Why is the US military so extremely powerful to a ludicrous degree?

Why is the US military so extremely powerful to a ludicrous degree? It's not like there's any inherent reason for the military to be so good, there's unique to the US that would increase its military strength by so much.

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  1. 2 years ago

    We aren't very good at anything particularly. We are just well supplied and we do our best to make sure we aren't completely fricked at anything out of neglect or ego.
    Not being terrible at anything is infinitely better than being great at a few things.

    • 2 years ago

      Air Power, logistics, ISR, and force projection are four things the US is significantly better than anyone else at.

    • 2 years ago

      >We aren't very good at anything particularly.
      What is with this video game logic? USA does plenty of things far better than anyone else could even dream of doing. Do we need to post the air invasion of Iraq again?

    • 2 years ago

      We do air power better than anyone else. Practically our signature force.

      But why? It's not like the United States has a particularly martial culture.

      Bruh, we won our independence through WAR.

      • 2 years ago

        >Bruh, we won our independence through WAR

        This is true for most nations on earth, I'd wager.

        • 2 years ago

          Most countries have fought at least one revolutionary war. It isn't uncommon for countries to have fought many revolutionary/civil wars. Funny how do many people forget that just over 100 years prior to the US revolution, the British killed their Monarchy had a dictatorship and then reinstalled a different Monarchy.

  2. 2 years ago

    Ridiculously fricking massive budget, strong military tradition and academia, more experience in modern warfare than any other nation.

    • 2 years ago

      But why? It's not like the United States has a particularly martial culture.

      • 2 years ago

        Superpower mindset to protect their values maybe. They want to be able to use hard power when necessary

      • 2 years ago

        Boy has your city ass ever been through the hills of Appalachia? Boys shoot before they can walk even to this day.

        The entire nation was forged by fire, we've been at war for 90% of our existence. War is what we do; we have it down to a science in the most literal way possible.
        We spend billions not just on defense systems but creating and maintaining a parallel academia and research ecosystem designed to kill people in the most efficient and economical way possible.
        The US military can give you a very real, not honorary, BS, MS, or even PHD in warfare.
        To speak with absolutely zero irony, while you were parading in uniforms and grandstanding we were studying, analyzing, peer reviewing and publishing the blade.

        • 2 years ago

          The US doesn't have a martial culture, it just has a subset of poor or moronic men that serve 6 years for free college tuition or a Dodge Charger
          The other subset is highly educated men that get paid a fortune to develop Wunderwaffen that turn third worlders into a fine paste
          Average people at best go to the range and at worst just live in a cushy bubble where they never encounter violence once

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >The US doesn't have a martial culture
            only technically true in the sense that it can't be described as a "martial culture" across the board - patently false when one considers that the US absolutely does contain martial subcultures

            • 2 years ago

              On average there are more people with "martial culture" in Russia than in the US, you can hardly dispute that now having witnessed the average russian baying for blood for eight months. And look how they actually fight, they are fricking rubbish at war because martial culture doesn't mean shit in the end.

              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >strongman talk about the US
          The worst ordeal the US has ever been through is the Civil War, the losses caused by it nearly ripped the US to shreds. Like 1.5% of the population died from it. Pretty much every other country in the World has been through worse and has been "forged" by much hotter fires than our own. The real reason why the US is competent is because we don't have any misconceptions about the reality of war (or at least the people running our wars don't). We know that Johnny Reb, who has been shooting for his whole life, who could bench press a cow, or whatever other macho shit, will ultimately lose to some basedboy city slicker who actually has an absurd amount of logistic muscle behind him. There hasn't been pride or martial prowess in war since the civil war and this is the most important lesson we learned.

          • 2 years ago

            The big mistake from the Civil War was not executing all those who committed treason against the United States and instead, allowing them to fester to the point they could push lies like the Lost Cause and further destroy the US from within.
            It's how Putin was able to get install a useful idiot as the president.

            • 2 years ago

              lol suck a dick. Every state is always threatening secession and rebellion is in the blood. The US wasn't even 5 years out of the Independence war before some fricking Mbutthole morons tried to start another revolution and this time against the newly formed US gov. Ffs there's an entire wiki page listing every attempted rebellion in America and it ain't a short list

              • 2 years ago

                Only the south was moronic enough to go through with it and over slavery no less.
                Made it piss easy for Lincoln to frame it as a moral issue to isolate the Confederacy from the rest of the world.

        • 2 years ago

          >War is what we do; we have it down to a science in the most literal way possible.
          >struggles or outright fails to dominate brown shithole countries in the 20th & 21st centuries
          America is an embarrassment to Western civilization.

          • 2 years ago

            I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you're pretending to be a moron

      • 2 years ago

        At one point the largest demographics were the ones who rose to the challenge of defending the nation.

        But now that the government and most corporations have become Anti-White to a hilarious degree the Military is starting to fall apart.

        its going to be hilarious when the we have to go to war in the future and the Brown horde military falls apart because they cant maintain anything.

        • 2 years ago

          >t-the us will fall apart any day now!

        • 2 years ago

          Post passport vatnik

          • 2 years ago

            i don't have one

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not like the United States has a particularly martial culture
        >Waaah the US owns too many guns
        Dumbfrick moron Europeans just don't get it. They say America isn't martial while complaining about and demonizing the aspects that make us a militarized society. America isn't what YOU imagine a martial society to be, which is rich because no other country on Earth is remotely as competent at fighting wars.

        • 2 years ago

          If you want to see what a martial culture looks like, look at the Azov battalion or Switzerland.

          • 2 years ago

            >martial culture
            the swiss are just germans with 50% more autism
            only difference between those two is that the swiss are allowed to keep their service rifle after 5 months of military "service". most of them don't keep the rifle and go right back to bathing in nazi gold

            • 2 years ago

              >Swiss autism
              The Swiss have been obsessed with putting holes in things since the days of the Swiss pikeman. Now they fill this obsession by putting holes in:
              Cows for some reason
              bits of paper at the range
              pray that this keeps their more primal urges at bay lest we all have to deal with crazed Swissmen invading everyone with toggle locked clockwork firearms.

        • 2 years ago

          I know what you mean, but gun culture is not necessarily a military culture

      • 2 years ago

        I think it does.
        Gun and violence culture at least.
        Related to that point, the U.S. military is perfectly suited to curb-stomping inferior opponents.
        It remains to be seen how they will handle something resembling a challenge.
        I suspect they would get embarrassed in a similar way to the Russians.
        Take a moment to remember Vietnam before you call me a Russian shill or troony.

        • 2 years ago

          Based Dennis Hopper. I wonder whatever became of his FAL?

        • 2 years ago

          >Related to that point, the U.S. military is perfectly suited to curb-stomping inferior opponents. It remains to be seen how they will handle something resembling a challenge.
          There's a reason why it only has inferior opponents to curb stomp.
          Taking Iraq would have been a challenge for any other country, especially a far-away one without the US' power projection. The Soviets broke their teeth on Afghanistan while the US just sit around until they got tired of babysitting their puppet regime.

      • 2 years ago

        We realized post-WW2 that if we just fricked off back to isolation like we did after WW1 would just mean that we'd be fighting another god damn war in Europe in another 10-20 years, especially considering how devastated Europe was and how expansionist the Soviets were being. So we decided to stick around, rebuild Europe, get them on their feet and then maybe go back to isolation. Then the Soviets decided to be fricking dicks with attempting to get the Norks to use force to unite Korea. 43 years later, the Soviets collapse after one of the most terrifying arms races in history and we start pulling back. But the rest of the world is used to us being there so we can't. We're fricking stuck. Enter 9/11 and the War on Terror. We haven't had a chance to stop focusing on a powerful military since 1945.

        And with China rising to take the USSR's place, barely, there's no sign it will ever stop. The US has the OPTIMAL position on planet Earth when it comes to creating a superpower. To the north is a country that is only truly hospitable close to the coast and along our northern border and to the south is a country that has to deal with deserts and mountains to launch any significant attacks. We have the two largest oceans in the world to the west and east and plentiful resources. Add on our love of spreading our culture and indulging in the culture of others and it means we are able to make friends better than the USSR did or the PRC ever will.

        You do know we've spent more time at war than we've spent at peace, right?

        • 2 years ago

          >You do know we've spent more time at war than we've spent at peace, right?
          That doesn't mean we have a martial culture. Our wars are just a swathe of poor people fighting because the military is the biggest welfare system the US has being propped up by a merchant class of wealthy oligarchs that send them out to die. That's not a martial culture, that's a merchant culture.

          • 2 years ago

            This, Vietnam only ended because the middle class was asked to die for the draft dodging rich. And they still had some political influence at the time before Reagan started the campaign to destroy them.

        • 2 years ago

          Truly noble and valiant of the US, unwillingly taking up the mantle of world domination out of responsibility, but definately not out of option for power.
          Burger naivety never seizes to amaze me.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean, he's more right than he is wrong or naïve. It is strongly arguable that the US was practically dragged reluctantly towards the role of global superpower/guarantor. At several many points in US history, isolationism was much more than a meme for lolbertarians. Hell most Americans still can't be assed to give that much of a frick about the greater world we figure so much into, and that includes many of our elite that frequently see and use international developments (which we can and often do have something to do with) for little more than domestic political goals and power consolidation.

            You're not wrong that lots of US elite enjoy and would probably do *much* to protect the power that comes from superpower status, but it's hardly controversial to say that the country didn't exactly chase it from the get-go.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not like the United States has a particularly martial culture.
        You're either stupid or baiting

      • 2 years ago

        Sure it does.
        I'd even contend that America prefers war to such a degree that they suck at creating peace afterward.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not like Americans actually like fighting in war though.

      • 2 years ago

        The US was not only born on war innovation but has continued to innovate war throughout its entire existence. And to think, our first innovation of war was thinking "Hey, maybe we should try NOT getting shot" unlike other armies who insisted on formations and order for a theoretically optimized attack sequence and increased control of the unit.
        We did other, smaller things such as optimize logistics throughout time since the wars we fought were largely overseas so we sort of had to, but the other major innovation to war that changed everything was the use of air support in WW2.
        We figured out air is fricking OP just like in RTS games. It is objectively OP irl and it needs a serious nerf, and we've just been getting better at it ever since.

      • 2 years ago

        i swear to god i look away from two seconds and one of you Black folk says some shit so dumb the only proper response is a slap

        • 2 years ago

          >No conscription
          >Allows women, gays, and trannies in the military
          Not very martial of them.

          • 2 years ago

            >even women and "women" serve in the military
            That's martialer than thou, Ahmed.

          • 2 years ago

            The gays won't admit it, but they are some of the most martial if not bloodthirsty of all people. The Thebeans started it with their Sacred Band of gay lovers, the Spartans continued it with their usual Greek depravities (not to mention folks like Achilles and Patroclus), Roman Emperors like Hadrian (who built a wall), the gay rumors of Richard the Lionhearted, and of course who can forget the Prussian Frederick the Great, whose father executed his male lover in front of him when he was a teen and who had so many gay orgies that even that flaming gaydar Voltaire complained that he literally did nothing but start wars and have massive homosexual orgies at Sansoucci. Even the US military started with gays, the Prussian Baron von Steuben that famously drilled the Continental Army, took two American attaches as lovers and made them his heirs after he died with no children.
            Fact is that when it comes to making large groups of men do things together in an organized matter that the gays have a head start over straight folks. Servicing a penis is not unlike servicing a cannon or musket, the stench of sweat and other men in close combat is one that gays are more comfortable with, and uniforms were fashionable for a reason.
            The key is that these homoerotic relationships were mutual, and not one-sided like the vatniks.

            • 2 years ago

              >the Spartans
              ...forbad homosexualry under Spartan law, according to Xenophon's Constitution of the Laekedemonians. And most of the homosexualy bullshit you quote is innuendo, not history. Go be a boy-molesting scat fetishist somewhere else.

              • 2 years ago

                This. Not many people know that the whole homosexual shit, especially in regards to Romans and Greeks is narrative crap brought on by academics and Christian "historians". (Not that I dislike Christianity but this is just what happened).
                Ever notice how accounts of homosexualry unanimously cease after Constantine? Ever notice how the most anti-Christian Roman Emperors and statesmen are always depicted as boy lovers and queers? Yeah it's not a coincidence.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                anon you do realize that spartans were tremendous pederasts through their 'sponsor' system and were patently one of the most cruel, inefficient, and dysfunctional societies of the classical age.

      • 2 years ago

        We're on the fricking weapons board of PrepHole that is either discussing how great the us military is or how bad everyone else are. You literal child.

      • 2 years ago

        Firstly, it kind of does. Secondly, being all "ra-ra so masculine" doesn't translate to actually being good at war. Ask the Spartans how that went for them.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ask the Spartans how that went for them.
          They decisively conquered the Athenians?

      • 2 years ago

        It basically comes down to

        Ridiculously fricking massive budget, strong military tradition and academia, more experience in modern warfare than any other nation.

        More armaments,
        More supplies,
        More funding,
        More, more, more. That's why virtually nothing can stand against the US military.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you think American football is all about?

        It used to be a slam against us, but it's true.

        Teamwork, specialization, execution and correct tactics captures enemy territory.

      • 2 years ago

        >only 16 years out of 246 with no war
        >settlers were expected to defend themselves from natives and thiefs
        >everyone knows how to handle a firearm and defend their shit
        >conquered an entire fricking continent and deemed it to be a destiny endorsed by god
        >no marital culture

        • 2 years ago

          Do you know how much the US has changed in stock and ethos in a mere 50 years? Never mind 50, 20 years. The United States is no longer even a nation, it's an economic zone with no culture and a people that are almost entirely unmoored from history and heritage.

          • 2 years ago

            >with no culture
            You only think this because it's omnipresent and you spendntoo much time on /misc/ being psyopped

      • 2 years ago

        >strongman talk about the US
        The worst ordeal the US has ever been through is the Civil War, the losses caused by it nearly ripped the US to shreds. Like 1.5% of the population died from it. Pretty much every other country in the World has been through worse and has been "forged" by much hotter fires than our own. The real reason why the US is competent is because we don't have any misconceptions about the reality of war (or at least the people running our wars don't). We know that Johnny Reb, who has been shooting for his whole life, who could bench press a cow, or whatever other macho shit, will ultimately lose to some basedboy city slicker who actually has an absurd amount of logistic muscle behind him. There hasn't been pride or martial prowess in war since the Civil War and this is the most important lesson we learned.

        >No martial culture
        We are the only culture on the planet that encourages mass civilian armament for the purpose of not only resisting invasion, but killing each other and their own government. The definition of "militia" by the founders of the country and framers of the constitution flat out says that every single man between 18 and 45 is expected to kill with a gun.

        • 2 years ago

          Encourage is a strong word for what the government does anon

          • 2 years ago

            'Encourage' was connected to the word 'culture', not 'government', 'anon'. That was very clear and is still very true. Don't muddy waters.

            Do you know how much the US has changed in stock and ethos in a mere 50 years? Never mind 50, 20 years. The United States is no longer even a nation, it's an economic zone with no culture and a people that are almost entirely unmoored from history and heritage.

            >let me tell you about your country: the post
            We're better than you and we know it.

      • 2 years ago

        Go read "Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America" by James Webb.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you kidding?

      • 2 years ago

        All those 'soft' liberal city types will just as easily throw down as some hillbilly type. The U.S. is incredibly violent when it wants to be, and being strong means we don't have to pretend were all chisel jawed super alphas. We're ratfrick, unfair buttholes who will bite your fricking dick off to win

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not like the United States has a particularly martial culture.
        Anon, Americans fricking love conflict, the US has only ever known a handful of truly peaceful years since its founding.

        • 2 years ago

          Americans have never experienced conflict except through videogames and watching their country wage colonial wars on tv and movies. Get real you utter moron

  3. 2 years ago

    ability to waste unimaginable amount of resources per kill.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesn't matter if you're the one on the receiving end now, does it?

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      US forces are immune to psyops because they are regularly exposed to cognitohazards created by the Pentagon's slideshow division

  5. 2 years ago

    Hegemony isn't cheap

  6. 2 years ago

    They don't cut corners and have a MIC that can make anything they need. American soldiers always have the best gear and plenty of it.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Population and economy.
    Man for man, the US military is not particularly impressive.

    • 2 years ago

      >Man for man, the US military is not particularly impressive.
      They really are. All that bullshit about US troops not being able to fight without air support is just cope. They have a highly aggressive infantry small units doctrine and they train in it a lot.
      I would rate the brits and only the brits as better, but it's marginal and mostly to do with the superior esprit de corps the regimental system fosters over the continental system.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe in the recent post cold war calm where everyone but the US defunded their militaries, but historically US infantry performance is not good and is surpassed by typical western European conscripts.
        Sorry, there's nothing special about the US or its culture beside its massive economy.

        • 2 years ago

          Does there need to be something exceptional about them? American infantry is good because they can afford to train them and equip them. They're not superhuman, and nobody said they are

          • 2 years ago

            >>Man for man, the US military is not particularly impressive.
            >They really are.

        • 2 years ago

          >Conscripts outperform volunteers
          Have a (You)

        • 2 years ago

          >Sorry, there's nothing special about the US or its culture beside its massive economy.
          Utterly historically ignorant cope. From just a raw human history perspective, the US is a wildly unique country and something of an aberration from the mean. You betray your own ignorance of history, both global and US, when you try so hard to be overly reductive.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree. British infantry training is really excellent, arguably the best trained regular infantry in the world. I remember reading the Brits have the highest spending per soldier. Maybe Canadians and Australians are up there too, but none have the command and control and force multiplier assets that we have.

  9. 2 years ago

    Imagine a world where they become defensive only. Pure navy and Airforce. All NORAD, and they leave the rest of the globe to themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      The US goes from invincible to invincible. The only war the US could change its performance in a war would be to remove MAD from the equation through completing the SDI thanks to lowered launch costs from SpaceX, which would remove China's ability to threaten the US directly. Of course they'd still hold all of East Asia hostage forcing the US to play nice, but still.

  10. 2 years ago

    Bretton woods. After WWII, the US had a gigantic army and navy. And basically said “now that all of the naval empires are effectively gone, we will underwrite the safety of world trade with our navy”

  11. 2 years ago

    Anyone can do it, they just have to be professional and have the money. France and Germany could do it as well, and have, but the cost wasn't worth it.

    The Soviet Union fell apart and punished failure and dissent to an absurd degree. The PRC is unknown, but might have the same problems.

  12. 2 years ago

    It's not corrupt, that's enough.
    You people don't appreciate the system you spend entire days shitting on via this very website.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's not corrupt

      • 2 years ago

        People don't steal navy propellers in America, don't embezzle funds meant for soldiers and generally don't sell entire warehouses worth of military shit to third worlders for personal gain. If these kinds of irregularities happen they are usually small time and clamped down upon HARD. So yeah, not corrupt in general.

        • 2 years ago

          Why the frick would anyone need to do petty shit like that when everything a corrupt bastard could ever want is right here? Our corruption is internal.

    • 2 years ago

      This. The beauracracy works and it's kind of crazy my fellow Americans hate it so much.

  13. 2 years ago

    In the grand scheme of things it's still one of the youngest countries. So there's no "ancient warrior, honorabu batteru" bullshit to dictate decision making. The US sees war through a pragmatic lens. It's willing to adopt tactics and technology from both friends and enemies alike to get the job done, whereas ancient historical rivalries, traditions, and stubborn pride of other countries have made them inflexible and fogs their judgment. Unlike the movies it's unromantic information gathering, technological advancements, and bulletproof logistics that carry them forward.
    I still see foreign troops get angry and confused about US troops cheering or laughing on the battlefield "when they should be eating mud and insects like us" when really they should be asking why they don't have to.

    • 2 years ago

      >A choc-o-late cayke...

    • 2 years ago

      One of the youngest *cultures*. As far as systems of government go, the US is actually one of the oldest, and has arguably *the* oldest written constitution still in effect.

  14. 2 years ago

    Lots of money of course. Resources win wars.You can't win against a magnitude of disparity of numbers, and money means both a a qualitative and quantitative advantage.

  15. 2 years ago

    Because of the MIC. It keeps pushing them forwards regardless of the level of threat or strength of the current enemy. Consistant investment in and purchase of the latest military equipment, even when others are slowing down or reducing investment.

  16. 2 years ago

    Spend more than anyone else. US spends more than all its NATO allies combined and more than most of its enemies combined. They took the UKs strategy of 2+ strength multiplier and expanded it.

  17. 2 years ago

    >there's unique to the US
    same reason the US dominates the world economy, it wasn't bombed to smithereens during WW2 giving it a huge industrial and economic head start into the the modern age.

    • 2 years ago

      It also gave huge amounts of debt to some of the most successful hegemons at the time, and coasted on the free Europe debt money till 2016 even.

    • 2 years ago

      It also gave huge amounts of debt to some of the most successful hegemons at the time, and coasted on the free Europe debt money till 2016 even.

      deep over simplification of American economy
      a lot of the American mindset can be explained with venture capital tbqh (which euros can’t into)

  18. 2 years ago

    Vast country, vast industry, vast population, vast natural resources. no practical way for its enemies to invade or cause meaningful physical damage to the country besides nuclear war.
    You can see the results of this in video games, one faction on the map gets an entire continent to itself, everyone else has to fight with everything they have to control a mere portion of their own continent.

  19. 2 years ago

    Overwhelming economic and industrial power. Its not even that the US is "good" at war so much as they can just do so much fricking war

    • 2 years ago

      US's K/D ratio is absurd compared to other militaries in the world. It might not be "good" at war but it's definitely better at it than anywhere else in the world.

      • 2 years ago

        It becomes a lot less absurd when you look at how the US fudges the numbers. They compare all enemy casualties against only US serviceman casualties and ignore US allies and PMCs. Contractors account for about 2/3 of all US casualties in the middle east but they are never included in casualty stats

  20. 2 years ago

    Why would you willfully step down as the most materially powerful entity on Earth? Are you moronic?

  21. 2 years ago

    USA is filled with people proactive enough to leave their shitty country.

    Every other country are the lazy fricks that put up with conscription, corruption and rape.

  22. 2 years ago

    Because they do the boring stuff like practice maneuvers all the time. Just getting all your fricking morons to the same place at the same time is a ludicrously difficult task. It's essentially impossible unless you practice all the fricking time.
    Plenty of countries are too dumb/poor/small to really do proper maneuvers so they just don't.
    The US does. So all their morons show up at the same place at the same time and all the retads' stuff is there too. Then they kick the shit out of anyone who doesn't have all their morons and all their morons' stuff to stop them.

    • 2 years ago

      Most accurate description of the Army I've ever heard. Everyone is a moron here doing what some higher ranking told them to do.

    • 2 years ago

      Such is life in the military after the autismos in Prussia decided that 5 minutes early was late

    • 2 years ago

      that and all the morons stuff is better than the other morons stuff

  23. 2 years ago

    the US finds itself in a uniquely advantageous geographic position, granting it vast resources, population, and protection.
    The rest of the world was either beaten into the dust in the Imperial age, or became a hollow shell after the world wars, both of which left the US unscathed and better off than it was before.

  24. 2 years ago

    We got routed by camel jockeys only slightly over a year ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone wins the war against them, but loses the occupation.

    • 2 years ago

      And exactly how many American were killed in said rout? Delusional take after 7 watching the Russians get routed recently.

    • 2 years ago

      We were defeated politically not militarily
      Still a loss and a huge waste of time, lives, money, and diplomatic standing, but it doesn't really comment on the capabilities of the American military

      • 2 years ago

        >diplomatic standing
        Thing is Russia invading Ukraine when the US said they would, and really the US effectively reading Putins orders as they went out at thte start of the war won back a lot of clout for the US will costing Europe a bit with their insistence that it wasn't happening. God Putin making Macron look like a moron at the start of the war was amusing, almost as amusing as how much seething France did after the AUKUS deal was announced.

  25. 2 years ago

    Fighting fair is for morons, the point of war is to break the spirit of a people to fight.
    You can do this via dominating them on the battlefield.
    You can do this via controling the media they view.
    You can do this by destroying their economy.
    You can do this via big flashy displays of destruction that aren't terribly relevant but scare the piss out of them.
    Or you can do all of that at once. The US makes it a point to be able to do all of that at once.
    Military is done
    Flashy destruction is done
    Economy is done
    Media is largely done there are just a few nuts to crack like Iran, NK and China. Starlink will likely go a long ways till clearing those 3 out.

  26. 2 years ago

    Preparing for the ayy lmaos unironically, just ask the CEO of Lockheed Martin

  27. 2 years ago

    We have The Guys.

  28. 2 years ago

    >It's not like there's any inherent reason for the military to be so good, there's unique to the US that would increase its military strength by so much

    The US has way more resources to throw at the problem than any other nation. And it's not like the military track record of the US is that impressive, honestly.

    >WW1: enter as kingmaker when all sides are exhausted with a fresh, untouched economy
    >WW2 (western front): see above
    >WW2 (pacific): win against Japan, a nation that has no business trying to larp as a big boy nation (they had frick all resources to fight with compared to the US, victory was a foregone conclusion)
    >Vietnam: try to prop up the southern regime, fails
    >Afghanistan: Wow, as the richest nation on earth you won against a dirt-poor nation whose most fearful weapon was two AK47's glued together
    >Iraq: Wow, as the richest nation on earth you won against a gaggle of arabs that didn't really want to be there in the first place

    Where's the point where I'm supposed to be impressed? I mean yeah I guess it's impressive that you can force project all over the world, but the actual wars have been against opponents that can't really fight back effectively (Japan was the only one that stood any sort of chance, and even that was slim at best).

    • 2 years ago

      The german war machine was at its height by the time the US intervened in WW2, the US did the overwhelming majority of the heavy lifting on the western front while throwing literally millions of tons of shit to the soviets(whose premier and top general outright said they would have lost without).
      The japanese were humiliating britain in the pacific.
      The former rival of the US is trying and failing spectacularly to invade a tiny shithole they have a land border with, the US pulls off a flawless invasion off iraq halfway across the world.

      • 2 years ago

        >The german war machine was at its height by the time the US intervened in WW2

        Ok, I might give you that one, but the rest stands.

        >The japanese were humiliating britain in the pacific

        The brits had only small colonial garrisons over there

        >The former rival of the US is trying and failing spectacularly to invade a tiny shithole they have a land border with, the US pulls off a flawless invasion off iraq halfway across the world

        Russian weakness does not make past US performances more impressive, it just means Russia is a really corrupt shithole

    • 2 years ago

      >he doesn’t know shit about Sadams Iraq and how powerful it was (just not compared to the US)
      >he only glorifies tactics over strategy
      >he isn’t impressed because the US is just so strong compared to its opponents?
      >he ignores how the US was fighting a two theater war in WWII
      >he’s so ignorant of history he doesn’t even know how the US performed better than the japs despite a material disadvantage in the early days such as at Midway
      >somehow implies the US military isn’t impressive because the US mostly uses soft power and takes advantage of geopolitical events, but then blames the military for the political failure of Vietnam?
      you know who what country had the best comparative military tactics on earth? Napoleon’s France.
      Know who “won” the Napoleonic period? Britain.

      • 2 years ago

        >he doesn’t know shit about Sadams Iraq and how powerful it was (just not compared to the US)

        I know about it, and it was all smoke and mirrors. It collapsed like a house of cards the moment it received a push

        >he ignores how the US was fighting a two theater war in WWII

        I gave you WW2 already, don't be disingenuous

        >he’s so ignorant of history he doesn’t even know how the US performed better than the japs despite a material disadvantage in the early days such as at Midway

        Again, good performance in WW2, but victory against Japan was a foregone concluusion in the long run (with hind-sight of course, was not known at the time by most)

        >somehow implies the US military isn’t impressive because the US mostly uses soft power and takes advantage of geopolitical events, but then blames the military for the political failure of Vietnam?

        The US military performance in Vietnam was not particularly impressive, given the extreme material disadvantage of the Vietcong and NVA operating in the south (practically no artillery, no air-support, practically no armor)

        • 2 years ago

          >but victory against Japan was a foregone concluusion
          the entire point of me bringing up midway is that it was a decisive victory the US won at a significant material disadvantage due to superior tactics and intelligence (Japan on paper should have had that battle)
          >given the extreme material disadvantage
          peak moron thinking
          by this logic the only militaries for you to consider are Arab shitholes and Israel, if that considering how one sided those conflicts are
          you can’t discount a military for being vastly superior, peer wars between countries that matter don’t happen specifically because the US is too powerful
          your argument is moronic and circles on itself, as soon as a military is too powerful, it no longer can be considered powerful?
          >their military isn’t impressive because they’re simply too good compared to their enemies
          get real

          • 2 years ago

            >the entire point of me bringing up midway is that it was a decisive victory the US won at a significant material disadvantage due to superior tactics and intelligence (Japan on paper should have had that battle)

            And based on that singular battle I'm supposed to agree with OPs thesis that the US is a mega martial warrior nation that man to man are the best soldier the earth has ever seen? Nah. I've made my points, and I stand by them.

            >your argument is moronic and circles on itself, as soon as a military is too powerful, it no longer can be considered powerful?

            The US has, as I've stated, more resources to throw at the problem. That is the answer to OPs question, the answer is not, as all jerking off americans ITT claim, "WE ARE A WARRIOR RACE UNDEFEATED HUAHHH"

            • 2 years ago

              >mega martial warrior nation that man to man are the best soldier the earth has ever seen
              that was never the discussion, it has always been
              >Why is the US military so extremely powerful to a ludicrous degree?
              followed by (You) stating
              >And it's not like the military track record of the US is that impressive, honestly
              followed by an extremely ignorant and reductionist historical account whereas you asked
              >Where's the point where I'm supposed to be impressed?
              finally you brought up, unrelated to our discussion
              >OPs thesis that the US is a mega martial warrior nation
              to thus imply that
              >the US has never done anything impressive in military terms due to having an overwhelming advantage
              which is moronic because
              1. it’s factually false, Midway is literally just one example
              2. it’s moronic in concept because your conditions necessitate the invalidation of what would otherwise fulfill your conditions (like saying it doesn’t count that the winner of a race won because they were clearly faster than their competition, which isn’t fair)
              I will give you no more (You)s as (You) argue both ignorantly and in bad faith

              • 2 years ago

                When you start your post with a cringy larp, I'm not reading the rest

              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          It is disingenuous to judge any nation's military capability by how they fight against guerilla wars on the other side of the planet. Every major power has failed their attempts at occupation.
          The US proved militarily competent with the invasion of Iraq 20 years ago, whether it has retained that competence is unknown, it will likely be another lifetime before that competence is put to the test again.
          The modern Russian state has been revealed to be totally powerless in a conventional war in its invasion of Ukraine.
          That is all that is known for certain about the capabilities of the modern major powers. One barely expended any effort destroying one of the largest armies in the world decades ago, the other has proven it hasn't actually had a respectable military since the 90's at the latest.

          • 2 years ago

            My intent wasn't to say that the US military isn't CAPABLE of many things, it obviously is. My intent was to counter all the "warrior race" jerking off that made me cringe hard ITT. The US wins by economy and european style military organisation (NCO's, mission command etc), and fighting enemies that lack those things.

  29. 2 years ago

    If you have the money, why not? Americans don't like their soldiers dying.

  30. 2 years ago

    It's all grift.
    1) MIC gets loads of money
    2) use a tiny fraction of that money to buy politics (money = speech)
    3) more money

    • 2 years ago

      Mostly a grift, but sometimes allies just need lots of weapons to save themselves, as we're seeing now.
      Others we probably should have left alone after the primary objective was done. OR just stayed out of of course. Those were the big grifts.

      • 2 years ago

        >sometimes allies just need lots of weapons to save themselves, as we're seeing now.

        Sure, absolutely.
        You don't need spend as much money as the next top 10 combined to achieve that though. (especially since half of those are your direct allies)

        US military is way over-funded and is little more than a wealth redistribution. It's like inverse-socialism.

  31. 2 years ago

    These reddit america circlejerk threads are the absolute worst

  32. 2 years ago

    Who keeps making cringe threads?

    • 2 years ago

      Russians are taking a big L

  33. 2 years ago

    >Why are Americans so down with war asks an anon...
    Anon we venerate and praise exploding bombs in our national anthem. If we were peaceful, that be a little strange wouldin't it?

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