Was German technology really superior in WW2, or was it just a myth?

They had King Tigers, first jets (Me-262) first assault rifles (Stg44) And the most advanced subs (Type XXI).

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 6 months ago

    poltroony cope

  2. 6 months ago

    >King Tigers
    That one was trash. The Tiger I was good for its time.

    Rushed and bad.

    • 6 months ago

      Wasn't the King Tiger too complicated?

      • 6 months ago

        Too complicated? it was a simplified Tiger I with a serious weight problem. Too late.

        • 6 months ago

          >Serious weight problem.

          Ah, it was Extra Thicc.

          • 6 months ago

            Samurai Jack memes are like 6 years old at this point my man. Stop.

            • 6 months ago

              Great show, shut the frick up.

  3. 6 months ago

    No heavy bombers, no surface navy, no carriers, no amphibious capability, no mass motorization, no proximity fuses, no mass produced semi-auto rifle, no intel/counter-intel network, no nukes.

    • 6 months ago

      >No heavy bombers
      me264, he177

      • 6 months ago

        A myth. Have to build up your enemy to make you soldiers feel good when they win against them. Kraut generals were always raging about the quality of US and Brit equipment.

        all three of them
        imagine building over a thousand pieces of shit that didn't work. thanks for wasting all the time and material instead of using it for something worthwhile to the war effort, Hans.

  4. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >P-47 strafes a Tiger tank

      Aaaannnd does no damage at all with it's shitty 50'cal guns. I swear, Americans had the most outdated/outgunned aircrafts in WW2. Every fricking western nation had 20mm cannons by 1940, and Germans even had 30mm by 1943.

      • 6 months ago

        >What was the P38

      • 6 months ago

        >Aaaannnd does no damage at all
        hey schizo

      • 6 months ago

        Why would we need 20mm cannons when we weren't taking on bomber formations? It's cheaper and just as effective to have 6 .50s.

        • 6 months ago

          logistically simpler maybe, but not as effective, effective enough that with the other issues the luftwaffe was suffering it didnt matter but 20mm cannon were better for all targets even single engined fighters

          • 6 months ago

            >but not as effective
            there's no evidence to support this

        • 6 months ago

          massed machine guns are for killing bombers

          every WW2 fighter AND postwar fighter moved up to cannons for the simple reason that it's objectively superior
          the USAF was stubborn and took the longest to change, but the USN switched to 20mm from the Bearcat onwards

          • 6 months ago

            why are you samegayging again, schizo?

            • 6 months ago

              why are you refusing to address the facts, and resorting to ad hominem?
              also I'm not the other guy

      • 6 months ago

        lol you didnt even watch a 2 second webm, you saw the title and instantly got triggered

    • 6 months ago

      anon that's a horse

      • 6 months ago

        no its a tiger

  5. 6 months ago

    German technology was trash because of how much it cost. Any wunderwaffe with 200% performance for 1000% cost is trash.
    This is why most modern NATO tech is trash, despite outperforming all competition in 1v1 scenarios detached from reality. Projects like F-35 and LCS are vaporware unsuited for real wars because of that. Dumb people have a very hard time wrapping their heads around it, but that's how it is. 10 Sherman tanks are better than 1 Abrams. 10 Mig-29s are better than one F-35.

    • 6 months ago

      We need to bring back the "high-low" mixes again.

    • 6 months ago

      fu sprey, you're already dead

    • 6 months ago

      The US is going to build the same number of F35s as it did F16s for itself (about 2-3k, another 2k were exported however), about 2,500 of them. Shit we still have something like 1,000 F16s left over even 30 years after it started to get phased out.

    • 6 months ago

      > 10 Sherman tanks are better than 1 Abrams

      • 6 months ago

        I mean the Bradley is basically just a Sherman with the ability to store infantry inside, and it's killed more tanks than the Abrams had

        • 6 months ago

          >the Bradley is basically just a Sherman

          • 6 months ago

            Look, anon, the Abrams is just a Renault FT with a faster shell! What's so hard to understand about this?

          • 6 months ago

            It has the same armor thickness.

    • 6 months ago

      >F-35 carries ten missiles
      >now there are 0 Mig-29s
      What did we learn, moron?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Ik ur memeing but the MiG-29 was always meant for point defense of air bases, the F-35 btfos it as an interceptor

    • 6 months ago

      >10 Mig-29s are butchered one-sidedly by one F-35
      FTFY. Spreytards lost.

  6. 6 months ago

    if their navy wasn't so shit it wouldn't be a problem

  7. 6 months ago

    Yes it was, just looking at the Luftwaffe from the first Messerschmitt Bf 109 all the way to its later model the Focke-Wulf Fw 190. They ruled the skies. Same as their dive bomber the Junkers Ju 87 or »Stuka«. Not much dif. when it came to the Tanks and Mech. but as time went on, some started to go overboard. They skipped on developing a Medium Bomber and rather just went with a »bigger« version of the Stuka which strongly relied on Ally Air Superiority for its attack angle and speed after the drop made him and easy target to intercept by enemy fighters. Same story with their tanks, their Medium Tank was good and able but no we need/want an 88mm gun mounted on a tank … and so the Tiger was born. But even here, there was more than 1 model. They couldn’t get it stable and ended up simplifying it. Some of the tech. they were trying got implemented into the car industry in the early 90's. So yea, they were ahead of time but they rushed far too much and as a result started to burn out. They had new ships, planes, tanks in dev. But simply ran out of time and resources. They were even building their own CV and experimenting with a nuclear reactor maybe even the first steps to building a bomb to be used by the V3 project. However bigger is not always better and one of the major problems was serial production. The more complicated you make a machine to be the longer and more expansive it gets. Most tech that came out after the war was a result of German scientist which was taken over by the US and Soviets. The AK-47 was a German design and more but … you can read or watch all of it if you really desire. I am merely scratching the surface.

    • 6 months ago

      >They ruled the skies
      >couldn't even get air superiority over Bongland
      lol lmao

      • 6 months ago

        True, but the Brits did have their Radar and by no means did they fend of the German Air Raids alone. Half if not more of the pilots that were stationed in the UK were not Brits, but US volunteer, Polish resistance and alike. However I did say that started making stupid decision, one of them was as well the lack of fly time for their bombers and escorts. Yet they did not address it coz of the pride of the individual leaders competing for glory.

        Same went on with the German Aces, yet still Erich Hartmann - the all-time ace of aces - flew a total of 1425 missions in four years for his 352 victories.

        • 6 months ago

          The RAF won alone, deal with it germshit

        • 6 months ago

          >Half if not more of the pilots that were stationed in the UK were not Brits, but US volunteer, Polish resistance and alike
          less than 30% of which exactly 11 were american pilots.

    • 6 months ago

      >The AK-47 was a German design

      No, it wasn't. You are a fricking cretin.

      • 6 months ago

        Like how the Tu-4 is a Russian design?

        • 6 months ago

          That is a different case.

          • 6 months ago

            Or the BT tanks?

      • 6 months ago

        It actually was. Not only did the soviets attain the plans and all the research on it with working examples, they literally used the guys responsible for designing and building it in the development of the first AKs. And guess what, the same guy who had the most to do with designing the Stg44 also built the MP28 and MP18, which again. The soviets directly actually physically copied and eventually made the PPSH out of it.

        • 6 months ago

          No, it was not. It was an entirely different weapon.

          • 6 months ago

            You are factually wrong. It, like the MP18 copies, and even the Stg45, Mauser and Luger copies was built off of the Stg44 template. Most weapon innovation of from ww1 onwards started with the Germans directly even afterwards as war prize scientists in the US, UK, and USSR. It's hardcore soviet cope when you point out these truths.

            • 6 months ago

              No, You dumb frick. Ak47 is working with an entirely different design.

              • 6 months ago


                How about instead lookup how Hugo Schmeisser (the man who designed the Stg44 and MP18) was interned in the USSR to build and design guns for them (including and most especially the AK). The cope about how the AK was finished at a different factory from the one he was at is BS because like with the soviet rocket program, the German scientists designed shit in one place and the soviets secretly built it at a separate facility to keep the Germans out of the loop on final tweeks and field tests.

                Historically incorrect and revisionist moron.

              • 6 months ago

                It was a different gun, you idiot

              • 6 months ago

                It was the same shit, designed by Germans in the USSR from a German designed gun. And then rubber stamped a glorious USSR original by the state organs. With the ppsh they even copied the round.

              • 6 months ago

                >duuuuh it hab curbed clipazine id da same gun

              • 6 months ago

                Keep being an ignorant zigger tier logic Black person. It was and is forever the legacy of the Germans. Schmeisser had more to do with the AK than kalishnikov, which is superbly ironic. Historical revisionism is rampant in the US, russia, and the UK because it hurts their ego to point out most of their shit after the war was German. The head of NASA was a fricking Nazi scientist at one point. The designs that lead to the soyuz were made by Germans, actual prisoners of war made to work for the soviets until the mid 50s.

              • 6 months ago

                No, you are just a dumb fricking nig nog. Ak47 was a different design, not to mention a superior one to the shitty stg 44.

              • 6 months ago

                Keep coping in your delusions. You can take both of them apart and lay them out, and everything you look at was designed by Schmeisser (for the AK in person, in russia).

              • 6 months ago

                nta, and I'm no zigger, but you're fricking wrong. The soviets copied the "assault rifle" CONCEPT of the StG44, but mechanically the AK47 was a totally different mix of other designs (and also a way better gun).

              • 6 months ago

                zigger cope. It was not the concept. What part of Schmeisser was a prisoner of war in Russia until the 1950s working at Izhevsk on improving his own earlier design (the Stg44). Do you NOT comprehend.

      • 6 months ago

        "The AK-47 is best described as a hybrid of previous rifle technology innovations. Kalashnikov decided to design an automatic rifle combining the best features of the American M1 Garand and the German StG 44"

        Might want to use Google ... was like my first hit lol

        • 6 months ago

          Weird because when I looked it up I found the exact opposite you dumb wehraboo shitstain

          • 6 months ago

            Maybe you do not know how to use Google? Here is a guide to help you >searchengineland.com/guide/how-to-use-google-to-search

            And don't worry, we all do mistakes.

        • 6 months ago

          How about instead lookup how Hugo Schmeisser (the man who designed the Stg44 and MP18) was interned in the USSR to build and design guns for them (including and most especially the AK). The cope about how the AK was finished at a different factory from the one he was at is BS because like with the soviet rocket program, the German scientists designed shit in one place and the soviets secretly built it at a separate facility to keep the Germans out of the loop on final tweeks and field tests.

      • 6 months ago

        On a tactical level they were ahead in some instances, but a lot of their early successes was unironically dumb luck, especially with the French going full moron. Barbarossa showed all the flaws they had at its worst, and once they actually got into a sustained conflict and lost initial momentum is when cracks started appearing everywhere. America unironically was the most advanced if you look at shit that was actually fielded en masse and standard issue, Germany may have had crazy prototypes but much of them were either born out of desperation or just so some scientists/engineers could score brownie points with the NSDAP. And for everyone they had who was like Rommel, they had many more who were either dumbasses or just gloryhounds. Hitler was a spud who wanted to shoot his shot far too early (Mussolini b***hed about it IIRC) and tried to go on an autism crusade as opposed to forming a steady anti Soviet bloc in Europe, which went about as well as one would expect. And even if lend lease didn’t happen, they still would have froze and been shot down over the Atlantic en masse all the same when they did.

        Mechanically its pretty much the M1’s cousin, really. The STG shit is mostly just surface aesthetics, which is bound when literally every fricking weapon of the time was either metal, wood, or wood and metal.

        • 6 months ago

          >Mechanically its pretty much the M1’s cousin, really. The STG shit is mostly just surface aesthetics
          there are some similarities, the bolt carrier layout, the gas piston and tube as well as the face of the bolt with that characteristic flat shelf on the bottom for stripping rounds from the magazine.

          M1 is definitely a bigger influence, though.

    • 6 months ago

      >Ruled the skies
      >Americans kill 780,000-1,100,000 Germans just raping them from the air because they literally cannot do shit to stop it.
      Uhh... Does someone want to tell him why every building in Dresden is from after 1945m

      • 6 months ago

        >look we managed to win against those morons and with only a 10 to 1 Population advantage guys. We are truly the most bravest and smartestest people

        • 6 months ago

          so they did not, in fact, rule the skies? why are you coping?

    • 6 months ago

      They were nowhere close to getting a nuke.

      Their industry in general, while good, paled in comparison to the US. Their big thing with VW was trying to catch France for most cars per capita before the war at 1:20 households. They failed. America was already over 1:4.

      Imagine declaring war against a country with a vastly larger population and vastly greater production per person and industry while you are already losing another war lol.

      • 6 months ago

        >Their industry in general, while good, paled in comparison to the US.
        that's everyone. US so outproduced everyone else it;s not even funny. by the end of 1941 US were producing as much as the next two industrial nations - Germany and UK combined and by next year that increased to all 3 other major nations combined, which continued that way through the rest of the war.

        • 6 months ago

          The British alone made more tanks throughout the war than the Germans. Just think about that, Germany, with the industries of all their seized territories couldn't beat a tiny fricking island. Let alone the Russians and Americans, who dwarfed Britain.

          German heavy industry was a fricking joke for how developed the country was.

          • 6 months ago

            >Germany, with the industries of all their seized territories couldn't beat a tiny fricking island
            the tiny island was controlling like a fifth of the world with its colonies, don't fricking undersell them.

            also, German plane production far outpaced their tank production.

          • 6 months ago

            They made more tanks than Germany in the 1939-40 period and ended the war having produced about half as many AFVs as them in total so this is either moronlore or you're a Vickers VI supremacist and stopped reading after the lads' trip to France/Crete/Norway didn't go as planned

    • 6 months ago

      >They ruled the skies
      early Bf109s were on par with Hurricanes in performance and actually undergunned
      the 109 line peaked with the F, the G was downright unwieldy
      the Fw190 was a good German response to the Spitfire
      but even upgraded it was only adequate as an interceptor, and couldn't outfight later models of Spitfire and the late-war heavies the Typhoon, Thunderbolt and Mustang
      >Ju 87
      was inferior to the Dauntless, which is possibly the best dive bomber of the war

      True, but the Brits did have their Radar and by no means did they fend of the German Air Raids alone. Half if not more of the pilots that were stationed in the UK were not Brits, but US volunteer, Polish resistance and alike. However I did say that started making stupid decision, one of them was as well the lack of fly time for their bombers and escorts. Yet they did not address it coz of the pride of the individual leaders competing for glory.

      Same went on with the German Aces, yet still Erich Hartmann - the all-time ace of aces - flew a total of 1425 missions in four years for his 352 victories.

      >US volunteer
      a grand total of six Americans, or about two per Fighter Group
      >Polish resistance
      145 pilots out of 3,000 in total
      of which about 2,400 were British

      >Half if not more of the pilots that were stationed in the UK were not Brits, but US volunteer, Polish resistance and alike
      less than 30% of which exactly 11 were american pilots.

      >11 were american pilots.
      the RAF recognises six as having flown at least one combat sortie

      • 6 months ago

        So only around 600 were foreign pilots out of the 3000 active pilots in the early 40's? I always thought the Brits were struggling hard with replacements.

        • 6 months ago

          >I always thought the Brits were struggling hard with replacements
          the Luftwaffe thought so too!
          but actually the RAF won the attrition war in the Battle of Britain, building more fighters and training more pilots than the Luftwaffe could

          in fact, Churchill was carried away in his romanticism of the matter, his "Never was so much owed by so many to so few" originated from a visit to a Chain Home group station, but he thought all of the RAF was displayed on the map; in fact it was only 1 fighter group out of 3, and a 4th was in reserve in Scotland. so ol Winston might well have underestimated RAF fighter strength by a factor of 4:1!

          Chain Home was good but a big part of it was home ground advantage; they could choose to engage the Luftwaffe not over the Channel but the instant the German aircraft hit the coast and thereby ensure that their bailouts landed in English fields while Luftwaffe bailouts became POWs

          the Luftwaffe just gave up without really acknowledging that they had bitten off more than they could chew; jagd commanders unironically just kept going "two more weeks!" over and over and losing more and more pilots and fighters until they just stopped

          nobody dared report the truth to Goering and Goering himself who can't have been a fool didn't dare tell Hitler; Hitler swept it all under the carpet because he too was culpable in insisting on Sealion (which defeating the RAF was supposed to enable) and said "let's look at Russia" and everybody pretended nothing happened

        • 6 months ago

          >I always thought the Brits were struggling hard with replacements
          Not really. They upped their recruitment to account for attrition, both because they were taking losses and because the British had overestimated the size of the Luftwaffe. They didn't know it at the time, but they won the attrition war quite handily. That would have knock-on effects throughout the war. Having more pilots survive meant they could be used to train their replacements, as well as give feedback on aircraft design which were areas the Luftwaffe would later suffer in.

          The Germans had, for their part, severely underestimated the size of the RAF and threw everything at the wall thinking that they could break through with just one more push. Hindsight as they say is a b***h.

        • 6 months ago

          Performing better and struggling aren't mutually exclusive.

  8. 6 months ago

    On the other hand, their radars sucked when compared to Allies, their nuclear program was a joke, they didn’t have proximity fuzes, and many of their seemingly-imposing weapons weren’t really that good outside theoretical 1vs2 void.

    Not gonna deny that they had some solid and influential ideas, like V rockets (shit weapons, but very important for rocketry as a scientific field) and assault rifles, but it just annoys the frick out of me when people latch to Tigers or V rockets and then jerk off to supposed German tech superiority.

    • 6 months ago

      *1vs1 void

  9. 6 months ago

    I don't know, but they sure looked cool. Especially the tanks

  10. 6 months ago


    Why do you keep making these threads just to seethe about Germany lately? It's been going on for a while now.
    You're like a warrior/armatard obsessed with Germany, except that Germans don't get annoyed enough to the point of naming you.

    I wonder if you'll be doxed by next year like the others or if you'll continue flying under the radar because your target audience just isn't bothered as much by the slander.

  11. 6 months ago

    >the most advanced subs (Type XXI)
    that is certainly a clear win
    although it has to be said Walther sub tech was not unknown to the Allies, they just didn't prioritise its development
    still, credit where it's due

    the Wehrmacht also should be credited for operationalising if not downright inventing Sturmgeschutz assault guns, Sturmpanzer self-propelled howitzers, and armoured personnel carriers

    although these tech advancements were quickly copied by the Allies, they do deserve credit for coming up with the idea first

  12. 6 months ago

    German technology was only superior in fields during the war the rest was either equivalent or slightly behind what the western allies had
    What the Germans and to an extent Italy took advantage over the allies were superior soldiers

  13. 6 months ago

    Some things were superior some weren't.

  14. 6 months ago

    The Type XXI was plagued with design faults, arrived too late in the war to do anything useful and didn't sink a single ship. The Allies captured examples and it was influential in post-war designs notably the Soviet Whiskey and Zulu class (so good job there Fritz). picrel is only surviving example.

  15. 6 months ago

    I am just gonna drop this here and let polacks seethe

    >be german
    >have ultra heavy tanks and lack of rubber
    >inmpelemt interleaved road wheels to help with ground preasure, and to save the rubber lining from degrading too fast
    >the new wheel system is so complex that debris gets stuck easily in it, while also being so heavy that any benefits zou got from the higher ground contact is negated

    homie, just use wider tracks

  16. 6 months ago

    >muh King Tiger
    Imagine building a 70+-ton fatass heavy tank that can barely move a hundred km down the road without five breakdowns, and then it still gets murked by a Sherman with a spicy british gun.

  17. 6 months ago

    propaganda requires shiny toys - it does not matter if they make sense overall - for propaganda only matters that they are more advanced than what enemy is using.
    in reality german army still used horses for most of its logistics and those poster weapons were very rare - keeping that in mind their 2nd ww performance was still pretty impressive

  18. 6 months ago

    The 262’s engines fell apart in like 6 hours and they never figured out aircraft carriers

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