how good (or bad) are south korean air defense systems?

how good (or bad) are south korean air defense systems?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 6 days ago

    They’re the Hyundai quality equivalent.
    Artillery shells though is the really good one though. The South Koreans are the only 155mm producer with an ability to produce 1 million shells/ year pre-war.
    If they sell stockpiles and make new orders they’ll be even more important than the Czech initiative and US supplemental spending package.

  2. 6 days ago

    Was this visit and "alliance" with North Korea worth it? Is getting a few rotten and faulty shells a good deal when Ukraine is now receiving state of the art equipment from South Korea?

    • 6 days ago

      well if russia gets attacked in the future mighty north korea will step in. this also applies to the 4 annexed regions in ukraine. lets see if kimmy keeps his word

      • 6 days ago

        russia gets attacked on a daily basis

      • 6 days ago

        All those attacks are on Ukrainian and Chinese clay. Why would Best Korea get involved?

  3. 6 days ago

    >planning to
    No. It will consider doing it. Ukraine isn't helping itself with this kind of journalism.

    • 6 days ago

      Whatever helps you sleep at night, pidor.

      • 6 days ago

        Find me a Korean source that says Sorks will supply shells to Ukraine. It can be an English-language source.

        • 6 days ago

          >planning to
          No. It will consider doing it. Ukraine isn't helping itself with this kind of journalism.

          Here's a better question; what reason does South Korea have to not give shells to Ukraine? North Korean escalation? Putin won't pay fifty million rubbles for a Samsung S24?

          • 6 days ago

            I think South Korea was dependent on Russian oil and fertilizers prior to sanctions making it extraordinarily difficult to purchase.
            Now that they’re buying from others the Russians lack leverage to stop the movement of military equipment. The Nork deal was the final nail to screw up any chance of holding back the South’s hungry MIC.

            • 6 days ago

              More a case now that if they're doing business with NK, then they've shit the bed with the South

              Antagonizing China? Samsung is already de facto banned in China.

              Most of the big boy companies in SK and Japan pulled out of China over 2 years ago now. It just wasn't possible to do any kind of business there

              • 6 days ago

                Not just factories
                South Korean products have mostly disappeared from china.

                And South Korean companies also cannot compete against Chinese companies


              • 6 days ago

                Yeah it probably stung a bit, but in some ways if you're getting financially murdered every day operating there, then there's no real point sticking around losing cash

                the artillery is the real star of the show here. RoK's got some good system and production on that(even if I think it's an M109 clone). it's the one think both Korea's are really focused on and have gotten good at.

                They have a lot of it to the point its quite silly, Russia may have kicked over an anthill diplomatically with this one, except the ant's have enough tube artillery to pretend to be a forest

              • 6 days ago

                It's not about korean factories though. Many western companies sell products in China even if they don't have factory in there. South Korean products disappeared in China because nobody buy south korean product in china.

              • 6 days ago

                it's all about the reunification war both of them have been hyping themselves up for the entire time. outside of the nuke, they've both known from the start the real decider would be artillery. in NK's case, they can shell Seoul(or at least close enough) from the border. so everyone involved knows counter-battery, heavy artillery, and a massive pile of shells is one of the first weapons they should invest in.

          • 6 days ago

            Antagonizing China? Samsung is already de facto banned in China.

  4. 6 days ago

    >air defense
    Who cares
    >artillery shells
    Very impactful. “Shell hunger” is huge on both sides and worst korean shells are at the least serviceable. Send em the about to expire stockpiles. Even 30k shells/month would be tremendous in accelerating total D30 (lol lmao) death.

  5. 6 days ago

    How much does puccia need to piss off Samsung for them to send their Samsung Death Squads to aid Ukraine?

  6. 6 days ago

    Well they have to change their laws so let's wait and see if they do.

  7. 6 days ago

    Well they have to find out in Ukraine in case their own war starts and they’re shit

  8. 6 days ago

    Considering the global shortage of guncotton they’re going to be producing frick all artillery shells and they probably don’t have much in terms of stockpiles. How bad is the shortage? Well both Europe AND Russia are saying they’re working on an alternative. Considering China is the main supplier all of their supply is probably being snapped up by Russia and even then it’s not enough for Russia everyone else is fricked until alternative compounds are set up.

    You know I thought South Korea MIGHT actually do something this time given the North-Russia pact but I was silly to expect anything from just another corrupt Asian peasant fiefdom.

    • 6 days ago

      Almost as if the massive American industrial base for producing cotton and paper by nitrating it means something...
      >(You) moron

      • 6 days ago

        Arguing with you /k/opers is like clubbing baby seals. What am I even doing with my life?

        • 6 days ago

          >believing western msm

        • 6 days ago

          Reading more than headlines is often useful.
          In europe alone there is multiple EU funded initiatives to fix said problem and those articles normally mention it.

  9. 6 days ago

    the artillery is the real star of the show here. RoK's got some good system and production on that(even if I think it's an M109 clone). it's the one think both Korea's are really focused on and have gotten good at.

  10. 6 days ago

    Link to OP's image:
    Which in turn just gleans the following from this article:
    >S. Korea's level of arms supply to Ukraine hinges on Russia's actions: presidential office
    >Among potential weapons under consideration are 155-mm artillery shells, as well as air defense systems, which are needed in Ukraine, according to government sources.

  11. 6 days ago

    >Monkeys paw
    >South Korea becomes prime supplier of 155mm (which they have a frick load of)
    >More SAMs because Ukraine wanted any they can get given the Sneed-136 spam

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