Restoring 2nd amendment rights?

>went to hospital for suicidal ideation in 2015
>marked as involuntary commitment bc i was transferred to a different hospital
>present day
>want to get a gun that isn't antique
>no idea where to start in getting rights back
>also living in a different state from where the commitment took place
what's the first step? should I email or call an attorney or lawyer? should I go to the courthouse and talk to someone? How expensive is it going to be? does anyone else have experience with this sort of stuff?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Frick ya mudda

  2. 2 years ago

    >Played the I'm big sad card for attention
    >Got what he wanted
    Ya nah stay away from firearms. Attention prostitutes are already too plentiful in the hobby

    • 2 years ago

      Lol. Some people have mental issues. Not everybody has the same brain. I once took a medication that gave me an immense desire to commit suicide. Fortunately, this was before I had any guns. Some people's brain's are just structured differently. You may not view yourself as ever going through with suicide, but tons of people commit suicide every day.

      • 2 years ago

        If you do get the chance to plead the case for restitution of your rights, don't say any of that shit.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not OP. I passed a background check just a week ago without any issues.

  3. 2 years ago

    >the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed....unless you feel sad
    lol what the frick happened to you burgers? i thought you were based

    • 2 years ago

      >lol what the frick happened to you burgers?
      CIA Black folk shilling for Ukraine and gun grabbing.

      • 2 years ago

        its not surprising zelenskyy holds such a hostile view to armed civilians, when the war started he did a video conference in front of the canadian parliament and admitted he was inspired to enter politics because of justin trudeau, who equally treats his citizens like a slave class that is to be full disarmed

  4. 2 years ago

    How do you even know you wouldn't pass a 4473?
    >different state
    Chances are you'll have a "hold" and, after 72 hours, the FFL would be permitted to sell you the gun

    • 2 years ago

      i've tried a couple times a few years ago, and got denied. even had the police show up at my door asking what i was doing

      • 2 years ago

        it's usually like, five years til they're restored. try again.

      • 2 years ago

        Have you considered that maybe it is best you don’t own firearms? I mean this in the best way bro

  5. 2 years ago

    >went to hospital for suicidal ideation in 2015
    Genuine questions, OP: what did you expect they were going to do for you and what did they do for you?

    • 2 years ago

      >what did you expect they were going to do for you
      keep me from killing myself and maybe help me get started on getting better
      >what did they do for you
      kept me from killing myself and gave me some pills and kicked me out
      i did end up getting help and years of therapy, and these days i don't have suicidal ideation. my mental health is greatly improved and i can even work part time.

      it's usually like, five years til they're restored. try again.

      i might look into that tbh

      Have you considered that maybe it is best you don’t own firearms? I mean this in the best way bro

      i've thought about it, but every time (aside from once) when i've felt actively suicidal I sought out help before going through with anything. The first time, I tried to kill myself by alcohol poisoning and it didn't work at all and was extremely shitty.
      I've already owned an antique firearm since 2015, and it's more than capable of killing myself. I just have never considered using it for that, even when i'm actively suicidal i mainly think about using pills or crashing my car.

      on the other hand, i'm also not physically strong or very capable, and so if i ever needed to defend my life rather than take it, a firearm would be the most effective way of doing it. Outside of that, I think it would be relaxing to do target shooting, and I have done some with my antique rifle but not that much bc ammo costs. even reloading, each shot is at best 60 cents, probably nearer to a dollar these days.

      • 2 years ago

        >these days i don't have suicidal ideation
        Good for you, Anon.
        I hope you're not taking psychotropics, though.
        Why did you consider suicide, if I may ask?

        • 2 years ago

          >I hope you're not taking psychotropics, though.
          not an ssri, but an snri. it's a low dose and mainly to help with nightmares
          >Why did you consider suicide, if I may ask?
          the reasons have varied. at first it was just due to emotional pain from childhood/teenage trauma i ignored until i was like 21. everything sort of all came to a head at once and it felt like too much to bear. I was dealing with an eating disorder, cptsd from dysfunctional family and being molested as a kid, chronic pain, dissociation, etc.
          other times have been due to nihilism.

          the thing that has kept me alive is really that i just have a very strong survival instinct, and so I just can't do it no matter how much pain I'm in. Thankfully, years of therapy have made the pain more manageable and given me the tools to manage it, so I haven't had to go inpatient for SI in years and years despite having a couple traumatic experiences in that time. I've become a lot more resilient, and the drive to keep living is part of what drives my desire to get a firearm. I also think they're really cool and interesting, I used to experiment with handloading my antique rifle and that very enjoyable

          • 2 years ago

            >and being molested as a kid
            I'm sorry to hear that, Anon.

            What causes the chronic pain?

            What antique rifle do you have?

            • 2 years ago

              >What causes the chronic pain?
              i'm not sure, it's just a thing that can happen. It's split between migraines and pelvic pain, and both are influenced partly by stress
              >What antique rifle do you have?
              a very nice 1895 chilean mauser in 7x57. it's a wonderful rifle that shoots pretty well despite being about a century older than i am. 7x57 is a very interesting round imo, it's very efficient and doesn't kick very hard. loaded right, and at longer ranges, i'd be confident that it could match or outperform 30-06. in fact, the 30-06 was based on the 7x57 after the spanish american war in which the 7x57 went against the 30-40 krag. 7x57 was also the round used by rhodesians to fight against the british using .303 iirc, and again it just outranged and outperformed the opponent. It has a nice wide range of bullet weights, and powder selection along with barrel length can also increase the utility. Optimistically, you could probably hunt any game you like with it, with optimal shot placement. Allegedly, someone used to hunt rhinos with it. It's very comfortable to shoot too, especially in the relatively heavy chilean mauser

              • 2 years ago

                You should look into chiropractic healing.
                The symptoms suggest impinged nerves due to spinal misalignment.

                That sounds like a fun rifle.

              • 2 years ago

                smoke cannabis, or use cbd oil. it can help treat depression and anxiety, and cure chronic pain

              • 2 years ago

                >smoke cannabis
                Be careful, hallucinogens open one's mind to demonic influence.
                I didn't think ill of THC until a friend of mine informed me of the Church's view.
                Look into low THC varieties if you wish to try this.

              • 2 years ago

                thats what cbd oil, or just high cbd strains of cannabis is for. its basically all the benefits of weed without any of the "high" that some people don't want or like

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, I was just giving OP fair warning as demonic suggestions could be especially bad for his mental state.

              • 2 years ago

                you might try get a massage (an actual massage) and a few days of an anti inflammatory. I had some pain that was basically
                >stress makes muscles tight
                >tight muscles in neck cause really bad headache and nerve issues
                >headache creates stress

                a couple days of ibuprofen and really hard massaging of those muscles fixed it after I figured out what the problem actually was

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    What state do you live in now? You have the right to buy a gun, but what you need to do will depend on the state.

  8. 2 years ago

    How is the KS7 btw? I never see it talked about.

  9. 2 years ago

    >He told the therapist the truth
    I learned never to tell those frickers any thing at all related to feeling suwucidal . Had one come in to work and give a seminar,his go too solution for any suicidal ideations was to have the cops come and take your ass to the wacko shack.

  10. 2 years ago

    Go to a gun show
    Buy cash from someone in person
    Something else similar

  11. 2 years ago

    You would need to file a petition with whatever court originally signed off on the commitment. You could do it yourself, but a good lawyer would have a much better chance of success. It probably wouldn’t be cheap. Or just go the other route and don’t tell a soul.

  12. 2 years ago

    Unless a judge committed you you weren’t involuntarily committed, you didn’t lose your rights

  13. 2 years ago

    if you live in a normal state where private sales are legal, just show the seller your state idea and tada
    in minecraft

    • 2 years ago

      >in minecraft
      The 9th circuit ruled inciting criminal behaviour is constitutionally protected speech.

  14. 2 years ago

    >went to hospital for suicidal ideation
    In Canada, they treat this condition with euthanasia.

  15. 2 years ago

    Contact a gun laws attorney in your state and ask them what the process is for having your rights reinstated

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