btw, onto my "Crossburg 950" shotgun or some shit. Instantly killed my hard on, the inauthenticity sucks 90% of the fun out of it

          • 5 months ago

            >Is this shit really why all FPS devs are now homosexuals afraid to use real gun names or designations so they come up with BS fake names?
            That and gun manufacturers know they can actually charge out the ass for loicensing fees now (vidya industry is bigger than Hollywood).

          • 5 months ago

            >Is this shit really why all FPS devs are now homosexuals afraid to use real gun names or designations so they come up with BS fake names?
            The real reason is that in the past many gun companies would give licensing out for free because it was literally free advertising to have your product on a popular game (car companies would give licenses for cheap). As videogames became more profitable now all the gun companies want games to pay expensive licensing fees (car companies have also made licenses much more expensive which is why new car game sequels tend to have less cars than the developers' earlier games).

            • 5 months ago

              >Is this shit really why all FPS devs are now homosexuals afraid to use real gun names or designations so they come up with BS fake names?
              That and gun manufacturers know they can actually charge out the ass for loicensing fees now (vidya industry is bigger than Hollywood).

              >corporate greed is why we can't have nice things anymore

              Checks out.

          • 5 months ago

            It's really moronic since the vast majority of guns in cod or bf have actual military designations they could use instead of calling shit cumnado xxxtreme or assripper A7.

      • 5 months ago

        Yes they did, kek. It definitely boosted the profile of the gun, imagine how much bank they could have made if they'd stuck the landing with the rifle itself

        Holy based.

    • 5 months ago

      Just like the Honey Badger

  6. 5 months ago

    Army saying "we need a new gun" having companies invest a bunch of time and resources into making one and then pulling a "lol syke" will derail pretty much any project.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry though, SIG got theirs.

  7. 5 months ago

    did it really have zero recoil like in the og mw2 or anything close to it?

    • 5 months ago

      Is this a Californian kid up past his bedtime or a British adult?

    • 5 months ago

      I think a gun that heavy would have rather low felt recoil

  8. 5 months ago

    I like mine, still gotta decide on a sight since this $40 Cmore broke.

  9. 5 months ago

    If it doesn't have cross iron sights, it's not an ACR. Simple as.

  10. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Posting the satanic cultist, cuck cum gurbler

  11. 5 months ago

    Because nothing will ever replace the AR while we still use smokeless ammunition.

  12. 5 months ago

    It didn't offer a significant improvement over M16/M4 to be worth the cost of replacement and Bushmaster/Remington didn't offer enough bribes or executive positions to soon to be retired generals to overcome that.

  13. 5 months ago

    Because Bushmaster abandoned it. Plus little to none aftermarket support. I think it was ahead of its time.

  14. 5 months ago

    Its fine. Just unsupported then Remington takeover effects on quality. The early ones are really superb if a touch heavy, but not really that heavy, about the same as most piston guns on the market.

  15. 5 months ago

    What's the point of this fricking thing? It's just an AR-18

    • 5 months ago

      98% of Not-AR15s are bastardized AR18s
      Stoner was that amazing

    • 5 months ago

      The point was supposed to be that it was almost literally a Lego gun. You can swap the stock, handguard and barrel with no tools in seconds. The stock and handguard are just attached with pushpins, like the receivers, and you just pull down a lever under the handguard to release the barrel. It's an awesome idea, but Bushmaster charged H&K prices for the rifle when it was supposed to cost as much as an average AR, and then they never came out with the barrel's, caliber kits and accessories to actually make the modularity matter.

      • 5 months ago

        but other guns have been able to do that for decades in all the ways that matter, no one's going to need to switch parts like that in a situation where they don't have tools or a couple minutes to spare

        • 5 months ago

          If it was just the handguard and stick, yes, that would be fairly gimmicky. But being able to go from a 16" 5.56 rifle to a 10.5" 300 Blackout rifle instantly is unique. Or a 30 cal DMR to a 5.56 SBR. If rapid topless reconfiguration doesn't appeal to you, then of course it'll seem pointless, but people were excited about having a rifle that was basically a transformer. Remember this was the mid-2000s, we didn't have all the same stuff we have now

          • 5 months ago

            just feels like too granular of a system when changing uppers on an AR costs only marginally more and keeps things more contained, i had hoped these meme rifles had some novelty mechanisms and design features in the guts instead of being literally just plastic shells

            • 5 months ago

              The novelty was entirely in the Lego factor. The bolt catch/release is great too, actually, it's on the bottom of the trigger guard so you can operate it seamlessly with your trigger finger. That was a nice optimization for the time. Other than that, it's a standard piston rifle in operation

            • 4 months ago

              >changing uppers on an AR costs only marginally more and keeps things more contained
              >haha instead of carrying a different barrel ill just carry a whole extra half a gun

          • 5 months ago

            Forgive my phoneposting

        • 5 months ago

          >other guns have been able to do that for decades in all the ways that matter
          A lot of guns can do that nowadays but very few could do that 2006-2009 which is when everybody was excited for the Bushmaster ACR.

  16. 5 months ago

    Cause Remington.

  17. 5 months ago

    ACR silencer on SnD was the GOATd in 2009 breh

  18. 5 months ago

    It didn't really do anything better than the AR.
    In fact it did some things significantly worse before it got unfricked, and it changing hands repeatedly and the recalls didn't help in building trust either.
    Wouldn't mind having one just for the 00s memegun factor.

  19. 5 months ago

    It failed because gaypul promised people the moon, and then consoomers got mad at Remington/Shrubmaster when it turned out to be more expensive than anticipated. The only conversion kits to ever come out were in Remington's special snowflake 6.8 SPC caliber, which nobody cared about then and still don't. Forumgays were also butthurt that the mil/leo version came with 1:7 twist barrels whereas the consumer market version had 1:9 twist barrels. In the end, it failed to catch on because ARgays only buy ARs. Sig was smart by making the MCX into a quasi-M4 to keep ARtards from having autistic meltdowns over "muh unergonomic manual of arms" or something equally stupid.

    • 5 months ago

      The price thing was overblown as hell. It was promised to cost around $1500 and a few years later had an MSRP of $2000 with a street of $1650-1750. The M4 profile barrel, 1/9 twist, and the base model not having the folding stock that eveyrone wanted, along with poor reliability was what killed it.

      • 5 months ago

        Nah. The early models were very reliable. The early guns are MUCH better than the later ones (you can tell because the brass deflector is a square instead of a comma). It was also using melonite coated barrels before it became a big thing in the industry. The issues you claim about 1:9 barrel and lack of folding stock or the remington defense handguard that made its rounds at trade shows turned alot of people away. If they had offered the Remington defense model with a 1:7 or 1:8 barrel for $1,500 street, and also had the AK mag lowers available at launch with appropriate barrels and bolt heads, they’d have had a winner IMO.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, I've got an early one made in Ilion

          Because it cost too much, weighs a ton, and didn't live up to the promise of it's modular design. Magpul hurt it by failing to design sufficiently lightweight quick-change barrel hardware, and Bushmaster killed it by charging too much and failing to support it. It is pretty accurate though and mine hasn't had a single failure that I can remember that wasn't caused by me failing to remove excess oil before shooting it in sub-zero temperatures. That's with thousands of rounds, including lots of steel case

          and it's rock solid


          My Aimpoint Pro and Eotech EXPS2 are on different guns.
          Came with the gun
          Sneedlight isn't any worse at making the dark go away than Surefire. I like that SF is made in America, but that's where all the cost difference is.

          • 5 months ago

            >I like that SF is made in America, but that's where all the cost difference is
            It's not even fully made in America anymore, my new 640 was "assembled in the USA".

          • 5 months ago

            arisaka chads ftw

            • 5 months ago

              meant for

              >I like that SF is made in America, but that's where all the cost difference is
              It's not even fully made in America anymore, my new 640 was "assembled in the USA".

  20. 5 months ago

    what made the acr so advanced. shit just looks like fancy dancy M4 to me

  21. 5 months ago

    The freedom group

  22. 5 months ago

    Remington. Over-promised and under-delivered, end product was overly fat and heavy, barrels and conversions were impossible to come by, the barrel it did come with was nothing special. It was a cool concept that paved the way for better iterations to come later from a bunch of companies but was just worse in almost every way than it's primary peers of the day—the rapidly updating M4/AR15, the SCAR, and the HK416.

    • 5 months ago

      Also this. It had a 2 year window of opportunity to be America’s next rifle. It had the features (supposedly), the whole look, the marketing, the vidya appearance, everything going for it. I mean, it’s basically a G36 with an aluminum receiver (identical gas system and bolt carrier group). Even the handguard attaches the exact same way.

      It came in a pound too heavy with none of the real features that made everyone think “i could drop $1500 and have a next-gen combat rifle, and the. only an additional few hundred per caliber/mag conversion”.

      Interestingly the XCR-L has done and has continued to do what the ACR oeiginally promised. Its just that the first 5-6 years of teething issues really stymied its prospects.

      • 5 months ago

        The ACR is to the early-mid 2000's what the SCAR is now, but even then at least the end product of the SCAR is just kinda overpriced and has an aftermarket. Remington (and from what I understand Magpul as well) just did a few things just a little TOO wrong and they were incapable of reading the market's needs that it fell short. Just like how nowadays FN's autistic attitude about not wanting to update the SCAR in any way (even if it just meant a factory rail that was a bit longer and a proper buffer in the stock assembly to stop killing optics) that makes it a hard sell versus alternatives such as the AR15 which is beyond mature in design now and examples like you mentioned with the XCR are finally what they also promised to be upon launch.

        • 5 months ago

          the issue with scar recoil has nothing to do with the buffer, its the forward impulse from the heavy ass bolt slamming home that throws a forward impulse into the scope. its the same reason you cant put a cheap leupold on a pellet rifle, the forward impulse of the piston throws the lenses out becasue theres no retainer ring on them since "hurr durr no recoil"

          • 5 months ago

            I thought it was due to the tuning fork of the receiver partly in part because there's no form of buffer interface on the gun to help mitigate the impulse which then fricks up optics

            • 5 months ago

              most optics are built for rearward impulse, the only guns that really screw them up are the ones with heavy bolts like the scar or barrett, thats why you see "ok for 50 cal" on some optics as a marketing point because they have the extra bits to hold the lenses in because the bolts forward impulse is almost the same as the initial shock backwards. the recoil of the 308 scar is much lighter than the FAL or M14 for instance but you don't hear about that breaking optics nearly as much

              • 5 months ago

                Gotcha, explains a fair bit then. Thank you, I stand corrected.

                ok post service weapon since you clearly dont have anything of your own


              • 5 months ago

                Posts like these make /k/ worth coming to.

        • 5 months ago

          post guns

          • 5 months ago

            What part do you disagree with little champ, that your dumb meme rifle is overpriced and is being carried by aftermarket and clout and not actual contracts?

            • 5 months ago

              ok post service weapon since you clearly dont have anything of your own

      • 5 months ago

        the XCR-L has a better feel to it than the ACR.

  23. 5 months ago


    It's a range toy, there's no reason to put overpriced optics like a T2 and a $400 surefire when it's a meme gun.

  24. 5 months ago

    Because it's not a bullpup.

  25. 5 months ago

    too advanced

  26. 5 months ago

    Colt throwing the mother of all temper tantrums and lobby money.

  27. 5 months ago

    Its a good rifle that failed to be cheaper and more effective than the m4/m16s they were trying to replace. I like the forward charging handle feeling like butter and the bolt release being ambi that actuates with your index finger.

  28. 5 months ago

    doesn't do anything an AR can't while weighing and costing less

  29. 5 months ago

    How come nobody has improved the design? Who owns the rights?

    • 5 months ago

      The MSBS is a shameless copy of it, so if you consider an optional bullpup conversion to be an improvement, then the polacks did.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember thinking that when I saw it for the first time lol

    • 5 months ago

      IIRC Franklin Armory got the rights/TDP to the ACR when shrubmaster went under.

  30. 5 months ago

    Because it couldn't retain zero, was made out of easily broken materials, weighed too much, and was another crappy AR18 clone.

  31. 5 months ago
    goes in all fields


    • 4 months ago

      It's just some guy having a laugh. He used to do Hop thumbnails. Now he's sucking off GT for some reason.

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