Behold the latest Ukranian Mad Abrahams

Behold the latest Ukranian Mad Abrahams

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 weeks ago

    >celebrate destroying a single tank
    >ukie bros
    >celebrate entire armored companies being destroyed

    we are not the same

    • 2 weeks ago

      >celebrates a single bradley pov kill
      >also /k/
      >mass bans posters when a single abrhams is destroyed
      mutts aren't the same as the ukies, but they're the same as the vatniks

      • 2 weeks ago

        >celebrates a single bradley pov kill
        We just like the itty bitty Bradleys 1v1ing tanks and styrofoaming Russians.
        Abrams spam is just metodika (metodichka as they say it) of Glavset and other subhuman shills. Waterhose spamming whenever a refinery, economy, or a bridge silently explode.
        At least we see a lot less of that one Leo and that one Challenger.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >be me last year
        >see new pics of destroyed leo 2s
        >get banned for "spamming"
        >only made one thread and few posts
        >later on raging at /k/ for banning dead leo 2s when ruskie tanks are ok
        >keep being accused of spamming
        >I only made 1 threadt!
        >be directed to archive
        >same pic I posted got posted like 20 times right around time I posted it even though it was new
        >this happened multiple times
        Every time ruskies destroy something actual literal paid shills or maybe bots post it dozens of times withing a couple hours. I got frustated because I got caught up in the mass bans a few times, but eventually saw why it was happening.

      • 2 weeks ago

        check the catalog before posting next time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        still mad that your 20 thread spam got deleted?
        read the board rules, newbie.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >All I did was post the same thread 500 times!

        • 2 weeks ago

          thank you for Correcting The Record™

          • 2 weeks ago

            Lmao, do you really think that moron shit works on /k/? When the picture clearly shows you subhumans making hundreds of threads in the space of a couple hours?

          • 2 weeks ago

            not my problem, cope and seethe.

          • 2 weeks ago

            frick off moron

        • 2 weeks ago

          >mods ban posts
          >users spam
          All I see is good ol' PrepHole tradition

          • 2 weeks ago

            Besides, we had put up with it when the first Leopard got taken out. Then again when the first Chally went down. Everyone else deals with it, why can't mutts?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >mods ban posts
              >users spam
              All I see is good ol' PrepHole tradition

              >users spam
              >mods ban posts
              sorry the spam got deleted bros, just dont spam next time, it really is that easy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                and is the spammer in the room with us?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >barely contained seethe in all your posts
              that's prolly why lmao

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Zigger Tanks look like garbage even before they get "upgraded" with junk.
    Meanwhile the Nato ones look like they are about to clap some cheeks in the thunderdome.

    >why is that?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >celebrate destroying a single tank
      >ukie bros
      >celebrate entire armored companies being destroyed

      we are not the same

      • 2 weeks ago

        Based. I don't care if it is ineffective, UGVs are so cool

      • 2 weeks ago

        it's fake, you fricking moron

        • 2 weeks ago


          I could see them rigging up the turret to be remote controlled fairly easily, it's all electronic controls anyways, you just run some wires.
          However, it is absolutely implausible for them to have made the steering remote controlled.
          Pic related is what the inside of a T-72 looks like from the driver's POV. It's all fricking hydraulic and mechanical.

          • 2 weeks ago

            the whole thing is moot anyway, i get that people think it's cool they're trying to remote control a tank, and it is, but the reality is that there's a reason people have done this in the past and then stopped doing it.
            you're basically making your much more important and expensive tank as easy to take jam and take out of the fight as a 500 dollar quadcopter drone, if not more easily since these things are spotted way faster and are less mobile.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Australia has made its m113as4s into UGVs

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The DIY home depot $1-tier lamp cord just hanging around
            >Fan to cool off the operator's balls between egg measuring exercises
            >Everything else would almost fit the fallout video game aesthetic if it was better put together in the first place
            >"Just slap another coat of paint on top of the existing one" for various bullshit that's peeling off

            T...this must be some mismaintained museum piece, right?

          • 2 weeks ago

            I know visibility is dogshit for the driver, but everytime I see a wienerpit picture of a soviet tank I'm instantly struck by just how bad they have it.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's pretty tight.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She may live on the edge of the Steppe, but "Kittie" is not an Aryan Warrior Princess

              • 2 weeks ago

                >also hair dyed blonde

              • 2 weeks ago

                has to protect his face for the 'after premire league soccer' phase of his life where he becomes a TV soccer pundit or fashion model

              • 2 weeks ago

                If I was a fashion label I would cream my pants at the prospect of her coming off field, putting on my threads and doing a shoot still bleeding and getting patched up, blood spatter on the clothes and all.

                Fashion is about attitude.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You have to fire ALL the shells
                >why are you doing this

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You have to fire ALL the shells
                >why are you doing this

                My sides have been obliterated

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's pretty tight.
                I got to sit in one once. When I held the gunner's controls my left arm got in the way of the small fan he has on his left. Not in the a "might slightly touch on occasion" way, but rather "arm pressed hard against it". Also I'm rather happy I didn't need to drive it anywhere, because while I could fit into the driver's seat getting my face to the periscope meant curling up like a prawn. Five minutes like that and I'd never stand up straight again without extensive surgery. The commander's spot was the best, though he has a bunch of radios oddly placed down by his feet. (Still, all three were a much better fit than a Mig-21 wienerpit. That one just ain't happening, the headrest was down by my shoulders even though I'm a very average sized guy.)

          • 2 weeks ago


            Sure they cant

          • 2 weeks ago

            looks oddly comfy.
            but not for me, I'm a tall lad.

      • 2 weeks ago

        does it work like one of these?

        • 2 weeks ago

          the first MTLB to orbit Mars

        • 2 weeks ago

          I would have so much fun in that zigger's position.

          Put me in comrade, I am ready.

      • 2 weeks ago

        We Battlefield now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The M-55 looks awesome and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. It's straight out of the War Against The Machines

      • 2 weeks ago

        It does. Those neatly stacked armor pannels look cool as frick.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It looks like a Crusader. Scrappy little bugger.

      • 1 week ago

        >M-55 looks awesome

        I agree. Most aesthetic tank in existance right now. Its got some serious Bad Guy energy to it, like darth vader if he was a tank. Just missing some spikes and ot would be perfect for Evil Villain's legions.

    • 2 weeks ago
      a /k/ommando

      I wanna slap that tomboy's ass so bad.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why not

        It's pretty tight.

        that one? Smack-smack, get better taste

  3. 2 weeks ago

    frick man
    the abrams looks so fricking cool even covered in mad max shit

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >Tons of ERA on upper front plate
    I approve
    >Probably ERA on lower front plate
    Also approve
    >Put on the rubber plate that acts as both standoff and dust signature reduction because its an air dam
    God bless Ukrainian tankers

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Again, we need BattleTanx 3.

  6. 2 weeks ago


    >waaaah no one entertains my brownoid delusions


  7. 2 weeks ago


    Projection, given that the moment Russians destroyed ONE western equipment, they fill the catalogue with it, which many people predicted before. They are sensitive enough to be that petty about their own equipment losses and not seeing the irony in upholding western equipment like that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      These Black folk are incapable of understanding anything besides their own stomachs. Literally a lower order of life. Western raised dogs, cats, any domesticate animal is literally more mentally and spiritually capable then those Black folk.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    thanks ukraine, i hate it

    also i didn't know the skirts folded out like that, i thought they folded up

  9. 2 weeks ago

    what are we supposed to call cope cages when its guys on our side using it?
    spaced armour?
    anti-drone plating?
    seriously what am I supposed to say I cant say it's a cope cage of they are on our side

    • 2 weeks ago

      >not just calling it a cope cage
      why not? that's what it is.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I mean this one isn't really a cage is it? It's different shaped and low, like a grille.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    maybe its camouflage?
    it sorta looks like fat t series mow...

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >Cope cages
    >Era bricks
    That's some fat ass Abrams.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Whats the point of the big rubber skirt on the front?

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